Mudras for working with emotions, Vishudha (throat chakra), creativity, flow state. Mudras that open (activate) chakras

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Mudras are the keys to the sacred chakras
The presented practice of harmonizing a person’s chakras with the help of sequentially performed mudras is best performed to the sound of Tibetan bowls, holding each mudra at the corresponding chakra. The time to hold the mudra depends on the state of the chakra and the need to balance it. The state of your chakras and analysis of your psycho-emotional state can be determined using color diagnostics. The practice presented works well with appropriate color therapy. This unique complex, so simple and accessible, leads to a harmonious state of the chakras and accordingly improves the psycho-emotional and physical state of a person.
The leading one for performing all mudras is Gyan mudra - knowledge mudra(the index finger is connected to the thumb to form a ring) Performed before each mudra.
1.Mudra of Survival - the key to the Muladhara chakra
the fingers are bent towards the palm, the thumb is bent and hidden under the rest - “ant behavior”.
Performing this mudra regulates the functions of the kidneys, rectum, spine, and eliminates fear.
2. Mudra “Palace of Reproduction” - the key to the Svadhisthana chakra
Gyan mudra is performed, then the right hand is placed with the palm on the lower abdomen (between the navel and pubic bone), left hand- The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are connected together, the thumb is moved to the side. The left hand is open, placed above the right - “butterfly behavior”.
Mudra is used for diseases of the genitourinary system and digestive organs (spleen, large intestine).
3. Mudra “Palace of Digestion” - the key to the Manipura chakra
Gyan mudra is performed, then
Brush right hand closed, the 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are bent, the thumb touches the nail phalanx of the third, the index finger is straightened and directed forward - Used for diseases of the digestive system, nervous disorders, stress.
4. Mudra is the key to the Anahata chakra
Gyan mudra is performed, then
Performed with both hands. Both hands are located in the center of the chest (at heart level), as if open for a friendly hug. All fingers are connected, the thumb is adjacent and pressed to the hand
Mudra is used for heart problems, circulatory disorders, instability in emotional sphere, depression.
5. Mudra “Palace of Communication” - the key to the Vishuddha chakra
Gyan mudra is performed, then
The right hand is located in the neck area, palm outward, 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers bent, index finger straightened, thumb pressed to index finger -
Mudra is used for speech disorders, diseases of the respiratory system, thyroid gland, and nervous system.
6. Mudra “Palace of Clairvoyance” - the key to the Ajna chakra
Gyan mudra is performed, then
The palm is placed on the area located on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes. Open hand - all fingers are straightened, pressed against each other.
Used for eye diseases, headaches, cerebrovascular accidents, and endocrine disorders.
7. Mudra “Pure Radiance” - the key to the Sahasrara chakra
Gyan mudra is performed, then
Mudra of the Prayer - connection with higher spheres Mira.
Used to harmonize the entire body. Performed after all exercises.


Mudras are gestures that are usually conveyed using the hands,

and bring human consciousness into various states, a tool for a person to work with his body and the space around him, a way of creating and managing creation.

Mudras relieve stress, dissolve congestion in the body, relax tense areas, relieve pain, harmonize the whole body, treat specific organs and diseases, increase the overall tone and defenses of the body, help to find peace, concentration and unity with God.

Mudras for the human chakras are used in healing and meditation. Here the palm is the human body, the fingers are usually represented as five chakras

The leading one for performing all mudras is Gyan mudra (index finger connected to
large with the formation of a “window” ring)

This mudra is one of the most important. Relieves emotional stress, anxiety, restlessness, melancholy, sadness, melancholy and depression. Improves thinking, activates memory, concentrates potential.

Indications: insomnia or excessive sleepiness high blood pressure. This mudra revives us anew. Many thinkers, philosophers, scientists have used and continue to use this mudra.

Execution technique: the index finger easily connects with the pad of the thumb. The remaining three fingers are straightened (not tense).

Performed before each mudra.


