I love being a woman in the world. I like being a woman

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There are women who carry their heavy female cross, like eternal torment or punishment, and cry, and weep, and curse their fate. Being irritated and having a complex, comparing oneself with men and getting upset by this comparison. Because it, as a rule, turns out not to be in their favor.

Anyone who is not on friendly terms with his natural shell and with what was given to him from birth, as a rule, is irritated and dissatisfied. Painfully rheumatic and sad. He doesn't know how to love anyone but himself.

Why do I need all this? This is an imaginary suffering, this pose that supposedly elevates me in my suffering aura of chosenness. I don't like complaining!

I love being a hostess!

This is probably the first reason why I like being a woman. Women have been housewives from the very beginning, since cave times. Keepers of the hearth. I like to be the master of my life. Arrange everything according to your taste, image and likeness. Change the space around and inside. And see, feel how it changes under the influence of my thoughts, actions, movements.

I like to create comfort and decorate my home, my life, my appearance. This is genetically embedded in me. The keeper of the hearth, which cannot be eradicated by any newfangled detergents of emancipation. And that's great.

And if sometimes I don’t have time to change and equip my home, I don’t have enough money and time for this, then I will never give up arranging my workplace, my career, my environment.

I keep finding new things to do. Even if I don't realize it. And I like it, as if I am responsible for what happens around me. What kind of people surround me, how they behave, how they say, what they eat, what they argue about.

There is, perhaps, not a single area of ​​life that would not interest me from the point of view of my active intervention. I actively change the life around me.

I love to be attractive!

Arouse desire. Sometimes even a burning desire. It just turns me on when I can drive someone crazy, so much so that they are speechless and stand like a ram, looking at me like a new gate, and not daring to raise their eyes.

A man will never understand why a woman devotes so much time to her appearance. It wastes a lot of effort, money, and nerve cells. For this very moment - so that someone, looking at her, would lose their head.

Do you think this is how the desire for power manifests itself? Perhaps... But it’s so sweet for me to realize this strange power over him, a strong and independent man.

I love to be liked! And I’m not at all ashamed to spin in front of the mirror and be drawn to new clothes. Because I know the price of all this.

And no matter how much all these little details of creating my unique, charming appearance actually cost, their real price is immeasurable. She is in my harmonious self-awareness of her relevance.

It’s like hypnosis, to which you involuntarily succumb, feeling more confident, more significant. Like an extension of the sky, the sun, the world, I feel like a drop of dew on the beautiful flower of life.

Oh, how nice it is in the spring, putting on some breathtakingly thin blouse and short skirt, skillfully exposing the most attractive places, throwing an airy web of some mysterious aroma, moving along St. Petersburg with the light gait of Venus, breathing in perfumes and mists, and seeing, more precisely feel with peripheral vision how they all fall in amazement, struck by my unearthly beauty, sweet charm and slight unobtrusiveness of perfection.

I like that I can allow myself to be weak!

Inconsistent, eccentric, frivolous, fickle, such as life itself is. It seems to me that, due to her flexibility, a woman is the most vivid embodiment of the unpredictable course of life. She is like a stream that never stands still, but flows, flows somewhere, changeably beautiful in its newness.

It is easy for her to adapt, just as easy to rebuild, she can live in unbearable conditions and at the same time manages, imagine, not to break down. But just bend and become even more flexible.

I like to allow myself this, no one hangs over me, no one says that I should be strong, persistent, reliable, reinforced concrete. And I'm not trying to be one. With a clear conscience, I allow myself to be weak and enjoy it.

Because only he can be considered truly strong who allows himself to be weak. That's why I'm so happy! I am not interested in the rigid laws of duty and order. Which men invented for themselves, trying to subordinate the whole world and their whole life to them.

I allow myself to be spontaneous and changeable, intertwining with the rhythm and style of the era, time, life, day, minute. In a way that no one can do. I allow myself to be myself! Not obeying the laws of force.

I like to compose!

No one can afford to fantasize as much as a woman. I can write in such a way that no science fiction writer could even dream of. Fantasize about your own life and the lives of your relatives.

For example, we live in some conditions that are far from perfect with people who are also far from perfect. The harsh truth of life can make someone go crazy and fall into despondency and apathy. And I can afford to color it all with the amazing, incomparable rainbow colors of my rich imagination.....

And now the despondency, pessimism, and apathy disappear somewhere. Because at one fine moment all my fantasies somehow magically turn into reality. Can you imagine? I am my own magician. A fairy who knows how to transform reality only with the power of her imagination.

I'm easy going!

I myself am easy-going and easily suggestible; if I like something, I get carried away by it and easily enter into new relationships and tune in to a new round of life. I have a lot of mobility, like water, a river that always needs to run somewhere.

And even if I am held back by the shackles of my family, I am easy-going and will lift everyone around me off the couch if necessary. Because there are so many new and interesting things around. And I want to do everything, go everywhere. And I am not ashamed of my curiosity, nor my enthusiasm, nor my ability to have my own opinion about everything.

I need to participate in life, I can’t stand inaction and lack of interest in the events that are unfolding before my eyes. That's why I'm easy-going. I change and open my arms to the wind blowing in my face.

I love being a mother!

Long before the very fact of motherhood, I am already ready for this great mission inherent in me by nature, I love animals and small creatures, I strive to give my love to the world, because this is where my thirst for motherhood manifests itself. Warm, protect, feed, fence.

And when a little person, my child, really appears in my life, there is no happier creature in the world than me. Motherhood is a special magnificent state of my high significance on earth. You can't compare it with anything.

When a small, defenseless creature that was once you suddenly separates from you and becomes an independent unit of the universe. And you have a direct connection to this.

This is a magnificent state of all-consuming love. A priori, unconditional love that does not depend on anything. She is. It’s just there and that’s all, and you become happy just because you experience it.

I love to love!

I know the feeling of love that does not depend on anything. Complete and selfless surrender to a loved one, regardless of whether he is great or deserved, rich or advanced.

I just can love him for nothing. For what he is. For the fact that he is like this, for the fact that my heart is filled with incomprehensible warm currents of an incomparable feeling.

Only I can do this. I can forgive and understand and feel as deeply as no living creature in the world can. It seems to you that all this looks like narcissism. Don't know.

I like not to hide my feelings!

A woman can allow herself to cry and laugh, express emotions violently and not put on strict masks and stony facial expressions. She can afford it and does it with pleasure!

Because she is sensitive and empathetic, because she knows how to appreciate beauty and is able to feel the most subtle shades of feelings. What is strong in a woman is not the logic of the mind, but the logic of feeling. The soul, heart, subtle movements of internal states, which she feels almost on a physical level, are accessible only to a woman.

She is a specialist in dowsing and intuition. She sensitively captures the psychological state of another person by some tiny, barely noticeable movements and details. She feels the mood of the audience as soon as she enters the room, as if she has a nose for it.

After reading this, are you still sad because you are a woman? Then we go to you!

The question of what kind of women men love is a popular topic of discussion in women's circles and men's conversations. All representatives of the stronger sex have tastes and preferences, but there is something that forms a general trend.

What guides men in choosing a woman, how important appearance is and what an ideal partner is from the point of view of male psychology - we will consider in this article.

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What kind of women do men love?

What do men like in women? What qualities are a priority and always arouse sympathy and interest among the stronger sex?

  • tenderness, the ability to love and show love;
  • attractive appearance;
  • femininity, softness;
  • sexuality;
  • intelligence;
  • sense of humor;
  • mystery and mystery.

Most of the listed characteristics (character qualities, personality) are not decisive when meeting and on the first date, but are considered decisive when living together and in a long-term relationship.

Men “love with their eyes” and this is a key factor when dating.

