Libra man and Gemini woman. Compatibility of Libra and Gemini: driven by the wind to new horizons The girl is Gemini and the guy is Libra

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The union of two representatives of the air element is lightness, harmony within the couple and complete mutual understanding between the partners. They treat each other with special reverence, always find a compromise solution, and also try to make their life together positive and comfortable. A Libra man and a Gemini woman, with maximum compatibility between them, fall in love with each other at first sight.

It is about them that we can say that communication and mutual understanding are achieved immediately. Sometimes one glance from a partner is enough for the other to understand his mood and also give an answer to the question of interest. However, despite the ideal compatibility of the Libra man and Gemini woman, some disagreements may arise in the couple. A captivating beauty and a born intellectual, Gemini will always find herself in the center of male attention, and will not deny herself the pleasure of flirting a little. All this will be painful for the Libra man, who believes that his “lady of his heart” has no moral right to this. Quarrels based on jealousy are common for these lovers, but over time they learn to overcome them and take care of each other’s feelings.

Gemini man and Libra woman - compatibility in love

The spark of passion and sympathy that has broken out will not fade even after a decade between a Libra man and a Gemini woman. Love, trust and reverent frugality towards their partner’s feelings will help them not to lose mutual trust, despite a superficial attitude towards many things. The Libra man will even be able to come to terms with the duality of the Gemini woman, whose character is subject to daily change. If we consider their compatibility in love, we can highlight the following distinctive features of relationship development:

  • A Libra man, whose characteristics speak of his lightness, will be obsessed with passion for his chosen one. He will stop noticing other representatives of the fair half of humanity, focusing all his attention on his companion.
  • The Gemini woman will try to surprise her man. Her behavior shows a love for extraordinary things, so she will stir up her partner’s interest with frequent changes in her image, hair color, as well as unexpected surprises in the form of buying tickets to a concert of his favorite artist, a romantic dinner or an unplanned trip.
  • Heart-to-heart conversations over a cup of aromatic coffee or tea are the calling card within a couple of Libra men and Gemini women. They are never afraid to boldly express their point of view and the emotions they are experiencing at the moment. That is why any conflict and misunderstanding in this couple is resolved very quickly. They just need to talk, tell each other about their experiences and come to a common decision acceptable to both.

A Libra man in love will be a kind of regulator of the Gemini woman’s internal demons. He will teach her how to manage sudden outbursts of anger, creativity and even meditation. The two of them will be able to overcome many difficulties together, unless they succumb to the temptation of betrayal.

Compatibility of Libra men and Gemini women in marriage

Ruled by the element of Air, the Libra man and Gemini woman are in no hurry to tie themselves into marriage. They consider it a relic of the past and do not see anything special in living their whole lives without a stamp in their passport. But it should be noted that the Gemini woman will still dream of a snow-white wedding dress, a romantic marriage proposal, as well as a magnificent celebration in honor of their engagement with gold rings. Therefore, a man will have to take into account the dreams of his companion, and also fully share her views. Many Libra-Gemini unions fall apart precisely because the woman gets tired of waiting for an offer and begins to doubt the seriousness of her lover’s intentions.

Pointless spending and the inability to improve everyday life are negative characteristics of a young girl born under the sign of Gemini. But over time, she will learn to overcome the inconstancy of her character, and a more creative Libra guy will help her with this. They will never be overly rich, prosperous and wealthy. But their family will be able to boast of a huge photo album, which depicts numerous travels and unusual trips that made their family life together colorful and vibrant.

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The love union of a Gemini woman and a Libra man turns out to be very easy and almost fabulous. If a couple is bound by love, there is little that can separate them. However, often problems in a couple appear when faced with the real world: everyday life, material issues, conflicts - all this unsettles them and can destroy harmony.

Compatibility of Gemini woman and Libra man

In the zodiac combination of a Gemini woman and a Libra man, love, harmony and romance reign. Both signs are under the control of the air element, which is why their relationship is easy, partners feel each other’s mood and desires.

