My personal experience and first experiment. How to gain live followers on Instagram without cheating? My personal experience and first experiment What to do to gain subscribers on Instagram

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Instagram is a popular social service that every smartphone owner has heard of. This social network specializes in publishing photos and short videos, so in order for your posts to be seen by family and friends, you need to expand your list of subscribers.

Subscribers are other Instagram users who have added you as “friends”, in other words, subscribed, so your latest posts will be visible in their feed. The number of subscribers is displayed on your page, and clicking on this number shows specific names.

Adding subscribers

Users can add to the list of subscribers, or rather, subscribe to you, in two ways, which depend on whether your page is open or not.

Option 1: your profile is public

The easiest way to get followers is if your Instagram page is open to all users. If a user wants to subscribe to you, he clicks the appropriate button, after which your list of subscribers is replenished with one more person.

Option 2: Your profile is private

If you have restricted viewing of your page to users who are not on your list of subscribers, then they will only be able to view your posts after you approve the application.

How to get subscribers among your friends

Most likely, you already have more than a dozen friends who successfully use Instagram. All that remains is to notify them that you have joined this social network.

Option 1: a bunch of social networks

Option 2: linking a phone number

Users who have your number saved in their phone book will be able to find out that you have registered on Instagram. To do this, you just need to link your phone to the service.

Option 3: Posting photos from Instagram to other social networks

Users will also be able to find out about your activity and follow you if you post a photo not only on Instagram, but also on other social networks.

Option 4: Adding a link to your Instagram profile on social networks

Option 5: sending messages, creating a post on the wall

The easiest way for all your friends and acquaintances to know that you have registered on Instagram is if you send everyone a link to your profile in a private message or create a corresponding post on your wall. For example, in the VKontakte service you can post a message on the wall with approximately the following text:

How to find new subscribers

Let's assume that all your friends have already subscribed to you. If this is not enough for you, you can increase your list of subscribers by devoting time to promoting your account.

Today, there are a lot of possibilities for promoting a profile on Instagram: adding hashtags, mutual PR, using special services and much more - all you have to do is choose the most suitable method for you.

Do you want to get 1000 followers on Instagram? It's not a problem. Getting a lot of subscribers is relatively easy if you follow some rules.

Basic Rules

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram? The first thing you need to do is create a really interesting account with a specific theme or purpose.

Secondly, you need to start taking beautiful, interesting and funny photos and learn how to label them properly. Thirdly, and most importantly, you need to learn some clever marketing techniques that will allow you to skyrocket your subscriber count.

Where is the best place to start?

Getting followers on Instagram starts with rating other people's photos. One of the best ways to gain followers is to start liking pictures related to your posts as much as you can. Scroll down your home feed and like tons of your friends' photos. It is likely that many of them will start following you.

Go to the Explore page and take a look at the most popular photos. Like them as these accounts tend to have a lot of followers and some of them may follow you.

Then find photos of people, things or places that interest you using hashtags. For example, if you want to see photos of the Eiffel Tower, type #paris, #loveparis, or just #eiffeltower. Pick a hashtag that has a lot of messages and start liking the pictures you like. This may help you get followers.

How to quickly gain a lot of followers on Instagram?

This option is best suited for users who want to gain a lot of subscribers in a short time. It involves searching for some of the most popular tags, such as #followme #like4like or #instadaily. Simply scroll through all the photos in this channel, double-tapping each one to tag it.

Repeat this with multiple tags until you have liked a thousand photos. This may seem like a lot of work, but if you do it every day, it is guaranteed that your follower count will grow quickly.

Communication as a way

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram without artificial boosts? Start commenting on people's photos. Not only should you like other users' pictures, but you should also start commenting on them. This provides a more personal touch, and if people like your posts, they will be more inclined to follow your account.

You won't be able to comment on every photo you like, but try to comment on as many as possible. It doesn't have to be an essay, just a simple phrase like "good place" is enough. Even “love it” can work just fine.

However, a more personal comment is more effective, something like "I really like the lighting in this picture - good job!" Or “I love your hair—I wish I could make mine look like that!” Remember that compliments bring people closer together.

The importance of descriptions

Add comments, questions, or geotags to your photos. Even though Instagram is 90% photography, it's important to remember the power of words. Accompanying your photos with funny, smart, or unique comments or questions can be a great way to interact with your followers, as well as an opportunity to gain new ones.

For example, give a little explanation of what your photo is or what inspired it. Or you can simply indicate where the photo was taken. Try to keep it to a couple of sentences because people are lazy and will probably skip the description if it's too long. Correct descriptions are a good way to increase followers on Instagram.

