What kind of Taurus man does he love when? How to Know if a Taurus Man is Crazy About You

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People under the sign of Taurus, born from April 21 to May 20, belong to the earth element. They love certainty, are restrained in their feelings and work like hell to achieve financial independence. These men have a hard time showing feelings. Sometimes it seems that they are not interested in relationships at all. To find the way to the heart of these unapproachable guys, you first need to study the characteristics of their behavior and character.

Psychological portrait of a Taurus man

Men of this zodiac sign love independence and prosperity. They almost never suffer from poverty, since they know how to work with their heads and hands. Despite how much the Taurus man loves to work, he loves to relax no less. His passion is spending time outdoors with friends and family, be it fishing or hunting, or just barbecuing near the notorious pond. He hates being interrupted from his rest, as this is his sacred time to relax.

Taurus feels comfortable in the company of old, loyal friends. This man will not pass for an intellectual, but his wit and charisma will more than pay for everything. In positive communication, he draws inspiration and strength for new achievements.

Representatives of this zodiac sign value home comfort and deliciously prepared food. They know how to do almost any man's work, so a plumber and a wiring specialist are rare guests in their house.

One of the few negative qualities of Taurus is stubbornness. They won't listen to anyone's advice. In addition, such men strive for personal freedom and reject any attempts to encroach on it.

Taurus women are usually treated with respect, although they have difficulty finding a common language with them, especially at first. If they are already married, they love to pamper their wives and children with various surprises. Their generosity is sometimes overwhelming.

The Taurus man rarely falls in love, as he is too selective in choosing a partner. He wants to find a woman who is ideal by his standards, which is not so easy in the modern world. But our hero is an eligible bachelor, so sooner or later he finds a lady he likes.

The love of a Taurus man is always reverent. He is devoted to his soul mate and tries to do everything possible for their happiness together. Taurus will not tolerate betrayal, as he has a very strong sense of self-esteem.

The behavior of a Taurus man in love has practically no external manifestations. However, there are some moments that clearly demonstrate his sympathy.

What signs indicate a Taurus man is in love?

Representatives of the earth element are generally not very good at flirting and showing attention. And a Taurus man in love even more so behaves as if there are no feelings at all, because he is afraid to show his weakness. This makes it difficult to start a relationship with him, since girls have difficulty finding a common language with this touchy-feely guy. However, there are ways to understand that a Taurus guy definitely likes you, and with their help you can figure out this mysterious man. Special signs will indicate his true emotions:

  1. In the presence of the lady of his heart, he begins to joke and laugh, often out of place. With such actions, the guy tries to hide his nervousness, but he doesn’t always succeed well enough.
  2. When an object of passion appears, nonverbal gestures appear: he touches his forehead, his hair, and sucks in his stomach. Such signs indicate excitement and a desire to please a potential partner. Although the Taurus man is not simple, it is not so difficult to understand that he is in love like a boy.
  3. He talks a lot about himself. These guys rarely share personal information with strangers, especially women. But in love, the Taurus man becomes more open and sincere.
  4. He listens carefully when a girl he likes speaks. Taurus is very rarely guided by someone's opinion, but if he experiences feelings, he will make an exception to the rule. In addition, the guy needs to understand what prospects await him in the near future if he makes an attempt to get closer. Listening to the conversations of a possible soulmate, he evaluates her intelligence, character and behavior.
  5. Casually touches your shoulder, arm, back in conversation. A Taurus guy knows he's in love as soon as he feels the urge to touch the girl of his dreams. She evokes a burning passion in him, and touches compensate for it at least a little.
  6. Looks from head to toe. This man is a connoisseur of female beauty. You can understand that a Taurus has fallen in love by the way he eats the girl he likes with his eyes.

If we summarize all the information, then this is what a Taurus man is like when he is in love:

  • funny,
  • excited,
  • sincere,
  • attentive,
  • passionate.

Often the answers to our questions lie on the surface. Just take a closer look at a Taurus and you may notice most of the above signs. But if this interesting man does not succumb to female charms, then we need to call in the heavy artillery.

How to win a Taurus man?

Each woman has her own wisdom of seducing gentlemen. But the Taurus man loves a certain set of qualities in the fair sex. If they are present, then the chances of a successful start to a whirlwind romance increase markedly. So, this man is being charmed:

  1. The girl's culinary abilities and ability to run a household impeccably. Taurus loves to eat and be in a cozy homely atmosphere. It is important for him to realize that his preferences will always be taken into account. Therefore, he will never get involved with bad housewives.
  2. Modesty in behavior and willingness to obey. Taurus does not need games of tug-of-war; he is conservative in matters of who should be the head of the family.
  3. Ideal appearance and well-groomed. These men love with their eyes, so the external picture is far from the last place for them.
  4. Calmness and negative attitude towards conflicts. Taurus don't like bitchy ladies. It is important for them to come to their cozy nest and receive a portion of tenderness and affection there, and not scandals and reproaches.
  5. Willingness to spend time together on a regular basis. These men simply need to touch their significant other as often as possible, hug and feel each other with their whole bodies. Tactile sensations are very important to them.