The position of the hand, the open hand “pataka”: 2, 3, 4, 5th fingers bent towards the palm, the thumb is bent and hidden under the rest - “ant behavior”.

Performing this mudra regulates the functions of the kidneys, rectum, spine, and eliminates fear.


Gyan mudra is performed for 10 minutes, then the right hand is placed with the palm on the lower abdomen (between the navel and pubic bone), the left hand - the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are joined together, the thumb is moved to the side. The left hand is open, placed above the right - “butterfly behavior”.

Mudra is used for diseases of the genitourinary system and digestive organs (spleen, large intestine).


“Palace of digestion” - solar plexus - “Brain of the stomach”, locus-minor zone for stress.

The position of the closed hand is “andha sandra”, the right hand is closed, the 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are bent, the thumb touches the nail phalanx of the third, the index finger is straightened and directed forward - “cobra behavior”.

It is used for diseases of the digestive system, nervous disorders, and stress.


Performed with both hands. Position of the open hand "pataca". Both hands are located in the center of the chest (at heart level), as if open for a friendly hug. All fingers are connected, the thumb is adjacent and pressed to the hand - “antelope behavior”.

Mudra is used for heart problems, circulatory problems, emotional instability, and depression.


The position of the hand is “pata-ka” - the right hand is located in the neck area, open with the palm outward, the 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are bent, the index finger is straightened, the thumb is pressed against the index finger - “peacock behavior”.

Mudra is used for speech disorders, diseases of the respiratory system, thyroid gland, and nervous system.


The position of the hand is “pataka”, the palm is placed on the area located on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes. An open hand - all fingers are straightened, pressed against each other - “swan behavior”.

Used for eye diseases, headaches, cerebrovascular accidents, and endocrine disorders.


Exercise to open energy channels

The last exercise opens energy channels as much as possible and activates energy points on the fingers.

Sit down, fold your hands in front of you with your palms facing each other (elbows pressed to your body), touching your fingertips. Hold your palms in this position for three quarters of an hour. Direct your full attention to your palms. Imagine that the entrance holes of energy channels are opening on your palms. Try to see energy flows passing through the middle of your palms.

After training, you will learn to catch the pulsation of the input holes of the hand channels, using your thoughts to increase them to the size of your palm. You will be able to “breathe” through these entrance holes, absorbing the energy of the Cosmos, and with good abilities, you will be able to feel how the elastic walls of the manual channels react to your mental images, and capture the features of internal energy flows.

Flows of energy and chakras

Now try to harmonize the energy flows and nourish the chakras.

Ancient Indian philosophers and healers were sure that in the left hand, and, therefore, in the left part of the human body, energy circulates, the quality of the charge is opposite to that circulating in the right. These different poles subtle body They make the “energy wheels” of the chakras (special energy centers) rotate, filling a person with life-giving force.

Where does energy come from to these centers of biological activity? Through the inlets of the hand channels it flows into everyone, as into a priceless vessel. True, in order for the chakras to release and concentrate vitality, at the right moment, restoring the energy balance of the body, they need to “help” a little, using mudras to select their own key to each energy center.

Mudra for nourishing Muladhara

This chakra is located at the very beginning of the spinal energy axis, in the area of ​​the coccyx; it is generally believed that there is a kind of reservoir for the supply of vitality. This energy center It is also a reservoir of Kundalini energy.

It is Muladhara that gives each of us a feeling of coziness, comfort, security, and homely warmth. If its name is translated from Sanskrit, it will literally mean “support”, “foundation”.

Anger, stinginess, prudence, delusions do not allow our body to function normally: the function of fighting slagging is directly related to Muladhara - your well-being depends on your position in life. Through this chakra the level of your biological activity is regulated, control is carried out physical health generally.

Complaints of weakness chronic fatigue, menstrual cycle disorder, impotence speak about one thing - a short rest is not enough for you to replenish your strength. Working with Muladhara will increase the flow of energy, strengthen the immune system, and endurance. But what usually happens to those who are burned out at work? A rich intellectual and creative life is on one side of the scale and well-being and taking care of your health are on the other.

