Is it possible to collect privet seeds in the spring? Common privet is an ideal evergreen shrub for creating landscape compositions

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Privet grows in the form of a bush, which, under the influence of scissors, turns into a beautiful fence with a model haircut. Let's take a closer look at what the common privet is, how to plant, care and propagate the plant.

Briefly about the plant

Common privet withstands cold, so it easily takes root in the harsh conditions of a temperate climate. The plant is often used for landscaping gardens and homestead areas.

There are many decorative varieties and forms. The bushes are branched and grow to a height of more than three meters. The plant has 10-centimeter dark green leaves that adhere firmly and for a long time to the stems. Common privet blooms in mid-summer and lasts three weeks.
Small creamy white flowers in paniculate inflorescences emit a pleasant aroma. After flowering, blue-black berries appear on the stems of the plant, which are poisonous.

Experts have developed many new varieties from ordinary privet:

  • Glaucum Albo-marginatum has a variegated form, bluish-green leaves edged with light stripes;
  • Aureum has golden leaves but never flowers. Its height reaches one meter;
  • Vicari has broad golden yellow leaves. These varieties of bushes are grown in places protected from the wind;
  • A species of shrub called Pyramidale has an interesting pyramidal shape;
  • The Glaucum variety shrub has bluish white-edged foliage;
  • The variety Sempervirens is considered evergreen with green leaves;
  • The bush of the Japanese privet variety grows up to four meters in height. It is shade-tolerant, but capricious in terms of soil moisture;
  • The large shrub of shiny privet has a height of 6 meters, and the fruits are dark blue and small in size. Blooms for three months;
  • Variegated Chinese privet has long leaves with golden margins and pointed corners. Blooms with pale white flowers in autumn;
  • The round-leaved plant variety has green leaves in winter. Blooms in mid-summer with white flowers. Since the plant does not tolerate cold, it must be stored in a warm place in winter;
  • The Chinese variety of the plant has leaves that are 3 centimeters wide and grow up to 7 centimeters in length. The bush itself reaches a height of seven meters.

Privet is grown in private plots using the bonsai technique. The bushes are used to make spectacular trees of pyramidal, spherical or other interesting shapes. Most often, bonsai are grown from varieties that retain their green appearance all year round.
To decorate your garden with beautiful bushes, you can plant several different varieties of privet in one area. They will create a harmonious image near your home.

Features of planting

Privet tolerates shade, heat, drought, and cold. It can grow on any soil. But, there is an exception: it will not bloom well if planted in acidic, dry sandy soil.
In order for the shrub to delight with its beautiful appearance, it is best to plant it in an open area a meter from buildings. The soil needs to be moderately moistened, saturated with useful substances and dug well.

The best soil for privet is turf mixed with humus and sand in a ratio of 3:2:1.

The plant can be replanted at any time. But flower growers recommend performing the replanting procedure in the spring, before the buds wake up. Some flower lovers replant them in the fall.

Growing evergreen common privet in open ground is the most suitable option for creating perennial garden landscape compositions. This article is all about the varieties and varieties, proper planting, proper care, and methods of propagating ligustrum. Magnificent photos of the bush will help you get acquainted with the variety of varieties of this plant.

Common privet, its varieties and varieties

The Olive family includes a wide range of evergreen plants. This also includes the evergreen shrub common privet (ligustrum).

In nature, the culture grows in the southern regions of Russia and East Asia, on the Australian continent and North Africa, as well as in Australia, Japan, and China.

The shrub has small, hard, leathery, glossy leaves. Ligustrum blooms with panicles of small white flowers that have a pleasant aroma. After flowering, bluish-black fruits are set, which can overwinter on the bushes.

Privet fruits

Common privet bushes reach a height of 3 meters, the width of the bush can be more than 1 meter.

There are three varieties of common privet:

  1. Deciduous - sheds leaves in cold climates.
  2. Evergreen cultivars - overwinter with non-falling leaves.
  3. Mixed - leaves partially fall off the bush.

The plant is widely used in landscape design to create hedges; it grows quite slowly. During flowering and fruiting, privet bushes acquire additional decorative value.

Privet is great for creating hedges

Landscape decorative forms (ball, cone) are easily formed from ligustrum, but the plant does not develop quickly; it takes considerable time to create an ideal compositional form. The photo of privet bushes formed in the shape of a ball attracts attention - the plant looks very decorative.

