My favorite food topic translation. My Everyday Meals English topic

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Topic in English My meals will help tell you about your main meals. The English topic My Meals is useful when talking about topics such as food and cooking. Use English topic with translation My meals You can also talk about your favorite dishes.


My Meals

I like different types of food: pizza, hamburgers, eggs, fried potatoes, sweet fruits and other tasty things. But my favorite food is cooked at home.

On the weekdays I get up early and make my own breakfast. Usually, I have porridge or boiled eggs. Sometimes I have sandwiches with cheese and bacon. My sister sometimes shares her favorite corn flakes with me. We eat them with milk or yoghurt, it doesn`t take much time to cook.

On the weekend I am the first in our family to wake up. So I go to the kitchen and cook pancakes for the whole family. We eat them with maple syrup, jam or honey. After our meal we drink a cup of coffee or green tea.

I spend a lot of time at school, so it is necessary to have a snack during the break. I never buy food at the school canteen, because I don`t like it. I always have my lunchbox in my schoolbag. Sometimes my lunch consists of a fruit salad and a couple of cookies, or there can be some buckwheat and chicken, or rice and fish.

My favorite meal of the day is dinner, which is cooked by grandparents. Grandpa cuts the vegetables for the salad: tomatoes, cucumbers, reddish and lettuce. It is our starter.

The first course is, of course, the soup. My sister and I love grandma`s mushroom soup! For the main course, we have steaks, fried fish or turkey. The meat or fish goes with potatoes, noodles peas or sweet corn. If our mom has the time, she bakes delicious cakes for dessert. If she doesn`t want to bake, dad buys some chocolates at the nearest shop.

There are days when we have our meals at a cafe. We eat cheeseburgers, French fries, pies and drink lemonade. But eating this type of food is unhealthy, so we try not to do it very often.


My food

I love different types of food: pizza, hamburgers. eggs, fried potatoes, sweet fruits and other tasty things. But my favorite food is home cooked.

On weekdays I get up early and make my own breakfast. I usually eat oatmeal or boiled eggs. Sometimes I eat sandwiches with cheese and ham. And sometimes my sister shares her favorite cornflakes with me. We eat them with milk or yogurt; they don’t require much time to prepare.

On weekends I wake up earlier than everyone else. So I go to the kitchen and cook pancakes for the whole family. We eat them with maple syrup, jam or honey. After eating we drink a cup of coffee or green tea.

I spend a lot of time at school, so I need to have a snack during recess. I never buy food from the canteen because I don't like it. I always have a lunch container in my briefcase. Sometimes my lunch consists of a fruit salad and a couple of cookies, or maybe buckwheat with chicken, or rice with fish.

My favorite meal of the day is dinner, which my grandparents cook. Grandfather cuts vegetables for salad: tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes and lettuce leaves. This is our light snack.

The first course is, of course, soup. My sister and I love Grandma's mushroom soup. For main course we have steaks, fried fish or turkey. Meat or fish is usually served with potatoes, pasta, peas or sweet corn. If mom has time, she bakes a delicious cake for dessert. If she doesn't want to bake, dad buys chocolates from the nearest store.

There are days when we go to a cafe. We eat cheeseburgers, French fries, pies and drink lemonade. But eating such food is harmful, so we try not to do it often.

Food in English is a broad topic. In schools and universities, students are asked to write an essay on the topic “My favorite food” in English. Writing a story about food in English is not difficult, you just have to remember your favorite dishes or touch on the problem of recent years - proper nutrition. As an example, I prepared a topic “My favorite food” about food with translation into Russian. In the article you will also find English words on the topic of food.

From the article you will learn:

English words about food

Food in English sounds like food, but there are also words feed, meal, nutrition, which mean approximately the same thing, but with a different semantic connotation. Therefore, I have prepared a small dictionary with English words on the topic of food.

