Egg turning mechanisms, which one is better? Homemade incubator with automatic tilting trays. Rotating mechanism for the incubator.

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, current question for both amateur poultry farmers and professional farmers.

Industrial devices often have high price, and their application inappropriate in conditions little ones homestead farms.

To remove poultry V small quantities are quite suitable home. Moreover, to design it with desire will be able every.

Important points when making an incubator

At independent manufacturing very important moment is to create comfortable, maximum close to natural, conditions for breeding birds.

First of all it is worth taking care to constantly maintain the necessary temperatures inside the incubator and arrangement in it ventilation.

When mother hen hatches eggs independently, creating natural temperature and humidity for normal development of chicks.

IN artificial conditions, the temperature in the incubator must always be maintained at 37.5–38.6 degrees at a humidity level of 50–60% . And for uniform distribution and circulation warm air used forced ventilation.

Attention: violation of the temperature regime at any stage incubation period(overheating, underheating, excessive or insufficient humidity) can lead to a significant slowdown in the rate of development of chicks.

In particular, excessive humidity in the incubator negative affects embryo development in the egg and can lead to the death of the chick before it is born.

Insufficient humidity air in the device makes an egg shell overdried and very durable that unacceptable when hatching.

Making an incubator with your own hands

To create an automatic incubator with your own hands You will need to make or purchase the following from the store: equipment:

  • Frame for the incubator itself;
  • Tray system;
  • A heating element;
  • Fan;
  • Automatic turning mechanism.

Incubator body

Corps for a homemade incubator it can serve, washing machine made from plywood box and even unclaimed Bee hive.

To maintain inside the incubator comfortable microclimate(heat preservation), walls the housings are sealed (most often with polystyrene foam), and for entry inside fresh air small holes are made.

Size incubator and quantity in it, egg trays are selected based on needs owner.

Tray system

As trays for eggs you can use durable metal mesh with cells size 2.5 cm. There will be trays hold on on special pins, which in turn will carry out automatic coup fixed trays.

L = (H-((N+15)*2))/15

Where L– number of trays, H- height of the refrigerator, N– distance of trays from heating elements.

For example: Height incubator 1 meter. To calculate maximum quantity trays for the incubator, subtract from it distance to the heating elements with a margin 6 cm(to avoid overheating), multiply on 2 and divide by height necessary for ventilation. We get:

L = (100-((6+15)*2))/15 = 3.86

Maximum amount trays required to create an incubator is equal to four.

A heating element

To maintain a constant temperature in large incubator can be used heating spirals from irons, connecting them in series.

For small designs, you can get by with several incandescent lamps average power. They can be placed both “above” and “below” the trays at a distance not less than 20 cm.

Note: When installing lamps, be sure to place a thermometer in the incubator to accurately control the temperature and install a bath of water so that the air inside the device is moist. To control humidity, a psychrometer is used, which can be purchased without any problems at any pet store.


IN small a homemade incubator will be enough one fan, For example, from an old computer. Air circulation very important in arranging the incubator and plays key role in a brood of chicks.

In addition to uniform distribution of warm air, the fan pumps up inside necessary for eggs oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. To ensure air flow into the device, it is necessary to make several holes size 15-20 mm.

Automatic turning mechanism

Rotary pins on which the trays will be attached must be perfect aligned evenly to prevent distortion of the entire structure. A mechanism parts, connecting the trays and driving them rigidly secured between themselves.

As drive low-power ones (up to 20 watt) reduction motors And sprocket chain.

Note: To smoothly rotate trays with eggs, you must use a chain with a minimum pitch (0.525 mm).

For complete automation process, is added to the motor power circuit relay(switch) which will on one's own turn the engine on and off.

It is important to know: Before loading eggs and starting incubation, you need to check and test the created system for 3-4 days. Stabilize the temperature and humidity, experimentally find a place for the fan and start the turning mechanism, stabilize the turning speed and the angle of inclination of the trays.

So, manufacturing of automatic incubator at home no cost for modern technologies, the task is quite doable. Main- compliance sequences the actions described above and extreme attentiveness to the work.

For design you can use improvised means: frame old refrigerator, washing machine, box made of plywood or chipboard, for wall insulation - Styrofoam will do or an old blanket, a computer fan will ensure uniform distribution warm air throughout the entire volume of the structure.

Following video talks in detail about an incubator for hatching eggs with your own hands:

In the presence of certain materials You can make an incubator yourself. However, successful incubation of eggs depends on a number of factors, and in order not to spoil them at the very first laying, it is important to anticipate all possible issues in the operation of the manufactured structure. Let's consider one of the popular options for creating such a device.

