Methods for humidifying the air in the apartment. In pursuit of health: how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier? Tips to help save your home from dryness

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For a natural and healthy microclimate in the house, periodic ventilation and proper humidification are extremely important. The first one is simple - you can open the window, and access to freshness is provided. But how to humidify the air in the room without a humidifier? Devices that provide the necessary atmospheric humidity are not cheap. Not every family can afford such a purchase. It turns out that there are simple ways to solve this problem on your own.

A high-quality humidifier will create a favorable atmosphere in the house

Natural humidity, corresponding to the needs of the human body, is considered a value of forty to sixty percent. Under such conditions, it is easy to breathe, the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs do not dry out.

If humidity is higher:

  • windows in the house "fog";
  • breathing becomes heavy, as in a steam room;
  • fungus and mold form on the walls.

If the air is too dry:

  • there is a feeling of constant nasal congestion and perspiration in the larynx;
  • the skin of the face "pulls together", cracks form on the lips, peeling occurs;
  • synthetic fabrics and hair are constantly electrified;
  • the tips of the leaves of house flowers dry and turn yellow.

Humidification of the air in the apartment is especially important if there are children in the house. It is the overdried atmosphere that can contribute to the development of allergic reactions and frequent acute respiratory infections.

Useful information! Too dry mucosa is not able to fully protect itself from viral attacks. As a result, the development of dangerous complications: asthma, bronchitis and tonsillitis.

If someone in the household suffers from a skin disease, dry air in the apartment will exacerbate the problem.

Pros and Cons of Humidifiers

So, to the question: “Do I need a humidifier in the apartment?”, The answer is obvious. Now you need to decide whether to buy a ready-made device or can you get by with home remedies?

Manufacturers offer a wide range of humidifier models. They differ in cost and principle of action, but all are quite effective.

  • Traditional humidifiers evaporate cold water and spray it with a miniature . Such devices are equipped with filters to clean the air from dust.
  • Steam humidifiers heat water up to sixty degrees. The devices are equipped with automatic shutdown when the tank is empty. They pose a certain danger to small children and indoor flowers.
  • Ultrasound devices are economical and silent. They run on distilled water.
  • The device with the prefix in the name "air washer" humidifies and cleans the air at the same time. Ionization is carried out using a silver element in the design.

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Such a device is simply necessary in the nursery, especially in winter. In a special review, you will find recommendations for choosing the best model for your budget.

Any of these devices will help achieve optimal indoor humidity. All electrical appliances require compliance with strict operating rules, otherwise problems may arise:

  • lime deposits may form in the appliance, which will prevent normal operation;
  • if not regularly cleaned, water may bloom in the tank or pathogenic microorganisms will develop.
Note! Only proper care of the humidifier will ensure its functioning and the safety of the whole family.

How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier: methods and ideas

What to do if the air in the apartment is dry, but it is not possible to buy a humidifier? There are several simple and effective methods:

  • The easiest way out is to pour water into a wide plate and place a wet cloth next to the heater or place it on hot radiators. This is a completely safe, but ineffective method.
  • Humidification of the atmosphere with a container of boiling water, a kettle or a ladle. In this way, you can quickly normalize the atmosphere, but you should be extremely careful if there are children or pets in the apartment.
  • You can increase the humidity of the air by growing flowers in pots. Plants with large leaves evaporate moisture well. Hibiscus, monstera, dieffenbachia and indoor citrus fruits are especially effective. By constantly watering and spraying the flowers, you can get excellent results.
  • An aquarium will help to solve the problem of humidifying the atmosphere in the apartment. It requires attention and care, but is one of the most optimal natural methods of moisturizing.

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For people with lung diseases and allergies, this device is a must. But we will analyze how to choose it correctly in the corresponding publication.

How to make a humidifier with your own hands at home

Having considered the usual ways of how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier, you should move on to simple devices from improvised materials.

The simplest option is a humidifier from an ordinary plastic bottle.

