Is it possible after taking Corvalol? Sedative Corvalol - friend or foe? How long after you can drink alcohol before or after taking Corvalol?

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It is considered a safe and familiar drug. I felt nervous, couldn’t sleep, my heart ached, so I drank some drops and felt better. Many even get behind the wheel with Corvalol, not seeing anything reprehensible in their actions. The basis of Valocordin and Corvalol, familiar from childhood, is phenobarbital. It is a derivative of barbituric acid. In 2013, by decree of the government of the Russian Federation, this substance was included in the list of narcotic drugs. In addition, drugs based on it are prohibited from import into the USA, Lithuania, and the United Arab Emirates.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Corvalol is a sedative drug. The active substance relieves spasms, reduces anxiety, and normalizes sleep.

The drug reduces reflective excitability in the cells of the central nervous system, enhances inhibition processes in neurons of the cerebral cortex, reduces the activity of central motor centers, and has a relaxing effect on peripheral muscles.

Corvalol, depending on the dosage, is a sedative, tranquilizer and sleeping pill. While taking the drug, blood pressure decreases and muscle spasms are relieved.

The drug is taken orally. Absorption begins in the oral cavity. When taken sublingually, the sedative effect appears within 5–10 minutes, and when the drug is swallowed, after 15–45 minutes. The duration of sedation is from 3 to 6 hours.

Effective dosages range from 15 to 50 drops, depending on the patient’s diagnosis. The frequency of taking the drug is 2-3 times a day.

Is it possible to drink Corvalol while driving according to Russian legislation?

The preparation contains 56% ethanol as a stabilizing component, solvent and preservative. The minimum dose of the drug – 15 drops – is equivalent to 6.4 ml of beer or 2.7 ml of wine. The permissible dose of alcohol in the blood for motorists is 0.3 ppm or 3 g of ethanol per 1 liter of blood.

But according to the decision of the Code of Administrative Offenses, phenobarbital is equated to alcohol and narcotic substances, so heart medication is prohibited from being taken before a planned trip. The driver may be found guilty of drug use.

How to challenge a medical certificate that found a driver drunk

The basis for checking the driver is the smell of alcohol on the breath and in the car, impaired motor activity, slurred speech, change in skin color, redness of the whites of the eyes. All participants in the accident must be checked. Since 2016, tests for the presence of narcotic substances in the blood have been carried out during each examination of drivers.

A representative of law enforcement agencies, in the presence of two witnesses, will offer to take a breathalyzer test. If the driver refuses, he will be sent to a medical facility for examination. Refusal to undergo examination is punishable under Art. 12.26 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

At the clinic, an examination is carried out using a breathalyzer, and blood and urine samples are taken. The results are recorded in the inspection report.

To detect barbiturates, including phenobarbital, use:

  • Urinalysis or blood test - antibodies to Corvalol metabolites remain in the blood for up to 4 months
  • Saliva examination
  • Hair analysis - after taking the medicine, the active substance is present in the horny integument for up to 3 months.

According to the law, a driver after taking Corvalol is in a state of drug intoxication. It is possible to lose your license due to phenobarbital even if you used a sedative 3-4 months ago and have a reasonable level of alcohol in your blood.

You can challenge the results of the examination in the following cases:

  • Alcohol tests were carried out without the participation of witnesses
  • the clinic does not have a license to conduct examinations of drivers
  • after passing examination in an independent laboratory. For alcohol – within a few hours after the fact of arrest or accident on the road. For phenobarbital - within 4 months after the first sample collection.

The penalties for violating the legislation of the Russian Federation are fines, treatment without rehabilitation in drug treatment clinics, deprivation of a driver’s license, and criminal liability.

“There’s something pressing in my chest,” “I need to calm down,” “it’s hard to breathe” - this is how people motivate their decision to take a few drops of Corvalol. And many are accustomed to considering this medicine to be quite safe - it will probably be found in every first aid kit. But what exactly is Corvalol, who can take it, and who is it strictly contraindicated? Only specialists can answer these questions.

Corvalol - instructions for use

Before taking any medicine, you should carefully read the official leaflet for it. But who reads these instructions? But even Corvalol, at first glance an absolutely safe drug, has its own indications and contraindications, and can provoke the development of side effects.