  • food - food, food
  • meal - food
  • eating - meal
  • eating habits - eating habits
  • nutrition - nutrition
  • nutrients - nutrients
  • diet - diet
  • foodstuff - food product
  • animal meat - animal meat
  • seafood - seafood

Now you can go directly to the English topic on food. The story touches not only on the topic of favorite food, but also healthy eating.

My favorite food. Healthy eating

All food is made up of nutrients which our bodies use. There are different kinds of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Different foods contain different nutrients.

First of all I do not eat animal meat at all. I prefer fish and other seafood. So in the morning I usually have some cottage cheese with kefir, then I have tea with two butterbroads. At dinner I have vegetable soup, a salad and fried fish. I do not have desserts, but only tea with lemon and sugar. For supper I have just a salad and then I eat fruit.

For some food is a source of pleasure, for others - a source of energy. For me food – is a pleasant source of energy. To my mind healthy food should be quite simple. I eat complicated dishes only in restaurants. My daily meals consist of the same dishes every day.

The best way is to get into the habit of checking the ingredients and nutritional value on the sides of packets although this isn’t always easy to do. Another thing to know is, for example, that we do need fat to live, it’s an essential part of our diet and physically we couldn’t exist without it.

The food we eat, depends on lots of things. Taste is a big factor. Culture, religion and health also play a part in what food we eat. Advertising and social factors also have a big influence.

So I love all kinds of milk products, especially kefir, cheese. I prefer cheeses from Russia and Germany. I like different kinds of salads, dressed with olive oil or sour cream. I also love all kinds of potato dishes. I usually drink down food with natural juices or kvass.

Well, of course, on weekends I want to try a new dish. If I have free time, I try to invent a new salad or find an interesting recipe. On weekends I let myself have good red dry wine. Well, many doctors say that red wine in reasonable quantities is very good for health.

I do not buy in shops ready or semi-manufactured food products, because this is unhealthy. It is better to spend some time cooking, than to have problems with overweight and heart.

Income is also an important factor.

Finally, there are three main messages to follow for healthy eating:

  1. First, we should eat less fat, particularly saturated fat.
  2. Secondly, we are to cut down on sugar and salt.
  3. Thirdly, we must eat more fresh fruit and vegetables

Also I prefer to have tea with bitter chocolate or home-made jams. As I do not change my daily dishes, I very rarely have stomach problems. Actually I think that the simpler food is, the better is its taste.

Translation of the topic food into Russian: My favorite food. Healthy eating

All food contains nutrients that are used by our body. There are different types of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Different foods contain different nutrients.

First of all, I don't eat animal meat. I prefer fish and other seafood. So, in the morning I usually eat cheese with kefir, then I drink tea with two sandwiches. For lunch I eat vegetable soup, salad and fried fish. I don’t eat desserts, only tea with lemon and sugar. For dinner I only eat salad and then some fruit.

So, for some, food is a source of pleasure, for others it is a source of energy. For me, food is a pleasant source of energy. In my opinion, healthy food should be very simple. I only eat multi-ingredient meals in restaurants. I eat the same food every day.

It's best to get into the habit of checking the ingredients and energy values ​​listed on the packages themselves, although this isn't always easy to do. We also need to know that we really need fats, this is an important component in our diet for the functioning of the body, and physically we cannot exist without them.

The kind of food we eat depends on many factors. Taste is a big factor. Culture, religion and health also play a role in what food we eat. Advertising and social factors have a great influence.

So, I love all types of dairy products, especially kefir and cheese. I prefer cheese from Russia and Germany. I love different types of salads dressed with olive oil or sour cream. I also love all types of potato dishes. I usually wash my food down with natural juices or kvass.

Of course, on the weekend I want to try new dishes. If I have some free time, I try to make a new salad or find an interesting recipe. On weekends I allow myself a good dry red wine. So, many doctors say that red wine has good properties and is very good for health.

I don't buy ready-made or processed food in stores because it's not healthy food. It is better to spend time cooking than to have health problems later.

Income is also an important factor.

