Is it possible to keep Monstera at home? Myths and real facts. Why you can’t keep a monstera at home in an apartment

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Monstera - very beautiful ornamental plant.

Do you want to grow a flower called monstera at home? Don’t you know that you can’t keep a monstera at home? Think twice about whether you should do this. Despite the fact that this plant has been known for many centuries, some people, believing rumors and legends, are afraid to keep it at home. What is this strange plant with holey leaves and why is it considered impossible to keep it at home, we will try to figure it out.

Monstera (description)


Monstera- a beautiful ornamental liana plant similar to a palm tree, which a large number of aerial roots with massive leathery leaves with holes. Their length sometimes reaches 30 cm.

The flower's homeland is the humid tropics. It is this hot and humid climate that is most suitable in which the plant grows and bears fruit. Home conditions are not capable of creating such conditions, so flowering in an apartment is a rare occurrence.

Very often this plant is called “crybaby” because of its ability to predict the weather: if large drops appear on the leaves, it means it will rain.

The word “monstera” has several translations that exactly correspond to the type of flower:

  • whimsical;
  • yoke;
  • amazing.

Myths and fables about the plant

Monstera has a scandalous reputation.

There are many myths surrounding this beautiful flower. Let us list some of them and give our explanations. So, it is believed that Monstera:

  • Energetic vampire. There is an opinion that the flower is capable of sucking out positive emotions, destroying a person’s astral body, and spreading negativity.
  • Flower strangler. A fairy tale that tells that in the dark, a flower, due to its size, absorbs a huge amount of oxygen, so that a person sleeping in the room will certainly die in the morning.
  • Poisonous plant. Really true statement. The flower is poisonous, the juice getting on the skin and mucous membrane causes a burn. The main thing, in a fit of madness, is not to start chewing leaves or gnawing on the trunk. You just need to keep it away from small children and animals.
  • Bloodthirsty is a “monster flower” that feeds on human and animal bodies. In ancient times, travelers found skeletons through which leaves and aerial roots plants. And only several centuries later they came to the conclusion that the monstera released its parts through the bodies of the dead and those killed in the jungle.
  • Destroys career, personal life, and has a bad effect on health.
  • According to Feng Shui: the flower has the ability to unite yin and yang (masculine and feminine), which reduces sexual energy, therefore it is contraindicated to keep in marital bedrooms.

Useful properties of monstera

The plant has beneficial properties.

However, despite all prejudices, modern scientists have proven that the flower has many positive qualities, even more than negative ones.

Useful properties of monstera:

  • enriches the air with aerons and oxygen;
  • humidifies and ionizes the air in the room;
  • due to the large leaves, the flower absorbs harmful particles of dust and other harmful impurities from the atmosphere;
  • decorates the interior of the house;
  • suppresses the spread of viruses, fungi and other harmful microorganisms;
  • free home barometer: predicts rain by droplets of moisture on the leaves;
  • absorbs formaldehyde contained in plastic and other building materials;
  • absorbs electromagnetic waves into the room that are emitted by electrical appliances;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • promotes the correct development of thoughts;
  • increases intelligence.
  • in Asian countries it is a talisman that brings good luck and longevity;
  • natural guard against diseases and misfortunes;
  • attracts wealth and prosperity to the home.

So can you keep Monstera at home or not?

As you can see, myths about the plant are maintained thanks to the people who believe in them. The plant does not pose any danger if you handle it carefully (remember that it is poisonous and do not chew the leaves!) However, you do not need to have a monstera at home if you have any concerns about it. This flower, like any other, perfectly senses the attitude of those around it. And even if you create optimal conditions, but the atmosphere will be hostile, the flower will die. But if you take a risk, throwing away all prejudices, having a monstera in your home will bring you only joy and benefit.

The large, jagged leaves of Monstera (Philodendron) and its aerial roots first attracted the attention of tropical forest researchers. South America. And they not only attracted, but even frightened them, which is why this vine has such a strange name. Many people believe that monstera should not be kept at home, and botanists and esotericists know why this opinion is so widespread.

Why you can’t keep a monstera in the house - signs and superstitions

Monstera is a flower with which many signs and superstitions are associated; one might even say that this plant is a kind of record holder for the number of rumors. Bad reputation monstera is due to the fact that the first Europeans who saw it considered this vine a killer. In fact, the plant simply grew with aerial roots through the bones of people who died in the forests, and did not kill them at all.

Some esotericists believe that a monstera in an apartment is the first sign of absence from the house. This flower loves negative emotions very much, absorbs them and thereby partly balances the energy of the apartment. However, many esotericists are confident that the monster also absorbs positive emotions, which, undoubtedly, is not to the benefit of the residents of the house.