Composition of Corvalol

The drug in question is available in the form of drops and tablets, but Corvalol drops are especially popular. They include:

  • ethyl bromoisovalerate;
  • peppermint oil;
  • phenobarbital;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified water;
  • ethanol

The appearance of Corvalol drops is a transparent liquid, without any tint impurities. It has a specific pleasant aroma.

The drug in question belongs to the group of combination drugs, but all its components are optimally combined with each other, correcting the effect of each.

Ethyl bromizovalerate has sedative and antispasmodic effects. Phenobarbital, in turn, enhances the sedative effect of ethyl bromoisovalerate, actively helps reduce excitability and tension in the central nervous system, and makes it possible to achieve a restful sleep. And peppermint oil has a complex effect on the human body: antispasmodic, choleretic, vasodilating, antiseptic. Therefore, peppermint oil helps to dilate blood vessels in the heart and brain, irritates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract - this restores intestinal motility and helps cope with increased gas formation.

Corvalol - indications for use

There is a clear designation of those conditions for which it is advisable to use Corvalol. These include:

  1. Neurosis-like states - increased irritability, unmotivated outbursts of anger, depressed mood, feeling of anxiety.
  2. Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system - Corvalol is especially often recommended for use by people diagnosed with angina pectoris, arrhythmia, and tachycardia.
  3. Intestinal spasms - for example, with intestines, due to food poisoning.
  4. Sleep disorders - insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day, problems falling asleep, frequent awakening.

The drug in question is not used in pediatric practice; at least, it cannot definitely be prescribed to children under 3 years of age. In older children, the question of the advisability of prescribing and using Corvalol should only be decided by a doctor.

No studies have been conducted on the effect of Corvalol on the body of a pregnant woman, during breastfeeding and on the intrauterine development of the fetus. Therefore, a woman is prohibited from taking the drug in question during these periods of life.

It is strictly forbidden to use Corvalol if you have a traumatic brain injury, certain brain diseases (the attending physician should warn you about this), or diagnosed alcoholism.

It is not recommended to use the drug in question if the liver and kidney functions are severely impaired - for example, with renal failure, cirrhosis of the liver. But this issue is resolved on a strictly individual basis.

How to take Corvalol

The dosage, which will have the expected effect and will not cause harm to general health, should be determined only by a specialist and on an individual basis. But the instructions for using Corvalol also contain general recommendations for its use:

  • adults can take 30 drops per dose; if tachycardia is diagnosed and with the approval of a doctor, the dosage can be increased to 40 drops per dose. You can take Corvalol 2-3 times a day;
  • Children over 3 years of age are prescribed 1 drop for each year of life once a day. In some cases, repeated administration of Corvalol is allowed, but a doctor must give permission for this.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined only by the doctor and prolonging it independently (“to consolidate the effect”) is strictly prohibited.

Side effects

Despite its apparent simplicity and safety, Corvalol can in some cases cause side effects. These include:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • constant dizziness;
  • the level of concentration decreases;
  • heart rate slows down.

Note:If Corvalol is taken for a long time, so-called bromism phenomena may develop - addiction and drug dependence, “withdrawal” syndrome.

If the above side effects (or at least one of them) occur, you should immediately stop taking Corvalol and consult a doctor. Most likely, the treatment regimen will be adjusted or the dosage of the drug in question will be reduced.


Cases of overdose with Corvalol are extremely rare, but can occur. Therefore, everyone who uses the drug in question needs to know the first signs of an overdose. These include:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • nystagmus;
  • depression of the central nervous system - apathy, clouding of consciousness;
  • rhinitis;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • ataxia;
  • violations of movement coordination.

If at least one sign of an overdose appears, use of the drug in question should be stopped immediately and seek help from medical professionals. Usually, doctors prescribe symptomatic therapy for an overdose of Corvalol, and if signs of depression of the central nervous system are already observed, then caffeine and niketamide.

Interaction of Corvalol with other drugs

Please note: inCorvalol contains phenobarbital and ethyl alcohol - these are substances that can affect the central nervous system. Therefore, when taking the drug in question, it is not recommended to drive vehicles or engage in work activities that require high concentration of attention.

