Methods of urological massage. General idea of ​​urological massage and its correct implementation How a urologist does a massage

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A huge number of male problems arise due to congestion in the prostate gland. Only by accelerating these processes can the healthy functioning of the gland be ensured. Among such preventive procedures is urological prostate massage.

What is urological massage

Urological massage should be performed by a specialist. This is one of the types of therapeutic massage, which is performed by a urologist and promotes the outflow of excess fluid from the gland.

There are several professional techniques for this procedure, each of which stimulates a specific part. When the procedure is carried out correctly, a man experiences improvements in his sex life, pain when urinating disappears, and his general health also improves.

Preparation for the procedure

To perform a massage, you need to free the rectum. It is also necessary to stop eating a few hours before the treatment procedure. But it’s worth drinking water, since your bladder needs to be full.

Urological massage has a number of contraindications, which include temperature fluctuations, acute prostatitis, as well as prostate thrombosis, tuberculosis of the gland and oncology. In addition, if the cause of erection problems has not been established, then massage is also not allowed.

Indications for the procedure

Urologists prescribe prostate massage after the following diagnoses:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the testicles, seminal vesicles and prostate.
  2. Spermatorrhoea.
  3. Problems in therapy with antibiotics.
  4. Urethritis.

This procedure helps to dilate blood vessels, reduce congestion, and restore microcirculation.

For the procedure, the doctor must wear sterile medical gloves. The patient lies on the couch in a position on his right side and bends his knees under him. The knee-elbow position or squat position is also suitable as it relaxes the pelvic muscles. Everything is individual, the position is selected based on the patient’s comfort.

The doctor begins the procedure with the right half of the gland. She is more sensitive. The massage consists of a combination of light stroking movements and light point pressure in the required places. Pressure occurs first in the peripheral areas, and then the doctor moves closer to the center of the gland. Lastly, the specialist acts on the central groove.

If everything is done correctly, a secret will be released at the end. It is important to note that urological massage is not considered a one-time procedure. It consists of at least 10 sessions, in each of which the effect on the gland is enhanced. Only in this case will the result be noticeable.

You should definitely trust the procedure to be carried out only by a highly qualified specialist, otherwise it can cause harm to your health.


The urological prostate massager was invented specifically for those who are embarrassed to go to the doctor. This is a small device that will successfully help you perform all procedures at home and without a sterile office. The massager consists of a working part, a pulsating mechanism, a connecting tube, and a pumping device.

The mechanism of action is very simple - a man simply has to squeeze the muscles of the anus with the required frequency. To do this, you need to insert the prepared massager all the way into the anus and squeeze the pumping mechanism. Gradually, a reading of 200 mm/Hg appears on the pressure gauge. Art. After this, the massager is considered ready for use. All that remains for the stronger sex is to periodically resist the internal pressure with the muscles of the anus. As a result, therapeutic prostate massage will be performed.

The procedure should take no more than 10 minutes, this is the optimal exposure time.

After finishing work, you need to open the locking mechanism, squeeze out all the air, and then slowly pull the device out of the anus.

Besides the urological massager, there are many types of prostate massagers.

Self massage

If there is no opportunity or desire to go to a urologist, you should carry out the procedure yourself. It is important to consult with a specialist before this, since incorrectly performed exposure can lead to disruption of the prostate. For self-massage, you need to fill a warm bathtub with water. Lie on your back, raise your legs to the side walls, relax your body.

You must wear a medical glove on your hand, and be sure to lubricate your finger with a cream with sufficient fat content. Insert your finger to the depth of the prostate gland, about 5 cm. As a result, the patient will feel the lumps of the gland. They need to be massaged until they harden. Then the pressure should be increased. Continue this way gradually until you feel the groove. If pain occurs, the pressure should be eased. Pain, if massaged correctly, should not appear.


Urological massage and what it is is known to many. But not everyone wants to go to the doctor to have this procedure done. And massage will be a great help for those who have chronic prostatitis and related problems in their sexual life.

It is important to contact a specialist in time who is sufficiently qualified to massage the prostate. You can buy a professional massager, but use it strictly according to the instructions.

Pathologies of the prostate gland cause discomfort to a man, and subsequently degenerate into serious complications. One of the measures for the prevention and treatment of prostate diseases is urological massage.

Indications for the procedure

This type of therapy is prescribed not only as a prevention of pathologies of the genitourinary system, but also for its diseases. Diseases that are indications for the procedure:

  • Spermatorrhoea;
  • Any of the catarrhal forms of prostatitis;
  • Chronic urethritis;
  • Inflammatory process in the testicles;
  • Prostate atony;
  • Vesiculitis or cooperitis.

