Brain slaughter for children questions. Pub quiz: people are willing to pay for the right to answer simple questions

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Hi all! The New Year is just around the corner, and today I’m writing an unusual review: it’s not about Christmas tree decorations or products for your table. It's about the team-based intellectual and entertainment game "Brainslaughter" that is gaining popularity in Russian cities!

MozgoBoinya - pub quiz (from the English pub quiz - quiz in a bar) is a project founded in Belarus in 2005 and gradually moved by franchise to the regions of Russia and other countries - Ukraine, Poland, USA, Canada, Germany, Finland and etc.

Someone compares the game with "What? Where? When?" for ordinary people. But:

According to Pavel Sverdlov, owner of the Crystal Owl of the Ukrainian version of “What? Where? When?”, “Brainslaughter” is a low-level game due to the lack of requirements for the quality of questions

Game format

This is a team competition that must be registered online on a specific day. As a rule, there is a lot of excitement, not all teams make it to the tour, even though 16-17 teams (8 people each) are allowed in at a time! For the first time, our team “overslept” registration, and I was invited to join another team. The city is small, most of the participants know each other more or less closely or in absentia, so it was, in general, easy to get to where there was a free place.

The second time the excitement did not subside, again 17 teams participated, but we managed to register with our team!

The game was held in a karaoke club with a large number of tables and screens. I am sure that the premises must meet the franchise requirements, because... This game has a lot of clear rules, and playing it somewhere of your choice simply won't work. For example, games are held on weekdays, all after work, so food and drinks are actively ordered. This means there’s no way without a kitchen.

Cost of participation

The premiere game in the city was free, but then you will have to pay 300 rubles for participation. Not a lot of money for 2 hours of entertainment. Payment is asked to be made during one of the breaks between rounds of the game. In my opinion, a thoughtful move. You don't pay at the entrance (as if you were going in for free) and you don't look for someone to pay at the end of the game.

Progress of the game

There are 7 short 15-minute rounds in the game, each with 7 questions of varying degrees of severity. The host of the evening voices questions from the stage. As a rule, this is a guest local showman.

Rounds 1, 4, 6 - These are text questions in which you need to guess anything from a description - a historical event, a person, a process, a phenomenon. Sometimes you will have to translate into another language. In general, the questions are not simple. You are given 40 seconds to think about each answer, then the question changes. But then they will repeat all the questions to you and give you 100 seconds to fill out the card. After this, the card must be quickly handed over to the assistants who are present in the hall.

Round 2 dedicated to current events and news that happened just the other day. Probably my favorite tour, because... I really like to read news feeds, and I also regularly study all sorts of star digests and know what color Kim Kardashian’s hair is today or who has decided to film the series based on “The Lord of the Rings.” Yes, yes, there may be such questions.

For example, when a photo of the Moon with a flat shadow on it was shown on the screen with a request to comment on what kind of news we were talking about, I immediately remembered the recently defunct flat Earth theory - and I guessed right!

Round 3 entirely musical. You will be asked to name the performer of the song excerpt, musical group, opera or ballet. You might get caught by someone you know well (Christina Aguilera) or not so well (Ella Fitzgerald).

Round 5- these are pictures. Incomprehensible objects that need to be named, stills from films and cartoons, famous personalities in childhood, someone's upside-down eyes.

Round 7- blitz Quick questions without repetition and 50 seconds to think.

For each correct answer, one point is awarded, and in the middle of the game a subtotal is tabulated to build excitement among the teams. If you are behind, then the last round is your chance, because... The questions there are easy, and if you are confident in your answer, you can check the box next to it. Then for each correct answer you will receive 2 points, and if you are wrong, you will lose 2. That is, this is a casino with doubling bets. You can take a risk and fly by, or you can break out of the middle into the top three and even win!

By the way, I can say for myself that during the game there is almost no desire to cheat and look at the phone. I want to test myself.

BrainSlaughter questions

The mechanism for developing questions is, I think, a company secret. But, nevertheless, in search engines you can type in the query “Brainslaughter questions” and see many examples from those already heard. By the way, among them I found the same ones that were asked to us. So not every game is unique. I also have several examples of questions from different BrainSlaughter tours for you.

