Find a short message about the Bermuda Triangle. What secrets does the Bermuda Triangle hold? Terrain features and possible causes of crashes

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The mysterious Bermuda Triangle is located in the Atlantic Ocean, east of Florida. In this mysterious area, incomprehensible events occur: aircraft and ships disappear, navigation instruments, radio transmitters, and watches fail. They claim that a “triangle” similar to Bermuda exists even in the Pacific Ocean, but they gave it a name - Devil’s.

Over the past hundred years, about 100 large sea vessels have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. In addition to these mysterious disappearances, “ghost” ships were also reported, abandoned by the crew for unknown reasons. They also talked about completely unusual phenomena, such as movements in space, an anomalous passage of time. Researchers are baffled by these phenomena, but many believe that similar things happen outside the Bermuda Triangle. There were no notes at all about individual strange events in official sources - only rumors.

The most famous and sensational incident that occurred in this area is associated with the mysterious disappearance of five American Avenger-class bombers. There weren't even any fragments left of them. On the clear morning of December 5, 1945, these aircraft set off on a routine patrol flight from a US naval base in Florida. The squadron was controlled by 14 experienced pilots. But for some unknown reasons the planes disappeared. When communicating with the base, the pilots talked about strange spontaneous failures of navigation equipment, some kind of irresistible force prevented them from understanding where they were, the military reported that they could not determine where they were, and the ocean looked different than usual. In one of their last words, the pilots said that they were descending into white waters. You could hear the crew getting nervous and swearing. After some time, the connection was completely lost. Other aircraft were immediately sent to search for the Avenjors. But they returned with nothing, and one of them also disappeared without a trace.

How could planes with experienced professionals on board disappear? According to one version, the pilots encountered paranormal phenomena in the air. Another version, more scientific, explains the mysterious phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle area by natural phenomena. For example, gas emissions resulting from the breakdown of methane hydrate on the seabed. Researchers suggest that it is methane-saturated bubbles that cause the death of aircraft and ships. Such bubbles not only “sink” ships, but also cause plane crashes: rising into the air, methane reduces its density. As a result, the lifting force of aircraft is reduced, sensor readings are distorted, and engines may stop.

But skeptics object to such theories: methane exists in other places in the World Ocean, but nothing like this happens there! The press periodically reports new unusual cases in the Bermuda Triangle area. For example, an amazing story is described that happened with an American submarine. The submarine was at a depth of 70 meters when the sailors heard an incomprehensible sound and felt a vibration, which, however, ended quite soon. Imagine the crew’s surprise when the navigation system showed that the submarine was in the Indian Ocean and not the Atlantic Ocean!

The US Navy headquarters refrained from making any comments. There is an assumption that ships perish in the mysterious triangle as a result of encounters with “wandering” waves. These giant rogue waves can reach a height of 30 meters or more. And a “date” with them inevitably ends in tragedy. However, wandering waves are a phenomenon characteristic not only of the Bermuda Triangle.

There is also a version that infrasonic vibrations emitted by the sea during a strong storm have such a negative effect on the human body that panic may begin on the ship. As a result, people hastily abandon the ship, and it then plows the ocean in the manner of the legendary “Flying Dutchman.” But are infrasonic sea fluctuations characteristic only of the Bermuda phenomenon? And is there any evidence that sea fluctuations cause mental disorders?

Marine physics specialist, academician V.V. Shuleikin once answered this question quite unequivocally. He rejected any existence of such a possibility, because for many years he studied the infrasound that the sea generates. As wind speed and wave amplitude increase, the intensity of infrasounds emitted by the sea increases. They generally spread at speeds of up to 330 meters per second. The infrasound wave travels much faster than the hurricane that generated it. But even the most powerful hurricane is not capable of creating radiation that would be life-threatening.

Fans of exotic hypotheses put forward versions of the abduction of ships from the Bermuda Triangle by space aliens or inhabitants of Atlantis, they even talk about the movement of objects through holes in time or faults in space. However, skeptics, and there are quite a few of them, believe that reports of mysterious cases in this area are greatly exaggerated.

Be that as it may, the mysterious Bermuda Triangle is still in no hurry to reveal its secrets.

The Bermuda Triangle is an unexplored area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean where anomalous cases occur: missing ships and planes, failure of transport equipment, etc.

On a world map, this triangle can be distinguished by connecting three vertices: Florida, Bermuda, Puerto Rico. The Bermuda Triangle on the map can be limited by three lines: starting from Florida we draw a line to Bermuda, from Bermuda a line to Puerto Rico, and from Puerto Rico back to Florida through the Bahamas. This is just a guess. Where it is and what shape this zone has is actually not known.

On the map, a triangle connects the places near which anomalous cases most often occurred. The Bermuda Triangle has brought mystery to our planet, which humanity already knows so little. Because of his mystery, he managed to scare the human race. After all, a person is always afraid of the unknown. There are various hypotheses that in fact should explain anomalous cases. But alas, the theory requires to be proven. Unfortunately, this has not happened yet.