Characteristics of incubators with automatic egg turning

In addition to incubators with “manual” or semi-automatic egg turning, there are automatic incubators that minimize human intervention in the process of hatching chicks. According to the time set by the owner, the automation itself performs the required revolution, and the eggs do not lie in one place.

Such machines can be built at home, but first of all, it is important to take into account all its possible pros and cons.


  • The following features can be considered the undeniable advantages of a homemade device:
  • low cost compared to ready-made purchased models;
  • economical in terms of energy consumption;
  • independent selection of the required internal volume, depending on the personal needs of each farmer;
  • high maintainability (if any part fails, the technician can always replace it without outside help);
  • versatility (if the structure is properly assembled, a homemade incubator can be used not only for breeding chickens, but also for breeding chicks of other domestic or even exotic birds).

In addition, if the components for the future device can be found at home, then you will get the finished incubator completely free of charge.


This group of characteristics mostly includes disadvantages associated with inaccurate calculations and the use of old materials.

  • That's why possible disadvantages homemade devices are:
  • the possibility of failure of some part of the device (especially if the incubator is made of old technology);
  • independent increase in temperature or power outages, which leads to the death of embryos;
  • unattractive appearance;
  • lack of a warranty from the manufacturer that allows you to replace the device if it breaks.

Requirements for homemade automatic incubators

Without knowledge technical specifications incubation, not a single assembled incubator can provide good productivity, therefore, before getting down to work, it is worth considering some requirements for automatic designs:

  • incubation of eggs takes at least 21 days, which means that the incubator must work exactly that long (without interruption);
  • eggs should be placed inside the device at a distance of at least 1 cm from each other, which is important to consider when choosing a specific tray;
  • along with the change in the stage of embryo development, the temperature inside the incubator should also change;
  • automatic egg turning should be performed slowly, twice a day;
  • to maintain optimal levels of humidity and ventilation, in homemade mechanism A regulator of the necessary parameters must be provided (thermostat, as well as sensors scanning the temperature and humidity levels).

Important!To use a homemade incubator for breeding different types of poultry, it is useful to purchase a ready-made universal tray that ensures timely turning of their eggs.

How to make an automatic egg incubator with your own hands

If you are going to create an incubator yourself, then one of the good solutions is to use an old refrigerator. Of course, it will have to be completed and the consumables selected correctly.
To do this, you need to make sure that the finished structure:

  • had holes for ventilation and maintaining humidity at a level of 40–60% (drilled in the body, after which tubes are placed in them to protect against interaction of air with glass wool);
  • provided for the regulation and maintenance of temperature indicators;
  • ensured the ventilation speed of eggs was 5 m/s;
  • guaranteed timely egg turning.

However, all this will be calculated during the actual collection, and first you should correctly calculate the size of the device and select all consumables.

How to calculate the size?

The dimensions of the finished homemade incubator will directly affect the number of eggs for one laying, so if it is important for you to get as many chicks as possible at a time, then we suggest focusing on the following approximate values:

Concerning external dimensions devices, they depend on the chosen material, because, for example, foam plastic will be more voluminous than cardboard. In addition, when manufacturing structures with several floors, completely different technologies will be used, which means that calculations will be made taking into account the parameters of each tier.

The size of the incubator will also be affected by:

  • type of heating system;
  • placement of lamps;
  • placement of trays.

In order not to make mistakes in calculations when designing an incubator, it is important to adhere to a pre-designed diagram, which for a small device for 45 eggs can look like this:

Consumables and tools for work

The design of an incubator has much in common with the design of a refrigerator, which will make a good case: the walls refrigeration equipment They retain heat well, and you can use existing shelves as shelving.

Did you know? In Russia, the first mass production of incubators dates back to beginning of the 19th century centuries, and the volumes of such machines were very impressive: 16–24 thousand eggs could be placed in them at a time.

Main list necessary tools and materials will look like this:

  • old refrigerator (you can use it yourself) old model, but intact and working);
  • 25 W light bulbs (4 pcs.);
  • fan;
  • metal rod or chain with sprocket;
  • a drive that ensures the eggs are turned over (for example, a gearmotor from a car windshield wiper);
  • drill;
  • thermostat;
  • thermometer;
  • screwdriver and screws.

