Could it be because... Does a cold cause a delay in menstruation?

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The birth of children is only one of the goals of marriage and depends entirely on the will of Allah the Almighty, who said in the Quran: “To Allah belongs the power over the heavens and the earth. He does whatever he wants. He bestows upon whom He wishes female offspring, and He bestows upon whom He wishes male offspring. Or He combines male and female offspring, and He makes the one He desires barren. Verily, He is the Knower, the Almighty” (ash-Shura 42/49-50).

In addition, the mutual love and mercy of spouses for each other is one of the proofs of the existence of Allah and His power: “Among His signs is that He created wives from yourselves for you, so that you could find peace in them, and established love between you and mercy. Indeed, in this are signs for a people who reflect” (ar-Rum 30/21). This means that spouses must trust in the power of Allah Almighty and love each other for the sake of His pleasure. This is truly a great virtue.

Based on this, if traditional methods of treating infertility have not brought results, then married couples who do not have children should not resort to some strange and unconventional methods. Moreover, we should not blame each other for the absence of children. It is necessary to accept this position with humility, submitting to the will of Allah.

In our opinion, resorting to a second marriage due to the lack of children is wrong. However, each such case must be considered individually. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the consent or disagreement of the first wife; can two women get along together; material capabilities; as well as the need to treat both wives fairly. Besides, where is the guarantee that a child will be born in a second marriage!

Based on the fact that none of us has such guarantees, it is necessary to be satisfied with our fate and continue to live as a Muslim, striving for the pleasure of Allah Almighty.

In addition, we do not know what is good for us, the presence of children, or their absence. Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an: “Perhaps what is good for you is unpleasant for you. And perhaps you love what is evil for you. Allah knows, but you do not know” (al-Baqarah 2/216). How many children are there about whom it can be said that it would be better if they had not been born, and whose mothers exclaim in tears: “I wish I had not given birth to a child like you.”

It is also necessary to think about the psychological state of a woman after a divorce. Think about what a woman will experience if her husband divorces her after many years of marriage just because they didn’t have children!

Believers marry not only for the sake of this life, but also for the sake of eternal life, in which they will be together, and where their love will only intensify. Therefore, this issue should be approached from the point of view of eternal life, and thoughts of divorce should not be allowed to arise.


Can an American judge be removed for being wrong most of the time?

Let's say in America a Federal Judge is appointed by the President, confirmed by the Senate, and then he/she gets it wrong most of the time: often in the minority if on the bench, often overturned by an appellate court if the Judge is the only judge on that bench, issues decisions, full of either false premises or faulty logic, etc., etc., etc... I know that judges can maintain their positions "on good behavior"; Do frequent mistakes and/or incompetence qualify as "bad behavior"?


Differently. Some judges are elected (for a term), some are appointed. Anything can be undone or eliminated, but it requires either a serious offense or doing something politically incorrect, no matter how minor.


@user1873 & DVK - Federal judges receive appointments for life or fixed terms. There are no elections at the federal level. State and local judges are mostly elected and then either retained or not, with no other judge challenging their place in any legal practice that I know of in the US.


@DVK - I'm not skeptical: Article II, clause 2, clause 2, of the constitution. There is no provision allowing for the election of federal judges.


@xuinkrbin. - Oh, somehow I completely missed these words. I would also add the word “federal”, but you are right that the question is quite clear as is.


Michael Kingsmill

The short answer is that federal judges, or more accurately, federal officials of the United States government, can only be prosecuted for treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors as defined in the Constitution. Obviously, incompetence is not included in this list, so the answer to your question is no.

However, the actual process of holding someone accountable is a highly human process, and the underlying intent of those involved may be driven by reasons that may not clearly fit into the above categories for some observers. So, as with most things, the answer is never black and white.

Any person can petition the House of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against a public official, and in fact, in the case of federal judges, it is usually the Judicial Conference of the United States that first recommends impeachment proceedings based on their ethical and moral standards for their members. The House can then decide to file the petition (any member can also request their own) and forward it to the House Rules Committee. If the House Rules Committee agrees that the petition has merit, it is recommended to the House Judiciary Committee and then to a full house. The Senate will then hold a trial and convict if the full house votes to try the charges.

