Is it possible to paint the ceiling with oil paint? How to paint a ceiling with oil paint

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How to paint walls and ceilings with oil paint?

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The undoubted advantage of oil paint is that it is durable and easy to clean.

This type of paint is suitable for painting plastered walls, wooden and even metal parts of objects. However, you need to keep in mind that after drying, oil paints darken somewhat. Knowing this feature, they select a color a couple of tones lighter than desired.

We paint the walls with oil paint.

As with any paint, you also need to carefully prepare the walls for oil paint. If there is adhesive paint on the walls, you need to scrape it off, clean out all the cracks and fill the gaps that appear. After this, the surface should be smoothed with pumice and soaked generously with drying oil. When the drying oil dries, the walls are puttied 2-3 times. Smooth the surface again with pumice and only then begin to paint with oil paint.

The old layer of oil paint is quite difficult to remove. But this must be done only if the walls will be covered with water-based or adhesive paint. When using oil paint as a coating, only the cracked areas on the wall should be cleaned and the resulting cracks should be filled with putty.

To remove old oil paint, special chemical compounds are used. In places where the coating is cracked, the paint is scraped off with a spatula, the cracks are sealed with a primer and putty. Painting should begin from these freshly puttied areas.

If a color similar to the previous one is used, the walls can be painted once. If the color scheme is different, the coloring is carried out twice. A layer of primer should be applied under each coat of paint.

If wooden surfaces are to be painted, the old paint is carefully scraped off. Clean and putty cracks and cracks.

Not everyone likes the shine of oil paint. To reduce it, you can carry out trimming, that is, a special brush called a trimmer is passed over a freshly painted surface, which will cause the surface to become rough and reduce the shine.

In some cases, a combination of colors is used. This is when the lower part of the wall is painted with oil paint, and the upper part with glue. At the border between two different types of paint, draw a 1.5 cm wide strip of adhesive paint.

In order for a painted ceiling to become a decoration for any room, you need to know the painting technology and the little secrets of professional painters. After watching video tutorials and photos on how to paint a ceiling, you can make sure that there is nothing difficult about it.

You just need to choose a convenient time for repairs, find the necessary tools, be patient and desire to see the final result after the work done.

Preparatory stage

First you need to clear the room of furniture and other foreign objects. If you plan only cosmetic repairs, painting one ceiling, then the walls should be covered with a protective film to protect the walls from the ingress of paint emulsion.

Before painting, it is necessary to inspect the surface of the ceiling. It should be smooth, clean and dry. If you are sure that the ceiling is perfect, you can prime it. A primer before painting ensures uniform coloring and reduces paint consumption.

But when the ceiling is cracked or uneven, it must be leveled using putty. Cracks and unevenness in the ceiling that are too deep must be plastered.

If the old coating does not adhere well, it must be removed before applying putty. When the old surface is good, smooth, strong, then it is simply washed.

Grease stains are removed from it with a solvent.

To remove whitewash from the ceiling, you need to wet it. It is better to treat in small areas, as the surface dries quickly. It is necessary to wet a small area, wait for the whitewash to absorb moisture and remove it with a spatula. And do this with the entire ceiling.

It should be noted that if the ceiling was previously painted with oil paint, then the new one should also be oil paint. When you want to change oil paint to water-based paint, you will need to remove the top layer of old paint down to the base. Or do it differently: make notches in the form of a grid with a spatula and putty.

After applying the putty, you need to let it harden. Then level the surface with a special trowel mesh or sandpaper. Remove any resulting dust. After the work has been completed, the ceiling surface can be primed.

When the ceiling area is damaged by fungus, it must be treated with an antiseptic before priming.

If the surface of the ceiling is flat and smooth, without stains, it is primed once. In other cases, apply two or three times, allowing each layer to dry.

After priming, the ceiling can be painted.

How to paint the ceiling

To paint the ceiling, use water-based mixtures. Water emulsion has gained wide popularity due to its advantages:

  • low price,
  • quick and easy to apply,
  • no pungent odor,
  • non-toxic,
  • dries quickly,
  • has good adhesion (adhesion) to different surfaces,
  • it is easy to give the paint composition any color by adding a special pigment to it,
  • Tools and hands can be easily washed after painting.