Listen more often to the signals that your own body sends you - pain, discomfort, any ailment makes you understand the following: the blockages that led to a depressed consciousness and various disorders are associated with the desire to provide yourself with life comfort and a comfortable existence.

Wise remark!

Many people find restoration of strength in solitude - this eliminates hesitation in thoughts, dispels some uncertainty, concern for the future, strengthens attempts to find compromises so as not to lose something big and significant.

Tune in to peace and harmony, imagine that you are broadcasting it outward and thereby restoring your internal energy. Take any comfortable position. Try to breathe slowly and deeply. Now your hands are relaxed and heavy. Remember the energy of your favorite place, a landscape that evoked positive emotions in you, left you with a feeling of peace, peace of mind and peace. Thanks to the power of imagination, it is not difficult to recreate absolutely any image, awakening flows of energy - the same vital energy, thanks to which we exist.

To increase the vibrations of the Muladhara chakra, turn around and face east.

Perform the mudra with both hands located at the level of the tailbone. Fold the loosely bent little fingers, ring, middle and index fingers of both hands so that their pads point towards the palms. Don't clench your palms into fists. Just keep them slightly bent and facing towards your face. Place your thumbs inside, under the rest (this position of the hand, when the thumb is hidden, is called “ant behavior”) (Fig. 4).

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Be sure to master this mudra, and your energy will always be in order. Perform it several times a day in a calm environment, learn to redistribute vital forces and adequately perceive your successes. You yourself know that successful people active and tireless.

Performing mudra expands your capabilities - when necessary, you will be able to act quickly and decisively, and in another situation, show patience, calmness and a realistic view of the world, in addition, mastering mudra adds self-confidence and strengthens the “crystal of the spirit.”

Mudra for nourishing Svadhisthana

This chakra is located in the area of ​​the sacral spine, a few centimeters below the navel, it affects the level of development of the subconscious.

Svadhisthana gives hope and optimism, makes you hope for the best even in the most difficult situation. In addition, the chakra is responsible for such a subtle area as taste - artistic taste, taste in clothing, taste in life. Translated from Sanskrit, its name literally means “the place where life lives.”

Negative psychological aspect This chakra is associated with such external manifestations of a person as the thirst for power, pride, sensual pleasures. If the health of your liver, intestines and gallbladder is important to you, do not suppress your desires and do not isolate yourself.

A mudra for correcting Svadhisthana gently extinguishes the desire to get what you want at any cost, and is also useful for active and emotional people, as it gives them a constant energy boost. Skin problems and back pain will disappear, blood pressure will return to normal.

To harmonize the work of the Svadhisthana chakra, choose a secluded place and sit quietly, motionless for several minutes, turning your face to the east.

Breathe deeply, inhaling only through your nose and exhaling through your nose and mouth. Immerse yourself in the ocean of inner sensations. Remember any situation when you were possessed by a strong desire to get something that you really wanted. Restore everything in your memory in great detail and try to experience those sensations again, but this time being fully aware of them.

Perform the mudra with both hands. The palm of the left hand is open and located at the level of the solar plexus. Press your little finger, ring finger, middle finger and index finger together, move your thumb to the side. Place your right hand on the lower abdomen, just below the navel (this position, when the open left hand is placed above the right, is called “butterfly behavior”) (Fig. 5).

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When doing mudra, repeat to yourself that you have the opportunity to receive joy not from possessing something, but simply from contemplation. Try not to get attached to things and focus not on what you can get from life, but on what you can give to others.

The mudra for nourishing the sacral chakra is called the “Palace of Reproduction.” Its implementation develops the ability to create and acquire knowledge, controls sexual energy and awakens a sense of beauty, makes one softer and more tolerant. Lightness and grace will appear in the body, and general harmony and love for everything elegant will appear in the soul. Make it a rule to include mudra in your daily complex, and you will have the image of a sociable and sociable person who thinks in extraordinary categories.