Gemini woman and Libra man: love in relationships

If a Gemini man is lucky enough to find a Libra woman, then we can consider them lucky. Libra men, like no one else, can arrange a home and create a warm and comfortable environment for Gemini women. Moreover, these two extremely intelligent signs will always be able to find something to talk about, which is an important connecting point in this relationship.

The leading role in the union will certainly belong to the Gemini woman, who will gently and unobtrusively direct Libra’s activity in the direction they need. These two partners will treat each other extremely warmly, and they will not even be able to explain what exactly attracts them so much. Gemini women treat Libra men like big children, and Libra, in turn, will always listen to the opinion of Gemini. Partners will never be bored in each other's company, they have common interests, they love the same books or movies. And everything could go on indefinitely, but... Unfortunately, the frivolous nature of Libra men often leads to affairs that they have on the side. Just like that - out of love for diversity and change. As soon as Gemini women find out about such betrayal, the almost ideal union collapses miserably. A Gemini woman is not able to forgive such a betrayal.

Gemini woman and Libra man: sexual compatibility (in bed)

The physical relationship between a Gemini woman and a Libra man gives them an incredible sense of flight, a height that only two air signs can reach. Sometimes Gemini women linger a little in their imaginary world, and then Libra men have to wait until they return from there. But, in principle, Libra doesn’t mind. Of course, this is not the all-consuming passion that can exist between two representatives of the element of Fire; it resembles a fresh wind that brings rain and renewal to nature. And it doesn’t matter which of these two plays first fiddle in sex; moreover, their roles are constantly changing, which makes their relationship varied and unusual. In fact, Gemini women and Libra men represent two halves of one whole. At the same time, the soul and mind of a partner are just as important to them as his sexual attractiveness.

Business compatibility between Gemini woman and Libra man

The main problem in the business relationship between a Gemini woman and a Libra man is that both Gemini and Libra are rather generators of projects and ideas, in this they simply have no equal. But someone must implement these projects. If such people exist, then no disagreements arise. It’s another matter if there are no such implementers nearby, and one of the partners has to take on this role. Neither Gemini nor Libra simply cannot stand rough routine work, and this is where troubles can begin. In the end, the Libra man still has to take on the role of performer, although sometimes they do not deny themselves the pleasure of making Gemini women run.

Gemini woman and Libra man: married (conjugal union)

Looking at the calm expression on the face of Libra men, you would never guess how grouchy they can be if they don’t like something. It is very difficult to surpass representatives of this sign in the skill of hiding their true intentions behind a captivating voice and a radiant smile. However, most often, Libra men prefer to influence you, Gemini, by bringing clarity to any confusing situation. Simply because he is quite logical, and simply because he understands everything. And finally, simply because it’s more convenient for him - not to blaze with fire and not cause earthquakes, but simply to gently point out your mistakes. The most important thing is for you to remember that in fact, he is not at all as innocent as he may look from the outside.

Compatibility of Gemini woman and Libra man: chances for the future

At first glance, Gemini women amaze with their airy femininity and unique charm. However, you should not relax - Gemini women have a very sharp tongue and are always ready to use it. At the same time, like you, Libra, they simply adore beauty and order, and if they undertake to furnish a house, then thanks to their exquisite taste they make it not only cozy, but also beautiful. The only trouble is that they often don’t have time for this at all - after all, her world is so multifaceted.

Compatibility of Gemini-Libra signs: how to maintain love in a relationship

Sometimes Gemini women are dissatisfied with the slowness of Libra men, who need to think carefully about everything and weigh it before making a final decision. But they are the ones who are able to stir up Libra and push them to action. In turn, Libra men willingly forgive Gemini women their little weaknesses, such as constant absence and lately prepared dinner. In principle, this is a fairly strong union, unless both partners’ love for change takes them in different directions.

How compatible is a Gemini woman in relationships in love and marriage?

