We put on tights in Photoshop. We put on tights in Photoshop How to draw nylon tights in Photoshop

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In this tutorial, I will tell you how my work was created for the competition dedicated to the theme "Safe Art".

Materials for the lesson:

Step 1

As the main source, I chose the picture of the French artist Guillaume Signac (Guillaume Seignac (1870-1924)) - "The Awakening of Psyche".

The second photo I will use is a girl in a peignoir.

The main search criteria for the second photo were:

  1. the similarity of the poses of the models;
  2. light, transparent outfit.

Step 2

Open the main Psyche Awakening image in Photoshop. Then add the image "Girl in a peignoir" to the same document. Flip the image with the girl horizontally.

Translator's note: Editing - Transforming - Flip Horizontally.

Then lower opacity(opacity) layer with the model and reduce the image scale and angle of rotation so that the proportions of the girl approximately coincide with the proportions of Psyche.

Step 3

Duplicate the model layer. Turn off the visibility of the original layer with the girl. I always make copies of the layers with the main images - this is a little insurance. Add a layer mask to the copy layer. Activate the tool Brush(Brush tool) and hide the body of the model, leaving only the area with clothes visible. Rename the copy layer and name it Negligee.

Step 4

We transform the peignoir in order to “dress” it on Psyche.
For this I used the tool puppet warp(Puppet warp tool). To be honest, this was my first experience with this tool! Although this function has been of interest to me for a long time, but curiosity has won only now.

To transform underwear, create control points and then move them around to get the best shape.

When you are happy with the result of the transformation just click OK.

Wow! It was so fast and easy! puppet warp(Puppet warp tool) - I love you! :)

Step 5

Duplicate the Negligee layer. Rename the copy layer to “Underwear” (Bra Set). Place the "Underwear" layer below the "Negligee" layer. Then turn off the visibility of the Negligee layer.

Add a layer mask to the "Underwear" layer. Using the tool Brush(Brush tool), hide the clothes, leaving only the areas on the hips and chest visible. You also need to hide the pendant jewelry. To do this, use the tool (Spot healing tool).

Step 6

Go back to the "Negligee" layer. Return the visibility of this layer.
Now let's do a general color adjustment. To do this, we will focus on the overall color scheme of the picture. Switch to: Image - Correction - Match Color(Image - Adjustments - Match Color).

Let's set up this menu. Switch to " A source" (Source) and install as a sample psd file with the picture "Awakening of Psyche". Then adjust " Layer" (Layer), to do this, click on the mini triangle and set the layer "Background" (background) (the layer with the original picture) in the list.

Step 7

Now the clothes look better, but in order to achieve an even more naturalistic effect, we will add an adjustment layer photo filter(Photo Filter.).

Set the color of the photo filter to "Sepia" (Sepia). Filter density - 25%.

Now lower opacity(opacity) layer with negligee up to 40%. Add a layer mask to this layer, and with a soft black brush with a small opacity, process the edge of the dress in order to make the outline of the negligee softer.

Step 8

For convenience, I temporarily turn off the visibility of the Negligee layer. Go to the layer "Underwear" (Bra Set) and lower its opacity (opacity) up to 40%.

When working with the "Underwear" (Bra Set) layer, we will also use a layer mask and mask the edge of the clothes. In the picture below, you can see what I got. For work, I used a soft round black brush with an opacity of about 20%.

After lowering the opacity of the "Underwear" and "Neglige" layers, you need to mask the model's nipples in the picture. To do this, use the tool Spot Healing Brush(Spot healing tool). I recommend working with this tool after creating a copy of the background layer with the picture.

Create a new layer. Activate the tool Brush(Brush tool). In the settings, set the brush color to gray-blue. Brush type - round soft; opacity - about 40%.

Translator's note : Select a blue tint using the Eyedropper tool.

On a new layer, draw the desired area, as shown in the figure below.

Duplicate the "Negligee" layer and set its blend mode to Soft light(Soft light).

At this stage, the layer scheme looks like this:

For my taste, the picture looks good!

Step 9

Now let's add stockings! First of all, create a duplicate layer with a girl in curlers. Add a layer mask to it and hide the entire image except for the stocking area.

Translator's note: after masking, apply a layer mask to the layer.