Mudra for nourishing Manipura

This chakra is located in the navel area, controls the solar plexus area and is the most important reservoir for the redistribution and accumulation of personal energy.

Manipura gives a person a sense of self-worth, self-respect and satisfaction with his own actions. Translated from Sanskrit, its name literally means “jewel of the navel.”

Feelings of fatigue or drowsiness, a not entirely successful career, spending that clearly exceeds income indicate that Manipur is suffering. Weakness and apathy, life left to chance, leads to a narrowing of the energy funnel of this chakra, minimizes the opportunity to achieve longevity and leads to various physical ailments - the adrenal glands, gallbladder, spleen, liver, pancreas and duodenum are under attack.

Drive away everything bad from yourself: deceit and greed, cunning, indecisiveness, cruelty and power, they disrupt the work of Manipura.

Practice this mudra more often - it regulates visual acuity, leads to increased vitality, improved control over speech and the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts, and helps get rid of many diseases.

In order for the Manipura chakra to release and concentrate vital forces, turn around to face the east. Turn off your attention from everything that surrounds you. Forget about your problems and focus only on how you breathe. Adjust your breathing rhythm to the rhythm of your heartbeat. As you inhale, imagine how the energy penetrates through the lungs into the heart area; as you exhale, direct the energy to the solar plexus.

This breathing rhythm will help you distance yourself from the influence of the outside world. Gradually a feeling of comfort and peace will come. Dissatisfaction with life and the desire to blame others will recede into the background.

Perform mudra with your right hand located in the solar plexus area (“Palace of Digestion”). Little finger, ring finger and middle fingers press to the center of your palm. Connect the pads of your thumb and middle finger. Forefinger straighten and point forward (this position of the hand is called “cobra behavior”) (Fig. 6).

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While doing the mudra, think about how often you have experienced the feeling of guilt that comes over you when you refuse someone something. Are you used to feeling helpless and ingratiating yourself with others? Cultivate an interest in everything that happens around you. Try to build your own ideals and choose your own path in life.

Performing mudra regulates the level of well-being, ensures success in business, and sets up constructive relationships with partners. Helps to establish yourself in social life, pushes you to demonstrate your influence, gives you the ability, on the one hand, to empathize, and on the other, to never lose your presence of mind.

Mudra for nourishing Anahata

This chakra is located in the area of ​​the heart, in the center of the chest, and is responsible for cardiac activity and normal blood circulation. Its main task is the harmonization of relationships and sensory perception of the world. If the name of the chakra is translated from Sanskrit, it will literally mean “invincible.” Any information and energy connection (telepathic, intuitive or simply confidential) is under the power of this chakra.

Qualities normal operation of this chakra: fearlessness, a sense of confidence, on the physical level - strong immunity.

People with Anahata imbalance feel deeply unhappy, have a difficult character and a difficult fate. Excessive immersion in the abyss of feelings leads to unnecessary worries, and then the emotional plane is ahead of the mental plane. Is not in the best possible way affects the level creativity and strong-willed qualities - in life there is a lack of determination, assertiveness and balance.

If you easily fall under the influence of advertising, strive to attend dubious lectures, are ready to stand in line at night for tickets to popular pop artists, your heart chakra clearly has some kind of deformation. Try to understand what is wrong with your self-esteem and why.

The practice of Anahata correction awakens such spiritual qualities as sensitivity, responsiveness, kindness and attention to loved ones. Performing mudra promotes adequate expression of emotions, setting us up to the fact that positive experiences are serious work.

To energetically support the Anahata chakra, turn around and face east. Perform the mudra with two hands facing each other at heart level. The fingers are slightly bent; there is no need to strain them or press them together. Open your palms as if you were preparing them for a friendly hug (this position of the hand is called “antelope behavior”) (Fig. 7).

