Metacom 3 digits. A guide for those who have poor memory: how to open an intercom without a key

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Digital intercom specifically designed for multi-apartment buildings residential buildings. The intercom consists of two main blocks - a digital panel and a processor with a power supply.

Main features of this model:

Digital panel without mechanical switches. This solution provides a high degree of protection against the most common problems such as contact oxidation, sticking and button blocking.

Two-wire circuit for connecting subscriber devices (handsets) (hereinafter referred to as AU). Number of AU - up to 255.

The processor has a built-in controller that allows you to open the door using the TOUCH MEMORY and TOUCH CYFRAL keys. Memory capacity – 508 keys

The front door can be opened without using a key, as each apartment has a separate 4-digit code for opening the door.

Possibility of program modification large number Various system parameters allow you to configure the intercom in accordance with the wishes of specific users.

Intercom installation.

Network connection.

After checking all connections, you can begin connecting the power supply. After the power is turned on, a dot appears on the right indicator of the panel and a 25-second countdown begins. After the countdown ends, the intercom is ready for use. After each subsequent connection to the network, the countdown must be turned on again.

When you turn it on for the first time (and during subsequent ones to cancel programming errors, if any), you should simultaneously press closer to the end of the countdown + <Ключ>and hold until rapidly changing numbers appear on the display.

Checking the correct voltage between the contacts.

100 mV less than K1 - K3

6 V, when talking 4-5 V

Deviations within 20% are allowed.

Indication of errors and defects.

The messages below indicate problems.

If one of the infrared rays of the panel “fails,” then the intercom program ignores the failure and continues to work. The display indicates this with an “E” sign on the left indicator.

If more than one beam fails, the display will show “Err” and the keypad will turn off. According to the program, in the event of serious problems with the panel, the intercom will silently turn the lock on and off every 45 seconds (after several tens of minutes have passed after the fault is detected).

The message “E-2” indicates a short circuit in the line or a malfunction of the on-hook unit.

The message “E-0”, which appears after connecting to the network, indicates failures in random access memory microprocessor. If this symbol appears, the intercom must be replaced.

Adjusting the sound.

In total, the intercom has 3 adjustments:

Microphone signal boost

Speaker boost

Linear balance

When delivered, the intercom is already adjusted, but, nevertheless, additional adjustment may be required.

In order to correctly establish the balance, an AC should be selected that is located approximately in the middle of the line length. Then, when making adjustments, you need to find and set the minimum excitation point as follows:

Adjust the level so that conversations can be heard.

By adjusting the balance knob to one side, find the position at which the device is excited. Then find the same position by rotating the balance knob in the other direction.

Set the balance control in the middle position relative to the two points found.

Smoothly increase the level.

Repeat steps 2 - 4 until the best balance control position is found. At the maximum audio level position for both talk lines, the balance cannot be adjusted due to excitation.

This sets the sound level. However, it should be remembered that if the gain is set too high on individual talk lines, excitation may occur due to acoustic feedback. It is recommended to set the optimal level as follows. Set the “bottom-up” gain to the lowest possible level, which ensures acceptable audibility from the AU. Set the top-to-bottom gain to the maximum possible, and then turn the rewards control downward.

Intercom operation.

Connecting apartments.

When dialing an apartment number, each touch is accompanied by a sound signal and the appearance of a number on the display. Each subsequent digit of the apartment number should be pressed with a pause of no more than 3 seconds.

If a number greater than 999 is entered, it is canceled and the next digit is determined as the first digit of the new number.

If the pause between presses is more than 3 seconds, the intercom detects the completion of dialing and establishes a connection with the selected apartment.

If you made a typing error, press and repeat the set.

Before the connection is established, the intercom determines whether the apartment number is on the list of allowed ones. If an apartment is excluded from the list of permitted apartments, the “OFF” signal appears on the display and an audible signal sounds. After establishing communication with the apartment, a 30-second call signal sounds (standard setting). After this, the system waits for another 30 seconds for the handset to be picked up. When the AU handset is picked up, two-way communication is established.