Secrets of the seas and oceans, underwater secrets and sea legends. All this has attracted the attention of people throughout human history. Ancient maps depicting sea monsters, legends about the Kraken and the amphibian people are legends on which more than one generation has grown up. Times change, but one thing remains unchanged - the ominous glory of the Bermuda Triangle. Today this magical name has become a symbol of everything unknown that happens in the World Ocean. Scientists and researchers have been thrown off their feet, trying to explain the events that took place in this anomalous zone. And, to be honest, they are not very successful at this.

Triangle or not?

The territory, called the Bermuda Triangle, actually has no clear boundaries. The highest points are considered to be Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. But a good half of the unexplained incidents happened outside this zone. Although very close. Researchers often adjust the position of the triangle at their own discretion, tying it to other geographical landmarks. Many people associate the location of the Devil's Sea with Cuba or Haiti. And there are plenty of other examples.

Interestingly, the name Bermuda Triangle itself came into use relatively recently. In the 50s of the twentieth century. Therefore, you should not think that the legends are rooted in hoary antiquity. The most amazing thing is that tracking the tragedies that happen every now and then in the Sea of ​​the Damned has become possible only thanks to modern technology. It was with the help of instruments that it was possible to obtain data about unknown objects within the study area. And a plane or ship that disappears from the screens of all monitors instantly makes you think seriously about the otherworldly power of the Bermuda Triangle.

Terrible events in the Bermuda Triangle.

In 1945, scientists and rescuers began to specifically monitor the space of the Bermuda Triangle. Thanks to their efforts, more than 140 thousand lives were saved. It would seem that this is the answer, but it was not so. The data the researchers obtained only added more questions. Since the start of tracking, more than 100 pieces of equipment have disappeared in and above the water area. These are military and civil aircraft, ocean liners and small yachts. It is surprising that most of them disappeared without leaving a trace. No debris, no oil stains, nothing.

The ocean floor in the Bermuda Triangle area has been studied far and wide by scientists. Obviously, they could not lose sight of any remains of the dead people. But nothing of the kind was found. This makes it absolutely serious to say that the Bermuda Triangle is the Graveyard of the Atlantic. A supernatural cemetery. It is worth noting that scientists were not in the Bermuda Triangle to investigate mysterious events. Although many enthusiasts present the matter in precisely this light.

What are scientists doing in the Voodoo Sea?

In fact, the Bermuda Triangle area is of considerable interest to scientists. Expeditions carried out studies of the seabed, its topography and minerals. Geological structure of the earth's crust under the ocean floor. Scientists studied the Gulf Stream, the influence of water currents on the atmosphere and weather conditions. Many scientific discoveries have been made, but they have not brought us an inch closer to solving the mysterious disappearance of ships and planes that, by chance, found themselves in the death zone. Scientists have proven that the Bermuda Triangle is a unique part of the ocean, with unprecedented properties and conditions. But, unfortunately, this did not explain a lot of tragedies.

It should be said that scientists did make one important discovery. But this was not given wide publicity. Although they did not keep silent either. In 1992, American researchers analyzed the bottom. And in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle they discovered a huge pyramid. Incredibly, its dimensions are more than three times the size of the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. Scientists spent more than a month studying this underwater object and provided some information.

In addition to its enormous size, the pyramid is distinguished by an absolutely smooth surface. Sonar signals reflected from the object showed that the material from which the pyramid was created was in a perfectly flat state. There are no shells or algae on its surface. Nothing that indicates a long stay in salt water. Obviously, the ocean cannot have any physical effect on the pyramid. According to eyewitnesses, the material itself is something similar to either glass or polished ceramics. No division into blocks was also noticed. Research on the pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle has not been officially carried out. But, most likely, they are simply classified.

Atlantean legacy?

In light of this discovery, it is interesting to recall the legends that the inhabitants of Atlantis created repositories of knowledge and the gene pool of humanity before the death of their continent. The same vault is supposedly located under the Pyramid of Cheops and under the Potala Temple in Tibet. Versions that the disappeared continent itself is located in the Bermuda Triangle area have not received confirmation. There is a hypothesis according to which the Atlanteans went to live in the ocean. Where they remain to this day, living safely in domed cities.

At first glance, the theory is fantastic. But if we put aside skepticism and take a closer look at some facts, then the impossibility of such a course of history becomes less obvious. Today, luminous flying objects are often observed near the coast of Puerto Rico. And in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle, similar phenomena have been noticed more than once. Bright cigar-shaped objects that took off straight out of the water and made zigzag movements. The territory of the Bermuda Triangle is carefully monitored by US Navy intelligence. But she has not yet been able to answer anything intelligible.

What mysteries does the Sea of ​​the Damned contain?

In any case, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. And someday humanity will receive an answer to the question: “What is hidden in the Bermuda Triangle.” In the meantime, we can only wait and listen to new reports about incredible incidents in those waters. Wait, realizing that the Cemetery of the Atlantic has many more surprises in store. And they are unlikely to be pleasant. Whatever it is - the secrets of disappeared civilizations or attempts by UFOs to monitor the Earth - the Bermuda Triangle will frighten and attract researchers from all over the world. Their main task is to make sure that the terrible anomaly does not claim human lives.