How to make an incubator with automatic tray turning with your own hands: video

Approximate diagram of the finished product:

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

The entire process of making a home incubator from an old refrigerator will take only a few hours, as it consists of a small number of main steps:

  1. Development of drawings showing the clear location of every detail of the future incubator.
  2. Disassembling the refrigerator and removing all unnecessary parts: freezer, trays on doors and other elements of secondary importance.
  3. Organization of a ventilation system (you need to drill one hole in the ceiling of the refrigerator, and make three more in the lower part, closer to the bottom, inserting plastic tubes into them).
  4. Fastening sheets of polystyrene foam to the inner walls of the case (you can use double-sided mounting tape or small self-tapping screws).
  5. Installation of a heating system. The prepared 4 incandescent lamps must be secured at the bottom and top of the refrigerator body (two pieces each), and the lower lamps should not interfere with the placement of the water container (small screws can be used for fastening).
  6. Installation of a purchased thermostat on the outer part of the door and its connection to the heating elements.
  7. Creating a turning mechanism using a car gearbox. To begin, use metal strips and self-tapping screws to secure this element to the bottom of the refrigerator. Then, install a wooden frame inside the device and attach the trays to it, only so that they can tilt 60°, first towards the door and then in the opposite direction. Attach a rod connected to the tray on the opposite side of the refrigerator to the gear motor (the motor will act on the rod, and it, in turn, will begin to tilt the tray and provide rotation).
  8. Installation of a viewing window. Cut a small hole on the outside of the refrigerator door and line it with glass or clear plastic. Reinforce all joints with tape or sealant.
  9. Installing a tray with water and attaching a thermometer inside the refrigerator, only so that it can be seen through the viewing window.

Finally, you should check the functionality of all mechanisms by turning on the device for several hours.

Laying eggs in the incubator

Before being placed in an incubator, all eggs must lie in the room for at least 8 hours, because if they were previously in cool conditions, then when placed in a warm incubator, condensation cannot be ruled out.
No less important stage preparation is the culling of unsuitable eggs.

So, the following specimens are not suitable for further incubation:

  • small size;
  • with cracks, growths or any other uncharacteristic features on the shell;
  • with freely moving yolk;
  • with a displaced air chamber (more than two millimeters).

Next stage- direct placement into the incubator, which also has its own characteristics:

  • on one tray it is advisable to place eggs close to each other in size, and preferably from the same type of bird;
  • first of all, the largest eggs should be laid out on the trays, followed by medium and small ones, taking into account the incubation period (on average, at least 4 hours should pass between the laying of each subsequent group);
  • If possible, it is worth rescheduling the booking time to evening hours, due to which the chicks should appear in the morning;
  • It is advisable to place the incubator in a room with stable temperatures to make it easier for the device to maintain the indicators inside;
  • For complete control over the incubation process, get yourself a calendar in which you need to note the date of laying, the date and time of the turning, as well as the date of the control ovoscopy of the eggs.

The duration of incubation of different types of poultry has significant differences, which means turning the eggs should be done differently.
In addition, the conditions for embryo development will also vary:

  • for chicken eggs, the temperature inside the device must be monitored every hour, maintaining it at +37.9 °C for the first 11 days, with a humidity of no more than 66%;
  • for duck eggs, the optimal values ​​are +38…+38.2 °C, with a humidity of 70%.

Did you know?Chickens are excellent at remembering faces and are able to retain up to a hundred images in their memory, not only human ones, but also animals.

Temperature conditions for different types of poultry

The right temperature is one of the most important conditions incubation, without which hatching of chicks is simply impossible.

For each type of bird, these indicators are purely individual, so when laying eggs from chickens, ducks, geese or turkeys, you should focus on the following values:

In general, a homemade incubator - good decision both for those who are just trying their hand at poultry farming, and for experienced farmers who do not want to spend extra money on purchasing ready-made equipment. By equipping the structure with automatic egg turning, you can achieve 80–90% hatchability of chicks.

To hatch chickens yourself, you can purchase an industrial incubation device. But it is also possible to assemble an incubator with your own hands at home. Homemade apparatus It will cost much less and you can choose its size according to the number of eggs. In such a device, you can automate temperature changes and set up regular turning of eggs in trays.

This article will tell you how to make an incubator with your own hands and what materials you will need for this.

Basic rules for creating a homemade incubator

The body is the main element of a home incubator. It retains heat inside itself and prevents sudden changes in egg temperature. Temperature changes can negatively affect the health of future chickens. The following materials are suitable as a housing for the incubator:

  • Styrofoam;
  • body of an old refrigerator.

To place eggs, trays made of plastic or wood with a mesh or slatted bottom are used. Automatic trays equipped with motors can independently turn eggs at a time set by a timer. Shifting the eggs to the side helps prevent uneven heating their surfaces.