The debate about how dangerous Corvalol is for human health has been going on relatively recently. Some time ago, many thought that Corvalol would be banned for sale in the Russian Federation - it contains both phenobarbital and ethyl alcohol. But this turned out to be just rumors - such combination drugs remain on the market.

However, in most countries, Corvalol cannot be found in pharmacy chains - it has been withdrawn from sale without prescriptions. For example, the USA, Great Britain, Norway, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, Finland and Sweden have not only banned Corvalol for free sale, but also strictly control the transport of this drug across the border into the territory of their countries. Therefore, be extremely careful - if possible, then when visiting the listed countries, replace the drug; if this is not possible, the doctor prescribes it, then make sure you have a document confirming this fact. Otherwise, punishment will follow within the framework of the legislation of a particular country.

“Our population still has a very strong habit of using this drug. Radical measures - a ban on the sale of Corvalol, its withdrawal from consumption - will cause a negative reaction from patients. At the same time, Corvalol will gradually be replaced by other, more modern drugs with proven effectiveness,” the Russian Ministry of Health said in a statement.

Why is Corvalol so dangerous?

Firstly, phenobarbital, which is part of the drug in question, has been included in the group of psychotropic drugs since 2013. To be fair, we need to clarify that in many countries around the world this classification of phenobarbital has been accepted for a very long time.

Secondly, it is phenobarbital that causes rapid and strong addiction - in some cases, 2-3 weeks of taking the drug is enough to develop drug dependence. Moreover, phenobarbital causes not only physical, but also psychological dependence.

Thirdly, after stopping Corvalol, people develop the so-called “withdrawal” syndrome - a depressed state, the patient complains of constant nausea and intense headaches.

Interesting fact:Phenobarbital is used in some countries to carry out the death penalty.

But is there nothing useful in the remedy in question? After all, for a long time, Corvalol was recommended for use by millions of patients and in most cases, the course of therapy with the drug in question did not cause any consequences. Corvalol has one undeniable advantage - it has the fastest and most powerful effect.

If taken in small doses and extremely moderately, Corvalol can quickly, almost instantly, relieve anxiety. In general, the recommended doses of the drug are not dangerous, but the problem is that if you take it constantly, you will need to increase the dosage. The most dangerous thing is that these doses do not just increase each time, but lead to real pleasure: a depressed state and dizziness are replaced by euphoria immediately after taking the required dose.

The popularity of Corvalol is due to the fact that it is a cheap drug, known to everyone since ancient times and providing a quick effect, but it should be used only when absolutely necessary or as prescribed by a specialist. If a person feels the side effects listed in this article, or others notice sudden mood swings in someone who periodically uses Corvalol, then it is necessary to urgently seek medical help. The fact is that drug addiction needs to be treated only in specific medical institutions.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Quite recently, Corvalol and Valocordin (the same Corvalol, but with a different trade name) were swept off the pharmacy shelves in many Russian cities overnight. This happened after medical officials in St. Petersburg, citing a government decision,

Quite recently, Corvalol and Valocordin (the same Corvalol, but with a different trade name) were swept off the pharmacy shelves in many Russian cities overnight. This happened after medical officials in St. Petersburg, citing a government decision, banned pharmacies from selling Corvalol without a doctor’s prescription. The rumor spread throughout Russia, provoking panic. In order to calm the suffering, federal officials had to explain that the action was not even planned. The people were assured that they could calm down and drink their Corvalol as much as their heart desires.

Buckshot to the brain

So what happened? What excited and forced the population to stock up on Corvalol for future use, just as in not too distant times they bought vegetables for the winter?

As a doctor, I was also surprised by these events, but not by the volume of purchases of Corvalol. It was surprising that until now such a significant part of our citizens used such a primitive, and with repeated use or overdose, a rather toxic drug. You could say she was shooting buckshot at the very subtle structures of her brain.

But it’s better - in order.

Corvalol is a drug that causes sedative (calming) and antispasmodic effects. In large doses, its hypnotic effect is manifested. This is a combined drug containing the active ingredients of valerian and mint, as well as phenobarbital and alcohol.