The following common ones are popular:

  • "Aureum" - reaches a height of up to 1.5 m, leaf blades are green with a golden edge. For the full development of decorative coloring, a sunny location is required; when growing this variety in the shade, the leaves will lose their yellow border. The variety is quite winter-hardy and requires shelter only in very severe winters.

  • “Glaucum” - the variety does not grow higher than 1 m. The crown of the bush is spreading, the leaves are narrower than those of other varieties, have a bluish coating and a white border.

Variety Glaucum

  • "Atrovirens" is distinguished by its significant size and dark coloration of leaves without spots or borders with other colors.

Variety Atrovirens

Planting privet according to all the rules

It should be noted right away that privet is unpretentious. The culture grows and develops well even under unfavorable conditions: ligustrum can tolerate a shady location, but does not tolerate acidic soil.

Advice! When preparing places for planting privet, a small amount of lime must be added to the soil.

The soil for planting shrubs should consist of humus and leaf soil, peat, and coarse sand. It is necessary to immediately select a site for planting without excessive moisture, ensuring reliable drainage. Otherwise, the roots of the bush will get wet, which will affect the overall development of the plant.

Planting privet bushes

In summer, ligustrum requires fairly frequent watering, but without excessive overflow. By autumn, the volume of irrigation water is metered, and the frequency of watering is reduced.

Attention! Privet tolerates underwatering more easily than overwatering.

Ligustrum varieties with variegated leaves need direct sunlight, so the area for planting the crop should be well lit. It is not advisable to plant shrubs under mature trees that have formed a thick and wide crown.

Separate holes are prepared for planting the bush, the depth of which depends on the development of the root system of the seedlings, but should not be less than 50 cm.

When planting shrubs, provision should be made for laying long-acting fertilizers at the bottom of the planting hole.

Caring for common privet

Privet needs simple care:

  • timely watering;
  • weed removal;
  • shelter in cold winters;
  • application of necessary fertilizers.

Take care of covering privet for the winter

The soil under the bush requires mulching (to protect it from drying out) and periodic loosening (to improve aeration). When mulching the tree trunk circle, it will not only retain moisture in the soil, but also reduce the germination of weeds. In addition, mulch protects plant roots from overheating during the particularly hot summer months.

During the winter cold, some plant varieties may freeze, so care should be taken to cover the privet in advance. Sometimes covering the bushes with snow is enough, but in particularly harsh winters, spruce branches are laid on top of the snow.

Privet in a landscape composition

It is worth mentioning separately the pruning of ligustrum bushes when forming three-dimensional forms. Although the crop does not grow very quickly, periodic pruning helps to form a spreading, dense crown of the bush. The first pruning of privet is drastic - the branches of the bush are shortened almost to the ground. The following prunings maintain the shape of the bush; they are carried out up to 3-4 times per season.

Advice! Ligustrum bushes should be pruned during the growing season, before autumn.

Ligustrum fertilizer

To reduce the acidity of the soil under privet bushes, it is useful to add chalk, lime, and dolomite flour. Soil deoxidation is carried out with the onset of autumn by incorporating lime into the soil. At the same time, it is useful to apply potassium and phosphorus fertilizers, as well as organic matter.

The plant needs feeding 2 times a year

In summer, complex fertilizers are applied 2 times per season: foliar fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out along the leaves. Take a look at the photo - timely fertilized privet bushes look very decorative and give good growth.

Reproduction of ligustrum - methods and methods

Ornamental shrubs can be propagated by all known methods:

Diseases and pests of ligustrum

Ligustrum is resistant to diseases and pest attacks. The crop can occasionally be damaged by scale insects or false scale insects. To prevent diseases, the crown of the bush is often sprayed with water in the summer months. A preventative shower will also save the plant from spider mite attacks.

Regularly inspect your crop for pests.

The plant may suffer from fungal diseases that develop from improper care. So, in acidic soil, the leaves become covered with pale green spots. Compliance with all the rules for growing ligustrum will prevent the development of fungal infections. If fungal infections occur, treating the bush with foundationazole will help remove the infection.

In general, the common burberry is a very hardy plant that perfectly complements the landscape of gardens and parks.