Therefore, let’s dwell in more detail on the appearance. What do men love in women, what is the psychology of choice? What do you pay attention to first? What catches your eye? After all, what kind of women do men want?

What figure?

Which girls does the stronger sex prefer first? What kind of figure do men like? Many people think that men love women with a certain body type. But this is a misconception and in reality everything is different.

A feminine figure is good, but even if a girl has a different type, you can look impressive and cause admiration from the male sex. For this there are stylists, fashion designers and all sorts of tricks in choosing a wardrobe. Representatives of the fair sex, with the help of well-chosen clothing, can create balance for any type of figure, compensate for shortcomings and highlight advantages.

No matter how hard everyone tries to lose weight, kilograms are not so decisive. The main thing is proportions and shapes! This is what makes a man’s gaze flash when he sincerely and with pleasure admires a woman’s body.

Types of female figures

Little ones

The male gender does not consider the height parameter as something that can be decisive when choosing. Some may be attracted to tall partners, while others may be embarrassed and put off. There are also those men who stop their gaze at those who are 4–5 centimeters shorter.

Why do men love small women? This happens due to the fact that smaller women want to be protected, protected, looked after. While all tall women look more self-sufficient and capable of taking care of themselves. This reaction is explained by psychological factors and is not typical for all representatives of the stronger sex; it all depends on character and preferences. Men love tall and short men equally, no one is left out of attention.


There are a lot of debates around the topic of whether men love fat women. But statistics say that men love women with curves, even if they have a couple of extra pounds. The nature of the male sex is such that all sensations come down to sensory ones, that is, to the desire to touch and feel.

No matter how flatteringly they speak about thin and slender women, not all men love women of this type.

Men with refined, aristocratic taste love graceful women; they are attracted to just this type. The tastes of the stronger sex are varied, and there is always a corresponding female representative for everyone.

With long hair or short

If you ask a man to dream and draw an image of an ideal woman in his head, it turns out that in most cases the image of a girl with long hair will emerge. Why do men love long hair on women? Hair is an extension of her, her protection, and has always been a manifestation of femininity.

But men can also love women with a stylish, extravagant hairstyle that emphasizes her cheerful, mischievous character. No matter how long your hair is, it should look well-groomed and shine with health. In this case, hair will always be a decoration, a highlight of a woman.

Is smell important?

Smell is actually decisive when choosing a partner, although this fact is not always recognized by the stronger sex. Although at the same time he is literally intoxicated by a woman’s aroma and is ready to do anything just to spend time with the woman he likes.

It turns out that for a man to lose his head over a woman's scent, it just has to suit him. And we are not talking about perfumes here.

Whatever scent a girl chooses, first of all she should smell clean. Body odor is considered ideal after a shower, when your own aromas are not interrupted by sweat.

Why do men love the smell of a woman? You can judge a woman’s health by smell, plus aromas have a stimulating effect on a partner. If the perfume is an organic continuation of the girl, then harmony will arise with her own scent and even enhance the effect.

The ideal woman - what is she like?

The concept of “ideal woman” often appears in men’s conversations. What kind of ideal woman is she through the eyes of the stronger sex? Which women do men love first?

The answer is simple:

  • beautiful;
  • Thoughtful;
  • smart;
  • sexy;
  • feminine;
  • confident;
  • stylish;
  • positive;
  • with a sense of humor;
  • cheerful;
  • tender.

Most women have all these qualities. What then is the secret and difficulty of finding that ideal one? And the fact that it is important to be able to harmoniously combine all the listed qualities and not overdo it with any of them. For example, such a quality as confidence. Here we are not talking about narcissism and increased self-esteem. But more about the fact that a woman really evaluates herself, her abilities, values ​​​​this and broadcasts it to the world.

Features of male psychology

Men are very different, and what is called “male psychology” is a generalized and largely conditional category. For most representatives of the stronger sex, patterns of intersexual behavior will be similar. However, you should not force yourself into the framework of conventions: you should always understand that the man you like may be different from the majority.

Do they like to kiss?

This question is asked by most women. Do men like to kiss? If so, why? Men love almost everything, receiving maximum pleasure from a kiss. A kiss is a pleasant and even useful thing, and also serves as a small prelude to sex. During the kiss, you can evaluate your partner and even dream about what she will be like in bed, which further entices the stronger sex.

But there are exceptions here too. It would be unreasonable to prove the fact that all representatives of the stronger sex love to kiss. There are also those who do not find pleasure in this. Some either do not know how, or are afraid that this inability will become obvious. Others are simply shy, while others are generally squeamish. But according to statistics, there are few men who don’t like to kiss.

Which woman will he never let go?

The answer does not provide for any one standard or benchmark. What kind of woman will a man never let go? Next to whom he feels comfortable, next to whom he:

  • completely forgets about problems at work,
  • next to which inspiration arises;
  • motivation appears to implement, act, create.

A woman gives a man sensations by being nearby. It may not do anything special, but give the condition that the stronger sex so needs.

This is the secret of femininity, for which experts so want to find the right words, but feminine energy cannot be listed by components. This is a special state in which feelings, emotions, skills, respect, love for oneself and for the male sex are intertwined. Some women are naturally like this, but many try to learn it.

Answering the question “Which woman will a man never forget?”, psychology proceeds from the fact that the emotions experienced by a person are remembered for a long time. And a man will not forget the one who aroused a storm of passions in him, with whom he experienced excitement and adrenaline, next to whom it was always different and fun. Yes, he will remember this one for a long time, but it is not a fact that this is exactly what he needs for his whole life.

Why do men like to look at women's buttocks?

On a woman's fifth point you can often see a masculine, penetrating gaze. And this is not without reason. There have been numerous experiments where they showed photographs of women in profile with an arched back and convex buttocks and without such an effect. And of course, almost everyone’s attention was absorbed by the beautiful buttocks.

So, why do men like to look at women’s buttocks, do you know? It all comes down to natural instincts.

Historically, women with wide hips could easily carry and give birth to a child. As a result, a man could count on a larger number of heirs. Until now, representatives of the stronger sex evaluate female buttocks.

Do they like being jealous?

Have you ever thought about the question: “Do men love when they are jealous?” But this question cannot be answered unambiguously. Because the answer will depend on which side you look at men’s attitude towards jealousy.

Of course, any man's ego will be satisfied, he will proudly turn up his nose as soon as he sees signs of jealousy. But this is only one side of the coin. No one can cancel a man’s love for a girl who is confident in herself and knows her worth. Sometimes, with such self-confidence, feelings flare up in the stronger sex with renewed vigor. After all, jealousy is a manifestation of mistrust. And if there is no jealousy, they trust you, then such a woman will receive respect, admiration and the warmest feelings along with gratitude.

Why do some people prefer older partners?

There are many marriages in life when the partner is younger than his chosen one. And such unions are often strong and long-lasting. Many girls of the same age, observing this trend, ask the question: “Why do men love older women?” And here everything is explained simply.

Sometimes men are driven by the desire to be close to a wise and experienced woman, a kind of teacher. But often such partners were deprived of maternal affection in childhood and now look for this in their companion, instinctively choosing an older one. If you understand this psychological aspect, it becomes obvious why men prefer older women.

Useful video

So what kind of women do men love? 4 important points based on the opinions of men, see the following video:


  1. Representatives of the stronger sex are all different, just like their tastes. Some of them go crazy about plump people, others pay attention to skinny ones.
  2. It is known that mostly men prefer women of the “average type”. And the more a girl’s external data deviates in one direction or another, the greater difficulties she faces when choosing a partner.
  3. You shouldn't focus on appearance. It is important to understand your partner, strive to build harmonious relationships, then the question of what kind of women men love will not worry so much. Men love women who love men.

I found this note:) Well, it’s like it’s about me! And whoever says it’s not about me simply doesn’t know me!