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While performing this mudra, remember the moments when everything around you radiated happiness, when you experienced emotional uplift and felt irresistible. Now your essence is light and love, you allow the energy of good to open inside your heart. You are ready to absorb purity, peace and harmony. Feel how the distance between you and loved ones is closing, the desire to involve them in your affairs and trust them more appears.

By practicing this mudra, you will become more sociable and will always be disposed towards other people, you will begin to appreciate sincerity and devotion.

Are you able to separate your problems from the problems of others? Do you accept with gratitude what your loved ones want to give you? After all, the “path of the heart” is not life strategy, and joy in all its manifestations.

Mudra for nourishing Vishuddhi

This chakra is located at the level of the throat. Through her energy channel, our mundane aspirations are transformed into higher ideas and plans. Vishuddha guides spiritual development and extraordinary abilities. This is the source spiritual body, center of expression and purification. Translated from Sanskrit, the name of the chakra literally means “purity”, “pure”.

Here is the emotional center, which is responsible for the quality of vibration of your mental images and the ability to attract positive, desired events into life.

Your entire emotional and spiritual life corresponds to the level of development of this chakra, so if you have problems with the selection of arguments in an argument and the ability to express emotions, there is clearly something wrong with the thyroid gland, lungs and bronchi.

The mudra for correcting Vishuddhi suggests the need to follow your inner voice and helps you realize your right to independent thinking.

To increase the vibrations of the Vishuddha chakra, turn around and face east. Exhale a little, inhale long, then hold your breath for a few seconds. Try to feel a soft clot of silvery ray in the lower part of the throat, where a lump in the throat is usually felt in moments of joy or sadness.

Perform the mudra with your right hand, located in the larynx area, with your palm facing away from you. Bend the little finger, ring and middle fingers towards the center of the palm. Press your thumb to the base of your index finger. Straighten your index finger (this position of the hand is called “peacock behavior”) (Fig. 8).

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When doing mudra, try to perceive yourself as if from the outside. What are your ideas about life? Why are you trying to impose your point of view on others?

At a subtle level, this mudra (“Palace of Communication”) controls our communication and creativity, supports us in achieving knowledge and skills, increases communication skills, helps us gain greater self-confidence and achieve inner harmony. The high-frequency vibrations of the mudra will not allow you to become despondent and succumb to attacks of self-pity; there will be no room left for hatred and envy.

Practice this mudra as often as possible - your speech will become more expressive, your judgments will be more objective, and you will be able to adapt to a new environment without difficulty.

Mudra for nourishing Ajna

Ajna is located at the level of the bridge of the nose and is intended to control the streams of our consciousness. If its name is translated from Sanskrit, it will literally mean “task”, “demand”.

Qualities of free chakra work: ability to higher forms thinking, a feeling of connection with the Cosmos, a feeling of “seeing” the hidden.

Most often you hear that the energy center located in the area of ​​the “third eye” is responsible for psychic abilities. But in addition, Ajna reflects the level of spiritual will - the ability to manage other people, to use one’s organizational abilities and internal qualities for the benefit. A person with an unbalanced sixth chakra has a powerful influence on those around him, but he uses his abilities not to realize his personal destiny, but to manipulate other people, regardless of their true problems and spiritual level.

Chronic migraines, sluggish and monotonous speech, vision problems and sleep disorders indicate that you should definitely practice mudra to correct the sixth chakra. You will no longer be bothered by absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, and you will find the strength to resist the influence of others.

To harmonize the work of Ajna, turn to face the east. Open your palms to make it easier to absorb energy, and close your eyes. This breathing will help you achieve a balanced state and look inside yourself. What are you aiming for? How do you use the abilities that nature has given you?

Perform mudra with your right hand, located in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. Place your open hand with your palm facing away from you. Press all your fingers together (this position of the hand is called “swan behavior”) (Fig. 9).