This explosive mixture is used by our fellow citizens for a variety of nervous breakdowns, during or after family quarrels. Often a bottle of Corvalol is carried with you in case of emergency in case of excitement, anxiety, “tingling” in the heart area and other troubles. In other words, Corvalol is used as a universal remedy for a variety of neurotic and psychosomatic disorders (the same “neurotics” and “heart problems”). They are treated like in that joke about an illiterate paramedic: take half a tablet in the morning for the head, and the other half in the evening for the stomach.

The “secret” of Corvalol’s versatility lies in the pronounced sedative effect of the drug, which is provided primarily by phenobarbital.

The circulation of this substance due to its high toxicity to the human body, as well as its pronounced narcogenicity (the ability to cause pathological dependence, i.e., drug addiction) in all countries is subject to control by special competent authorities. In most European countries, phenobarbital is either used extremely rarely or its use is prohibited altogether.

Corvalol contains a relatively low concentration of phenobarbital. But long-term use of this substance, like any other narcotic drug, leads to an increase in tolerance, so larger doses are required for the same effect. This is how dependence on phenobarbital, one of the “hardest” drugs, is formed. The consequences of abuse of barbiturates (phenobarbital belongs to this group) include damage to the liver, heart and, of course, the brain.

As a psychiatrist, the brain and psyche are closer to me, so I’ll say a few more words about this. Barbiturates can lead to memory loss, slowing and decreased quality of thinking, and, finally, to severe dementia. Sudden cessation of chronic use of barbiturates can cause persistent insomnia, epileptic seizures, anxiety, hallucinations and other symptoms reminiscent of delirium tremens in alcoholics. However, in the case of Corvalol, this will require drinking 1-2 bottles (15-30 ml) per day for several weeks or months.

In my deep conviction, taking Corvalol is not only dangerous to health. There is no point in using it.

The weak antispasmodic effect of Corvalol will not provide relief from angina pectoris, much less prevent myocardial infarction. But a moderate vasodilator effect in combination with a sedative and relaxing effect gives a temporary result in the so-called cardiac neurosis and other neurotic disorders. I emphasize that the result is temporary and unstable. Diseases that are tried to be treated with Corvalol usually require completely different therapeutic tactics!

But the cheapness and availability of Corvalol, as well as lack of public awareness, contribute to its extremely widespread use.

~~For reference
Currently, the outdated and not entirely accurate term “organ neuroses” is not used in medicine. It has been replaced by a new name - somatoform autonomic dysfunction. This is a multifaceted disorder in which the patients’ complaints resemble those caused by a physical (somatic) disease. However, signs of this somatic disease are not detected even with a thorough examination. For example, a patient (but more often a patient) complains of pain and burning in the heart area, but the electrocardiogram shows no signs of heart damage. The same is observed with “stomach neurosis”, “psychogenic shortness of breath”, “irritable bowel syndrome” and other somatoform autonomic dysfunctions. The patients have complaints, but there is no structural or functional pathology of the relevant organs. ~~

Meanwhile, both for cardiovascular pathology and for somatoform and neurotic disorders, a whole arsenal of modern medicines is used, which are much more effective and safer than Corvalol. These drugs have a much more precise “address” of their effect and give lasting results when used correctly.

In addition, in all cases in which a person takes Corvalol from his home medicine cabinet, he needs psychotherapy. Using psychotherapy, in some cases it is possible to achieve good results without the use of medications, but more often this occurs when medications are combined with psychotherapy. But first you need to stop practicing self-medication and get to a good doctor.

If not Corvalol, then what?

In general, treatment should be resorted to only in the presence of a disease. True, colleagues sometimes strive to prescribe medications or dietary supplements even in cases where this is not yet required. But this is a separate issue.

But what to do when a person has a hard time experiencing some significant event for him?

I think that you really need to get through it. For example, if a loved one has died, then no matter how difficult it is, this fact should be experienced. And despite the bereavement, in the end say goodbye to this person, keeping his fond memory. The pain of loss is a natural state for a normal person. It can only be softened temporarily, made less acute and severe, but it must be survived.

How to soften this pain of loss?

