What are Tunisian men like? National character of Tunisians

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Why Russian women choose Eastern men
Date of: 14/07/2005
Subject: Tourism in Tunisia

Why do Russian women choose Eastern men? The Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper tried to figure this out.

The situation is critical: already quite civilized Russian citizens, who have visited hot Muslim countries at least once, are becoming convinced fans of sex with natives. They easily rush into their arms, despite the contemptuous condemnation of their compatriots. And the scale of the national-sexual disaster went beyond all decency. And this is not speculation - a harsh reality. Don't believe me? Type keywords into any Internet search engine, for example: “I slept with a Turk (Egyptian, Arab, Tunisian).” And you will immediately receive links to numerous forums where rested ladies share their impressions - mostly positive. About eight out of ten are like that.

As a rule, someone initiates the exchange of opinions. For example, on one of the sites, a certain Timur posted a story about his friend. She fell for a local waiter in Turkey. And she returned to Moscow in a state of complete sexual delight. She is now planning to leave her businessman husband, take the child and go to Turkey - to be a waiter and enjoy herself. Another site posted a similar story, albeit with a different “semi-final.”

“...My sister fell in love with a Turk after her vacation in Turkey,” writes a certain Maria. - He worked there as some kind of trainer in a hotel. She flew to him for the second time, and now he is our guest! My family and I are simply in shock as they make plans for the future! At 31, he has neither education nor money... I am sure that my sister is making a mistake, but she says that they are in love...”

“I have the same thing,” some Sheila echoes Maria. - He arrived three weeks ago, is hanging out at our house with my sister, and they are going to get married... And not a penny of money... But “I love - I can’t”... Beautiful words, noodles on the ears - well, a nightmare, and nothing can be done...” Both Timur and both frightened women turned to the virtual public for advice. Like, how to bring the lost to reason? But it was not there. The ladies are carried in a completely different direction. Most of the respondents support sex tourists. They themselves admit to similar holiday romances. And they prove that Eastern men are great lovers. And all the rest, especially Russians, are no good.

Favorites - from reviews on forums.

The contrast with the Russians is not in their favor

Confessions of women who are hooked on the romance of the resort East “I slept with a Turk. And also at the resort. Three days later he asked me to get married. After my arrival, it took me a month to come to my senses; I couldn’t look at Russian men...”

“Eastern men - Turks, Arabs - are powerful drugs. After the first sip, the tower blows away. They are really different. Soft and sweet, but at the same time real men, sort of macho. The contrast with the Russians is stunning - and not in favor of the latter. It’s been five years since I became addicted to Arabs. By the way, there are enough of them in Russia. I no longer perceive Russians as men. I can’t sleep with them - I feel physical disgust. A year and a half ago, I found exactly what I needed - he’s from Tunisia...”

“I arrived from Turkey a week ago and lost my head over my beloved Turk. He sends me text messages in Russian in Latin letters, it’s very difficult to make out anything... I live from Siberia, and he works in Alanya. He was courted simply with brilliance and manners, like those of a secular man. And in bed it’s just such a god. I haven’t experienced this with Russian men...” “I had about 20 Arabs, 7 Russians and 3 blacks. The best of all was an Arab, a shawarma chef. And I didn’t like the blacks at all. Five years ago, I deliberately switched exclusively to Arabs. Reasons: appearance, and most importantly, it is easier to communicate with them. At first, I was generally euphoric - everyone seemed to be sizzling super-lovers.”

“And the super ones are the Egyptians. In bed - just tigers..."

Just bored me to the point of nausea

There are significantly fewer women with a different opinion about Eastern men. I would just kiss such patriots! “They just have a different approach, the Turks. The southern ones are emotional, beating their chests, saying a bunch of beautiful words that our men can never squeeze out of themselves... All “poetry”, sentimentality... our girls are melting. And, for me, this is just a set of rote compliments...”

“I love vacationing in Turkey, but the only thing that spoils my vacation there are the Turks. They are like mosquitoes in the Moscow region, just as numerous, mobile, annoying and persistent. Until you send, they will never leave you behind. True, the Arabs in Egypt are even worse...”

“How low do you have to go to lie with a Turk?!” Especially with a waiter or a lifeguard on the beach?! The whole world knows that it is to Turkey that the sex-starved portion of European women go to Turkey for one-time adventures...”

“I know for sure that Turkish, Egyptian waiters and other servants - right down to the towel issuers on the beach - have 10 affairs per season. And then in the winter they go to their sweethearts. Many have traveled half the world this way...”

Men are against it. But what's the point?

Even in the virtual statements of representatives of the strong half of the Russian population, one can hear the furious grinding of teeth: “We have two very pretty unmarried girls at work, proud, you can’t ride a mad goat... At all sorts of drinking parties I brought one almost to condition - I already unfastened her bra, but further... no further! And then they returned from Turkey, and I accidentally overheard their conversation with a friend about Turkish “boys”... I was simply shocked...” “A Turkish animator told me that their girls need to maintain their virginity before marriage. Where should young Turks go? In order not to die from masturbation, they relieve themselves with donkeys in winter. If you don't believe me, you can ask the guides. So have a blast, girls, have a blast...”

