Mobile Internet without traffic restrictions. Unlimited Internet from MTS, Beeline, MegaFon and Yota

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It so happened that the concept unlimited Internet has become a fashionable slogan that each of the mobile operators uses to attract customers, often putting into it a meaning that is very far from the original one. Let's try to figure out how real unlimited differs radically from the tariffs that are usually offered to clients in communication stores.

Even a person who has never studied English understands perfectly well that the fashionable word unlim (unlim - unlimited) means unlimited, that is, having no restrictions, most likely no restrictions at all. In relation to the Internet, this should mean this:

  • no restrictions on daily or monthly traffic volume
  • no restrictions on data reception and transmission speeds
  • no restrictions on the type of traffic
  • no restrictions on distribution, that is, the real number of traffic consumers
  • no restrictions on the type of equipment (2G, 3G, 4G (LTE) standards)
  • lack of time frames during which you can use the Internet without restrictions
One of the important points is the operation of the SIM card outside the home region. Typically, true unlimited Internet involves working without roaming throughout Russia, sometimes with the exception of certain regions (Far East, Crimea).

Naturally, the physical speed limitations associated with the standard used, the equipment of the receiving and transmitting sides, and the capacity of the stations have not been canceled. This, by the way, leads to restrictions on the maximum amount of data, but they are very large, usually hundreds of gigabytes per day.

Alas, during advertising campaigns it is often forgotten that the advertised tariff satisfies only two, or at most three, of the specified conditions. And what is presented as Internet without restrictions may well not meet the client’s expectations, especially if he did not read the tariff description very carefully or did not ask the seller the necessary questions. A typical example is the reduction in speed to 64 kbit after the 10 GB limit has been used. It seems that there is no speed limit (until the client goes beyond the limit), and there is also a volume limit (if you have patience, download further), but few users will like this “unlimited” option.

Operators also have other interesting moves - night unlimited and unlimited promotions for two weeks or a month. For example, MTS and Beeline in a number of regions promoted shareware unlimited 4G Internet within a certain time interval. In principle, it is very convenient in areas with good coverage. But not everyone was happy - 4G reception is poor in some places, and there are strict restrictions on 3G, and the need to look for other options after the end of the promotion also worries many.

Another notable example is the Yota operator. Many perceive his decisions as promising and profitable. It is quite possible that this is exactly the case. But Yota provides unlimited internet of various types at different tariffs. Each type of such unlimited service contains restrictions either by speed, or by type of traffic, or by device type, or by standard (3G/4G). The most profitable and popular tariff - Yota unlimited internet for a smartphone today cannot be connected at all in regular communication stores.

Of course, this does not mean that it is impossible to connect to real unlimited Internet. But its prices are not as low as many would like. And operators usually do not give full guarantees that tariff conditions will not change in the future, despite the fact that some tariffs have been working for years without serious disruptions or significant changes. However, there are tariffs on the market that may well compete with wired Internet, especially where it is poorly developed.

Considering the emergence on the market of truly inexpensive mobile 4G routers, which make it possible to literally carry the Internet with you and the ease of changing providers, unprecedented for wired Internet, we can consider the prospects for unlimited mobile Internet as very encouraging. It is quite possible that in just a few years the dominance of wired technologies in the field of high-speed unlimited Internet will come to an end.

For a long time, there were no offers on the cellular communications market with unlimited Internet without restrictions on traffic and speed. Once upon a time, almost all operators had similar offers, but over time they became unavailable for connection and unlimited Internet without any restrictions became something unrealistic. In 2016, subscribers finally had the opportunity to use the mobile Internet without worrying about the amount of traffic spent. At first, this opportunity was provided by the Yota operator, and then unlimited Internet appeared at Beeline, MTS and MegaFon.

When we say unlimited, we mean that there are no restrictions on the speed and volume of traffic consumed. Operators also call unlimited those offers that include a certain traffic package, after which, after exhaustion, the speed of Internet access drops. It turns out that the subscriber actually receives unlimited Internet, but it is of little use, since after using up the available traffic package, the speed will drop to an extremely low value.

As part of this review, we will look at tariffs and options that provide unlimited mobile Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. Yota, Beeline, MTS and MegaFon currently have such offers. We will make a detailed review of all offers and try to determine the best one. It is now quite possible to connect to unlimited Internet, but you should not hope that it will be the same as before. Unfortunately, there were no restrictions at all.