Both of you are under the protection of the air element, you understand each other easily and value personal freedom. Moreover, you complement each other perfectly. Of course, even in an ideal couple there are difficulties. Next, we will tell you what Gemini and Libra have in common, as well as what stumbling blocks there may be, and what can be done about them.

The combination of signs of the same element is always considered a good option, so representatives of the air easily and without problems find a common language. Libra really likes the light and active Gemini woman; the two of them always have something to talk about, and their relationship is full of tenderness and love.

Neither Gemini nor Libra claim the personal freedom of their partner; this is one of the key factors in a happy and harmonious relationship. Libras love sophisticated and refined girls, and Geminis always try to keep their finger on the pulse of fashion trends and tendencies, they always look good and take care of their wardrobe.

With Libra, it will be easy for you to remain a gentle and sweet girl, but at the same time, there will be no leaders in this family. This is the case where the equality of partners can be seen in a clear example. You won’t have a clear division of responsibilities into “women’s” and “men’s.” Instead, you will have a lot of harmony and understanding in your home. In addition, Libra men are good fathers, and can take care of children no worse than their wives: feeding, walking, changing clothes, buying children's clothes, etc. And they are excellent masters at entertaining children and having fun with them!

What do Gemini women and Libra men have in common?

As mentioned above, representatives of Gemini and Libra have more than enough in common:
Both Gemini and Libra are on the same wavelength, understand each other perfectly literally and often look at life in the same direction. It is easy for them to make long-term plans together, discuss ideas and aspirations, both know what changes they want. Fortunately, they have a lot of overlap on this issue, so the likelihood of conflicts is minimized. The main thing is to discuss and speak your thoughts out loud so that your partner understands your desires. Equally, you ask him for the same. This will help avoid misunderstandings in your couple.

Gemini and Libra are also united by friendship. Their love relationship can grow out of friendship. Fortunately, they can maintain this friendship in marriage and even in the event of separation. Scandals rarely happen in their family. Everything is resolved by understanding and discussion. They can talk for a long time, find out, but rarely make scandals and break dishes. Neighbors rarely hear them in this context. But the nobles can throw parties, inviting all their good friends and partying until the morning. Because they are young, their house doors may not close, and guests come and go like a conveyor belt.

Wherever the Gemini-Libra couple appears, there is fun and a feeling of happiness in the air. Friends and family love this couple and are happy to invite them to visit. After all, both Gemini and Libra are quite sharp-tongued, have a bright mind and good intellectual abilities. In general, it is a pleasure to talk and laugh in their company.

Gemini and Libra do not immediately move on to intimate relationships, especially if they have developed a strong friendship. After all, they always have something to talk about, and for both, conversations and intellectual conversations are often more important than sex.

Therefore, you shouldn’t expect any special violent passions in bed. But at the same time, in the intimate sphere they always have a lot of tenderness, care and affection. Both of them pay attention to their partner, take into account wishes and try to provide maximum pleasure. For this reason, they almost never get tired of each other, sex does not get boring, and their marriage can last until the end of their lives, especially since it actually does not depend on sex. Sex is more of a nice bonus here.

The Libra man will be happy to create a romantic atmosphere at home, and the Gemini woman will try to constantly bring something new and piquant. This arrangement suits representatives of Gemini and Libra, satisfying their needs in bed almost to the fullest.
Therefore, betrayal in the union of Gemini and Libra is extremely rare. Moreover, partners usually trust each other, do not check personal messages and are not jealous of anyone. And if feelings suddenly fade away, then they can directly say so and end the relationship, not wanting to cause pain, trying to be honest.