There are women who carry their heavy female cross, like eternal torment or punishment, and cry, and weep, and curse their fate. Being irritated and having a complex, comparing oneself with men and getting upset by this comparison. Because it, as a rule, turns out not to be in their favor.

She who is not on friendly terms with her natural shell and with what was given to her from birth is often irritated and dissatisfied. Why all this made-up suffering? I like being a Woman! I'm happy that I'm a woman!

I love being a hostess!

This is probably the first reason why I like being a woman. Women have been housewives from the very beginning, since cave times. Keepers of the hearth. I like to be the master of my life. Arrange everything according to your taste, image and likeness. Change the space around and inside. And see, feel how it changes under the influence of my thoughts, actions, movements.

I like to create comfort and decorate my home, my life, my appearance. This is genetically embedded in me. The keeper of the hearth, which cannot be eradicated by any newfangled detergents of emancipation. And that's great.

And if sometimes I don’t have time to change and equip my home, I don’t have enough money and time for this, then I will never give up arranging my workplace, my career, my environment.

I keep finding new things to do. Even if I don't realize it. And I like it, as if I am responsible for what happens around me. What kind of people surround me, how they behave, how they say, what they eat, what they argue about.

There is, perhaps, not a single area of ​​life that would not interest me from the point of view of my active intervention. I actively change the life around me.

I love to be attractive!

Arouse desire. Sometimes even a burning desire. It just turns me on when I can drive someone crazy, so much so that they are speechless and stand like a ram, looking at me like a new gate, and not daring to raise their eyes.

A man will never understand why a woman devotes so much time to her appearance. It wastes a lot of effort, money, and nerve cells. For this very moment - so that someone, looking at her, would lose their head.

Do you think this is how the desire for power manifests itself? Perhaps... But it’s so sweet for me to realize this strange power over him, a strong and independent man.

I love to be liked! And I’m not at all ashamed to spin in front of the mirror and get excited about new outfits. Because I know the price of all this.

And no matter how much all these little details of creating my unique, charming appearance actually cost, their real price is immeasurable. She is in my harmonious self-awareness of her relevance. It's like hypnosis, which you involuntarily succumb to, feeling more confident and significant. Like an extension of the sky, the sun, the world, I feel like a drop of dew on the beautiful flower of life.

Oh, how nice it is in the spring, putting on some breathtakingly thin blouse and short skirt, skillfully exposing the most attractive places, throwing an airy web of some mysterious aroma, moving along the street with the light gait of Venus, breathing in perfumes and mists, and seeing, more precisely feel with peripheral vision how they all fall in amazement, struck by my unearthly beauty, sweet charm and slight unobtrusiveness of perfection.

I like that I can allow myself to be weak!

Inconsistent, eccentric, frivolous, fickle, such as life itself is. It seems to me that, due to her flexibility, a woman is the most vivid embodiment of the unpredictable course of life. She is like a stream that never stands still, but flows, flows somewhere, changeably beautiful in its newness.

It is easy for her to adapt, just as easy to rebuild, she can live in unbearable conditions and at the same time manages, imagine, not to break down. But just bend and become even more flexible.

I like to allow myself this, no one hangs over me, no one says that I should be strong, persistent, reliable, reinforced concrete. And I'm not trying to be one. With a clear conscience, I allow myself to be weak and enjoy it.

Because only he can be considered truly strong who allows himself to be weak. That's why I'm so happy! I am not interested in the rigid laws of duty and order. Which men invented for themselves, trying to subordinate the whole world and their whole life to them.

I allow myself to be spontaneous and changeable, intertwining with the rhythm and style of the era, time, life, day, minute. In a way that no one can do. I allow myself to be myself! Not obeying the laws of force.

I like to compose!

No one can afford to fantasize as much as a woman. I can write in such a way that no science fiction writer could even dream of. Fantasize about your own life and the lives of your relatives.

For example, we live in some conditions that are far from perfect with people who are also far from perfect. The harsh truth of life can make someone go crazy and fall into despondency and apathy. And I can afford to color it all with the amazing, incomparable rainbow colors of my rich imagination.....

And now the despondency, pessimism, and apathy disappear somewhere. Because at one fine moment all my fantasies somehow magically turn into reality. Can you imagine? I am my own magician. A fairy who knows how to transform reality only with the power of her imagination.

(ends on next page)

  • I like being a Woman! Part 2. >

Sometimes it seems that no man can appreciate a woman’s appearance as much as the women themselves. We are able to cast glances at each other full of admiration, and not just with envy or a desire to notice shortcomings. Mentally, we sometimes say to ourselves: “God, how good she is...” - and sometimes we even want to justify ourselves: “No, no, I’m not like that!” Whether a normal woman can think about something “not like that”, sexologist and journalist Yuri Slon tries to understand from the outside.

My wife is absolutely normal and heterosexual, believe me. At the same time, I see that she is especially tender with her friends when they come to visit us. When they meet, they hug, kiss each other on the cheek, giggle and whisper like schoolgirls - a common occurrence. And this is some other kind of tenderness, not intersexual, so to speak. I can only understand this from my bell tower. Eroticism in relationships between women is one of men's favorite fantasies. Why? It seems to me that we are fascinated by something of which we ourselves seem incapable. This is not a fire of passion or confrontation, but rather dissolution in each other, peace and merging, which a man can only remember in the form of very early childhood scenes: how he cuddled up to his mother during a thunderstorm, how he fell asleep sweetly in the crib.

Is it normal for a woman to have erotic feelings for another woman?
Absolutely normal. Moreover, being in love with another woman is a necessary emotional experience that a girl must go through in life. It is not necessary (and perhaps even undesirable) for these feelings to be realized in a physical sense. The main thing is the opportunity to sincerely admire, admire, feel mental and physical uplift, and excitement. All this helps the girl get to know herself and the feminine sensual principle in general. Through such girlish love for each other, they maintain respect for their gender, an understanding of its characteristics and values. But not at the level of reason, not in the spirit of “a woman is also a person,” but through the experience of an image that is beautiful and worthy of love. Having received such experience in a relationship with a friend, a woman will not tolerate disrespect from a man, she will always maintain a sense of self-esteem, and will not allow herself to be insulted or her interests infringed. Having become acquainted with her purely feminine sensuality, she will be able to more successfully understand male sensuality.

Why then do some people consider lesbianism a perversion?
Due to lack of education. Homosexuality (both female and male) ceased to be considered a perversion more than 60 years ago, when the so-called Kinsey scale (a way to measure the number of persons of a particular orientation in society) appeared. Since then, the term “orientation” has become accepted, expressing people’s inclination towards one or another choice of partners. Judging by what those interviewed by the American zoologist and sexologist Alfred Kinsey reported about their intimate contacts, there are very few purely homosexual people among us, but there are many who have occasionally or at least once or twice in their lives had sex with a person of the same sex.
But let's also not confuse a one-time event with orientation. The mentioned cases of kisses between friends are not a diagnosis of sexual orientation, but a description of specific events. Women who show physical affection towards each other are not necessarily lesbians in their purest form. Yes, a very large number (if not most) of women have experienced erotically charged situations associated with friends, when warm affection for each other so overwhelmed both of them that it required literal expression, for example, hugs and kisses. But they speak of true sexual orientation if preference for people of the same sex is an integral characteristic of a person, and this is not always amenable to unambiguous diagnosis. It also happens that people live their entire lives with stereotypes imposed on them, and only chance helps to reveal their true inclinations and free their feelings for real relationships: a married woman finally makes a friend or, conversely, a convinced lesbian realizes that she has fallen victim to an accident and gets married.