By pressing The number is reset.

The duration of a conversation with an apartment is limited to 2 minutes (standard setting).

The electric lock can be turned on at any time during a conversation by pressing a button on the control unit. The lock opens for five seconds (standard setting). Opening is accompanied by a sound signal. All times listed above are subject to change. Communication with the apartment is terminated if the AU hangs up.

Using a lock code.

Residents can open the door using a code. The code can be changed by residents themselves (see instructions below).

To use a combination lock:

Dial apartment number

Touch the “Key” field. Three bars will appear on the display.

Enter four digits of your code.

After entering the correct code, the lock opens. Opening the lock is accompanied by a sound signal in the apartment (if this function has not been canceled in advance).

The intercom comes with a code table. These codes are selected by a computer in such a way that each apartment has its own code combination.

Changing the lock code by residents.

To change the code:

Dial the apartment number.

Wait for connection.

Tap the “Key” field.

While continuing to hold down the “Key” field, ask the person in the apartment to press the door open button three times. Each press will be accompanied by a sound signal.

Three bars will appear on the display - a symbol of the lock code.

Release the “Key” field and enter the old code.

If the old code was entered correctly, the intercom is ready to enter the digits of the new code. The number of the entered code digit (1) and a dash will appear on the display. Press the button with the first digit of the new code, and it will also appear on the display. After about 1 second, number 2 will appear - press the button with the second digit of the code, etc. until 4.

During this procedure, the AC tube must be removed. Do not press the door open button.


Residents can open the door using TOUCH MEMORY keys (electronic key - a tablet with an individual code). When you touch the reader with the key, this key is searched in the intercom memory and if the key is found, the door opens. Keys are recorded in the intercom memory using the MASTER KEY (see Programming Instructions).

Programming instructions.

The instructions use the following symbols:

Parameter shown on the display;

- entered parameter (single character);

- simultaneous touching of two fields;

/Sv/ - sound signal.

To store the characters shown on the display, the “Key” field is used.

If new numbers are not entered, pressing the “Key” field returns the program to its original state.

A time interval of 45 seconds is allocated for selecting a service procedure. If during this time the procedure is not selected, the intercom exits the programming procedure to its original state. working condition. You have 6 seconds to enter a parameter in the selected procedure. If no new data is entered within 6 seconds, the system returns to level.

It should be remembered that before operations with the apartment (changing the code, turning off the control unit), you must first dial the control room number taking into account the offset.

Access procedure.

<Ключ> [---] <240361>/Sv/ /Sv/

where is the personal code of the intercom installer, and 240361 is the general code defined by the manufacturer, which is the same for all intercoms of this model. The installer code is a number in the code table and can be changed in the appropriate procedure. After the installation and personal codes have been entered correctly, the message will appear on the display, the programming mode will be activated and the communication mode will be disabled.

Installer procedure 0 - opening the electric lock.

<0>/Opening the lock/

The procedure should be used when installing an intercom to adjust the electric lock.

Installer Procedure 1 - Main Installation Procedure.

Using this procedure, pressing the door open button on the AU can initiate top-down communication. After this, the intercom detects this unit and establishes a connection with it without a sound signal. In this case, you can start a conversation or open the lock. After the handset of the control unit is placed on the lever, the intercom again communicates with this control unit for control. The apartment number appears on the display.

The search for AU is carried out in a certain range, for example from the first to last apartment on the floor. This reduces the time required by the intercom to search for a speaker and protects against interference caused by other speakers that are not in this range. Do not set a range that is too large (no more than 20 numbers), since when searching for an AU with the handset off-hook, all AUs with smaller numbers (in the specified range) are connected to the communication line, which interferes with normal search the desired AU.