Another superstition associated with Monstera warns women who want to have this indoor plant at home. Monstera is considered a “husband” flower, i.e. driving men out of the house. If the owner of this indoor plant If she is married, she risks being left without a husband, and if a girl only dreams of entering into a marriage, not a single man will stay by her side.

Those who fear that monstera is poisonous need to know that this is not the case. The sap of the plant is absolutely harmless, but its leaves contain sharp, needle-like inclusions, which, if they come into contact with the mucous membrane and in the gastrointestinal tract, can cause health problems. Therefore, it is not advisable to keep a monstera if children and animals live in the apartment.

Monstera in the house is a good sign

Meanwhile, in some countries in south-eastern Asia, monstera is considered a plant that protects the hearth. It is often planted at the entrance to the house so that the vine “does not let in” bad people, and also placed next to a sick person - to absorb pathogenic fluids. The Chinese teaching of Feng Shui does not consider Monstera an “evil” plant, but it recommends keeping the flower in the office or living room, but not in the bedroom.

Among other positive qualities, esoteric monsters highlight her love for orderliness. Near this plant, a person’s concentration increases, attention increases, and thoughts come into order. Therefore, Monstera is recommended for people who often doubt and take on many things at once.

Botanists consider the monstera not only beautiful and unusual, but also useful plant. In an apartment, this flower cleanses the air well, absorbing harmful impurities and suppressing the vital activity of fungi, viruses and bacteria, which makes people feel better. In rooms with dry air, the monstera acts as a living humidifier. And before a thunderstorm or heavy rain, the leaves of this plant are covered with droplets of moisture, so it can predict weather changes.

But to any owner of this exotic flower it should be remembered that your positive traits demonstrates only a healthy and well-groomed plant. Monstera is not too whimsical, but it requires a lot of moisture, so frequent water procedures(shower or spray) are necessary. Dust that is attracted large leaves, should be washed regularly so that the amount of harmful substances absorbed does not decrease. Monstera does not like to have its leaves torn off, and it is advisable to direct its roots so that they grow into a pot and cover them with moss. And for a flower to grow beautiful, it needs to be tied up.

It's hard to imagine housing in modern world without vegetation. Every home has indoor plants, ordinary and exotic, that add a special touch. Tropical settlers create a special microclimate, and various beliefs are associated with them. Monstera is one of these plants; we’ll find out why you can’t keep it at home.

General information

Monstera arrived on the European continent at the end of the eighteenth century from the forests of South and Central America. The trunk is classified as a vine of the Araceae family.

In nature, the plant reaches gigantic sizes; carved leaves and aerial roots seem a little creepy, especially in the semi-darkness. At home, the flower has large leaves, reaching half a meter in diameter. The leaf blade is dark green, leathery, shiny. The trunk of the plant is thick, with small fibers near the petioles. There are a lot of roots, they go down in search of soil with nutrients and moisture.

The name of the plant is translated as “bizarre”, “amazing”; our compatriots associate Monstera with other concepts. Superstitious people compare the plant with a monster, these thoughts were fueled by travelers who saw human remains entwined with vine roots. Is this really true, is monstera harmful in a residential building?

What to be afraid of

The list of complaints about the plant is decent, most of the points are not based on scientific facts, and on signs and beliefs:

  1. The most terrifying reason why it cannot be grown indoors is the belief that it drives men out of the house. If a flower grows near unmarried girl, she will never get married. Married couple will certainly break up, the vine does not like the stronger sex.
  2. Some consider the plant to be an energy vampire; if there is negativity in the home, it will absorb it, defusing the situation. If there is peace and comfort in the house, the monstera “throws out” the negative, provoking the residents to make trouble.
  3. It is a fiction that the plant contains or produces toxic substances. Unlike definbachia, monstera does not have the substances necessary for this. The fruits are harmful to living beings, but few people have observed flowering; we are not talking about fruits at home at all. The claim that Monstera is poisonous is false.
  4. Monstera growing in a house emits a huge amount of carbon dioxide, which causes suffocation in humans. It has been scientifically proven that the plant will not be able to reproduce that much poisonous gas.

It’s up to you to trust the myths; the facts have not been scientifically confirmed. As for the fruits, it is known that there is no poison in them. The above-ground part, leaves, and fruits contain irritants; chewing them causes a burning sensation in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. This main reason, which is why you should refrain from growing it if there are small children or inquisitive pets in the house.