Atmosphere of the game

This is probably the main reason why the public comes to the club. Victory is not the main thing here, the main thing is the mood, the spirit of excitement and competition, as well as the entertaining moment of the game. After all, the entertainer is trying his best, entertaining the audience with his jokes and performances. Just to reduce the importance of victory and show that the main thing in Brain Slaughter is the game process itself, the organizers give the winners symbolic prizes - champagne. By the way, you can also get champagne for completing tasks from the presenter. for example, for the hottest dances during a music tour or for the best New Year's costumes. Everyone is trying their best)))

I think that interest in Mozgoslaughter among city residents can be maintained for a long time by inventing different formats (picnic, corporate party, Valentine's Day, costume carnival, birthday, etc.).

Two hours pass very intensely and fun. As a rule, the games are accompanied by a professional photographer who will provide you with a decent team photo shoot. There will be something to look at the next day after the game. Well, a giant bottle of champagne for the winners every time becomes the common property of friends. Walking, as they say, everyone!

The game is really addictive, and people, who at first were not very inspired by the idea of ​​thinking about something and deciding something, after the first round turn into the most heatedly discussing participants (I’m talking about myself. I definitely recommend visiting Brain Slaughterhouse!

“People are willing to pay money for food, entertainment and sex. We cannot offer sex. There is food anyway. What remains is entertainment. Take care of people and they will make you rich." The creators of the most popular Minsk pub quiz, BrainSlaughter, told KYKY how to make money from those who like to rack their brains.

The idea of ​​pub quiz was born in England in the late 1970s. Teams gather in a relaxed bar setting, drink beer and answer simple and fun questions. The winner receives a prize - usually rather symbolic. Everything is simple, and, as often happens with simple things, it’s brilliant: players can feel the excitement of the fight without spoiling their mood with a bad result.

Opinion of Pavel Sverdlov, owner of the Crystal Owl of the Ukrainian TV club “What? Where? When?"

“The brain slaughterhouse is an awl. I go there because my friends invite me. The questions are rubbish, bullshit from the Internet, or even from sports games. There was a picture at the last game - people's faces were covered, you had to guess who it was. And these were Timati and Kobzon. How to take it? Know all the photos of Timati or all of Kobzon’s friends? Damn, very useful knowledge.
Another picture - a photo of Berlin from an airplane, the western and eastern ones glow with different lights. Well, this is a slaughterhouse! At the same time, many questions are formulated in such a way that it is possible to come up with three or ten equally probable answers... In the ChGK, for example, a question must contain information that unambiguously leads to the correct answer, otherwise it is not a question. But in “Brain Slaughterhouse” there are no requirements for the quality of questions, so there is no quality... I think that for the money that the authors of “Brain Slaughterhouse” collect, it would be possible to approach the package much more professionally and come up with something really witty. But why, if people are already hogging it?
From me, huge respect to the authors of the Melotrek project - they are the ones who really invest a lot of time and effort into preparation and 100% earn back the money that the participants pay for the game!”

Pub quizzes are very popular in America and Europe - in the UK alone, more than 20 thousand games are held weekly. Intellectual fun came to Belarus only a few years ago, but the public quickly fell in love with it: bar quizzes are held in Minsk almost every week, their formats are becoming more diverse, and dozens of teams gather for the games. The pioneer of the genre in the Republic of Belarus was “Brainslaughter”. For three years, the game of Sasha Khanin and Katya Maksimova has gathered an entire army of players, and not only in Minsk - “Brain Massacre” regularly takes place in different cities of Belarus, and has recently spread beyond the country’s borders. Where there are many players, there is a lot of money. The organizers of the Belarusian pub quiz told KYKY how fun for friends became a profitable business.

Where did pub quizzes come to us from?

Sasha Khanin and Katya Maksimova

Sasha: We have been living in Lithuania for quite a long time, and there we ourselves played in several similar projects. There is quite high competition among Lithuanian pub quizzes: when “MozgoBoinya” was launched in Minsk three years ago, there were already 10–15 different small projects in Vilnius. One of the games was made by our friend, and he offered us an idea that was crazy for us at that time - to hold the game in Minsk.