  • Option 1. Materials: gauze bandage, two small wires, a bottle of mineral water or lemonade. On the bottle you need to make a side incision ten centimeters long. Wire you need to fix the bottle on the pipe leading to the radiator. Water is poured into the container. One end of the gauze strip is lowered into the liquid, and the other is wrapped around the pipe. For the device to work, do not forget to add liquid.
  • Option 2. Materials - a small fan, a large bottle. The top of the container is cut off so that a fan can be fixed into it. At a height of about ten centimeters around the perimeter, you need to make holes for air to escape. Water is poured so that it does not reach the ventilation slots by a few centimeters. The fan is inserted into the neck of the bottle and turned on.

Another method of how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier is to make a device based on a plastic canister:

Another device made from computer coolers and CDs:

Another simple yet surprisingly workable design can be made using conventional wet cleaning sponges. The device will require a plastic container with a lid with a volume of 6-8 liters, about fifteen square flat sponges for wet cleaning and a cooler from a computer. Sponges are threaded through two guides. They can be simple wooden barbecue sticks or solid pieces of wire. Such a "garland" is fixed in the container in such a way that one of its edges falls almost to the very bottom. Three holes need to be made in the lid of the container. Two on the sides for air circulation and one in the center to secure the cooler. How such a device works is clearly shown in the following video:


If the dry air in the apartment provokes allergies and frequent complications in respiratory diseases, you should think about installing a humidifier. If desired, you can purchase a ready-made device that will quickly solve the problem.

When solving the problem of how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier, you should use the available methods: plant indoor flowers with large leaves, place wet towels on radiators, or install an aquarium.

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People who care about their health and the health of their children should know that optimal humidity is the key to health. Since if this indicator is violated, then this poses a threat to health for the whole family. Causing the development of respiratory diseases.

The optimal indicator will be in the range from 40 to 60 percent. And it is measured with a hygrometer.

How to increase the humidity in the room: the main ways

The problem of increasing humidity in the room has existed for a very long time, so there are enough ways to deal with it. There are both folk methods and modern, technological ones.

Main methods:

  1. Ventilation and cleaning of the premises;
  2. Containers with water or a wet cloth on batteries;
  3. Aquarium;
  4. Houseplants;
  5. The use of a spray gun;
  6. Humidifiers.

You can increase the humidity in the room without resorting to the use of special devices and structures, as well as spending a minimum of effort. The simplest will be regular airing of the premises and cleaning. This method is good, but has one big drawback - its action will last only 2-3 hours.

To get a longer-term result, you need to resort to the method that our grandmothers used, applicable during the heating season. This method consists in hanging wet towels and fabrics on batteries.

To prevent the fabric from drying out too quickly, a basin of water is placed near the battery, into which one end of the fabric is lowered.

Instead of a cloth, you can use water containers that are placed or hung on batteries. The principle of operation of this method is to evaporate water and saturate air with it. This method can cope with the problem for a long time, but you need to ensure that the vessels are filled. The downside of this method is that it is not hygienic, since dust, debris and bacteria accumulate in the vessels over time. To prevent this from happening, the vessels must be washed frequently.

The methods described above are effective, but they are unlikely to fit into a modern interior. In order not to disturb the aesthetic appearance of the room, and at the same time increase the humidity, you can combine beauty and functionality in such interior items as indoor flowers and aquariums.

Perfectly fit into the interior and fill the room with life-giving moisture fountains.

A modern device for solving the problem of low humidity in the room is a humidifier. They do not take up much space and their appearance can be matched to the parameters of your interior.

Humidifiers are divided into three types:

  1. Evaporative;
  2. ultrasonic;
  3. Steam.

Using a humidifier is by far the most effective way to maintain optimum indoor humidity. And its additional functions aimed at purifying and ionizing the air will be a nice addition, especially if there are children in the apartment.