Ask questions as they will encourage other people to comment on your posts, which is good for potential followers. It could be something as simple as a photo of a new coffee shop in town with the question, “Has anyone been here?” Or you could post a picture of two different pairs of shoes and ask which one would be better to wear today. This is also a good method for gaining many followers on Instagram.

Include calls to action in your messages. For example, if you posted a picture of your cat in a funny pose, you could caption something like, “I want to see all your crazy cats, use #awkwardcats.” This will encourage your followers to take their own photos and use the hashtag.

What else needs to be done?

How to gain a lot of followers on Instagram, attracting attention? Post photos regularly, but not too often. It's no use expecting users to follow you if you never post any photos, so it's important to be really active on Instagram and stay updated with current trends. Upload 1 to 3 photos per day, this should keep your audience interested, and make sure there is always something unique on your channel. This will allow you to constantly increase the number of followers on Instagram.

However, you should not post pictures just for the sake of a new post, they should all be beautiful and unique. Don't upload too many photos per day and avoid posting more than one photo at a time. This can clutter your followers' news feeds, which many people don't like. If they get tired of your constant posting, they may decide to unfollow you. Remember that deleted Instagram followers will not bring you any benefit.

What is the best way to publish?

Post pictures at the right time of day. You can take the most interesting, funny or beautiful photo, but if you post it at a time when no one is online, you are limiting the number of people who will see it, and this significantly reduces your chances of gaining new followers. Most users check their Instagram in the morning and evening, on the way to work or school and home. So if you're posting during this time (in the appropriate time zone), you're more likely to have your photos noticed.

Getting followers on Instagram can also be done using some services. You can also use apps (like Statigram) to find out what time your followers are using Instagram the most, and from there determine when is the best time to post content. Remember that any post has a window of about four hours to accumulate likes, comments and followers before it moves down the news feed.

Mentions and challenges

Another technique for gaining followers is to get mentions, and the best way is to start making them yourself. However, this will also cause some users to ignore you. It basically draws attention to another person's account by mentioning them in a post and asking your followers to follow them. This exposes the user to a whole new group of potential followers that they would never have found otherwise.

This way to increase followers on Instagram is that after you do it to someone, they will do it to you. The ideal situation would be for a celebrity, a major brand, or someone with thousands of followers to do this. Unfortunately, this is quite rare, but with websites like QuickShouts and Klout, you can pay to promote your page.

How to get a lot of live followers on Instagram for free and quickly? How to gain your first subscribers without harming your profile - read about all this in the article below.

In recent years, Instagram has transformed from a personal photo album into an online platform for trading and promoting services. The success of projects is measured by profit, and it is people who bring it. Therefore, one of the most pressing questions is how to gain followers on Instagram. The struggle for their quantity, as well as quality, is not just a pursuit of popularity. Live subscribers are future clients and customers of stores, salons or services. For a blogger who makes money from advertising, this indicator is also important. The cost of placing a post on the page depends on it.

At first, many people try to work independently without investing in promotion. And they are trying to figure out how to gain followers on Instagram for free and whether it can be done. Of course you can. Especially if you have achieved success and gained fame in real, not virtual life. For example, the host of the reality show “House 2” Ksenia Borodina hardly made any efforts and paid for almost 12 million subscribers to her account.

But for this, an ordinary user will have to work a lot and hard, show imagination and look for creative solutions. And you will have to forget about the dream of how to quickly gain subscribers on Instagram. Get ready to work hard, this is not a very quick task. But if you constantly devote time to it, you will be able to achieve significant results.

We are ready to help you buy Instagram subscriptions for your page at a fairly inexpensive price. Go to the price list for services and choose the most suitable option for yourself. In addition, you can also get fairly large discounts on bulk purchases of the resource.