7 most interesting theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

  1. Comet
    According to this version, a comet fell to the bottom of the ocean 11,000 years ago - exactly in the place where the notorious Bermuda Triangle is now located. The celestial body could well have unusual electromagnetic properties that could damage navigation instruments and aircraft engines.
  2. Methane hydrate
    Huge bubbles filled with methane hydrate form deep under the surface of the Bermuda Triangle. When such a bubble “ripens” and rises, a giant hill forms on the surface of the water, from which the ship “slides.” Then the bubble bursts, forming a funnel into which the ship is drawn. With airplanes it is even simpler - gas from the bubble rises into the air, comes into contact with a hot engine and an explosion occurs.
  3. Secret government tests
    The base at which proponents of this theory are sinning is called the Atlantic Underwater Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC). According to the official version, this company is testing submarines, weapons and sonars. But there is also a version according to which it is there that the government contacts extraterrestrial civilizations and tests various kinds of alien technologies.
  4. Flying saucers or aliens
    According to this theory, an alien ship is hiding in the depths of the sea, which, unlike the previous version, is studying us and our technologies. Or, at worst, there is a “gate” to another dimension unknown to earthlings. At a certain time, the gates open, ships sail into it and planes fly in.
  5. The compass points to true north, not magnetic north.
    The Bermuda Triangle is one of two places on Earth where a magnetic compass points to true (geographic) rather than magnetic north. In a normal situation, when plotting a ship's course, sailors take this difference into account. And in those areas where the compass works differently, it’s easy to get lost and hit a reef.
  6. Difficult weather conditions
    The sky over the Bermuda Triangle is indeed quite turbulent - warm and cold air masses constantly collide, leading to storms and hurricanes. Plus the fast current of the Gulf Stream. All together, of course, creates a certain risk for any type of transport.
  7. Human factor
    The Bermuda Triangle area is a fairly lively place. The tropical climate and crystal clear blue water attract both experienced pilots and sailors and amateurs. With changeable weather, fast currents, and the large number of twin islands scattered throughout the region, it's easy to lose your course, run aground, or find yourself far from where you can refuel.

The Bermuda Triangle or Atlantis is a place where people disappear, ships and planes disappear, navigation instruments fail, and almost no one ever finds the crashed. This hostile, mystical, ominous country for humans instills such great horror in the hearts of people that they often simply refuse to talk about it.

Many pilots and sailors have no other alternative but to constantly plow the water/air spaces of this mysterious territory - a considerable stream of tourists and vacationers rushes to the area, surrounded on three sides by fashionable resorts. Therefore, it is simply impossible and will not work to isolate the Bermuda Triangle from the world around it. And, although most ships pass this zone without any problems, no one is immune from the fact that one day they may not return.

Few people knew about the existence of such a mysterious and amazing phenomenon called the Bermuda Triangle a hundred years ago. This mystery of the Bermuda Triangle began to actively occupy people's minds and force them to put forward various hypotheses and theories in the 70s. last century, when Charles Berlitz published a book in which he extremely interestingly and fascinatingly described the stories of the most mysterious and mystical disappearances in this region. After this, journalists picked up the story, developed the theme, and the history of the Bermuda Triangle began. Everyone began to worry about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle and the place where the Bermuda Triangle or the missing Atlantis is located.

This wonderful place or the lost Atlantis is located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North America - between Puerto Rico, Miami and Bermuda. It is located in two climatic zones at once: the upper part, the larger part in the subtropics, the lower part in the tropics. If these points are connected to each other by three lines, the map will show a large triangular figure, the total area of ​​which is about 4 million square kilometers.

This triangle is quite arbitrary, since ships also disappear outside its borders - and if you mark on the map all the coordinates of disappearances, flying and floating vehicles, you will most likely get a rhombus.

The term itself is unofficial; its author is considered to be Vincent Gaddis, who in the 60s. last century published an article entitled “The Bermuda Triangle is the lair of the devil (death).” The note did not cause any particular stir, but the phrase stuck and reliably entered into everyday life.

Terrain features and possible causes of crashes

For knowledgeable people, the fact that ships often crash here does not cause much surprise: this region is not easy to navigate - there are many shallows, a huge number of fast water and air currents, cyclones often form and hurricanes rage.


What does the Bermuda Triangle hide underwater? The bottom topography in this area is interesting and varied, although it is nothing ordinary and has been studied quite well, since some time ago various studies and drilling were carried out here in order to find oil and other minerals.

Scientists have determined that the Bermuda Triangle or the lost Atlantis contains mainly sedimentary rocks on the ocean floor, the layer thickness of which is from 1 to 2 km, and it itself looks like this:

  1. Deep-sea plains of oceanic basins – 35%;
  2. Shelf with shoals – 25%;
  3. Slope and foot of the continent – ​​18%;
  4. Plateau – 15%;
  5. Deep ocean trenches - 5% (the deepest places of the Atlantic Ocean are located here, as well as its maximum depth - 8742 m, recorded in the Puerto Rican Trench);
  6. Deep straits – 2%;
  7. Seamounts – 0.3% (six in total).