In recent years, all available "folk" ways of humidifying the room have been replaced by special humidifiers. They are efficient and productive, but not everyone has the opportunity to purchase such a climate device for their home. In such a situation, many are wondering - how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier? A detailed analysis of this problem will allow you to find simple and effective ways to increase the humidity in the room to the desired levels.

A home fountain will decorate the interior and solve the problem of dry air

Effects of dry indoor air

The human body is quite sensitive to the temperature and humidity conditions in the room. Therefore, it is important to maintain an optimal microclimate in the apartment.

What can dry air lead to?

  1. Respiratory problems: dry cough, drowsiness, distracted attention, increased fatigue.
  2. Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Deterioration of the skin condition: rashes, irritation.
  4. Weakening of hair: their fragility increases and healthy color disappears.
  5. Development or exacerbation of allergic reactions.
  6. Reduced immunity, low resistance of the body to colds.
  7. Depletion of the mucous membrane of the eyes

Dry air is especially dangerous for newborn babies and children of preschool and primary school age.

What factors can "dry" the air in the room:

  • High temperature of heat carriers supplied to the heating system. Especially relevant in combination with moderate temperatures outside. Therefore, special attention should be paid to moisturizers during the period of warming.
  • The frequency of airing the room.
  • The frequency of wet cleaning in the apartment.
  • The number of appliances turned on (computers, TVs, microwave ovens, washing machines and other household appliances).

The issue of low humidity parameters is especially acute in winter. This problem is typical for apartments and houses with a centralized heating system. The use of heating devices leads to a decrease in the amount of negative oxygen ions, which determines the acute problem of low air humidity. Without a humidifier in winter, it is imperative to take a number of measures to saturate the air with moisture, since its dryness will bring significant harm to health.

Dry, thin and weakened hair - a consequence of a lack of moisture in the air

Signs of dry indoor air

To determine the humidity in the room without problems, you can use a special measuring device - a hygrometer. The optimum humidity in the rooms of a residential apartment should be in the range from 40 to 60%.

How can you determine the humidity if there is no hygrometer? In the absence of a special measuring device, there is a method for determining the level of humidity in a room using the Assmann psychrometric table. To do this, you need a psychrometer - a device for measuring temperature and humidity. It consists of two alcohol thermometers: wet and dry. The Assmann table allows you to find out the humidity due to the difference in the readings of two thermometers.

Assmann table

By what manifestations can an insufficient level of humidity be determined if there is no hygrometer at hand:

  • Frequent headaches while indoors.
  • Unexplained dry cough.
  • Dry skin.
  • Abundant tearing, accompanied by inflammatory processes (conjunctivitis), cutting pains. Low air humidity has a particularly significant effect on people using contact lenses.
  • An unexpected increase in the frequency of viral infections.
  • The feeling of a cool microclimate in the room at a "normal" room temperature (20-21 degrees). Dry air does not retain heat and increases body cooling.
  • The appearance of snoring during sleep. Dry air is optimal for the concentration of dust, bacteria and animal hair. Such a composition can provoke the appearance of snoring.
  • Feeling of constant "dustiness" in the air.
  • Drying of furniture, musical instruments.
  • Strong buildup of static electricity on clothing.
  • Increased wear of fur products.
  • Changes in the "mood" of domestic plants and animals.

You can use the folk method and determine the dryness of the air with a glass of water. To do this, it is placed in the refrigerator. After the liquid has cooled as much as possible, the glass is removed from the refrigerator and placed in the room away from heating appliances. If the fogged walls of the container dry up in a period of up to 5 minutes, the air in the room has insufficient humidity.

Feeling cold and coughing are signs of dry air

Optimum Humidity Options

How to humidify the air at home without a humidifier? Consider the most effective and popular options:

  1. Aquarium installation.
  2. Arrangement of a decorative fountain.
  3. Maintenance of certain types of plants.
  4. Basin or other container with water.
  5. Spraying with water from a spray bottle.

It should be understood that in addition to the benefits of air humidification, each of the methods has its drawbacks.

An aquarium, a fountain, plants - all this requires constant care and attention. When arranging one of the options, you will have to spend a certain amount of time.