“Turks meet anyone randomly, for example, it is normal for them for a 20-year-old guy to hit on a 40-year-old woman. They need her for one day. They don’t accept condoms, hundreds of women can miss out during the season, and, of course, all the diseases that are known to science. In general, don’t be fooled if you don’t want to reward yourself and someone else with a “gift”.


Hot oriental guys are a myth

Vadim GOLDSTEIN, sociologist:
- Residents of hot eastern countries have a better preserved reproductive instinct. It is not without reason that polygamy and harems are common among Muslims. But there are not enough women of our own, especially sexually liberated ones. So they attack the bodies arriving from the West. But Russian women mistake attention to their flesh for spiritual feelings. Other European women - not so naive - simply have fun to the best of their sexual hunger. After all, everyone has a chance to sleep with some Arab. Even the one that men at home don’t notice at all. These are the ones who return from the resorts in particular delight.

Andrey BELENTSEV, sex therapist:
- The situation on the gender front has not changed much in recent years. Only the geography became different. Previously, when Turkey, Egypt and other eastern exotics were closed to the bulk of Russian women, the indigenous inhabitants of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus were considered the “best lovers”. But only thanks to his arrogance and obsession. And stories about some unearthly caresses and tirelessness in bed are nothing more than myths. Yes, the sea, sun, shrimp and fruits make your hormones bubble a little more. But I’m willing to bet: after a week at the resort, a normally rested northerner will beat any southerner. And among the “hot eastern guys” there are actually a lot of those who suffer from premature ejaculation.

- Haven’t you really heard about the three S’s in Tunisia?- black eyes Rami seem to express sincere amazement. – We have our own three S’s – summer, sun, sex. Everyone goes to Tunisia for summer, sun and sex.

We met Rami 15 minutes ago in the waves of the Mediterranean Sea. Making acquaintances in Tunisia is not difficult for a girl. It is enough to simply answer hello, bonjour or hello - and you are already surrounded by compliments, smiles, words, attention, which is then very difficult to get rid of. But Rami is not as intrusive as the others. He just smokes, sitting by my sun lounger, asks about Belarus and talks about his country. We have already talked about the weather (March this year is one of the worst in the last few years), about the standard of living in our countries (the average salary in Tunisia is 300 euros, and in the summer at +45 it is completely impossible to work), about interracial marriages (Tunisian men most often marry foreign women for the sake of emigration and European citizenship) and it was the turn of a hot topic - the topic of gender relations in a resort town. Simply put, themes of sex.

– If a Tunisian works in a hotel, it always equals sex with tourists,- Rami deeply draws an equal sign in the wet sand with his finger. – I work at a hotel, I already know. Many European women come to Tunisia specifically for sex. This season, two tourists approached me - from Germany and Russia. They invited me to spend the evening with them. I cannot refuse in this case - it is uncivilized. Plus, they were quite attractive. Each took me to a restaurant in the evening, paid for dinner, and then we went to my place.

Rami waves his hand towards a white house near the coastline - he rents an apartment overlooking the sea. Rami is 34 years old, tall, broad-shouldered, speaks good English, but is still not married, although all his six brothers and sisters have long since started their own families.

– I haven’t met my woman yet,- the Tunisian shrugs his shoulders in response to my question. He doesn't like local women. “Bad mentality,” he says.

– Tunisian women are very demanding; first of all they look at the man’s well-being. I have a plot of land of 120 square meters. Building a house will cost me 60 thousand euros. When I build a house, I will think about family. In the meantime, I'm happy with everything. There will always be women who only want sex, without serious relationships. This is why they come here. And not only European women. Please note that on weekends in the city there is nowhere to sit in a cafe - everything is occupied by Algerians, there is nowhere to park a car - there are cars everywhere with Algerian license plates. Algerians come to us for what they cannot get in their strict country. In Tunisia they do whatever they want. I don’t like Algerians – they have a bad mentality.

In fact, Rami has a pregnant wife in another city who meets him from a prestigious job once a month. But tourists shouldn’t know about his wife. Like my wife - about tourists.


Bilel drove 11 hours non-stop from Algiers to Hammamet to spend two days here. The Algerian savors a hookah and laughs loudly, he has an expensive car and so much money that he can buy the cafe in which we are sitting right now. Bilel has it all. Everyone except the woman. He came to Hammamet for a Tunisian girlfriend for the night, and at the same time to see old friends, one of whom serves as our translator - the Algerian man speaks only Arabic.

- I have money, but no time for women,- speaks Bilel. – If I spoke Russian, I would have gotten myself a Russian girlfriend long ago. Or French, if he spoke French.

Perhaps the Algerian will someday learn Russian and go to Russia to look for a wife - he does not exclude such a prospect. In the meantime, he paid 200 dinars (just under 100 euros) for a night with a Tunisian prostitute and is returning to Algeria. Will return to Tunisia in a month or a little less.


The maximum amount Kamil received for a night with a woman was 500 dinars.

– This was 5 years ago and then 500 dinars was much more than the current 230 euros,- remembers Kamil. The dark-skinned guy has long eyelashes, beautiful dark brown eyes and well-defined plump lips. We walk along the yachts parked in the port, a guy smokes and thoughtfully examines passers-by.