Water currents. Gulf Stream

Almost the entire western part of the Bermuda Triangle is crossed by the Gulf Stream, so the air temperature here is usually 10°C higher than in the rest of the territory of this mysterious anomaly. Because of this, in places where atmospheric fronts of different temperatures collide, you can often see fog, which often amazes the minds of overly impressionable travelers.

The Gulf Stream itself is a very fast current, the speed of which often reaches ten kilometers per hour (it should be noted that many modern transoceanic ships move not much faster - from 13 to 30 km/h). An extremely fast flow of water can easily slow down or increase the movement of a ship (here it all depends on which direction it is sailing). It is not surprising that ships of weaker power in earlier times easily went off course and were carried completely in the wrong direction, as a result of which they crashed and disappeared forever in the oceanic abyss.

Other movements

In addition to the Gulf Stream, strong but irregular currents constantly appear in the Bermuda Triangle area, the appearance or direction of which is almost never predictable. They are formed mainly under the influence of tidal waves in shallow water and their speed is as high as that of the Gulf Stream - about 10 km/h.

As a result of their occurrence, whirlpools often form, causing trouble for small ships with weak engines. It is not surprising that if in former times a sailing ship got here, it would not be easy for it to get out of the whirlwind, and under particularly unfavorable circumstances, one might even say impossible.

Water shafts

In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, hurricanes often form with wind speeds of about 120 m/s, which also generate fast currents whose speed is equal to the speed of the Gulf Stream. They, creating huge waves, rush along the surface of the Atlantic Ocean until they hit the coral reefs at great speed, breaking a ship if it had the misfortune of being in the path of giant waves.

In the east of the Bermuda Triangle is the Sargasso Sea - a sea without shores, surrounded on all sides instead of land by strong currents of the Atlantic Ocean - the Gulf Stream, North Atlantic, North Passat and Canary.

Outwardly, it seems that its waters are motionless, the currents are weak and inconspicuous, while the water here is constantly moving, since water flows, pouring into it from all sides, rotate the sea water clockwise.

Another remarkable thing about the Sargasso Sea is the huge amount of algae in it (contrary to popular belief, there are also areas with completely clear water here). When in former times ships drifted here for some reason, they became entangled in dense sea plants and, falling into a whirlpool, albeit slowly, they were no longer able to get out.

Movement of air masses

Because this area lies in the trade winds, extremely strong winds constantly blow over the Bermuda Triangle. Stormy days are not uncommon here (according to various weather services, there are about eighty stormy days here a year - that is, once every four days the weather here is terrible and disgusting.

Here is another explanation for why missing ships and planes were discovered in the past. Nowadays, almost all captains are informed by meteorologists exactly when bad weather will happen. Previously, due to a lack of information, during terrible storms, many sea vessels found their final refuge in this area.

In addition to trade winds, cyclones feel comfortable here, the air masses of which, creating whirlwinds and tornadoes, rush at a speed of 30-50 km/h. They are extremely dangerous because, raising warm water upward, they turn it into huge columns of water (often their height reaches 30 meters), with an unpredictable trajectory and crazy speed. A small ship in such a situation has practically no chance of surviving, a large one will most likely stay afloat, but is unlikely to come out of trouble undamaged.

Infrasound signals

Experts call another reason for the huge number of disasters the ability of the ocean to produce infrasound signals that cause panic among the crew, because of which people can even throw themselves overboard. The sound of this frequency affects not only waterfowl, but also aircraft.

Researchers assign an important role in this process to hurricanes, storm winds and high waves. When the wind begins to hit the crests of the waves, a low-frequency wave is created that almost immediately rushes forward and signals the approach of a strong storm. While moving, she catches up with a sailing ship, hits the sides of the ship, then goes down into the cabins.

Once in a confined space, the infrasound wave begins to put psychological pressure on the people there, causing panic and nightmare visions, and having seen their worst nightmares, people lose control of themselves and jump overboard in despair. The ship completely leaves life, it is left without control and begins to drift until it is found (which may take more than a decade).

Infrasound waves act on aircraft somewhat differently. An infrasound wave hits an airplane flying over the Bermuda Triangle, which, as in the previous case, begins to put psychological pressure on the pilots, as a result of which they stop realizing what they are doing, especially since at this moment phantoms begin to appear in front of them. Then either the pilot will crash, or will be able to take the ship out of the zone that poses a danger to him, or the autopilot will save him.

Gas bubbles: methane

Researchers are constantly coming up with interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle. For example, there are suggestions that in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, bubbles often form filled with gas - methane, which appears from cracks in the ocean floor that were formed after the eruptions of ancient volcanoes (oceanographers discovered huge accumulations of methane crystalline hydrate above them).