Aquarium and decorative fountain

An effective way to naturally maintain the level of humidity in a room. Humidification of the surrounding air space occurs due to the presence of a water filtration system. As it passes through the filter, some of the water evaporates. In addition, a small amount of liquid constantly evaporates from the very water surface of the aquarium.

The effectiveness of humidification from an aquarium depends on two interdependent factors: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the size of the aquarium itself. The larger the container, the more water will evaporate.

Another productive way to deal with dry air without a humidifier is to install a decorative fountain in the room. The fountain will solve several problems at once:

  • Decorate or complement the interior.
  • Creates a fresh effect.
  • Increase the humidity in the room.
  • Wet cleaning.
  • Spraying curtains and tulle with clean water from a spray bottle.

The principle of operation of the fountain is based on the creation of a closed cycle of water circulation. In the process of moving along the structure, part of the water evaporates.

Today there are a large number of different options for decorative fountains. Without problems, you can choose the optimal fountain in size and design. If desired, you can quickly design such a device with your own hands.

The aquarium can be originally drunk into the interior of the room


The method is suitable for everyone who is used to growing flowers in an apartment. Watering, wet rubbing the leaves, spraying with a spray bottle - all these common plant care procedures will increase the water content in the air. In addition, plants in the course of their life activity actively absorb carbon dioxide and form oxygen, saturating the surrounding space with it.

Oxygen saturation has a fruitful effect on the humidity state of the microclimate in the room. Many plants provide additional disinfection and ionization.

The following plants have a positive effect on indoor humidity:

  • Hypoestes and Saintpaulia.
  • Fitonia.
  • Orchid.
  • Shefler and monstera.
  • Cyperus.
  • Hibiscus.
  • Nephrolepis.
  • Ficus.

Dracaena effectively restores humidity in the room

Quick and easy ways

The easiest way to humidify the air is to install a basin of water in the room. It is best to take a small plastic container, fill it with water and place it under the heating radiator. The small size will allow you to comfortably fit the container, and curtains or tulle will hide its presence. Under the influence of temperature, constant evaporation of water will occur, which will positively affect the level of humidity. The amount of evaporation depends on the size of the surface of the container, the larger it is, the more water evaporates.

A more complex method involves the use of a bandage or towel. A container of water is placed under the battery. A bandage is hung on the heating radiator, one end of which is lowered into the water. The bandage will constantly absorb water, and under the influence of temperature, moisture will constantly evaporate from it. The effectiveness of the method depends on the size of the fabric, the larger it is, the greater the area of ​​wetting and the intensity of evaporation.

The frequency of wet cleaning plays an important role in the level of humidity in the apartment. Dusting furniture and other items with a damp cloth, mopping floors - all this is a source of moisture replenishment of the air.

During cleaning, you can additionally spray the curtains with clean water from a spray bottle.

Auxiliary measures to improve humidity indicators:

  • Regular ventilation. Windows in the premises should be opened at least three times for 5-10 minutes. In each room, ventilation should be alternated so as not to create a draft that is dangerous to health. To prevent drafts, you can close the doors to each room. Ventilation is effective in summer, spring and autumn. In winter, this method of humidification has low efficiency in frosty weather, since the air, at very low temperatures outside, does not contain enough moisture. The available water content in the frosty air evaporates rapidly when it enters the room.
  • The presence of open carafes of water on the table or on the windowsill in the room.
  • Buying fresh flowers and placing them in vases filled with water.

As a separate method by which you can humidify the air, drying of washed laundry stands out. Its use is not recommended in rooms with normal or high levels of moisture, as it creates a favorable environment for the development of fungi, mold and bacteria due to the formation of condensate. But in a "dry" room, hanging wet laundry will increase the moisture content of the air. Today, there are a large number of models of home clothes dryers, so increasing the humidity in this way will not be difficult. It is strictly forbidden to hang wet laundry directly on electric heaters.

