"My family". Short texts in English for children and beginners

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Hello my dear.

Do you know that in Chinese maternal grandmother and paternal grandmother are two different words and two completely different sets hieroglyphs? It’s good that in English everything is much simpler regarding family! Although, knowing from experience, the topic of family in English for children turns out to be some kind of incredible problem.

Want to make this process a lot easier? Today I will help you with this! We will get acquainted with vocabulary on the topic “family”, a couple of stories in English, as well as interesting ways to make studying this topic much easier.

Let's start, perhaps, with the most important thing - from vocabulary.

When one of my little students entered 2nd grade and came across this topic, we found a very interesting way remembering words - we drew a family tree with her! A tree where all, all, all relatives were indicated. I want to give you an example of such a tree. Perhaps with its help it will be much easier for you to learn vocabulary.

It's much easier that way, isn't it?

Here are a couple more ways to memorize words from this topic:

  • Use cards. Children are very well developed visual perception, so try making cards in pictures. Make a picture of a family member on one side and an answer in English on the other. Using this method, you can repeat vocabulary with your child from time to time ( such cards I took it for my daughter - we really like it!).
  • See.
  • Play. Come up with a variety of games and tasks so that the child game form remembered the words.

- This could be, for example, ball game , where he must throw it to you and say a word in English.

- Or tell him create a story or fairy tale , how suddenly all his toys became members of one family: you need to come up with roles for them, give them names in the form of “daddy bunny”, “mother bunny”, “sister mouse”, etc.

- Or it could be a game where you Place leaves around the room with the names of family members . When you say a word, the child should run up to this leaf and stand there on one leg.

Your imagination is capable of a variety of things to make it interesting. So go ahead!

If you are not doing well with your imagination, then feel free to register with LinguaLeo , find the “For Children” section there and study new vocabulary easy and fun. I wrote about this in more detail and talked about it in the video. Better yet, immediately purchase an interesting online course « About yourself and loved ones in English» , which will be useful for both you and the child. You can try it for free first.

Surprisingly, for many people, family causes some difficulties. Therefore, I decided to prepare 2 texts with translation for you.

« My name is Masha. I am eight years old. I have a big family.
There are five of us in the family: my mother and father, me, my brother and sister.
My mother's name is Alice. She is a teacher of math at my school. My mother likes gardening, so we have a very beautiful garden behind our house.
I have a father. His name is Alexey. He is a policeman. When he doesn’t work he goes fishing. He doesn't like it very much. We have a lot of fishing equipment in our house.
I have a brother. His name is Dima. He is 14 years old. He likes sport. He wants to become a professional player one day.
My sister’s name is Marina and she is 12 years old. She likes drawing. Our house is full of her beautiful paintings.
I also have two grandmothers and two grandfathers. Sometimes we have dinner all together at the weekends. We eat the food that grannies prepared, talk and laugh.
I love my big family».

Well, now the translation.

« My name is Masha. I am eight years old. I have a big family.
There are five of us in the family: mom and dad, me, my brother and sister.
My mother's name is Alice. She is a math teacher at my school. My mom loves gardening, so we have a lot of beautiful garden behind the house.
I have a father. His name is Alexey. He's a policeman. When he's not working, he goes fishing. He really loves doing this. We have a lot of fishing gear at home.
I have a brother. His name is Dima. Now he is 14 years old. He loves sports. He wants to become a professional football player one day.
My sister's name is Marina and she is 12 years old. She likes to draw. We have a lot of her beautiful paintings at home.
I also have two grandmothers and two grandfathers. Sometimes we have lunch together on weekends. We eat what our grandmothers prepared, talk and laugh.
I love my big family».

Well, now for the second text. Let's add a little complexity, shall we?