Unlimited Internet on Beeline

For a long time, unlimited mobile Internet was available only from the Yota operator, but it does not have such a large customer base as Beeline, MegaFon and MTS, and therefore there was not much noise around this offer, although it also deserves attention and we will return to it later . As for the big three, Beeline was the first to offer unlimited Internet. Postpaid tariffs of the “Everything” line include mobile Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. Postpaid tariffs differ from prepaid ones in that they provide the opportunity to first use communication services and then pay. Most often, you can switch to such tariffs at the Beeline office. Unlimited Beeline Internet on postpaid “Everything” tariffs is available as part of a promotion that has been extended several times and is still valid to this day.

Beeline decided not to stop at postpaid tariffs with unlimited mobile Internet and opened the “#EVERYTHING” tariff plan for connection, which provides for an advance payment method. There is also a tariff plan with unlimited Internet for tablets. So far, Beeline has three active offers with unlimited Internet.

  • Tariffs “Everything” postpaid;
  • Tariff “Everything is possible”;
  • Tariff “Unlimited for tablet”.

Tariffs have a number of differences and features, so you should consider them separately.

Postpaid tariffs “Everything” with unlimited internet

Postpaid tariffs of the “Everything” line differ in the size of the subscription fee and the volume of service packages, but they all provide unlimited Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. The most popular is. We have already done a detailed review of this tariff plan and recommend that you familiarize yourself with it. Here we provide brief information on the tariff.

The “All for 500” postpaid tariff includes:

  • Monthly subscription fee - 500 rubles;
  • Unlimited calls to Beeline numbers throughout Russia;
  • 600 minutes for calls to numbers of other operators;
  • 300 SMS messages;
  • Unlimited Internet with unlimited traffic quota.

As you can see, in addition to unlimited Internet, the tariff plan provides unlimited calls to Beeline numbers at home and when traveling around Russia, as well as impressive packages of minutes and SMS. All this is wonderful, but there are some pitfalls here. The subscriber actually gets the opportunity to use the Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas, but subject to certain conditions.

“Everything” postpaid tariffs are characterized by the following features:

  1. If a phone with a SIM card is used as a modem or Wi-Fi hotspot, Internet access is limited. The restrictions are comparable to a complete shutdown of the Internet.
  2. The tariff plan cannot be used on modems, routers, or even tablets. Unlimited mobile internet is available only for phones.
  3. The tariff provides for a speed limit for downloading from file-sharing networks. That is, you will not be able to download files through torrent clients.
  4. In the document with a detailed description of the tariff plan, you can find a clause that states that the operator does not guarantee Internet speed in case of network load. In fact, at any time your network access speed can be reduced and you will be referred to this point.
  5. On tariffs of the “Everything” line with a postpaid payment system, the “Internet for everything” service is not available. Let us remind you that this service is intended for distributing the Internet to other subscribers (not via Wi-Fi).

Undoubtedly, the shortcomings are very significant and greatly spoil the impression of the tariff. However, Beeline has other offers with unlimited Internet, although they are also far from ideal.

Tariff “#everything is possible”

The tariff plan appeared quite recently. Many argue that this is a response to MTS, which has opened the “Smart Unlimited” tariff plan for connection, which is superior in many respects to the “Everything” postpaid tariffs. It is difficult to say whether this tariff is the best and the opinions of subscribers in this regard differ greatly. We invite you to read the tariff description and then decide what is best for you.

The daily fee is 10 rubles for the first month. From the second month, the subscription fee rises to 13 rubles. per day for most regions of Russia and 20 rubles. for Moscow and Moscow region. The cost of switching to the tariff is 100 rubles. The tariff is not the cheapest and for this fee you should expect a lot from it.

The tariff can be everything Beeline includes:

  • Unlimited mobile Internet throughout Russia without speed or traffic limitations;
  • Unlimited calls to Beeline Russia subscribers;
  • 100 minutes (in most regions) or 250 minutes (Moscow and Moscow region) to all networks in the home region and Beeline Russia phones;
  • 100 SMS (in most regions) or 250 SMS (Moscow and Moscow region) to numbers in your home region.