Flowers in a vase - decoration and an excellent air humidifier

Hydration for newborns

Particular attention to the microclimate in the premises of the house should be given to families with newborn babies. A child in the first months and years of life is especially vulnerable to external factors and is sensitive to various adverse manifestations.

The best way to control indoor humidity is to purchase a humidifier. With its help, it is quite easy to maintain the desired humidity parameters. The humidifier increases the concentration of liquid in the air to the desired levels quickly and cost-effectively. But not all parents can afford the use of a special climate device. In such cases, it is worth using simple recommendations.

How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier and create favorable conditions for the baby? There are the following recommendations for creating a favorable humidity regime in the children's room without using a humidifier:

  • Regular ventilation of the room during the absence of the baby in the room.
  • Frequent wet cleaning.
  • In the room you can install a jug or a vase with water.
  • Installation of an aquarium or a decorative, home fountain.

With caution in apartments with kids, you need to use moisturizing methods by drying bed linen and placing various plants. Bed linen after washing with powder can contribute to the ingress of various odors and chemical compounds into the air. They can negatively affect the well-being of the child. Indoor plants should be carefully selected. They should not cause irritation and allergic reactions.

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 5 minutes

With the onset of cold weather, people spend most of their time in heated rooms. It is warm and dry here, sometimes even excessively. indoors - 40-60%, but with the beginning of the heating season, it drops to a catastrophically low level - 25-30%. Sometimes these numbers can be even lower. Dry air in an apartment is very harmful to human health, household and computer equipment, pets and plants. Many allergic and colds are the consequences of an uncomfortable microclimate in the apartment. Factory humidifiers are expensive, not everyone can afford them. Then the question arises: what to do, how to humidify the air in the room on your own?

Wet cleaning

It seems to many housewives that in winter there is less dust and dirt, they begin to clean less often or give preference to dry types of cleaning. However, this is the wrong approach - wet cleaning will not only get rid of dirt and dust, but will also help to humidify the air in the apartment. Water is distributed in a thin layer over a large area, as a result, the humidity level rises in all rooms.

During wet cleaning, many harmful microbes die (especially if detergents or disinfectants are used along with water), mold spores, and dust mites.

Of the minuses, it can be noted only that it takes quite a lot of time to clean.

Room ventilation

Changing the air in a room is the simplest, most hygienic and time- and effort-free way. However, its efficiency level is also low. Thus, the air in the room is well humidified in rainy, damp weather, while in summer and winter, when it is cold outside, the air is also dry. With regular ventilation, the humidity level rises by several percent, the air in the room is refreshed and ventilated. This is an effective method of combating various bacteria and harmful microorganisms that thrive in a dry microclimate and do not like water.

Water containers for air humidification

A very simple option on how to humidify the air in a room: you can arrange basins or vases of water throughout the apartment. Water will evaporate, and the level of humidity will increase due to this. You can show your imagination and place around the house not just basins of water, but original decorations. For example, decorate an ordinary jar or bottle, place a composition of stones, shells inside, put a small decoration for an aquarium in a container, etc. When using this moisturizing method, remember the following:

  • Water must be changed regularly, and the vessel itself must be periodically washed, as dirt accumulates in it. Plaque forms on the walls and at the bottom, sediment accumulates. All this must be removed.
  • It is necessary to monitor the water level and top up the liquid in a timely manner, in dry rooms it evaporates into the air very quickly.
  • Vessels with water should be placed in such places where they will not be dropped or overturned. You need to be especially careful if there are children or pets in the house.

You can add a few drops of essential oil to vessels with water, and the air in the rooms will become fragrant. To increase the efficiency of this method, you can put water tanks on the battery - then the water will evaporate faster.

Aquarium with water as a humidifier

If there was a desire for a long time, then you can get fish. Water from the aquarium also evaporates, as well as from any other container. At the same time, the air in the rooms is humidified. However, in this case there will be more worries and troubles: regular cleaning, caring for the fish, buying special food, and the necessary equipment is not cheap. On the other hand, watching fish calms the nerves, interacting with the living world has a positive effect on children. However, you need to understand that a small aquarium is unlikely to be able to sufficiently humidify the air in the entire apartment.