Is it possible to reliably find out your true orientation?
What for? Are you interested in a relationship with a woman and don’t know what to do now? Suppose, with the help of clever tests, you found out that you are absolutely and irrevocably heterosexual. Would this make your feelings lose their meaning, and would your annoying husband become nicer again? Hardly. On the other hand, if you hate even the thought of kissing a woman, what would a “100% lesbian” test result tell you? Again, nothing, because we do not live in the space of abstractions, but in a living body with a living soul, and wherever they pull us, we are drawn there. If you are generally drawn to something unusual, non-standard, then you will still be drawn to it - not in sexual relationships, but in something else (for example, in the style of clothing or choice of profession).

Reflections of the participants in our “Sex with Us” competition on the magazine’s website with comments from our expert

  • Chuy: “Beauty is a universal concept...” In my youth, I had something like falling in love with some of my friends, we even kissed as a joke. And with our other friends, on the contrary, our relationship never went beyond friendship, and even thoughts about some kind of eroticism did not arise. I don’t see anything scary or unnatural in this... Beauty and sexuality are universal concepts, not related to gender.

I completely agree with the last statement. Sexuality is a part of the human being that we either live or not, and it is not a matter of gender, like, for example, taste sensations. I like cutlets - that doesn't mean I prefer them; Moreover, this does not even allow me to say with certainty that I am not a vegetarian. Because whether I will implement my “like” depends on my decision or the doctor’s recommendations. The same story with the Oedipus complex - the sympathy of little girls for their dads: this says nothing about their real desires and intentions. Everything depends on the reactions of the parents (both of them), because this very complex is one of the components of the spectrum of possibilities that exist in life.

  • Chiefa: “I like women” N Yes, I have a normal orientation. In terms of sex, I love men. But this does not prevent me from receiving aesthetic pleasure from contemplating a beautiful female body, from the perfect lines of legs, breasts, and butt. The female figure is the best creation of God. Remember: first nature was created - plants, animals, birds. Then a man, and only then a more perfect creation - a woman.

A very nice statement, just nothing to add. It is useful for every person to remember that he has a normal orientation, nationality, skin color, height... And that admiring beautiful bodily forms, no matter who they belong to, is normal and very pleasant.

  • Faarandola: “About Beautiful Strangers” I am 44. Do I like looking at a naked female body? Of course yes, but I experience different emotions. I remember myself in the last grades of school. An exhibition of nude works by a professional photographer opened in the city for the first time. With what bated breath I looked at these works! Halftones, play of shadows, thin fingers and wrists, long legs, semicircle of hips and exciting mounds of breasts. Complete incomprehensibility and complete exciting uncertainty. Perhaps because I did not yet understand what I, as a woman, mean in a man’s life and what a man means in a woman’s life. After marriage, the beautiful faces and bodies of strangers gave rise to the desire to be with a loved one, to bestow tenderness on him, to feel his warmth, smell and taste. Now I absolutely love looking at naked pregnant women. In my opinion, there is nothing more beautiful than their round bellies! How do I feel about this? Joy that there is a new life there, which means there will be a continuation of the Beautiful Stranger...

Beautifully written. I drew attention to the non-judgmental, phenomenological nature of the description: what I see and what it does to me. I just want to say: citizens, lead by example! There is no need to overly dramatize your experiences of sex and physicality, and if you like something and want something, then that’s good, and you don’t need to draw far-reaching conclusions from this. The ability to see and feel the grace of lines and beauty of life definitely contributes to the ability to feel oneself - one’s tenderness and sensitivity to others. What we admire adds to our sense of life in us and therefore attracts and beckons.

  • Volgyk: “I’m not a lesbian‚ but.. ." I like to admire women, but thoughts about sex with them do not arise. Although sometimes you want to kiss a girl (especially at friendly parties after drinking champagne). And I did this three or four times. I like it. :)

Aesthetic pleasure comes into contact with inspiration and sexuality, there is a fine line between them, because both are ultimately a theme of intimacy and physicality. And of course, if you give room to the feeling of beauty, tenderness, gratitude, that is, real eroticism, awakens.

While our beloved Earth is being invaded by hordes of androgynes, transsexuals and other alien monsters, I wondered: why is this happening? Why does the stronger sex turn into the beautiful, and the beautiful into the strong? Why are some men only attracted to men and women only attracted to women? I am by no means a homophobe and have a fairly tolerant attitude towards various sexual minorities, but for the life of me, I don’t understand the logic of what is happening. To somehow understand the problem, I conducted a small survey among people of traditional orientation.

Would you like to become a man?

Ekaterina, 22 years old, student
Not forever, but for a few days with great pleasure. I’m incredibly interested in how everything works for men – starting from the most basic and physiological (suddenly you breathe differently; does your “organ” get in the way when walking, etc.). Then their feelings are interesting: how they feel everything, how they relate to others, to life. Well, of course, I would have sex, being a guy with a girl, in order to feel and know for sure the difference (or maybe there isn’t one?) of sensations during this process. I would like to look at women through the eyes of a man. In particular, I would really like to look at myself from a man’s perspective, to find out how they see me.

Anastasia, 23 years old, TV presenter
I like being a girl because we are beautiful, we know how to dress each other, we follow fashion trends, in cases where we want to be weak, we are weak, when we want to be strong, we are strong. We are much stronger than men. The men, as soon as they break, take up the glass. And we know that we have children behind us, so we must persevere and be strong in any circumstances. We do not allow ourselves weaknesses.

Natalya, 24 years old,event-specialist
Definitely not. I feel very comfortable as a woman. Exactly in the role. It's like figuring out the rules of the game. I understand who a true woman is and who a true man is. The female role is always soft, light and a little vulnerable, she allows you to move mountains with one smile. In parallel with this, there is a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved and how to organize things correctly, especially at work - this allows you to enjoy self-sufficiency. And this is not to mention the charms of motherhood, which I still don’t know everything about. In general, those who know how to play the game correctly in their role will enjoy this game. Sorry about the butter.

Olga, 24 years old, sales manager
Well, probably not. I hold the man responsible for everything! But I wouldn’t want that myself. To be called a man, you have to be physically strong, to be a protector. I prefer to be a weak girl. Girls have it easier when it comes to sex! Feet size is smaller. If you want, you can become taller - heels! The right hairstyle, cosmetics - and beauty is ready, but you can’t do that for boys! A. Well, you don’t have to shave every day!

Vladislava, 27 years old, programmer
Yes and no. Yes, because new experiences are always interesting and it’s easier for a man to be taken seriously by others. You can also sleep with women and not hide it from your mother. No, because I'm lucky - I'm quite attractive, and that's an advantage by default. And it is much easier to manipulate people.

Would you like to become a woman?

Andrey, 23 years old, military man
Honestly, I can’t imagine myself in such a role. Having looked at what a woman experiences during pregnancy, what she has to go through, you understand that it is better to be a breadwinner and “kill mammoths” than to receive from nature everything that she has “rewarded” a woman.

Ian, 24 years old, photographer
In fact, being a woman would be quite nice. After all, this is constant attention from men, this is good self-esteem and the opportunity to change your life thanks to your appearance: to be beautiful is to be successful. But I still wouldn’t want to be a woman, because it requires some effort: in the morning you need to wash your hair, dry it for 100 hours... But for a man it’s good: he rinsed his face with water - that’s great, brushed his teeth - he’s generally handsome.

Vladimir, 25 years old, university teacher
I wouldn't want to be a woman. Unequal exchange! There will be stiletto heels, fear of cellulite, white-don’t-wear, tight-fitting-don’t-wear. Baldness will no longer be a noble gloss, but a surprise. Finally, you will never be able to write standing up again!

Anton, 26 years old, programmer
[Untranslatable pun]! No.

Evgeniy, 27 years old writer
I have already said many times that yes. Because it is much easier to reach the top of the social pyramid through sexuality. Especially with such a choice of clothes! Well, and a bunch of other bonuses: boobs, longer life, more flexible ligaments, growing claws/hair. Its cool!

