We are ruled by dark entities. Fight for souls

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A question that has never been as pressing as it is now.
The question of choosing a Path...

He is far from idle. Previously, I thought that this theme, which sounds so strongly in Christianity, was too far-fetched and, of course, it is important not to bring it to the point of absurdity, when grandmothers baptize the chair they sit on in order to protect themselves from the Evil One.

But never before have I seen such an active manifestation of the Forces, both the Light and the Dark Hierarchy, as now. Indeed, at the level of manifestation of these Forces there is a constant struggle for souls. Especially if a person intends to rise up the frequencies in search of Freedom and a way out of the shackles of the Matrix you will have to face their manifestation.

Since ancient times, in fairy tales and folklore, the laws of the existence of the subtle World have been revealed, for in the era of Kali Yuga this information was officially closed.
It is no coincidence that in almost every fairy tale there is a manifestation of Good and Bad Forces. This is also reflected in many works of art and films, with examples of which everything is very well illustrated.
Examples from your life. If you are engaged in spiritual practices of studying the Subtle World, I think you will find it yourself.

The dark ones are not absolute evil. They just need to eat and somehow get energy. Allegorically, when Baba Yaga lures small children to boil and eat them, we are talking about taking energy. Exactly the same - in modern fairy tale for adults about the Night and Day Watch. The dark ones received a license to drink the blood of people - it was about human energy. And according to the laws defined on Planet Earth, they have the right to do this, especially if people foolishly allow them to do this.

It is necessary to highlight the signs of the manifestation of the Dark Ones and the laws by which they live in order to be able to figure it out for oneself and be able to get out from under their influence.


Read carefully!!! - when focusing attention on this topic, they begin to appear. After reading this article, you can immediately call on the Forces of Light or tune in to Archangel Michael with a request for help in cutting off the lower bindings.

Laws of the Dark Ones - Power, unauthorized intervention, subordination, suppression, and shameless pumping of energy from simple astral to the highest frequency components of the Luminous body.

If knowledge is given to the dark ones or abilities are revealed, Siddhis or services are provided, an astronomical bill is issued for them and the person does not understand why, instead of Light and streams of ascended Masters, emptiness is embraced - far from the one called the Emptiness of Zen.

Behind all the influence of the Dark Ones there is a clear personal, and in relation to everyone else, a purely gastronomic interest. It is enough to watch the films “The Lord of the Rings”, “Harry Potter”, “The Devil’s Advocate”, and carefully re-read “The Watches” to see the interests of the Dark Ones, the laws by which they live and their true attitude towards people caught in the net.

There is no ethics of magical influences. They very rarely ask permission - “Can I take this?” or “Do you really want to go this way?”, preferring to influence and take everything by force.

Outwardly, it often manifests itself as the presence of a hunched back, although not always. Once I pulled one man out of the dark clutches - right before his eyes, the hump fell off his back and his shoulders straightened. The Heart opened. I simply played him a video recording of Jiddu Krishnamurti's conversation about the nature of fear and power. True, he immediately said that he had lost the abilities that the Dark Ones had given him. “But how will I live without my skills - I have lost my power over people - how will I survive.” A week later he was pulled back in. They pulled with all their might, and he was too accustomed to his Siddhis.

But a way out is possible!

A very interesting way out from under the dark Forces is shown in the Soviet film “The Tale of Wanderings” with the participation of Andrei Mironov in the role of a medieval scientist and healer. At the end of the film, the hero, who possessed monstrous witchcraft power, destroyed the castle and renounced those who nurtured the dark side in him. And immediately after this I felt that I had lost my main Siddhi - the ability to attract gold. But since he was a magician - amazing abilities of the light plane were revealed - he took up the mission of the deceased Orlando, played by Mironov. In general, there are a lot of laws of the Path in this film.

Each of us has CHOICE
which path to follow and which hierarchy to serve. In recent months, around me I have constantly observed the manifestation and activation of the forces of the Night and Day Watch.