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The name of this mudra “Palace of Clairvoyance” explains a lot - its implementation helps in subconscious level and consciously perceive any event, life in harmony with nature and the surrounding world. Supports and stimulates intelligence and performance, forces you to bring to the surface negative thoughts hidden in the subconscious and work fruitfully on them, erasing the thoughts themselves and their unpleasant consequences.

Mudra for nourishing Sahasrara

This chakra is located in the crown area and directly connects a person with the energies of the Universe. Translated from Sanskrit, its name literally means “thousand”, since the chakra symbolizes a lotus flower with a thousand petals. The higher your level of consciousness, the more petals in the flower of your parietal chakra, the subtler the energy of Sahasrara - and the more purposefulness, as well as kindness and selflessness in your soul.

Some people are born with possession of this center. And they are usually called clairvoyants, prophets, saints. For others – the majority of them – it needs to be developed.

If you have difficulty making decisions, any planning comes down to expecting only bad things from the future, and those around you do not take into account your opinion, pay attention to your parietal chakra.

You don't have to wonder about your path now. You are in this world, and your consciousness is already at a certain level. Surrender completely to the will of providence and submit to the Higher Power.

To energetically support the Sahasrara chakra, turn around and face east. Perform the mudra with both hands folded at chest level. Join your palms and fingers in a prayer gesture so that between internal parties there was a small distance between the palms (Fig. 10).

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The prayer's mudra (“Pure Radiance”) helps to overcome depression, depression, decline in physical and moral forces. Practice this mudra, and it will be easier for you to avoid bitterness, violence or anger and have a strong attitude in life.

Wise remark!

Should always be followed simple rule: wisdom therapy for the higher chakras will not be productive until work has been done to correct the lower chakras. Liberation must pass through everything energy levels. Otherwise, the process cannot be considered completed.

People have such a degree of freedom that they can choose in what state to maintain their biofield. Your hands are able to surround him with streams of fresh, young energy. Mastering the power of your hands carries with it enormous potential and the understanding that you can influence the world. After all, if you do everything possible to achieve what you want on the physical plane - that is, in the space where you can act, everything will come true on the subtle plane.

Mudras for the whole family

If you want to solve your family problems, start sharing your emotions and experiences with your loved ones. Be as open and sociable as possible, do not limit yourself to the roles of fathers and children, your children and your parents are, first of all, individuals, so show sensitivity, delicacy and respect towards them.

To find enough patience and understanding within yourself, start practicing mudras. When the action of the body follows the action of the mind, the energy received is not wasted. Family relationships will reach a completely different level, and children, their parents, and older people will become closer spiritually, as if everyone will finally understand what they mean to each other.

Each person in this world is special, and is a creative conductor and concentrator of various energies of the Universe. The quality and nature of these energy flows depends on the purity and harmony of a given individual. Correct use Mudra yoga of gestures teaches us how to control energy flows.

Mudra, translated from Sanskrit, means “giving joy”, another translation option is “seal”, “gesture”, lock, closure; in Hinduism and Buddhism - symbolic, ritual placement of the hands, ritual sign language.

Mudras are eastern practice, which distributes cosmo-bioenergy through thin channels in and around the human body. In other words, this is a kind of gymnastics - hand yoga, which allows you to control energies, or exercises to influence bio-points and energy channels of the fingers. And to put it simply, mudras are a powerful way of influencing yourself, thanks to which you can gain inner peace and health. This is one of the most proven, centuries-tested methods of self-improvement that can be practiced anytime, anywhere.

Mudras came from the depths of thousands of years. Hindus believe that these movements were conveyed to people through his dance by Shiva, one of the three supreme gods Hindu pantheon - he is called “The Creator of the World by the Power of the Cosmic Dance.” Ritual gestures - mudras - were used in temple dances. From Hinduism, mudras came to Buddhism. Nine major mudras, called Buddha mudras, were used to represent different stages of meditation. Then mudras became one of the elements of Buddhist iconography - each position of the hands in the image of the Buddha carried certain symbolism.