After some time, for one reason or another, certain processes begin to occur in methane (for example, their appearance can cause a weak earthquake) - and it forms a bubble, which, rising to the top, bursts at the surface of the water. When this happens, the gas escapes into the air, and a funnel forms in the place of the former bubble.

Sometimes the ship passes over the bubble without problems, sometimes it breaks through it and crashes. In reality, no one has ever seen the impact of methane bubbles on ships; some researchers claim that a huge number of ships go missing precisely for this reason.

When the ship hits the crest of one of the waves, the ship begins to descend - and then the water under the ship suddenly bursts, disappears - and it falls into empty space, after which the waters close - and water rushes into it. At this time, there was no one to save the ship - when the water disappeared, concentrated methane gas was released, instantly killing the entire crew, and the ship sank and ended up on the ocean floor forever.

The authors of this hypothesis are convinced that this theory also explains the reasons for the presence of ships in this area with dead sailors, on whose bodies no damage was found. Most likely, the ship, when the bubble burst, was far enough away that something threatened it, but the gas reached the people.

As for airplanes, methane can have a detrimental effect on them. Basically, this happens when methane that rises into the air gets into the fuel, explodes, and the plane falls down, after which, falling into a whirlpool, it disappears forever in the ocean depths.

Magnetic anomalies

In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, magnetic anomalies also often occur, confusing all navigational equipment of ships. They are unstable, and appear mainly when tectonic plates are at their maximum divergence.

As a result, unstable electric fields and magnetic disturbances arise, which negatively affect the psychological state of a person, change instrument readings and neutralize radio communications.

Hypotheses for the disappearance of ships

The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle never cease to interest the human mind. Why it is here that ships crash and disappear, journalists and lovers of everything unknown put forward many more theories and assumptions.

Some believe that interruptions in navigation instruments are caused by Atlantis, namely its crystals, which were previously located precisely on the territory of the Bermuda Triangle. Despite the fact that only pitiful crumbs of information have reached us from ancient civilization, these crystals still operate today and send signals from the depths of the ocean floor that cause interruptions in navigation instruments.

Another interesting theory is the hypothesis that the Bermuda Triangle or Atlantis contains portals leading to other dimensions (both in space and time). Some are even sure that it was through them that aliens entered Earth in order to kidnap people and ships.

Military actions or piracy - many believe (even if this has not been proven) that the loss of modern ships is directly related to these two reasons, especially since such cases have happened more than once before. Human error - ordinary disorientation in space and incorrect interpretation of instrument indicators - may also well be the cause of the death of the ship.

Is there a secret?

Have all the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle been revealed? Despite the hype around the Bermuda Triangle, scientists argue that in reality this territory is no different, and a large number of accidents are mainly associated with difficult natural conditions for navigation (especially since the World Ocean contains many others that are more dangerous for humans places). And the fear that the Bermuda Triangle or the missing Atlantis causes are ordinary prejudices, constantly fueled by journalists and other sensationalists.

Our planet is full of mysteries. What humanity knows today about the world in which we live is only a small fraction of the enormous research material that remains to be found for study. Along with explainable natural and physical phenomena that we encounter from time to time, there are objects in the world whose essence does not yet have a scientific explanation. One of these blank spots on the map of modern science is the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. This part of the world's oceans is shrouded in so many mysteries that their solution will excite more than one generation.

What is the Bermuda Triangle?

An area with a high frequency of recorded anomalous incidents actually has a triangle shape on the map. Its peaks are Bermuda, the Florida Peninsula and the island of Puerto Rico. In the southern part of this area, inside the triangle, are the Bahamas - a real paradise for tourists.

The Bermuda Triangle is not marked on any map of the world. This zone exists conditionally and has various names in the literature. “Devil’s Sea” is one such name, although it should be recognized that it is often applied to other areas of the world’s oceans, in which no less mysterious and mysterious phenomena occur. The historically established zone of the Bermuda Triangle, according to the media, survivors of shipwrecks and witnesses of anomalous incidents, is the areas where sea vessels were lost and where aircraft disappeared - and this is a fairly vast territory of the Atlantic. Data on all disasters are included in special marine directories, with a clear or approximate indication of the coordinates of the incident site.

The Bermuda Triangle has no specific boundaries. Some believe that the mysterious area includes the Gulf of Mexico. Others are expanding the eastern part of the triangle to the Azores, increasing the area of ​​the anomalous region to 2 million square meters. kilometers. Science is quite restrained in its judgments about this part of the sea, while journalism and sensationalists fuel the gloomy reputation of the Bermuda Triangle based on real facts, as well as myths and legends. It is generally accepted that the boundaries of the mysterious triangle conditionally run along supposedly outlined lines. It was there, beyond the boundaries of this zone, that the sites of the most strange shipwrecks were recorded, and repeated disappearances of aircraft were noted.