Agree, the answers are quite cute and interesting! What can I conclude from the above answers? No. Human psychology is so unknown and confusing that even we ourselves sometimes cannot understand our actions and desires. But all the same, I wish you, dear reader, to remain yourself and try not to invent butter.

Oh yes, you are probably wondering: “What about the author himself? Did you skip and run away from the answer?” Friends, I'll tell you what. Surely, our lovely ladies have several trump cards up their sleeves. They definitely find it much easier in many situations. But, excuse me, we are also not born with bast. If I was destined to be born a man, then all that remains is to proudly carry this title through life and not back down from my words under any circumstances.

First of all, thank you all so much for taking the time to answer!!!

Vladimir Vitalievich, I don’t like being a woman when I look at myself through the eyes of men or guess what they think about us: for example, when men look at women as a sexual object or when they like women’s “claws”, I am embarrassed by them tastes and their perception of us. Roughly speaking, in order for them to like me, I need to get a hypersexual manicure...? I would like to feel feminine in a different way. On the one hand, I am embarrassed to do such a manicure, it is unacceptable for me, but on the other hand, I need their attention. Those. The question is that a feminine woman doesn’t even need to have her nails done to be attractive, and I don’t have natural femininity.
You hit the nail on the head about the parents. I have an incomprehensible situation with my mother - I avoid her, i.e. I don’t like talking to her on the phone at all (my parents are in another city), I don’t know what to talk to her about, I often don’t pick up the phone. I never call myself, except to congratulate her on her birthday. And this happened relatively recently. I’ve been racking my brains for about 2 years now, why I’m so distant from her and don’t like talking to her, I don’t tell her anything at all, i.e. Her very call itself causes me PHYSICAL discomfort, like at an appointment with a gynecologist - to quickly get checked and run away. Exactly the same feeling. As a child, it was as if she didn’t exist. Those. she was, but she never spoke to me, i.e. I don’t remember this, I don’t remember her at all, although she was almost a housewife and was always somewhere, but she seemed to always be silent... and it seems to me that she never kissed me. Now yes, but then no. I had an excellent relationship with my dad, he talked to me as a child, always took care of me, he loved spending time with children. Although I don’t call my dad either. I think I don't like them at all.

Lesya Nikolaevna, I don’t have hormonal disorders, I hope, if you had in mind any inclinations towards preferring women. Those. I have no attraction to women, that’s for sure; on the contrary, a man’s body seems more attractive to me than a woman’s. And the question is that I don’t even understand how men can like a woman’s body... How can a woman like a woman’s body if she has funny breasts and if she can get fat, and in general it’s different. Those. I have some kind of mistrust in the fact that someone can personally like me, although I watch my figure. Those. a man looks natural, and a woman is usually some kind of half-artificial creature drawn. I had experience communicating with a man for a couple of months, but there was no sex, we were just friends, but we broke up later because I couldn’t believe that he liked me. It seems to me that love does not exist.

I don’t want to burden you too much, I think I should go for a consultation.
Thank you for your answers and concern for our problems!

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Many people know this woman as Marilyn Monroe, but in fact her name was Norma Jean Baker (born Mortenson). The standard of beauty of the 1950s, which is still admired today, she was always surrounded by fans. Some of them remained among the martyrs of unrequited love, and some were lucky to get the hand and heart of a burning beauty, but not for long. The blonde was not afraid to get a divorce and get into a relationship again.

We are in website admired Marilyn's resilience and strength of character. Despite her difficult childhood and adolescence, this extraordinary woman was able to achieve success.

Monroe was the most sought-after and least paid actress in Hollywood at the same time. The reason for this was the gender inequality of the time. The star was loved by millions of men, and women admired her and dreamed of becoming like her. Many considered the American a stupid blonde, but she was just hiding under this mask - it was easier for her.

Marilyn was married three times, but, unfortunately, she never had children (which she really wanted): all her pregnancies ended unsuccessfully. According to Monroe herself, some men treated her like a thing that could be bought, and for this the actress hated the image that producers and directors imposed on her.

For a long time, Monroe collaborated with the 20th Century Fox studio and starred in more than 20 films, the most successful of which were Some Like It Hot and Niagara, and also received a Golden Globe award for Best Actress.

In her final years, Marilyn rekindled her relationship with her second husband, Joe DiMaggio (pictured below), with whom she planned to remarry. But, alas, the actress died. The official cause of Monroe's death was suicide due to excessive attention to her publicity and persecution by the press.

The 1950s sex symbol is still imitated, and Marilyn's quotes are still popular today. Most of her sayings were dedicated to love and men. Perhaps she understood this quite well.

  • A husband is that person who always forgets your birthday and never misses a chance to tell you your age.
  • I agree to live in a world ruled by men as long as I can be a woman in this world.
  • Men have a sincere respect for everything that causes boredom.
  • A strong man does not need to assert himself at the expense of a woman who had the weakness to love him. He already has a place to show his strength.
  • A career is a wonderful thing, but it can't keep anyone warm on a cold night.
  • Men don't look at me. They glance at me, but that's not it.
  • You can't sleep with a man and take money from him without trying at least a little to believe that you love him.
  • I have often thought that to be loved means to be desired. Now I think that to be loved means to plunge another into dust, to have complete power over him.
  • Women have only two weapons: mascara and tears. But we cannot use them at the same time.
  • To be late means to make sure that they are waiting for you. It is you and no one else. Know that you are irreplaceable.
  • Women's charms cannot be produced industrially, no matter how much anyone might want it. True beauty comes from femininity. Female attractiveness is only strong when it is natural and spontaneous.
  • The dream of millions cannot belong to one.
  • A wise girl knows her limits. A smart girl knows that she doesn't have them.
  • It is much better to be happy alone than to be unhappy with someone now.
  • I didn't make a woman. Men, because of my image as a sex symbol, created by them and myself, expect too much from me: they expect bells to ring and whistles to blow. But my anatomy is no different from any other woman's. I don't live up to expectations.
  • Husbands are mostly good lovers when they betray their wives.
  • The body is meant to be seen, not hidden.
  • If you can make a girl laugh, then you can make her do anything.
  • Men who think that a woman's past love interests diminish her love for them are usually stupid and weak.
  • A true lover is the man who is able to excite a woman simply by touching her head or smiling while looking into her eyes. Or just staring into space.

Do you have any favorite Marilyn Monroe quotes?

The question of what kind of women men love is a popular topic of discussion in women's circles and men's conversations. All representatives of the stronger sex have tastes and preferences, but there is something that forms a general trend.

What guides men in choosing a woman, how important appearance is and what an ideal partner is from the point of view of male psychology - we will consider in this article.

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What kind of women do men love?

What do men like in women? What qualities are a priority and always arouse sympathy and interest among the stronger sex?

  • tenderness, the ability to love and show love;
  • attractive appearance;
  • femininity, softness;
  • sexuality;
  • intelligence;
  • sense of humor;
  • mystery and mystery.

Most of the listed characteristics (character qualities, personality) are not decisive when meeting and on the first date, but are considered decisive when living together and in a long-term relationship.

Men “love with their eyes” and this is a key factor when dating.

Therefore, let’s dwell in more detail on the appearance. What do men love in women, what is the psychology of choice? What do you pay attention to first? What catches your eye? After all, what kind of women do men want?

What figure?

Which girls does the stronger sex prefer first? What kind of figure do men like? Many people think that men love women with a certain body type. But this is a misconception and in reality everything is different.

A feminine figure is good, but even if a girl has a different type, you can look impressive and cause admiration from the male sex. For this there are stylists, fashion designers and all sorts of tricks in choosing a wardrobe. Representatives of the fair sex, with the help of well-chosen clothing, can create balance for any type of figure, compensate for shortcomings and highlight advantages.