Such pathological processes often occur in men, especially after 40 years.


Despite the high effectiveness of urological massage, in certain cases it cannot be performed.


  • Body temperature above 37.5 degrees;
  • Presence of hemorrhoids;
  • Acute form of prostatitis;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Development of stone disease;
  • Prostate adenoma or tuberculosis.

Contraindications should be treated carefully, since failure to follow the doctor’s recommendations can lead to dangerous complications for a man’s life.

Types of massage

There are several types of urological massage. They differ in the location of impact, so the doctor prescribes a specific type after an examination has been carried out and a final diagnosis has been made.

Urological massage involves: effects on the urethra, prostate gland, stimulation of the Cooper gland. Some men do not accept this type of therapy, considering it humiliating. But thanks to this particular procedure, when combining massage and other types of treatment, it is possible to get rid of diseases that are difficult to cope with with other methods.

This type of massage has existed for about a century, but during this time its popularity has not increased, due to preconceived opinions, which, according to experts, are unfounded.


Before you start a massage, you need to carefully prepare for it in order to avoid unpleasant sensations. It is important to first cleanse the intestines and not eat food. The enema is given approximately 40 minutes before the start of the session.

The specialist must tell the client exactly how the urological massage session will be carried out, so that during the procedure there are no unclear points that may confuse the client.

It is necessary to mentally prepare for this method of treatment. For many men, such exposure is inappropriate, so it is better to take a mild sedative to relax and the procedure will be less painful. If a man is nervous during the session, makes sudden movements, or tenses, then the risk of damage to the rectum or anus will increase. In addition, sudden movements will only bring discomfort to a man.


It will be better if this method of manual therapy is performed by a specialist who will show and tell you how to do urological massage correctly. The prostate gland is located close to the rectum, so massage movements will be carried out by penetrating the anus.

  • Before starting the procedure, the massage therapist thoroughly cleans his hands and puts on latex gloves. This measure is necessary in order to reduce the risk of human infection due to infection through microtrauma of the anus;

  • Then you need to apply a lubricating gel with an anesthetic effect. For many, this procedure seems painful, but this is only the first few times, after which the anus becomes more elastic and receptive to penetration;
  • With a careful, slow movement, the massage therapist inserts a finger inside, then feels the prostate gland and gently presses on it. Kneading should be soft and calm, since any sudden movement can provoke not only discomfort, but also involuntary urination.

If you manage to find any compaction, then you should pay more attention to it, making movements in both directions along the gland. During the procedure, the man is allowed to take the most comfortable position for him, but the optimal one is when the client lies on his right side, legs bent at the knees, muscles relaxed.

If it is possible to use medical equipment, this will help relieve the inflammatory process faster than with a simple massage.

Massage at home

Giving yourself a massage is not the easiest way, however, under certain circumstances it will have no less effect than the procedure performed by a specialist. In addition, you are allowed to use a specialized massager.

Important! Before the massage, be sure to wash your hands, anus, and do an enema. If severe discomfort occurs, you should stop the session immediately. If the pain does not go away after a while, damage has probably occurred. This means that you need to go to a proctologist for an examination. Even a minor injury can lead to dangerous consequences.


Massage should be performed only with a full bladder, due to which the best result will be achieved.

A procedure performed by a woman gives a man more pleasant sensations than actions performed by a man. This is a fact supported by evidence. First of all, a masseuse often has thinner but longer fingers. That is, penetration will cause less inconvenience to a man. In addition, the fair half of humanity has less strength, which means that during a massage the risk of injury is reduced.

Important! The nails of the person performing the session should be trimmed short to avoid internal injury.

Over time, this type of massage is perceived positively by men. Some noted that it gives them pleasure, in addition, there is an opinion that such a technique can be used not only as therapy. A small percentage of men in the survey stated that prostate massage during intercourse provides additional pleasure. But in this case, expert opinions differ. It is important to exercise a high degree of caution, since during sexual intercourse it is sometimes difficult not to make careless movements; gloves are not used. Therefore, it is better not to risk it without discussing this issue with your doctor in advance.

The massage itself takes a few minutes. The course consists of half a month of daily sessions. After which you need a break for at least 2 weeks.


