Mts phone repair tracking. MTS - warranty on phone and service

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Advice from lawyers:

1. I bought a phone in one MTS salon, it broke down, in another MTS salon they don’t accept it, the phone is under warranty.

1.1. The claim, if refused, goes to court.

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1.2. File a claim with the seller; if he refuses, go to court

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2. I bought wireless headphones with my phone at a promotion and on credit from MTS, after 4 months the headphones were acting up, one of them is not charging. In the salon where I bought it, they turned me around, the warranty on them is 2 weeks, but I still have to pay the loan.

2.1. If they came with the phone, then the store is wrong, now you need to submit a written claim based on the norms of the Civil Code.

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3. Today I handed over my phone under warranty to MTS, when I asked to print out applications for a replacement phone within three days, they told me that they don’t have that and I won’t print anything for you, what should I do?

3.1. In this case, it is necessary to present them with a written demand based on the norms of the Civil Code with the possibility of applying a penalty in case of refusal.

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4. Can I sue MTS? I handed over the phone to them for repairs under warranty instead of 45 days it was 65. They didn’t respond to the second claim at all. They gave me a piece of paper, all mint dated September 29, but they gave it back on November 23, they say the warranty period has expired, all the documents have been redone and the dates have been corrected. and my signatures.

4.1. If there is a refusal of the claim, then now you need to file a claim in court for the return of its cost + penalty and other sanctions.

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5. A year ago I bought a phone with an iPhone 7+, they imposed Rosgosstrakh insurance on me as an additional insurance. Now my phone is not working. What should I do? Can I apply for a phone return to MTS? I was told that the warranty had already expired and that I should contact Rosgosstrakh. Is it so?

5.1. If the warranty has expired, then you have two years from the date of purchase to file claims for defects, Articles 18 and 19 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.
If the examination confirms the presence of a significant (irremovable) defect, then you are required to return the money upon your request.

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5.2. Do you know the reason for the malfunction? If these are external influences, then it is possible to submit a claim to the insurance company. If the reasons are not known to you and the warranty period for the phone has not expired, contact the seller with a written complaint and refuse repairs.

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6. I haven’t really been able to use my phone for 3 months now, the network signal is weak, I called MTS, they checked the network coverage, everything is fine, I took it to the service center, the phone is fine, the warranty remains for 20 days, I want to write a claim to the store so that they can do an independent examination in my presence, what should I do if they refuse?

6.1. Go to court. Before that, you can do an examination yourself, find an expert who will give you an opinion. Then submit it to the court.

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7. We bought a mobile phone at an MTS store. On the third day the phone stopped charging. I contacted the salon with a complaint. They refused me, saying that this is a technically complex product and we do not bear any responsibility. The warranty was denied. They offered to give the phone to an independent expert at my expense or offered to sue. Please understand the law of technically complex goods.

7.1. The salon didn't do the right thing. They were obliged to accept the phone for examination, at which you could be present. I wish you good luck in resolving your issue.

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8. I dropped my phone. There was an external mechanical impact from the asphalt on the phone. It is guaranteed and insured by Rosgosstrakh. I bought it from MTS. Samsung phone. Rosgosstrakh refused. Question: how can I repair this phone? Or, if there are options, please advise.

8.1. see the terms of your insurance contract. If the refusal is illegal, then file a lawsuit.
Good luck and all the best

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8.2. This question can only be answered after studying the insurance contract and insurance rules. Only specified documents may provide options.

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8.3. Konstantin.
What is stated in the insurance contract? Is such a mechanical impact an insured event? If yes, then you were refused illegally, you can file a claim in court.
Thank you for your request.

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9. I bought myself an iPhone 6, but then I dropped it into the water, after which it stopped turning on, but the apple website said that the phone can stay in water for about 10 seconds. it stayed in the water for about 5. Can I contact the seller (MTS) to replace my phone, since they essentially sold me a defective phone (there is a warranty).

9.1. If you prove that the warranty applies to your case. What is said on the site in any form has no legal force. See the phone warranty terms.

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10. I handed over the phone under warranty to the MTS service center, after 45 days they did not return the phone, I wrote an application for a refund, the period for reviewing the application was 10 days, 15 days have already passed and they are not giving the money back.

10.1. Now you have every reason to go to court with a statement of claim to terminate the purchase and sale agreement and return the money. In court, if the outcome is successful, you can recover 2-3 times more than the amount paid, I am not exaggerating! And it is almost impossible to lose the case.
The main thing is to correctly draw up and substantiate the statement of claim, which will be difficult for you to do on your own, without the help of a lawyer. Contact a lawyer on our website personally or write to him by email. mail (usually it is indicated under the answer), he will help draw up a statement of claim, give all the necessary explanations, and, if necessary, provide legal assistance until a court decision is made.

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10.2. Yuri.
Contact the court with claims for termination of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, return of funds, collection of penalties, fines, compensation for moral damages + reimbursement of ALL collection costs.