Trimming privet bushes: video

Privet in landscape design: photo

Growing evergreen common privet in open ground is the most suitable option for creating perennial garden landscape compositions. This article is all about the varieties and varieties, proper planting, proper care, and methods of propagating ligustrum. Magnificent photos of the bush will help you get acquainted with the variety of varieties of this plant.

Common privet, its varieties and varieties

The Olive family includes a wide range of evergreen plants. This also includes the evergreen shrub common privet (ligustrum).

In nature, the culture grows in the southern regions of Russia and East Asia, on the Australian continent and North Africa, as well as in Australia, Japan, and China.

The shrub has small, hard, leathery, glossy leaves. Ligustrum blooms with panicles of small white flowers that have a pleasant aroma. After flowering, bluish-black fruits are set, which can overwinter on the bushes.

Privet fruits

Common privet bushes reach a height of 3 meters, the width of the bush can be more than 1 meter.

There are three varieties of common privet:

  1. Deciduous - sheds leaves in cold climates.
  2. Evergreen cultivars - overwinter with non-falling leaves.
  3. Mixed - leaves partially fall off the bush.

The plant is widely used in landscape design to create hedges; it grows quite slowly. During flowering and fruiting, privet bushes acquire additional decorative value.

Privet is great for creating hedges

Landscape decorative forms (ball, cone) are easily formed from ligustrum, but the plant does not develop quickly; it takes considerable time to create an ideal compositional form. The photo of privet bushes formed in the shape of a ball attracts attention - the plant looks very decorative.

The following common ones are popular:

  • "Aureum" - reaches a height of up to 1.5 m, leaf blades are green with a golden edge. For the full development of decorative coloring, a sunny location is required; when growing this variety in the shade, the leaves will lose their yellow border. The variety is quite winter-hardy and requires shelter only in very severe winters.

  • “Glaucum” - the variety does not grow higher than 1 m. The crown of the bush is spreading, the leaves are narrower than those of other varieties, have a bluish coating and a white border.

Variety Glaucum

  • "Atrovirens" is distinguished by its significant size and dark coloration of leaves without spots or borders with other colors.

Variety Atrovirens

Planting privet according to all the rules

It should be noted right away that privet is unpretentious. The culture grows and develops well even under unfavorable conditions: ligustrum can tolerate a shady location, but does not tolerate acidic soil.

Advice! When preparing places for planting privet, a small amount of lime must be added to the soil.

The soil for planting shrubs should consist of humus and leaf soil, peat, and coarse sand. It is necessary to immediately select a site for planting without excessive moisture, ensuring reliable drainage. Otherwise, the roots of the bush will get wet, which will affect the overall development of the plant.

Planting privet bushes

In summer, ligustrum requires fairly frequent watering, but without excessive overflow. By autumn, the volume of irrigation water is metered, and the frequency of watering is reduced.

Attention! Privet tolerates underwatering more easily than overwatering.

Ligustrum varieties with variegated leaves need direct sunlight, so the area for planting the crop should be well lit. It is not advisable to plant shrubs under mature trees that have formed a thick and wide crown.

Separate holes are prepared for planting the bush, the depth of which depends on the development of the root system of the seedlings, but should not be less than 50 cm.

When planting shrubs, provision should be made for laying long-acting fertilizers at the bottom of the planting hole.

Caring for common privet

Privet needs simple care:

  • timely watering;
  • weed removal;
  • shelter in cold winters;
  • application of necessary fertilizers.

Take care of covering privet for the winter

The soil under the bush requires mulching (to protect it from drying out) and periodic loosening (to improve aeration). When mulching the tree trunk circle, it will not only retain moisture in the soil, but also reduce the germination of weeds. In addition, mulch protects plant roots from overheating during the particularly hot summer months.

During the winter cold, some plant varieties may freeze, so care should be taken to cover the privet in advance. Sometimes covering the bushes with snow is enough, but in particularly harsh winters, spruce branches are laid on top of the snow.

Privet in a landscape composition

It is worth mentioning separately the pruning of ligustrum bushes when forming three-dimensional forms. Although the crop does not grow very quickly, periodic pruning helps to form a spreading, dense crown of the bush. The first pruning of privet is drastic - the branches of the bush are shortened almost to the ground. The following prunings maintain the shape of the bush; they are carried out up to 3-4 times per season.

Advice! Ligustrum bushes should be pruned during the growing season, before autumn.