« I am Sofia and I want to share a story of my family.
My family consists of 4 people: my mother, my father, me and my brother.
Both my mother and my father save people’s lives. My mother is a doctor, while my father is a firefighter. My mother likes reading. Every evening we sit together and read books. At the same time, my father and my brother likes sport. When it is warm they spend the whole evening playing in the yard. Sometimes they even forget that it is time to go home. When the weather is bad, they watch basketball on TV.
We also have lots of relatives. For example, I have an aunt. She is a lawyer and lives in Moscow with my two little cousins. They visit us every summer. I also have two uncles. They both are sailors that’s why we do not meet very often.
My grandmothers and grandfathers live in a small village several kilometers away from us. We usually spend the whole summer with them. We play with my sister and cousins ​​outside, go swimming, eat a lot of fruits and have fun. At the weekends my mother and father visit us and we have a family dinner. We share stories and enjoy our time together.
I adore my big and friendly family".

And here is the translation.

Did you know that you can add a couple of exercises to the texts to reinforce the topic “family”? For example, the following task would be quite easy and interesting for children of different ages:

  • Find in English text analogue of the sentence in the Russian version. There may be 2 options here - lightweight(when the child has a text with translation in front of him) and complicated(when he sees only the English version). So, you read any sentence or phrase from the text in Russian, for example "I have an aunt", and the child must find the same sentence in the text in English and read it out loud. And if you work with the class, you can arrange a whole competition between teams!

And one more exercise to consolidate vocabulary, which can be done both at home and in class:

  • Each child should have a card with the name of a relative, in English of course. Children can work in pairs or in a chain. Everyone has to say "I"ve got a......" or "I haven't got a...", using your word, and then ask your partner a question "And have you got a...?, using your word again. The interlocutor answers, and then, using his own word, addresses his partner. Every parent can do this exercise with their young schoolchild.

By the way, even more simple texts with tasks you will find in for schoolchildren and beginners. Read and exercise for your health!

Well, it's not that complicated, right? I hope that now the topic “family” will become one of your favorites. And I will try to make English generally your favorite language. I will be glad to see you among my blog subscribers.

Until we meet again, my dears.

English words for beginners on the topic “My family. "My Family" divided into three parts: nouns, adjectives and verbs. List No. 1 includes only the most common words on this topic (32 words) with exercises. English words in italics are for general information. To consolidate vocabulary, a game is proposed - “My Relatives”.

English words for beginners on the topic “My Family”. Word list #1

I. Nouns (nouns):

  1. father - father
  2. mother - mother
  3. parents - parents
  4. son - son
  5. daughter - daughter
  6. sister - sister
  7. brother - brother
  8. cousin [‘kʌz(ə)n] — cousin(or sister), cousin
  9. sibling - brother or sister
  10. second cousin - second cousin (sister)
  11. twins - twins
  12. aunt - aunt
  13. uncle - uncle
  14. nephew [`nevju:] - nephew
  15. niece [`ni:s] - niece
  16. grandfather - grandfather
  17. grandmother - grandmother
  18. great grandmother - great-grandmother
  19. great grandfather - great-grandfather
  20. grandson - grandson
  21. granddaughter - granddaughter
  22. husband - husband
  23. wife - wife
  24. child - child
  25. children - children
  26. grandchild - grandson
  27. grandchildren - grandchildren
  28. baby - baby
  29. relative - relative

Exercise 1. Family Members

Game in English (for beginners)

For that to remember the names of relatives and learn to pronounce nephew, niece, aunt, uncle, parents, cousin, I suggest you play the following game online.

How to play. The cards are laid out in front of you. They are upside down. When you click on a card, the announcer says the name of a family member, and the card turns over and you see the word. The essence of the game is that you need to remember where the identical cards are, then when you click on them successively, they disappear. You need to get rid of all the cards as quickly as possible. Remember your time and next time try to set a record -

English words for beginners on the topic “My Family”. Word list No. 1 (continued)

II. Adjectives (adjectives):
1. large - big
2. small - small
3. young - young
4. younger - younger
5. old - old
6. elder - senior
7. close - close
8. friendly - friendly
9. favorite - favorite
10. loving - loving

Adjectives in English have no endings and do not change in gender or number. Adjective large- translated big, big, big, big

III. Verbs:

1. have got*- have
2. love - to love
3. love very much - to love very much

Test yourself to see if you know English words on the topic “My Family”

Double-click on the word with the mouse to test yourself.