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11. When I bought a phone for my daughter, the seller in the MTS network persuaded me to buy an additional warranty in case something happened to the phone. The phone is not working now. We sent the phone in for repair because... The warranty period has not expired. Repair was refused because... Afterwards, water got into the phone. Is such a refusal legal? And one more question - can I get the money back for the guarantee, because... didn't use it.

11.1. If defects are discovered in the product, if they were not specified by the seller, the consumer has the right to:
demand replacement with a product of the same brand (same model and (or) article);
demand replacement with the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;
demand a proportionate reduction in the purchase price;
demand immediate free elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of costs for their correction by the consumer or a third party;
refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand a refund of the amount paid for the goods. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the defective product.
In this case, the consumer also has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to him as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality. Losses are compensated within the time limits established by this Law to satisfy the relevant consumer requirements.

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11.2. You need to look at the terms of the additional guarantee agreement, which are insured events. And proceed from this.

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12. MTS sold me an MTS Smart smartphone, there are no batteries for sale for it, nowhere. The warranty period for the battery is 6 months, the phone is 12 months. Can I demand a refund from them if they are unable to provide completeness? The salon refused to accept the return application.

12.1. In relation to a technically complex product, if defects are discovered in it, the consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand a refund of the amount paid for such a product or make a demand for its replacement with a product of the same brand (model, article) or with a different product. brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price within fifteen days from the date of transfer of such goods to the consumer. After this period, these requirements must be satisfied in one of the following cases:

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13. I bought a phone at an MTS store. I was told that I needed to pay for the warranty on the phone I bought. I ask why you will have to pay for the warranty on the phone. They replied that you need to pay for it. Is it correct that you have to pay for a warranty on your phone or do you require that the warranty be free? With respect to you, I am Natalya Miller.

13.1. You have the right to buy an additional warranty for the phone, but this is not a prerequisite and you can refuse

Best wishes.

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13.2. There is no need to pay for a product warranty. Perhaps they tried to force you to insure your phone against damage, theft, etc.

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13.3. The warranty for the phone is given free of charge; there is a warranty book for this. Most likely, you were offered an “additional” warranty for a longer period. You don't have to pay for it. You can contact Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint against the seller.

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14. I need to return the money for the phone, on 02/28/17 I bought the phone at MTS, on 04/03/2017 I sent it in for repairs under warranty, but I still have neither the phone nor the money, I filed a claim with the store, 06/14/2017 will be 10 days after filing a claim.

14.1. If there is no response to the claim, you have the right to file a claim in court in accordance with Art. 131-132 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. Good luck to you and all the best!

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14.2. You have a unique opportunity to receive 3-4 times more than the amount paid for the phone. No options! It is impossible to lose such a case. A telephone is a technically complex product and it can only be returned if a significant defect in the product is discovered. But what is a significant drawback of the product?
The very fact of exceeding the repair period of 45 days is a significant defect of the product, giving the right to demand a refund. Moreover, the inability to use the product within 30 days of the one-year warranty period is a significant drawback of the product.
The seller must return them within 10 days! On the 11th you can safely go to court. The main thing is to correctly formulate and justify such a requirement, which will be difficult for you to do on your own. Contact a lawyer on our website personally, he will help you draw up such a requirement and give all the necessary explanations, and if necessary, he will provide legal assistance until a court decision is made.

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14.3. You have grounds for a refund - the repair took more than 45 days - contact the seller with a claim to terminate the sales contract, then go to court if it is refused.

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15. I purchased a phone from MTS, after a while I dropped the phone and the screen blurred. I went to return the phone because it was under warranty and also insured, but at the salon where I bought it they didn’t accept it from me, they told me to contact the bank. Then I called the bank, they explained to me that I should contact the service center with all the documents, it is located 200 km from the city. Please tell me why I should go at my own expense to another city and how can I resolve my issue?

15.1. If you have not reached the warranty period for the product, then you must contact the store where you purchased the phone, they must send the product to the service center themselves and carry out repairs under warranty.

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15.2. contact the MTS store where you purchased the phone with a written request; if they do not accept it, then go to court with a statement of claim to protect consumer rights.

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16. In March 2016, I bought a phone at an MTS store, and it came with a 1-year warranty. After 2 weeks I asked for it because it started to glitch. In February 2017, I flashed it again under warranty; after flashing the firmware, the application stopped working on the phone. And now I have to give ISO once for firmware. Can I ask the store to return the money and exchange the phone? And what to do if they refuse to do anything in this situation.

16.1. Yana Nikolaevna!
In relation to a technically complex product, the consumer, if defects are discovered in it, has the right refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand a refund of the amount paid for such goods or make a demand for its replacement with a product of the same brand (model, article) or with the same product of a different brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price within fifteen days from the date of transfer of such goods to the consumer. After this period, these requirements must be satisfied in one of the following cases:
detection of a significant defect in the product;
violation of the deadlines established by this Law for eliminating product defects;
the impossibility of using the product during each year of the warranty period in total for more than thirty days due to repeated elimination of its various deficiencies.
Write and present them with a written complaint. If they do not accept it, then send it via registered mail with notification and a list of the attachments.