Using incandescent lamps, in a home incubator the temperature necessary for the development of the cubs is created. The choice of lamp power is influenced by the size of the incubator body; it can vary between 25-1000 W. Tue A thermometer or an electronic thermostat with a sensor helps monitor the temperature level in the device.

The air in the incubator must constantly circulate, which is ensured by forced or natural ventilation. For small devices, holes at the base and on the surface of the lid will be sufficient. Large structures made from the body of a refrigerator require special fans located at the top and bottom. Ventilation will allow the air not to stagnate, and the heat to be evenly distributed in the device.

For a continuous incubation process it is necessary make the optimal number of trays. The gap between the trays, as well as the distance to the incandescent lamp, should be at least 15 cm. A gap of 4-5 cm should be left from the walls to the trays. The diameter of the ventilation holes can be 12-20 mm.

Before placing eggs in the incubator, it is necessary to check the operation of the fans and the uniform heating of the device. After optimal warming up, the temperature in the corners of the device should not differ by more than 0.5 degrees. The air flow from the fans should be directed towards the lamps and not towards the egg trays themselves.

DIY foam incubator

The advantages of expanded polystyrene are his affordable price, high-quality thermal insulation, light weight. Due to this, it is often used for the manufacture of incubators. To work you will need the following components:

Assembly steps

Before you make an incubator at home, you need to prepare drawings with precise measurements. Assembly includes the following steps:

  1. To prepare the side walls, the foam sheet must be divided into four equal squares.
  2. The surface of the second sheet is divided in half. One of the resulting parts must be cut into rectangles with parameters 50x40 cm and 50*60 cm. The smaller part will be the bottom of the incubator, and the larger part will be the lid.
  3. A viewing window with dimensions of 13x13 cm is cut out on the lid. It will be covered with transparent plastic or glass and provide ventilation in the device.
  4. First, the frame from the side walls is assembled and glued together. After the glue has dried, the bottom is attached. To do this, you need to smear the edges of the sheet with glue and insert it into the frame.
  5. To increase the rigidity of the structure, it must be covered with tape. The first strips of tape are applied to the bottom with a slight overlap to the surface of the walls. Then the walls are tightly covered.
  6. Uniform distribution of heat and circulation of air masses are ensured by two bars located under the bottom of the tray. They are also made of foam plastic, with a height of 6 cm and a width of 4 cm. The bars are attached with glue along the bottom walls, with a length of 50 cm.
  7. 1 cm above the bottom, on short walls, 3 holes are made for ventilation, at equal intervals and with a diameter of about 12 cm. The holes will be difficult to cut with a knife, so it is better to use a soldering iron.
  8. To ensure a tight fit of the lid to the body, blocks of polystyrene foam with parameters of 2x2 cm must be attached along its edge. There should be a gap of 5 cm from the edge of the sheet to the surface of the block. This arrangement will allow the lid to fit into the inside of the incubator and fit tightly with the walls.
  9. At the top of the box there is a grid with lamp sockets attached to it.
  10. A thermostat is mounted on the surface of the lid, and its sensor is lowered inside the incubator, at a distance of up to 1 cm from the eggs. The hole for the sensor can be pierced with a sharp awl.
  11. A tray is installed at the bottom, at a distance of 4-5 cm from the walls. This arrangement is necessary for ventilation of the device.
  12. Fans are not necessary element, if the incubator is small in size. If they are installed, the air flow must be directed towards the lamps and not towards the tray with eggs.

For better heat retention, you can cover the inner surface of the incubator with heat-insulating foil.

DIY incubator from a refrigerator body

Operating principle of the incubator is in many ways similar to the operation of a refrigerator. Thanks to this, you can assemble a convenient and high-quality homemade device from the body of the refrigeration appliance. The material of the refrigerator walls retains heat well and accommodates a large number of eggs, trays with which can be conveniently placed on shelves.

The required level of humidity will be maintained by a special system located at the bottom of the device. Before modifying the housing, it is necessary to remove the built-in equipment and the freezer.

To make your own egg incubator from an old refrigerator, you will need the following components:

  • refrigerator body;
  • thermostat;
  • metal rod or chain with sprocket;
  • light bulbs, power 220 W;
  • fan;
  • drive that turns eggs.

Requirements for a homemade incubator

Hatching period usually lasts about 20 days. The humidity inside the incubator at this time should remain between 40-60%. After the chickens hatch from the eggs, it should be increased to 80%. At the stage of selection of young animals, humidity is reduced to the original level.