Let's look at different ways to gain followers on Instagram for free:

    Actively subscribe to other accounts and show attention to other users: like, write comments. Don't ignore recommended pages. On Instagram, as in other social networks, it is customary to take retaliatory actions. Someone will definitely follow you too. To speed up the process, automate it using programs. But be careful, mass following, like mass liking, can be dangerous (we’ll talk about this later);

    Make an attractive profile. Design your header beautifully and informatively, choose an interesting nickname and a cute avatar;

    Post new publications regularly, at least 1-2 times a day. Try to give them both in your feed and in stories to attract different people. Make a content plan so you don’t miss posts and don’t rack your brain about what to fill the page with. According to statistics, the maximum number of views are collected by publications added on Wednesdays and Sundays;

    Don’t neglect the opportunity to post simultaneously on different social networks;

    Pay attention to the quality of the content. Learn to take photos and videos, use filters and effects. Texts for publications must be attractive. Put the most catchy things at the beginning, add calls to action: rate, say, answer, comment, express your opinion;

    Be sure to put hashtags, take popular ones and come up with personal ones so that your publications are different and easy to search;

    Set a geolocation for each post, the more accurate the location, the better, sometimes people simply subscribe to those who are nearby;

    Master new Instagram features. Of the latest innovations, IGTV (your own video channel) and live broadcasts are especially useful. The effects in “Stories” are curious and funny: masks, gifs and others;

    Look for your signature and style to attract followers. This quality can be represented by any gesture or detail in the photo/video;

    Be helpful. Talk about your personal experience, share knowledge, recipes, life hacks, talk about successes and mistakes.

After reading this list, you already guessed that gaining followers on Instagram, and even for free, will not be easy. And even then, something needs to be spent. For example, when holding a competition you need a prize that you want to compete for. Your time and effort are also only at first glance - a free resource. In fact, such work costs a lot.

How to gain your first followers on Instagram without harming your profile

Users starting promotion are often interested in how to get their first followers on Instagram. The easiest and completely harmless way is to contact your relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances, including on other social networks. You can ask them to follow your page and recommend you to someone they are in contact with. In this way, you can begin to solve the problem of how to gain followers on Instagram without harming your profile.

But as a rule, the social circle of an ordinary person is not so wide. This way you will gain several dozen followers or at most several hundred. And if this is not enough for you and you want to know how to get a lot of followers on Instagram, it would be right to look for help on the Internet. You can choose who to entrust this work to:

    Freelancers who offer their services on online exchanges. One of them is There you can get acquainted with the ratings of performers, agree on the cost and terms of the order. The disadvantages of this option are the high price and the human factor, you will not receive clear guarantees, it all depends on the integrity of the freelancer;

    Performers from thematic forums work for a modest fee, but there are even fewer guarantees. The quality of followers is low and the security of your account may suffer. This is a real pig in a poke, you won’t know in advance whether you will be lucky or not;

    Commercial services specializing in SMM services, in other words, promotion in social networks. These are professionals who understand how to gain your first followers on Instagram safely and quickly. The price even in one company can be different, it depends on the quality and size of the order. But a reliable service always gives a firm guarantee. With such a partner, you will not jeopardize the security of your account and do not risk losing money. We will return to this topic later.

You can buy cheap likes on Instagram using our service. Right now you will have access to a wide range of additional options for any service. However, this will not affect the prices in any way - choose what suits you!

By the way, study the website in more detail. This service is one of the leaders in promoting and earning money on the most famous social networks of the Runet.

Before you gain your first followers on Instagram by any means, you need to take care of your account. Think for yourself, when inviting guests, you clean the house and prepare a treat. You need to act in much the same way on social networks. Of course, your family and friends will subscribe to the half-empty page to fulfill your request. But people you don’t know will not stay in an account that doesn’t have an avatar, information about its owner, or publications.

You must make a favorable impression on your guest from the very first minutes and even seconds. Otherwise, he will leave, and you will not lure him again.

    Your first advertising post is your profile. This is why it is so important to choose a short nickname (login). It is used in searches, so it is appropriate to give a hashtag that relates to your activity. For example, massaz.saratov. Approach the issue creatively, or perhaps with humor. For example, for personal blogs you can choose a nickname or a funny abbreviation of your first and last name.

    If you do not include a photo (avatar), you may be considered a bot. Besides, how can your account without an avatar be recognized among pages with similar names? In addition to your photo (or another nice person), you can take the company logo or an image of a typical product. By the way, profiles with a human face inspire more confidence among users.

    You can try to include a definition of your business in the account name. You can use up to 30 characters, but less is better. Therefore, we must try.

    In the “About Me” field you need to make a small, only 150 characters, presentation of your business or yourself. Be sure to provide contact information. Priority goes to phones and numbers of WhatsApp, Viber and other instant messengers. Do not forget about territorial affiliation if you provide services only to local residents.

    If you want to stand out, write the text in capital letters or in an original font, add emoticons and pictures to the topic.

If you are thinking about how to gain live followers on Instagram, look at your account critically and correct the shortcomings.

And of course, post photos/videos and create stories. Until there are at least 15 publications on the page, you should not actively gain subscribers. Their sharp growth may cause unnecessary interest on the part of the social network administration.