There is such a parable. A woman whose child had died came to the Buddha asking him to give her a cure for this pain. Buddha said he has a cure. But first, a woman must find a family in which no one died and did not experience bitterness from parting with family and friends. She went door to door and asked, but could not find such people. She came to Buddha a year later and told him about her quest. And then she added that she had already received the medicine she needed.

Suffering can overwhelm a person so much that he stops any activity and lives by inertia. If he has enough internal strength, then he can ask himself: “The meaning of my life consists only of suffering?” And if he discovers other meanings in life, then they must be realized in spite of suffering. And then it will retreat. Mental anguish is healed not so much by time as by deeds.

In some cases, the psychotraumatic impact of difficult events is so great that it can pose a threat to human health and life. In such cases, of course, you need to use medications and psychotherapy. But it would be better if they were prescribed by a doctor.

Troubles in the family, difficulties in relationships with children, dismissal from work... These are cases when you don’t need to be treated, don’t drown out your consciousness with barbiturates or vodka, but think and act. By the way, close human relationships with people are a very good regulator of emotions. Sometimes a conversation between friends in the kitchen can replace a consultation with a psychologist. Still, take medications only for illnesses.

Did you quarrel with a friend, did your wife leave for someone else, or did your boss let you down? But this is also life. And if you want to live without negative emotions, if you are especially vulnerable and ordinary troubles easily throw you off balance, start learning. Learn to manipulate your emotions and communicate effectively: on your own, with a book or with a psychologist. But understand that without negative emotions there will be no positive emotions and no fullness of life...

Corvalol is a sedative that is widely used in our country, but it is prohibited for use in Europe and the USA. The fact is that the drug contains phenobarbital, as well as a toxic bromine-containing component. Before drinking Corvalol, you need to consider its beneficial qualities, what harm the medicine causes, as well as the features of its use. All information about Corvalol can be found in the instructions for use.

Despite the fact that the drug has a good sedative effect, it cannot always be used. The fact is that it is capable of causing serious adverse reactions, causing addiction, as well as neurological disorders and withdrawal symptoms. Before you start using this product, you must carefully read the instructions and also consult your doctor.

The presented medicine is a combination medicine, since it contains not only synthetic, but also herbal components. That is why it is used to combat various neurological pathologies, hypertension, and sleep disorders. Corvalol contains the following substances:

  1. Phenobarbital. Its main effect is to inhibit the transmission of excitation impulses in the cerebral cortex. It has a calming effect and also produces a hypnotic effect. The disadvantage of this substance is that it causes severe drowsiness and also reduces reaction speed. The benefits and harms of Corvalol are obvious. Despite the fact that the medicine produces a good sedative effect, there is also the other side of the coin - drowsiness and lethargy.
  2. Ethyl bromizovalerianate acts on the receptors of the oral cavity, as well as the pharynx. It is able to reduce the excitability of the nervous system, produces an inhibitory effect on the subcortex and cerebral cortex, and has a sedative and antispasmodic effect. If you take too much Corvalol, it has a hypnotic effect.
  3. Peppermint leaf oil helps dilate blood vessels, and also has an antispasmodic effect, enhances intestinal activity, so a person is less likely to experience bloating.

You can buy Corvalol in drops or tablets. The liquid product is sold in the form of an alcohol solution of 25 or 50 ml in a dark bottle. The tablets are produced in blisters of 10 pieces. A pack may contain 1, 3, 5 plates. The cost of the drug ranges from 9 to 120 rubles.

The effect of Corvalol occurs within 10 to 30 minutes. Absorption of the active components occurs already in the oral cavity. The bioavailability of the drug is 80%. The therapeutic effect of the product lasts for 3 – 6 hours. The properties of Corvalol indicate its high effectiveness, but a person can get used to it. Therefore, you have to increase the dosage all the time, which is harmful to the body.

Indications, contraindications and side effects

Since many patients try to increase their consumption of the drug over time, they may experience an overdose of Corvalol. Before you start taking such a medicine, you need to consider its indications and contraindications. It is allowed to drink drops for the following diseases:

  • neurosis with increased irritability;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • hypertensive syndrome;
  • sleep disturbance or its complete absence (this indication for the use of Corvalol makes the drug very popular among middle-aged patients);
  • tachycardia, as well as spasms of coronary vessels;
  • intestinal pathologies caused by neurovegetative disorders;
  • hypochondriacal syndrome;
  • vegetative lability.