It is also important for the proper development of eggs. temperature regime. Temperature requirements may vary for certain types eggs Table 1 shows the required conditions.

Table 1. Temperature conditions for different types eggs

Installation of a ventilation system

Ventilation regulates the temperature and humidity ratio in the incubator. Its speed should be on average 5 m/s. In the refrigerator body you need to drill one hole each from the bottom and top, with a diameter of 30 mm. Metal or plastic tubes of the appropriate size are inserted into them. The use of tubes avoids interaction of air with the glass wool located under the wall cladding. The level of ventilation is regulated by completely or partially closing the openings.

Six days after the start of incubation, the embryos require air from outside. By the third week, the egg absorbs up to 2 liters of air per day. Before leaving the egg, the chicken consumes about 8 liters of air mass.

There are two types of ventilation systems:

  • constant, ensuring continuous air circulation, exchange and distribution of heat;
  • periodic, activated once a day to replace the air in the incubator.

The presence of ventilation of any type does not eliminate the need to install a device for turning eggs. Using automatic turning prevents the embryo and shell from sticking together.

Permanent ventilation system, is placed in the inside of the incubator and expels air through the holes. At the outlet, air flows are mixed and passed through the heaters. After air masses fall and are saturated with moisture from water containers. The incubator increases the air temperature, which is subsequently transmitted to the eggs. Having given off heat, the air tends to the fan.

Constant type ventilation is more complex than the variable model. But her job allows simultaneously perform ventilation, heating and humidification inside the incubator.

The periodic ventilation system works on a different principle. First the heating turns off, then the fan turns on. It renews the heated air and cools the egg trays. After 30 minutes of operation, the fan turns off and the heating device comes into operation.

The number of eggs in the incubator determines the fan power. For an average machine for 100-200 eggs, You will need a fan with the following characteristics:

  • blade diameter 10-45 cm;
  • powered by a 220 W network;
  • with a capacity of 35-200 cubic meters. m/hour.

The fan must be equipped with a filter that will protect the blades from dust, fluff and dirt.

Installation of heating elements

To increase the temperature in the incubator you will need four incandescent lamps with a power of 25 watts (you can replace them with two lamps with a power of 40 watts). The lamps are evenly fixed over the area of ​​the refrigerator, between the bottom and the lid. There should be room at the bottom for a container of water, which will provide air humidification.

Selection of thermostat

A high-quality thermostat can provide optimal temperature conditions in the incubator. There are several types of such devices:

  • bimetallic strip that completes the circuit when the temperature reaches desired value;
  • electric contactor - mercury thermometer, equipped with an electrode that turns off the heating when it reaches required temperature;
  • barometric sensor that closes the circuit when the pressure exceeds the norm.

An automatic temperature regulator ensures convenient operation of the incubator and significantly saves time on its maintenance.

Assembling a mechanism for automatically turning eggs

The standard frequency of egg turning set for mechanisms is twice a day. According to some experts, turning should be done twice as often.

There are two types of egg turning:

  • inclined;
  • frame

Inclined type device periodically tilts the tray with eggs at a certain angle. As a result of this movement, the embryos in the eggs change their location in relation to the shell and heating elements.

Frame device to turn over, pushes the eggs together using a frame and ensures their rotation around its axis.

Automatic device for turning eggs is a motor that starts a rod that acts on trays with eggs. Making a basic mechanism for turning eggs in the refrigerator body is quite simple. To do this, you need to install the gearbox in the lower, inner part of the refrigerator. Trays are fixed to wooden frame, with the ability to tilt at an angle of 60 degrees towards the door and towards the wall. The fixation of the gearbox must be strong. The rod is connected at one end to the motor and at the other to the opposite side of the tray. The motor operates a rod, which causes the tray to tilt.

To synchronize chick hatching you need to select eggs of the same size and maintain a uniform level of heating throughout the incubator space. Making a homemade incubator requires certain skills and abilities. If it is not possible to make an incubator at home or this process seems too complicated, then you can always purchase finished model device or its components, for example, a mechanism for turning eggs, trays, ventilation system.

All experienced poultry farmers know well that one of the main conditions for successful incubation of eggs, in addition to correctly selected temperature and humidity, is their periodic turning.

Moreover, this must be done using strictly defined technology. All existing incubators are divided into three groups - automatic, mechanical and manual, and the last two varieties assume that the process of turning eggs will be carried out not by a machine, but by a person.

A timer will help to simplify this task; if you have some time and experience, you can make it yourself. Several methods for making such a device are described below.