– Just 5 years ago I led a wild lifestyle – I drank, smoked, and went to discos every day. And Tunisian discos are the place where you can find love for money. A Tunisian prostitute can cost 100, 200, or even 500 dinars, if she is a very good prostitute. Although prostitution is legal in Tunisia, it is not safe for women. I know of many cases where a client beat a woman after sex and took all her money.

According to Kamil, before the age of 25 he had so many women that he could not count them. They came to him for massages at the spa. Afterwards, many wanted to continue communication.

– After the massage, they gave me money and we either retired for 15 minutes in a special room, or went to dinner in the evening, and then spent the night together. For example, one tourist from Switzerland gave me 200 euros, invited me to dinner at a good restaurant, paid for everything, then rented a hotel room for us, and in the morning gave me another 100 dinars. It was good money. And many women do this - from France, Germany, Russia... True, my friend recently had a not very successful time with an English woman. He courted her all evening, pleased her all night and all the next day, but she did not give him a dinar. To put it mildly, he was very upset.

We go out onto the promenade, which in the evening lights up with the lights of restaurants, numerous couples stroll past the yachts. We look up to one of them - a dark-skinned guy holding the hand of a slender blonde who chirps to him in French.

- Look, look,– Kamil nods in their direction. – I know this Tunisian guy. Today he caught a French fish - he was lucky, he feels comfortable with French women, and they are generous.

I realize that now I look at couples in Yasmine, the tourist area of ​​Hammamet, with completely different eyes. As it turned out, not only women, but also... men come to the country for the hot love of Tunisian men.

– The other day an elderly Italian came to me for a massage,- says Kamil. – He said that he would buy me a car, give me a lot of money if I went up to the room with him, and began to touch me. Yes, there are men in Tunisia who make money this way. But I'm not one of them. And if I found out that one of my friends made such a living, I would stop communicating with him.

Now Kamil is 30 and, according to him, he has not practiced love for money for 5 years. One day I realized that I was tired, that I couldn’t go on like this, and went to Kairouan, the spiritual and religious center of Tunisia, where the main mosque in North Africa, Uqba, is located. After a year spent in reflection, prayer, and visiting the mosque, Kamil returned to Hammamet and continues to work as a massage therapist.

– And now many women offer me money for intimate services. Some people begin to loosen their hands right during the massage! You have to politely refuse. Although if I wanted, I would have sex every day with different women. But now I only sleep with girls I really like. For free. I hope to marry a good woman, preferably not Tunisian. I don't like Tunisian women. They are greedy, with a crappy character.

In fact, Kamil periodically accepts offers from clients. And sometimes he makes them himself. Of course, secretly from his wife, a 58-year-old Englishwoman who sold everything in London to buy Kamil a house in Hammamet and help his huge Tunisian family.

  • Thalassotherapy in Tunisia: you can’t refuse to try it
  • Tunisian cuisine: from street food to restaurant fusion delights

– Tell me, what should a European who wants to get Tunisian love for money do?

– You can go to a disco, but it may not be safe. It's better to go to your hotel's spa and talk to the staff. They will certainly help him solve this problem.

– Okay, then what should a European woman do in such a situation?

- Nothing!– Kamil laughs. – She just needs to come to Tunisia. Before she takes a step, she will receive her portion of compliments and attention from Tunisian men. She will only have to make a choice.


– Women should not trust Tunisian men, especially those who work in the tourism sector,– our guided Sahara safari ends with the theme of gender relations Khalifa. –Our men know how to make you fall in love with them and speak beautiful words. He will claim that you are his only love, that he cannot live without you, he will even cry, but all this is for the sake of sex. You are a tourist - tomorrow you will leave, the next one will come in your place, for which he will cry again. And on top of everything, he will ask the woman to pay for him everywhere, and may complain about his difficult fate. He may even promise to marry, say that he does not like Tunisian women. But in the end he marries a Tunisian. These are the men in the tourist areas of Tunisia. Normal, sincere relationships here develop in the same way as throughout the world - a man takes care of you, always gives you flowers, invites you to a restaurant, and at least a year or more passes from the moment of meeting you to the wedding.

Khalif is 35, he has a wife from St. Petersburg and two daughters. 12 years ago he went to study in Russia, and returned not alone, but with the woman he loved.

– It’s not true that marriages between Tunisians and Russian women are very strong,- says our guide. – I personally know a lot of cases of divorce – there is a huge difference in mentality. Those Tunisians who at one time went to study in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and met their future wives there have really strong marriages. My wife and I have 12 years of experience and our couple ranks 17th in the Tunisian ranking of mixed families. In first place is a couple - a Tunisian and a Russian - who have been married for 35 years. And this is a great merit, in fact.

The season in Tunisia lasts from April 1 to October 31. 6 million tourists visit the country every year. Tunisia is famous for its good beach holidays, an explosive mixture of African, Arab and European cultures, and health tourism - tourists from all over the world come for the services of thalassotherapy centers and spas.

With the onset of the summer season, most people begin to look for the best place to relax. The world's best resorts and exotic countries are especially popular. Tunisia is considered one of the best places to relax, where there is everything for both an active and relaxing holiday. This is interesting for everyone to know: should Russian tourists go on vacation to Tunisia?