Possessing all these qualities, you will easily win the heart of a Taurus man. If you are behind in something, then this is a reason to become better and develop certain abilities. After all, Taurus thinks about a possible marriage from the very first meetings and is looking for a worthy queen. The only thing worth remembering is that Taurus does not like surprises and adventures. An affair with this man may end up seeming boring. Do peace and monotonous everyday life suit you, but paired with a reliable and devoted protector? Then Taurus is the best option for you!

The feeling of falling in love can inspire any person - you want to sing, dance, share your feelings with literally everyone you meet, or just enjoy life. However, this behavior is characteristic exclusively of women. The strong half of humanity behaves somewhat differently. Men don't like to show tender feelings. If you want to receive irrefutable proof of love, never annoy them with questions, begging for recognition.

So, you managed to find your soul mate, it turned out that he is in love? Taurus is simultaneously under the influence of two planets - Venus and Earth. Celestial bodies bring into their lives a craving for pleasure, comfort, as well as pragmatism and sensuality. The first months can be unforgettably fabulous. It’s impossible to even dream about this! True, even at the very beginning, Taurus may be lost from sight for a while. Thus, he is convinced of his own necessity for a woman.

The courtship process proceeds slowly. Before starting a serious relationship, a man looks closely for a long time. If he fell in love, then it will last for a long time! Due to their practicality, representatives of this sign try to conquer a woman through gifts of deep meaning or attractive offers. How do Taurus people in love behave? The answer is obvious: extremely decisively, sweeping away any obstacles in your path.

More trust and freedom

If a man gave his lady the opportunity to bask in everyone’s attention, stepping modestly into the shadows, then believe me, you seriously intrigued him. If a Taurus is flirting with someone else, maybe even your best friend, then he is trying to get your interest or jealousy! The man is sure that this brings sharpness to the feelings.

However, after just a few hours, and sometimes even minutes, his chosen one will definitely be amazed on the spot. After all, he constantly admires the virtues of his partner, speaks with enthusiasm about his feelings, and showers him with pleasantries and gifts. Plus, on top of everything else, the owner of this sign has some uncontrollable feature. He starts blinking frequently.

It is extremely valuable for Taurus that the chosen one is prudent, guesses his desires and leaves him alone on time. Having studied the character of your beloved, learn to trust him, give him more freedom. If there is complete mutual understanding between the partners, the woman will always be heard.

Impossible jealous

The Taurus man seems extremely calm and conservative. This person is extremely rarely overwhelmed with feelings; it is difficult to call him vindictive. Although he remembers the insults for a long time, until he frees himself from the feeling of uselessness. Taurus may feel that he is not taken into account enough or that he is not loved. Most likely, you won’t even remember what upset him so much in the coming days, much less months. Try to never create such situations at all.

Taurus is incredibly jealous! He is able to detect even the slightest manifestation of coldness. Therefore, without hesitation, he will begin to look for a non-existent opponent. Only in extreme cases will what happens increase the interest of your lover. Basically, Taurus is overly affected by such situations.

The Taurus man does not tolerate comparisons. He has a rather emotional, impressionable nature. If you start reproaching him, it will only anger him. As a result, the resulting situation will shake the mutual trust of the couple, scaring off the man. This behavior can even provoke a desire to leave the woman. Most owners of this sign are possessive, so do not hurt the feelings of Taurus, do not give reasons for excessive jealousy. Your mission is to always be desirable, interesting and different for your loved one.

An inexhaustible source of patience

Remember, many representatives of this sign are completely unimpressed by simple flirting. Therefore, for Taurus, a sudden break in a relationship is completely normal! A Taurus man in love very often cannot fully open up to a woman. At times he is simply afraid, experiencing a feeling of awkwardness, especially when communicating with a woman who interests him.

Sometimes he can be stubborn to the point of impossibility. But you will not find such a reliable, honest and kind person anywhere. This is best proven by the behavior of a Taurus in love! It is impossible to find a more patient man. If he loves, he will endure even more. The owner of this sign is ready to make concessions, even give up personal comfort, trying not to upset his beloved. Unfortunately, little by little the feeling of dissatisfaction that arises will plunge the man into a depressed state. Do not forget about his talent for compromise, but do not use it unless absolutely necessary, otherwise you will miss the moment when the limit of patience has already been exhausted.

Tyrannical Rage of the Bull

As mentioned above, he is an extremely reserved person in his own way. However, only until he is angered. For all their patience, Taurus are sometimes capable of seriously frightening people with sudden attacks of rage. Be prepared for unexpected emotional outbursts. Typically, representatives of this sign accumulate their discontent for a long time in order to later throw it out at lightning speed. Then the man becomes a real angry bull.

At times, Taurus can be uncompromising despots. Stability and discipline are important to them. They cannot tolerate change, are overly receptive and withdrawn. It is completely unacceptable for a lover to cheat, in any sense of the word. The representative of this sign is an inveterate owner. Taurus will never want to share his beloved not only with another representative of the stronger sex, but also with her friends.