The urological massage system, which Norbekov patented, provides complete information on how to do urological massage, and is most often used by men not only among specialists, but also at home. Thanks to this set of simple effects on the prostate, many men managed to regain their previous sexual activity. In addition, problems with urination disappear.

In case of inflammatory processes in the seminal vesicles, it is possible to significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. If the problem was complications after suffering from gonorrhea, then you will be able to get rid of the unpleasant sensations.

With regular use of this technique, you can forget about many health problems for a long time, but it is better if the treatment is comprehensive. Then the chances of recovery increase.

Cost of the procedure

The price of this service varies from 1000 rubles per hour. But since the massage itself takes a few minutes, the rest of the time is taken up by a relaxing technique for the whole body. The cost also depends on the specialist, additional services or region.

To achieve a positive effect, you should contact only trusted specialists. It is not recommended to do the procedure yourself without talking to your doctor. Each person’s body is individual, so you need to study your characteristics in advance and carefully prepare for them in order to avoid unpleasant incidents.


The procedure of urological massage is not very popular, but it has helped many men suffering from problems of the genitourinary system to get rid of diseases. Most representatives of the stronger sex noted the appearance of the first results after just a few sessions. By the end of the course, a large percentage of patients returned to a full lifestyle.

Before contacting a massage specialist, consult a urologist to obtain permission to perform the procedure.

One of the effective ways to treat and prevent genitourinary diseases in men is urological massage. However, despite the fact that its use significantly reduces the duration of treatment and helps restore erectile function, it is not widespread among the stronger half of humanity. Many people believe that urological massage is an extremely unpleasant and painful procedure, but when carried out correctly, such manifestations are excluded. This manipulation should only be carried out by a specialist, so you should not self-medicate.

Depending on the area of ​​influence, the following types of urological massage are distinguished:

  • prostate stimulation;
  • stimulation of the urethra;
  • stimulation of the seminal vesicles and bulbourethral glands.

In addition to the therapeutic and preventive effect, this manipulation can also be done for diagnostic purposes. A doctor who correctly performs urological massage evaluates the condition of the prostate, its size, shape, consistency, the possible presence of cysts, as well as the condition of the genitourinary system as a whole.

Let's consider the indications and contraindications.

Conditions for which urological massage can be performed include:

  1. Chronic prostatitis.
  2. Chronic urethritis.
  3. Inflammation of the testicles, their appendages, seminal vesicles, bulbourethral glands.
  4. Erectile dysfunction that occurs after suffering from inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary area.
  5. Spermatorrhoea.
  6. Atony of the prostate gland.

In acute inflammatory processes, this procedure should be correctly prescribed only after the initiation of antibiotic therapy and the relief of pronounced signs of inflammation. If this manipulation is done at the time of exacerbation, the course of the disease may worsen and the duration of treatment will increase.

Contraindications include:

  • Impaired urination.
  • Neoplasms of the prostate gland.
  • Chronic infectious diseases of the pelvic organs in the acute stage.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Urolithiasis or the presence of cystic formations.
  • Prostate tuberculosis.
  • Paraproctitis.
  • Acute inflammation.
  • Pararectal fistulas.
  • Testicular injuries.
  • Thrombosis.


Half an hour before performing a urological massage, a mandatory bowel cleansing is performed using an enema.

To correctly carry out this procedure, the patient is placed on his right side with his legs bent at the knee joints, which should be pressed as close as possible to the stomach. In this position, the pelvic floor muscles relax and the massage process is facilitated.

This procedure is done through the rectum, since this is the only way to gain palpable access to the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. The doctor must wear sterile gloves to prevent infection and apply a neutral lubricant or similar anesthetic agent to the patient’s anus.

This procedure is done for about one minute. The course of treatment is 15 days. Initially, urological massage is done once a day, then 1–2 times a week.

Urological prostate massage is done in a slightly different way. The technique for performing it is as follows: with the index finger, light pressure is applied to the gland tissue through the rectum; anesthesia is first administered. This gentle method of massage is carried out due to the fact that during the period of inflammation there is significant soreness of the prostate gland, which weakens after the massage. The analgesic effect occurs due to improved outflow of prostate secretions, increased blood circulation and normalization of muscle tone.

This is an organ located next to the bladder.

It is responsible for the production of secretion, which is an integral part of the ejaculate, and it also regulates the condition of the bladder outlet tract during erection.

Stagnant and inflammatory processes are possible in the gland, which can develop and lead to a number of diseases.

Prostate massage allows you to avoid this; with its help, the functioning of the organ improves, its tone increases, and blood flow and outflow of secreted secretions increase.