The state of the seabed in the area outlined by the sides of the triangle has now been well studied. The Bermuda Islands are the peaks of seamounts that rise above the vast Bermuda Plateau. The ocean shelf here gives way to deep underwater plains. On a relatively small area of ​​the sea day, various types of relief are concentrated: the shelf, continental slope and plains are adjacent to deep depressions. Despite the fact that the average depth of the Sargasso Sea (in the area where the Bermuda Triangle is located) is 5000-6000 meters, significant depth differences are also often found here. The coral shoals of the continental shelf give way to deep depressions and crevices. In the direction from north to south, the depths decrease, ending in the Puerto Rico deep-sea trench, the maximum depth of which is 8742 meters.

Recently, geophysical research has carried out deep-sea drilling on the shelf, providing information about what lies beneath the ocean floor.

Nature explains the mysteries of the triangle

Climatic, geophysical and hydrographic data suggest that this area of ​​the world's oceans is somewhat different from other areas of the hydrosphere. It would be generally incorrect to say that the zone limited by the sides of the triangle is anomalous. There are a number of natural factors that can provide a scientific explanation for the nature of the incidents that made this zone famous. The situation in the Bermuda Triangle area is influenced by the following factors:

  • extremely unstable and difficult meteorological conditions;
  • complex hydrological regime of ocean waters;
  • unstable geomagnetic situation;
  • geophysical processes occurring at the bottom of the world's oceans.

All other factors that are credited with a role in the creation of the anomalous zone are of a science-fiction nature, born due to the emotional outburst of people who were, to one degree or another, involved in the disasters. Today, the disappearance of ships and aircraft in the Bermuda Triangle is a rare occurrence.

Sea vessels sink much more often in coastal waters, and airliners crash in completely different parts of our planet. This is evidenced by data from official registers and news from the periodical press. Over the past 50 years, there is practically no information about any mysterious loss of ships and aircraft in this area.

Weather phenomena and hydrological processes occurring here look abnormal in comparison with the weather on the rest of the globe. The Gulf Stream current, whose temperature is much higher than the waters of the Atlantic, significantly complicates the hydrological situation for shipping. One of the surprising factors is sea water, which changes its salinity depending on the time of year. This, in turn, leads to the emergence of the phenomenon of so-called “dead water”. A ship that finds itself in such a section of the ocean may lose its reserve of buoyancy and, as a result, fall into the abyss.

In this region, as in other parts of the world's oceans, strong storms are common and destructive hurricanes often sweep through, which are a consequence of the accumulation of warm air masses over the ocean. According to the meteorological reference book “Handbook of Meteorology” for 1977, up to 60 stormy days a year were observed in the Bermuda Triangle area. This is quite a lot when compared with data from neighboring regions of the Atlantic Ocean. Stormy weather is most common in the northern part of the triangle, around Bermuda. Here the sea is rough every fourth day. It cannot be said that storms of a universal scale often occur in the Bermuda Triangle area. Any storm in which the sea level reaches 5-6 points can be fatal for small and technically unprepared ships.

The climate situation in this region of our planet is constantly under observation. Rare climatic phenomena are noted here, which can largely explain why ships disappear in the Bermuda Triangle and where aircraft disappear. The Bahamas are often subject to damaging winds. In terms of the frequency of hurricanes and typhoons that have swept through this area over all the years of meteorological observations, the Bermuda Triangle is among the leaders. This is facilitated by warm sea water and trade winds constantly blowing to the southeast, which form in the calm zone. Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and the coast of Florida are constantly exposed to the elements. Hurricanes have enormous destructive power, devastating and destroying everything in their path, so shipwrecks and disappearances of aircraft in the Bermuda Triangle under such climatic conditions are a common occurrence.

Hurricanes sweep over the Caribbean islands once or twice a year. It is on these days that most shipwrecks and plane disappearances occur.

Despite the fact that the Sargasso Sea and its area, called the Bermuda Triangle, are considered to be quite well studied, this region remains a favorite topic for scientists, as well as lovers of secrets and mysteries. The reason for the increased interest in this object is that it is truly complex in meteorological and hydrological aspects. For the scientific community, the Bermuda Triangle has become the Eldorado of scientific knowledge, and for lovers of science fiction and sensations, the “Devil's Sea” is a real treasure trove of hypotheses and theories, the birthplace of legends.

Mysterious disappearances

Science fiction writers, journalists and psychics classify this section of the Atlantic Ocean as a zone of paranormal phenomena that our planet is generous with. The disappearance of the ships was explained by a sudden attack by unknown monsters living in the depths of the sea, or by the actions of aliens. Sensation lovers often blame the inhabitants of the legendary Atlantis for what happened. More sober hypotheses attribute the disappearance of people and the loss of aircraft to anomalous phenomena occurring in the Earth’s geomagnetic field and in the thickness of sea water.