Why should Russians go to Tunisia?

  • Clear sea, white beaches, untouched nature and excellent climatic conditions. This is an ideal place to relax with children.
  • Affordable prices make Tunisia popular among tourists from all over the world. In addition to a beach holiday, you can undergo a course of therapeutic therapy. Tunisia is famous for its healing procedures that restore strength and energy.
  • Incredible excursions around the Sahara are attracting more and more outdoor enthusiasts. In addition, each excursion is carefully tailored to suit the needs of each tourist. Here everyone can find something interesting for themselves. For example, you can visit the Roman amphitheater, olive groves, troglodyte caves and much more. You can go on a trip on camels or quad bikes.
  • Developed infrastructure aimed at meeting the needs of every tourist. Everyone can find for themselves both a comfortable hotel and a budget accommodation option. Also in Tunisia there is a lot of entertainment for both adults and children. In other words, this is a piece of paradise on earth where everyone can find an unforgettable vacation.
  • Affordable prices and excellent service make Tunisia one of the popular destinations among tourists from all over the world, including among Russian citizens.
  • In addition, most tour operators annually offer last-minute tours that allow everyone to relax and at the same time have an unforgettable vacation.

Why shouldn't Russians go to Tunisia?

  • Compared to Egypt, Tunisia has a low level of service. It depends on how lucky you are. You can get an unforgettable vacation if you choose the right tourist destination, or you can be disappointed in this country. Tunisia can be divided into tourism and for local residents. Areas aimed at welcoming wealthy tourists are characterized by an excellent level of service. If you choose a cheap vacation, you may encounter a lack of service. It all depends on the tour operator. It is recommended to trust only leading companies with many years of experience and an impeccable reputation. This will guarantee a quality and comfortable stay.
  • Ambiguous attitude towards Russians. There is an opinion that Russians are not liked in Tunisia, and all because of their greed. Compared to European tourists, Russians tip less, and the service staff really don’t like this. Of course, not all Tunisia is the same and you can find people who are friendly towards Russians. In most cases, it all depends on the tourists themselves and their attitude towards the locals.
  • Men in Tunisia are characterized by increased attention to women, especially from other countries. Therefore, it is not recommended for young women to travel to Tunisia unaccompanied. At the same time, you shouldn’t worry too much about this, because Tunisian men are strongly religious and adhere to their laws. From them you can only expect a large number of compliments and admiration for the woman.

What do tourists say?


Tunisians are very specific, I had to work with them, I can say that they don’t treat Russians particularly badly, they simply divide all people into Tunisians, that is, first-class people, and everyone else, like “third-class”. On the other hand, if we look at statistical data, tourists do not disappear there, do not get into accidents, and return safe and sound.

Igor Boldyrev

Russians in Turkey have nothing to fear. The attitude towards our compatriots is even, hospitable, and the sellers have not yet forgotten the language.

Tunisians are very friendly towards their guests. They treated the first Russian tourists the same as the rest. But I’ll tell you this: now Russian tourists are not liked anywhere. This is the stereotype that Russian citizens created. More and more foreigners do not go where Russians vacation; they are even willing to pay extra for it. Lack of culture, drunkenness, boorish behavior, and I’m generally silent about buffets - only Russians bring out food.

Tunisians are friendly and welcoming people. I was on holiday alone in Hammamet at the Sentido Aziz hotel. The French, English and Germans stayed at the hotel. I was alone among Russian speakers at that time. The attitude towards everyone is equal. Outside the hotel it is quite safe at all times. The attitude in hotels in Egypt and in hotels in Tunisia is heaven and earth. True, they speak little Russian (almost none), but a minimum knowledge of English, or better yet French, plus international sign language makes communication accessible and enjoyable. I really liked Tunisia and Tunisians. I would like to return there.


Russian people there are tourists, and tourists bring money with them. And therefore there cannot be a negative attitude towards them, do not be afraid. Especially in tourist areas, everyone is very polite to Russians. Moreover, many graduates of Russian universities work there, so there will be no problems with the language.


External affection for Russian ladies, however, does not prevent Tunisians, to put it mildly, from openly disliking our people in principle.


In Tunisia, Russian tourists are treated friendly. I was in Tunisia two years ago – they were experiencing periodic unrest, and there were armored vehicles in the central squares of the capital. But life went on as usual. If I asked the locals something, they always stopped and answered. There was a small problem with the language - they are more familiar with French than English, but oriental hospitality does its job and everyone tried to help. I was very surprised by the traders in the souvenir shops, who, unlike the Egyptians, are more reserved and civilized.


Ordinary Turks reason differently. Some, thanks to propaganda, began to see Russia as the source of their troubles.


I would like to add my review about my holiday in Tunisia. I vacationed in this country twice in the resort area of ​​Sousse. We were greeted very kindly. The administrator spoke quite passable Russian. True, there were few Russians in the hotel. The Tunisians were pleasantly surprised to be greeted in French and Arabic (not difficult to learn). The entire staff is very discreet. If you don’t forget to say thank you with the dinar (Tunisian currency), you are always welcome to the staff. Tips are given in hand. Special attention is given to women without men. But no one will show rudeness and arrogance. This year I will go to Tunisia again. I don’t feel any barrier in this country, especially knowing a little French. Be polite and attentive yourself! Tunisia will greet you with a gentle sea and generous sun!