What is it needed for

The egg turning timer in the incubator is a device that opens and closes an electrical circuit after the same period of time, that is, speaking in simple language, primitive relay. Our task is to turn off and then turn on the main components of the incubator, thus automating the system as much as possible and minimizing possible errors caused by the human factor.

The timer, in addition to turning the eggs, also provides the following functions:

  • temperature control;
  • ensuring forced air exchange;
  • starting and turning off lighting.

The microcircuit on the basis of which such a device is manufactured must meet two main conditions: low current switching with high resistance of the key element itself.

The best option in this case is the construction technology electronic circuits CMOS, which has both n- and p-channel field-effect transistors, which provides higher switching speed and is also energy efficient.

The easiest way at home is to use timing chips K176IE5 or KR512PS10, sold in any electronics store. Based on them, the timer will work for a long time and, most importantly, uninterruptedly.
The operating principle of the device, made on the basis of the K176IE5 microcircuit, involves the sequential execution of six actions:

  1. The system starts (circuit closure).
  2. Pause.
  3. A pulse voltage is applied to the LED (thirty-two cycles).
  4. The resistor turns off.
  5. A charge is supplied to the node.
  6. The system turns off (circuit open).

Important! If necessary, the response time can be extended to 4872 hours, but this will require upgrading the circuit with higher power transistors.

Timer, made on the KR512PS10 chip, in general, is also quite simple, but there are additional functionality, due to the initial presence in the circuit of inputs with a variable division coefficient. Thus, to ensure the operation of the timer (the exact response delay time), you need to correctly select R1, C1 and set required quantity jumpers.
There are three possible options here:

  • 0.1 seconds–1 minute;
  • 1 minute–1 hour;
  • 1 hour–24 hours.

If the K176IE5 chip assumes the only possible cycle of actions, then on the KR512PS10 the timer operates in two different modes: variable or constant.

In the first case, the system turns on and off automatically at regular intervals (the mode is configured using jumper S1), in the second, the system turns on with a programmed delay once and then works until it is forced to turn off.

To implement the creative task, in addition to the timing chips themselves, we will need the following materials:

  • resistors of various powers;
  • several additional LEDs (3–4 pieces);
  • tin and rosin.

The set of tools is quite standard:

  • a sharp knife with a narrow blade (to short-circuit resistors);
  • a good soldering iron for microcircuits (with a thin tip);
  • stopwatch or watch with a second hand;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver-tester with voltage indicator.

Homemade incubator timer with your own hands on the K176IE5 chip

Majority electronic devices, such as the incubator timer in question, have been known since Soviet times. An example of the implementation of a two-interval timer for incubating eggs with detailed instructions was published in the magazine “Radio”, popular among radio amateurs (No. 1, 1988). But, as you know, everything new is well forgotten old.

If you are lucky enough to find a ready-made radio designer based on the K176IE5 chip with already etched printed circuit board, then assembling and setting up the finished device will turn out to be a simple formality (the ability to hold a soldering iron in your hands, of course, is highly desirable).

Let's look at the stage of setting time intervals in more detail. The two-interval timer in question provides alternation of the “operation” mode (the control relay is turned on, the incubator tray rotation mechanism is working) with the “pause” mode (the control relay is turned off, the incubator tray rotation mechanism is stopped).

The “work” mode is short-term and lasts between 30–60 seconds (the time required to rotate the tray to a certain angle depends on the type of specific incubator).

Important! At the stage of assembling the device, you should strictly follow the instructions to avoid overheating in the soldering areas of electronic semiconductor components (mainly the main microcircuit and transistors).

The “pause” mode is long and can last up to 5 or 6 hours (depending on the size of the eggs and the heating capacity of the incubator.)

For ease of setup, the circuit includes an LED, which will blink at a certain frequency while setting time intervals. The LED power is adjusted to the circuit using resistor R6.

The duration of these modes is adjusted by timing resistors R3 and R4. It should be noted that the duration of the “pause” mode depends on the value of both resistors, while the duration of the operating mode is set exclusively by resistance R3.
For fine tuning, it is recommended to use variable resistors 3–5 kOhm for R3 and 500–1500 kOhm for R4 as R3 and R4, respectively.

Important! The lower the resistance of the timing resistors, the more frequently the LED will flash and the shorter the cycle time will be.

Adjusting the “work” mode:
  • short-circuit resistor R4 (reduce resistance R4 to zero);
  • turn on the device;
  • Use resistor R3 to adjust the blinking frequency of the LED. The duration of the “work” mode will correspond to thirty-two flashes.