Water-based paints contain different polymers and thanks to them, emulsions are divided into several types. The technical characteristics, places of their application and cost depend on these additives. To find out how to choose paint for the ceiling, you need to get acquainted with its varieties.

Types of paints and their properties


  • the most popular of all types;
  • easy to apply;
  • washes well and retains color for a long time;
  • it has a high coefficient of water absorption: the film that forms after drying does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • emulsion is resistant to ultraviolet rays, color does not change even when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • with frequent wet cleaning it retains a presentable appearance;
  • This paint gives a matte finish.


  • elastic;
  • no pungent odor;
  • has high vapor permeability and low water absorption;
  • it can be used in rooms with high humidity (kitchen, bathroom);
  • with this paint you can forget about fungus for a long time;
  • such an emulsion is capable of painting over cracks up to 2 mm wide;
  • the ceiling can be washed with a brush and not worry about its appearance.


  • has good vapor and air permeability, resistant to changes in temperature and moisture;
  • it is durable, can last at least 20 years;
  • but this emulsion is suitable for painting mineral coatings (concrete), but not suitable for polymer materials;
  • This paint is a more suitable option for outdoor use.


  • perfectly repels moisture, so can be used in the bathroom and kitchen;
  • this emulsion withstands 5000 brush cycles;
  • it has good adhesion to different surfaces;
  • it has increased elasticity and does not have a pungent odor;
  • a matte silky coating forms on the surface after such paint;
  • but it cannot be used in unheated rooms and often ventilated in winter;
  • At low temperatures it will begin to crack and peel.

The paint must be fresh and not expired. The separated mixture is not suitable for painting.

For self-painting, it is better to take a matte one: mistakes and unevenness are not visible on such a ceiling.

Pay attention not to its quantity in the container, but to the consumption rate per 1 sq.m.

When you have decided on the choice of paint, you need to buy a roller. A properly selected roller is the key to successful painting. A large surface cannot be neatly and beautifully painted with a brush. Therefore, you need to take the choice of the right roller seriously.

Pay attention to the material of the fur coat. You need to choose a fleecy one. Foam and velor rollers are cheaper, but they absorb paint very quickly, create splashes and form bubbles.

The seam in the fur coat should not be rough, so as not to leave stripes on the surface.

The strength of the pile will not allow the fiber to come out and remain on the ceiling. You need to tug at the pile and if it stays in place, it means the roller is of high quality.

The density of the roller can be determined by squeezing it in your hand. If the shape remains the same, then the roller is good. A soft tool becomes deformed and does not rub paint well.

The roller must have a special telescopic handle. If you don’t have it, you’ll need to buy more, since painting with a short roller is inconvenient, even while standing on a stepladder.

When you bought a roller, and this is the main tool, you need to purchase additional equipment: a plastic tray or tray, a paint brush.

Painting the ceiling

If all the material is available, you can start painting the ceiling. First you need to prepare the emulsion according to the instructions on the jar or bucket. Some paints can be diluted with water, others just need to be stirred well with a construction mixer.

Pour the prepared composition into the tray. Dip the roller into the prepared mixture. Run it along the ribbed side of the tray to remove excess paint from the roller.

After such rolling, the coat of the roller will be evenly saturated with paint. It is necessary to exclude dry areas on the roller. If necessary, dip the coat into the paint again and remove excess emulsion. If the paint is difficult to remove from the roller, you can remove it with a brush.

Then extend the handle of the roller or attach an extension to it. Now you can paint.

In order for the ceiling to come out smooth and beautiful, you need to know how to paint the ceiling correctly.

Rules for successful painting

You need to press the roller to the surface and move it along the ceiling so that the paint rubs and there are no bubbles. This process is not labor intensive.

But if you have no experience and are doing this for the first time, you can practice. For example, take a piece of drywall and paint its surface. Or paint it on the wall, which will then be covered with wallpaper.

To achieve streak-free paint, you need to follow the paint application technology.

The ceiling should be painted in stripes across the room so that the joints are invisible. You need to start from the far corner of the room from the entrance. Apply the strips with an overlap of 8-10 cm. Be sure to wet on wet so that the joints are not visible.