The dark ones offer a lot and everything at once and without much effort.
This is what many people do, especially those who have a tendency to not give a damn about others and whose heart is initially not very open - that is, there is no connection with the Divine Worlds.

But NEED TO KNOW that the Path to the dark side of the Force is similar to making money by a drug addict who gets a lot of money at once by selling his apartment or by selling the apartment of a friend who, out of boundless trust, allowed the drug addict into his territory. That is, a person on this path gives the best, in return - some lousy toys such as power, money, Siddhi of influence on someone or the ability to subjugate, taking away someone else's Power, etc. When the dark hierarchy offers to get into trouble with them on a contract, you need to be prepared for a joke, as in the ad “I upholster doors with the customer’s leather.” If a person consciously begins to engage in vampirism, without any contracts, he hangs a sign on his neck stating his affiliation - hence the most important moment- not what a person thinks about himself, but WHAT LAWS HE LIVES BY.

Fee for the power offered by the Dark Ones it turns out enslaved Soul- in the subtlest high-frequency bodies, structures are established that take away the most important things.

I think for a long period evolution on Earth, almost every adept has gotten involved in similar games in one of his lives and knows well how it ends.

Those who were able to get out of there and again go out to the forces of Light by paying in full - NEVER Anyone of sound mind and sober memory will not fall for these jokes. Especially if he takes responsibility for the people he leads to spirituality. There must be a healthy immune system and a firm fixation in one’s Spiritual values, on one’s Spiritual Core, otherwise a person is not a magician at all if he can be seduced by dubious toys. Behind anyone who takes the dark side of the Force is a fatter spider, dictating his will like Sauron to Saruman.

People, seduced by Power or other baits, get hooked in the same way as the kings of the kingdom of people got into trouble, having received their Rings of Power, after which, subjugated by Sauron, they turned into the dark Nazgul - in whom nothing of their own remained.

If a person chooses the path to the light- instantly Heart opens and wings grow behind his back. Joy appears with the first step along this Path and never leaves. A huge spiritual value appears - Service to people.

Laws of the Light Ones:
“The more you give from your Heart, the more remains” or “Yours is only what you gave.”

Of course, it is very important to see where and what you are giving - Open heart, unselfishness and Service to people does not mean a lack of Reason, clarity and adequacy.

The path to the dark ones blocks the heart, the gaze darkens and a frostbitten attitude towards people appears, like rabbits for practicing spells, and the thirst for Power warms up. This is an indicator of the manifestations of both Forces - like an impeccable litmus test.

Some adherents believe that you can allow yourself to take the Power both here and there - to exist in both worlds, as if having “dual citizenship”, like two passports.
What I encounter now is that these Forces come out on their own and manifest themselves simultaneously. They do not leave until a person clearly and uncompromisingly decides which side of the Force he has decided to be on.

In other words, it is impossible to serve in the Day and Night Watch at once.

This may have something to do with 2012. But now it’s impossible to take the gray route. You need to be careful with so-called “Grey” schools. in which the leader has entered into an agreement with two hierarchies.
The gray magician raises the frequencies, at the same time relying on the dark siddhis, which means they control him.
The gray school does not teach evil - at least not openly. In such a school there is very interesting and exciting knowledge. And indeed, this knowledge always contains real working information that is important for evolution and spiritual development. And this is a paradoxical situation. There really is something very valuable and important for the experience of the soul to take away.

Magic is truly a fast way of spiritual development, if you avoid the traps on the way.

But you can run into a situation described by Andrei Smirnov in the novel “Lords of Magic,” when the main character’s mentor-magician honestly explains why some not-so-bright magicians actually need students.