<1>/Pressing the AU button/ /Zv/ [Apartment number, if the corresponding AU is found]

Using this procedure, you can set the highest and lowest levels search (boundaries)

bottom line - ;

upper limit - ;

or [previous border] <Новая граница> <Ключ>

In order for the intercom to accept values, the upper limit must be greater than the lower limit.

Numeric boundary values ​​are NOT saved when the power is turned off. When the power is turned on, they are set: lower - offset + 1, upper - offset + 254.

To exit the procedure, click , after which the program will return to level .

Installer Procedure 2 - Setting the intercom parameters.

This procedure is used to set the intercom parameters.

The level has 9 sublevels. The first 8 are used to enter time parameters, 9 are used to enter configuration flags, in turn also has 6 sublevels.

Time parameters:


Meaning according to mind

AU call time while on-hook

waiting time after calling

negotiation time

lock opening time

time of calling Ау with the handset lifted

first call tone

second call tone

time of one tone

Setting time parameters:

<2> [_] <Номер параметра> <Ключ>[Parameter set value] [New parameter value]<Ключ> [_] <Другой номер параметра>or<Ключ - для выхода>

After entering a new parameter, it is compared with the maximum allowable value for this parameter. The maximum values ​​are shown in the table. An attempt to enter large values ​​is ignored.

The tone frequency is determined by the formula

F = 333333 / (256 - parameter value).

For the sounding time of one tone in 1 second, the parameter value is 150.

Configuration flags:

permission for a special procedure (opening a lock during a short circuit in the communication line);

permission for a special procedure through Err (opening the lock in case of panel malfunctions);

permission for residents to pass by code;

display resolution E (if one beam of the keyboard fails);

permission to confirm the code (call back to the apartment when passing through the code);

permission to call the AU with the handset lifted;

Configuration rules:

<2> [_] <9> <Ключ> [_]<Номер параметра от 1 до 6> <Ключ>[-1-] if enabled or [-0-] if disabled<1 или 0> <Ключ> [_] <Другой номер параметра от 1 до 6>or<Ключ - для выхода>

All parameters set by this procedure are saved in memory and are not erased when the power is turned off.

Installer Procedure 3 - Utility.

This procedure checks for AC programming errors.

You must enter apartment numbers (up to 15 numbers). After entering the last number, the intercom will return to normal operating condition. However, starting from this moment and for 45 minutes, the intercom can be called from these units by pressing the door open button. At the same time, the intercom establishes a connection with the unit with the number specified in the list and the handset is lifted.


Connection diagram.

The panel, lock, contactor and button are connected using a 12-core wire. The length of the wire should not exceed 30m. Contact R2 must be connected with two wires to avoid voltage loss at the lock.

Methods for opening any intercom. Secret codes for opening different brands intercoms.

It is no longer so easy to enter city high-rise buildings, since they are equipped with intercoms of different brands. This makes it safer for residents and it is easier to maintain order in the entrance.

However, there are situations in our lives when we forget or lose our keys. And if it’s winter outside or deep at night, or you know for sure that there is no one in the apartment, and you need to get home, then it’s better to have a hint on hand in the form of a special code to open the intercom.

How to open any intercom without a key?

intercom panel with numbers

There are many manufacturers and brands of electronic home security guards.

Each manufacturer sews into its memory its own combination for accessing the service menu and opening without keys.

However, there is no absolutely universal set of numbers that can be used to open any intercom.

The only thing that was invented by the manufacturers is a universal master key that opens the most common models of intercoms in your city. But it is available to a limited number of specialists, namely:

  • police
  • ambulance
  • postmen
  • advertising peddlers
  • employees of the building maintenance company

And yet for the tenant who forgot the key multi-storey building With an electronic lock, the following methods may be useful:

  • Stun gun. If you bring it to the key hole and give a shock, there is a chance that the electronics of the device will perceive this action as opening it with a regular key.
  • Impact under the intercom in the distance, equal to length palms of an adult. The device’s magnet is located in this place, which should loosen its grip after an impact.
  • A sharp jerk of the door towards itself after a strong emphasis on it. A quieter method than the previous one. However, it requires very strong pressure on the closed door, and then a sharp jerk towards yourself.
  • Wait at the door until the tenant of the house leaves or enters. The downside of this method is that the waiting time can be quite long.
  • Have at hand a set of combinations of code symbols written down in your phone or notebook to open the door or get into the service menu of the intercom and then reset its memory or dial the desired combination of numbers, letters and symbols.
  • A lighter, or rather its piezo element, which you bring to the key hole and click. There are few chances to open the doors right away, but they exist.
  • Dial the apartment number of familiar or unfamiliar residents. In the second option, introduce yourself as an employee of a service company, a postman or a doctor. Perhaps the person on the other end of the line will believe you.

How to open an intercom without a Metacom key?

photo of a Metakom intercom installed on the door of a house

If the door of a house is closed in front of you installed intercom Metacom, then you should proceed this way:

  • Press the call key and the number of the apartment in the entrance from which the numbering in it begins.
  • Press the call key again and wait until the alphabetic characters COD are displayed on the screen.
  • Press five-seven-zero-two in sequence.

Second method with a combination of data:

  • first 65535 and call button
  • then 1234, call again and 8

Third method, if previous attempts were unsuccessful:

  • 1234 and call key
  • six, call button, four-five-six-eight

In front of you is a door with an intercom model MK-20 M/T and you want to open it without a key, then use one of these combinations when entering:

  • call button - two-seven - call key - five-seven-zero-two
  • call button - one - call key - four-five-two-six

How to open the Vizit intercom without a key?

a man tries to open the intercom Visit without a key

There are so many varieties of Visit models that the set of buttons on them also has its own differences. This is how there are intercoms where instead of “*” there is a “C” button, and instead of “#” there is a “K” button.

Please take this point into account when typing the following combinations to open and enter a multi-storey building in which a door with a Visit brand intercom is installed.

Via the service menu:

  • Dial "#-three nines".
  • “1234” and wait for a short high-pitched sound.
  • If you hear a two-tone beep, then use one of these combinations or enter them one by one: “one-two-three-four-five”, “three-five-three-five”, “six-seven-six-seven”, “four nines”, “one-one-six-three-nine”.
  • Complete the opening by entering the code “two - pause - # - pause - three-five-three-five”.

An easier way is to enter short combinations for:

  • Earlier models Visit “*#-four-two-three-zero” or “one-two-#-three-four-five”.
  • Newer models are “*#-four-three-two” or “six-seven-#-eight-nine-zero”.

How to open the Cyfral CCD intercom without a key?

a man selects a code to open the Digital intercom

Digital intercoms require patience and clear entry of a specific data sequence in order to open the entrance doors.

Use the following tips:

  • “B” - 0000″ will respond with the opening of a line of intercoms type 2094.1M. If after entering this sequence of buttons the entrance door remains closed, pay attention to the screen - it should show the letters “ON”. Press "two" and enter. If “OFF” is indicated on the screen, then you probably cannot do without a key to open an intercom of this brand. During its installation, the installers reset the factory codes to new ones.
  • Four zeros and a call key will open the door with the intercom modification 2094M. The screen should display the letter “cod”, enter one-two-three-four-five-six and a call key or four-five-six-three nines and a call button or one-two-three-four-two zeros and a call button . When the screen displays “f0”, press the number six-zero-one buttons one by one.

How to open the Eltis intercom without a key?

a man dials a code to open a door with an Eltis intercom

This type of intercom is much easier in case of emergency opening than other models.