If you compare the “#everything is possible” tariff with the “Everything for 500” postpaid tariff, then the second one looks more attractive, as it includes more impressive service packages. As for the Internet, the “EVERYTHING is possible” tariff has almost similar conditions. The tariff plan appeared quite recently and not all of its features are known yet. Below are a number of tariff disadvantages that have been officially confirmed. Unofficial information (subscriber reviews) suggests many other shortcomings.

The “#EVERYTHING is possible” tariff has the following disadvantages:

Such conditions are typical for the “#EVERYTHING” tariff. As you can see, there are a lot of pitfalls here and it’s difficult to call this tariff plan ideal. However, ideal tariffs do not exist at all. If you are a fan of Beeline, then it has another offer with unlimited internet.

Tariff “Unlimited for tablet”

The rates described above are for telephone. If you need unlimited Internet for a tablet, then Beeline has an offer specifically for these devices. provides mobile Internet without traffic quota and speed restrictions. A distinctive feature of the tariff plan is that it does not have protocol restrictions. That is, when downloading files from file-sharing networks (torrents), the Internet speed will not change. So far, this is the only tariff with unlimited Internet that does not have a restriction on downloading file-sharing networks. However, this is where its advantages end.

The subscription fee for the tariff is 890 rubles. per month (Moscow and Moscow region). Packages of minutes and SMS are completely absent. In fact, you only pay for unlimited Internet. Moreover, by default The tariff does not provide the ability to make calls or send messages at all. Activation of voice communications and SMS messaging services is possible only upon concluding a written contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone services. The conclusion of an agreement is possible at any Beeline sales office.

As for the disadvantages, everything here is similar to the tariffs described earlier, with the exception of the absence of restrictions on torrents. It is worth adding that on the “Unlimited for Tablet” tariff plan, the “Highway” options, as well as promotions and other bonus programs that give discounts on Internet traffic, are not available for connection. Another disadvantage is that despite the high subscription fee, the tariff does not include communication service packages.

Unlimited Internet on MTS

MTS provides subscribers with only one tariff plan with unlimited Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. This does not mean that MTS lags behind Beeline in terms of unlimited Internet. MTS does not have a separate tariff for a tablet or a tariff plan with a postpaid payment system. Available not only on phones, but also on tablets. As for the use of the tariff in the modem, there is also a limitation in this regard. But “Smart Unlimited” does not provide for restrictions on distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi and using the phone as a modem. By removing this limitation, MTS stood out favorably against other operators. However, there are some pitfalls here too.

The “Smart Unlimited” tariff includes:

  • Unlimited Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas;
  • Unlimited calls to MTS numbers throughout Russia;
  • 200 minutes to numbers of all networks in your region;
  • 200 SMS messages to numbers of all networks in your region.

Packages of minutes and SMS are small. Few people worry about SMS, but there may not be enough minutes and then you will have to pay extra. Calls to MTS Russia numbers are also included in the 200-minute package. Only after the package is exhausted, calls to MTS outside your home region become free, but you will have to pay for calls to mobile phones of other operators in your home region. As you can see, everything here is very confusing and tricky. There are also quite a lot of tricks regarding the Internet. The subscription fee in most regions is 12.90 rubles. per day. Subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region pay 12.90 rubles for the first month. per day, and from the second month 19 rubles per day.

Of course, the Smart Unlimited tariff has its drawbacks, and there are quite a lot of them. The most unpleasant thing is that the list of shortcomings regularly increases. This is not because we did not identify them in a timely manner. The fact is that since the time of MTS, tariff conditions have been changing and a similar phenomenon is typical for all operators. Below is a list of shortcomings that are relevant today.

Disadvantages of the “Smart Unlimited” tariff:

  1. A SIM card with the “Smart Unlimited” tariff connected cannot be used in a modem or router. Is it possible to bypass this limitation? Yes, it is possible, but it is not easy to do. We have already written about that.
  2. The “Smart Unlimited” tariff is characterized by a restriction on downloading from file-sharing networks (torrents). If you try, these restrictions can be circumvented.
  3. The document with a detailed description of the tariff indicates that it is possible to limit the speed of Internet access in case of heavy load on the network. All operators providing tariffs with unlimited Internet insure themselves with this review.