Sense of duty above all

Taurus is characterized by some manifestation of secrecy. However, he does not like to lie at all. It is in this contradiction that the true Taurus man is especially clearly expressed! How to understand that he is in love? Such a person may well keep something secret from you. But this situation will only benefit you. An all-consuming sense of duty often becomes a fundamental factor for Taurus. Therefore, be calm - your lover will never leave you in a difficult moment. Remember, for the sake of his family he will cope with any difficulties.

Usually Taurus men look closely at their potential darling for quite a long time. They value their freedom extremely. Therefore, they will part with her solely for the sake of the woman who deeply charmed them. A representative of this sign will certainly pay special attention to the foundations and traditions of the chosen one, passed on to her by her parents. The Taurus man needs a wise, beautiful and unusually feminine lover.

Representatives of this sign are extremely artistic, honest, passionate, charming and sensitive natures. In his view, a woman is not a simple addition to life, but a stable necessity. Taurus, being in constant search, still believes in ideal love. Due to the fact that the Taurus man is inherently conservative, it can sometimes be boring to be with him. However, this is easily compensated for by tenderness and diligence. Sometimes he can forget about romance, but he tries to make his beloved feel good with him.

Zodiac compatibility

According to the love horoscope, Taurus is most suitable for romantic relationships. The Taurus man is destined for a short but very passionate relationship with Scorpio. For a happy, long-lasting union, the following are most suitable for him: Capricorn, Aries, Gemini. In tandem with Pisces, passion is less ardent. However, this is compensated by care and attention. It is undesirable for Taurus to connect his life with Aquarius and Sagittarius. Their exorbitant love of freedom will constantly infuriate him.

If, in spite of everything, you are still going to connect your life with such a person, and besides, he turned out to be a Taurus man, how can you understand that he is in love? Owners of this sign usually become faithful, caring husbands. Remember, they will never rush to formalize the relationship. In addition, do not forget: if a woman disappoints Taurus, then even the birth of a baby cannot change anything.

Emotional sentimentality

For a Taurus man, showing love is a flame that is slowly stoked. A Taurus man in love behaves, as before, with extreme restraint and caution. When he has finally made a decision, the woman will certainly find out about it. If Taurus has singled out someone or has been skillfully led to this choice, it is almost impossible to influence his decision. Representatives of this sign are attracted to passionate natures who know how to surprise. The Taurus man truly believes in intimacy, considering it the highest gift of nature. However, he will choose tender rather than passionate relationships, since he avoids overly active women. However, he can give pleasure to anyone.

For all their superficial severity, which is proven by the love horoscope, Taurus is characterized by boundless sentimentality. Therefore, your task is to create an atmosphere of harmony in the relationship. Sentimentality is not the only trait, as Taurus feels more confident than before falling in love. Naturally, the key element of any happy relationship is love. Stubbornness in this situation is not the best adviser. Remember: never forbid a Taurus man to communicate with friends. In any case, he will do it his way, holding a grudge against you.

Intuition is a gift from heaven

It is impossible to intoxicate them through false pretense or insincerity of feelings. This zodiac sign is initially gifted with intuition from above. Knowing his true worth, he will never allow false hypocrisy or humiliation of dignity. A Taurus man, well versed in the intricacies of women's souls, is always surrounded by their most charming owners. A certain unimaginable radiance emanates from him, completely inaccessible to other signs of the Zodiac. Sensual pleasures occupy a significant place in his life. Plus, representatives of this sign are incredibly irritated by wasteful women, so they don’t hesitate to break up with such ladies. If you want to maintain a warm and tender relationship with a Taurus man, you will have to show incredible intelligence to interest him.

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Taurus men have a thorough approach to everything related to their personal life.

The sign is mysterious, so women wonder about ways to determine male sympathy.

We will talk about the nuances of a Taurus man’s behavior in love.

Determining if you're in love by a man's appearance

The zodiac sign is usually distinguished by its sophisticated style and restraint in choosing a wardrobe.

If a woman notices that a Taurus man is increasingly dressing too elegantly or luxuriously to meet her, then we are talking about deep sympathy.

People don’t like to experiment with style, but if they decide to do so, their goal is to please their partner.

What other features of Taurus’s appearance can indicate that he fell in love?

  1. Astrology experts say that Taurus people in love blink a lot and often, which looks funny.
  2. Excessive sweating (especially sweaty palms) is a clear sign that a Taurus is in love.
  3. Taurus never allow themselves to be careless in their clothes, but during the period of falling in love, they pay even more attention to their appearance.

Sometimes a man decides to completely change his style. For example, having fallen in love, a man may decide to change his hairstyle or buy an original item for his wardrobe.

Since Taurus is considered a reserved zodiac sign, they often express their excitement through gestures and facial expressions.

For example, in the presence of his beloved, a man may gesticulate a lot, expressing his thoughts.
His former restraint in behavior is replaced by the passion of a real storyteller. The frequent blinking mentioned above sometimes becomes the best expression of Taurus' feelings.