Kate: We laughed right away, but after a few months we decided. We translated a couple of packets of questions from Lithuanian into Russian - and started playing.

Was your pub quiz the first in Minsk?

Sasha: To be honest, I have not studied the history of pub quizzes in Belarus - but it seems that nothing like this existed before us.

Kate: Perhaps they had their own private parties. The sports movement “What? Where? When?”, many teams play here. CHGK members probably gathered in a more informal atmosphere and played something similar. But we have not seen such a format.

Who came to your first games?

Kate: For the first game we gathered 60 people - all friends and relatives. This was one of the reasons for launching the game: we spent most of our time in Vilnius, we saw our Minsk friends much less often than we would like - the game allowed us to change this. Then word of mouth worked. It started with 10 teams, and now almost two and a half hundred are playing with us, and with each subsequent game they are increasing.

At what point did you receive your first income?

Sasha: In the first year there was no income at all, everything went to zero. After all, our friends played with us - and we gave them gifts, bought tangerines for the New Year. We just tried to create a friendly atmosphere: so that people would be interested, so that they could laugh. Everything grew gradually: 60 people, 70, 80... If someone had said 3 years ago that I would host events for 400 people 6 times a month, I would probably have twirled my finger at my temple. It's not that I'm a very shy person with no experience in public speaking - but 400 people are!

Kate: We never counted money; we initially had a different motivation. When you finish university and start working, you realize that your memory slows down and your brain starts to grow dull. What to do? Read books. And in order to read more, you need something to push you and motivate you.

Sasha: At first we wanted to solve Scanavi problems, but we couldn’t find a textbook.

Kate: So we decided to do something that would make people’s brains move and their gears work. That is, initially we did everything for ourselves - and until recently we didn’t even notice how much we had expanded.

Sasha: What people are willing to pay money for is food, entertainment and sex. We can’t offer sex - except that he always skips the questions. We have food. What remains is entertainment. Take care of people and they will make you rich. Now everyone who wants to play “Brain Slaughter” cannot fit into one bar, and the games take place for several days in a row, at different sites.

Kate: This is a precedent-setting decision. Many teams have gathered - what to do? We decided to play in two days, and then in three. “BrainSlaughter” is being developed not so much by us as by people: a lot of players have gathered - we are looking for a large room, people wanted a cultural component - we organize musical breaks. People wanted to carry out “Brain Massacre” in other cities - we opened a franchise.

Sasha: At first there was a dilemma: ask the same questions on the second day - or make a new game. Due to natural laziness, we leaned towards the first option. After all, we initially positioned the game as leisure, entertainment, and not a sport. It seems that teams can leak the correct answers - but who needs that? What to fight for - a bottle of champagne? (prize for winning the game - editor's note) We have no sponsors, no big prizes, no ratings. People come to relax!

What part of the profits goes to organizing games?

Kate: We pay everyone who helps us: from the sound engineer to the guys who run around the hall and collect pieces of paper with answers. We don’t chase anyone for thanks!

Rusya and Dmitry Shepelevich

Sasha: We have a DJ who is responsible for the atmosphere of the game - I think he does half the job.

Kate: There is a person from whom we rent projectors - Pavel Turonchik, aka Plaha. We pay him for delivery, installation and connection of projectors. Everything is complicated there, there are whole heaps of wires - it is necessary for the projectors to work, and the TVs around the hall, and the sound to be synchronous with the picture...

Sasha: There is also a person who helps us on social networks, with accounting, office work, printing tickets, and takes the proceeds to the bank - Dima Shepelevich.

Kate: And the guys who help us on the spot: they collect sheets with answers, help check them and assign points.

Do clubs ask for a specific amount for rent - or is it all for mutual benefit?

Kate: Differently. Some clubs approve a fixed rate, others ask for a percentage of the proceeds: sometimes 10, sometimes 30. Different establishments have completely different conditions.

Sasha: On average, about 45% of profits go to the organization.

Suma performance

Kate: Sometimes we have a band perform - at the opening of the season, for example, Šuma played. Fees, rental of equipment, work of a sound engineer - and in the end the game turns out to be zero, an image one. But, I want to believe, everyone likes it.