In addition to the many factors that unite Gemini and Libra, there are also prerequisites for the emergence of problems. But, fortunately, there are not so many of them. However, it is better to know them in order to be prepared for this:

A Libra man will almost never (with rare exceptions) shake his license and shout “this is not a man’s business”; he will take care of household chores on an equal basis with his wife. But you will also be expected to make a full financial contribution to your family and home. The main thing is to talk through and discuss these details in advance. Because if you wait for your man to figure out what to do, you might not get it. And then the situation is fraught when he is on the sofa with the remote control, and you are pulling everything on yourself. At the same time, he may be unable to drive a nail or repair some kind of device. There is nothing wrong with this, it is better to contact professionals for repairs. And under no circumstances reproach him for this.

If your Libra man was spoiled by his mother and still says that “it’s not a man’s business to cook soup,” but he didn’t even lift a finger to take on some manly responsibilities (fully providing for the family, so that you didn’t work, but took care of the house, etc., fixing something or rearranging furniture) in this case, it’s better not to have any serious relationship with him, because in the future you risk being left with nothing.

Difficulties can also arise between Gemini and Libra if they do not have common interests, and each partner has their own, and also do not have common friends, but have their own separate companies. Then the likelihood of a successful marriage is reduced to zero. Although they can continue to be together, they are starting to get more and more bored every day. Such a marriage can be maintained by habit, as well as the presence of children or joint loans.

Secrets of a happy marriage between a Libra man and a Gemini woman

The marriage between a Gemini woman and a Libra man will be easy, harmonious and pleasant. There will be no scandals, intrigues, or violent passions here. This is exactly the calm haven that is boring to write about in books, but which many are so eager to achieve.
It is ideal to start such a relationship after a stormy youth, when you already want to calm down and start starting a family and arranging your nest. Although in their youth, Gemini and Libra also feel very good. But if the twin did not have time to lower her defenses and hang out, then such a relationship risks ending quite quickly, because Libra may simply not keep up with his active girlfriend.

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The union of representatives of the Air element promises to be successful and harmonious. Relationships between partners will become easy and relaxed, like a gentle breath of a warm breeze. The period of the relationship will be the happiest time in the life of each of them. There will be complete mutual understanding between the Libra man and the Gemini woman. They can easily feel each other's state of mind. Sometimes this couple will be able to easily communicate without a single word: just her glance will be enough for him, and she will understand him thanks to gestures. The connection between the representative of the constellation Libra and the captivating beauty Gemini will be so strong that one intonation is enough to understand what is troubling the partner.

The Libra man will become so attached with his heart and soul to his chosen one that he will even be able to come to terms with her duality, which is inherent in all Geminis. After all, within each representative of a given zodiac sign there are several internal “I”s. A man will never consider his chosen one an eccentric; on the contrary, Libra will help Gemini to reveal both sides of themselves. He will teach her to live in harmony with all her inner demons. He will consider the Gemini girl’s ability to argue with herself as a certain highlight that sets her apart from many other representatives of the fair sex.

Most of all, he likes to observe the changeability of her mood; he admires this woman’s ability to express her emotions. He does not try to suppress one of the sides of the Gemini woman; the Libra man accepts her for who she is. Some will say that “it doesn’t happen that everyone is happy with everything, sooner or later one of this couple will get tired of it.” But they are wrong, because he accepts her with all her strengths and weaknesses, trying to study her soul. Libra is a very patient zodiac sign who knows how to wait. This is what the Gemini woman values ​​most in her chosen one. She can feel free with him, without trying to hide the peculiarities of her character. And he admires her ability to sometimes behave a little childishly, because it looks so cute.

The ability to understand each other perfectly does not mean that they have nothing to communicate about. On the contrary, both the Libra man and the Gemini woman are very educated and well-read people, they know how to behave in society and are very interesting interlocutors. But these two will always find common topics for conversation; oddly enough, they have a lot of common interests. Therefore, it will be interesting for them together both on the first date and many, many years later. Moreover, if difficulties arise, any of them will be able to turn to their partner for advice. Also, it is worth noting that both the Gemini woman and the Libra man are determined to build long-term relationships. They both dream of a happy marriage, spending many years with their soul mate in love, harmony and mutual understanding.