What is prostate massage? This . It is carried out using massaging movements with a finger or a bougie (a medical instrument in the shape of a rod). The movements have a funnel-shaped trajectory or describe the shape of the number 8.


Prostate massage for men is carried out for four purposes:

  • The stagnant secretion becomes a fertile environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which provoke inflammation of the gland. Therapeutic massage eliminates congestion, and normalization of blood circulation in the organ allows for improved delivery of medications.
  • diagnosis of diseases. Using palpation of the prostate gland, a urologist can determine the fact of its inflammation and collect secretions for analysis.
  • . One of the main causes of impotence is poor circulation in the pelvic area, and prostate massage can improve it. Normalizing the outflow of secretions prevents the development of infertility.
  • improving sex life. The prostate is a very sensitive organ; if you stimulate its nerve endings before and during sex, the duration of sexual intercourse will increase and will give more pleasure to the man.


There are 2 ways in which prostate massage is performed; photos of the procedures are attached. or using a bougie. While manual prostate massage can be done at home, only a urologist can use the bougie.

Urological prostate massage on a bougie is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. An antiseptic is injected into the urethra to prevent infection.
  2. The bladder is then filled with antiseptic.
  3. An instrument is inserted into the urethra and fixed.
  4. The doctor massages the penis along its entire length.
  5. After a minute, the bougie is removed from the canal.

Here are pictures of prostate massage option 1:

The urologist can also massage with his finger. The digital stimulation algorithm is slightly different:

  1. It is advisable that the bladder be filled, but not necessarily with an antiseptic.
  2. The patient can take three positions to choose from: be on the couch with your legs and arms bent, be standing with your legs straight and your back bent, or lie on your side with your legs pulled up to your stomach and facing the doctor.
  3. The doctor puts on a glove and lubricates the finger with an oily liquid (vaseline).
  4. When massaging the male prostate, a finger is inserted into the rectum 4-5 centimeters - this is where the lower edge of the prostate is located.
  5. The prostate gland is massaged with stroking and light pressing movements. In dense areas, the pressure increases.
  6. The procedure lasts 2-3 minutes. The frequency is once every two to three days, the duration of therapy is approximately four weeks.

Photo of prostate massage for men option 2:

REFERENCE! Before the procedure, an enema is done and a shower is taken. This is necessary to cleanse the intestines and improve its permeability.

Prostate massage treatment can be done at home on your own or with the help of a partner. Since the procedure is complex and dangerous if performed incorrectly, it is better to entrust massaging the prostate gland to an experienced person. The partner should do the massage according to the same algorithm as the urologist performs the procedure. To avoid making a mistake, it is better to stimulate the prostate half-heartedly, avoiding strong pressure.

Self-stimulation is more complex than other options. There is a simplified version of it - indirect massage. To carry it out, you need to make rhythmic squeezing and unclenching movements with the sphincter. The effectiveness of this procedure is not as high as that of direct massage, but it is very simple to carry out.

Self-massage with your finger is most conveniently done in the bathroom. To do this, you need to lie down in it and spread your legs to the sides. A glove is put on your hands, smeared with Vaseline, a finger is inserted into the anus and massages the gland.

Prostate massage ends with emptying the bladder. Along with urine, fluid is released from the urethra when the prostate is massaged. By the nature of the discharge one can judge the condition of the organ. A healthy prostate secretes a clear secretion with a white tint. The yellow color of the secretion indicates purulent processes.

To treat diseases of the genitourinary system, urological massage is used as an additional measure. This procedure will help restore men's health and relieve stagnation of prostate secretions. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, prostatitis can develop into an adenoma, and in the worst case, into a cancerous tumor.

Many patients do not even know what urological is. This procedure is not offered to a healthy patient. Massaging the prostate gland or other organ helps get rid of circulatory problems and relieve symptoms of inflammatory diseases.

Urological massage is stimulation of the prostate, Cooper glands, seminal vesicles and urethra. It is part of a comprehensive treatment system, thanks to which it is possible to normalize blood flow and lymphatic drainage in different parts of the male organs.

Therapy is prescribed in urology for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system after examination by a doctor. The procedure is performed only by a specially trained masseuse or urologist, andrologist. Doing it on your own can provoke the development of diseases rather than eliminating them.

It is up to the doctor to decide which type is prescribed. He also determines the duration and number of sessions. This is only an additional measure; the main treatment for prostatitis or other diseases is medication.