  1. father
  2. mother
  3. parents
  4. sister
  5. brother
  6. cousin
  7. twins
  8. uncle
  9. nephew
  10. niece
  11. grandfather
  12. grandmother
  13. great grandmother
  14. husband
  15. child
  16. children
  17. relative
  18. large
  19. small
  20. young
  21. younger
  22. elder
  23. close
  24. friendly
  25. favorite
  26. loving

Abstract open class on the topic “My family” with preschoolers

Type of lesson:
combined, aimed at mastering and consolidating lexical and speech skills.
1) educational: repetition and consolidation of vocabulary on the topic “My Family” with the help of games and rhymes.
2) developmental: develop practical skills and abilities oral speech(monological and dialogical); develop the ability to carry out productive speech actions, develop practical skills and listening skills (teacher speech).
3) educational: to instill in children a sense of love and respect for their family; formation of cognitive interest in one’s family.
1) Consolidate lexical units on the topic “Family”, constructions “I have”, “I love”, “Who is it?”
2) Fix the use of the “It is” construction in speech.
3) Improve understanding of verbs of motion.
Material: pictures depicting family members, children's drawings on the topic “My Family,” a red heart made of paper.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Start of class
1) Organizing time.
Teacher: - Good afternoon, children! I'm glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Hello guys! I'm glad to see you! Sit down!)
Children: - Good afternoon!
Teacher: - How are you today?
Children: - We are fine.
2) Speech warm-up.
Teacher: - Guys, did you greet each other? Let's recite the rhyme “Hello” (Children recite the rhyme in chorus)
"Hello, hello
How are you
I'm fine, I'm fine
Thank you.

2. Main part

1) Teacher: - Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. Today we have guests. They want to see what we've learned.
- Shall we show our guests what we can do?
Children: - Yes!
Teacher: - Today we will repeat the topic “My Family.”
- Let’s say together “My family” - this means my family (children repeat in chorus).
Teacher: - Guys, look at this picture. This is family. Let's name all family members: mother - mother, father - dad, sister - sister, brother - brother, grandmother - grandmother, grandfather - grandfather
(children repeat the words in chorus after the teacher).

2) Teacher: - Guys, do you love your families? Let's learn to say it in English. Look what a heart I made out of paper. This heart symbolizes love for family. Now we will pass our hearts to each other and say “I love my family” - I love my family!
(children pass their hearts to each other and say “I love my family”).
Finger gymnastics“Family” (children point their fingers at their family members and name them in unison).
Here is my father
Here is my mother
Here is my sister
Here is my brother
Here am me.

Teacher: - Guys, now we will rest a little and do English exercises. Stand up, please! (children get up for physical education).
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on knees! Sit down!
Hands up, to the sides!
Bend left, bend right!
One, two, three! Hop!
One, two, three! Stop!

- Thank you! Sit down, children.
3) Teacher:
- Guys, please look at the board. I arranged an exhibition of your drawings. Let's each tell about their family. We will begin our story with the words “I have a family”
(children take turns going to the board and talking about their family in English based on the drawing).
Teacher: - Guys, do you know poems about family? Let's tell them to our guests. Dasha and Lisa, come to the blackboard, please!
(girls go to the board and recite poems)
I have a father
I have a mother
I have a sister
I have a brother!

Father, mother, sister, brother
Hand in hand
With one another!

Teacher: - Thank you, sit down, please! Now, Kira and Nastya, come to the blackboard!
Kira: - I love my dear mummy
I love her very much.
And do you love your mummy?