Here it would be appropriate to recall the theory of “black holes” into which sea vessels fall and airplanes fall. As in the case of space, there are time portals on Earth in which the laws of physics are violated and which are not affected by time. People who disappeared from the decks of ships and missing planes did not die, but were transported to another place in the Universe. However, this theory does not stand up to criticism when they begin to compare the facts, the testimony of witnesses and eyewitnesses. However, in reports on maritime disasters and aircraft crashes, one can often find descriptions of phenomena and physical conditions of humans that are quite rare for our planet. As a rule, at this moment the following were observed:

  • sudden loss of orientation of people in space;
  • failure of all navigation instruments and radio communications;
  • sudden engine breakdowns and loss of buoyancy of the vessel.

Among the anomalous phenomena, one can note the mysterious glow of the sea that preceded the crash of a ship or plane. Rogue waves are often described as appearing out of nowhere in the open ocean. The mystical background of the incidents was reinforced by the disappearances of people on board the ship. This was the case, for example, with the brigantine Mary Celeste, which in the fall of 1872 left New York for the shores of Portugal. The ship never reached its destination. Only a month later, the brigantine, abandoned by the crew, was found safe and sound in the Azores area. The results of the inspection of the vessel suggested that the ship's crew, along with its captain, simply abandoned the ship. What the reasons were, one can only guess.

The story of disappearances continued in the case of the German merchant ship Freya, which was discovered near Bermuda without a crew on board. However, the most mysterious incidents were noted in a later period. With the development of technical means, not only the technical equipment of ships and aircraft has improved. There is a technical ability to track the ship's course and record any changes occurring on board the ships.

New missing

Let's take a break from the literary presentation of the events taking place in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, where dozens of ships and many aircraft disappeared, and move on to the dry statistics of shipwrecks and aircraft accidents. Relatively “recent” facts of ship sinking often occur in the first half of the 20th century. According to various sources, during this time more than a thousand people disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle area - however, critics consider this data dubious. However, it is still not easy to find a correct explanation for the death of large ships and the loss of completely modern aircraft that simply disappeared without a trace at sea.

The death of the American cargo ship Cyclops, en route with a cargo of coal from Barbados to one of the US ports, echoed loudly throughout the world. A huge ship with a displacement of almost 20 thousand tons disappeared without a trace in the ocean along with its entire crew. The ship's route ran through the ill-fated triangle, so the loss of such a huge ship is attributed to the Bermuda Anomaly. The next fact, which still has not received a clear explanation, was the disappearance of a flight of American Avenger torpedo bombers in December 1945. All five aircraft equipped with navigation and communications equipment were missing. Other planes were sent to search, one of which also disappeared without a trace off the coast of the Florida peninsula.

All of the listed disasters and many other ship and aircraft accidents are included in the register of the Lioyd`s insurance company. According to experts involved in the study of maritime accidents, all of the listed cases and emergencies occur in the Bermuda Triangle area with the same regularity as in other parts of the planet.

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The history of mankind is full of mysteries and secrets. People have always been attracted to the unexplored space of oceans and seas. Legends were compiled based on travel and research. Ancient maps depicting various sea monsters have survived to this day. Times change, but the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle remains unsolved. His glory is intertwined with mysticism and anomalies. Scientists of several generations are trying to explain the essence of this phenomenon. But no matter how technologies and research methods develop, not a single person knows the truth about the mysterious Triangle.

Discoverers of the anomalous zone

The anomalies occurring in the Atlantic Ocean are quite ancient phenomena, although in ancient times it never occurred to anyone to give their location a name. People who had just begun to discover new countries did not think about in which ocean there was a frightening place that is now called the Bermuda Triangle. For the first time, information regarding the mysterious Triangle and acting as a sensation appeared in the second half of the 20th century; in 1950, the American E. Jones used this phrase. The published brochure had 17 pages and 6 photographs. Then no one paid enough attention to this information, and over time it was forgotten.

In 1964, another American named Vincent Gaddis wrote about the existence of a mystical place in the Bermuda region. His article contained several pages and was published in a famous magazine. Later, having collected more information, he devoted an entire chapter to the phenomenon, publishing it in one of the popular books called “Invisible Horizons.” This gave impetus to the fact that the anomalous zone became interesting to ordinary people: everyone wanted to know as much as possible about the sensation.

Real stories

1945 - a military squadron with an experienced crew suddenly disappears in the Atlantic Ocean. It was an ordinary flight over a calm sea in clear weather. The pilots managed to report that the navigation instruments had failed and spatial orientation had been lost. Panic, unusual for these people, was heard in the voices. They said the ocean looked unusual. The crew flew either west or east, but never found land, although the search took almost three hours. When land appeared, it seemed strange, and they did not land. The pilots talked about white water, that everything around was scary, later it was said that the water was not white, but green. The search for the squadron did not yield any results, and during the events another plane disappeared.