It is difficult to determine the depth of feelings by appearance, and it is easier to base this on the man’s behavior.

His manners and nuances of communication

If your man is a Taurus, how can you tell if he is in love? Men born under this zodiac sign are considered true gentlemen. They are always ready to help a lady, they can do housework, just like that, showing their courtesy. If a representative of the stronger sex falls in love, his courtesy increases noticeably.

Many astrologers note that men in love try in every way to help the woman they like, taking upon themselves all their worries. Taurus tries to be attentive to women's problems, making every effort to resolve them. There are several other signs that directly indicate love emerging in the heart of Taurus.

  1. A man listens to a woman, trying to find out as much as possible about her interests and plans for life.
  2. Taurus like to give gifts, and sudden and without reason.
  3. A Taurus in love will never allow himself to raise his voice to his partner or show his tactlessness or inattention.
  4. From the very beginning of the relationship, Taurus begins to listen to the opinion of his partner, trying to make the relationship equal and happy.

Astrologers call Taurus the main monogamous people. It is difficult for them to part with their childhood dreams of ideal love. Taurus always listen to their partner, trying to understand whether their views on life coincide.

For this zodiac sign, it is important to build a family nest and achieve fulfilling and happy relationships. Therefore, if a girl suddenly tells Taurus that she does not want to have children and a family, their relationship is unlikely to continue. Men fall in love with one goal: to live together all their lives and have many children.

Regardless of how the relationship between a man and a woman will proceed in the future, a Taurus in love will never allow himself to be rude. Ideal manners, as well as an impeccable appearance, are the most reliable ways to determine if a Taurus man is in love.

Representatives of the sign are considered thoughtful people in financial matters, but love deprives them of all rationality. If Taurus used to scrupulously calculate expenses, but now showers a woman with flowers and gifts, it means he has fallen in love with her without memory. Paradise life will not continue indefinitely, because usually, as soon as Taurus are convinced of the reciprocity of their feelings, they return to their previous financial rationality.

Frequent actions of a Taurus man in love

Since Taurus people are sometimes called introverted and secretive, determining the depth of their love can often be difficult. There are actions by which you can identify a Taurus man in love.

  1. A representative of the sign in love tries to spend as much time as possible with the object of his affection.
  2. If a Taurus falls in love, then usually all his secrecy comes to naught, which allows the man to have frank conversations with his beloved about life.
  3. Taurus are often reserved, but representatives of the sign in love always try to make their partner laugh, lifting her spirits in every possible way.
  4. If a girl rejects the advances of a Taurus in love, he will show amazing persistence, simultaneously demonstrating his courtesy.

Sometimes representatives of this zodiac sign carefully hide their feelings until they are convinced that the love is mutual. Men begin to spend all their free time with their beloved, listening to all her experiences.

Another important step that the Taurus man will take is meeting his parents. As soon as Taurus realizes how deep his feelings are, he will immediately try to introduce the woman he loves to his parents . For representatives of this sign, family always comes first. The parents' opinion about the girl can become decisive regarding the development of their future relationships.

People are different, and it is impossible to determine the behavior of a man in love based on knowledge of his zodiac sign. This knowledge will help the girl behave correctly with her partner so as not to offend his feelings.

4.93 /5 (145 )

Men born under the sign of Taurus are a real mystery for his chosen one, and even after many years of marriage with Taurus, not every woman manages to solve it. Explaining the motives for his actions and understanding his life aspirations is not an easy task. To better understand who a Taurus is, let's try to analyze in detail the essence and habits of such men, and also learn to recognize them. So how to understand a Taurus man's attitude towards you?

Taurus man in relationships

Only a truly beloved and loving woman can understand and accept such a man. Taurus is extremely careful and thoughtful in choosing his chosen one, with the understanding that this is for life. Taurus does not always open up right away, but his passion grows and multiplies with every day spent together.

Watch the video. Astrology: psychological portrait of a Taurus man.

Taurus love is inexhaustible, deep, romantic and can last forever. It is difficult to find a more passionate lover if such a man manages to suppress his feelings of ownership and jealousy. Taurus's sensuality prevails over sexuality, which makes it possible to easily determine his attitude towards his partner.

He treats his chosen one with tenderness and trepidation, trying in every possible way to please his beloved, to fill their life together with romance, to pamper his beloved with luxury and generosity. Having the most beautiful and desirable woman is as important to him as life itself.

An oath of eternal love and fidelity for Taurus is not an empty phrase.

7 out of 8 Taurus are owners

The chosen one of such a man must be aware that so many Taurus men are owners. If a Taurus suddenly begins to behave strangely and irreconcilably, this means that under no circumstances does he intend to share his girlfriend with other men. Does not tolerate rivalry and competition in relationships, never forgives betrayal and betrayal, and does not accept compromises.

Taurus man: how to understand

Often the external restraint and concern of Taurus is perceived by a woman as coldness towards her. Preoccupation with current problems and concerns is typical for men of this sign, especially at the beginning of a relationship, which makes it very difficult for a woman to understand him.