As payment for training from such a master, a powerful dark anchor is built into the high-frequency body of the student. This manifests itself in a very unpleasant sensation in the projection of this structure at the level of the physical body - everything there curls up and hurts and is very difficult to remove using conventional methods. And the classics of the dark masters - psychotronic things - in the consciousness of the adept there is a whole field of structures that allow one to gain spiritual power over a gullible adept. These structures are knocked out with very great difficulty (as an option, with a blow from the Energy of the Law, channel 11 of the Sephiroth tree) - see the fragment of the 2nd episode of “The Lord of the Rings” where Gandalf knocks out the dark Saruman from the consciousness of King Rohan with a blow of his staff.

A characteristic feature of the dark ones is the creation lower demonic connection- with astral vision you can see how a dark connection is attached to a person’s leg, tailbone or neck, going into the lower worlds. When you break it, which is not so easy to do, there is a huge influx of energy not only to the lower centers - the Taoist cosmic orbit is launched. It becomes incredibly easy to rise into high-frequency spaces, which is almost impossible if you are hooked on your tailbone or leg with a black chain.

The dark ones love to build hierarchical pyramids with unquestioning submission and encouragement to worship those who created this structure.

The darker the egregor, the more authoritarianism and power. If this is truly a spiritual organization, and not a paramilitary unit, then the Lighter the Egregor, the more Freedom and the absence of rigid schemes of understanding the world.

Jiddu Krishnamurti generally said that Spirituality and authoritarianism are incompatible.
The enormous value of the Forces of Light has been and will be Freedom. To be convinced of this, it is enough to call on the Forces of Light directly or through the head of your Clan.

Often the dark ones try to pass through an equally dark Ally (one of the incarnations where the adept flew to the Dark Side of the Force, like Darth Vader in Star Wars), especially if he occupied high position in that incarnation.

You need to be able to see in time - because this often happens during psychoenergetic practices, especially group ones, where a lot of energy accumulates and especially when trying to move to a qualitatively new energy level - in this case, parity is violated (remember the licenses issued to the Watches, including the Night Watch) and the dark ones gain the right to manifest themselves. The consequence of such inclusion is usually an attempt to devour the adept, or the entire group of practitioners - and enormous attention must be paid to this - especially for instructors leading other people.

If this happens, you need to be able to protect yourself and those around you. A direct blow with the Power of Law (energy of the 11th channel of the Sephiroth tree) or the use of other powerful attributes and protective astral tools works.

If the adept firmly decided to go Up, to the Light -
Can call upon the Forces of Light and give them an Oath,
then they have the right to come to the rescue much more effectively in the event of an attempt to influence the dark ones.

Among the Forces of Light there are a lot of options for Paths and many Egregors,
including schools and Masters of Light Magic, between whom there is their own competition, but general LAWS the ways they live remain unchanged.

When moving to a certain frequency level, the dark ones disappear, because in the range of Light energies it is impossible for them to manifest themselves anymore. It is this phase that true Saints speak of - there is complete duality disappears and war stops.

But you need to be able to rise to this level.

If a person gave Oath to the Forces of Light
then in the area where the manifestation of the dark ones takes place on the cocoon, you can pronounce it again and invite Archangel Michael with a request to cut off the dark structures.

For those who often have to remove dark structures in Healing, one of the working options is through Reach out to Archangel Michael with your powers and accept initiation becoming a Warrior of Light.

It is in fairy tales that good triumphs over evil, but in life it is often quite the opposite. A sweet, kind, sympathetic person often finds himself under pressure from evil, selfish, selfish people who take advantage of the gullibility of a good-natured person. Sooner or later, this good-natured person will understand that he was directing his energy in the wrong direction, sharing his acquired wealth with the wrong people. But by the time he understands this, dark forces can already squeeze him out like a lemon. In astrology, the planet of war and aggression - Mars - is associated with dark forces, and it is this planet that will tell you how to protect yourself from bad influences.

Mars- energy, determination, and when we do not have, do not direct our energy to achieve it, then there will be others - dark ones who will use our energy.

Very often we become victims due to our own disorganization. We help our friends, we work too much, and all this depresses us; we find ourselves forced to communicate with those who annoy us, or we simply lose strength because we are not organized to implement our own plans.