Adjusting the pause mode:

  • use resistor R4 (increase resistance R4 to nominal);
  • turn on the device;
  • Use a stopwatch to measure the time between adjacent LED flashes.

    The duration of the “pause” mode will be equal to the received time multiplied by 32.

For example, in order to set the pause mode duration to 4 hours, the time between flashes should be 7 minutes 30 seconds. After completing the setup of the modes (determining the required characteristics of the time-setting resistors), R3 and R4 can be replaced with fixed resistors of the appropriate values, and the LED can be turned off. This will increase the reliability of the timer and significantly extend its service life.

Instructions: how to make your own incubator timer using the KR512PS10 chip

The KR512PS10 microcircuit, manufactured on the basis of the CMOS technical process, is used in a wide variety of electronic timer devices with a variable time cycle division coefficient.

These devices can provide both one-time switching on (switching on the operating mode after a certain pause and holding it until forced shutdown), and cyclic switching on and off according to a given program.

Did you know? The chick in the egg breathes atmospheric air, which penetrates the shell through the smallest pores in it. By letting in oxygen, the shell simultaneously removes carbon dioxide exhaled by the chicken, as well as excess moisture, from the egg.

Creating a timer for an incubator based on one of these devices will not be difficult. Moreover, you don’t even have to pick up a soldering iron, since the range of industrially produced boards based on KR512PS10 is extremely wide, their functionality is diverse, and the ability to configure time intervals covers the range from tenths of a second to 24 hours.
Ready-made boards are equipped necessary automation, providing quick and accurate adjustment of the “work” and “pause” modes. Thus, making a timer for an incubator using the KR512PS10 microcircuit comes down to the right choice boards for specific characteristics of a certain incubator.

If you still need to change the operating time, you can do this by short-circuiting resistor R1.

For those who love and know how to solder, and also want to assemble such a device with their own hands, we present one of the possible diagrams with a list of electronic components and a printed circuit board trace.
The described timers are applicable to control the inversion of the tray when working with household incubators with periodic switching on of the heating elements. In fact, they allow you to synchronize the movement of the tray with turning the heater on and off, repeating the entire process cyclically.

Other options

In addition to the considered options for basic microcircuits, there are many electronic components on which you can build a reliable and durable device - a timer.

Among them are:

  • MC14536BCP;
  • CD4536B (with modifications CD43***, CD41***);
  • NE555, etc.

Some of these microcircuits have now been discontinued and replaced with modern analogues (the electronic components production industry does not stand still).

All of them differ in secondary parameters, an expanded range of supply voltages, thermal characteristics, etc., but at the same time they perform all the same tasks: turning on and off a controlled electrical circuit according to a given program.

The principle of setting the working intervals of the assembled board is the same:

  • find and short-circuit the “pause” mode resistor;
  • use the “operation” mode resistor to set the desired blinking frequency of the diode;
  • unlock the pause mode resistor and measure exact time work;
  • set divider parameters;
  • place the board in a protective case.

When making a tray turn-over timer, you need to understand that this is, first of all, a timer - a universal device, the scope of which is not limited solely to the task of turning the tray over in an incubator.

Subsequently, having gained some experience, you will be able to supply similar devices And heating elements, lighting and ventilation system, and later, after some modernization, use it as the basis for automatic feeding feed and water for chickens.

Did you know? Many people believe that the yolk in an egg represents the embryo of the future chicken, and the white is the nutrient medium necessary for its development. However, in reality this is not the case. The chick begins to develop from the germinal disc, which in the fertilized egg looks like a small speck light color in the yolk. The chick feeds mainly on the yolk, while the protein is for the embryo a source of water and useful minerals necessary for normal development.

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11 once already

Birds such as quail, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys. Such diversity was made possible thanks to microcontroller automation.

Case materials:
- sheet of laminated chipboard or old furniture panels(like mine)
- laminate flooring board
- aluminum sheet with perforation
- two furniture canopies
- self-tapping screws

- A circular saw
- Drill, drills, furniture drill (for awnings)
- screwdriver

Automation materials:
- circuit board, soldering iron, radio components
- transformer for 220->12v
- electric drive DAN2N
- two 40W incandescent lamps
- 12V computer fan, medium size

Point 1. Manufacturing of the body.
With help circular saw from laminated chipboard sheet We cut out the blanks in accordance with the dimensions in Fig. 1.

In the resulting blanks, in accordance with Fig. 2, drill holes D=4 mm. for self-tapping screws, they are marked with red circles, green circles indicate the place where the lid canopies are attached. We assemble the housing in accordance with the diagram. We install the cover on two furniture hinges.