We have devoted a whole series of articles to this tariff plan. If you believe the reviews of visitors, then the tariff has a lot of disadvantages. However, we believe that this is relevant for all operators. It is hardly worth counting on the fact that mobile Internet without any restrictions will ever appear again.

Unlimited Internet on MegaFon

MegaFon does not have a separate tariff plan with unlimited Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas, but it does have a special “MegaUnlimited” option. Access option for connection on “All inclusive” tariffs. As with other tariffs, the MegaUnlimit option provides for a number of restrictions. The subscription fee depends on the region and tariff plan.

As an example, we present data relevant for Moscow and the region. So, on the “MegaFon - All Inclusive L, XL” tariffs within the “MegaUnlimit” option it will cost 5 rubles per day. If you use the “MegaFon - All Inclusive M” or “Warm Welcome M” tariffs, then the daily fee will be 7 rubles. For tariff plans of the “MegaFon - All Inclusive S” and “Warm Welcome S” line, the price is 9 rubles. If you have the MegaFon All Inclusive VIP tariff activated, then the MegaUnlimited option will be provided to you free of charge.

Features of the “MegaUnlimit” option:

  • The option is only available on phones, smartphones and tablets. You cannot use the option in a modem or router.
  • The use of torrent resources and wi-fi tethering is limited. That is, when you try to download a file through a torrent client, the speed will drop to an extremely low value. Distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi will also not work.
  • The option only applies within your home region.
  • The option is available for connection to subscribers in all regions except Taimyr MR, Norilsk, Magadan Region, Kamchatka Territory, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Many will think that MegaFon lags behind its competitors in terms of unlimited Internet, but in fact this is not the case. Unlimited Internet without speed or traffic restrictions has long been provided by MegaFon's subsidiary Yota. If you want to activate the “MegaUnlimit” option, dial the command * 105 * 1153 # on your phone or send a blank SMS to 05001153.

Unlimited Internet from Yota

Yota offers quite attractive tariff conditions with unlimited mobile Internet. Many believe that this operator has too small a coverage area and is only available in large regions of the country. In fact Yota services are available wherever MegaFon has a connection, and this is a very impressive coverage area.

Provides very flexible tinctures. That is, you have the opportunity to independently choose the maximum Internet speed and cost. Yota does not have tariffs similar to those offered by MTS or Beeline. This operator offers to select the Internet for a specific device (phone, tablet, modem). First you need to decide on the device on which you will use the Internet, and then you yourself determine the optimal conditions for yourself.

Yota tariff for smartphones

The tariff for smartphones includes unlimited calls within the network and unlimited Internet. You set the package of minutes for calls to numbers of other operators yourself. The minimum tariff cost is 230 rubles per month. For this money you get:

  • Unlimited Internet (there are a number of restrictions, see below);
  • Unlimited calls to Yota numbers throughout Russia;
  • Unlimited SMS (for an additional fee of 50 rubles);
  • 100 minutes to numbers of other Russian operators.
  • If 100 minutes is not enough for you, you can increase the package to 300, 600, 900 or 1200 minutes. The larger the package of minutes, the more expensive the tariff.

Yota unlimited internet is designed for smartphones. If you need Internet for a tablet or modem, connect to tariffs specifically designed for these devices. You cannot use your smartphone as a modem or WI-FI access point. No one will block you for these actions, the Internet speed will simply be limited to 128 Kbps. You can also forget about using file-sharing networks, since the speed will be limited to 32 Kbps.

Yota tariff for tablet

If you need unlimited Internet for your tablet, then Yota has a special offer for such cases. The tablet tariff provides mobile Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. You have the opportunity to independently determine the period of Internet access. Internet for a day will cost you 50 rubles, for a month you will have to pay 590 rubles, and a year of high-speed Internet will cost 4,500 rubles. The prices are relevant for Moscow and the Moscow region; in other regions the subscription fee will be lower.

The tariff plan is valid throughout Russia. Packages of minutes and SMS are not provided within this tariff. The cost of outgoing calls within Russia to all numbers is 3.9 rubles. in a minute. A similar cost is set for outgoing SMS.

Of course, this was not entirely without restrictions. The Yota tariff includes a number of restrictions that make it less attractive.