Let the first layer dry. Drying time can be read on the label. Apply another layer perpendicular to the first.

There is no definite answer to how many times you can paint the ceiling. It all depends on the condition of the surface and the properties of the chosen paint.

Apply the last layer in the direction of the window, towards the light source, and the previous one across.

You need to paint at a pace, not allowing the paint to dry, otherwise streaks will appear on the ceiling.

It is better to notice poorly painted areas in time so that they can be quickly corrected. It is convenient to have someone nearby during the work process who will view your painting from different angles.

If you leave even one small area unpainted, it will stand out as a stain on the ceiling. To avoid this, you need to paint not only this area, but the entire surface.

If stains are seen after 3-4 layers, then you need to putty, sand and then just paint.

In order for the work to be of high quality, it is necessary to paint during daylight hours, in bright lighting.

During painting, the temperature must be stable and drafts must not be allowed.

Painting the ceiling with your own hands is not difficult. By adhering to all the tips and recommendations, even a beginner in painting will be able to do this job efficiently.

The technology for preparing the ceiling for painting is not unique and includes standard painting work. However, there are a few professional tricks and tricks that will be mentioned below.

The steps in preparing a ceiling for painting are the same for any room in the house; only the materials used may differ. For example, in a damp room it is better to use moisture-resistant putty instead of simple putty. But first things first.

Stages of preparing the ceiling for painting

Let's break down the work of preparing the ceiling for painting into the following stages:

  • Ceiling cleaning;
  • Ceiling plaster (if necessary);
  • Plastering the ceiling, number of times required;
  • Sanding the ceiling between puttying;
  • Final ceiling putty;
  • Primer before painting.

Cover the floor before starting work. If the floor will not change, its covering must be approached especially carefully. Place cardboard on the floor, cover the cardboard with two layers of thick polyethylene of 100 -200 microns. Place the top layer of polyethylene on the wall and glue it to the wall with paper masking tape. The concrete floor does not need to be covered.

Ceiling cleaning

As always, the first step is to clean the surface from old finishes, uneven surfaces down to the concrete base.


If the ceiling is decorated with wallpaper, and the wallpaper is difficult to remove, you need to wet it with warm water. Use a foam roller for this; it absorbs water well.


Cleaning whitewash is dirty, but not dusty, so even a concrete floor is better covered with polyethylene. You can cover not the entire floor, but the work area, and then drag a piece of polyethylene around the room.

Whitewash from the ceiling is removed as follows. Wet generously the part of the ceiling that you can reach. You will have to work from a ladder or table. Wet whitewash can be easily cleaned off with a metal spatula. This wet method removes all the whitewash. After removing the whitewash, the ceiling should be washed twice with warm water. It is better to add laundry soap to the first water. After washing, you will receive a clean concrete surface ready for work.


Ceiling painted with oil paint

If the ceiling was previously painted with enamel or oil paint, it is better to remove it, using the same metal spatula. If the paint cannot be removed, cover the entire ceiling with a “Betonkontakt” type primer. It will cover any paint and create a solid base for further work.

Water based paints

If you need to carry out a set of works to prepare the ceiling (leveling, puttying) on ​​a ceiling coated with water-based paints, then the water-dispersion paint must be removed, but the well-adhering water-based paint can be left.

Concrete ceiling in a new building

The concrete ceiling in a new building is usually covered with drops of mortar, concrete, sand and similar construction results. They need to be knocked down, cleaned with a spatula and the ceiling washed.

Ceiling plaster

If full or partial plastering of the ceiling is required, it is primed with Concrete Contact. After the concrete contact has dried (14-20 hours), the ceiling is plastered with gypsum plaster. For example, Rotband.

Plastering and sanding the ceiling

Before any layer of putty, the ceiling surface is primed. For concrete and plaster, a deep penetration primer is used. For loose surfaces, a latex primer is used to create a durable surface layer.

  • Rusts and cracks are sealed with molar mesh (serpyanka). For better quality, the entire surface of the ceiling is puttied on a painting mesh.