Finally, there are three main things you need to do to eat right:

  1. first, we should eat less fat, especially fat high in saturated fatty acids;
  2. secondly, we must reduce our intake of sugar and salt;
  3. thirdly, we should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

I also prefer to drink tea with a little chocolate or homemade jam. Since I don't change my diet from day to day, my stomach rarely bothers me. In general, I think that the simpler the food, the better it tastes.

Thus, healthy eating has a great impact on our health. I hope you liked the story about food and found it useful.

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Topic My Favorite Food

There is a good saying: “You are what you eat.” I think it means that we should be aware of what we are eating and choose healthy food only.

There are so many products today with chemical additives and preservatives. My parents try to buy only natural products, which are nit genetically-modified. I can’t say I’m a picky eater but there are some dishes which I like and those which I don’t. For example, I can’t stand mushrooms or chicken in food. Seafood is alright but boiled or fried fish is not for me. My favorite food is pizza. My parents sometimes tell me I should live in Italy, because I like all variations of this food, fried, with sauce or without, with bacon, with cheese, with vegetables, etc.

My most favorite dish is Carbonara. It’s a pasta-based dish with white sauce, bacon and parmesan cheese. I can eat it three times a day and never get bored. It's not difficult to cook. You just need half a kilo spaghetti, several slices of bacon, 2 onions, 2 garlic cloves, some olive oil, 1 or 2 eggs, a pinch of salt and pepper, some grated Parmesan cheese and 3 tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley. Spaghetti needs to be boiled in salted water, then drained well and tossed with a tablespoon of olive oil. For the sauce we need to cook chopped bacon on a large pan until it’s slightly crispy. Then we add chopped onion and minced garlic clove, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and cook it for a minute. Then we add beaten eggs into the pan, some cheese, salt and pepper and cook it constantly tossing. When the sauce is ready it’s added to spaghetti. The dish is sprinkled with chopped parsley and additional cheese. It is served immediately, while it's hot. I have tried to cook Carbonara according to this recipe and it came out to be rather tasty.

[ translation ]

My favorite dish

There is a good saying: “You are what you eat.” I think this means that we should be aware of what we eat and choose only healthy foods.

Today there are so many products with chemical additives and preservatives. My parents try to buy only natural products that do not contain GMOs. I can't say that I'm a picky eater, but there are some dishes that I like and some that I don't like at all. For example, I cannot tolerate mushrooms or chicken in my food. I like seafood, but boiled or fried fish is not for me. My favorite food is pizza. My parents sometimes say that I need to live in Italy because I like all variations of this dish, even fried, with or without sauce, with bacon, with cheese, with vegetables, etc.

My favorite dish is Carbonara. This is a pasta based dish with white sauce, bacon and Parmesan cheese. I can eat it three times a day and never get tired of it. It's not difficult to prepare. All you need is a pound of spaghetti, a few slices of bacon, 2 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, a little olive oil, 1 or 2 eggs, a pinch of salt and pepper, grated Parmesan cheese and 3 tablespoons of fresh chopped parsley. Boil the spaghetti in salted water, then strain and add a tablespoon of olive oil. To make the sauce, fry the chopped bacon in a large frying pan until slightly crispy. Then we add chopped onion and minced garlic clove, a tablespoon of olive oil, and cook it all for a minute. We then add the beaten eggs, some cheese, salt and pepper to the pan and cook, turning frequently. When the sauce is ready, it is added to the spaghetti. The dish is sprinkled with chopped parsley and additional cheese. Serve immediately before it cools down. I tried making Carbonara using this recipe a couple of times and it turned out quite tasty.

Topic in English: My favorite food. This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

My preferences before

When I was little, my favorite thing was watermelon. They are so sweet and juicy. I loved taking a big bite and feeling the juice run down my cheeks. I also absolutely loved chicken soup. It tastes good. It contained carrots, noodles and chicken pieces. After the soup there was a pleasant feeling. I also enjoyed the lamb chops with roast potatoes. These were my favorite dishes at the time. Watermelon contains vitamins. Chicken soup makes you feel better when you're sick and gives you energy. Chops are a source of protein, and potatoes are healthy.