In addition to similar views on life, they have the same aesthetic tastes. For example, a Gemini woman loves to be in the center of everyone's attention, so she chooses fashionable, status items. And she absolutely does not care that they are completely impractical. The Libra man has a similar attitude to things; he also wants to stand out from the crowd and is ready to experiment with appearance and clothing. The opinion of society is important to them, which is why they are so eager to make the greatest impression on others. Both strive to look like successful and happy people, before whom the whole world is open.

Both the Libra man and the Gemini woman are very modern people and consider the institution of marriage to be a relic of the past. They can easily live their whole lives in a civil marriage, not giving a damn about generally accepted canons. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that a girl may from time to time fall into romantic dreams of a white dress, wedding rings, a beautiful marriage proposal, champagne that will flow like a river at their wedding. But later, he will discard these unnecessary dreams, considering them only a manifestation of sentimentality. After all, the main thing for her is that her beloved husband, Libra, is nearby. For Gemini, falling asleep and waking up next to him is enough. Therefore, civil marriage, in her opinion, is a completely convenient form of relationship.

The Libra man's views on relationships are somewhat similar to hers. But he thinks on a slightly different plane than the Gemini girl. According to the man, legal marriage is a very important step in the life of every person. It cannot be taken lightly. That is why Libra believes that you first need to spend some time with a woman just together, to understand whether they are suitable for each other, whether they are ready to go through all life’s tests together. He is also categorically convinced that a couple should meet old age with a common surname and wedding rings on their fingers. On this basis, the couple has a conflict of interests, because the Libra man will not understand why his chosen Gemini does not want to walk down the aisle with him. But over time, he will be able to turn the situation in his favor and perhaps one day she will tell him yes.

In order for the Libra-Gemini couple to have a long and joint future, they simply need to learn how to plan a joint future. Problems may arise with this, because the Gemini girl is so ambitious, has many plans and tasks that are very important to her. The whole polyphony of her problems is constantly confused in her head, she strives to solve them as quickly as possible, and therefore is constantly puzzled by them. It is not surprising that behind the wall of all plans, the Twin has no time left for her lover. The Libra man, on the contrary, is committed to stability and constancy. He wants a calm future together with his chosen one. But because of her constant busyness, he may feel unnecessary.

Rhythm can also create a problem in their relationship, because everyone has their own rhythm. Libra, for example, has made a clear plan and is slowly moving towards it. Having reached a certain height, a man gives himself the opportunity to rest and gain new strength. What the Gemini woman cannot understand. It may seem to her that her chosen one does not care at all about their future, that he is satisfied with the order of things that exists. The biggest mistake of a partner will be her attempts to reproach her loved one for not wanting to ensure the well-being of their family. Therefore, Astrologers advise not to rush to conclusions and trust your loved one.

Of all the male half of the Zodiac signs, Libra is the most polite and delicate.

Such a man has subtle irony, balanced emotions and an intuitive understanding of beauty. The Libra guy is a pleasant conversationalist who easily fits into any company. He is a kind and fair gentleman who always keeps his word. An incorrigible idealist and dreamer, he believes in truth and a bright future.

The Libra man has problems making decisions - he hesitates for a long time, and as a result he may regret what he has done. In any situation, he seeks understanding and harmony, and is not prone to conflicts and disputes.

The Gemini woman is a representative of a dual sign, so she copes with multitasking with ease. She, like Julius Caesar, can solve several things at the same time: talk on the phone, juggle a frying pan, check a child’s homework. This person amazes with her horizons.

The Gemini girl enjoys discussing both the latest political news and scandals from the world of show business. She is like a multi-volume encyclopedia “I want to know everything”; there is never a dull moment around her.