How “Brainslaughter” conquers cities

Over the course of three game days, more than 200 teams come to MozgoSlaughter, with an average of 6 people playing in each team. Participation in the game costs 40,000 - it is not difficult to calculate the total profit. Every month there are 2-3 games. This, however, is not the entire income of the organizers - “Brain Slaughter” was distributed as a franchise throughout Belarus.

How did the geographical spread begin - the takeover of “Brainslaughterhouse” in Belarus?

Kate: We didn't capture anyone! There were no advertisements in newspapers.

Sasha: But the media played an important role in this. The first person who contacted us - Vitebsk guy Rinat Karimov - read an article in KP. Previously, only in my worst dreams could I see what Komsomolskaya Pravda would write about us! Apparently, the stereotypes worked in my head.

Kate: Now we have two teams from Komsomolskaya Pravda playing: editors and journalists. Both some and others are amazing.

Sasha: So, when a man from Vitebsk came to us and said that he wanted to make a game in his city, for us it was a signal that income could be converted into passive. Then everything started rolling like a snowball. They announced it a couple of times at the game - and offers started pouring in: “I want to spend it there, I want to do it there...” But in reality, income is not passive in the classical sense: it takes a lot of energy to make “Brain Slaughter” for other cities.

Do you have any questions about regional games?

Kate: Yes. Mainly on questions that we wrote for BrainBoyen two years ago.

Sasha: But we have to comb through the database of questions, and this is very cool: we discard the not very successful or not very funny questions. We have a round of questions about the latest news - and the latest news is sent to all regions. People love it when they are taken care of, when it is clear that the game was made especially for them. It's great to have local questions - and we encourage local organizers to include at least one question about their city in each game.

In how many cities does BrainSlaughter take place?

Kate: Besides Minsk, back at 9. Of the Belarusian ones - Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Brest, Baranovichi, Bobruisk, plus Mogilev will start soon. There is also Bryansk, and in two weeks St. Petersburg will be launched.

Sasha: We have special conditions for Belarus, and we would like to be evenly distributed throughout the country, so the plans include Orsha, Soligorsk, Novopolotsk, Pinsk and Lida.

There are more and more pub quizzes in Minsk. How serious is the competition?

Sasha: Due to the fact that we now play for several days, teams have a choice. Even if our date coincides with another pub quiz, teams can register with us on a different day.

Kate: 90% of teams that play in alternative projects also play BrainSlaughter. You open the list of commands - all the names are familiar. In addition, we have already developed a recognizable “brainbreaker” format of questions.

Sasha: We manage to make questions so that it is interesting, so that people have fun, so that they laugh at their own answers - both correct and incorrect. I have participated in many pub quizzes, not only in Lithuania and Belarus - and it seems to me that we are the best at asking questions. I don’t know how correct it is to evaluate this on our part, but it seems to me that we have become a trendsetter that people look up to. Alternative projects are often compared to “Brainslaughterhouse”; the organizers themselves usually either go against us or try to copy the “Brainslaughterhouse” format. And everyone has their own audience. In general, competition keeps us on our toes, spurs us on - so we are very grateful to other Minsk pub quizzes for the fact that they exist.

Seasoned players “What? Where? When?" “Brainslaughter” is often criticized: they say your wording is not so clear, and the score is much softer...

Kate: The rigidity of the test is important when the result is important, when there is a rating, when defending the issue is a matter of honor. But we play for fun, and if the team explains its logic very close to the correct one, we will count the answer to them.

We want 12-year-olds to be able to play with us, and grandparents too. Why do they need questions from “What? Where? When?"!

Sasha:"Brainslaughterhouse" has a human face. Ideal formulations and strict rules for scoring questions are not the goal. People pay for entertainment, for a good evening, for keeping them awake during the break.

Will there come a time when you can enter a “brain-killing” retirement, receiving only passive income from the franchise?

Sasha: We really hope never! Minsk will probably remain ours until we lose the ability to think or speak. As for the rest of the cities, we will give them more autonomy over time so that it will be a classic franchise.