Then go back to the tool puppet warp(Puppet warp tool) and adjust the stocking so that it fits perfectly on the leg of the character in the picture. Don't forget to adjust the suspension position!

Step 10

Activate the tool Finger(Smudge tool). In the tool settings, set the round hard brush; intensity - 100%. Now "stretch" the stocking with your finger along the leg up to the toes. At the moment the result looks a little rough, but in the next steps we will fix it!

Step 11

Lower opacity(opacity) layer with stocking up to 55%.

Emphasize the elastic band on the stocking. To do this, duplicate the stocking layer. Then add a layer mask to the duplicate layer. Fill the layer mask with black. Activate the tool Brush(Brush tool). In the brush settings, set the color to white, and then process the area with the rubber band on the layer mask.

Step 12

Let's work on the toe of the stocking. To do this, create a selection of the upper part of the stocking. To select, use any tool convenient for you. Copy the selection to a new layer.

Translator's note: in order to quickly copy the selected area to a new layer, hold down the key combination Ctrl + J.

Drag the copied area to the toes of the left foot. Then transform the copied part of the elastic so that it takes the shape of the sock as much as possible. Also, to adjust the edge of the shape, I used the tool Eraser(Eraser tool).

To make the sock look more harmonious, activate the tool Dimmer(Burn tool) and process the area of ​​​​the stocking, which is closer to the floor.

Step 13

Then you need to add the right stocking. To do this, repeat steps No. 9 - 12.

Step 14

Let's work on adding shadows. Add a new layer on top of all the previous ones. Set the blending mode of this layer to Multiplication(Multiply).

Activate the tool Brush(Brush tool). Set the brush color to brown. Then draw the inside of the left leg and the outside of the right. Lower the opacity of the painting layer as you see fit. For ease of use, focus on the result in the picture below.

Step 15

In order to add shine to the stockings, I used a new layer and a light beige brush. I set the blending mode of this layer to Screen and lowered the fill of this layer. Also, I added light accents to the negligee. To do this, create another new layer. Using the tool Brush(Brush tool), small size, and draw thin lines as shown in the figure below.

Step 16

It's time for the final adjustments! So, let's add an adjustment layer on top of all the previous ones: Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Levels(Levels). In the adjustment layer settings panel, use the function Auto(Auto).

Also, if desired, you can add more dark and light areas.
Below you can see the scheme of my working layers.

This lesson is over! As you can see, in order to achieve an interesting result, it is not necessary to use a bunch of tools and tricks! And I think the key to the success of this work was the right choice of source materials!

Hope you enjoyed my lesson!

There are many different useful lessons about texturing, but for some reason they don’t attach much importance to stretching the texture.
As a result, many people forget about it and blurt out a completely flat homogeneous texture on pseudo-volumetric objects. Looks accordingly.

Of course, you can paint all the details and textures with a single pixel brush, and there are even heroes that do it! Unfortunately, I don’t belong to them, I’ll hang myself to draw everything with pens, if I can copy and paste ....

Part 1

Let's try to decorate the room for the Beautiful Lady.
Here is such a beautiful lady I portrayed (I apologize in advance for the jambs of perspective, but when I try to depict objects that I don’t see, a school drawing course, an isometric projection, is rushing out of me).

So, let's say that the lady is ready, the room, in principle, too. But somehow it looks “bald”, obviously something is missing.
I think the chair lacks wood, the walls lack stones, and the floor lacks carpet. An unobtrusive pattern on the dress would also not hurt ...

Reminder: to make a texture out of an image, you need to open this image in Photoshop and go to Edit => Define Pattern => OK

Here is my favorite wood texture, not very realistic, but very decorative.