My tastes now

Now my favorite dish is sushi. This is a traditional Japanese dish. Sushi is made from raw flying fish, shrimp, tuna, eggs, squid and so on. The sushi melts in your mouth and each one has a unique taste. Okonomiyaki is another Japanese dish that I love. I think it's like a pancake as we know it, but it also has cabbage, meat and eggs all put together. If you order this dish at a restaurant, you are encouraged to prepare it yourself. It is very tasty and is usually served with barbecue sauce or mayonnaise. I also like paella, a Spanish dish. It contains yellow rice and various seafood. Sometimes there are a lot of spices in it. I also like Thai food. I love Mexican food. I guess I generally love everything spicy. I also love fruits, especially tangerines and grapes.


When it comes to drinks, my favorite is the milkshake. I also like to drink coffee in the morning. He helps me wake up.

Download English topic: My food preferences

My favorite food

Preferences in my childhood

When I was a kid my number one best food was watermelon. It's so sweet and juicy. I loved the way you take a big bite and feel the watermelon juice roll down your cheeks. I also adored chicken soup. It really does taste nice. It often had things like carrots, noodles or bits of chicken in it. Chicken soup makes you feel better. I also loved to sit down to a big roast dinner where I could eat lamb chops and roast potatoes. Those were my favorite foods at the time. The watermelon has got vitamins in it. Chicken soup can cure and gives energy. Chops of lamb have protein and potatoes are healthy.

Now I like

Nowadays my favorite food is ‘Sushi’. Sushi is a Japanese representative food. There are made of Flying-fish roe, shrimp, fatty tuna, egg, squid, and so on. They softly melt in our mouth and each has unique taste. Okonomoyaki is another Japanese dish I like. It’s similar I guess to a pancake but it involves different kinds of cabbage and meat and an egg mixed together. If you eat out in a restaurant you cook it in front of yourself. It’s very delicious and usually you have a barbecue sauce and mayonnaise on top. I also like paella, which is Spanish food. It has yellow rice and lots of different types of seafood and sometimes it can be spicy. I also love all Thai food. I like Mexican food too. I guess spicy food in general. I also love fruit, especially tangerines and grapes.

Essay on the topic my favorite food.

My favorite food is pizza. I like it very much, my mother often cooks it because she knows that I love it. My mother adds sausage, cheese, tomatoes, ketchup, mayonnaise to pizza, after she puts it all on the dough, she puts the pizza in oven, the aroma of pizza wafts throughout the house (apartment); after 15-20 minutes, mom takes the pizza out of the oven and our whole family begins to try mom’s “creation.”

Essay on the topic my favorite food. My favorite food is pizza. I like it very much, my mother often cooks it because she knows that I love it. My mother adds sausage, cheese, tomatoes, ketchup, mayonnaise to pizza, after she puts it all on the dough, she puts the pizza in oven, the aroma of pizza wafts throughout the house (apartment); after 15-20 minutes, mom takes the pizza out of the oven and our whole family begins to try mom’s “creation.”

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Results (English) 1:

Essay on the topic, my favorite food.My favorite food is pizza. I really like my mom often cooks her because he knows that I love her. pizza my mom adds sausage, cheese, tomatoes, ketchup, mayonnaise, after this all puts on the dough, she places the right pizza oven, pizza aroma floats around the House (flat) through 15-20 minutes, mom pulls out a pizza oven and our whole family starts to try mum's "creation".

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Results (English) 2:

The writing on my favorite food.

My favorite food is pizza .It I really like my mother used to prepare it because he knows that I love her pizza .In my mother adds sausage, cheese, tomatoes, ketchup, mayonnaise, after all this puts it on the dough in the pizza lozhit oven, pizza flavor is heard throughout the house (apartment) in 15-20 minutes mom gets pizza from the oven and the whole family begins to try my mother's "creation".


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