Apply the following sequence of data, optionally or one at a time:

  • call button - one hundred - call key - seven-two-seven-three
  • call button - one hundred - call key - two-three-two-three
  • call button - apartment number - call key - intercom code. The code is suitable for entrances where apartment numbers are multiples of 100, for example, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred and the like. The intercom code will be “two-three-two-three”, “seven-two-seven-two”, “seven-two-seven-three”
  • call button - four-one - call key - one-four-one-zero” is suitable for modifications of the Visit “M”
  • zero-seven-zero-five-four

How to open the Forward intercom without a key?

a man completes entering a code with a call button on an intercom

If the hole in the area of ​​the key reader for an intercom of a similar model is accessible and not sealed, insert a thin long wire, knitting needle or paper clip into it. They will easily open the entrance door for you.

In addition to sharp means at hand, the following sets of letters and numbers can help you:

  • "K557798K"
  • "2427101"
  • "123*2427101"
  • "K1234"

You can add your own to the key recognition program. Follow these steps:

  • "77395201" - "*" - "0" - "*"
  • place the tablet key on the hole and press the # sharp sign twice

Instead of digital code 77395201 is sometimes dialed 5755660.

How to open the Marshal intercom without a key?

external panel new intercom

Knowing the last number of the apartment in the entrance whose door is closed in front of you with this device, use the following combinations to open it:

  • “last apartment number +1” - “K5555”
  • “last apartment number +1” - “K1958”

Open the intercom without a key Stroy Master

universal key to open different intercoms

When the intercom installer did not change the factory codes in the electronic device on purpose or because of haste, you can easily open it.

Be patient and enter the following combinations one by one:

  • one-two-three-four, six-seven-six-seven, three-five-three-five, four nines, one-two-three-four-five, four zeros, one-one-six-three-nine. Complete your entry by pressing the call and cancel buttons C so that the device has time to return to operating mode
  • call button - 1234

How to open the Laskomex intercom without a key?

external intercom panel Laskomex

When installing an electronic device of this brand, installers fill in unique four-digit codes for each living space in the house. Therefore, you should find out this code and remember it to get home if you have lost or forgotten the access key.

Enter the sequence of buttons:

  • Call - apartment number - a unique combination of 4 digits.

The second method is to easily open a device of this brand without special knowledge and reprogramming the control panel:

  • Press the button with the key and “0” four times, namely key-0-key-0-key-0-key-0.
  • Next, enter “6666” and wait for the letter “P” on the screen.
  • Finish your entry by pressing “8”.
  • Within a minute, the entrance door will open.

How to open a Techcom intercom without a key?

successfully entered the code on the intercom

The principle of opening such an intercom is similar to other brands:

  • enter the general code
  • dial a unique combination for a specific living space

There are cases when installers do not install unique combinations on the intercom for each dwelling in a multi-story building.

Then you can perform this action yourself by logging into the device control panel.

258 - one-two-three-four - call key - three and the screen will display “F3”. This means you are in the menu for adding keys:

  • General - press the call button twice and enter a four-digit combination and within three seconds enter control mode by pressing the “X” button.
  • Apartment-by-apartment - enter an example apartment - “B”. Attach an electronic key to the intercom reader for memorization. If it is already in the intercom’s memory, it will make two sounds; if not, and the recording is completed, it will make one sound. Be sure to exit control mode correctly by pressing “X”.

Older models of such intercoms open like this:

  • Dial “1-6-0” one by one, holding all numbers as you enter
  • release the keys in the reverse order, that is, “0-6-1”
  • when you see “—-“ on the screen, press “4321”
  • complete the set with the keys “B” - “3” - “B”

How to open the Factorial intercom without a key, codes

appearance of the Factorial intercom

Installers of this model of intercoms always change the factory codes after installation, which significantly complicates their opening.

Still, experiment with the following combinations:

  • “six zeros” or one-two-three-four-five-six
  • “5” – the screen will show a service message – “180180” – call button – four – call key

How to open the Kron intercom without a key?

engineer programs universal keys for opening different models intercoms

Use the tips for opening an entrance door with an intercom that were described in the first section without entering any combinations of characters.

If the factory code remained unchanged during installation, then dial “951”.

But usually, for electronic devices, the factory installation codes change and it is almost impossible to open it in any way other than a special master key.