No matter how hard everyone tries to lose weight, kilograms are not so decisive. The main thing is proportions and shapes! This is what makes a man’s gaze flash when he sincerely and with pleasure admires a woman’s body.

Types of female figures

Little ones

The male gender does not consider the height parameter as something that can be decisive when choosing. Some may be attracted to tall partners, while others may be embarrassed and put off. There are also those men who stop their gaze at those who are 4–5 centimeters shorter.

Why do men love small women? This happens due to the fact that smaller women want to be protected, protected, looked after. While all tall women look more self-sufficient and capable of taking care of themselves. This reaction is explained by psychological factors and is not typical for all representatives of the stronger sex; it all depends on character and preferences. Men love tall and short men equally, no one is left out of attention.


There are a lot of debates around the topic of whether men love fat women. But statistics say that men love women with curves, even if they have a couple of extra pounds. The nature of the male sex is such that all sensations come down to sensory ones, that is, to the desire to touch and feel.

No matter how flatteringly they speak about thin and slender women, not all men love women of this type.

Men with refined, aristocratic taste love graceful women; they are attracted to just this type. The tastes of the stronger sex are varied, and there is always a corresponding female representative for everyone.

With long hair or short

If you ask a man to dream and draw an image of an ideal woman in his head, it turns out that in most cases the image of a girl with long hair will emerge. Why do men love long hair on women? Hair is an extension of her, her protection, and has always been a manifestation of femininity.

But men can also love women with a stylish, extravagant hairstyle that emphasizes her cheerful, mischievous character. No matter how long your hair is, it should look well-groomed and shine with health. In this case, hair will always be a decoration, a highlight of a woman.

Is smell important?

Smell is actually decisive when choosing a partner, although this fact is not always recognized by the stronger sex. Although at the same time he is literally intoxicated by a woman’s aroma and is ready to do anything just to spend time with the woman he likes.

It turns out that for a man to lose his head over a woman's scent, it just has to suit him. And we are not talking about perfumes here.

Whatever scent a girl chooses, first of all she should smell clean. Body odor is considered ideal after a shower, when your own aromas are not interrupted by sweat.

Why do men love the smell of a woman? You can judge a woman’s health by smell, plus aromas have a stimulating effect on a partner. If the perfume is an organic continuation of the girl, then harmony will arise with her own scent and even enhance the effect.

The ideal woman - what is she like?

The concept of “ideal woman” often appears in men’s conversations. What kind of ideal woman is she through the eyes of the stronger sex? Which women do men love first?

The answer is simple:

  • beautiful;
  • Thoughtful;
  • smart;
  • sexy;
  • feminine;
  • confident;
  • stylish;
  • positive;
  • with a sense of humor;
  • cheerful;
  • tender.

Most women have all these qualities. What then is the secret and difficulty of finding that ideal one? And the fact that it is important to be able to harmoniously combine all the listed qualities and not overdo it with any of them. For example, such a quality as confidence. Here we are not talking about narcissism and increased self-esteem. But more about the fact that a woman really evaluates herself, her abilities, values ​​​​this and broadcasts it to the world.

Features of male psychology

Men are very different, and what is called “male psychology” is a generalized and largely conditional category. For most representatives of the stronger sex, patterns of intersexual behavior will be similar. However, you should not force yourself into the framework of conventions: you should always understand that the man you like may be different from the majority.

Do they like to kiss?

This question is asked by most women. Do men like to kiss? If so, why? Men love almost everything, receiving maximum pleasure from a kiss. A kiss is a pleasant and even useful thing, and also serves as a small prelude to sex. During the kiss, you can evaluate your partner and even dream about what she will be like in bed, which further entices the stronger sex.

But there are exceptions here too. It would be unreasonable to prove the fact that all representatives of the stronger sex love to kiss. There are also those who do not find pleasure in this. Some either do not know how, or are afraid that this inability will become obvious. Others are simply shy, while others are generally squeamish. But according to statistics, there are few men who don’t like to kiss.

Which woman will he never let go?

The answer does not provide for any one standard or benchmark. What kind of woman will a man never let go? Next to whom he feels comfortable, next to whom he:

  • completely forgets about problems at work,
  • next to which inspiration arises;
  • motivation appears to implement, act, create.

A woman gives a man sensations by being nearby. It may not do anything special, but give the condition that the stronger sex so needs.

This is the secret of femininity, for which experts so want to find the right words, but feminine energy cannot be listed by components. This is a special state in which feelings, emotions, skills, respect, love for oneself and for the male sex are intertwined. Some women are naturally like this, but many try to learn it.

Answering the question “Which woman will a man never forget?”, psychology proceeds from the fact that the emotions experienced by a person are remembered for a long time. And a man will not forget the one who aroused a storm of passions in him, with whom he experienced excitement and adrenaline, next to whom it was always different and fun. Yes, he will remember this one for a long time, but it is not a fact that this is exactly what he needs for his whole life.

Why do men like to look at women's buttocks?

On a woman's fifth point you can often see a masculine, penetrating gaze. And this is not without reason. There have been numerous experiments where they showed photographs of women in profile with an arched back and convex buttocks and without such an effect. And of course, almost everyone’s attention was absorbed by the beautiful buttocks.

So, why do men like to look at women’s buttocks, do you know? It all comes down to natural instincts.

Historically, women with wide hips could easily carry and give birth to a child. As a result, a man could count on a larger number of heirs. Until now, representatives of the stronger sex evaluate female buttocks.

Do they like being jealous?

Have you ever thought about the question: “Do men love when they are jealous?” But this question cannot be answered unambiguously. Because the answer will depend on which side you look at men’s attitude towards jealousy.

Of course, any man's ego will be satisfied, he will proudly turn up his nose as soon as he sees signs of jealousy. But this is only one side of the coin. No one can cancel a man’s love for a girl who is confident in herself and knows her worth. Sometimes, with such self-confidence, feelings flare up in the stronger sex with renewed vigor. After all, jealousy is a manifestation of mistrust. And if there is no jealousy, they trust you, then such a woman will receive respect, admiration and the warmest feelings along with gratitude.

Why do some people prefer older partners?

There are many marriages in life when the partner is younger than his chosen one. And such unions are often strong and long-lasting. Many girls of the same age, observing this trend, ask the question: “Why do men love older women?” And here everything is explained simply.

Sometimes men are driven by the desire to be close to a wise and experienced woman, a kind of teacher. But often such partners were deprived of maternal affection in childhood and now look for this in their companion, instinctively choosing an older one. If you understand this psychological aspect, it becomes obvious why men prefer older women.

Useful video

So what kind of women do men love? 4 important points based on the opinions of men, see the following video:


  1. Representatives of the stronger sex are all different, just like their tastes. Some of them go crazy about plump people, others pay attention to skinny ones.
  2. It is known that mostly men prefer women of the “average type”. And the more a girl’s external data deviates in one direction or another, the greater difficulties she faces when choosing a partner.
  3. You shouldn't focus on appearance. It is important to understand your partner, strive to build harmonious relationships, then the question of what kind of women men love will not worry so much. Men love women who love men.

Tender and affectionate, passionate, soft and expansive, sensual and militant, feminine - all this is a woman, so different and unpredictable.

But why do some women attract men with just one look, while others are not successful among men? We will try to figure this out in our article.

As for appearance, as we know, “there is no friend according to taste.” It all depends on the individual preferences of the man.

Some like brunettes, others like blondes, others like brown-haired women, and others like fiery redheads. Some are crazy about slender and long-legged girls, while others like donuts.

It is worth noting that there are no certain canons of what a woman should be, there are no certain standards.