October 31, 2012 3:42 pm Sousse, Kairouan - Tunisia October 2012

So, readers. I’ll say right away that it was my first time abroad, so I have nothing to compare with. Except for the harsh reality of Ukrainian everyday life. Let's begin.

We rested on October 18-28, the end of the season (from November to March they have a rainy period, the temperature drops to 15-17 degrees, it’s cold to swim). Hotel Tour Khalef Hotel Thalasso & Spa in Sousse, 4 stars, 2 km from the center (we chose it specifically so as not to be noisy and in the first line - we got it right). In fact, a whole complex of 3 hotels, with good territory, a swimming pool, a beach, animation and a spa center (we didn’t personally go to the latter, but the reviews and video broadcasts are impressive, of course for a fee).

10 nights with half board (breakfast and dinner), flights and transfer to/from the airport USD 770. The trip is not last minute, no early booking, no discounts. In fact, our building has 9 floors, but according to the French system, the 1st floor is the reception and dining room, the 2nd is zero, and the actual 3rd is called the first. That’s how French they are, they rode the elevator once, then figured it out, and the “You are here” signs on each floor help.

I am very pleased with the hotel and the room, everything is beautiful, comfortable, well thought out. Towels are changed every day, the view from the window is gorgeous, sliding door system to the balcony, soundproofing, the bed is very comfortable, clean. The staff is smiling, friendly, but not intrusive. Almost everyone understands Russian, we communicated without any problems at all (other tourists had tension with Russian-speaking staff at a neighboring hotel). Very good children's animation, the little ones simply squealed with delight. I can’t say much for adults; we went into town almost every evening and didn’t stay at the hotel. But I heard live singing (quite professionally), a saxophone, a disco from midnight to 3, water aerobics when there were no waves, darts, table tennis, volleyball. I didn’t see any bored faces.


We arrived in the evening, and the next day we met with our guide, Natalya. She gave everyone a map of the city and possible excursions available, told everyone where and how, and answered all questions. It was very convenient, and then you could find her at the hotel, she even gave you her phone number. The map was useful; I couldn’t find a normal plan on the Internet.

We bought 2 excursions, and the agency gave us a 3rd one (a boat trip). Now I will dwell in detail on the local color, and later I will return in detail to the excursions.

The currency is the Tunisian dinar, it contains 1000 millim (not 100 kopecks, as in rubles and hryvnias, but precisely 1000). In fact, the most popular coin is often so worn out that even the image is not visible. Large, silvery, heavy. In a store with fixed prices, we were given change in copper, most often 100 mimm (a round bronze coin, the size of a dinar). There were even 50 and 20 millimeters, but you can pay with them only in such stores. In souvenir shops or the market there is nothing less than a dinar, and they don’t leave copper as a tip, which is considered humiliating. Therefore, if you decide to thank someone, 1 dinar is just right (they call tips bakshysh). I haven’t seen coins of 1, 2, 5 millimeters at all, what you can buy with them, much less I can’t imagine. There is also a coin of ½ dinar (yes, that’s what it says on it), that is, 500 mimm. It is silver, like a dinar, only smaller in diameter and lighter.

Next, 5 dinars - silver with a gold rim (don’t get your hopes up, there is no precious metal in it). Larger and heavier than the dinar. Everything with coins. Then banknotes of 5, 10, 20 and 50 dinars. There is no bigger one. The papers can be of different colors and with different designs (issued in different years), so if you have 2 10 dinar banknotes of different colors, this is normal, don’t worry. Money can be exchanged upon arrival at the airport, at banks in the city or at the hotel itself. In banks, the rate is 10% more favorable, but the hotel has a more convenient work schedule (banks are open until lunch, then a long break, 2-3 hours, then open again for 2 hours). Decide for yourself. During my stay the exchange rate was 1 dollar = 1.543 dinars. IMPORTANT, when exchanging you they give you a receipt, you don’t need to lose it. If you still have dinars after your vacation, you can change them back to dollars/euros only at the airport and only if you have a receipt for the initial exchange. And one more limitation: no more than 30%. That is, if upon arrival you exchanged 1000 dollars, upon departure you can exchange dinars for no more than 300 dollars.



The hotel administration is not responsible for the safety of things in the room. It is unlikely that anyone will covet your clothes or passport, but it is better not to leave money and equipment unattended. I have no complaints about the staff. I didn't notice anyone rummaging through my things or anything like that. But there was talk on the beach that in one room money was stolen, stuffed in the inside pocket of a bag. Again, it's up to you. Immediately upon arrival at the hotel, we rented a safe deposit box (1 day = 1 dinar), stuffed passports, air tickets and money into it, and never parted with the key. When renting a safe, a deposit is left (we had 30 dinars), when you return the key, it is returned to you. We looked into the safe 5 times (money was not changed all at once, but as needed), everything was in perfect order. For 10 days, 5 dinars (we rented a cell together) - very inexpensive, and my nerves are in order.