Kate: We take a very small percentage - 10% of revenue, plus 30 euros for a package of questions. To receive a serious commission, we need to cover 200 cities! Therefore, we are not talking about any pension. We don't even see it as a business. We were told from the outside a couple of times that we are businessmen, but we look at ourselves and think - is it true, or what?

Sasha: We already have plans for other countries - the Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland. They have already arrived in Russia. For other countries there will be different conditions, more stringent: people’s ability to pay is different, the scale is different, plus the costs of translating and adapting games will be required.

Are there pub quizzes that are common all over the world?

Kate: To be honest, we haven't studied the market. Perhaps something has grown like “Brain Slaughterhouse” - in America, for example. But there are no analogues to McDonald's in pub quizzes.

Sasha: I hope that in five years we will be able to discuss this topic from a different perspective!

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Intellectual and entertaining shows, held in the form of a quiz in a cafe or bar, and therefore called pub quizes, first appeared in the UK several decades ago and over time gained enormous popularity around the world. This type of recreation reached Mogilev on March 15, 2015, when the first game under the “MozgoBoinya” brand was organized. Then 21 teams with a total of about 130 people took part in the game. Now there are about 40 teams and more than 200 players playing it. To introduce our readers to this game in more detail, we infiltrated “Brain Slaughterhouse” and found out all its secrets.

Where to start and how to register a team to participate in the game

First of all, you should collect intelligence by visiting the group " BrainSlaughterhouse in Mogilev" In it you can not only see some general information, rules and photos from past games, but also find out when and at what time the next game will be. Typically, new games are announced a few days before registration, and registration itself is announced a couple of days before the game.

On the appointed day, usually at exactly noon, a post appears from the organizers, announcing the start of registration.

The first minutes are reminiscent of real cowboy duels. The fastest, most dexterous, and most importantly, the most responsible representatives of the teams leave applications to participate in the game. So within a few minutes the main part of the teams already appears on the wall, the rest arrive a little later. Logically, such efficiency is justified, because the number of seats in the restaurant is limited, but is it really possible to miss out on the game if you don’t have time to register before everyone else? Our special agent James Mozgobond asked this question to the organizer of the game in Mogilev - Alexey Trunov. The information obtained read:

Yes, sure. If the number of teams upon registration exceeds the number of tables in the establishment, then the teams that were last placed in the reserve. Although we usually try to accommodate everyone.

Therefore, it is better not to miss registration time. The application for participation must indicate the name of the team and the number of players.

As for the names of the teams, it becomes clear where all the Mogilev creativity went.

However, you can understand the logic behind the names of some teams from a survey that was recently conducted in the game group. Almost all the stories are original, and some are imbued with the spirit of mystical coincidences.

Having come up with a team name and registered it to participate, all that remains is to wait for the game itself.

What is our life? A game!

Many of us associate a phrase from Herman’s aria in the opera “The Queen of Spades” with the intellectual television game “What? Where? When?" For BrainSlaughter, the no less famous catchphrase would be more suitable: “Bread and circuses!” Moreover, you can actively participate in the spectacle yourself, and bread and other snacks and drinks can be ordered at the venue of the game - in the Gabrovo restaurant. Despite the large number of participants (about 200 people), our orders were processed quite quickly or we were just lucky. However, it is obvious that people come to Brain Slaughter not so much to eat as to play - so let’s look at the game itself. First of all, we present the rules of the game, which are presented by the organizers in the group with some of our comments.

The game has seven rounds of seven questions. Questions from rounds 1-6 are shown on the screen for about a minute and read out by the presenter. Then quickly read all the questions in a row again. A 100-second countdown starts, after which the answer sheet is handed in.

Rounds 1, 2, 4 and 6 are textual (guess a term, event, phenomenon, process, translate something from other languages, continue a quote, add a fact, guess what it is about based on several facts, etc.).

It should be added here that the first round is a warm-up with fairly simple questions, although there are also some that you need to really rack your brain over.

The second round is news. It presents questions regarding recent interesting events, discoveries, and absurdities.

The fourth and sixth rounds contain questions from various areas. Some of them can be guessed through erudition, if some facts are already familiar, others can be taken through logic, the rest you can simply try to guess.