The ceiling is plastered 2-3 times. After each layer of putty has dried, the surface is sanded with sandpaper. The sandpaper is fixed in a special holder. The imagery of the paper (the degree of roughness of the surface) decreases from layer to layer. The last layer is sanded with sandpaper called “zero”, this is the “smoothest” sandpaper. Sandpaper is purchased on a cloth basis; it is more convenient to use and does not require frequent changes.

To obtain the ideal painting option, you can apply finishing putty. For finishing puttying, ready-made polymer putty is used with an application layer of up to 0.5 mm.

  • Before painting, the ceiling must be primed with a special ready-made compound, which is called “Primer”.

Currently, there are many options for ceiling design, but among all the variety, painting remains the most common and economical type of finishing work. However, the process of applying the paint mixture requires certain step-by-step preparatory work, even if you just need to renew the old paint. Therefore, when starting work, you should figure out how to properly paint the ceiling with old paint.


The need to update the appearance of a painted ceiling arises quite often. This is the least expensive process in terms of effort and time. Many property owners choose it precisely because of these advantages, but they also face the question of how to reapply the paint so that the surface is painted as evenly as possible and there are no streaks left on it.

This type of finishing work is easy to do with your own hands, the main thing is to know some of the features of such work.

  • If the old coating layer is in good condition, has no chips, cracks, is not flaking, is not flaking, has simply faded and lost its attractiveness, then painting can be done over the old coating. This process will not require a lot of money and time, since no preparatory work is needed. There is also no need to putty the surface before painting it.
  • If the ceiling has already been coated with paint, and the surface has small fragments of peeling material, do not despair; the layer of water-dispersion paint does not require complete removal. In such a situation, it is enough to clean the exfoliated areas and apply the coloring composition over the old coating.
  • If there are severe finishing defects, additional work cannot be avoided. Painting agents cannot repair cracks, irregularities and wrinkles; such defects require the consumption of additional building materials.

The old paint layer should be completely removed. This can be done with a spatula, thoroughly cleaning the entire surface. Using a brush and a special product, you need to start priming the ceiling. After the primer layer has dried, the surface must be well puttied, correcting all irregularities and defects. A special base for water-based paint should be applied to the dried surface; this layer precedes painting.

Paint selection

Currently, for painting ceilings, compositions are used that are presented in a huge range by manufacturers of paints and varnishes. Each type has its own characteristics and has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

To paint the ceiling surface, do not use oil paint. The best option is water-based, water-emulsion, or, as they are also called, water-dispersion paints.

  • no pungent odor;
  • absolute non-toxicity;
  • good adhesion with most building materials;
  • Possibility of application on old paint;
  • practicality in use.

The most popular types of water-dispersion paints are:

  • Latex– has a good level of coverage and density, does not wash off after drying, the surface can be wet cleaned. In most cases, one coat is sufficient.
  • Silicate– a good option for exterior decoration of buildings. This type of paint is more expensive than its analogues, since it is based on liquid glass. As a rule, this coating is used for profile finishing of various surfaces in warehouses and production facilities. Perfectly covers concrete or stone surfaces.

  • Acrylic the most versatile paint, adapted to various surfaces. This substance can hide minor surface imperfections, and textured paint can remove minor cracks or potholes. The acrylic coating dries quickly enough and does not change color during use. Has a certain level of resistance to direct sunlight. The disadvantage is sensitivity to moisture. The color palette of acrylic paints is huge. All shades can have a glossy or matte effect. A matte surface can visually increase the height of the ceiling and help hide some defects. Gloss is convenient for use when painting large areas; it requires a perfectly flat surface.
  • Silicone the paint creates a beautiful finish that can be washed. This type of paint is suitable for covering surfaces in rooms with high humidity and sudden temperature changes.

Each type of paint can be diluted with water if necessary to give the required consistency. With the help of tinting pigments, you can get any desired shade; to do this, just add the desired amount of dye to the white composition.

How to calculate consumption?

Before purchasing, it is necessary not only to decide on the type and color of the ceiling paint, but also to calculate the required volume, which is determined by its consumption. The required quantity depends on the size of the room, which determines the ceiling area. Usually, all the necessary information for calculating the color composition is on the packaging, Therefore, you should definitely read the instructions.