One person can have several long- and short-range goals; goals can be very material and purely spiritual, but if they are not there or they are poorly visible, that is, they are not sufficiently thought out and conscious, then the energy at the base is not organized. And in this case, according to the principle “why should good things go to waste,” there will definitely be someone with a neatly built triangle, the sides of which, with the energy moving along them, will attract to themselves what lies poorly. We can lose our energy and become a victim of dark forces only because we ourselves do not use our potential.

When we say (or think): “I need...”, “I feel (or understand) that I have to do something,” then our energy is built according to the principle of a triangle, the self-goal system becomes active. A kind of magnetic field is formed around us, attracting everything that can help achieve our goal.

For example, suddenly someone calls and gives useful information or offers his help. When we are organized, we become a magnet and attract tips, favors, luck, we find ourselves in right time V in the right place, people come to us with similar goals and objectives in order to achieve more by combining our efforts.

The larger the goal, the more time it takes to achieve it, the higher the top and the longer the sides of the triangle, and therefore the more long term we are protected from the plunder of our energy.

But if a person has not set himself any goal, someone will certainly ask him to take care of other people’s affairs, forcing him to spend his energy on something that is not within his circle of interests.

Very often they try to steal our energy during the year after our birthday, which falls on Tuesday. Tuesday is the day of Mars and the year that begins on Tuesday is the year of Mars when dark forces are activated towards a person and he is faced with the need to resist such forces. Very often during such a year a person finds himself in a situation of struggle where, if he does not show will, determination, and self-confidence, he will be suppressed and subjugated to someone else’s will. In any year, but especially in the year of Mars, a person can become a victim of forces that will try to use his energy.

They are associated with something evil, insidious and frightening, but in fact they often only perform a sanitary function, picking up something that has not been used by the owner for a long time and is about to begin to decompose and become unusable. Any completely bright person can perform the function of a dark force in relation to someone when he attracts for the implementation of his projects those who do not have their own plans or who are not organized enough to implement them. Those who do not have an awareness of what they need from life will become material for the construction of someone else's well-being, for the implementation of the plans of other people and other beings.

It’s quite easy to avoid becoming a victim of the forces of evil; you just need to imagine as clearly, clearly and in detail as possible what you need from life. Residents of large cities are unhappy that out-of-town or foreign citizens have come to their land and are trying to build their lives in a new place. The newcomers know what they need, they have a goal that, like a magnet, attracts everyone who can realize it. Emigrants can play the role of dark forces for the indigenous population, since their will, thirst to arrange their lives can create a dense energy clot around them, attracting the energy of those who do not have thirst, whose will does not manifest itself so actively, whose goals are not directed towards distant future.

We all, one way or another, help each other and can get satisfaction from it. But the less aware we are of our own life program, the less we dream and mentally form our future - we define the “peak” - the greater the likelihood that, having provided a service to someone, we will not receive satisfaction from it.

You can live one day and not think about what we will eat tomorrow and what we will wear, but it is unreasonable to live aimlessly. When we understand what we need from life, we take control of ourselves, our energy, and no other people or other forms of life will be able to use our energy without our consent. The higher the degree of self-awareness, the less likely you are to become a victim.

A person does not always understand his global life task; he cannot always formulate a goal, the achievement of which will take many years. But we can all have at least small goals, such as renovating our apartment, updating our wardrobe, increasing our income, or freeing up time for leisure. If you have at least one goal in your mind, then the likelihood of becoming someone’s victim is reduced, while the chances of making new acquaintances and friends who will want to help you solve your problems increase.

Many have noticed that as soon as they decide to do an important task, there are quickly a lot of little things that require attention, for example, a faucet will leak, or some other necessary household item will break. This is a kind of strength test. Through minor troubles (and sometimes quite happy events), life tries to strengthen us in our choice and provides an opportunity to think again about our plans and intentions. If we deal with the little things and we still have enthusiasm for a great cause, it means that what we have planned is really worth our attention and effort.