Round 3 - musical (from the sound fragment you need to guess the performer, composer, and sometimes the author of the words or the event to which the composition was dedicated).

A very complex tour, since the compositions are presented from a variety of genres and eras. Pop and rock hits of the 90s and modern times, retro compositions of the mid-20th century, classical works, songs from films and much more. Belarusian rock and folk performers are common.

Round 5 - pictures (you need to guess what or who is shown, where the frame is from, what is being advertised, etc.).

Here we mainly need erudition and observation. For example, you need to guess a film from a presented frame, the title and author from a fragment of a picture, the name of a brand from an advertisement, and so on. However, in some matters, logic can also help in this round.

Try to guess who is shown in this photo? (1 minute)

A characteristic mole on the cheek helps determine that this is none other than Robert De Niro.

Round 7 - blitz. 7 simple and short questions of various types and genres appear on the screen for only 15 seconds and are read out. Questions do not remain on the screen and are not repeated. You are given another 50 seconds to think about it and write it down on a piece of paper. The team itself decides what the cost of each answer in the round will be: a mark opposite the answer means it is rated according to the +2/-2 system (correct/incorrect), and the absence of it means traditional grading (1/0). Thus, the maximum in Blitz is +14 points, the minimum is -14.

The most insidious of all tours. Even if you were confidently leading throughout the game with a good margin, the seventh round can change everything dramatically. But his cunning is manifested not only in this. The questions in this round are usually based on erudition, but they are very tricky and have many pitfalls. It can sometimes be very difficult to notice these pitfalls after a two-hour brainstorming session, and even in 15 seconds. On the other hand, this is what brings some element of intrigue into the game.

Example of a Round 7 question: Which country's flag is shown below? (15 seconds)

So we thought it was Ireland. And they even ticked it. But this is not Ireland, but the real Côte d’Ivoire! But if you guessed right, well done!

If we talk about the general quality of the questions, then in our subjective opinion they are quite consistent with this format of games. There are questions that are too easy, and forgetting that “everything and our life is simple” - you begin to look for some more sophisticated, original, but fundamentally wrong answers. There are also very complex ones that you just need to know, but mostly the game presents questions that can be thought out logically. However, there are also real masterpieces, the beauty of which you appreciate even if you gave the wrong answer.

Determination of places

In the hall, places for teams are determined by the organizers based on the number of participants in a particular team, so that everyone feels comfortable playing. At the entrance to the hall you will be directed where your team’s table is located. In the standings, places are determined based on the points scored. If they coincide, then the higher position is given to the team that gave the largest number of correct answers in the previous round. If the points match in it, the round that was before and so on is looked at.

Controversial issues

If a team believes that it gave the correct answer, but it was not counted fairly, it can contact the organizers in writing after the 3rd and 6th rounds with a request to consider the claim. Although it should be noted that, unlike other intellectual games, BrainBoyne is very loyal to the wording of answers and they can be counted, even if they are not indicated entirely correctly, but correspond to the logic of the question. It should also be noted that there were cases when the team approached the organizers with a request not to count the answer. Such actions in the spirit of Fair Play honor the team and improve the quality of the game.

Prizes and gifts

Unlike the banal prizes of some “Superlotto” in the form of a three-room apartment or a useless SUV, MozgoBoinya offers something more valuable:

Emotions are the main prize and absolutely everyone gets it. Both we and the players themselves strive for this. The team that answers more questions than others also receives a large champagne as a cup) Sometimes there are incentive prizes, gifts for everyone, and souvenirs.

Indeed, at the last game, additional gifts in the form of delicious (for sure) cakes went to the teams that took the first three places in the poll on the history of the names. All other participants were in for a surprise in the form of a live performance by the band. Point 6 Band during breaks between rounds. And at the previous game, we wrote wishes to ourselves on postcards, which the organizers promised to send as a surprise after an indefinite period of time.

The professor is a mug, but he has the equipment

Since the game has a competitive component, the issue of honesty is one of the most pressing. It's no secret that, if desired, many questions can be Googled and compositions determined using the Shazam application. Therefore, we decided to use the services of Mozgobond again, asking the organizers the following question: “is there any control over compliance with fair play and what severe punishment awaits insidious cheaters?”