We drill rows of ventilation holes D=5 mm. front and back, along the top and bottom of the body.

The result is a completely finished case for the incubator; there is no need to insulate it additionally; the electronics do an excellent job of heating the box with just two light bulbs.

Item 2. Egg tray.

The main part of the tray is the base, aluminum sheet with frequent openings for unhindered circulation of heated air. If there is no similar material, then you can make the bottom from any sheet material sufficient rigidity and drill many holes in it D = 10 mm.

I made the sides from laminate, in which cuts are made to the middle with a pitch of 50 mm, a mesh for holding eggs is woven into them from garden twine, and at the end the twine in the cuts is glued with Titan glue. The result is a cell of 50x50 mm, the size of large duck eggs, so as not to make many different trays for different birds, so chicken eggs in some places you have to push it a little with foam blocks. The capacity of this tray is 50 eggs. Goose eggs are laid in a checkerboard pattern; a mesh of twine compresses the laying well.

For quails, a separate tray similar to this is made, but with a cell pitch of 30x30 mm, the capacity of which is 150 eggs.

The capacity of the incubator does not end there, because there is also a second tier, a second tray which, if necessary, is installed on top of the first tray.

In the photo: Fastening (V) for the upper tray and a metal bracket for attaching to the axis of the tilting mechanism.

This (V) shaped fastener is located at both ends of the tray and is only needed if a second tray is planned. The upper additional tray has the same fastening only directed downwards and fits with a wedge into the " dovetail" bottom tray.

Also visible in the photo is a metal eye for attaching the tray to the flag of the rotating mechanism.

In the photo: Flag of the rotating mechanism.

In the photo: The opposite side of the tray.

Here you can see (V) the fastening and the hole of the tray support axis.

Item 3. Device for tilting the tray with eggs.
To rotate the axis with the flag, which in turn tilts the tray with eggs 45 degrees in one direction or the other, I used a DAN2N electric drive, used for ventilation pipes.

In the photo: Standard place of application of DAN2N, opening and closing a pipe valve.

He's perfect for the job.

This drive slowly turns the axis 90 degrees from one extreme point to the other, and when it hits the rotation angle limiter, when the current in the motor exceeds, it goes into stop mode until the control contact changes its state to the opposite.

To control the change of position on the control contact, any timer is suitable that will close and open the contact after a specified period of time. For this purpose, I found a French timer with adjustment from a split second to several days. But all these functions are already in our microcontroller control unit, so to rotate the tray we just need to use any small motor with a gearbox, and the BU will take control of it.

Point 4. Control unit.
The control unit or the heart of the incubator, which determines whether you get chickens or not.

With the release of the popular Atmel microcontroller, many interesting projects, including simple and very reliable thermostats. So the March project from Radio magazine 2010 grew into a full-fledged, complete incubator control module with all possible functionality. And this is: adjustment range 35.0C - 44.5C, indication and alarm in case of emergency, temperature adjustment using a complex algorithm with a self-learning effect, automatic rotation tray, humidity adjustment.

When heating the heating element (in our case, incandescent lamps), the algorithm selects the heating power, due to which the temperature comes into balance and can be constant with an accuracy of 0.1 g.

The emergency mode will help out if the output triacs are damaged; control switches to an analog relay and will maintain the temperature in the acceptable range until the failure is eliminated.

To control the rotation of trays, the controller provides an adjustment range of up to ten hours, supports the presence of tilt limit switches, and without them, for setting the time the motor is turned on to cover the required distance.

Automatic humidity adjustment is controlled from a second electronic wet thermometer, a psychrometric calculation method and, when necessary, the load is turned on - a sprayer or an ultrasonic fog generator with a fan.

All adjustment manipulations are performed using three buttons.

The circuit uses DS18B20 temperature sensors, the error of which can be set with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees from the control unit menu.

Diagram of the incubator control unit on the Atmega 8 MK.

Depending on the output power switches used, you can use different options for output circuits with different connection points and firmware options.

* If pulse transformers MIT-4, 12 with connection point (A) are used to control thyristors/triacs, then this circuit is used.

*Management of MOS optocouplers.

Firmware - Phase pulse, connection at point (A), MOC3021, MOC3022, MOC3023 are used (without Zero-Cross)
Firmware - Low frequency switching, connection at point (B), MOC3041, MOC3042, MOC3043, MOC3061, MOC3062, MOC3063 (with Zero-Cross)


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