Despite the composition of Corvalol, it cannot be considered a complete medicine that can overcome any disease. It can only eliminate the symptoms of a particular disorder. That is, medicine is not able to eliminate the causes.

What Corvalol helps with is already clear. However, there are certain contraindications to its use. They are associated with the presence of phenobarbital, bromine, and ethanol in the composition of the drugs. The following contraindications for use can be identified:

  • individual intolerance to some components of the drug;
  • serious impairment of kidney and liver function;
  • pregnancy period, as well as breastfeeding the baby;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • alcoholism;
  • lactase deficiency (possible Corvalol poisoning);
  • convulsive symptom, as well as seizures of epilepsy;
  • traumatic brain injury, consequences of concussion;
  • severe form of chronic heart failure;
  • myocardial infarction in the acute stage;
  • severe arterial hypotension;
  • obstructive syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • myasthenia gravis.

Before taking the drug, you need to understand that an overdose of Corvalol is dangerous. In general, the medicine can have the following side effects:

  1. Significant digestive disorders: constipation, nausea, vomiting, liver dysfunction, heaviness in the epigastric region.
  2. Problems with the activity of the nervous system: general weakness, poor coordination of movements, inhibition of reactions, ataxia.
  3. Angioedema (that's why Corvalol is dangerous).
  4. Skin rash as a result of an allergic reaction.
  5. Violation of blood composition.
  6. Breathing problems.
  7. Bradycardia, arterial hypotension.
  8. Conjunctivitis.
  9. Rhinitis.
  10. Depressive state.
  11. Increased lacrimation.
  12. Acne.
  13. Confusion.

If the patient develops such symptoms, then it is necessary to stop using Corvalol or reduce its dose.

How to use the product correctly?

The instructions for using Corvalol are quite simple, but not everyone follows them, considering the product absolutely safe. This is not entirely true. You should take Corvalol as follows:

  1. The drops are usually mixed with 50 ml of water. You can also drip the product onto sugar. Take the medicine half an hour to an hour before meals. How many drops of Corvalol should be used is determined by the attending physician. You should not use the product yourself. The standard dosage of the drug is 15 – 30 drops. If the patient is diagnosed with severe tachycardia, the amount of the drug may be greater. The doctor recommends taking 40–50 drops at a time. The course of therapy is no more than 2 weeks, the frequency of administration is up to 3 times a day. For the treatment of children, no more than 15 drops are used.
  2. Tablets are prescribed only to adults. The dosage of Corvalol is also prescribed by the doctor. Usually the medicine is taken 2 to 3 times a day.

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children. The temperature should not be higher than 25 degrees. Corvalol drops have a shelf life of 3 years.

Overdose, analogues and drug interactions

An overdose of Corvalol occurs extremely rarely. However, if this happens, the following symptoms are possible:

  • severe decrease in pressure;
  • nystagmus;
  • depression of the functionality of the nervous system;
  • rhinitis;
  • diathesis (hemorrhagic);
  • ataxia;
  • problems with coordination of movements.

It is already known whether Corvalol is harmful. However, you also need to find out how this drug interacts with other medications. For example, you should not take the drug together with other sedative tablets. These medications enhance each other's effects.

It is also important to know whether you can drink Corvalol with alcohol. Naturally, this cannot be done. In this case, the load on the liver increases, so the development of pathologies of this organ is quite possible. If a person cannot take Corvalol, then analogues can be used: Valocordin, Corvaldin.

It should be noted that if a patient constantly takes the drug and then abruptly stops doing so, then side effects appear: sleep disturbances, tachycardia. The patient's condition worsens even more.

Can pregnant women take the drug?

Many pregnant women are interested in how often can they take Corvalol? The fact is that the period of bearing a baby is very difficult for the body. The expectant mother cannot sleep normally, she is constantly worried and worried about her child. Therefore, the presented drug seems effective and safe to her.

However, this is not at all true. Phenobarbital, present in the drug, can depress the nervous system of not only the mother, but also the baby. In addition, the medication impairs blood clotting, which increases the risk of bleeding in the baby on the first day of life.