Many men consider it shameful to undergo this type of physical therapy due to the sensitivity of the technique. When stimulating the prostate, rectal penetration is required, which infringes on male pride. But the effectiveness of massage is very high, it is worth overcoming psychological barriers and attending sessions.

Therapeutic effect

Stimulation of the genitourinary system has many advantages. Massaging is even used to treat erectile dysfunction. The procedure is aimed at releasing prostate secretions through the urethra, which helps eliminate congestion.

The therapeutic effect is as follows:

  • the effect of drug therapy increases;
  • the symptoms of inflammatory diseases are relieved;
  • normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs is restored;
  • sexual desire increases, sexual dysfunction is eliminated;
  • pain and discomfort when urinating decreases.

Prostate massage can also be a diagnostic tool. Using palpation, the urologist will assess the degree of inflammation of the gland and the presence of tumors on the organ. Cysts, benign or malignant tumors are strict contraindications for massage.

Indications for use

Several massage sessions are scheduled at once. One course will be enough for early stage prostatitis or minor inflammation. It is also recommended to additionally lead a healthy lifestyle to enhance the effectiveness of the procedures.

Urological effects on the organs of the genitourinary system are indicated for chronic prostatitis or urethritis in remission. If symptoms worsen or the disease relapses, it is recommended to interrupt physiotherapeutic procedures. If a massage is done at such a moment, the course of the disease may worsen and the duration of treatment will increase.

Who does it and where

Urological massaging can take place right in the doctor's office. A urologist and andrologist examine the prostate. Some private offices have qualified massage therapists trained in stimulation techniques.

You can undergo massage treatment at a local public clinic on medical prescription or at a private medical center. The price per session depends on the clinic’s policy; it ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles.

Types of techniques

The choice of physician depends on the concomitant disease. Massaging can occur rectally or through the urinary canal. Urethral penetration is performed under local anesthetic.


  • prostate stimulation;
  • stimulation of the urethra;
  • stimulation of the seminal vesicles and Cooper glands.

Each type is indicated for certain diseases. Prostate stimulation is prescribed for chronic prostatitis, urethral massage for urethritis or gonorrhea. Massaging the Cooper glands and seminal vesicles helps to affect every organ of the urinary system.

Prostate stimulation

Prostate massage requires rectal penetration. It can be performed with a finger, a special sensor or a massager. This procedure is prescribed for erectile dysfunction, prostatitis, sexual abstinence and the formation of stagnation in the prostate.

Some patients prefer to carry out manipulations at home. Couples sometimes practice sex games to treat impotence through stimulation of glandular tissue. In this case, you need to get precise recommendations for performing a massage from a doctor.

Mandatory preparatory procedures are carried out:

  1. Purgation. You should empty your rectum naturally. A cleansing enema with the addition of chamomile decoction will help get rid of all feces.
  2. The massage is performed with a full bladder. You should drink a large amount of water 1 hour before the session. A full bladder will help provide closer access to the glandular organ, making the procedure more effective.

The patient comes to the doctor and lies down on the couch. It is recommended to take a towel and napkins with you. The doctor wears gloves and lubricates the index finger with a special gel, which facilitates penetration into the rectal area.

The patient's position is knee-elbow, lying or standing. A finger or a special sensor is inserted into the anus only 3-5 cm. The doctor presses on the areas and strokes them. Prostate stimulation lasts 1-2 minutes.

After the massage, the patient must go to the toilet and urinate. Stagnant secretions from the prostate gland will be released along with urine. If a man feels pain during the procedure, he should inform the doctor about this and interrupt the massage.

Urethral massage

For diseases of the urinary canal, another technique is indicated. Urethral massage is prescribed after injuries and surgical treatment, for gonorrheal infection. Sessions are also prescribed for chronic inflammatory processes in the urethra.

The procedure is performed using a special expander - bougie, which is shown in the photo. This is a metal instrument that is inserted directly into the urethra. The session takes place under local anesthesia. Also, in parallel, as an additional treatment for infectious pathologies, a therapeutic antiseptic solution is injected into the urinary canal.

Bougie massage is not performed in case of hemorrhoids, high temperature of the patient and viral diseases, benign hyperplasia, in the acute stage of prostatitis and urolithiasis.

Massage of seminal vesicles and cooper glands

Another method of influencing inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs is stimulation of the seminal vesicles and Cooper glands. The procedure is indicated for gonorrheal urethritis, prostatitis, and urinary tract infections.