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17. I bought a phone from MTS, I asked 3 times under warranty, the answer was one defect was eliminated, I asked for a replacement phone similar to the one during the repair, they provided me with the wrong phone, not similar to mine, since the camera is on my 16 and they only have 5, I refused and wrote so that for now my phone During the repairs, I was given 1% of the cost, but the lawyer refused to do so and that I should answer them now with what objection.

17.1. You can refuse to fulfill the contract for the purchase and sale of a phone, send a claim for replacement from a demand for free repairs to a refund as for a new phone + demand moral damages and calculate a penalty under Art. 23 ZPPP. If they refuse, go to court with demands for the return of money + penalties + damages + moral damages + fine + legal expenses.

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18. I bought a smartphone at an MTS store. They imposed insurance from VTB, after 10 months the phone stopped seeing SIM cards after resetting the settings, took it to the service center, they said it was time to throw out the phone, a part on the main board flew off. Since I wore it in the SC, the warranty is no longer valid, because the smart was disassembled. Can I count on the insurance company, or should I forget about all this and go for a new March? Thanks in advance.

18.1. To answer your question you need to see the contract with the insurance company. Read carefully what constitutes an insured event in which the insurance company makes insurance payments.

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18.2. I bought a smartphone at an MTS store. They imposed insurance from VTB, after 10 months the phone stopped seeing SIM cards after resetting the settings, took it to the service center, they said it was time to throw out the phone, a part on the main board flew off. Since I wore it in the SC, the warranty is no longer valid, because the smart was disassembled. Can I count on the insurance company, or should I forget about all this and go for a new smart phone?

So this should be spelled out in the agreement with sk.

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19. The phone is under warranty, Wi-Fi stopped working, after 2 repairs the problem was not resolved. I wrote a claim to return my money. MTS Tyumen communication salon. To which they carried out their examination and said that I had violated the operating rules (they delayed this examination for 40 days) - “the geometry of the body was violated, in the chassis area.” Complete nonsense!.. What is the procedure for me, I want to return the money, go to court or something else. Thank you.

19.1. Submit a pre-trial claim. If you refuse or leave without a response within 10 days, you file a claim in court. I advise you to seek help from a lawyer. The website has a directory of lawyers and advocates, choose from your city. For example, there is a lawyer from Tyumen, Nadezhda Onischuk. Good luck to you.

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19.2. You need to conduct your own examination of the phone, file a claim, then file a statement of claim in court for the protection of consumer rights. The business prospects are good. If you need a full consultation, write.

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20. I bought a phone A 5 at an MTS salon. After 4 months it ran out of charge and turned off and won’t turn on. I sent it in for repairs under warranty, they kept it for a month and wanted to return it, like no fault was found, although the salon couldn’t turn it on for me today. I didn’t pick it up and they took it back for repairs. Will I be able to get my money back if it is not returned and repaired on time? Thank you.

20.1. Yes, you can, Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” directly states that the Consumer, at his own choice, has the right to: demand a replacement or refuse to execute the sales contract and demand a refund of the amount paid for the goods. You can submit a Claim (2 copies), the main thing is that your copy is stamped with a seal, entry number and signature; if it refuses to accept, you can send it by registered mail with notification and inventory. If they refuse or there is no response within 10 days after the application, then you can file an Application for Termination of the Contract (Claim) to the Court, no state duty is charged.

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21. I bought a phone from MTS with extra. guarantee. Broken. How should I replace it with a new one? The phone costs 60 thousand.
I bought it on credit. If I take it in for repair while it is being repaired, do I have to pay the loan? What is the right thing for me to do? Thank you!

21.1. While it cannot be replaced, send it in for repair under warranty
If I take it in for repair while it is in repair, do I have to pay the loan?
Of course we should

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22. I bought a phone in one MTS salon, it broke down, in another MTS salon they don’t accept it, the phone is under warranty.

22.1. The claim, if refused, goes to court. It is better to send it by registered mail.

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23. 4 months ago I bought a Samsung Galaxy j1mini at the MTS salon, the network immediately began to disappear on all SIM cards, I contacted the salon immediately, there was no way I had to reboot 5-7 times a day for communication, and yesterday it went into a cyclic reboot and I am without a phone, what kind of complaint am I I can submit a phone to the salon under warranty, but I’m not happy with the repaired one because it’s new.

There are several options for locating your phone. Using these methods, you can not only find your own device in case of theft or loss, but also find out where the phone of a friend or relative is currently located. Let's consider these methods in more detail. Almost all mobile operators provide the phone owner search service.

Complaint about MTS: repair under warranty


After all this, my money was not returned either.

What should I do?

Hello. You should write an application to Rospotrebnadzor, describing all the details and subtleties. This is a common practice in mobile operator stores.

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Asked 2013-02-20 10:30:13 +0400 in the topic “Protection of consumer rights” from

Stopped working, purchased it under warranty from MTS, took it to a service center.