Open the Safe-Service intercom without a key

appearance of the intercom Safe service

If you save the factory codes when installing the intercom on the entrance door, dial simple combinations numbers six zeros or from one to honor in order.

When an attempt to open an electronic device is unsuccessful, follow these steps:

  • press and hold the number “5” for a couple of seconds
  • “on” will be displayed on the device screen
  • enter "180180" - "B" - "5"

However, be prepared that in this case there is no guarantee that the intercom will demagnetize and open the doors for you.

So, we looked at the most common models of electronic devices and ways to open them without keys.

remember, that one-time use Such advice is acceptable in emergency cases, as opposed to malicious hacking. The latter is strictly prosecuted and punished by law in any civilized country.

Video: how to open any intercom without a key?

Metacom intercoms and video intercoms are products domestic production. This equipment is distinguished by its practicality and reliability. The device is designed specifically for apartment buildings: It is multi-subscriber and can connect up to 999 subscribers into the system. To open front door Intercom keys Touch Memory and Touch Cyfral are used. Sometimes they can be lost or broken, and in such cases the question arises of how to open the Metacom intercom without a key, having learned three secret numbers from the list of predefined codes.

The intercom consists of a processor and digital parts. The processor part of the mechanism contains a power supply. The digital panel of the device (with or without a screen) does not have mechanical switches. This allows you to avoid many equipment malfunctions. Security systems can be opened not only through identifiers, but also using special codes. The question of how is quite relevant for those who have forgotten or lost the key. From the video below you will learn about master key programming:

Using special codes to gain access to the premises

To open the Metacom intercom, it is more advisable to use a key designed for this purpose. Meet in life various situations, when the required identifier is not at hand.

Selecting digital combinations for access is possible only in exceptional situations: under no circumstances should such information be used for personal gain.

How can I find out the code that allows keyless entry? As a rule, all codes are programmed during the manufacture of the mechanism and they do not change throughout the entire period of operation. The exception is the case of changing the programmed password when executing installation work And . But if the passwords still haven’t changed, you can try the following steps step by step:

  1. On the calling panel press the call key;
  2. Enter serial number the first apartment in the entrance;
  3. Press the Call button;
  4. After the Cod message appears, enter the password 5702.

Depending on the functional features The specific model may be different. In this case, you can try the following combination: enter the code 65535 on the calling panel, press the “call” button, then dial 1234, then the “call” key and the number 8. Also in practice, you may encounter this dialing option: 1234, Call button, number 6, “call” key, number combination 4568.

If the specified digital combinations did not work and the door did not open, then you can try to use another code from the intercom:

  • Press call on the panel, then enter the combination of numbers 2 and 7;
  • Then call is pressed again and code 5702 is entered.

There are situations when a new identifier has been made, but it does not open the door because it is not programmed into the intercom device. To program it, it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists, because you can configure it yourself. To do this, you need to press “bell”, number 1, “bell”, digital combination 4526 on the calling panel. Then a new identifier is brought to the reader, and it is automatically entered into the system memory.

Programming the device to operate in encoding mode

To open the front door, sometimes the above steps are not enough. The reason for this may be a change in the programmed password, and features model range equipment, and incorrect performance of any action. Most often, the error occurs due to the functional features of the installed equipment. For some intercom models, entering a new key into the memory of the mechanism may occur differently. For example, you can use the following scheme: on the calling panel, dial the numbers 65535, call, 1234, call, number the desired apartment, call, number 7. The introduction of such a combination allows you to save the apartment number in the memory of the mechanism.

To delete everyone, the following algorithm of actions is used: enter the password 65535, call, 1234, call twice, number required apartment, call, 70111. For some models, the cipher from the Metacom intercom for recording a new key may look like this: 65535, Call, 1234, Call, 9-9. If you enter the combination 990111 instead of the PIN code 9-9, the saved key will be deleted.