Late 60s - early 70s - interest in what was happening in the area where the Bermuda Triangle is located increases. Every day there are publications in which new and forgotten secrets of this phenomenon appear. Incredible stories are beginning to be attributed to the anomalous zone. The disappearances of ships, people, and planes that once occurred in that area acquire a mystical component. The public is interested in the question of what the Bermuda Triangle is and where it is located. Fans of the mysterious place appear who put revealing its secrets above their lives.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle on the world map

The anomalous zone is a water area in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, which is limited by three symbolic peaks - Bermuda, the southern cape of Florida (Miami). Puerto Rico. The mystical place has the following characteristics:

  • the area of ​​the water area (if we take the classic boundaries of the triangle as they would pass on the map) is more than one million square kilometers;
  • most of the bottom is shelf, where drilling was once carried out in the hope of finding minerals;
  • water temperature and current vary at different times of the year;
  • all natural data, including the movement of air masses over the ocean and salinity, are well studied and included in specialized catalogs.

The area where the mysterious Bermuda Triangle is located is no different from other geographical places. However, the fact that ships, people and planes disappear there gives the place mystery and mystery.

Construction in the ocean

1992 - scientists unofficially explore the bottom of the anomalous water area. In its very center they find a pyramid of impressive size, three times higher than Cheops. The study of the artifact lasted about a month. It turned out that its surface is completely smooth: there are no shells or algae, as well as traces of a long stay in a salty environment. Even division into blocks was not detected. The surface of the find consists of a strange material that is unknown to mankind - something between polished ceramics and glass.

Location of the anomalous zone: differences of opinion

On the world map, the area where the Triangle is located is not indicated in any way. It actually has this shape if you draw lines from Bermuda to Puerto Rico, from there to Miami, and then back to Bermuda. The boundaries of the Triangle, also called the Devil's Triangle, are not indicated on the world map; they are considered conditional, since mysterious disappearances are also observed outside the zone.

Scientists argue about the correct distribution of even the visual boundaries of the Triangle on the world map. The Gulf of Mexico and the northern part of the Caribbean Sea are also ready to be classified as an anomalous zone. Disputes arise as to which ocean the Bermuda Triangle is located in. In publications one can find the opinion that the boundaries of the anomalous water area are moving far to the east of the Atlantic Ocean (to the place where the Azores begin). Ardent fans of the phenomenon are ready to extend the boundaries of the zone far to the north. But still, most researchers, when asked in which ocean the Bermuda Triangle is located, firmly answer - in the Atlantic.

If an ordinary atlas map can show where the Bermuda Triangle is located, then it is much more difficult to explain in words. Considering the desire to expand the boundaries of this place, we can say that the anomalous zone does not have strict geometric outlines. Consequently, its boundaries are a symbol of the place in which the phenomenon is localized. Thus, it cannot be classified as a geographical area.

Theories of the origin of the anomalous zone

There is a consensus on how the Triangle, which frightens many sailors and pilots, appeared - as a result of geological activity. In fact, there is nothing mysterious about the appearance of this place. Researchers put forward other opinions, but all of them were criticized by scientists. Over the past 100 years, about half a thousand planes and ships have disappeared in the zone of anomalous phenomena, so we can say: something strange is in this area, and it is causing the death of people, sea and air transport.

Let's pay attention to some theories, attempts to explain what is happening in the anomalous zone:

  • the cause of the disasters is giant wandering waves up to 30 meters high;
  • infrasonic waves are generated in the ocean, causing the crew to panic - people rush into the water;
  • in the mystical area there are so-called blue holes, the remains of tunnels through which you can move in time;
  • gigantic gas bubbles filled with methane form in the ocean. Once inside, sea and air transport goes to the bottom, since the density of the air or water inside the resulting bubble is low;
  • the mystical water area is the place where the lost city of Atlantis was once located. If you believe the legend, the crystals were the sources of his energy; they send waves from the bottom of the ocean that disable the navigation equipment of planes and ships;
  • a sharp change in weather conditions in the water area occurs due to the presence of a powerful warm Gulf Stream current there;
  • the area of ​​mystical incidents - the place through which aliens get to Earth;
  • the impossibility of detecting the remains of air and sea transport that have suffered a disaster is due to the peculiarities of the relief that is characteristic of the bottom of the water area - it is too confusing;
  • air and sea transport disappears as it is subject to attacks by pirates and as a result of unofficial military actions;
  • in the area of ​​water there is a curvature of space and magnetic fog occurs.

Complete fiction?

Those who believe that there are no anomalies are ready to prove: it is the human factor that leads to the death of air and sea transport and crew. Even a professional can become disoriented in space; the most reliable equipment sometimes fails. All this leads to disasters and accidents - there is nothing abnormal about this.

There is also an opinion that all theories regarding the mystical place in the Bermuda region are based on superstitions. This allows us to speculate on this topic and keep humanity in suspense. There are publications that indicate that all theories are based on legends and tales of sailors. Take the same Christopher Columbus, who described dancing lights on the horizon and flames in the sky, and navigational instruments continually stopped working. Enthusiasts interpreted these records in their own way and continued to develop mythical stories.

As for the modern view of Columbus's records, the lights he saw were the flames of fires in a Taino village. The compass did not work because the movement of a certain star was calculated incorrectly. And the flames observed in the sky were meteorites.

Disputes regarding the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle continue. The disappearances of people, ships and aircraft in this area are not fully explained. Maybe someday the answer will appear, but for now we can only wait.


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