In general figures, you can focus on the following calculations. The average consumption of water-dispersed paint when finishing ceilings is about 100 – 120 g/m2. Depending on the surface, at least two or three coats will be necessary to achieve a good, uniform finish. The material consumption is approximately the same whether using a roller or using a brush. If we take into account the lack of experience and the inability to rub paint professionally, then the average consumption will be 300 g/m2.

In any case, these are approximate figures, consumption depends on many parameters, so it is better to take paint with a reserve.

Having chosen the required type of water-based paint, you can read information on the packaging about whether it requires dilution. If manufacturers recommend diluting the purchased material, then water can be added to the required amount of paint; as a rule, no more than 5-10% is required. It is best to use the prepared volume immediately; do not let it thicken again. The best option is considered to be diluting the paint to the state of liquid cream.

It happens that the material does not require dilution; it is enough to just mix it thoroughly. Such manipulations will be enough if you plan to paint the ceiling in one layer; in such situations, the paint should be a little thicker.

For the entire surface of the ceiling, you should purchase paint from the same manufacturer, the same brand. This requirement guarantees a uniform, monochromatic coating.

If you plan to paint the ceiling in a color other than pure white, then it is better to entrust the tinting to specialists; they will help you choose the right shade and carefully mix the components.

How to apply?

Painting a ceiling using old paint is not difficult; anyone, even an inexperienced person, can do it with their own hands. After all stages of preparation, you need to start painting.

The best paint coating is considered to be three layers; in this case, you can be sure that there will be no streaks or streaks left on the surface. Before applying each layer, the roller must be carefully rolled out in a tray to get rid of excess paint; thanks to such manipulations, the possibility of smudges is eliminated. The first and last layers should be applied correctly perpendicular to the windows; this applies to all types of paint, including acrylic.

When painting, you should not make sudden movements; you must smoothly move the brush or roller along the ceiling, slowly, inspecting so that there are no unpainted areas left.

The next layer should be applied only to a dry surface, and there is no need to speed up the process in any way; the paint should dry naturally.

After applying the second layer of paint, it is advisable to exclude the possibility of exposure to direct ultraviolet rays, as well as the occurrence of drafts, which will help to avoid peeling of the coloring material from the base.

You can paint the ceiling with several types of tools. The most common are a paint brush and a foam roller; you can also apply paint using a spray gun, which is a regular spray gun. This device helps to carry out the painting process much faster, the main thing is that the consistency of the paint is appropriate.

When repainting the ceiling, it is better to use the same color or a similar shade, otherwise you will have to apply a large number of layers to completely paint over the previous coating and achieve the desired result.

When starting to renovate your home, be it a city apartment or a house in the countryside, everyone understands that the most difficult stage will be finishing the ceiling. Modern companies specializing in apartment renovation offer a wide variety of options for this: finishing with ceiling tiles or wallpaper, suspended or suspended ceilings, etc. But not every householder can afford their services. Therefore, do it yourself remains relevant.

Until recently, this type of ceiling finishing was especially popular. But with the development of new repair technologies, this method is used less and less. This is due to the fact that, despite its low cost and the harmonious combination of a snow-white ceiling with any type of interior, many are not satisfied with the complexity of the preparatory work. In addition, the whitened surface quickly becomes dirty and loses its attractive appearance.

Today, painting the ceiling with water-based paint continues to be one of the most popular methods of finishing it. Unlike whitewash, the surface painted with it retains its aesthetic appearance for a longer time. In addition, it allows for quick and easy maintenance of the ceiling surface.

This is one of the cheapest repair methods. In terms of its composition, this paint is a suspension based on polymer particles and pigment substances dissolved in water. Its peculiarity is that after application to the surface, intense evaporation of water occurs, and the polymers form a coating with high resistance to moisture. Water-based paint is an environmentally friendly material that does not cause allergic reactions or negative effects on the human body.