I don’t know of any cases where a tourist’s wallet was pulled out or a purse was torn from his shoulder. I was relaxing with a friend, we walked around the city at night together, no one attacked. They tried to get acquainted or sell something (a pendant, beads, a scarf, a card) - like “It’s free, free, gift.” Of course this is a hoax. As soon as you take the item, a scam immediately begins with a request for gratitude (1, 2 ... dinars, depending on the arrogance of the seller and your experience). If you have strong nerves, a lack of thrills (they won’t beat you, but you will most likely have to quarrel) or nostalgia for your homeland - please take the flag into your hands. We simply said “no” and moved on with stone faces. They fall behind very quickly.

As for dating. Arab men are very, let me emphasize, very fond of fair-skinned, light-eyed, fair-haired women. Especially those with curvy figures. As our guide said, it's genetic. So if you don’t have a model figure, rejoice, you can feel like a goddess.

My friend is tall, slender, long-legged. People always pay attention to her. In this country everything was exactly the opposite. Compared to my background (I am 165 cm tall, very light skin, green eyes and red hair, weight... let's say, obviously not an inch) Natasha was simply not noticed. Big surprise for both. By the end of the vacation, she even tried to sell me for 49 camels, but this is clearly a different story.

If you are a thin brunette, don’t worry, attention is still guaranteed. By the end of the vacation, we were so accustomed to the fact that any of our appearances were accompanied by compliments that when we arrived home we were even upset. This is normal for Tunisia, when unknown girls walk down the street, and local men (13 and older) say “sexy, beautiful, nice”, almost everyone is trying to get acquainted. Moreover, if you are with a companion, the latter is clearly not an obstacle. They simply ignore him and still try to get to know him. So prepare your boyfriend/husband in advance so that there are no scandals.

To meet or not. Your right. My friend and I are big fans of chatting, but this is problematic with the locals, due to their one-pointedness. They are not nearly as loose with their women, and although the laws here are very liberal, it is still an Arab, Muslim country. For them, visiting women are an outlet, an opportunity to diversify or even have some kind of personal life. She'll talk to 20, at least one will respond, and maybe she'll get lucky. Moreover, it’s a shame, but we often don’t talk about beautiful courtship. We were once called to a cafe to drink coffee. In all other attempts, the man had no intention of treating us or having an entertaining conversation. Everything is limited: “you are so beautiful”, “such magical eyes”... “let’s go to you.” So we listened to the first part and then left.

I'm not saying that Tunisians are worried, far from it. We spent the best evening of our entire vacation with a local, Rozhdi, our Sahara tour guide. Either because of his work, or his knowledge of the Russian language, or his age (about 35 years old), the conversation turned out to be very entertaining. He talked about his country, customs, culture. And it was incredibly interesting. It's a shame that there was only one evening like this.

Returning to the topic of dating, I will emphasize once again - your right. I’ll just add that there are gigolos in the country, and professional ones at that. Men in Tunisia are beautiful: dark-skinned, black, large, shiny eyes, long eyelashes. There is a lot to lose your head over. Add low wages, high unemployment and an abundance of tourists. Here he is - a ready-made gigolo. Most often, for an exciting evening in his company you will pay the bar bill, but there are also professionals who manage to make a woman sell her apartment, car and all her property and fly to him on the wings of love. Love ends when he gets the money. So, soberly assess what you need.

By the way, during the 10 days of vacation, not a single Arab gave up. Seriously. They just walk and itch, but no one tries to touch or grab you. This is a big plus. For Turkey and Egypt, they told me worse things.

Roads and transport

The roads everywhere are like nothing you could ever dream of. I mean, very good. Even in the desert, in crazy heat, the roads are better than on my street. It's a shame for our people, but it's a fact. There are practically no traffic lights or intersections in cities. Instead of the latter, there is a circular movement around the ring. Pedestrian markings are very common, but drivers do not allow pedestrians to pass. And not just tourists, everyone. If you want to move, that's your problem. Locals simply walk along the street until a car stops a meter away from him. I don’t like this kind of extreme sports, so I had to wait for “holes” in the flow. By the way, I haven’t seen any accidents. Often the police stand at the roundabout, with unsheathed weapons. And not just a pistol, but a machine gun. I still don’t understand why; I haven’t seen any conflicts on the road, especially when weapons were used. Remains a mystery.

There are a lot of young people on scooters. These guys are completely crazy. They can ride on the back wheel, without arms or legs. And this is in the general flow of cars. We just tried to stay away. Drivers honk their horns frequently. Really often. And not to prevent an accident. In most cases, the purpose of the signal remained a mystery.

Car rental on every corner. Such cars are marked with blue numbers. There are even more taxis. From our hotel to Medina (center, 2 km) 3 dinars, to the port of El Kantaoui 5 during the day, 8 at night, to Monastir (20 km) 12 dinars. The guide gave approximate prices, everything matched. Drivers immediately say a higher price (and much more), but you name yours and agree. Their competition is tough. Once there was an unpleasant incident, we were returning from Monastir by taxi. The driver is French. We speak English. It seems that he agreed to 12 dinars. We arrived and started demanding 20. We had a fight, I said the word “Polis” and he took 12 dinars. With crazy people, but still. You can ask to turn on the meter, but local craftsmen are good at turning it on. It is much more profitable to find out the price from the guide, passers-by, and bargain before getting into the car. Preferably pay by calculation; if you need change, get it in the car. Once you leave, you are no longer a client.