Hardworking people can draw the texture on their own, especially since there are corresponding lessons, but I'll take this one.
Let's take a closer look at what the chair consists of. From several planes that are in relation to us at different angles.
So we select a long, narrow rectangle on a new layer, like the side of a chair, and fill it with texture. Then press Ctrl+T and start deforming. If you hold down Ctrl and drag the middle of the vertical side to the right and up with the mouse, the rectangle will take the shape of a parallelepiped. But the side of the chair is curved. To do this, hold down the Switch between free transform and wrap mode button to bend the shape. When bending, carefully look at the side of the chair to make it as similar as possible! Here, one element is ready. Now on a new layer, draw a large rectangle, this will be the back of the chair. The elements should be proportional in proportion so that the pattern on the entire chair is the same size, I draw a rectangle directly above the chair to make it easier to transform, you also need to follow the direction of the texture. Next, fill the rectangle with a texture, Ctrl + T and change the shape in the same way. Then the top edge, and so on. Here, I drew everything, merged into one layer. Now we fill in the voids, wipe the excess with an elastic band, place it under the layer with the Lady. I made the layer blending mode Overlay, it turned out too saturated, => Ctrl + U, lowered Saturation, adjusted the transparency of the layer => got what I needed.
Further, the chair has a soft back, covered with fabric. I took the fabric texture, painted over the rectangle with it, discolored it with Ctrl + Shift + U, raised the contrast with Ctrl + M, curved it in the way we already know, wiped off the excess, the layer blend mode was Overlay.

Now it's the puff's turn. I thought for a long time how to make it, I decided to cover it with a fabric to match the carpet. But I did not want to use the same pattern, and I drew a similar one.
I inserted a piece of the pattern into our file with the Lady, then Ctrl + T and bent it very much!
It seemed to me that this was not enough, and I also used the Filter => Liquity filter for even more deformation
Now I just put this layer in front of the ottoman layer, wipe it off, set the blend mode to Overlay.

Next, I want to lay a carpet on the floor. The parquet looks too cold, the stone looks gloomy, the boards look uninteresting. I was looking for a suitable texture for a carpet, I didn’t find it, I spat, I drew my own pattern in a separate file, large enough to paste it directly, using various filters and texture brushes

You can use this tutorial
I pasted the carpet into the file, then Ctrl + T, made a box out of the rectangle. I placed it on top of the background layer, wiped off the excess with an eraser.

Walls are just like floors. I take this texture.

I fill in a large rectangle, deform it according to the shape of the wall.
I fill in a smaller rectangle - I deform it under the window opening. I represent the window opening with two rectangles - for the vertical and horizontal planes. The layer's blend mode is Overlay.
I make the window frame from the same wood texture as the chair

I also want to add patterns to the fabric: curtains and a dress, otherwise it’s somehow boring.
For curtains, I found this texture.

You can bend and deform the curtains piece by piece, but I have already run out of patience, especially since the texture is rather shapeless.
So, I'm making a texture brush. Take a brush with soft edges, size 100 pixels, black color, opacity 20%, open the Brushes tab, check the Texture box with approximately the same settings. Choose your texture.

And now carefully paint over the folds of the curtains on a new layer (Overlay layer blend mode), not forgetting that the texture should be brighter in the illuminated places, and in the shadows it is almost invisible, you can not draw.
If the texture is too uniform, use the same Luquity filter, in which you can mock the shape of the image as you like.

We make the texture on the dress in the same way, I found the pattern amazing:

With minor adjustments: layer blend mode for Soft Light texture, and add Layer Style => Bevel and Emboss => settings on the picture.

And finally, here is the final picture I got!
Of course, I omitted unnecessary details here about drawing everything else.
The lesson will continue and be supplemented by more complex forms.

Part 2

let's go further. Since I was asked how I made a sweater for the cat crush, I decided to show it in more detail and in free access.
I will not hide, pride seized me and I decided to draw everything with pens. Here is the underpainting, here I decided on the pose, light and colors.

Then I started to draw vertical stripes. I didn’t like it - I smeared it with my finger - it got even worse - I sketched over it .... that's what happened.

Bald. I again drew a vertical pattern, more carefully and not as large as at first.

Still bald. Then I was disappointed and realized that I couldn’t get out without texture .... Here is the texture

I will not show for the fourth time how I bent it, I will only point out that I used Free Transform (Ctrl + T) Warp and the Liqufy filter (I thickened the pattern on the folds of the collar and narrowed it in the middle of the collar with the filter). I painted shadows directly on the texture after bending. I wiped off the excess with an eraser. Here's what I ended up with.

The blend mode for the Overlay texture. Voila!

PS For the twelfth time I repeat: no one torments a cat! This cat will torture anyone herself. She just has an astonished expression on her face from birth, which for some reason seems unhappy to many. In fact, in unfortunate situations, her expression is completely different.