Of all the zodiac combinations, this is perhaps the most romantic and easy union. Both signs are ruled by the air element, so they feel their partner’s mood without words. If a Libra man finds his Gemini woman, the stars protect their union from quarrels and troubles. Such a couple moves through life easily, without overshadowing their love relationship with material problems. Their worldviews are very similar in many ways. This is a rare case when a man and a woman not only look, but also walk in the same direction. In the union of Libra and Gemini, lovers are also best friends, which makes a long-term union possible. If both successfully overcome the obligatory period of doubts about the right choice for all couples and the crisis of the first years of marriage, then the marriage (or “civil” relationship, because both do not care about the stamp in the passport) will be long and happy.

How can a Gemini woman win a Libra man?

The Libra guy values ​​easy relationships. This does not mean that he cannot stand obligations, he simply believes that love should bring a person only joyful and positive emotions. To win the favor of such a man, do not burden him with difficulties. If he hears arguments that family is hard joint work, he will evaporate instantly.

The Gemini woman must demonstrate her ability not to dwell on problems and remember only the best moments from the past. It is these qualities that her chosen one values ​​most in girls. This esthete is attracted by refined manners and refined appearance, so to keep his attention you need to follow fashion trends. Try to stand out from the crowd by creating an original, memorable image.

Given the indecisiveness of the Libra man, the girl should take responsibility for making decisions. You shouldn’t drag him too actively to the registry office, but it won’t hurt to hint on occasion that you are not against such a development of events.

How can a Libra man win a Gemini woman?

To make such a girl fall in love with you, you don’t need to be too assertive and straightforward. To conquer a Gemini woman, you should choose more cunning tactics. She respects intelligence and ingenuity in men, and will appreciate skillful courtship. Such a girl loves intellectual conversations, so it is best to start communication by finding out her interests. Once you find out what kind of air the Gemini woman breathes, you will be able to show off your erudition on issues that interest her.

Talk to her about everything she likes: her favorite books, films, actors... Eloquence and wit are the strong point of the Libra man, try to use it to the fullest. For such a woman, external beauty and pumped up biceps are not the main thing; for her, the ability to behave in society is much more important.

The Gemini woman immediately blacklists boring, tactless and pessimistic gentlemen. At the very beginning of a relationship, a change of emotions and a carnival of events are important to her. If your courtship resembles an exciting adventure, you will easily charm the representative of the Gemini constellation.

I immediately liked my Libra husband. We lived in the same dorm, and it differed very favorably from its neighbors. Didn't drink, didn't smoke, polite, stylish. I read a lot, with a broad outlook. I immediately understood - he’s a good man, I have to take him. Slava, 24 years old.

Advantages of the union

The Libra man and Gemini woman are like free birds who are not tied to the earth. Their goals are high - mutual love and knowledge of the world. This couple is not dominated by the opinion of ordinary people about the accumulation of wealth; the ideals of both lie in the intellectual sphere.

Their relationship is truly a partnership, there is no leader and follower, the spouses exist on equal terms. There is no place for boredom in a marriage between these signs, and this is the equal merit of both partners.

The Gemini woman does not resemble the traditional image of an ideal wife. She cannot be called homely and economical. However, she is the very femininity and charm, she knows how to support her husband in difficult times and cheer him up when he needs it. The Libra man is also far from the idea of ​​a classic father of the family. But he has an equally valuable quality: the ability to maintain peace within the family nest.

Disadvantages of the Union

Unsuccessful marriages between Gemini and Libra are quite rare. To avoid negative development of relationships, you need to understand the cause of the emerging problems. In failed unions, partners live their own lives, often without common points of contact. Only habit and respect keep them together, nothing more. Why does this happen? The answer is simple: love leaves. Men and women of these signs can hold on to hopeless relationships for a long time, spending the best years of their lives on them.

The Gemini-Libra couple needs to cherish love and strive to preserve it in every possible way. Otherwise, the realization of the ending may come too late. Partners who have fallen out of love with each other easily forgive insults, do not experience disappointments and do not engage in soul-searching. They easily switch to the interests of the outside world instead of understanding their own problems. Such unions can last quite a long time, but they will no longer be happy.

What will the children be like?