Photo of an calling panel without a display It is generally accepted that the settings catalog in Metacom intercoms is divided into 3 separate branches: service, system and user. Moreover, each will perform specific functions, and with their help you can only change specific settings. To open the system menu, dial the digital combination 65535, call, 1234, call and number 9. To gain access to the service menu, you need to perform the same steps: repeat the previous combination, except for entering the number 9. To display the user menu, you need to enter the code 65535 on the digital panel , press the Call button, 1234, then the call button twice.

To exit program mode, press and hold the door open button.

In practice, special codes for keyless access are called master codes. All of the above combinations, as a rule, work. But it is worth noting that during installation, specialists often change them to ensure security and the impossibility of access to the entrance without using a key. If the use of codes did not lead to the opening of the intercom, then you can use other methods. For example, call any apartment and introduce yourself as a social service worker or wait until one of the residents of the entrance comes out.

What to do if you still don’t understand how to find out a special access code, and all the listed combinations don’t work? One more in an effective way is to purchase a universal key. By appearance it is identical to the keys that come with the equipment, but allows you to open several types of intercoms within the same model range at the same time. Perhaps purchasing a universal master key is a more acceptable way than opening doors by selecting special codes.

In the video - changing the master code of Metacom intercoms:

This type of protection from strangers is installed in multi-storey buildings. Sooner or later, apartment residents ask the question: “How to open the Metacom intercom without a key?” But since this type is well protected from burglary, it will be difficult to open the doors. But probably.

Features of Metacom

To open any intercom, you need to understand the principle of its operation. The calling panel includes:

  • controller;
  • key reading system;
  • subscriber intercom;
  • and a panel with numbers.

Metacom keys are distinguished by their reliability. It is simply impossible to open a lock from this company with another device. Each key includes a chip with a code that does not change.

The Metacom price is not bad, and the intercom itself is easy to use.

The shockproof case protects the device from hacking. Impact weather conditions, as well as temperature changes will not damage the Metacom intercom.


Now many are looking for an answer to the question of how to open an intercom without a key. Fortunately, such a method exists. And there are several of them, since different combinations are suitable for a certain model. Although there are also algorithms that can be used for all Metacom intercoms.

There are three types of menu:

  1. Custom: “65535” - HF - “1234” - HF - HF.
  2. Service: “65535” - KV - “1234” - KV.
  3. System: “65535” - KV - “1234” - KV - “9”.

Method 1

What to do:

  1. Call button (KV).
  2. No. of the first apartment in the entrance.
  3. The message “cod” will appear.
  4. "5702".

Method 2

What to do:

  1. "65535"
  2. "1234".
  3. "8".

Method 3

What to do:

  1. "1234".
  2. "6".
  3. "4568".

Method 4

(for Metakom MK-20 M/T)

What to do:

  1. "27".
  2. "5702".

Method 5

What to do:

  1. "1".
  2. "4526".
  3. Present the new key and register it.


It is not always possible to log in using a universal code. Therefore, the only solution is to program and register a new code.

What to do:

  1. To remember new apartment: “65536” - C - apartment no. - “7”.
  2. To remove the old code from this apartment: “65535” - C - “1234” - C - C - apartment no. - KV - “70111”.
  3. Removing Master keys: “65535” - C - “1234” - C - “97111”.
  4. Identifier record: "65535" - С - "1234" - С - "99".
  5. Removing the old identifier: “65535” - C - “1234” - C - “990111”.

Important! Now the most popular solution to situations with closed doors is the universal key. All possible firmware that is used to open intercoms is immediately added to it.


The video below shows several ways to open a Metacom intercom.

Metacom digital intercom is used in apartment buildings residential buildings. It consists of a digital panel and a processor equipped with a power supply. Among users, the question often arises: how. There are two options: using an identifier or a special code. Thanks to its configuration, the device has a good degree of protection against unauthorized entry.

The controller built into the processor allows you to open the Metakom intercom using two types of keys: Touch Memory and Touch Cyfral. The device memory can hold up to 508 identifiers. The door can be opened using a special four-digit code. Users have the opportunity to change program settings according to their preferences.