Part 3

And here, to the heap, hair. At the request of LazyLassie
Disclaimer: This is the wrong method! I just can't do it any other way.
And one more thing: I draw with a tablet. The mouse is also, in principle, possible, but it will be much longer.
Snavala also had underpainting - I outlined the shape, color, light.

Then a rather rough drawing of curls. Arbitrarily, with a brush, and right there -. One note: the light is painted with a light background color, the blending mode of the brush is Color Dodge, the brush is usually round with hard edges, translucent. Shadows - brown and bluish, the same brush, blending mode Linear Burn. Sometimes I change the blending mode, so it turns out more shades. I use my finger in the form of several points.

It would be necessary to draw intertwined curls ... But alas, I do not know how. Every time I try, then I spit, I draw light and shadow in waves, I shade it softer and I start to draw hairs.

First I paint dark ones, on a new layer, brush size 2 pixels, hard, opaque, dark brown color (periodically varying color), Normal blending mode, set the dependence of the brush thickness on pen pressure.
I draw more dark hairs in dark places.

Then - light hairs on a new layer. The brush is the same, I take the color from the lightest places and make it even lighter, sometimes even white. I draw more light hairs in light places, they seem to continue the dark hairs. I do this because the pens are trembling, and I can’t draw a long beautiful even hair, alas, even with a tablet.

Then I copy the light hair layer, blur it with a Gaussian Blur filter about 2-4 pixels, per eye. Overlay layer blend mode.

I wipe all the dark places on this layer, leave the glow in the light places and around the edges of the head.
On the main layer with hair, I wipe the edges of the strands with a translucent eraser, making them softer.
Here's what happens in the end.

Part 4

These are quite real tights, I have them. At first, I conscientiously tried to draw them by hand. But with my trembling hands, even a tablet does not save, so I won’t show any attempts. Then I decided to make it smarter and use Bezier curves. I had enough for 5 curves, then the balls drove behind the rollers, and I spat on this matter. And tights, however, I want! And I decided to automate the process even more.
First, let's make the mesh texture. Let's create a new file, empty, without filling, 16x16 pixels, for example. The size is quite relative, because. The size of our tights can be completely different. We draw a cross in the middle in this file, with a brush of 3 pixels. Next Edit => Define Pattern => OK.

Texture is ready!

Now open the file with the legs on which you need to wear tights. In principle, this can be done in a separate file, but this is more convenient for me.
Fill the new layer with texture Edit => Fill => Pattern, don't forget to select your cell!

Now let's turn it 45 degrees (in fact, the tights are not in a mesh, but in a rhombus!), Reduce it if the mesh seems large. Now we do not need so much mesh at all. Therefore, I select a rectangle by eye, the size of a foot, copy it to a new layer, and delete the unnecessary. The leg is round, more precisely cylindrical or cone-shaped, but certainly not flat! The same volume must be given to the texture. To do this, select our mesh with a rectangle and apply Filter => Distort => Spherize with the settings as in the picture. If that's not enough, apply the same filter again.

It turned out a kind of mesh tube - great! The task is to pull it on the leg. I select a piece for the upper part of the leg, copy it, put it on top of the leg, rotate it. Then the same for the bottom. I try to cut carefully so that the diamonds match as much as possible. I pull the corners with the mouse, holding Ctrl. Almost got it. But now the stocking is the same in width, but it doesn’t happen, the leg tapers towards the ankle… To do this, we will use the Filter => Liquity filter. With it, you can smoothly shift, thicken, narrow the object. Unfortunately, it only shows 1 layer that it works with, so you have to do everything by eye, in several steps.

When the result satisfied me, I simply erased all the protruding parts of the mesh. I also copied small pieces onto the feet and rotated them accordingly, erased the excess, combined them into 1 layer.
Uneven and ugly joints I summed up and wiped by hand.
But it's still somehow flat, so it's better to add a LayerStyle (not good, of course, unprofessional, well, so I'm not a professional).

Now I will draw a pattern, as on my tights. Well, it’s not scary that it’s crooked, it doesn’t even happen on real tights. Now the tights are normal, the pattern is flat. I tried adding LayerStyle - didn't like it. So I copied the flower layer, painted it completely black, set the Blending Mode to SoftLight, copied what I got, Ctrl+I, set the Blending Mode to SoftLight, and moved the inverted copy a couple of pixels to the right and up.

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