It is important to note that the House is not required to prove that the charges they establish must be tied to one of the specific categories set out in the Constitution (just as there is no law requiring them to cite the clause of the Constitution that gives them power to pass any law). Thus, in theory, they could vote and pass a resolution based solely on perceived incompetence. However, they will almost certainly phrase it in a way that roughly fits into one of the predefined categories.

It's also worth noting that this particular issue was considered by the Founders when the Constitution was written. George Mason argued for explicitly including incompetence as an irreparable offense, but it was ultimately rejected by James Madison in the final text. So consideration was made and the founders would not approve, but it is theoretically possible.

Mason countered that these grounds were too limited:

“Why is this provision limited only to treason and bribery? Treason, as defined in the Constitution, will not lead to the commission of many great and dangerous crimes. Hastings is not guilty of treason. Attempts to subvert the Constitution cannot be treason, as stated in the bills defined above as Those who have preserved the British Constitution are prohibited, the more necessary is the impeachment to be extended."

Mason then decided to add the word “poor management” to the other two characteristics. Six of the thirteen state constitutions used the term "bad government" as a basis for impeachment, including Mason's home state of Virginia.

When James Madison objected that "so vague a term would be equivalent to a term of office during the pleasure of the Senate," Mason withdrew "misgovernment" and replaced it with "crimes and misdemeanors against the commonwealth," which passed eight states to three, apparently without further discussions.


The chain might look like this: failure to attempt to uphold the oath of office -> perjury -> high crime -> impeachment.


Usually not, unless the errors are widely recognized as such. Otherwise, it would be contrary to the letter and spirit of the Constitution. One person's mistakes are usually the other party's policy. But in theory, the House and Senate could vote to impeach for any reason.

Article III of the US Constitution states that federal judges serve for "good conduct" (sic).

In Federalist No. 78, Hamilton said:

The standard of good conduct for succession to the judicial magistracy is certainly one of the most valuable modern improvements in the practice of public administration. In a monarchy this is an excellent barrier to the despotism of the prince; in a republic this is no less an excellent barrier to encroachment and oppression of the representative body. And this is the best way that any government can develop to ensure the stable, fair and impartial application of laws.

Thus, the letter and spirit of Article III were intended to protect judges from punishment for their opinions. Your argument is that a judge makes "mistakes" in an objective sense, but rarely will they be widely recognized as mistakes. Most people won't notice unless the outcome is the opposite of their political preferences. So in practice it is almost always a political dispute.

The legislature has other responses besides removal, such as passing new legislation. The executive may, at least according to some constitutional views, refuse to carry out decisions with which it disagrees. Both of these alternatives are less constitutionally explosive and more politically achievable. If a political view has the 2/3 Senate and House majority needed to hold it accountable, then in most cases it can take legislative action to overturn the judge's decisions.

However, a movement of politically motivated politicians may launch a campaign arguing that the judge has some personal shortcomings that require his resignation or removal. Maybe health problems, or insanity, or some trend of strange behavior - something that indicates an inability to perform. If enough people accept this argument, then a politically motivated impeachment can be carried out under the guise of a politically neutral one.

EDIT - Please note that this is essentially what happened to Samuel Chase, the only Supreme Court justice to be impeached. He was prosecuted for misconduct and bias in judicial actions, but this was very controversial at the time. The battle for bugs is usually subjective.

The menstrual cycle is a complex system. Her health depends on the general condition of the body, and vice versa. Menstruation that comes on schedule makes a woman understand that all processes are proceeding normally, but any cycle failure indicates that something is not going as it should.

Various factors can influence the shift in the menstrual schedule: from an irregular daily routine to the presence of diseases. Therefore, for those girls who, having fallen ill, are interested in whether there could be a delay due to a cold, doctors usually give a positive answer. The fact is that infections that attack the body affect not only the immune system, but also the reproductive system. It follows from this that a delay in menstruation due to a cold is quite possible, and often such disruptions in the menstrual cycle do not indicate the presence of any pathologies. Hormonal imbalances that cause disruption often occur in the context of a weakened immune system, so even after a cold has passed, it may take some time for your cycle to return to normal.