In a family of two intellectuals, as a rule, smart and well-mannered children grow up. A Gemini mother will impart to her child sociability, a thirst for knowledge and a love of physical activity. Such kids are fidgety, they care about everything, they need to touch and taste everything.

Among the negative qualities that may appear in the character of children, it is worth noting frivolity and indiscriminateness in choosing friends.

From the Libra dad, the child will receive creative talents and diplomatic abilities as a gift. Such children are able to resolve any dispute; their inner peace has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the team. They easily find contact with peers and teachers, who value them for their lack of conflict and goodwill.

What kind of parents will they be?

When mom and dad are representatives of air signs, this is a very favorable option for the child. Such parents are educators and psychologists by nature. They are able to find mutual understanding with a child of any sign.

Gemini mothers teach their babies independence from the cradle. Her house is full of educational games and educational aids. Such a mother is proud of even the smallest successes of her beloved child. Close relationships with offspring are based on a democratic approach to education. If a mother begins to keep her children strict and demands unconditional obedience from them, she risks losing trust. For some Gemini women, their duality makes it difficult to maintain a warm climate in the family. Astrologers advise such mothers to keep their emotions in check and not take out their bad mood on their children.

Libra men are not only exemplary fathers, but also the best friends for their children. They can take care of the baby no worse than the mother: feed, take a walk, change clothes. And in the field of children's entertainment, they are simply unsurpassed masters! Usually children are crazy about such a kind, cheerful and caring dad.

Intimate life

Quite often, the love of this couple grows out of a strong friendship based on unity of views. Such partners are in no hurry to move on to intimate relationships: a spiritual connection is more valuable to them than a physical one.

However, the thirst for new sensations and natural curiosity invariably takes over and leads Gemini and Libra to physical intimacy. The couple's intimate compatibility is quite high.

The Gemini woman is distinguished by her indefatigable imagination; she knows how to add variety to love intimacy, refresh it and make it brighter. The Libra man creates a romantic atmosphere that helps to relax and achieve intimate harmony. Stormy passions do not disturb the intimate life of this couple, based on tenderness and care.

Is a Gemini woman prone to cheating?

Treason in the union of these signs is rare. As a rule, a Libra man and a Gemini woman trust each other and do not make scenes of jealousy without good reason.

The Gemini girl is a bad actress, the art of deception is not her path. If she has decided to cheat, she is unlikely to be able to hide it. Basically, ladies of this sign choose a lover among men they have known for a long time. Therefore, their companions should be more careful about their other half’s interactions with old friends and work colleagues.

The reason for the infidelity of a Gemini woman is often banal boredom in family life. If a relationship lacks bright sensations and a dose of adrenaline, over time Gemini’s feelings cool down, and they begin to pay attention to men who can turn gray everyday life into a holiday.

Is a Libra man prone to cheating?

Yes, such a man can change. By nature, the Libra guy is a ladies' man, he is easily tempted. A connoisseur of female beauty, he cannot deny himself the pleasure of adding another victory to his love collection.

A Libra man can be pushed to cheat by a violation of stability and comfort in family matters.

He usually chooses balanced and tolerant girls as companions who maintain peace in the house. If the wife expresses her emotions too violently and makes scandals, then the Libra guy will find an outlet in the arms of a more restrained partner.

Perhaps he will soon regret the betrayal, but his vows of fidelity will only last until the next quarrel. In order not to push such a man to go outside, the Gemini woman should not provoke storms in the family haven.

What are they afraid of in a relationship?

When dating a Libra man, the Gemini woman fears that he will not dare to declare the seriousness of his intentions. This fear, which is common to all girls to one degree or another, is completely justified in the case of Libra. It is difficult for a representative of this sign to make drastic changes in fate. He lives by the proverb: “Measure a hundred times, cut once.”