The ambitious nature of Taurus considers any praise addressed to him deserved. He is not always able to distinguish sincere praise and gratitude from feigned flattery. But outright falsehood in a relationship will not go unnoticed. This will greatly offend and hurt the sensitive heart of a man.

THIS INTERESTING! Have you fallen in love with a Taurus man? How to make your marriage happy.

On the other hand, sincere praise coming from the heart will only be a reward for a man of this sign and will help to achieve his favor. And there is always something to praise such a man for.

In love relationships, Taurus manifests itself in different ways. Despite his romanticism, he can be reserved and cold. With all his inner tenderness and sensitivity, any reason for jealousy on the part of a woman can simply infuriate him. However, he is not alien to forgiveness and understanding if the chosen one manages to convince him that nothing terrible happened.

At another moment, Taurus gets into a pose and it becomes simply impossible to move him. Then the only way out for a woman is to patiently convince her chosen one of fidelity and devotion, using feminine cunning and affection.

At his best, a Taurus man is able to become a real support not only for the woman he loves, but also for the entire family.

That he likes you: signs

The Taurus man is not one of those guys who immediately rushes headlong into the pool. As in any other area of ​​life, he needs time to think thoroughly and evaluate the situation. Therefore, it is unlikely that a woman will immediately understand what he likes.

Only after taking a closer look and analyzing a possible candidate will Taurus move on to decisive action and begin to woo the lady. And then there is no doubt that he will achieve his goal. Whatever he undertakes, he completes everything. Love relationships are no exception, especially since Taurus’s persistence and romanticism only help in conquering the impregnable female fortress.

Taurus is not one of those signs for which a general idea of ​​a man and a woman in particular is important. Of course, he will pay attention to beauty and intelligence, and then begin to unobtrusively make inquiries about what the woman likes, how she prefers to relax, whether she loves children... This is worth paying attention to.

If a Taurus man starts conversations with a woman on such topics, then most likely he considers her as a possible candidate for his chosen one.

90% of relationships are long-term

The fact is that Taurus immediately considers the possibility of a long-term relationship and marriage, so if he is interested in what kind of woman is the housewife, then this means that the lady is not indifferent to him. Then it’s time for a woman to arrange a demonstration of all her talents and advantages.

A Taurus in love tries in every possible way to show concern and carefully protect his chosen one. He will definitely ask whether the woman has had dinner and, if not, he will certainly try to feed his friend. Showing concern is one of the first signs of Taurus falling in love. He is ready for all kinds of small feats for the sake of the lady of his heart. Romance is not the most appropriate way to express your feelings, according to this earth sign. It's better to do something useful for the woman.

Taurus, by nature, does not strive for quick results, so you should not rush him in a love relationship.

The Taurus man knows that there is a time for everything. First you need to better understand your chosen one. A woman who is next to such a man should be patient and under no circumstances attempt to put pressure on him. This will only hurt his pride and scare him away. Taurus considers himself a leader in a relationship, so let the right to take the first step belong to him, and not to the woman.

That he's in love

These mysterious, incomprehensible men evoke in a woman an irresistible desire to understand his attitude towards her person. A woman wonders how a Taurus man treats her if he is in no hurry to talk about it directly.

Watch the video. How to understand that a Taurus man is in love with you, and what to do if he hides it.

A lady should pay attention to her partner’s behavior. Taurus is a very cheerful and life-loving person, so he will try in every possible way to amuse and please his chosen one. His imagination in this regard is limitless: from harmless pranks to all kinds of jokes. A Taurus in love is ready to do anything so that his girlfriend does not get bored.

The appearance of a Taurus in love can also change greatly. Usually reserved and pragmatic, Taurus can transform himself beyond recognition in order to attract the attention of a lady of his heart. He is even able to completely change his style.

If a man’s figure is not ideal, he will certainly do everything to tighten himself up, for example, sign up for a gym or a swimming pool.

When communicating with his chosen one, a Taurus in love is completely absorbed in her, he literally does not notice what is happening around him; he looks intently, with great tenderness and warmth, into the eyes of his beloved woman, trying to catch the slightest changes in her mood.

Astrologers have even noticed that often a Taurus man, when communicating with a woman he likes, begins to blink frequently, and does so unconsciously.

As a rule, when communicating, Taurus expresses their emotional state with gestures. At the same time, a partner’s prolonged gaze, directed directly into the eyes of a Taurus, can noticeably confuse him and cause a blush on his cheeks.

But hides his feelings

Sometimes a Taurus in love tries to carefully hide his attitude towards his partner. To understand his attitude, you will have to observe him carefully.

Changes in appearance are the first sign by which one can understand that Taurus has certain feelings for a woman.

Moreover, the man begins to take more careful care of himself automatically. The subconscious itself makes him look more well-groomed and attractive in the eyes of the lady he likes. If a man, during communication, makes unconscious movements in the waistband area of ​​his body, for example, adjusting his belt, this may indicate sexual attraction to his chosen one.