Choosing water-based paint for the ceiling

If you decide that the best option for you is to paint the ceiling yourself using water-based paint, then you have a difficult task: choosing from a huge assortment of products that would suit you in price and quality. Today on the consumer market you can find emulsion paints with various additives:

  1. acrylic,
  2. acrylic with latex added,
  3. based on polyvinyl acetate,
  4. with silicone or silicate base,
  5. with mineral composition.

The cheapest of them are - polyvinyl acetate. But they can only be used in dry rooms. Ceilings painted with this paint cannot be washed.

Paints with latex added- the most expensive. They have a number of advantages, such as the possibility of wet care using detergents, obtaining a smooth, beautiful surface, etc.

Acrylic water-based paints- the most popular. They can be used in almost any room; they have increased resistance to abrasion during washing.

Paints with added silicate(liquid glass) are widely used for painting plastered, stone or concrete surfaces.

How to choose water-based paint so that it has high strength characteristics, gives a beautiful surface after painting, etc. Based on the names of paints and jars for sale, it is difficult to understand how one type differs from another and what their advantages are. Moreover, the seller himself often tries to sell first of all the product that is more expensive, without thinking too much about its quality.

Read the label

Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with your choice, you should carefully read what is written in the annotation on the label of a can of water-based paint. In it, the manufacturer indicates:

  • What type of work is it intended for?
  • What is the paint consumption per square meter (which is very important for determining the required amount),
  • Degree of coverage (the ability of paint to cover a dark background with white, in the form of a continuous canvas),
  • Its resistance to abrasion during wet cleaning, etc.

Be sure to pay attention to the fine print. Most often, the main information about the technical characteristics of the paint is contained there. For example, if the annotation states that the paint has:

  1. "High resistance to dry abrasion"- this means that the surface painted with such paint cannot be washed, but can only be wiped with a dry cloth or use a vacuum cleaner.
  2. “Use in dry rooms with reduced operational load”. This inscription indicates that the water-based emulsion is not suitable for painting kitchen areas with a large amount of greasy fumes from cooked food, as well as in bathrooms where there is high humidity.
  3. “High abrasion resistance, indelible”– a ceiling painted with this paint can be washed with water without using detergents.
  4. “It has dirt-repellent properties and is highly resistant to abrasion during intensive washing”. This is the best type of water-based paint. The surface coated with this type of paint can be washed using gentle detergents.

Water-based paints can be glossy and semi-gloss, matte and semi-matte. Their difference lies in the fact that matte paints slightly mask small surface defects and visually increase the height of the room. But they are difficult to wash. A surface covered with glossy paint is easier to clean, it is more resistant to abrasion, but small cracks and other flaws in the ceiling are visible on it. The best option is to choose semi-gloss or semi-matte paint.

Another important point. You need to purchase water-based paint in a store that has an insulated warehouse. The fact is that when it freezes, the structure of the paint is damaged, which is no longer restored when it thaws. This means that the purchased paint has lost all its beneficial properties.

It is recommended to use water-based paint, the purpose of which is to paint the ceiling. It spreads perfectly over the surface, practically does not drip, and has excellent adhesion.

Preparing the ceiling for painting

Before you start painting the ceiling surface with water-based paint, you need to carry out preparatory work. First, you need to free it from whitewash or layers of old paint. To get rid of chalk or lime whitewash, you will need to moisten it generously with water using a paint roller, and then scrape it off using a chisel or steel spatula. Finally, wash the ceiling with a sponge.

Removing the old paint layer

To update a ceiling painted with water-based paint, it will take much more time to carry out preparatory work. This is due to the fact that the process of removing previous paint is quite labor-intensive, since layers of old paint are practically insoluble in water, and therefore it is not possible to completely scrape them off from the ceiling. Most often, this work comes down to removing areas of peeling paint with a spatula.

To make this not entirely pleasant job easier, you can use this technique: moisten the old coating with plenty of water using a water sprayer or a foam roller. Repeat this procedure twice with an interval of twenty minutes. The moisture should thoroughly saturate the old coating. Then you need to create a draft by opening all doors and windows. The layer swollen with water forms swellings, and removing old water-based paint with a spatula will not be difficult.