First and foremost, we gather to have a good time. This is not a competition, not a championship, but a popular game that people like and they come to us for emotions. No matter where you end up, the goal is to meet friends and have a good time. Googling and Shazaming means ruining the evening for which you paid money, giving up the drive. All meaning and intrigue are lost. Such people are not even very popular in their own teams; they let everyone down at once.

Therefore, we will not go into everyone’s phone; there are different situations in which you need to answer an SMS or a call. But someone is always in the hall and makes sure that people do not openly use gadgets. This can be seen when someone is hiding or Shazam's blue screen is on. There are such cases in almost every game, then we offer to play honestly, and if they come across it a second time, we take away the answer sheet or deduct a few points.

Champions League

There are legends that there is a certain mysterious Brain Slaughter Champions League, in which the winners of previous games play. Unfortunately, we cannot yet highlight our own experience of being at such a tournament due to a number of ridiculous formalities;) Therefore, we present the data that we were able to find out from reliable sources.

We divide the year into two seasons. Based on their results, a final game is held, in which teams that took first place at least once take part.

There are also additional indicators. It happens that a team has taken second place many times, and many Champions League participants themselves ask to give these guys a chance. The more participants there are in the final, the more interesting it is for everyone to fight for victory and the sweeter it is. The Champions League is the final game of the season, its closing, so we always prepare something special for this game, and the winner receives a real cup!

Out of the game

Question database for the quiz- the largest collection of game tasks of intellectual games, which are collected from various sources. Including such well-known games as the game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, “Oh Lucky Man”, “Brainring”, the game “Taxi” TNT, “Own Game”, “Weak Link”, “Erudite”, Test Game, and also a base of questions "What? Where? When?"

The database of questions is constantly updated and currently contains more than 900 thousand questions (unique). Players can add tasks to the question database independently, as well as distribute them by topic.

The questions can be very simple, but sometimes they can be very complex, so both children and schoolchildren, as well as adults, can play the Wikviz quiz. Difficult tasks usually earn more game points.

Each time you receive a variety of tips. They usually come in the form of anagrams and open letters (as in "Field of Miracles").


In the database of online quiz questions you will find many types of questions for every taste, from riddles, tests, to words and chronological questions. All questions may have different approaches to guessing and some nuances in how the presenter receives answers.

Categories and types

We divide the database of questions for the Wikviz quiz by question category, type, difficulty and user rating. This allows you to further determine the preferences of players, their area of ​​​​expertise and deservedly award points.


We offer those who wish to partially download the database of questions for the quiz with answers. Most often, this is necessary for those who want to conduct their own quizzes.

Anyone can add their tasks to our database of questions for the quiz. The authorship of questions is retained, and at the request of the authors they can be excluded from the database. Added questions are post-moderated and can be slightly rephrased without losing their meaning. You can read how to add questions for the quiz to the question database in the sections *link*. Everyone who added tasks to the question database and worked with it will be posted on the honor board.


You can try to answer questions in the quiz database without registering to clearly understand how it works.

  • What is Brain Slaughterhouse?
  • Project Features
  • Game Features
  • Franchise from Brain Slaughterhouse

Nowadays, quite a large number of people suffer from a lack of intellectual entertainment. Indeed, more and more low-quality projects from abroad are coming to us via the Internet, the main target audience of which is people with a minimum level of knowledge. But what should intellectuals who want to develop and train their brains do? The answer is simple. To participate in Brain slaughterhouse. This game is rapidly gaining popularity among people of various age groups, but in addition to having a great time, it is also a very profitable business. How to make money on Mozgoslaughter we'll take a closer look.

What is Brain Slaughterhouse?

Before you decide what you need to get started, you should clearly understand what this event is.

Brain Slaughter is an entertaining intellectual game that originated in Belarus in 2012. Since 2014, the creators of the game have been selling the game franchise. At the moment, the game is constantly organized in 51 cities.