Pros and cons of recruiting Instagram followers yourself

Let's say you have already created your profile according to all the rules and have worked hard to fill out the page. We signed up all household members, distant relatives and even their pets to our account. But you are not going to stop. And now we have set a new goal. Do you want to know how to get 10,000 followers on Instagram. Is it possible to reach this level on your own? With great difficulty, even if you are ready to spend a long time online or do it with the help of mass following programs.

Do the math yourself. On average, only every third user subscribes in response. Instagram limits the number of subscriptions in a profile; they can only be increased to 7,500. It turns out that even if you exhaust the limit, you will not complete the task of how to gain 10,000 subscribers on Instagram.

In addition, independently recruiting followers carries certain risks. We have already talked about one thing - exceeding the limit on actions. This is almost a sure way to get banned. What else:

    Programs that automate mass following may contain viruses. After purchasing the software, you will not receive guarantees that it will work. As a rule, the seller is not involved in setting up or maintaining the program;

    Some sites, under various pretexts, offer subscribers for free. Behind such charity there may be scammers who want your account. For example, to send spam. For this, Instagram sends you to a lifelong ban;

    Exchanges, sites that offer barter: you do tasks, get points, and spend them on subscribers; they give you bots, not real accounts. Then you will need to get rid of this passive ballast.

Of course, there are undoubted advantages to recruiting subscribers yourself. You won’t have to spend money, or the expenses will be small. You will thoroughly study the process and understand how and what works. Just face it: can your account attract 10 thousand people? After all, you’re not dreaming about bots, but thinking about how to get real followers on Instagram.

Such an order can be fulfilled by services providing SMM services. With them, the process will move faster and without unnecessary fears. But only if you find honest professionals. They know how to gain followers without the risk of getting banned.

On the Internet you will see many offers from those who are ready to take on your order. How do you know who you can trust with your account and your money? Practice shows that there are a number of criteria by which a reliable service can be determined. What you should pay attention to when choosing a partner:

    The presence of positive reviews from clients on third-party resources, a certain amount of criticism is acceptable, it is impossible to please everyone;

    The service has a website with an attractive design and a user-friendly interface; Reputable companies do not skimp on appearance and customer comfort;

    The website should have a section with operating rules, clearly describing the guarantees that the customer receives;

    There is an indication of the company’s experience; the more experience, the higher the level of professionalism; however, newcomers are eager to conquer the market and may invest more effort;

    To receive the service, you do not need to register; personal data is not needed for such an order;

    The company takes payment through reliable payment systems, there are options for making payments;

    The service has a support service, its employees respond promptly and adequately to requests;

    The price list is publicly available, it is detailed and understandable, the client at the stage of discussing the order sees how much and for what he will pay;

    The cost of the service is the average price range for this service;

    The service allows you to place a minimum order so that the client can test the service.

As you have seen, in order to find a worthy partner, it is enough to carefully analyze his website. Perhaps it’s worth conducting a test to understand how the recruitment of subscribers is going and what doesn’t suit you.

Do you want to buy comments on Instagram posts to increase activity on your page? You can do this using our website not only quickly, but also quite efficiently. We offer various options for adding messages to posts that can suit any user. Hurry up to place your order while there are discounts on the site.

We told you in detail how to gain followers on Instagram yourself and for free. They explained the pros and cons of using programs, freelancers, and services. All you have to do is make the right choice.

Understanding all the pitfalls of a social network and figuring out how to turn your account into a money-making tool is not as easy as it seems. Dorrie Levine, digital media strategist and creator of the popular account @MillionaireLifestyle Nick (who did not want to reveal his last name) gave some advice on how to get rich with the help of.

How to gain followers on Instagram

Alexey Zenkov
  1. Look and act the part

It all starts with a million-dollar photo, Levine says. It should be a clear, high-quality photograph that is pleasing to the eye and can be distinguished from photographs of other people. An excellent example of this rule is the Instagram of Olympic runner Usain Bolt, the owner of his own brand, an athlete and participant in numerous competitions.

Likewise, you need to be smart about coming up with a username that conveys the message addressed to your subscribers. Consider the focus of your account. Is this a professional or personal account? In most cases, it is better to use a variation of your own name. But if you have a purely personal page, you can experiment a little.

The profile description, much like a motivation letter, should clearly describe and explain your opinion and highlight exactly how your account is different from others.

“Don't write anything in your profile description that you would rather not be associated with your person, regardless of your privacy settings,” Levine recommends.