Distinctive features of Metacom identifiers

To understand how to open the intercom, you need to know the configuration and operating principle of the key mechanism. The keys are developed by Metacom and are intended to work exclusively in this system. The master key is simple in design, different affordable price, the ability to carry out repairs, is equipped with a durable housing. The keys of this system are electronic and individual.

The Metakom intercom key has high consumer qualities and is very reliable in operation.

Magnetic master keys are resistant to vibration and shock, and are also not susceptible to external influence electromagnetic field. They can withstand temperature differences from -40º to +75º. The best for manufacturing are RW 1990.

Photo of the calling panel without a monitor

The use of a contact key is based on data exchange. Each is equipped with a chip and memory. It contains code information. Today there are about 260 million possible binary codes. The code cannot be changed during the entire service life.

The intercom key can also be contactless. Its production is carried out according to the generally accepted Em-marine standard. Contactless master keys are used in the Proximity system. They are made in the form of key rings or plastic cards.

Method 1: Codes on the screen

You can open the device using special combinations. The options for such encryption schemes vary depending on the equipment model. For keyless access, you can try the following algorithm:

  • Press the call button;
  • Number of the first apartment in the entrance;
  • Call;
  • Wait until “Cod” appears on the display panel;
  • Enter digital key 5702.

If the above actions did not allow access, you can open the Metacom intercom of other models using the following codes:

  • Code 65535;
  • Call button;
  • Digital key 1234;
  • Call;
  • Number 8.

Another keyless entry option is the following combination:

  • Enter combination 1234;
  • Call;
  • Number 6;
  • Call;
  • Dial digital key combination 4568.

How to open the intercom if the above combinations were not successful? First of all, you need to understand the device model. For example, for the Metakom MK-20 M/T model, you can try using the following keyless access scheme:

  • Call button;
  • Combination 27;
  • Call;
  • Code 5702.

Another working diagram:

  • Press Call;
  • Dial number 1;
  • Press Call;
  • Dial code 4526;
  • Bring the empty identifier to the reader and enter it into the device’s memory.

The video shows how to open the Metacom intercom without a key using the codes:

Method 2: Changing Software Settings

It is not always possible to unlock the Metacom intercom without a key. If the identifier is lost or damaged, you must program a new one into the device’s memory. To do this, you can use the following scheme:

  • Code 65535, Call, 1234, Call, apartment number, Call, number 7. This combination will allow you to write the apartment number into the device’s memory;
  • Code 65535, Call, 1234, Call, Call, apartment number, call, then the numbers 70111. This combination will delete all programmed master keys for a specific apartment;
  • Code 65535, Call, 1234, Call, then numbers 97111. This set will allow you to delete all Master keys;
  • Code information 65535, Call, 1234, Call, numbers 99. Entering information will ensure that a new identifier is recorded;
  • Password 65535, Call, 1234, Call, numbers 990111. Using the password, the saved ID will be deleted.

The settings menu in Metacom intercoms is divided into three types:

  • Service;
  • Systemic;
  • Custom.

To enter the system settings menu, just dial the combination: 65535, call, 1234, call, 9. To display the service settings menu on the calling panel, you need to dial the following information: 65535, call, 1234, call. To access the user menu, you need to dial the following code: 65535, call, 1234, press the call key twice.

You can open some models of such intercoms using a magnetic master key, the so-called tablet.

Contact picks can fit several mechanisms. You can use such an identifier after entering the code from the universal identifier into the device’s memory. In the future, this master key will be used as a suitable (initial) one.

Another solution to opening a Metacom intercom without an initial master key is to use a manufactured universal identifier. There is no need to select code configurations. The master key has a built-in chip with code information. In their manufacture, factory versions of firmware are used, so in most cases the programmed and provided information are the same.

The video shows how to open the Metakom MK 20 intercom door:


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