Many of these movements are universal, because hands are a tool for interacting with the world, and gestures are one of the ways of non-verbal communication. Hands serve as a conductor of a powerful flow of energy, so any movement of the hand causes a change electromagnetic field around the body. Skillful use of this practice helps to heal oneself and other people, balance masculine and feminine energy, gain inner strength and peace of mind, eliminate chronic fatigue and anxiety, significantly improve emotional condition a person, get rid of fear and anger, alleviates and cures many diseases, and has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

(Attention! There are some peculiarities in describing the meaning and use of the Indian and Chinese methods of mudra yoga. This is due to the peculiarity of the perception of multidimensional reality among the Indians and Chinese. There is no mistake, you can use the understanding of both systems together.
The process of performing any mudra must be conscious, that is, strive to see and feel your multidimensionality, the energies of your aura, the vibrations of your karmic activity, your soul-atma. Then execution will be orders of magnitude more efficient and faster than with the “dumb” approach.)

Finger meanings.

The thumb corresponds to the element of wind, the primary element of wood, the Father Spirit, the root chakra, and the brain. It has Blue colour. The upper phalanx corresponds to the gallbladder, the lower to the liver. Massaging the first finger improves the functioning of the brain and lymphatic system.

Index finger - element of fire, God's Will, throat chakra, planet Jupiter (power, authority, pride), blue color. The upper phalanx is the small intestine, the middle is the heart. Massage of the second finger normalizes the functioning of the stomach, stimulates the “digestive fire”, the large intestine, nervous system, spine and brain.

The middle finger is the element of earth. Personifies the Holy Spirit, corresponds to the solar plexus chakra, the planets Saturn (lord of karma, fate, fate, law) and Earth, purple color, cold. Upper phalanx - stomach, pancreas, spleen. Massage of the third finger improves the function of the intestines, circulatory system, stimulates the brain, digestion, helps cope with allergies, anxiety, anxiety, and self-criticism.

The ring finger corresponds to metal, the frontal chakra, the Sun, the red-fiery color. The upper phalanx is the large intestine, the middle phalanx is the lungs. Massage of the fourth finger restores liver function, stimulates the endocrine system, relieves depression, despondency, and melancholy.

Little finger - element of water, heart chakra, cold, planet Mercury, green color. Upper phalanx - bladder, middle - kidneys. Massage of the little finger restores the functioning of the heart, small intestine, duodenum, normalizes the psyche, relieves fear, panic, horror, timidity.

Mudras are the keys to the seven sacred chakras.

The leading one for performing all mudras is Jnana mudra (the index finger is connected to the thumb to form a “window” ring). Performed before each mudra:

Survival mudra is the key to the muladhara chakra:

Position of the hand, open hand "pataka": 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers bent towards the palm, thumb bent and hidden under the rest - "ant behavior". Performing this mudra regulates the functions of the kidneys, rectum, spine, and eliminates fear.

Mudra "palace of reproduction" - the key to the svadhisthana chakra:

Gyan mudra is performed for 10 minutes, then the right hand is placed with the palm on the lower abdomen (between the navel and pubic bone), the left hand - the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are joined together, the thumb is moved to the side. The left hand is open, placed above the right - “butterfly behavior”. Mudra is used for diseases of the genitourinary system and digestive organs (spleen, large intestine).

Mudra is the key to the manipura chakra:

“Palace of digestion” - solar plexus - “Brain of the stomach”, locus minor zone under stress. The position of the closed hand is “andha sandra”, the right hand is closed, the 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are bent, the thumb touches the nail phalanx of the third, the index finger is straightened and directed forward - “cobra behavior”. It is used for diseases of the digestive system, nervous disorders, and stress.

Mudra is the key to the anahata chakra:

Performed with both hands. Position of the open hand "pataca". Both hands are located in the center of the chest (at heart level), as if open for a friendly hug. All fingers are connected, the thumb is adjacent and pressed to the hand - “antelope behavior”. Mudra is used for heart problems, circulatory problems, emotional instability, and depression.