Fountain in the apartment

Another variation on the theme of a water container. This is the most effective way to humidify the air. It works according to the following principle: water is poured into a special tank, the device is connected to the network, and the liquid begins to circulate in a circle. Such a fountain moisturizes the air well, makes the indoor climate more favorable and decorates the interior.

There are a huge number of design options for water fountains. You can limit yourself to a desktop model or purchase a larger product. But keep in mind that water constantly gurgles in the fountain. For some, this sound calms, for others, on the contrary, it irritates. In the latter case, buying a fountain will not be the best idea.

Houseplants humidify the air

Indoor plants will help solve the problem of excessively dry air in the room. Water evaporates in this case from several sources: from the ground in a pot after watering, from a pot stand if liquid gets there, and from the leaves of the flowers themselves. Thanks to the home garden, you can constantly maintain the level of humidity at an optimal level. Especially good for this plant with large leaves, such as ficus or philodendron. Cyperus is a champion in water evaporation: through the leaves it can give up to 3 liters of moisture. Also, flowers filter the air well, many saturate it with useful substances and fight harmful microorganisms.

Plants can be used as a home hygrometer: if the air in the apartment becomes too dry, the edges or tips of the leaves begin to dry out.

Of course, there is a lot of trouble with a room greenhouse: you need to take care of it, water it in a timely manner, cut it, replant flowers, fertilize the soil, carry out pest control, and so on. On the other hand, you can choose unpretentious plants, for example, crassula and other succulents that can go without watering for a long time, while they are quite capable of humidifying the air at home. This is a very convenient option for those who are often away from home. Chlorophytum, aloe or pike tail are very undemanding to external conditions, they are able to take root even in the most forgetful owner.

Often at home, drinkers for flowers are used. Water flows out of these tanks in portions, which also contributes to an increase in the level of humidity in the apartment.

Drying laundry indoors

Drying laundry is a great solution to the question of how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier. Moreover, this method does not require additional efforts: all people periodically wash things. They can be dried at home, not outside. A lot of water evaporates from the laundry, so the level of humidity in the apartment will quickly return to normal. To speed up the process, you can hang laundry on batteries. If you add conditioner or use powder with a pleasant smell when washing, then a light pleasant aroma will always be present in the rooms.

Airing the bathroom

The wettest room in any apartment is the bathroom. Here they constantly do something with water: they wash, wash, take a shower, etc. Because of this, the level of humidity in the room is very high and reaches 80-90%. Why not use it for the benefit of the whole apartment? Airing the room for 10-15 minutes after taking a bath will prevent and raise the level of humidity in the entire apartment by a few percent. You can also leave the door open while hand washing or washing.

Atomizer for air humidification

An item as simple and cheap as a spray bottle can help solve the problem of excessively dry air. You can just sprinkle a little water into the air - small drops will collect dust and quietly settle on the floor with it. You can also spray water on curtains and tulle. Moisture will evaporate from the fabric gradually, so that a relatively constant level of air humidity will be maintained in the room. However, before using the proposed method, you need to make sure that there are no stains on the curtains from drops and splashes. Otherwise, the products may lose their appearance.

Also, the sprayer is used for spraying plants with water. This procedure will clean the leaves of dust, moisten both them and the air.

Wet towels against dry air

If the laundry is dried in the apartment infrequently, and water stains form on the curtains, then you can do it differently: use wet towels. To do this, they are moistened under a tap, squeezed so that water does not drip, and hung on heating radiators. As it dries, the procedure is repeated. It is better to use terry towels, as they hold more water and will be able to evaporate it into the air longer.