The sparkle in the eyes is a fabulous expression, but the dilated pupils of a man quite realistically indicate his interest in the fairer sex.

Taurus, who is in love but hides his feelings, due to his hedonistic nature, will definitely try to touch the object of his adoration.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Taurus man.

Of course, all his touches will be restrained within the framework of generally accepted etiquette, but he will not miss a single chance to do this again and again.

Who has serious feelings

Taurus will not rush to make a decision; he will evaluate and analyze his partner for a long time. The only way to push a man to take decisive action is to make him feel the need for the constant presence of his chosen one next to him. And then the woman will be able to truly feel the full power of Taurus’ love. She will become the meaning of his life. He will look forward to a new meeting, and in short periods of separation he will get bored and think only about her alone.

At such moments, the main thing is not to disappoint your man, not to give him a reason to doubt his choice or feel intrusive and unnecessary.

If your chosen one is Taurus, you will have to humbly come to terms with his need to constantly be nearby, to feel the presence of his chosen one, to touch her.


So many Taurus men need constant confirmation of their importance in a woman’s life. Do not allow such a man to show coldness and indifference. Convince him that you are exactly the woman he needs in his life, and then you will feel the full power of Taurus’ love and protection.

That he doesn't care about you

Despite the fact that Taurus is in no hurry to show his true feelings for his partner, his indifference is easy to understand. If Taurus does not muster up the courage and does not hint at the impossibility of further relationships, he will try to express this in his actions. A man stops being interested in your successes and problems, forgets to meet or fulfill his promises.

Remember one of the first signs of Taurus falling in love? Showing you care! And the lack of care directly indicates his coldness and desire to end the relationship.

His attitude towards you by correspondence

In virtual communication, Taurus will not have long, intimate conversations with you. If the girl is outwardly attractive, he is more likely to ask more precise questions, thus trying to assess the potential of the chosen one.

Live communication is an undeniable priority for Taurus, especially if he already feels in love.

8 out of 9 take care of themselves in communication

Correct formulation and literacy come to the fore for a Taurus in love. Before writing, such a man will analyze the meaning of each phrase and try to avoid annoying spelling errors. A Taurus cannot look like a stupid and uneducated fool in the eyes of a lady, because external beauty for him is not the most important thing in life.

Watch the video. A look at love through the eyes of Taurus.

Taurus is reserved, so he won’t talk about his problems and experiences for a long time, but wishing his lady good night or good morning is just as important for him as declaring his love.


Overly emotional and intolerant women will not have an easy time with a Taurus man. For some representatives of the fairer sex, his slowness, pragmatism and thoroughness look like tediousness and even stupidity. In fact, these are typical Taurus character traits. He will never commit actions that are not thought through several times or act impulsively.

Here's what they write about this on women's forums:

  • “Taurus cannot be criticized, teased or played! Don't awaken the bestial essence in him! Patience comes to an end sooner or later. If it explodes, it’s a disaster. Do not provoke jealousy under any circumstances! Taurus is a terrible owner. They love cheerful, playful women, but they need to be careful with games so as not to inadvertently fall out of favor. You have to be an intriguing woman who you want to unravel, but at the same time not irritate him. They don’t like boring, stupid, hysterical women”;
  • “Show concern for the Taurus man. They love a warm, emotional attitude. Praise more often, you can even flatter, but within reason. The main thing is not to lie, otherwise he will stop trusting you. You show care and attention in every little detail (you bought a tie, knitted socks, inquired about the health of his parents.) He will like it”;
  • “Be smart and impeccable. Taurus loves when he can show off his woman. You don't have to be the most beautiful, but being sexually attractive is important! The woman next to him should attract glances, be able to show off not only her intelligence, but also her good taste, manners, and ability to present herself”;
  • “Clever girls are Taurus’ weakness; they are not attracted to fools preoccupied with clothes. If you are like that, you can immediately walk away. They love when they are entertained, when being with you is interesting and incomprehensible at the same time. This kind of woman is a mystery who doesn’t pretend to be anything and behaves with dignity and naturalness. In general, Taurus likes people who are so smart, but they are such lovely fools”;
  • “You must be at your best in bed!”;
  • “I am a Taurus woman, and men and I are similar, so I can recommend the following: do not try to lead or drive a Taurus under your heel. If you want to do something yourself, let him help you, and when you achieve your goal, do not forget to tell him that without his help you would never have succeeded. If he is stubborn, there is no need to insist and break him, just try to convince him and wait until he weighs everything and thinks it over. If a man himself understands that this is important, then he will move mountains to achieve this! But in general, Taurus are good, reliable and kind. Taurus values ​​calm and harmony. Nothing connects them with frivolous, eccentric women except a fleeting sexual connection. Such relationships usually do not continue. But if Taurus has a serious, intelligent beauty in his field of vision, then such a woman will definitely turn out to be a suitable candidate for the place of his beloved.”