Returning a phone purchased from MTS under warranty

We have a warranty card, a complete set, a box, and receipts.

The real question is: what are they obligated to do to me in this situation and how can I achieve this?

How to talk to the seller, what to demand from him?

Repairs must be carried out within no more than 45 days, unless otherwise provided by agreement.

Article 18. Consumer rights when defects are discovered in a product

If defects are discovered in the product, if they were not specified by the seller, the consumer has the right to:

— detection of a significant defect in the product;

violation of the deadlines established by this Law for eliminating product defects;

the impossibility of using the product during each year of the warranty period in total for more than thirty days due to repeated elimination of its various deficiencies.

The phone is broken and is not covered by warranty.

MTS is seriously deceiving. I bought a phone from MTS, it worked for a year and was damaged beyond repair. Yesterday they called and said; either take the money (720 thousand) or choose another phone and pay extra (there is NO such phone) Everything, of course, is bullshit, but a year ago 720 thousand was 200 and a little change bucks, but now for this money you can’t even buy a simple phone; the phone cannot be restored under warranty .

— Since there are no similar phones, we have 2 choices.

Hello. I bought a phone at an MTS store, but it broke down and the warranty period has not yet expired. Can I ask for an exchange or refund for it? October 21, 2013, 23:44 Maria, Mr.

The Consumer Protection Act allows you to make claims against the seller regarding product defects if they are discovered during the warranty period or expiration date.

We return money for the phone under warranty

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without mobile communication devices. For many, devices serve not only as a means of communication or entertainment, but also as indispensable assistants in work.

But even the newest one, like any other piece of technology, can break down. What to do if a recently purchased communication device fails?

What request can you make to the seller and what is needed for this? It is possible to find a way out of this situation; the main thing is to know your rights as a consumer.

How to monitor a person (MTS subscriber)

Many people know that MTS has a service with which you can track certain subscribers you connect, but few people understand how it can be used discreetly and, most importantly, why.

In this article I will tell you how very easy it is to activate this service, and how to constantly use this service for a very small amount and at the same time that subscriber will not be able to understand that he is being watched unless you tell him about it yourself.

How to get money back for a phone under warranty?

Warranty claim by phone

Issues related to goods and services have always interested the population.

Russia even has a special law protecting consumer rights. It’s called “On the Protection of Consumer Rights.” This is a guarantee. The first step is to understand what a warranty period is.

Every person who has ever purchased equipment should be familiar with this term.

Advice from lawyers:

1. I bought a tablet at the MTS showroom in Anapa, arrived in Saratov and it started to malfunction. Can I give it under warranty to the MTS showroom in Saratov?

1.1. If you have documents confirming your purchase at an MTS showroom, YOU have the right to contact an MTS showroom throughout the Russian Federation.

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2. Can MTS refuse to repair a smartphone that has gotten wet under warranty?

2.1. Ilya! yes, they can, because This is a gross violation of the operating rules.

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3. Is it possible to return the tablet under warranty to an MTS salon if the documents are lost?

3.1. Yes, you can, according to Article 18 of the Consumer Protection Law, a receipt is not required.

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4. Is it possible to return the MTS modem 3 days after purchase under warranty?

4.1. What does it mean to return under warranty? Isn't he working?

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4.2. Maria Alekseevna, Modem - PC peripheral device with gar. period, return/exchange according to Art. 25 not subject

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5. I bought a phone (Huawei) from MTS, and returned it under warranty to the Huawei service center. It's been 45 days and they have made no progress on the repairs. Where and what can I write or return the money? They didn't give me a replacement phone number.

5.1. Vladislav, contact the Seller with a complaint, in which you demand termination of the phone contract and a refund.
If there is a refusal, then go to court with a claim for consumer protection.

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6. We bought a seven redmi 7 a phone at an MTS communication store! After half a year it became glitchy and rebooted all the time! We sent the phone to service under warranty, reflashed it, but after a couple of days the situation repeated itself... it reboots up to five times a day! Please tell me, can I return the money for it and how can I do this?!

6.1. You can return it, for this you need to submit a written claim based on the norms of the Civil Code.

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6.2. Not the Civil Code, but the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.
Lawyers divorced...

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7. I bought wireless headphones with my phone at a promotion and on credit from MTS, after 4 months the headphones were acting up, one of them is not charging. In the salon where I bought it, they turned me around, the warranty on them is 2 weeks, but I still have to pay the loan.

7.1. If they came with the phone, then the store is wrong, now you need to submit a written claim based on the norms of the Civil Code.

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8. Today I handed over my phone under warranty to MTS, when I asked to print out applications for a replacement phone within three days, they told me that they don’t have that and I won’t print anything for you, what should I do?

8.1. In this case, it is necessary to present them with a written demand based on the norms of the Civil Code with the possibility of applying a penalty in case of refusal.

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9. I would like to know: I bought the phone at the MTS showroom and paid for the warranty; now it’s something with either a battery or a socket. I dropped the phone once before and there are some defects. Are they obligated to do it?