This work must be done very quickly so that the surface being treated does not have time to dry. After this, it is necessary to treat stains from smudges and rust with a 5% solution of copper sulfate. If there are stains on the ceiling that are difficult to remove, use one of the following compounds:

  1. a solution of hydrochloric acid, two or three percent concentration (carefully, trying not to get the acid on the skin, wipe the stains);
  2. a solution of 20 parts of crushed lime, diluted with one part of drying oil,
  3. a thick solution of water and lime with the addition of denatured alcohol (approximately 50 ml).

Any of the last two mixtures is applied to the dirt for 10-15 minutes. Repeat until they are completely removed. Usually two procedures are enough.

If whitewash was applied to your ceiling before the current renovation - (there you will also find information on how to find out what the ceiling was previously painted with).

Ceiling leveling

Once the ceiling surface is completely cleaned, it is necessary to level it. The best choice for this is a thin-layer putty, which has good adhesion properties, has excellent ductility and gives a smooth surface that can be easily sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. Apply putty to the ceiling using a spatula.

Often, leveling the ceiling is done by applying a special putty-whitewash on an oil-adhesive basis, which is evenly distributed over the surface using a roller, brush or spatula. Before this, it is necessary to seal all the cracks and crevices in the ceiling, filling them with the prepared composition. In order for the putty to completely fill the cracks, they must be slightly widened before applying it.


The next preparatory operation is priming the surface, which is performed with the same paint. It is applied in a thin layer. It is allowed to dry thoroughly so that the putty does not come off.

The main stage of painting

Painting tools

To perform high-quality painting of the ceiling with paint based on water emulsion, you will need:

  1. paint brush for painting butt joints between the wall and ceiling, as well as corners;
  2. a narrow brush for making corrections;
  3. fur, long-haired roller,
  4. paint tray,
  5. ribbed surface for even distribution of paint over the surface of the roller.

Coloring rules

just like when whitewashing with chalk, it is better to apply the first layer of paint parallel to the rays of light from the window, and the second - parallel to the window frame

Many people do not know how to paint a ceiling with water-based paint correctly. In most cases, they do not take into account the direction of the light flux and many other nuances during painting work. Therefore, the painted surface turns out uneven, with stripes from the passage of a brush or roller, with lighter or darker spots. To prevent this from happening to you, follow these rules.

  • You should always start painting from the corners and joints between the wall and the ceiling. In this case, the farthest corner relative to the front door is painted first. To do this, wet a wide paint brush halfway in the paint, then squeeze it out slightly to remove excess. A passage is made along the entire perimeter, 3 to 5 cm wide. Thanks to this, during further painting with a roller, the junction of the ceiling and the walls, as well as the corners, will not be damaged.
  • The main whitewashing of the ceiling with water-based paint is done with a roller. It is applied in three passes, regardless of what type of paint is chosen. In this case, the very first pass of paint is carried out parallel to the rays of light incident from the window. The second is in a direction perpendicular to it. The latter should always be directed towards the window.
  • Each subsequent painting is carried out only on the well-dried previous layer. This requires from 8 to 12 hours.

Painting technology

  1. In a tray filled with paint, moisten the roller and rub it three or four times over the rough surface. This will allow the paint to spread evenly across the roller.
  2. Make the first pass on the ceiling section. Starting from the corner on the left side of the wall opposite the window.
  3. The roller must be moved from left to right. Then change direction. In this case, you need to ensure that the paint is applied in an even layer, without visible transitions. You can also move the roller using W-shaped movements.
  4. The following technique will help remove excess applied paint: when there is no more paint left on the roller, pass it over the painted surface. It will absorb all the excess.
  5. While painting, use a directed bright beam of light to check the quality of the paint.
  6. Using a new roller during the last painting will ensure a uniform surface.
  7. Until the paint has completely dried, no drafts are allowed in the room. It is advisable to protect the painted surface from direct sunlight. This will prevent stains from appearing. Do not try to dry the painted surface with electrical appliances.

Features of painting a plastered surface

The ceiling to which plaster has been applied can be painted using a special spray gun or a regular vacuum cleaner. They provide high-quality, uniform distribution of paint on the plastered ceiling surface. At the same time, it lays down in a thin, even layer. It is best to paint using a spray gun over a primer that has already been applied with a roller or brush.


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