The medicine is also addictive, that is, the previous dosage ceases to act as before, which prompts the person to increase the number of drops taken. It is better for a woman to use Corvalol analogs that do not contain phenobarbital or bromine.

An overdose of Corvalol is intoxication of the body with this drug and its constituent components. And while most patients can tolerate such poisoning relatively easily, some may experience serious complications (including death).

In general, an overdose of Corvalol is dangerous only for those people who are allergic to this substance and the accompanying components of the drug. And most often, an overdose is caused not by accident, but by the patient’s purposeful intake of a high dose of medication to enhance its effect.

In this article we will talk in detail about the dangers of an overdose of Corvalol and what to do if its first signs appear. We will also talk about what is the normal dosage of this drug.

Corvalol is almost the most popular drug in the CIS countries. About 150 million packages of this medicine are purchased annually in the CIS countries. It is not always bought for an existing illness; in the vast majority of cases, Corvalol is taken “just in case.”

Corvalol does not directly affect the heart, although many patients think otherwise. In fact, this drug has a sedative effect, calming the patient’s nervous system.

Self the medicine consists of the following components:

  • α-bromoisovaleric acid ethyl ester;
  • filtered water;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • phenobarbital;
  • peppermint oil.

A serious disadvantage of this medicine is the patient's addiction. Moreover, the patient not only begins to take Corvalol daily, but also increases the dose in the hope of a more effective and prolonged effect of the medicine.

Purpose and benefits of use

The constituent components of Corvalol have a pronounced effect on many human diseases (mainly neurological). So Corvalol is useful to combat the following problems:

  1. Disorders of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmias, tachycardia).
  2. Insomnia and irritability.
  3. Hypochondria and suspiciousness.
  4. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  5. With a low, persistent rise in blood pressure.

It is worth noting that this medicine is usually prescribed not as an independent treatment for the diseases listed above, but only as an auxiliary treatment. Corvalol enhances the overall effect of therapy, and in case of acute onset of the disease (for example, sinus tachycardia or panic attack) it is a means for quickly stopping an attack.

Who prescribes the course of treatment?

Although this medicine can be purchased without a prescription, you should still consult a doctor before purchasing it. If medicine is required for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, then you need to consult a cardiologist or vascular surgeon.

If you have neurological diseases (VSD, hypochondria, panic attacks), you should consult a psychotherapist or neurologist before purchasing the drug. For insomnia, consultation should be carried out either with a general practitioner or a neurologist.

It is important to understand that pharmacists at a pharmacy do not have the authority to prescribe medications to clients. Therefore, purchasing Corvalol based on the opinion of a pharmacist is dangerous.

Harm from taking Corvalol

In addition to the previously described disadvantage of addiction, Corvalol has other significant disadvantages. Thus, the combination of phenobarbital with an alcohol solution inhibits the functions of the central nervous system and impairs coordination of movements.

Intoxication with these components of Corvalol, which occurs during an overdose, can even cause death. The critical dose that can already cause death is half a standard bottle of Corvalol.

When interacting with tranquilizers and other sedatives, complications can also arise. Thus, phenobarbital, which is a component of Corvalol, when in contact with the listed drugs, significantly enhances their effect.

As a result, the effect of sedatives increases so much that the patient becomes apathetic, drowsy and lethargic. Stupor and deep pathological sleep are even possible.

What is obvious is that all of the listed complications of taking Corvalol are in one way or another associated with its improper use. A moderately increased dosage or combination of the drug with its analogues can lead to serious consequences, sometimes even causing death (especially in elderly patients).

Normal: how many drops of Corvalol can you drink?

The drug is approved for use by patients who are over 18 years of age. The standard dosage of the drug applies to all ages starting from 18 years. That is, simply put, it is universal.

No fear drug can be taken in the following doses:

  1. For neurological diseases: the dose is 15-20 drops, no more than three times a day.
  2. For diseases of the cardiovascular system: you can drink no more than 40 drops per day, no more than three times a day.
  3. To prevent panic attacks: you can take 10-15 drops per day.

In some cases, the dose can be slightly increased, but only after mandatory consultation with a doctor. Ignoring this rule will result in serious consequences (including death).