The tariff is subject to the following restrictions:

  1. Unlimited Internet is provided for use on tablets only;
  2. When using a SIM card in modems or routers, the speed is limited to 64 Kbps;
  3. Downloading/distributing files in torrents is subject to a speed limit of up to 32 kbps;
  4. When distributing the Internet via WI-FI or using the tablet in modem mode, the speed is limited to 128 Kbps;
  5. When staying in Crimea and Sevastopol, special tariff conditions apply. For example, the cost of Internet is 9 rubles. for every 100 KB.

Yota tariff for modem

Today, only the Yota operator has unlimited Internet for a modem without speed limits and traffic quotas. The modem tariff also has flexible settings. You can choose between price and speed. If you need unlimited mobile Internet at maximum speed, then the subscription fee will be 1,400 rubles per month (Moscow and Moscow region). If this is too expensive for you, you can reduce the subscription fee by reducing the Internet speed. For example, Internet at a speed of 1 Mbit/s will cost 600 rubles per month. You can also connect to unlimited Internet for a day for 150 rubles or even for 2 hours for 50 rubles.

As for restrictions, there are none. You can use the tariff in a modem or router, distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi. We did not find any information about restrictions on downloading from file-sharing networks. So far this is the only tariff with unlimited mobile Internet that can be used in a modem or router. MTS and Beeline have long closed such tariffs and options for connection. In general, we can say that Yota is a good operator for the Internet, and if you fall within the coverage area of ​​​​this operator, then you definitely need to study its offers in detail.

Best deal

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to answer you which operator provides the best tariff with unlimited Internet. It all depends on the preferences of a particular person, and therefore opinions will differ. If you have read the entire review in full, then you already have an understanding that all proposals have shortcomings. Unfortunately, truly profitable offers have long been unavailable for connection.

Previously, unlimited Internet was provided without restrictions by Beeline, MTS and MegaFon, but over time the load on the network increased and operators considered such offers not profitable for themselves. No matter what they tell us, every operator always thinks first of all about profit, but not about the benefit of subscribers. All current tariffs with unlimited Internet are far from ideal, but we have no choice but to choose from what is available.

We tested all the tariffs listed in the article, but we will not impose anything specific on you, since there really is no better guess. You must choose the best option for yourself depending on your own preferences.

Today, unlimited Internet for a modem without traffic limitation is in significant demand among users. The main question in this case becomes how to choose the right operator that will provide unlimited Internet for a 4G modem. Depending on the specific operator, there are different Internet tariffs for a 4G modem.

When there are no restrictions

Many people believe that unlimited mobile Internet will allow them to be online unlimitedly for a specific fee. But if you analyze the tariffs, you can see that this is rare.

If you look at an advertisement for any operator, you begin to think that you only need to pay a specific amount - after that you can use the connection as much as you like. But in reality, it turns out that only unlimited access to social networks is provided if a USB modem is used. Therefore, “unlimited” is not always so unlimited.

Although, starting this year, operators met their subscribers halfway and began to introduce more tariffs without traffic restrictions. Let's look at them.

As technology develops, the conditions for using the Internet also change.

  • Firstly, you can use smartphone tariffs for your modem, because the operator there most often provides an unlimited number of gigabytes.
  • Secondly, now your smartphone can serve as a full-fledged modem device, if it is used correctly.

Detailed overview of tariffs


Megafon has two basic tariffs: Your Unlimited, where you can choose a convenient payment plan:

Rate Price, rub/month
For 6 months5000
For 12 months9000

These packages are suitable for modems, routers and tablets.

There is also an offer called Megafon Online, where the user is offered to pay as traffic is used. Here 1 MB is equal to 2.5 rubles.


MTS has the opportunity to connect to unlimited communications with the worldwide network 14 days after purchasing the modem. The fact is that the price of the device includes 60 GB for two weeks, and after that you can upgrade to a package with unlimited traffic and an Internet speed of 4 Mbit/sec. The cost of the service is 749 rubles.


For the modem, Beeline offers a tariff called “For Computer”, but it cannot boast of unlimited access to the network. The package includes 30 GB/month and night unlimited for 900 rubles/month.

“Unlim” is the main Beeline tariff with unlimited traffic. Its cost is 690 rubles/month. The package also includes 600 minutes of calls per month.