Step-by-step plan for opening a club

In order to become part of such a significant project and make money from brain slaughterhouse you will need a minimum set of tools:

  • Room for games.
  • Brain Slaughter franchise.
  • Screen.
  • Service staff.
  • Audio equipment.
  • Symbolic prize.

As a rule, such a modest set is quite enough to launch a project in your city and start earning good money from regular events.

Project Features

The main feature of the game is that it takes place in an anti-cafe. Yes, precisely in those establishments where there is no standard food and drinks and you can bring everything with you. However, ordinary cafes or clubs are also suitable for this kind of event, where everyone can accommodate.

Another feature of the event is that the winning team receives a purely symbolic prize. This could be a specially designed bottle of champagne or a figurine with branding. There is absolutely no need to spend money on the prize, which makes the business even more profitable.

Particular attention should be paid to the city. Brain Slaughter Franchise currently operates in 51 cities. Settlements with a population of 50,000 or more people can participate in the project.

But of course, one cannot fail to mention such a factor as periodicity. If there is a potential audience in your city and many people interested, then games can be held at least every week. Just be sure to keep in mind that often the event can simply get boring and the number of audiences will decrease, so don’t abuse it.

How much money do you need to start holding intellectual games?

When organizing any business, it is very important to correctly calculate its financial side. So if you want make money on Mozgoslaughterhouse, First of all, you will have to purchase a franchise and rent a hall. In addition to the lump-sum fee, franchisees are provided with a subscription fee and a certain percentage of revenue. The cost of a franchise depends on the city and can vary from 50 to 100,000 rubles.

Additional subscription fees and deductions (per month) are:

  • For cities with a population of less than 250 thousand - 60 euros and 10% of revenue.
  • For cities with a population of more than 500 thousand - 75 euros and 10% of revenue.

The cost of the game for one person is on average 300 rubles.

As an example, consider an event with the participation of 100 people: 100 * 300 = 30,000 rubles per game.

From this amount you need to subtract:

  • Expenses for renting premises.
  • Salary of service personnel.
  • Equipment rental costs.
  • Advertising.
  • Prize.
  • Taxes.
  • Franchise payments.

How much can you earn from conducting intellectual games?

The payback period for the business is from 2 to 6 months, and in just six months you can achieve a profit of 298 rubles per month (for a city with a population of 100-250 thousand people).

It's definitely worth mentioning that there are several expenses you can simply eliminate. It is enough to simply outline all the advantages to the owner of the establishment and it is quite likely that, understanding that during the game, people will make orders, he will provide the premises for free. In addition, you will only have to spend money on advertising for the first few months, because then word of mouth will do everything for you.

Game Features

Brain Slaughterhouse consists of 7 rounds, in each of which players are asked 7 questions. Each stage has its own characteristics, namely:

  • 1,4,6 rounds are text questions in which players are asked to guess the meaning of a term, complete quotes, guess an event or the like.
  • Round 2 - in it you need to be well versed in current news and guess recent events.
  • Round 3 - based on music, where you need to guess the artist or song from a fragment of the work.
  • Round 5 - at this stage, players are offered various images, based on which they need to determine who or what is shown in the picture or other features.

The participant is given approximately 60 seconds to answer each question. At the end of the stage, all questions are repeated and after that the answers are given to the organizers.

The final 7th round is the Blitz Round. It includes 7 questions, which are given 15 seconds to think about. At this stage, the team independently determines the price of each issue. The maximum is 14, and the minimum is 1. In total, the game will take about 2.5 hours.

Franchise from Brain Slaughterhouse

The game itself works exclusively on the principle of a franchise, so, unfortunately, it will not be possible to organize it without purchasing the rights. If you decide to hold your event under a similar name without purchasing a franchise, you may face legal proceedings and a fairly large fine.

The purchase allows you to start within 3 weeks. In addition, it carries a number of advantages:

  • Fast payback.
  • High profitability.
  • Payment holidays.
  • Famous name.

By purchasing franchise from Brain Slaughterhouse, you essentially receive a ready-made business project, the implementation of which requires minimal effort.

Brain Slaughter is rapidly gaining popularity among a wide segment of the public, so in order not to miss an excellent opportunity to make money, you should think about hosting games in your city today.


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