9.1. If your warranty covers cases of mechanical damage to the device, they will repair it.

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10. Can I sue MTS? I handed over the phone to them for repairs under warranty instead of 45 days it was 65. The first claim was not responded to at all. They gave me a piece of paper, all mint dated September 29, but they gave it back on November 23, they say the warranty period has expired, all the documents have been redone and the dates have been corrected. and my signatures.

10.1. If there is a refusal of the claim, then now you need to file a claim in court for the return of its cost + penalty and other sanctions.

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11. A year ago I bought a phone with an iPhone 7+, they imposed Rosgosstrakh insurance on me as an additional insurance. Now my phone is not working. What should I do? Can I apply for a phone return to MTS? I was told that the warranty had already expired and that I should contact Rosgosstrakh. Is it so?

11.1. If the warranty has expired, then you have two years from the date of purchase to file claims for defects, Articles 18 and 19 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.
If the examination confirms the presence of a significant (irremovable) defect, then you are required to return the money upon your request.

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11.2. Do you know the reason for the malfunction? If these are external influences, then it is possible to submit a claim to the insurance company. If the reasons are not known to you and the warranty period for the phone has not expired, contact the seller with a written complaint and refuse repairs.

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12. Please bought a smart watch at the MTS store. After a month they stopped working. Brought it under warranty. They refused. The reason they wrote was oxidized. Apparently it wasn't used correctly and water got in. But I'm sure it's not my fault. What to do.

12.1. I think that you need to prepare a claim to the store with a requirement to repair them under warranty and conduct an examination. Because, as can be seen from your words, the examination was not carried out, it should have been independent and you should have been invited to attend it. I can prepare a claim for you.

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13. I purchased a tablet from MTS, but after a month it stopped turning on. They gave it back under warranty, but in return they didn’t give me anything, not a warranty card, etc. 45 days have passed since the date of return. And today at 2:55 a.m. they went online from my social media account.

13.1. Anton!
Unfortunately, it will now be quite difficult for you to prove the fact that you gave the tablet for repair.
Is it possible to involve any witnesses?

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14. I bought a new IPhone 8 at the MTS showroom with a 1-year warranty, the headphones broke, the warranty has not yet expired, can I demand a full refund for the phone? Or ask for a new phone with new content.

14.1. Your iPhone and the headset for it are different types of goods, even if they were sold as a set, you have the right to demand replacement of the headphones under Article 18, if the breakdown was the fault of the store and not yours, this will be proven by an examination carried out by the store.

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15. I haven’t really been able to use my phone for 3 months now, the network signal is weak, I called MTS, they checked the network coverage, everything is fine, I took it to the service center, the phone is fine, the warranty remains, 20 days, I want to write a claim to the store so that they can do an independent examination in my presence, what should I do if they refuse?

15.1. Go to court. Before that, you can do an examination yourself, find an expert who will give you an opinion. Then submit it to the court.

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16. I bought an iPhone 8 plus from MTS. They took it in installments. At the same time, we were given a guarantee by MTS jigging. Yesterday he fell. The protective glass and the phone itself broke. Can they replace my screen for free or not?!

16.1. most likely yes, because add. The warranty provides protection against all such cases. But for an accurate answer to your question, you need to provide an agreement in which you can see the terms of insurance payment.

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17. I wanted to buy a phone in installments, but they said that an additional service is required for this. guarantees. Can I get an installment plan without it? MTS salon.

17.1. Dmitriy!
Purely theoretically, the salon does not have the right to condition the granting of a deferment on the mandatory purchase of an additional warranty, since this violates your rights under the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

But in practice, it will be quite difficult to prove the imposition, so I think that you will not be able to voluntarily get them to pay in installments without this service.

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18. I have a debt to MTS Bank, I wanted to pay it off, but I found out that my debt was sold to Credit Express Finance, MTS Bank sent me an SMS with a personal account of KI Finance, I called the number indicated in the message, where they told me the amount and told me to pay, because... There is no way to pay the full amount, I asked to divide it into parts, after which they gave me the number of the debt collection service, the question is.. Is it worth paying? And where is the guarantee that the debt will be closed and they won’t start “knocking” me out of me again..?

18.1. No SMS can confirm the transfer of debt to another organization. Written notification only, so please ignore such messages.

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19. We bought a mobile phone at an MTS store. On the third day the phone stopped charging. I contacted the salon with a complaint. They refused me, saying that this is a technically complex product and we do not bear any responsibility. The warranty was denied. They offered to give the phone to an independent expert at my expense or offered to sue. Please understand the law of technically complex goods.

19.1. The salon didn't do the right thing. They were obliged to accept the phone for examination, at which you could be present. I wish you good luck in resolving your issue.

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20. Six months ago we bought an MTS USB MODEM (our connection is poor - we have a private house in the suburbs), five months later it stopped working, we took it to the store, took it under warranty (one year warranty) for repairs, picked it up yesterday, but the problem remained, As soon as he makes the connection, he immediately loses it. Is it possible to return it and take the money? But here’s another point: in the receipt the price for the modem is 1 ruble, and for the SIM card 2500 rubles? can we take 2500? If so, what law should we rely on?