How a Taurus man in love behaves

A Taurus man at the peak of his love changes not only in appearance. All his actions seem to scream about the desire to please and please his beloved. He is courteous, attentive and compliant. Taurus is ready to put a lot of effort and effort into solving all the problems and concerns of a woman.

By nature, silent and secretive Taurus, having fallen in love, can entrust their friend with the most intimate secrets and experiences hidden from others.

A Taurus in love sincerely tries to delve into and understand the interests of his woman, her aspirations for something, even if previously he was not interested in this at all.

During the period of love, Taurus is generous and is able to literally overwhelm the object of his adoration with all kinds of gifts and presents. True, he is unlikely to spend money on useless things, because Taurus are inclined to acquire useful and practical things.

Measured, stubborn, confidently go ahead, inspiring calm with their very appearance... It seems that they have everything in their life under control. Surely you know such men - these are Taurus, people born between April 21 and May 21. If a woman does not dream of having a Taurus man next to her, it is only because she does not know enough about this sign and its characteristics. Taurus men are hard-working people who know how to earn money and highly value deep feelings - just a dream! An astrologer will tell you why a Taurus man should not be pushed to take decisive action and why this sign is one of the best for starting a family. Nadezhda Balyabina .

General characteristics of the sign

Taurus is a sign of the Earth element, and people of this sign are earthly and real, original and interesting in the depth of their inner Universe. Taurus men are distinguished by their depth of character and developed inner world. The sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus, and the patronage of this planet makes Taurus very emotional, very deep and vulnerable in their souls. They dream of true love and high feelings, even if they seem to be impenetrable “brutals”, devoid of any emotions.

The Taurus man loves a calm and measured life. He is not against emotions, he is often sentimental himself, but he tends to avoid violent manifestations of feelings and hysterics. In any situation, a Taurus man should be emotionally comfortable, only then will he feel at ease. Taurus does not like the truth told directly, because this truth, even if it is important for him, can destroy his established world. Sometimes it’s easier for him not to admit something to himself in order to prevent the walls of his castles in the air from collapsing right on him.

Men of the Taurus sign are mostly focused on money, pleasure and stability. They know how to make money, appreciate beauty and enjoy life like no one else.

The main characteristic of a Taurus man is the need for stability. Taurus is a seasoned conservative. If someone's hearts require change, then the heart of Taurus certainly does not. The Taurus man loves when everything in life is stable, goes along the established lines, without sudden transitions, because deep down Taurus is very afraid of changes that could turn his comfortable world upside down. And yet, it is not superfluous for a Taurus man to periodically review his life so that stagnation does not arise and to give life the opportunity to sparkle with bright colors. And you can find out more about men of other signs in the “” section.

In life, the Taurus man, as a rule, moves with slow, but at the same time very confident steps - this is the slowest sign of all the signs of the Zodiac, but this does not make the Taurus man inferior in any way. If he is not ready for something, he stops, accumulates strength, after which he continues on his way and ultimately achieves his goal.

In the sign of Taurus, the Moon is exalted. Thanks to this factor, Taurus are not emotional people. More precisely, they have emotions, but they are able to keep them under control, displaying equanimity and calm in any situation. Taurus men have a very strong psyche: they can withstand difficult psychological tests. At the same time, the Taurus psyche often does not give them a signal that something is going wrong in life. In order to make the right decisions, Taurus needs to listen to himself more often.

The Taurus man is a real materialist, focused on increasing the material world around him. We can say that his internal state of happiness directly depends on how much he likes or dislikes the world that he has built - in the literal sense - around. The Taurus man loves money and knows how to earn it. He enjoys accumulating and increasing funds - this allows him to feel good and be prepared for any twists of fate, if necessary. The Taurus man surrounds himself with beautiful and high-quality things. It is important for him to look good and make a good impression.

External beauty sometimes plays a greater role for him than internal qualities, but Taurus cannot be called superficial. He has a lot of different interests, and he is constantly expanding his horizons, striving to become even better. These are high-status people who love themselves and wish only the best for themselves. They don’t shout about themselves, no, but they will clearly make it clear to everyone around them that the person in front of them is not a bad person. They don’t strive to be bright, it’s important for them to be bright so that they are respected and considered one of those people who “have everything figured out” in life.

Taurus in communication and friendship

The Taurus man tries to surround himself with people with whom he is most comfortable, with whom he can be himself, people who recognize him and his status. A Taurus man can build deep relationships with other people, he knows how to make friends and maintain a spiritual connection with a person.

Being a rather secretive person, Taurus is not looking for new acquaintances. However, this does not mean that he leads a reclusive lifestyle. Most likely, he has a couple of real friends from childhood, relationships with whom have been tested by time and situations. Taurus is comfortable with such friends, and he greatly values ​​friendship with those who were able to win his trust; for them he is a faithful and devoted friend.

If Taurus does make friends in adulthood, these will definitely be “quality” people: he should feel good and comfortable with them. Taurus can also make friends in order to create good and useful acquaintances. The Taurus man does not know how to easily leave people, be they friends or partners. The whole point, again, is a deep-seated fear of change, which does not let Taurus go for a minute, as well as a strong sense of ownership.