Beliefs about the flower of other peoples

Eastern countries have a different attitude towards monstera in the house; it will not cause harm, only benefit. Is it possible to keep a flower at home is not discussed:

  • The standard is installed in a room with a sick person, they believe that the plant will take away the disease and eliminate headaches.
  • Liana is necessary for those who take on several things. The plant will help organize thoughts, bring clarity, and increase concentration.
  • In its homeland, the monstera is considered a talisman of the hearth; many plant it at the entrance to protect against evil spirits.
  • The plant will attract luck and luck if other representatives of the flora are placed nearby in the same room. The most suitable are geraniums and begonias of various shades.
  • Many nationalities believe that monstera in the house absorbs harmful radiation; you will find it in the kitchen near the refrigerator or microwave. Another place of permanent residence becomes common room, install a standard near the TV.

As you can see, the exotic vine causes different nations completely opposite beliefs.

What will Feng Shui say?

The teachings of Feng Shui are gaining more and more popularity all over the world, and many are trying to strictly follow it. It did not ignore the monstera, the harm and benefits for humans in the home. According to the rules of harmony with nature, the standard has the following features:

  • is able to put a person’s thinking in order and facilitate the formulation of phrases;
  • the aura created by the vine encourages you to take more decisive steps;
  • You cannot place the tub in the bedroom; the tub weakens the libido of the spouses.

The latter fact forces you to keep the vine in hallways, kitchens, and dining rooms. At enterprises, the flower decorates meeting rooms.

Reasons to grow indoors

Scientists studied indoor flower monstera and gave an answer whether it was possible to keep her in the house. Tropical liana is necessary in the house, scientifically proven:

  • the large surface area of ​​the plant leaves supplies the maximum amount of oxygen;
  • a room with dry air is filled with moisture in a short period;
  • actively absorbs dust, soot, carcinogens from the atmosphere;
  • leaves secrete substances that inhibit harmful microbes and bacteria;
  • used as a barometer; before rain or thunderstorms, small droplets of moisture appear on the leaves.

In addition, the plant will be a wonderful addition to any interior, tropical liana fits perfectly into the living room, kitchen, and hallway.

Every home should have flowers or some plants. For many people, when choosing a houseplant, the choice falls on. Why on her?

Monstera- a beautiful flower with huge leaves and incredibly delicate half-lilies that appear during flowering. Since this plant is not at all whimsical, this provides it with a certain privilege when choosing. This is an opinion ordinary person, who would give his preference to this plant. Scientists describe this plant as a “tropical evergreen vine.”


This genus has quite a lot of varieties - about 25 species. But the most common types that people use for home landscaping are only 5 types. They differ from each other mainly only in origin, color and size, which they can reach:

Many people think that this plant is called “Monstera” for a reason; many mystical stories and various legends are associated with it:

  • There are rumors and thoughts about the ability of this plant to feed on human energy. Also, many people think that monstera brings misfortune to the house. All these gossips are based on the fact that the tropical liana translates as “monster, monster.” This translation was due to the fact that travelers in the dark tropical forests saw something that was not what actually happened. But the name of this plant is correctly translated as “Wonder,” and this name fully justifies the appearance of the monstera!
  • As for the fact that the monstera is an energy vampire, there is also a refutation. According to myth, this plant releases carbon dioxide at night, thereby producing a suffocating effect on humans. But according to the ancient Taoist science of Feng Shui, monsters absorb precisely negative energy. Also, this vine protects owners from dangerous and harmful electromagnetic waves. It is because of this that this plant “loves” places located near a TV or computer.
  • According to popular belief, this “curiosity” is so poisonous that it can cause death to a person who tastes its leaves or fruits. In fact, firstly, the fruits of this plant can cause severe irritation in the oral cavity. Secondly, you cannot get poisoned by the pods, since it does not bloom at home.

    But it is worth mentioning that the leaves also contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause a burning sensation. Therefore, you need to carefully ensure that children or animals do not tear off the leaf.

This is all the myths and rumors that have already been refuted. And now, since you know the truth, nothing stops you from purchasing a “curiosity”!

In addition to these good abilities, the monstera also has several advantages, and not unimportant ones:

In addition to gossip, myths and beliefs, some signs are also associated with the monstera:

  • If drops of water appear on the leaves, there will be rain or even a thunderstorm, depending on the number of drops that appear.
  • There is one more sign relating to monstera as a large-leaved plant. All large-leaved plants are called “money plants” and Monstera is no exception. It is believed that it attracts money to your home.
  • There is also a sign about the monstera as a liana, that supposedly it, like any liana, will “take” money from your house.