The effect of a cold on the cycle

When answering the question whether a cold can affect your periods, you should first understand how menstruation occurs normally. After the completion of the next cycle, follicles develop in the ovaries, from which eggs will subsequently form, ready for fertilization. When the egg leaves the ovary and moves through the fallopian tubes, the ovulation stage begins - the period most favorable for pregnancy. Ovulation is followed by the final stage of the cycle, during which the unfertilized egg is released from the body.

The work of the ovaries is directly related to the action of sex hormones, the production of which is responsible for the hypothalamic-pituitary region of the brain. When the body is affected by an acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection, the menstrual cycle may be delayed due to the fact that toxins - decay products of harmful organisms - affect the chemical and biological processes occurring in the brain, including in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

Therefore, a cold before menstruation can cause an increase in the duration of the cycle and, accordingly, a late onset of menstruation.

A cold that a girl can detect three days before her period or less is likely to affect natural processes. However, it is impossible to say reliably whether the disease will affect menstruation, because this largely depends on the strength of the immune system and a number of related factors.

The female body is a very delicate and fragile system, any disruption in the functioning of which can lead to unpleasant and even...

Possible reasons for the delay

Any interference with the functioning of the body leads to one or another consequence, so a cold and a delay in menstruation are interrelated. Before predicting how long the menstrual cycle will last after a cold, it is necessary to clarify what exactly we mean when we talk about a cold. General practitioners deny the existence of the cold as a disease - it usually means certain types of infection that affect the body, weakened due to hypothermia, chronic diseases, climate change, etc. The main factors that can provoke a delay in menstruation may be:

  1. Viral infection during epidemics.
  2. Respiratory diseases.
  3. Bacterial and fungal infections.

And, even if the disease passed quickly and, in your opinion, did not provoke the appearance of disorders in the body, it makes sense to consult a doctor to eliminate the possibility of complications.

There is also another factor, the most common of all, influencing the delay of menstrual periods - pregnancy. Often, in the early stages, a pregnant woman may believe that she has caught a cold, because it is very easy to confuse their symptoms. The onset of pregnancy for many is accompanied by fever, sore throat, runny nose, and nausea. This makes women think that they have contracted an intestinal infection or a cold, whereas such signs would indicate that the body is adapting to new conditions. If there is a possibility of pregnancy and you are experiencing “cold” symptoms, we recommend taking a test.

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The nature of menstruation during colds

In addition to the fact that the menstrual cycle may be delayed due to illness, the nature of the discharge may also become different. Basically, when there is a delay due to a cold, the following symptoms may appear:

  • an increase in the duration of menstruation to seven days or more against the background of a respiratory viral disease;
  • spotting dark discharge at the beginning of menstruation and at the end;
  • the presence of bloody clots (due to increased body temperature, blood clots faster, which affects the thickness of the discharge);
  • pronounced pain. The pain may intensify due to the fact that toxins accumulate in the muscle tissue, aggravating the sensitivity of the nerve endings.

Thus, along with the question of whether a cold might delay your period, you should ask how your period itself will change.

During the menstrual cycle, a woman's body constantly undergoes some changes. This also applies...

Possible complications and consequences

In some cases, a bacterial infection also penetrates into the body, weakened by a viral infection. It can lead to the development of diseases of the internal and external genital organs. Deviations from the norm can be recognized by the following basic signs:

  1. The presence of uncharacteristic discharge with a pronounced odor.
  2. Persistence of pain at the end of menstruation and after its completion.
  3. Increased urge to urinate, pain or burning during deurination.

If you notice such symptoms, you should seek help from a doctor.

If you neglect hormonal imbalance, a seemingly insignificant disorder can result in very serious consequences. A failure in the production of female sex hormones leads to an increase in testosterone and the launch of processes uncharacteristic for the body. Subsequently, complications such as hirsutism (facial hair), ovarian dysfunction and even infertility may appear. Therefore, it is extremely important to detect the problem in time and decide what to do to eliminate it. Therefore, it is recommended that if the delay in menstruation lasts longer than a week, consult a doctor so that respiratory viral diseases do not develop into diseases of the reproductive system.

You should not drive a car not only while intoxicated, but also under the influence of medications or in a state of extreme fatigue. Traffic police inspectors have the right to send such drivers for a medical examination, and the court can fine them 30,000 rubles.