Approaching a Taurus: Difficult, but Real

Who knows, the Taurus man doesn’t let everyone into his life. For him, opening up to someone new is a real risk, coupled with the possibility of failure. It’s difficult for him to make acquaintances; he can spend a long time choosing and looking closely, because for him letting a new person into his life is stressful. If you liked a Taurus man and you are thinking about how to pave the way to his heart, start small - take the first step. Hint to him that he has truly charmed you, rely on his personal qualities, and this will not leave him indifferent.

Do not expect sharp transitions from words to action from Taurus: this is not about them. If you want to find an approach to a Taurus man, give him time. It is difficult for him to make sudden changes; he must “ripen” to everything. Under no circumstances should you kick, push, or rush him: believe me, he understands everything, he just needs to readjust and prepare himself for the fact that soon a cool wind of change will burst into his stable world. Once he feels that his time has come, he will do everything he can, but until then, be patient.

Woman for Taurus

What should a Taurus man's companion be like? Next to his woman, Taurus should feel even more respectable. Taurus's companion should become a real decoration of his life; a beautiful, sexy woman, a faithful and unchanging friend who will always be by his side, because this is very important to him. A jealous Taurus man will not tolerate rivals: his woman should belong only to him. However, given that Taurus is a zealous owner and jealous, the level of his own loyalty is in big question. Naturally, this depends directly on the person himself, but for the most part, Taurus men are polygamous people.

Of course, loving Taurus needs a lot of sex - this is due to the deep complex of Taurus. Intimate relationships for a Taurus man serve as an indicator of his own attractiveness. Even everyday issues concern him somewhat less than the beauty, sexuality and grooming of his companion.

Taurus is a very family sign; people of this sign are oriented toward family and stability within their own social unit. For a Taurus man, marriage is a certain indicator of solidity and one’s own maturity. For them, marriage is a certain indicator of status, a way to demonstrate to the world their solidity. However, do not think that Taurus is showing off all the time. Of course, Taurus knows how to love and loves deeply. Venus leads Taurus through life to deep and real feelings, and having met his love, Taurus will fall in love - and the whole world will know about it.

Taurus man and career

Money is the sphere of influence of Taurus. Money and material values ​​play a big role for him. The financial component of life is very important for Taurus, so work takes up most of his life. Stability-seeking Taurus prefers stable work, for example, business. Risky ways of making money are definitely not about them. On the path to financial success, Taurus is ready to overcome any difficulties if the result meets his expectations.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

Antagonist of Taurus - Scorpion . People of this sign are the complete opposite of Taurus. Relationships between Scorpios and Taurus will be difficult, but incredibly productive for both parties. Despite the difference in views and worlds, these people will be able to find common ground, thanks to which their interest in each other will be almost unquenchable. However, such a relationship will require mutual work on oneself. It is worth noting that the Taurus-Scorpio couple can get involved in the intimate sphere.

Earthy Taurus has good compatibility with other signs of the Earth element. With a woman- Virgo The Taurus man will definitely find a common language, they will feel comfortable and good together. Virgo will understand the materialistic desires of Taurus and support them; in a pair, these people will be faithful to each other, maintaining purity in the relationship. With a woman- Capricorn The Taurus man will get along, but in this relationship the latter may feel a lack of sensuality, since the Capricorn woman can be somewhat stingy with emotions.

A dreamy and non-aggressive woman, not prone to violent showdowns, Fish can become a faithful companion of a Taurus man. Also, a good match for a Taurus man will be a domestic and family woman - Cancer , who also will not throw hysterics to her partner, but, on the contrary, will create beauty and comfort in the house, so beloved by Taurus.

For a Taurus man and a Taurus woman, Libra the relationship will most likely work out well. Astrology says that Venus will help these people find common ground and build a harmonious union. Also, a calm woman will suit a Taurus man - a lion .

Most likely, it will be somewhat difficult for a Taurus man to build a relationship with a woman. Aquarius : she is freedom-loving and willful, which Taurus will not like. With a woman sign Sagittarius , reckless and active, calm and somewhat slow Taurus will also not be easy to get along with.

WITH Aries And Gemini A Taurus man will most likely be comfortable building friendships as well as business relationships. People of these signs will always be able to agree and come to a compromise, which will help strengthen friendships. At the same time, the likelihood that representatives of these signs will be able to build a harmonious relationship with Taurus is low due to the irreconcilable contradictions inherent in these people, as well as the seeming slowness of Taurus. But do not forget that astrology is not able to predict your fate with your partner, which means that when building relationships you should rely solely on your own feelings and those of your loved one.

With a woman- Taurus a Taurus man can definitely have a comfortable relationship. Astrology speaks of good compatibility between two people of the same zodiac sign. However, such a union has its negative sides. For example, a relationship between two Taurus who do not like change may ultimately reach a dead end, since neither one nor the other partner is going to change anything, even for their own benefit.


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