So, we know about the many pros and cons of this strange flower, and despite everything, we are attracted to it, and it was purchased. How difficult is it to take care of him?

Monstera loves illuminated places, but in summer it is better to “hide” them from direct sunlight. sun rays. Many believe that monstera tolerates shade very well, but in order to bring it closer to the living conditions in its homeland, you need to give them enough light and place them near windows (but not southern ones, where there is too much light, and not northern ones, where there may not be enough light).

This plant is not too heat dependent, but the higher the room temperature, the faster your flower will grow. It must be remembered that drafts have an unfavorable effect on them. Watering for this plant is individual. In summer and spring - abundant watering, in autumn - watering is reduced, in winter - moderate. Monstera must be fertilized, but with what and when depends on the age of the plant and its type.

Despite all the advantages and good reviews the owners of this “miracle of nature” also highlight disadvantages. On the one hand, they are insignificant, but on the other hand, it is better to know about them, after all, such information will help to avoid unpleasant disappointments and difficulties in care:

  1. The first thing the owners say is that, like any plant, Monstera without proper care takes on a very unaesthetic appearance and is more likely to be a drawback than a highlight of your interior.
  2. Also somewhat difficult to care for this flower are its aerial roots. Since they require special care, many people refuse to choose monstera.
  3. Of course, many talk about the toxicity of the plant as a drawback. After all, it may well cause an allergic reaction. Don’t forget about this, especially if you have a predisposition to allergies.
  4. And the most common drawback that owners talk about is that the plant needs a lot of free space.

It is easy to see how the number of pluses is many times greater than the number of minuses. This is the information a person who has decided to acquire such a beautiful plant as a monstera needs to know!

Is one of the most beautiful plants belonging to the genus of lianas. This plant grows in areas with a humid tropical climate. To be precise, it can be found in the vastness of Guatemala.

Its height can reach quite large sizes. On some specimens, the size of one leaf can reach more than 30 centimeters. Positioning the plant horizontally takes an excessive amount of time.

That is why people began to use special supports in order to install the stem with leaves vertically. This flower is very popular among gardeners due to its unusual appearance.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to keep this flower at home? But in fact, there are superstitions that say that the presence of this plant at home is extremely undesirable, but there are no significant facts confirming this.

Monstera has the ability to bloom, but this is only possible due to natural conditions. At home, achieving this phenomenon is very difficult and almost impossible.

Flowering is promoted by a special climate, that is, air, since in tropical latitudes the air contains moist vapor.

Signs associated with Monstera

There are a number of plants that are said to have magical properties. Monstera can be included in this list. Over the entire period of its existence, a large number of signs and superstitions have been described regarding this flower.

A negative opinion first appeared when Europeans saw this vine. The picture was scary, because there was a vine growing from human skeletons. That's why people thought he was a murderer. In fact, after long wanderings, people died in the forest due to exhaustion, and the monster had nothing to do with it.

Experts in the field of esotericism say that where there is a monstera, there is no place for peace and harmony. It is believed that growth occurs through grief and sadness, that is, based on negative emotions.

There is a superstition that says that it is not advisable for the fair sex to have such a flower in their home, and for those who have managed to do this, it is better to get rid of it.

It's all about negative energy, which destroys women's happiness and does not allow a woman to walk hand in hand with her loved one. They say that if you ignore this recommendation, then very soon the woman will be left completely alone and this loneliness will last until she throws away the flower.

Another superstition indicates that monstera is poisonous. In fact, this is not entirely true. A flower can only be dangerous for animals. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the access of animals to the flower.

5 reasons to keep Monstera at home

Contrary to existing statements that it is not recommended to grow Monstera at home, there are 5 main reasons why you can:

  1. The leaves of the plant are quite large. Therefore, it should be noted that the ability to purify indoor air from carbon dioxide content, as well as the saturation of the room with oxygen increases several times compared to some other indoor flowers. In addition, monstera releases a supply of moisture from its own leaves and humidifies the air in the room.
  2. The plant absorbs:
    • Soot.
    • Dust.
    • Molecules of unpleasant odor.
  3. The leaves contain a special component that is released into the air and has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. The surface of the leaves can be used to judge possible changes in the weather outside. If rain is expected ahead, small droplets form on the leaves.
  5. This huge green plant has a very attractive appearance. Thanks to this flower, you can decorate even the most unattractive interior.

Based on the above facts, we can draw quite logical conclusions that with the right attitude towards the plant, more benefits can be obtained than harm.

As practice shows, many people prefer to trust superstitions, so they consider it right to deny themselves such beauty.


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