Ligustrum fertilizer

To reduce the acidity of the soil under privet bushes, it is useful to add chalk, lime, and dolomite flour. Soil deoxidation is carried out with the onset of autumn by incorporating lime into the soil. At the same time, it is useful to apply potassium and phosphorus fertilizers, as well as organic matter.

The plant needs feeding 2 times a year

In summer, complex fertilizers are applied 2 times per season: foliar fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out along the leaves. Take a look at the photo - timely fertilized privet bushes look very decorative and give good growth.

Reproduction of ligustrum - methods and methods

Ornamental shrubs can be propagated by all known methods:

Diseases and pests of ligustrum

Ligustrum is resistant to diseases and pest attacks. The crop can occasionally be damaged by scale insects or false scale insects. To prevent diseases, the crown of the bush is often sprayed with water in the summer months. A preventative shower will also save the plant from spider mite attacks.

Regularly inspect your crop for pests.

The plant may suffer from fungal diseases that develop from improper care. So, in acidic soil, the leaves become covered with pale green spots. Compliance with all the rules for growing ligustrum will prevent the development of fungal infections. If fungal infections occur, treating the bush with foundationazole will help remove the infection.

In general, the common burberry is a very hardy plant that perfectly complements the landscape of gardens and parks.

Trimming privet bushes: video

Privet in landscape design: photo

Among the plants for decorative purposes, it is worth highlighting the common privet. As a rule, it has a rather wide and asymmetrical crown. But it is precisely this type of crown that makes the shrub particularly attractive, since it is very dense due to its strong branching.

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For owners of personal plots who want to create a special attractiveness and at the same time elegance of the territory, common privet is one of the most preferred options. After all, even a novice gardener can grow this shrub.

Description of common privet

also known by such names as wild privet, common or European. In the natural environment, this species grows in Central and Southern Europe, North Africa and Asia Minor. It is a deciduous shrub, reaching a height of 5 m, which has tough, erect stems with gray-brown mottled bark and small brown lentils. When young, privet grows quickly, then the pace slows down a little.

The leaves grow in pairs, having a cross-shaped arrangement. They have an oval, slightly pointed shape with a dark green color on top and lighter below.

Flowers are shaped like panicles, the length of which is 4–6 cm. The individual creamy-white flower has a tubular base and a four-petalled corolla, the maximum diameter of which is 6 mm. The flowering of the shrub is observed in mid-summer, during which a rich and very specific aroma is felt.

The fruits are glossy round black berries, the diameter of which varies from 6 to 8 mm. The berries are poisonous to humans, but excellent food for thrushes, which disperse their seeds.

There are plants that regionalized from warmer climates. They have the potential to remain evergreen. Sometimes they are considered as a separate species. In the UK, this is the only variety of common privet, which is widely used in hedges and woodlands in southern England and Wales, and less popular in Scotland, northern England and northern Ireland.

Planting privet

First of all, the gardener needs to decide the question: where the shrub will be planted. Common privet prefers well-lit areas, so it is more advisable to choose such a place. If the planting area is located near utility buildings, then a distance of 1 m should be maintained. The indentation will allow you to avoid problems that arise during pruning of shrubs in its absence.

Planting technology:

Secrets of agricultural technology for growing privet: care features

Caring for shrubs is not considered too labor-intensive, so this process can be done even by a novice gardener. Only a small amount of attention and care will be required, and as a result, the privet will delight the owner with beauty and splendor.


Privet needs rare, but plentiful watering. During the entire growing season, it is enough to water the plant a maximum of six times. An adult privet bush requires approximately 50 liters of water based on moistening the soil underneath to a depth of 70 to 100 cm. But it should be borne in mind that young plants should be watered more often: timely, abundant moisture ensures their intensive growth.

Loosening and mulching

In the future, caring for the bush will make it easier systematic loosening and mulching of the soil in the tree trunk zone. The first time it is necessary to loosen the soil immediately after the snow has melted and the ground has thawed. Loosening should be done carefully so as not to harm the root system. Thanks to this procedure, air access to the rhizome is improved.

After the procedure, you should mulch the tree trunk area, which will reduce the number of waterings: mulch retains moisture at the roots. According to experienced gardeners, dry peat, sawdust or tree bark can act as an excellent mulch.