What matters is not so much your appearance, but the ability to behave and present yourself correctly, to interest a man so that he pays attention to you.

Therefore, you should not rely only on your appearance - you need to work on the inner content of your soul. It is worth remembering that not every beautiful woman is attractive.

Attractiveness and beauty are two completely different elements that complement each other and make a woman irresistible. Some women have natural magnetism and attractiveness, but for some this comes through the process of constant and continuous work on themselves. We will share with you what you need to pay attention to in our article.

Be confident and men will be drawn to you

It is worth noting that most men try to stay away from women with low self-esteem. Such women do not like themselves, do not believe in themselves and, first of all, do not respect themselves. They have accepted terrible treatment because they don't believe anyone can treat them well. And if a woman does not have self-esteem, then others will not respect her.

It is worth noting that men value faithful and devoted women with self-esteem, who do not allow themselves to be wiped out and overstepped.

A confident woman with a free, confident gait and a light smile on her lips will not leave any man’s heart indifferent.

Women who confidently stand their ground and justify their opinions in a polite and mannered manner are popular among men.

At the same time, men don’t like self-confident women who won’t put a price on themselves. No man will want to be next to such a woman; he will simply feel flawed and inferior.

Men are not attracted to complex women. A lady should be moderately relaxed and free. Real men like sexy, but not vulgar women.

Look chic in any situation

There is an opinion that men do not like it when their woman stands out from the crowd and, thus, attracts the attention of others, especially other men. Of course, our lives are not without this, but still, most men love it when their woman is not like everyone else, whom they admire and do not take their eyes off.

A woman should always look breathtaking. All men love women who take care of themselves. A woman should always look charming and attract attention. Only those men who are not confident in themselves and are afraid that they will fight for his girlfriend hold the opposite opinion.

Don't be afraid to take the first step

Many women who succeed in relationships do not follow generally accepted rules and deviate from the standards. They are able to take the first step and be the first to talk to a man. Some men like this and pay attention to such a woman. Moreover, some men are modest and are not able to take the first step towards meeting a woman. But you should be guided by the situation - after all, some men, on the contrary, may be frightened off by such persistence.

There must be a mystery in a woman

Men are attracted to mystery girls who have their own secret that still needs to be solved. But it is worth remembering that there is a fine line between mystery and secrecy that should not be crossed. Most men prefer open, sociable and cheerful women, but coldness, on the contrary, repels them.

Be yourself

Attractive women don't play games with men, they know what they want and don't pretend to be something they're not. You need to be honest and frank with a man. Don't try to look better than you are.

Showing feminine weakness is useful

You shouldn’t be a feminist and show your extra independence; let a man pay for himself in a restaurant and throw a coat over your shoulders. Show weakness - men love it. Show your man your feminine vulnerability, but not your weak character. Make your man feel needed and irreplaceable. Remember, a woman's strength is in her weakness.

Clothes and perfume will do the trick

Clothes should highlight all your advantages and show your individuality and sense of style. Perfume is very important; the pleasant flying scent of a woman will not leave any man indifferent and will make him turn around and pay attention to her.

Such illogical men

It is known that most men try to avoid women who:

  • they talk a lot and don't talk at all;
  • eat a lot and are obsessed with their external weight;
  • too abstruse and stupid;
  • very noisy and too modest.

Although these points contradict each other, this is the truth, because the only solution is the golden mean, which, as we know, should be in everything.

A few more tips

  • Men like women who have their own hobbies and interests.
  • Men love women who do not judge men by their wallet size, car brand, career or reputation and then try to do everything in their power to make her happy.
  • Men prefer women who are active and energetic, with a strong position in life, who know what they want.
  • Stand out from the crowd, be individual and unique.
  • Be a flirt and it will not leave anyone indifferent.
  • The voice is also important - sweet and sexy, quiet, muffled, soft and low. Play with your voice.
  • A woman should be different, at the same moment, always remain herself.
  • Normal men do not pay attention to easily accessible women with provocative appearance.
  • Be calm and confident, natural, pleasant, cheerful and carefree.

Be yourself and your true love will find you. If a man doesn't like you for who you are, then this man is not for you.

Anyone who is not on friendly terms with his natural shell and with what was given to him from birth, as a rule, is irritated and dissatisfied. Painfully rheumatic and sad. He doesn't know how to love anyone but himself.

Why do I need all this? This is an imaginary suffering, this pose that supposedly elevates me in my suffering aura of chosenness. I don't like complaining!

I love being a hostess!

This is probably the first reason why I like being a woman. Women have been housewives from the very beginning, since cave times. Keepers of the hearth. I like to be the master of my life. Arrange everything according to your taste, image and likeness. Change the space around and inside. And see, feel how it changes under the influence of my thoughts, actions, movements.

I love to be attractive!

I love to be liked! And I’m not at all ashamed to spin in front of the mirror and be drawn to new clothes. Because I know the price of all this.

And no matter how much all these little details of creating my unique, charming appearance actually cost, their real price is immeasurable. She is in my harmonious self-awareness of her relevance.

It’s like hypnosis, to which you involuntarily succumb, feeling more confident, more significant. Like an extension of the sky, the sun, the world, I feel like a drop of dew on the beautiful flower of life.

Oh, how nice it is in the spring, putting on some breathtakingly thin blouse and short skirt, skillfully exposing the most attractive places, throwing an airy web of some mysterious aroma, moving along St. Petersburg with the light gait of Venus, breathing in perfumes and mists, and seeing, more precisely feel with peripheral vision how they all fall in amazement, struck by my unearthly beauty, sweet charm and slight unobtrusiveness of perfection.

I like that I can allow myself to be weak!

Inconsistent, eccentric, frivolous, fickle, such as life itself is. It seems to me that, due to her flexibility, a woman is the most vivid embodiment of the unpredictable course of life. She is like a stream that never stands still, but flows, flows somewhere, changeably beautiful in its newness.

I like to compose!

No one can afford to fantasize as much as a woman. I can write in such a way that no science fiction writer could even dream of. Fantasize about your own life and the lives of your relatives.

And now the despondency, pessimism, and apathy disappear somewhere. Because at one fine moment all my fantasies somehow magically turn into reality. Can you imagine? I am my own magician. A fairy who knows how to transform reality only with the power of her imagination.

I'm easy going!

I myself am easy-going and easily suggestible; if I like something, I get carried away by it and easily enter into new relationships and tune in to a new round of life. I have a lot of mobility, like water, a river that always needs to run somewhere.

And even if I am held back by the shackles of my family, I am easy-going and will lift everyone around me off the couch if necessary. Because there are so many new and interesting things around. And I want to do everything, go everywhere. And I am not ashamed of my curiosity, nor my enthusiasm, nor my ability to have my own opinion about everything.

I need to participate in life, I can’t stand inaction and lack of interest in the events that are unfolding before my eyes. That's why I'm easy-going. I change and open my arms to the wind blowing in my face.

I love being a mother!

Long before the very fact of motherhood, I am already ready for this great mission inherent in me by nature, I love animals and small creatures, I strive to give my love to the world, because this is where my thirst for motherhood manifests itself. Warm, protect, feed, fence.

And when a little person, my child, really appears in my life, there is no happier creature in the world than me. Motherhood is a special magnificent state of my high significance on earth. You can't compare it with anything.

When a small, defenseless creature that was once you suddenly separates from you and becomes an independent unit of the universe. And you have a direct connection to this.

This is a magnificent state of all-consuming love. A priori, unconditional love that does not depend on anything. She is. It’s just there and that’s all, and you become happy just because you experience it.

I love to love!

I know the feeling of love that does not depend on anything. Complete and selfless surrender to a loved one, regardless of whether he is great or deserved, rich or advanced.