Nick says that your profile description helps you understand why you want people to follow you in the first place.

“Think about your strategy,” he advises. “You don’t need followers just to have them.”

  1. Do something interesting

The photos you post on your page should be as clear as your main profile image, meaning they should be of high quality and resolution. On platforms like Instagram, the emphasis is on quality visual content, i.e. videos and photos.

Levine notes that it's important to decide what the value of your account is. What does he bring to the world?

For example, Puff Daddy - also known as rapper P.Diddy– publishes photos regularly and maintains a focus (related to his brand, of course), thanks to which his account has 6.6 million subscribers. If you are interested in more serious areas of business, take a look at Instagram of American entrepreneur Tim Sykes, who also regularly updates his account and has more than 700 thousand subscribers. You can subscribe to and see how they behave on the social network.

If you do the opposite - that is, post content irregularly and do not follow a certain topic, then some subscribers may turn away from you.

"Nobody wants to sort through a bunch of random posts," Levine says.

  1. Focus on one thing at a time

ATHIF KHAN | Getty Images

Levine notes that this policy led to annoying mistakes and overlaps. Therefore, while duplicating content can save time, it is much preferable to tailor it to the standards of each platform separately.

It's also pretty easy to tell if you're auto-posting between different accounts due to the differences in style and focus between platforms. If you start tackling each social network separately, it will look better and attract subscribers.

  1. Communicate

Don't just post photos automatically, like a machine. Create content and talk about yourself. Communicate!

Engage your followers like an American wrestler does Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who posts motivational photos and videos on Instagram.

By interacting with your followers, you inspire them to come back to your account, read it further, and even share your account content with friends.

“Getting people involved is critical,” he says. “By commenting and interacting with you, users show that they are truly interested.”

  1. Be yourself

There is no better way to behave on social media than to simply be yourself. Talking about her own vision of life in the metropolis, Liz Eswein, the creator and curator of the account @newyorkcity, managed to become a millionaire and open his own advertising agency.

There are many different ways to work, both with personal accounts and with work ones. Some of these methods are not exactly “clean”, but many people use them. We, in turn, are inclined to believe that It's not the number of followers on Instagram that matters, but their quality. Are they your target audience, do they read your posts, like photos, and most importantly, do they use your services.

However, we decided to make a post that will be dedicated to various ways to attract subscribers to your Instagram, which will be useful for both beginners and beginners.

Interesting content and the right hashtags

Of course, no one will be interested in your account if it does not contain bright and juicy photos. After all, Instagram is a social network for visual people. Therefore, the most important thing is high-quality photographs. But you don’t have to use a professional camera; the functions of modern smartphones allow you to take good pictures.

Add stories or your thoughts to the photo if this is a personal blog. If the account is commercial, then write a description of the product, as well as indicate the cost and method of communication. And also be sure to set it up.

You can use a maximum of 30 hashtags for each post and this opportunity should be used to the maximum. Select thematic keywords from, as well as from the recommendations of Instagram itself. Make a list, maybe more than 1000 hashtags, all these hashtags need to be divided and gradually added to the description of new posts.

Buying subscribers

If I may, as far as subscribers are concerned, let’s start with “chernukha” or buying subscribers. When buying followers for your Instagram, you must clearly understand that this acquisition does not give you anything other than the number in the followers column. And no one will immediately start subscribing to you, and all the work is ahead.

Buying followers is such a quick start, people are more willing to subscribe to popular accounts that have many followers.

When choosing a service, pay attention to the guarantees and reliability of the seller so that your purchase does not become a waste of your advertising budget.

Subscribers free

If your budget is limited, but you immediately want to get followers for Instagram, then you can use like exchange services, such as or

On these sites you must complete tasks: like, repost, leave comments on all social networks, including Facebbok and even YouTube. For completed tasks, you are awarded points, against which you can create tasks yourself and receive subscribers completely free of charge.

The effect is comparable to buying subscribers, only more labor-intensive.


One of the ways to attract target subscribers and future buyers is through various services. For example, Such services are paid, but in principle they are worth the money they require for their services.

Their essence is that you can add your Instagram account to the service and
assign him tasks daily to make automatic subscriptions for the audience that you define yourself. You can follow hashtags, geolocation, and subscribers of another account. Those. You can choose your competitor with a well-promoted Instagram and task the program to subscribe to all his subscribers.

The disadvantage of this method is that those who will be subscribed to by the program will include robots and spam accounts.

Targeted advertising

A very effective way to attract exactly the target audience is to set it up through Facebook.


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