Improvised Humidifier

Running around with towels can quickly get boring, so you can do the following: make a small installation out of improvised materials that will humidify the air. To do this, you will need a plastic bottle, a piece of fabric made from natural materials (cotton, linen) or gauze, a rope knife and water. How to make such a device, step by step:

  1. A small hole-window is cut out on the side of the bottle.
  2. The bottle is tied to a radiator or heating pipe.
  3. One end of gauze or a piece of cloth is lowered into the bottle, the other is wrapped around the pipe.
  4. Pour water into a bottle.

Everything impromptu is ready. Water will rise through the fabric and quickly evaporate into the air thanks to the heated radiators.

Relative humidity, the one reported in weather forecasts, is the percentage of atmospheric moisture at a certain temperature.

In rooms, people feel most comfortable and breathe easily with humidity: in summer 60-75%, in winter about 55-70%.

Note! If an apartment or house is filled with solid wood furniture, wood trim, parquet or other interior items made of this natural material, it is enough to maintain a humidity of 50-60%.

Do not try to reduce the humidity of the room below these marks. Even in the Sahara desert, the relative humidity is 25%.

How to measure humidity in the house?

The easiest and most effective way to do this is to use a home hygrometer. Small and easy to operate, the device will show the exact moisture content in the home atmosphere, and you can buy it in almost any hardware store.

If you have a home weather station or air conditioner that measures the amount of evaporation in the air, they will also give you an accurate and quick result.

Today, air humidity can even be recognized through smartphone applications. Just download and install the program, and it will allow you to easily control the state of your home microclimate.

How to increase the humidity in the apartment?

If the measurements showed an unacceptably low mark, and household members feel and notice signs of a lack of water vapor in the air, it is worthwhile to improve the atmosphere.

In case of insufficient room humidity:

  • the leaves of domestic plants dry up at the edges, fall off for no apparent reason;
  • in the throat of people and animals itchy;
  • the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose are dry, discomfort is felt;
  • the skin dries and flakes;
  • there is a cough and runny nose.

There are many ways to increase the amount of vapor in the air. We will now consider some of them.

Quick Ways

If dry air is not a regular occurrence in your apartment, it is enough to apply a few quick, but short-term methods.

Wet sheets

This grandmother's method is still actively used, if you need to increase the water vapor content in the air quickly and for a short time. To do this, sheets, towels or any other bulky textiles are urinated, wrung out and hung around the house. During the heating season, it is preferable to hang fabrics on radiators, in the summer - in passages and places where the fabric will not interfere with you.

A regular spray gun will do the job just as well. Just spray clean water in all rooms in the air and on the curtains through the most frequent nozzle, which forms a cloud of fine spray.

Battery water tanks

Dryness often occurs in winter due to the fact that hot radiators simply displace moisture. In this case, you can place bowls of water on the batteries or porous containers between the sections in the radiator itself. The water will gradually evaporate, saturating the air.

Increase humidity for a long time

If the dryness of the microclimate is a constant phenomenon for you, and you have to deal with it year-round, methods will come in handy that can allow you to forget about this problem.

Aquarium will humidify the air

An excellent option to improve the atmosphere in the house is to install an aquarium. It is not necessary to start fish at all. Decorative frogs, snails, turtles, jellyfish look great in the illuminated water. You can completely abandon living beings by decorating the tank with smooth stones and a few aquarium plants.

Indoor flowers against dry air

Surprisingly, it is those who are the first to suffer from dryness who are able to correct the situation. Best of all, plants with large soft leaves, such as monstera, cope with the task. As a rule, they come from tropical rain forests and are accustomed to absorb a lot of moisture and give a lot. The main thing is to take good care of the flowers (water regularly, wipe the leaves from dust, spray), and then they will repay you with a healthy atmosphere in the house.

Indoor fountain on guard of health

Indoor fountain perfectly copes with the role of a humidifier. The water in it constantly overflows, due to which it evaporates faster than, say, from an aquarium. In addition, it is very beautiful and creates a cozy atmosphere. The main thing is to use only clean water and change it often, and wash the fountain itself to avoid the formation of microorganisms.


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