However, the updated line of tariffs of the operator “Family” allows you to distribute the Internet from your mobile to other devices, so the relevance of the modem itself is reduced.

Previously, Beeline offered the “EVERYTHING 3 for a computer” tariff so that you could use an LTE modem. It was possible to use it for 30 gigabytes at a cost of 900 rubles. monthly. At the same time, there is a Highway series. The terms and conditions can be viewed in the “Services” section directly on the official website. And of all the available offers, only when using two does LTE become accessible from a computer - these are Highways for 2 and 5 gigabytes. The price, respectively, is 100 and 200 rubles. every month.

Beeline also offers completely unlimited Internet 4G V. Of all the tariff plans for a 4G modem, this is the only one without any restrictions and its cost is 350 rubles. per day. In this case, payment is debited only on the days of use.


Tele2 provides one tariff with unlimited Internet - “Unlimited” at a price of 650 rubles/m. You can also activate the “20 GB” or “50 GB” option with unlimited Internet at night, the cost of the packages is 699 and 999 rubles/m.


Tariffs from Yota for such a device as with unlimited Internet can please many LTE users. At the same time, on the official website, the subscriber can independently set the cost based on the speed. The step is not very big, because if the subscriber lacks fifty rubles, he will still have the opportunity to connect a computer modem to the global network, but at a slightly low speed. There is a range of prices here. So, the speed is 10 Mbit/s. costs 1250 rub. per month, and the maximum (more than 15 Mbit/s) - 1,400 rubles. It’s profitable to rent for a year at maximum speed, because it turns out to be 9,000 rubles. in 12 months.

When choosing the optimal tariff, experts recommend focusing on the area where the modem connects to the Internet. In this case, you can switch over instantly. This flexibility gives Yota important advantages over other operators.

However, many users do not choose Iota because they believe that the operator is not available in all regions. In fact, it operates on the MegaFon network, which means that Yota’s unlimited service is available throughout the Russian Federation. It would seem that the Internet has been found without any restrictions and you can safely order a Yota SIM card. But experts do not recommend rushing too much, suggesting that you first think carefully before making this decision. You should also read the comments about the rates that are provided. After all, sometimes p2p protocols are blocked on the network, the network itself can work with constant overload, and the modem’s connection to the global network can be unstable.

The indicated prices are relevant for the Russian capital, as well as the Moscow region. To find out more information for other regions, users need to visit the official websites of mobile operators.

MTS unlimited internet appeared with the mentioned operator only in the summer of 2018. Then it was provided to subscribers as a special option that allowed them to reduce communication costs and forget about the difficulties of accessing the network. But now this addition has become an important component of most tariffs.

Endless Internet traffic allows users not to worry about suddenly running out of gigabytes and being disconnected from the network. Subscribers do not have to worry about difficulties accessing the network. The exceptions are the following cases:

  • connecting one package to several devices;
  • traffic distribution;
  • using a SIM card in a modem or router.

In such situations, you will not be able to get unlimited traffic.

MTS tariffs with unlimited internet for phones

It was already mentioned above about the gradual inclusion of unlimited in most tariffs, so now users can not limit themselves to visiting their favorite sites, watching videos and listening to music. All that remains is to choose the correct tariff plan and connect your mobile phone.


The main advantage of Tariffishche is the ability to independently choose the required number of minutes and messages. Access to online resources is not limited. The conditions chosen by the client are valid throughout Russia; national roaming is not included in the offer. An additional advantage will be the opportunity to receive a free subscription to the ivi online cinema when choosing large packages.

"Our Smart"

The next MTS tariff with unlimited Internet for a smartphone is distinguished by the fact that it allows subscribers to share traffic with loved ones. But, according to the current conditions, no more than 25 GB is available per month on 5 connected devices. It is impossible to exceed the specified limit. In addition, each connected device will cost the subscriber 50 rubles.

"Smart Top"

The word Top is present in the name of the tariff plan for a reason. Here, subscribers are offered not only free access to the World Wide Web, but also free calls within the network, regardless of the total call time. Customers are also given the opportunity to watch mobile TV: the trial period lasts 2 months, after which they are required to cancel the subscription or pay a monthly subscription fee.

Package "X"

"X" limits users' capabilities to a limit of 7 GB. But those who want to save on communication can use for free:

  • social networks;
  • messengers;
  • music services;
  • YouTube;
  • app stores;
  • some popular online games.