Sometimes feeling unwell and having a headache is much worse than being drunk. Attention is dulled, and the driver loses the ability to correctly assess events and respond adequately to them.

It is forbidden to drive while tired

Traffic police officers who conduct raids on drunk people pay close attention to these kinds of “sick” drivers. During a headache or problems with blood pressure, a person’s eyes turn red, he cannot talk cheerfully and behaves apathetically, that is, he exhibits a whole range of symptoms characteristic of intoxication. Therefore, inspectors ask to leave the salon, walk along the sidewalk, and also ask tricky and unusual questions to help assess the ability to adequately maintain a dialogue.

If it is difficult for the driver to answer all questions in detail, then representatives of the law may have reasonable doubts about his ability to safely drive a vehicle. In this case, traffic police officers are guided by paragraph 2.7 of the Road Traffic Rules (TRAF), which directly states that the driver is prohibited from driving a vehicle not only while intoxicated (alcohol, drugs or other), but also under the influence of medications that impair reaction and attention, and even in a painful or fatigued state that jeopardizes traffic safety.

In addition, it is prohibited to transfer control to persons under the influence of drugs, as well as in a sick or fatigued state. And this is fair, because the probability of an accident for a sick person is much higher than for a healthy one.

And ignoring the prohibition from clause 2.7 of the traffic rules is punishable under part 3 of article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation by deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 1.5 to 2 years or a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

The punishment is serious. Therefore, if during a trip you begin to feel drowsiness, lethargy, dullness of attention, loss of visual acuity, slowness of action, then it is better to stop and have a good rest. However, if you want to make it home with all your might and a traffic police crew appears on the road carrying out routine checks, then even someone who has never taken alcohol may get into trouble.

For medical examination

When asked whether you have drunk alcoholic beverages, you should not talk about how you feel bad or make excuses by saying that your eyes are red from hours of lack of sleep. Having heard such information, based on clause 2.7 of the traffic rules, the inspector will have the right to temporarily remove the driver from driving and send him for a medical examination, which, by the way, determines not only intoxication. Doctors give a verdict as a whole. And if the driver does not have a drop of alcohol in his blood, but his general condition shows all the signs of serious illness, then he will be considered unable to drive a car.

The government regulation “On improving the system of medical examinations of workers and drivers of individual vehicles” provides a list of diseases with which driving a car is prohibited. Clause 12.3 lists contraindications for drivers with category “B” licenses:

Deterioration of health after surgery on the heart and large great vessels;

Hypertension II - III degree;

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

Chronic diseases of the liver, biliary system, pancreas with frequent exacerbations.

In all these cases, the doctors’ verdict on the driver’s permission to drive the car is made individually. The fine can be avoided, but you will have to take a taxi home. If a driver with a headache and general malaise refuses a medical examination, then the sanctions provided for in Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation may be applied to him: deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 1.5 to 2 years or a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

Because of

Due to the fact that BECAUSE of someone, a preposition with gender. P.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .

See what “Because” is in other dictionaries:

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    Conjunction 1. Used when attaching a subordinate part of a complex sentence, which contains a descriptive representation of the speech, thought, feeling or state of the person referred to in the main part; about that; regarding that... ...

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    under the guise that- conjunction Syntactic constructions beginning with the conjunction “under the guise that” are highlighted with punctuation marks (commas). In this case, the first punctuation mark is usually placed between the parts of the conjunction (before the word “what”). ... Semyon Ivanovich climbed out of his bed ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

    due to the fact that- conjunction Syntactic constructions beginning with the conjunction “due to the fact that” are distinguished by punctuation marks. In this case, the first punctuation mark is usually placed between the parts of the conjunction (before the word “what”). But this is only due to the fact that in life and in... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

    because of- conjunction Syntactic constructions beginning with the conjunction “due to the fact that” are distinguished by punctuation marks (commas). In this case, the first punctuation mark is usually placed between the parts of the conjunction (before the word “what”). And, I must say, good, okay,... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

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    Conjunction Used when joining the subordinate part of a complex sentence (which contains an amendment to the previous part of the sentence), corresponding in meaning to the following: except that; except that. Dictionary… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


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