The Libra guy is afraid of making the wrong choice, so he tries to test his feelings for strength. Sometimes he is simply afraid to change anything in the established rhythm of life. Young representatives of the constellation Libra easily cope with their fears, but for mature men such doubts can turn into real mania. If the wait for a marriage proposal has been prolonged, do not be afraid to subtly push the indecisive Libra man to develop a relationship.

What to work on

In addition to many unifying moments, Gemini and Libra also have reasons for disagreement. Fortunately, they are not very serious. Knowing the vulnerabilities in the relationships of these signs will help them avoid misunderstandings.

The greatest danger to the union is the dual nature of Gemini. In the nature of such a woman, several inner selves coexist at once, which sometimes argue not only with others, but also with each other.

Often, contradictions lead to emotional outbursts and sudden changes in mood, which negatively affects the family climate. The Gemini woman needs to try to tame her inner demons in order to prevent conflicts with the sensitive Libra.

To maintain heartfelt affection, astrologers advise this couple to bring as much variety into life as possible. Joint travel and common hobbies will create fertile ground for the growth of stability in a love union.

How does a Libra man behave during a breakup?

A Libra man can skillfully feign indifference when he gets dumped. Perhaps he will publish a photo of himself smiling on his social network page with the hashtag #FinallyFree, trying to convince his friends that he is ready for positive changes. But the truth will be that in this way he will only try to hide his mental pain.

The only way for him to move forward is to convince himself that the girl who left was never good enough. A breakup brings out his worst traits and deepest self-doubt. Although he copes with most problematic situations with dignity, separation is one of the most difficult tests for him. It will take a long time before the Libra man feels that the breakup no longer bothers him.

How does a Gemini woman behave during a breakup?

The Gemini girl is the first to notice that the love boat has tilted. She doesn’t try to win back a man’s heart, doesn’t cry at night, but copes with the breakup alone and moves on. First, she needs to close her eyes to the problems, hide from the harsh reality.

Such a girl needs a time out to prepare for the breakup, to think about the answers to future questions from friends and acquaintances. She feels that sooner or later she will have to admit that her partner has become an “ex”, so she gathers her strength before the decisive conversation.

After the Rubicon is passed, the Gemini woman will not want to waste energy on the one who hurt her, she will leave his life as soon as possible. To cope with the bitterness of loss, it does not take her as much time as other signs.

Is friendship possible between them?

These two are extremely good friends. Their character and temperament are similar in many ways, so they are on the same wavelength. Even their psyche is organized in a similar way. It is unlikely that they will be able to provide each other with practical help, but their spiritual support will be at their best. Both enjoy intellectual relaxation, be it playing chess or solving puzzles.

The Gemini woman appreciates her boyfriend for his ability to create a positive aura. The Libra man is a real perpetual motion machine for friendships. His presence alone infects you with optimism and lifts your spirits. Such a guy never complains about his life, no matter what happens in it. If he has failures, he prefers not to burden his loved ones with them.

The Gemini woman reveals her best side in friendship. She does not irritate a man with whims and barbs. Gemini and Libra will not be jealous of a friend or forbid him to communicate with other acquaintances. Their friendship is so tender and pleasant that over time it can develop into a strong heartfelt attachment for life.

Compatibility at work

Thanks to excellent communication skills, cooperation between colleagues born under these signs has high potential. Joint projects in the field of communications, information and analytics will be especially successful for them. Both signs are non-conflict, therefore they are not prone to intrigue and dishonest play.

Difficulties may arise when important business decisions need to be made or when working under pressure. The Gemini woman expects the Libra man to take responsibility, and he, in turn, is not capable of rigidity and sudden changes.

If a Gemini woman manages a Libra man, her main task is to provide the man with the proper motivation to work for results. Libras are burdened by uninteresting work, and the boss needs to be able to inspire and explain to the man the benefits of the enterprise.

When a Libra man acts as a boss, he should also take into account that the Gemini woman cannot stand monotonous activities. She will work most successfully in areas related to business trips, presentations and communication with clients. By entrusting her with a suitable area of ​​work, he will increase the effectiveness of her work.


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