A complete list of available services is presented on the official portal. Megabytes are not consumed when using the listed online resources (with the exception of downloading materials from third-party resources on the listed sites), the download speed is maximum.


On the next tariff plan, users also have access to unlimited MTS Internet for their phone. It is presented as part of the “Much Internet” option. If you disable the option, 15 GB per month is offered. You can disable a service that has become unnecessary in your personal account or the official application. Restoring the option occurs in the same way.

"All MTS Super TV"

As part of the Super TV offer, customers are provided with:

  • home Internet connection;
  • TV;
  • mobile connection.

Connection to the network occurs without restrictions; additionally, unlimited communication with MTS subscribers is available. The monthly cost of the described package is 760 rubles, unless a person activates additional services.

"All MTS Sputnik"

“Sputnik” is a similar offer for TV viewers who connect to satellite TV. Here, users are also provided with unlimited MTS Internet on their phone. The service is provided as part of a promotion, for which you can apply on the company’s official portal. The SIM card is supplied simultaneously with satellite equipment.

MTS services with unlimited Internet

If the user has connected a tariff plan not from the list above, he should reduce communication costs using special services. But before connecting them, it is recommended to make sure that the option is compatible with the tariffication installed on the SIM card and does not conflict with the services already used. Otherwise, activation will not be possible.

“Lots of Internet” option

As part of the mentioned offer, subscribers are provided with unlimited access to the network. The operator charges clients 150 rubles per month for using traffic. You can activate the service at the following tariffs:

  • “Smart” lines;
  • "Ultra"
  • "VIP"

When traveling around Russia, up to 500 MB per day is available, after which the speed is limited to 128 Kbps. The restriction is lifted the next day.


“Vseti”, as is obvious from the name, is intended for clients to visit and use social networks and instant messengers. The price for use is:

  • 4 rubles per day;
  • free for people who have subscribed to the Smart Zabugorishche tariff plan;
  • Connection is not possible on the mentioned tariff plan X.

Access to YouTube

Those who like to watch videos can connect MTS unlimited internet to their phone specifically for visiting YouTube. The offer is valued at 300 rubles monthly and includes unlimited traffic for watching videos and online broadcasts, which is not taken into account when calculating the total number of gigabytes used by a person. Free streaming is not available while roaming.

Internet 4 Mbit/s

This service was created specifically for tablet owners. They are offered a high-speed connection for 750 rubles. It is important to emphasize that the offer does not contain restrictions, but is available only to a small category of customers who purchased a router or modem in MTS communication stores. The rest will have to look for alternative options for saving money and profitable Internet connections.

How much does unlimited internet cost on MTS?

Subscribers should not worry about the cost of connection when connecting to tariffs without traffic restrictions. Access to sites and applications is provided thanks to a special option included in the basic tariff plan. It is available to users for free, and the only drawback of the proposal will be the prohibition to distribute megabytes to friends.

Tariff cost comparison table

Considering the availability of communications, users should compare MTS tariff plans with unlimited Internet.

NameCost (in rubles)
TariffFrom 550 to 1450 (depending on the selected parameters)
Our Smart750
Smart Top1250

If you don’t like the suggestions listed above, you should think about installing special add-ons on your phone.

Service cost comparison table

It's important to emphasize that most phone company-developed online options only provide free access to certain services.

NameCost, rub.)Peculiarity
Lots of internet150 Unlimited on everything
OnlineFrom 0 to 4 per dayFor social networks and instant messengers
4 Mbit/s750 For tablets
Access to YouTube300 To watch the video

Before connecting the option you like, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the exact conditions.

How to connect unlimited Internet from MTS?

The procedure for connecting unlimited traffic depends on the selected tariff. But usually it is allowed:

  • visiting your personal account or mobile application;
  • sending a USSD request;
  • call to the contact center (relevant in roaming).

You can also buy a SIM card with a suitable tariff already set.

How to disable unlimited Internet on MTS?

  • call the contact center;
  • visit your personal account;
  • enter the USSD command.

It is also possible to visit the office and receive assistance from the managers working there.