Penetration occurs rectally (through the rectum). The massage method is no different from classical prostate stimulation. However, you are required to empty your bladder before the session. The seed sacs are located close to the gland. The effect lasts 1-2 minutes, it is recommended to carry out a course of 10-15 procedures.

It is prescribed only by a doctor depending on the diagnosis. If the symptoms of the disease worsen, you must urgently interrupt the course. Massage is also contraindicated for neoplasms on the prostate gland of any type.


Any urological massage helps relieve inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. After a course of physiotherapy, blood circulation is restored, erectile function returns, and the process of urination becomes easier. Stimulation requires certain preparation, and the patient must also know how to do urological massage and what happens after it.


Preparation for the procedure depends on the chosen technique. During a rectal examination, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema, the effect is performed on a full bladder.

Preparatory procedures:

  1. Prostate stimulation. Before the massage, a cleansing enema is required. 40-50 minutes before the start of the procedure you need to drink 1 liter of liquid, but not sweet. A full bladder is needed to press the prostate against the rectum and provide access to it.
  2. Urological massaging. Stimulation of the urethra is preceded by taking antibiotics in order to protect the body from possible infectious infection. To reduce pain, you should stop eating no later than 12 hours before the procedure and first avoid water and drinks.
  3. Stimulation of the Cooper glands and. You will also need to do a cleansing enema to eliminate stool. Unlike prostate massage, you will need to empty your bladder.

It is also recommended to adhere to proper nutrition. A balanced diet will help reduce inflammation and enhance basic drug treatment. Strictly follow the preparation recommendations, otherwise the manipulations will be useless.

Progress of the procedure

The technique is different. You can familiarize yourself with each type of massage and how it is done in the table.

Type of massage Prerequisites Execution technique Treatment course
Urethral massage on bougie Empty bladder, preliminary and concomitant antibiotic therapy. A special metal tool is used - a bougie. This dilator allows access to the urethra. The device is inserted into the urethra and massage is performed. The urethra is washed with an antibacterial solution. If the patient experiences unpleasant painful sensations, anesthesia is used. The movements are strictly progressive from the head to the base of the penis. Changes in the color of urine, the presence of blood cells in it, unbearable pain are indications for stopping the massage. The duration of the session is 1-2 minutes, the visit is every other day, 10 procedures are required.
Prostate stimulation Empty bowels, cleansed with enema, full bladder. The patient takes a knee-elbow position while standing or lying down. The doctor puts on gloves, lubricates the index finger with gel, and kneads the prostate gland. Penetration of only a few centimeters is necessary. The doctor feels the lobes: he presses harder on the hard tissues, and less on the soft ones. The impact can occur with a massager. Session duration is 2-3 minutes, visit is 7-10 days, minimum break between sessions is 48 hours.
Massage of the Cooper's glands and seminal vesicles Empty bladder, cleansed bowels. Massaging occurs rectally, through the rectum. When stimulating the Cooper glands, the bladder is washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or another drug. Stimulation is carried out using the index finger or a special device. Session duration is from 20 seconds to 2 minutes, visits are every other day, 10 procedures are required, the minimum break between sessions is 48 hours.

During the normal course of the procedure, the patient will not feel pain or discomfort. You should inform your doctor about the appearance of unpleasant symptoms during or after a massage. Physiotherapy will have to be interrupted and replaced with another treatment method.

What to do after a massage

Immediately after the session you need to visit the toilet. Regardless of the urological massage technique, you must empty your bladder. Along with the urine, stagnant prostate secretions and accumulated bacteria from the urethra will be released.

This is mandatory and the only recommendation. After completing 10-15 procedures, you need to take a break for 1 month. Afterwards you can repeat the course of treatment again. To improve the effect of the procedures, it is recommended to combine massage with drug therapy.

Contraindications and possible complications

Physiotherapy will help the patient eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of prostatitis, facilitate the process of urination and restore sexual desire. But the procedure can be harmful if performed without a doctor's prescription. There are several diseases for which the genitourinary system cannot be massaged.

The list of contraindications for urological procedures:

  • neoplasms of any type (benign and malignant) on the pelvic organs;
  • proctitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures and inflammatory diseases of the rectum;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • high temperature (above 37 degrees);
  • exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • severe urination disorder.

Stimulation is performed only by an experienced specialist. If the recommendation is violated, there may be an exacerbation of the symptoms of pathologies accompanied by pain, the appearance of suppuration and the development of cancerous tumors.


Learn more about urological massage from the video.


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