I just can love him for nothing. For what he is. For the fact that he is like this, for the fact that my heart is filled with incomprehensible warm currents of an incomparable feeling.

Only I can do this. I can forgive and understand and feel as deeply as no living creature in the world can. It seems to you that all this looks like narcissism. Don't know.

I like not to hide my feelings!

A woman can allow herself to cry and laugh, express emotions violently and not put on strict masks and stony facial expressions. She can afford it and does it with pleasure!

Because she is sensitive and empathetic, because she knows how to appreciate beauty and is able to feel the most subtle shades of feelings. What is strong in a woman is not the logic of the mind, but the logic of feeling. The soul, heart, subtle movements of internal states, which she feels almost on a physical level, are accessible only to a woman.

She is a specialist in dowsing and intuition. She sensitively captures the psychological state of another person by some tiny, barely noticeable movements and details. She feels the mood of the audience as soon as she enters the room, as if she has a nose for it.

After reading this, are you still sad because you are a woman? Then we go to you!

I found this note:) Well, it’s like it’s about me! And whoever says it’s not about me simply doesn’t know me!

There are women who carry their heavy female cross, like eternal torment or punishment, and cry, and weep, and curse their fate. Being irritated and having a complex, comparing oneself with men and getting upset by this comparison. Because it, as a rule, turns out not to be in their favor.

She who is not on friendly terms with her natural shell and with what was given to her from birth is often irritated and dissatisfied. Why all this made-up suffering? I like being a Woman! I'm happy that I'm a woman!

I love being a hostess!

This is probably the first reason why I like being a woman. Women have been housewives from the very beginning, since cave times. Keepers of the hearth. I like to be the master of my life. Arrange everything according to your taste, image and likeness. Change the space around and inside. And see, feel how it changes under the influence of my thoughts, actions, movements.

I like to create comfort and decorate my home, my life, my appearance. This is genetically embedded in me. The keeper of the hearth, which cannot be eradicated by any newfangled detergents of emancipation. And that's great.

And if sometimes I don’t have time to change and equip my home, I don’t have enough money and time for this, then I will never give up arranging my workplace, my career, my environment.

I keep finding new things to do. Even if I don't realize it. And I like it, as if I am responsible for what happens around me. What kind of people surround me, how they behave, how they say, what they eat, what they argue about.

There is, perhaps, not a single area of ​​life that would not interest me from the point of view of my active intervention. I actively change the life around me.

I love to be attractive!

Arouse desire. Sometimes even a burning desire. It just turns me on when I can drive someone crazy, so much so that they are speechless and stand like a ram, looking at me like a new gate, and not daring to raise their eyes.

A man will never understand why a woman devotes so much time to her appearance. It wastes a lot of effort, money, and nerve cells. For this very moment - so that someone, looking at her, would lose their head.

Do you think this is how the desire for power manifests itself? Perhaps... But it’s so sweet for me to realize this strange power over him, a strong and independent man.

I love to be liked! And I’m not at all ashamed to spin in front of the mirror and get excited about new outfits. Because I know the price of all this.

And no matter how much all these little details of creating my unique, charming appearance actually cost, their real price is immeasurable. She is in my harmonious self-awareness of her relevance. It's like hypnosis, which you involuntarily succumb to, feeling more confident and significant. Like an extension of the sky, the sun, the world, I feel like a drop of dew on the beautiful flower of life.

Oh, how nice it is in the spring, putting on some breathtakingly thin blouse and short skirt, skillfully exposing the most attractive places, throwing an airy web of some mysterious aroma, moving along the street with the light gait of Venus, breathing in perfumes and mists, and seeing, more precisely feel with peripheral vision how they all fall in amazement, struck by my unearthly beauty, sweet charm and slight unobtrusiveness of perfection.

I like that I can allow myself to be weak!

Inconsistent, eccentric, frivolous, fickle, such as life itself is. It seems to me that, due to her flexibility, a woman is the most vivid embodiment of the unpredictable course of life. She is like a stream that never stands still, but flows, flows somewhere, changeably beautiful in its newness.

It is easy for her to adapt, just as easy to rebuild, she can live in unbearable conditions and at the same time manages, imagine, not to break down. But just bend and become even more flexible.

I like to allow myself this, no one hangs over me, no one says that I should be strong, persistent, reliable, reinforced concrete. And I'm not trying to be one. With a clear conscience, I allow myself to be weak and enjoy it.

Because only he can be considered truly strong who allows himself to be weak. That's why I'm so happy! I am not interested in the rigid laws of duty and order. Which men invented for themselves, trying to subordinate the whole world and their whole life to them.

I allow myself to be spontaneous and changeable, intertwining with the rhythm and style of the era, time, life, day, minute. In a way that no one can do. I allow myself to be myself! Not obeying the laws of force.

I like to compose!

No one can afford to fantasize as much as a woman. I can write in such a way that no science fiction writer could even dream of. Fantasize about your own life and the lives of your relatives.

For example, we live in some conditions that are far from perfect with people who are also far from perfect. The harsh truth of life can make someone go crazy and fall into despondency and apathy. And I can afford to color it all with the amazing, incomparable rainbow colors of my rich imagination.....

And now the despondency, pessimism, and apathy disappear somewhere. Because at one fine moment all my fantasies somehow magically turn into reality. Can you imagine? I am my own magician. A fairy who knows how to transform reality only with the power of her imagination.

(ends on next page)

  • I like being a Woman! Part 2. >
First of all, thank you all so much for taking the time to answer!!!

Vladimir Vitalievich, I don’t like being a woman when I look at myself through the eyes of men or guess what they think about us: for example, when men look at women as a sexual object or when they like women’s “claws”, I am embarrassed by them tastes and their perception of us. Roughly speaking, in order for them to like me, I need to get a hypersexual manicure...? I would like to feel feminine in a different way. On the one hand, I am embarrassed to do such a manicure, it is unacceptable for me, but on the other hand, I need their attention. Those. The question is that a feminine woman doesn’t even need to have her nails done to be attractive, and I don’t have natural femininity.
You hit the nail on the head about the parents. I have an incomprehensible situation with my mother - I avoid her, i.e. I don’t like talking to her on the phone at all (my parents are in another city), I don’t know what to talk to her about, I often don’t pick up the phone. I never call myself, except to congratulate her on her birthday. And this happened relatively recently. I’ve been racking my brains for about 2 years now, why I’m so distant from her and don’t like talking to her, I don’t tell her anything at all, i.e. Her very call itself causes me PHYSICAL discomfort, like at an appointment with a gynecologist - to quickly get checked and run away. Exactly the same feeling. As a child, it was as if she didn’t exist. Those. she was, but she never spoke to me, i.e. I don’t remember this, I don’t remember her at all, although she was almost a housewife and was always somewhere, but she seemed to always be silent... and it seems to me that she never kissed me. Now yes, but then no. I had an excellent relationship with my dad, he talked to me as a child, always took care of me, he loved spending time with children. Although I don’t call my dad either. I think I don't like them at all.

Lesya Nikolaevna, I don’t have hormonal disorders, I hope, if you had in mind any inclinations towards preferring women. Those. I have no attraction to women, that’s for sure; on the contrary, a man’s body seems more attractive to me than a woman’s. And the question is that I don’t even understand how men can like a woman’s body... How can a woman like a woman’s body if she has funny breasts and if she can get fat, and in general it’s different. Those. I have some kind of mistrust in the fact that someone can personally like me, although I watch my figure. Those. a man looks natural, and a woman is usually some kind of half-artificial creature drawn. I had experience communicating with a man for a couple of months, but there was no sex, we were just friends, but we broke up later because I couldn’t believe that he liked me. It seems to me that love does not exist.

I don’t want to burden you too much, I think I should go for a consultation.
Thank you for your answers and concern for our problems!


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