There are also local minibuses and trains. The first ones were seen quite often, but, as they said, the schedule was known to one driver. The train is much cheaper and faster, especially compared to tourist buses, but we didn’t risk it - there are only locals on it.



Excursions from the agency are for an additional fee, the price does not change throughout the year (season). Each new season, tours become more expensive by 5 percent. The prices for different tour operators are approximately the same; in the picture at the beginning they are described in detail.

On our own we were in Sousse in Medina, Ribat, Monastir in Ribat, the port of El Kantaoui. The latter has a light and musical fountain, a zoo, a yacht berth and a Luna Park. It’s very good to be there at night, the illumination is amazing. Entrance to the fortress, zoo and attractions is paid.

There is also a restaurant in Sousse called La Surfine. There is only one dinner option served there. It's called a complex, it costs 30 dinars per person and includes 11 fish dishes + ice cream dessert and fruit. We ate for 3 hours, and in the end I even gave up and didn’t finish eating. Everything is very tasty and colorful. We tried shrimp, oysters, fish, mussels, squid, cactus fruit. It’s definitely worth going, only on an empty stomach. Open from 18:00.

Boat trip.

Ships decorated like a pirate schooner, access to the open sea, swimming, fakir show, lunch. We had a good tan. Not sure what, but you can visit it. I especially liked swimming in the deep water near the ship.

Udna - Sidi bu Said.

Oudna is a suburb of Tunisia (which is the capital), the Colosseum and the Temple were dug up there, there are ruins of baths, houses, thermal baths, mosaics (copies). For those who love antiquity.

Sidi Bou Said is a blue and white town on the seashore, also in the suburbs of Tunisia. The houses here are always white, and the shutters and doors are blue. It’s very picturesque and you feel like you’re not in Africa anymore. The city is residential, for the very, very wealthy and tourists. You can drink green mint tea with pine nuts. It's definitely worth a visit.


Two days of travel is certainly tiring. In total, we covered 1200 km, got up at 4 am, but it was worth it. On the first day we were in El Jem and saw the Colosseum. Very well preserved, simply huge.


There were many coffee breaks and we tried oriental sweets. We visited the indigenous population - the Berbers. They are also called troglodytes because they dig their homes in the ground. You need a room - dig it up, a closet - take a shovel and dig. At the same time, they have electricity, TV, refrigerator, passports, streets, city hall, hospital, school, post office. Amazing.

Then we arrived in a town near Duza, where we could ride camels and quad bikes (for a fee of 20 and 20 dinars). Dinner at the hotel. Nothing remarkable, to which I would not give more than 2 stars, but there is a swimming pool with warm thermal hydrogen sulfide water. This is the only way to relieve fatigue. Otherwise the hotel is terrible.

Early morning, breakfast and at 5 am we leave to watch the sunrise in the desert.


Only Muslims can enter the mosque; others are content with the courtyard. Since we arrived on the eve of a big holiday, we didn’t see it either. But no one was particularly upset. Next to the mosque there is a store with cheap souvenirs, carpets and access to the roof with a panoramic view.

That's it, the day is over, we are taken to our hotels.

I deliberately did not describe in detail all the impressions and delights from the excursions; after all, it’s better to see for yourself once, but believe me, it’s worth visiting.

Now, what is not included in the above categories.

Garbage. There is a lot of it in Tunisia. There are no permanent vacancies for janitors; they clean for hire 1-2 times a month, plus the low culture of the population in this regard (“bins are for tourists”). The hotel, restaurant or coliseum will be clean, but the roads, fields, streets will most likely surprise you unpleasantly. The Tunisians themselves believe that this is temporary, since now the government has more pressing problems.

Cacti. They grow instead of a fence and can be taller than human height. Nobody in their right mind would go near them. They are not just prickly, but they shoot themselves with thorns, just come closer. Moreover, they are so small that you cannot see and cannot pull them out. It's better not to interfere.

Sun. Very hot. Even though it was October. You can easily get burned. So take care of yourself.

Sea is warm. At first there were waves (even funny, jumping, like in childhood), then - silence and smoothness, Natasha swam with a mask. The bottom is sandy, but the hotels themselves make artificial reefs, so there is something to see. It got colder on the last day.

Sun loungers on the beach are free, they come with mattresses to make it comfortable. You can also take a table for yourself (put drinks on, play cards).

Everywhere in the country it is a tradition to thank (leave a tip). It is a tradition, not an obligation, but still. And not only in the hotel. A local brought you a sunbed - give you a dinar, the bus driver took you to the airport - a dinar, the guide said the same thing. So decide for yourself.

The information sheet they gave us indicated an additional fee for camel riding. I, naive, decided that this was all. In fact, there were 3 additional excursions: oasis, camels and ATVs. Moreover, I was sure that if a person does not want to go on additional possible excursions, then he still has the main one. But no. Those who didn’t go to the extra ones just sit and wait. No one takes them anywhere, no one tells them anything. For example, while we were riding camels, we had to wait in a run-down cafe with only 4 tables. And wait about 2 hours. During the heat. This is an unpleasant moment.