- Of course and very much!
Teacher: - Good for you. Thank you. Sit down, please.
(Very good, thanks girls, sit down)
4) Teacher: - Let's play. The game is called "Do you Have?" I will ask you questions Do you have a mother (father, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother)?
-What do you think I want to ask you? Do you have a mother (father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather). If there is, you say “YES” and clap your hands, if not, you say “NO” and do not clap.
- One, two, three, start the game!
(children playing a game)
Teacher:- Good for you! (Very good!)
- What great fellows you are! Did a good job.
Teacher:- Now I want to check if you know English commands. Please look, there are 4 pictures hung around the classroom: mom, dad, brother, sister. I will tell you commands in English: fly, jump, go, run (fly, jump, go, run) and a picture that you must touch. OK?
- Masha, jump to the mother’s picture, etc.
(children play a game; we repeat all commands 2-3 times so that all children can participate)
Teacher: - Well done!
3. Final part.
- Guys, our lesson is coming to an end. Let's remember what it was called? (children answer the teacher’s question)
- Guys, let's look at the picture again and name all the family members.
- Children, who is it? (show each family member)
(children answer questions using the construction It is: it is a mother, it is a father, it is a sister, it is a brother, it is a grandmother, it is a grandfather).
- Good for you! (Well done!)
- Good-Bye, children! See you soon!

The topic My family in English is usually studied several times, each time expanding lexicon. Many children associate most of the very first words in the English language with simple and understandable nouns denoting members of their family. The terms mother, father, sister, brother are the most common, along with the everyday cat, dog, and so on. In this set of exercises and tasks in pictures for children on the topic My family tasks of different difficulty levels have been collected, perhaps even at different ages. The fact is that it is difficult to determine at what age these tasks are adapted. Some children begin to learn English in kindergarten, and by the fifth grade they have developed fairly good language skills. Others in fifth grade are just beginning to discover this completely new and difficult language for them. Besides a large number of language schools today he gives it to his parents big choice programs in which you can study not in kindergarten and school, but additionally from them. This kind of English for kids is a good start to learning the language, since the teachers in such schools have good preparation. If we take it globally, then in our country the level is very different not only geographically, but also from the schools and kindergartens themselves. Teaching English to children is very interesting if you approach each task, topic and lesson a little creatively.

My family picture activities consist of eight different exercises, each of which can be done both at home and in the classroom. Their level of difficulty is also different. Some are very simple, and there are others that require time and a calm environment. Any of these tasks is aimed at children who have already completed the basic material on the topic My family. Some tasks are for practicing the correct spelling of words, some are for understanding family relationships, some require you to find familiar words in a pile of letters. In general, everything is very useful and exciting! Each task is in A4 format, print and use. For your convenience, there is a Name column at the top of the page.


Theme "My family" or "My family". Cards for memorizing new words.

Each card has a picture, words in English, transcription and translation.

Theme "My family" or "My family".

Cards for memorizing new words.

One way to learn new words is to use flashcards.

Each card has a picture, a word in English, transcription and translation.

To get started, you need to download, print and cut the cards.

To ensure that the cards do not wear out quickly, it is advisable to print them on thicker paper.

First you need to use large cards - on one side there is a picture and words.

The child takes out one card from the pile, looks at the picture, reads the word in English, using transcription.

Then he puts down the card and takes the next one...

When the child can name the word immediately, that is, only after seeing it and the picture, you can move on to the second stage.

The cards are folded in half along a special line and the halves are glued together.

The result is cards half the size, on which there will be a picture on one side and a word on the other.

The task becomes more difficult. The child must guess from the picture what is drawn and remember the corresponding word.

Of course, in order to control and help, parents themselves must know English.

English courses will help you learn it Start of Stage 2.

family family
mother Mother
father dad
parents parents
son son
daughter daughter
children children
sister sister
brother Brother
grandmother grandmother
grandfather grandfather
grandparents Grandfather and grandmother
great-grandmother great-grandmother
great-grandfather great grandfather
grandson grandson
granddaughter granddaughter
aunt aunt
uncle uncle
niece niece
nephew nephew
relatives relatives
cousin cousin or brother
baby child

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