20.1. The amount is 2500 rubles. it will not be possible to return it, since this is the amount for the option that was provided in the first 14 days. You have the right to return it for warranty service, but they must provide you with another modem for temporary use while yours is under repair.

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21. I bought a tablet from MTS four months ago, after 2.5 months it broke, they sent it under warranty for repair, where it stayed for 1.5 months, they took it away from repair, but it was still broken, but MTS offered send it in for repair again, but why do I need such a thing that I hardly use, what should I do, return the money or give a new one in return, they refuse, please tell me what to do in such a situation?

21.1. The warranty workshop must provide a conclusion on the cause of the breakdown. Whether the breakdown is covered under warranty or not. As an option - an independent examination. And then to court.

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21.2. Since the tablet is a technically complex product, its return/exchange is possible only if there are grounds provided for in Art. 18 ZPPP.

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22. I dropped my phone. There was an external mechanical impact from the asphalt on the phone. It is guaranteed and insured by Rosgosstrakh. I bought it from MTS. Samsung phone. Rosgosstrakh refused. Question: how can I repair this phone? Or, if there are options, please advise.

22.1. see the terms of your insurance contract. If the refusal is illegal, then file a lawsuit.
Good luck and all the best

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22.2. This question can only be answered after studying the insurance contract and insurance rules. Only specified documents may provide options.

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22.3. Konstantin.
What is stated in the insurance contract? Is such a mechanical impact an insured event? If yes, then you were refused illegally, you can file a claim in court.
Thank you for your request.

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23. I bought myself an iPhone 6, but then I dropped it into the water, after which it stopped turning on, but the apple website said that the phone can stay in water for about 10 seconds. it stayed in the water for about 5. Can I contact the seller (MTS) to replace my phone, since they essentially sold me a defective phone (there is a warranty).

23.1. If you prove that the warranty applies to your case. What is said on the site in any form has no legal force. See the phone warranty terms.

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24. I handed over the phone under warranty to the MTS service center, after 45 days they did not return the phone, I wrote an application for a refund, the period for reviewing the application was 10 days, 15 days have already passed and they are not giving the money back.

24.1. Now you have every reason to go to court with a statement of claim to terminate the purchase and sale agreement and return the money. In court, if the outcome is successful, you can recover 2-3 times more than the amount paid, I am not exaggerating! And it is almost impossible to lose the case.
The main thing is to correctly draw up and substantiate the statement of claim, which will be difficult for you to do on your own, without the help of a lawyer. Contact a lawyer on our website personally or write to him by email. mail (usually it is indicated under the answer), he will help draw up a statement of claim, give all the necessary explanations, and, if necessary, provide legal assistance until a court decision is made.

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24.2. Yuri.
Contact the court with claims for termination of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, return of funds, collection of penalties, fines, compensation for moral damages + reimbursement of ALL collection costs.

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25. When I bought a phone for my daughter, the seller in the MTS network persuaded me to buy an additional warranty in case something happened to the phone. The phone is not working now. We sent the phone in for repair because... The warranty period has not expired. Repair was refused because... Afterwards, water got into the phone. Is such a refusal legal? And one more question - can I get the money back for the guarantee, because... didn't use it.

25.1. If defects are discovered in the product, if they were not specified by the seller, the consumer has the right to:
demand replacement with a product of the same brand (same model and (or) article);
demand replacement with the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;
demand a proportionate reduction in the purchase price;
demand immediate free elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of costs for their correction by the consumer or a third party;
refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand a refund of the amount paid for the goods. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the defective product.
In this case, the consumer also has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to him as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality. Losses are compensated within the time limits established by this Law to satisfy the relevant consumer requirements.

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25.2. You need to look at the terms of the additional guarantee agreement, which are insured events. And proceed from this.

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26. I came to the MTS communication salon and asked to change the phone under warranty at Odoevsky 31 Gavrilova Veronica refused to accept my phone and, from her words, she sets her own rules, what should I do?

26.1. --- Hello, no one EXCHANGES cell phones and she did not set these rules. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V. :sm_ax:

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26.2. You need to submit a written complaint to the communication center. If they refuse to accept the claim, send it by mail.

I wish you good luck and all the best!

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26.3. Good day
The store does not have the right to set its own rules that contradict the Consumer Protection Law.
File a written complaint with them, and then only with Rospotrebnadzor and the court
Good luck to you in resolving your issue.

Did the answer help you? Not really

The article describes the procedure for returning a phone under warranty in the MTS online store.


In the MTS online store, customers will find a variety of mobile devices that can satisfy all their tastes and preferences. But it also happens that the purchased smartphone turns out to be either faulty or does not meet the characteristics stated in the description.

What should we do if we are completely unsatisfied with the purchased product? Is it possible to return a phone in an online store? MTS» according to warranty documents? Let's talk about this in more detail in our review.