On excursions, when you are not at the main hotel, the food is not very good. This is not a deciding factor for me, but be prepared. In general, I really don’t recommend choosing a hotel below 4 stars.

Nice moment. Toilets. Everywhere. Decent and even more. There is always water, soap, paper, it’s always clean and it’s not scary to come in. Even in the desert. I don't have anything like this in my city. Very positive.

To summarize, I will say that the country is very interesting and quite worthy of spending a vacation in it. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I want to return to Tunisia more than once.

They slurp and eat with their hands

Tunisians have no problems with appetite, but at the table they like to slurp deliciously and often forget to use cutlery. Although no - they just don’t need a fork. It's much nicer to use a piece of bread that you can dip into soup or pick up a little salad with. All the hottest sauces are also eaten with bread. In a restaurant, the meal begins with the waiter placing a basket of baguette and a plate of harissa and mishwaya pepper salad (containing egg, pepper and butter) on the table. Ten minutes later they bring a hot dish and drinks. Tunisians do not hesitate to wash down their food with cola or citronado (lemon juice with sugar). At the same time, they will gladly put their bread on your plate. Friendship here truly knows no bounds!

They say hello in public transport

In the Moscow metro, people unsuccessfully try to isolate themselves from each other: they turn to the window, close their eyes and plug in their headphones, turning the music up to maximum. In Tunisia, passengers do exactly the opposite. They love to chat in taxis, so all passengers are sure to greet each other and smile. Then a political argument or trivial conversation begins about how hot it is today. Although it was hot yesterday. And tomorrow it will be hot too.

They laugh until they drop

No matter what anxieties and worries may be in the head of a Tunisian, when he can laugh and have fun, he will put aside other worries. Sincerely and selflessly, he will plunge into the holiday atmosphere at any given opportunity. That’s what friends are for, to forget about everything together, that’s what native Tunisians think. If you don’t want to be considered a gray mouse at a big party, join the rosy mood of the crowd, and the problems will wait at home.

They love to lie

This is the way it is in this country, but Tunisians are better at inventing tall tales than telling the truth. It is not customary here to reveal all the cards at once. Not a single Tunisian will refuse the opportunity to “embellish reality” by telling new acquaintances about his life, especially if there are attractive people among them. It is not uncommon for you, even after two years of acquaintance, to not have the opportunity to find out how everything really is... A person can invent a high position for himself on the fly and invent a story about a mysterious past. Ten minutes ago, your new friend seemed like a completely ordinary hard-working guy, but here he has already grown in your eyes to become a massage specialist, which he studied for ten years in China, and at the same time he runs a nice cafe nearby and sells oils abroad. A successful businessman can easily turn out to be a fruit seller in a nearby shop. You will have to debunk the myths on the spot, but be prepared not to fall for cheap tricks.

They count other people's money

Local girls and boys have one weakness - expensive things. Apartments, cars, any luxury equipment and accessories are discussed everywhere in this country. Many people like to complain that in neighboring Libya every second person drives a luxury foreign car, while in Algeria people are born with money in their pockets. At the same time, Tunisians often mention that their gasoline is more expensive than in other Arab countries, and it is difficult to buy a car, even a simple one. Therefore, if you are the owner of the latest iPhone or a good tablet, do not be surprised by the increased attention. They will definitely ask you for the price and perhaps look at you enviously: “Nice phone...” There is a special attitude towards phones here in general.

They love to pretend

Tunisians know how to ask for something, and it doesn’t bother them at all. There are known cases when young guys from Tunisia, after a week of dating, managed to beg a lot of money from tourists who had left for their homeland. Our ladies are so naive that they are ready to believe scary stories about losing money, jobs, housing and generously help new friends. Tunisians skillfully take advantage of such spiritual openness and kindness and accept gifts from “rich friends” without pain in their hearts. They can use the most cruel techniques and, with the dexterity of magicians, influence the most vulnerable points of a woman’s heart. Be careful!

They throw trash on the street

After the revolution and change of government, clearly no one is worried about cleanliness here. Tunisians, without a moment’s hesitation, throw a juice bottle right on the road, and after finishing their cigarette, they crush the bull with their shoe. Under the government of Habib Bourguiba, who served as president for 30 years until 1987, the country had perfect discipline. The street cleaners cleaned the streets until they were sparkling, as local elders say. Everything changed quickly: today people have lost their sense of responsibility for their state, all that remains is dissatisfaction and demands towards the current president.

They don't keep track of time

There is no point in complaining about the lack of punctuality of Tunisians. If you agreed to meet a Tunisian at 17:00, he may come at 20:30 or even forget about the event and remember you the next day. At the same time, he may not have much to do, but perhaps he was invited to visit that same evening and he could not refuse good people. Only a work contract will force a person to be on time; all other clauses do not apply. They don’t like problems with the law, but they like to be free from obligations so much that a Tunisian will easily answer your indignation: “Everything is fine, no problem” and smile.


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