Top dressing

Active plant growth, including the formation of a dense crown, is ensured by the application of fertilizers. Preference should be given to organic and complex mineral fertilizers, as well as lime.

Instructions for feeding:


Privet has excellent pruning tolerance and the ability to quickly overgrow. There are several ways to trim bushes, which depend on its application:

  • Formative pruning - this type of pruning is carried out to give the bush specific contours. It is allowed to be carried out after the plant has taken root. At this time, only the upper part of the privet is cut off so that it can intensively grow new shoots. This procedure is repeated for several years, which allows the bush to acquire a sufficient number of branches for formative pruning. Today, cutting bushes in the Japanese style - karikomi - is popular.
  • Hedge trimming - privet in hedges grows up to 5 m in height, which in temperate latitudes often leads to freezing of the tops. Therefore, for these latitudes it is recommended to grow hedges no higher than 2 m. You should start trimming hedges in late spring or summer.

Disease and pest control

Privet is resistant to diseases and pests. But with high soil acidity The shrub can be affected by spotting and powdery mildew. Sometimes mites, thrips, etc. may be present on it. If fungal diseases and similar pests appear, treatment should be carried out with tank mixtures.

Privet propagates in a variety of ways: seeds, layering, cuttings.

Growing privet from seeds

Propagation by seeds is a complex process because the seeds have a fairly low germination threshold - approximately 65%. And also, it is worth noting that privet begins to bear fruit only after six years of growth in a permanent place. The method of seed propagation is used, as a rule, for growing shrubs on an industrial scale, so there is no reason to waste time collecting seeds in the fall: there are simpler and more reliable methods of propagation.

But if you want to carry out this labor-intensive process yourself, then it’s worth studying the materials in order to grow privet from seeds correctly. Having taken ripe berries, you should select the largest seeds and immerse them in a bowl of water: after some time, some seeds will remain at the bottom of the container, while others will rise to the surface of the water. Seeds that have sunk should be sown in open ground in mid-autumn. During the winter period they will undergo natural stratification, but shrub seedlings will appear only after a year.

If you decide to sow seeds in the spring, they must be stored in a box filled with sand and peat, maintaining a temperature of about 0ºC.

Propagation of privet by cuttings

For cuttings of privet Summer cuttings that have high rooting potential should be selected. Their cutting is carried out at the end of flowering from developed shoots. The length of the cuttings should be about 12 cm. Planting is carried out to a depth of 5 cm in a turf substrate at an angle of 45º. In order for the cuttings to take root, the temperature should be maintained within 20–25 ºC and constant air humidity should be maintained. Rooted cuttings should continue to grow throughout the year, transplanting into larger containers when needed. Cuttings are planted in open ground when they reach half a meter in height.

Reproduction of privet by layering

In the spring it is necessary to tilt the lowest branch of the bush to the ground, shallowly cutting the bark on the side lying in the ground. Having dug up part of the layering with an incision, moss should be placed on top, which should always remain moist. The top is not dug in to see the beginning of its growth, indicating successful rooting. Separation of the cuttings from the mother plant and its planting should be carried out in the spring of next year.

It is possible to propagate privet by layering without resorting to dripping. To do this, you need to scratch the branch with a needle in several places, and then secure there with tape a plastic bag filled with wet soil. This method will make it possible to control the filling of the bag with roots. Upon completion of this process, you should cut off the branch below the layer and transplant the layer with roots to a permanent place, having first removed the package.

Decorative hedge

Common privet is a fairly common plant for creating a hedge. The main thing is that to implement this idea there is no need to involve experienced landscape design specialists, but you can do it yourself. But in order for privet to truly decorate the area, you will need provide the planting material with proper care.

Before planting a young shrub in a selected area, you should mark the line of the future row using a rope stretched parallel to the prepared trench where it is planned to plant common privet seedlings. Plants should be planted at a distance of 40 cm and alternating so that the bushes face their lush sides in different directions. After planting, it is necessary to water.

So, most gardeners have definitely seen the common privet, although they had no idea that this shrub can be given a variety of shapes. Precisely because of the amazing decorativeness this plant is often used in the design of various objects. Growing shrubs is not such a labor-intensive process, because it is unpretentious. Considering the agricultural technology for growing privet, it can be grown even in fairly harsh climatic conditions without spending a lot of effort.


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