Warranty service in the MTS online store

Any equipment purchased in any store must have a warranty period, during which, for example, a mobile device must work properly and without complaints. If within the specified period the device fails through no fault of yours, then according to the laws of the Russian Federation, the buyer has the right to return it to the store. This also applies to the online store " MTS».

Let's find out what guarantees the specified store provides.

On the website of the online store " MTS» (you can follow this link) we can find out everything that interests us about this. It is indicated here that the online store " MTS"gives all its guarantees regarding the observance of consumer rights, which are specified in the relevant law of the Russian Federation (" On consumer protection»).

MTS - warranty on phone and service. Repair and return of phones in the MTS online store under warranty

What products cannot be returned to the MTS online store under warranty?

If you bought, for example, a phone in an online store " MTS", then it may not be covered by the terms of warranty and service if this device fails or is damaged by one or another defect for reasons not specified in the terms of the warranty agreement. That is, roughly speaking, if you yourself are to blame for the breakdown of the phone, or the fault is directly on the part of the online store “ MTS"In this case, no.

Warranty and service maintenance of Apple products

If you purchased phones and other devices from the company " Apple", then the warranty period for these products will be one year from the date of purchase.

Service and advice on the operation of these products is guaranteed by the company " MTS" For questions regarding service, any repairs, etc. related to warranty obligations, you can contact the salon " MTS", in which this product was purchased. For more detailed information on this matter, call - 88002500505 .

Warranty and service maintenance for Research In Motion products

Warranty service for goods from the company " Research In Motion» fully complies with the conditions described above. The warranty period for these products is one year. You can return a faulty device or request service under warranty at the store " MTS", where the product was purchased. For all questions please call the number - 88002500505 .

Warranty and service maintenance of goods manufactured by order of the MTS company

Products manufactured by order of the company " MTS» have a one-year return or service guarantee. Moreover, a particular product can be made from various parts, each of which, in turn, can have its own warranty period.

Thus, the warranty period can be:

  • One year for any mobile device and various accessories purchased by the customer separately or together with the device.
  • Six months for accessories, which include: chargers, headphones, batteries, cases, stands, cables.
  • Three months for software on CDs and other media

The buyer can, within the specified period, bring a phone, smartphone or other mobile device for repair or service to that store " MTS", where the product was purchased. For more complete information, you can call the toll-free number - 88002500505 .

Returning goods in the MTS online store outside of warranty service

MTS - warranty on phone and service. Repair and return of phones in the MTS online store under warranty

You can return goods to the online store " MTS» outside the scope of the above warranty agreement under certain conditions. In the online store " MTS» using this link we can see the following information:

  • The buyer can return the purchased product within a month if, for example, the mobile device has not been in use and has not received any damage or defects. In other words, the goods must be in a condition completely fit for sale.
  • The product can be returned if its packaging, manual, receipts and all other documents also remain completely intact.
  • Mobile devices from the company " Apple"whose OS was not activated
  • Mobile devices that were sold without SIM cards can also be returned to the store " MTS»
  • Any individual can return goods

Subject to all the conditions described above, you can return goods to stores " MTS", where they were purchased (if the goods were delivered by courier, then you can return it to any store " MTS»).

Video: How to return a faulty phone

After this period, these requirements are subject to satisfaction in one of the following cases: detection of a significant defect in the goods; violation of the deadlines established by this Law for eliminating product defects; the impossibility of using the product during each year of the warranty period in total for more than thirty days due to repeated elimination of its various deficiencies. Write a complaint to the seller; if there is no response within 10 days, you have the right to go to court to protect your rights. In the claim, also demand compensation for moral damage and payment of a penalty in the amount of 1% of the price of the goods Email: Personal consultation Thank you for your answer!

  • reviews: 268 Not really. You are not required to make repairs at a service center.

Phone exchange

You have already received a claim signed by the seller, certified by the store’s seal. And now time is on your side. After all, all waiting periods are clearly stated in the law.

From this moment on, the prompt delivery of the device to the service center is in the interest of the store itself. A telephone is a technically complex device. If the mobile phone is fully functional, then you have the right to return or exchange it within 14 days from the date of purchase in a regular store, and also return the product within 7 days when purchasing in an online store on the basis of Article 25 of the ZPP.

Whether a cell phone is a so-called technically complex product (TCT) is a rather controversial issue, but this will not stop the seller from trying to refuse to exchange the device or return your money on this basis. How many times should you take your phone to the warranty workshop before asking for a replacement? It happens that another unpleasant situation happens.

How to get money back for a phone under warranty? Warranty claim over the phone


The structure of the claim itself does not change. After all, in this case you are simply putting forward another requirement. Don’t be confused by the clause about providing “a device with the same basic consumer properties.”

This requirement is absolutely legal! It gives you the right to receive a replacement device for temporary use until the product you need arrives at the store. There is no limit to the time it takes for the required product to arrive. Maximum – one month.

If you do not need a replacement device, simply do not indicate this requirement in the claim. Most often, the replacement stock of stores is very limited.

Therefore, you should not expect that you will be offered a truly worthy replacement. Most likely, it will be some kind of inexpensive phone with which you can make calls and send SMS.