The Infinite Internet May Not Be So Infinite After All

The latest trends in the mobile communications market are not just to offer more services included in the package tariff, but also to give, in fact, unlimited access to the Network. decided to figure out what conditions must be met in order to take advantage of this opportunity, and what restrictions one might encounter.

"Optional" MegaFon

MegaFon offers the MegaUnlimit option. It can only be used in combination with the “All Inclusive” and “Warm Welcome” tariff plans. Moreover, its cost will vary depending on the tariff. Thus, for users of the cheapest packages “All Inclusive S” (subscription fee - 300 rubles per month) and “Warm Welcome S” (400 rubles per month), MegaUnlimit will cost the most - 9 rubles per day (or 270 rubles per month) .

For the average price category represented by the “All Inclusive M” (500 rubles per month) and “Warm Welcome M” (700 rubles per month) tariffs, this option will cost two rubles less - 7 rubles per day (210 rubles per month) . Even cheaper - 5 rubles per day (150 per month) - it will cost subscribers “All Inclusive L” (800 rubles per month) and “All Inclusive XL” (1,200 rubles per month). All-inclusive VIP users (2,700 rubles per month) can activate the service for free.

· “All inclusive S”/“Warm welcome S” - 570/670 rubles;

· “All inclusive M”/“Warm welcome M” - 710/910 rubles;

· “All inclusive L”/ “All inclusive XL” - 950/1,350 rubles.

However, it will not be without restrictions. So, you can use unlimited only in your home region. But turning your Internet into an access point in order to “distribute” the Internet via Wi-Fi to friends (or other devices) will not work: the speed will drop to 8 kbps, which is only enough for exchanging text messages. The option of connecting “Mega Unlimited” only as needed will also not work: only the first connection is free, but the second one will cost 100 rubles.


MTS offers two unlimited options. Moreover, unlike MegaFon, not as options, but in the form of independent tariffs. The first is the already well-known Smart Nonstop, under the terms of which the subscriber is offered 10 GB per month of daytime traffic and unlimited traffic from 1 am.

The second option is the “Smart Unlimited” tariff, offering completely unlimited Internet for 19 rubles per day (570 rubles per month). The tariff also includes 200 minutes of calls and 200 messages, which is not so much. But at the same time, unlike competitors, using a smartphone as an access point is not prohibited (you won’t be able to just insert a SIM card into the modem), and the Internet will work throughout Russia.

Postpaid “Everything”

Beeline offers unlimited Internet, valid throughout Russia, only on postpaid tariffs of the “Everything” line. The subscriber has access to connection options for 500, 800, 1,200 and 1,800 rubles, differing in the number of included minutes and messages.

You won't be able to insert a SIM card into the modem. Just as you won’t be able to use the Internet on another device by activating the mode of operation in your smartphone as an access point. You will have to pay extra for this opportunity. It is also interesting how Beeline describes possible limitations: “If the subscriber creates a significant load on the network, including using peer-to-peer protocols, the speed of the mobile Internet cannot be guaranteed by the operator.” And if everything is clear with “peer-to-peer protocols,” then the wording “significant load on the network” is rather vague.

The virtual operator Yota, in fact, specializes in unlimited Internet, allowing you to add packages of minutes and messages to this service. The simplest tariff with “unlimited” will cost 440 rubles and will include a package of 300 minutes.

But Yota’s rules for using unlimited Internet access are perhaps the strictest. Not only can the Internet not be “distributed” for free from a phone, but a SIM card cannot be used in a tablet. The speed of the Network will also be reduced if the fact of working with file-sharing networks is detected.

What's the result?

Practice says that many are willing to overpay a little for an expanded package of options just “just in case” or “to have it.” However, it should be remembered that often the average volume of services consumed remains the same. An example is the latest changes in the cost of tariff plans: the number of options has increased, but prices have also increased slightly. And despite the fact that the average cost per minute of conversation has decreased, subscribers did not talk more because of it.

The situation is similar with unlimited Internet. Despite the generosity of the offer, the subscriber may find himself squeezed by rather harsh rules for the provision of services. Therefore, first of all, you will have to set priorities and answer several questions. What is more important - a large package of minutes or the ability to “distribute” the Internet from a smartphone via Wi-Fi? Do you need unlimited travel? Is it possible to use a SIM card in a tablet if necessary? Everyone will have to look for answers to these questions on their own.


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