How many days can you take Corvalol?

The consequences of long-term use of Corvalol have been studied quite well and are currently considered harmless. The main consequences of long-term use are only dry mouth and psychological dependence on the drug.

The drug does not have a toxic effect on all internal organs in general, and on the kidneys and liver in particular. Only elderly patients can experience chronic intoxication with bromine (it is contained in phenobarbital, a component of Corvalol).

This condition rarely develops into a serious independent disease. Typically, bromine intoxication is characterized by drowsiness, depression and apathy. If these symptoms appear, the drug should be temporarily discontinued and consult your doctor.

Lethal dosage

The maximum dose of medicine at which the body can cope with the load and remove excess is 150 drops. However, in those patients who have chronic renal or liver failure, this dose can be lethal.

The consequences of taking a dose exceeding 150 drops are severe poisoning and with a high probability of death (even in healthy people). It is estimated that lethal dosage is 0.1-0.3 grams per 1 kilogram of weight patient. On average this is 20 grams of medicine.

The causes of mild and severe Corvalol poisoning are not as simple as it seems at first glance. The main component contained in the medicine is absolutely safe in recommended doses, but in high doses it is fatal. To be more precise, we are talking about phenobarbital.

In high doses, it strongly inhibits psychomotor reactions and causes coordination problems. In ultra-high doses, it disrupts the conduction of the nerves of the heart, causing it to stop.

Moreover, this component can be dangerous in normal doses, but only in some cases. Namely:

  • with concomitant use of alcoholic beverages;
  • when combined with pure alcohol;
  • when used with tranquilizers;
  • when used with sedative medications;
  • when used with antiemetic medications.

How dangerous is an overdose?

Poisoning with this drug due to an overdose is fraught with both serious health consequences and, in more rare cases, death. Overdose is especially dangerous in cases where alcohol was taken the day before.

Alcohol is a catalyst for the components of Corvalol, which only aggravates the situation in case of overdose. An excessive dose of Corvalol and drunk alcohol often cause collapse, severe coma and death.

Poisoning with this drug is also insidious because the patient is in deep sedation, similar to complete apathy and stupor. As a result, the patient does not even realize that he is in critical condition, so he cannot orient himself in time and call an ambulance.

Symptoms of an overdose of Corvalol

The symptoms of acute intoxication with Corvalol are quite expressive, so many doctors, even without clinical blood tests, will be able to accurately make a diagnosis.

Signs of such intoxication in the easiest version the following:

  • drowsiness;
  • general weakness;
  • lethargy and absent-mindedness;
  • slight decrease in muscle strength;
  • difficulty pronouncing complex sentences.

Symptoms of moderate intoxication:

  • prolonged pathological sleep (it is very difficult to wake the patient);
  • salivation;
  • severe muscle weakness;
  • convulsions;
  • lack of urge to urinate;
  • pupil dilation.

Symptoms of severe poisoning:

  • lack of consciousness;
  • coma;
  • breathing disorders (the patient breathes shallowly, often);
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • tachycardia with a heart rate exceeding 130 beats;
  • cyanosis of the skin.

The danger of Corvalol (video)

First aid and treatment

First aid is possible only in case of a mild overdose of Corvalol. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly lavage the patient’s stomach as quickly as possible. To do this, you need to give him about 20 grams of activated carbon and a liter of warm liquid.

A laxative (saline-based) and cleansing enemas would be useful. After bowel cleansing, the patient should be given an enveloping drink.

In case of moderate or severe overdose, you need to call an ambulance as quickly as possible. Attempts to cleanse the patient’s stomach and intestines on their own are futile, since he is not able to take a sip.

Which doctor should I contact?

A general practitioner, toxicologist and gastroenterologist can treat Corvalol intoxication. Therefore, when calling an ambulance you need to follow some rules.

So the dispatcher should be asked to send a highly specialized team of doctors (therapist, toxicologist or gastroenterologist). The dispatcher should also be informed that it is not a linear team that is required, but a resuscitation team.

The fact is that linear ambulance teams do not have special equipment on board to restore the patient’s blood pressure and heart rate. Only specialized resuscitation teams (so-called reanimobiles) have such equipment.


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