Mudra "palace of communication" - the key to the Vishuddha chakra:

The position of the hand is “pataka” - the hand of the right hand is located in the neck area, open with the palm outward, the 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are bent, the index finger is straightened, the thumb is pressed to the index finger - “peacock behavior”. Mudra is used for speech disorders, diseases of the respiratory system, thyroid gland, and nervous system.

Mudra "palace of clairvoyance" - the key to the ajna chakra:

The position of the hand is "pataka", the palm is placed on the area located on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes. An open hand - all fingers are straightened, pressed against each other - “swan behavior”. Used for eye diseases, headaches, cerebrovascular accidents, and endocrine disorders.

Mudra is the key to the Sahasrara chakra:

Mudra of the Prayer - “Pure Radiance” - connection with the highest spheres of the World. Used to harmonize the entire body. Performed after all exercises.

No one knows the exact number of mudras. According to some sources, their number reaches 84 thousand.

Elena and Evgeniy Lugovoi.

Friends! We once again congratulate you all on the New Year, which has already arrived, and wish you a happy holiday!

Disc No. 095-5 Oddly enough, the beginning of the week will be quite stressful for many- mostly emotionally. And if not tense, then intense. Therefore, our main task will be to be able to transform these tensions into a creative charge - and today is just a good day to try to realize this. And by the end of the week the background will level out.

If you want to express your emotions, then the best way to do it is through creativity.- in the broadest sense of the word. For some it is art, for others it is playing with their children, and for others they perceive falling in love as creativity. In a word, turn your emotions into an object of creativity, and let it be beautiful!

Today is a favorable day to express everything that was previously accumulated in order to give an outlet to what is inside. But, we repeat, it is better if it is in some creative and creative form. Today is the day when the new Blok will write one of his best poems.

And in order to stimulate this process of disclosure, here is three good exercises to improve the functioning of the throat chakra, for comfortable broadcasting of your emotions, for creative expression and communication skills. Some people will like the first one more, some the second one, some the third one - watch yourself.

You need to fold your fingers into mudra and shift your attention to the body - how the sensations have changed, what is happening. And based on these sensations, choose the mudra that is more suitable - navigating by descriptions is less correct, because the body knows better than the head.

We remind you that you do not need to do all the mudras at once - you need to choose one and practice it for several days.

Mudra "Palace of Communication" - the key to the throat chakra

Execution method:

The hand of the right hand is located in the neck area, open with the palm outward, the 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are bent, the index finger is straightened, the thumb is pressed to the index finger. That is, you need to first fold your fingers as in the photo, and then put your hand to your throat. It's a little uncomfortable at first, but then you get used to it. In this case, the index finger is very similar, judging by the sensations in the throat, to a channel in which patency increases.

Completes in 10-20 minutes.


Mudra against “lump in the throat” and “swallowed” emotions and reactions. It is used for speech disorders, diseases of the respiratory system, thyroid gland, and nervous system.

This mudra makes it easier to express your thoughts and emotions, helps with creativity, and allows you to write better - “on the flow.”

Akasha Mudra - mudra of the ether (sky)

Execution method:

It is done with both hands - the same on each hand. The tips of the thumb and middle fingers are connected. The remaining fingers are straightened. Hands rest loosely on your knees, palms up. Completes in 10-20 minutes.


The middle finger symbolizes the throat chakra, so the mudra improves contact with everything that concerns the throat chakra. Improves hearing and thyroid function. Attunes to the perception of “flow” - some information that does not come from the mind. Good for meditation - after this mudra a joyful and quiet mood remains.

Shell mudra (Shankh mudra)

Execution method:

The four fingers of the right hand hug the thumb of the left hand. The thumb of the right hand touches the pad of the middle finger of the left hand.

The remaining three fingers of the left hand hug the fingers of the right hand without tension. Two joined hands represent a shell. Hold your hands freely, without tension. Perform for 10-20 minutes.


Mudra stimulates communication skills. Increases the feeling of security and safety.


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