What to do with a broken phone under warranty in 2018


It doesn’t matter who you bought this device for: yourself, your girlfriend or boyfriend, child, mom, dad... It’s important that you keep the sales receipt and, in general, all those pieces of paper that the seller gave you upon purchase. Helpful advice: never throw away documents received when purchasing goods! They can be very useful to you if the device fails.

Of course, according to the current Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, you have the right to use the testimony of witnesses. To prove the fact of purchase of goods if the necessary receipt and coupon are lost.
But it’s still much easier and smarter to keep the sales receipt and warranty card. We will assume that you, as a thorough person, took and kept everything that the seller gave out.

Thus, you saved your time, as well as your own nerves. We insured ourselves against any possible unpleasant moments regarding the purchase.

I have a right!

In the buyer’s complaint column, he wrote: the battery charge does not stop, the battery heats up when charging, and the percentage of battery charge is displayed incorrectly... I said that I have completely different complaints.. answer: the program gives standard options and he can’t do anything...

He refused to fill out the lines about appearance at all.. I said that I would not sign such a paper, to which he began to threaten that if I don’t want it for the good, then WE WILL ACCEPT IT, BREAK IT, AND THE EXAMINATION WILL SAY THAT IT IS BROKEN BY YOUR FAULT!! !, I refused to give it up..

I called the same day at 0890, they listened to me, promised to sort it out... nothing happens...

How to get your money back if your phone breaks under warranty in 2018?

In other words, the goods must be in a condition completely fit for sale.

  • The product can be returned if its packaging, manual, receipts and all other documents also remain completely intact.
  • Mobile devices from Apple whose OS has not been activated are subject to return.
  • Mobile devices that were sold without SIM cards can also be returned to the MTS store
  • Any individual can return goods

Subject to all the conditions described above, you can return goods to the MTS stores where they were purchased (if the goods were delivered by courier, then you can return it to any MTS store).
It is important to know: the completeness of the purchase is no small matter! After all, you may have to return the product back to the store (if it is faulty or broken). Therefore, if the kit includes headphones, do not rush to adapt them for some other device.
Also, don’t throw them away if you decide to buy other, better ones. A memory card is included - do not insert it into another device. If you don't like the stylus that comes with the device, don't rush to throw it away. Even if you firmly decided to buy another one. Let the stylus you don’t like just sit in the box. Simply put: always keep everything you receive when you purchase a product. During the warranty period of the device, you must maintain:

  • all documents and papers received upon purchase;
  • complete equipment of the device.

I bought a phone from MTS, it broke down under warranty, who can return it?

Warranty and service for products from the company “Research In Motion” Warranty service for goods from the company “Research In Motion” fully complies with the conditions described above. The warranty period for these products is one year. You can return a faulty device or request service under warranty at the MTS store where the product was purchased. For all questions, please call the number - 88002500505. Warranty and service for goods manufactured to order of the MTS company Goods manufactured to order of the MTS company have a guarantee for return or service for one year. Moreover, a particular product can be made from various parts, each of which, in turn, can have its own warranty period.

That is, roughly speaking, if you yourself are to blame for the breakdown of the phone, or there is no fault directly on the part of the MTS online store in this case. Warranty and service maintenance for Apple products If you purchased phones and other devices from Apple in the online store, the warranty period for these products will be one year from the date of purchase.

Service and advice on the operation of these products is guaranteed by MTS. For questions about service, this or that repair, etc. related to warranty obligations, you can contact the MTS showroom where this product was purchased.
For more detailed information on this matter, call 88002500505.
It may look like this: If a decision is made to conduct a quality check (examination), please inform me in advance in writing about the place and time of its conduct so that I can exercise my right to participate in the inspection or examination of the product. Don't be afraid that this point looks so boring. This is fine.

That's how it's supposed to be. However, this item is not required. This is your personal right. After all, if necessary, you can always conduct an independent examination.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to attend the examination conducted by the store. However, if you have free time and want to see everything with your own eyes, feel free to add this item. Exchange of a warranty phone You may want to exchange a faulty product for the same or similar one. Don't demand a refund.
Then the main text (demand) of the claim you submit may look like this: In accordance with Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” I ask you to replace (name of product: cell phone, smartphone or communicator) “Brand, full name of the device” (serial number IMEI: 123456789101112) worth 8,888 rubles. 00 kop. (eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight rubles) of inadequate quality for the name of a product of the same brand and model or for the name of a product of a different brand (model) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price. If it takes you more than seven days to replace the product, then in accordance with Article 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” I ask you to provide me within three days, free of charge, for the duration of the repair, with a device (or name of the product) that has the same basic consumer properties , providing delivery at your own expense.

Repair and return of phones in the MTS online store under warranty You can return goods to the MTS online store outside the framework of the above warranty agreement under certain conditions. In the MTS online store using this link we can see the following information:

  • The buyer can return the purchased product within a month if, for example, the mobile device has not been in use and has not received any damage or defects.


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