Dark forces. What is the Hierarchy of the Forces of Evil?

Purely esoteric topic! Unfortunately, many are skeptical about such information; I would like to quote the expression of one movie character on this matter: - “I don’t believe in the Devil,” - “It’s you in vain, but he believes in you...

While a person lives only with material and social ideas and laws - he will never understand how this world works and what laws, how they rule in it...

In Christianity, for example, who doesn’t know, the entire hierarchy of Lucifer (the Devil) is described in great detail, this is the Hierarchy of Evil! With all the levels, the number of his warriors, devils, generals, counts, macrographs, etc. But this is only the earthly Hierarchy of evil, there is also a Cosmic, higher one... Just like the hierarchy of Light...

Whether you believe it or not, the Forces of Light and the Forces of Evil will not disappear from this. It's more likely that you will disappear than them...

Dark Forces | Hierarchy of the forces of Evil

You should try to know as much as possible about the dark forces, just as you do about the Light Forces. Because you need to know the enemy by sight! And if you consider yourself a Worthy, Light person, then you consider all kinds of manifestations of evil, depravity, baseness, ignorance, etc. unacceptable for yourself.

Evil is multifaceted; on Earth it is manifested in hundreds of thousands of forms and faces. And the first thing a spiritual student, a person who takes the path of development, the path of Honor, must learn is to distinguish between Good and Evil! Without this, it is not possible to make a choice, it is not possible to make the right, that is, worthy decisions, it is not possible to follow the path of Light.

And of course evil is not just delusion, bad people and their disgusting actions. Evil is a whole hierarchy of Dark Forces (creatures).

What is the Hierarchy of Evil (Dark Forces)

In order to understand the essence of Evil, read the article - “What is Evil.”

Some theses from the book of academician. Mianiye M.Yu. "Philosophy of the Cosmos"

A hierarchy of dark creatures, consciously or unconsciously serving Evil, fighting against God and his Hierarchy of Light. Dark Forces - organize their lives and activities according to the ideals and laws of Evil: Fear, Violence, Aggressiveness, Anger, Lack of Freedom, Destruction, etc.

Dark creatures- entities ( low level- download energy, cause pain), people (lost, criminals, dark magicians), asuras, biblical dark creatures (devils, demons, demons, etc.).

Asuras- initially dark creatures (without God's spark).

Tasks of the Dark Forces- fight against God and His Servants, destroy Light worlds and create dark worlds according to the ideals of Evil. Destroy and capture (enslave) everyone possible methods(direct violence, deception, temptation, etc.) light beings, including people and their Souls. And put them on the path of serving Evil.

There are many hierarchies of Evil. One of them exists on Earth, underground and around it (the Universe) and is controlled by Lucifer (the Devil). But, there are hierarchies of Evil outside our Universe and Cosmos, and they are controlled by other dark creatures.

Why does Evil and its hierarchy exist?

You need to understand that Evil exists for a reason, it was allowed (introduced) by the Creator into our universe approximately 1 million years ago for the development of people (their souls).

The Expediency of Evil- is associated with the realization of a person’s destiny. Ruler (Creator of Universes) - must be able to rule so that not a single creature suffers unjustly. On Earth, a person has the opportunity to study and experience all the manifestations of Evil.

Evil is purposefully used by the Hierarchy of Light to accelerate Human development through punishment for mistakes (approximately 70% of cases), activation of development (approximately 20%) and other methods.

Man enters the hierarchy of Evil consciously (ready to serve Evil, follow the dark path of development) or automatically (when implementing its ideals and laws in your life).

Dark forces influence people(punish, destroy, enslave, deprive of joy, intelligence, talents, strength, etc.) - for their gross violations of spiritual laws: fighting God, serving Evil, abdicating responsibility for their actions, receiving pleasure from their own evil manifestations and for the negative manifestations themselves (anger, aggression, envy, violence, lies, etc.), for encouraging evil in others, destroying faith, bright feelings and ideals of the Creator, and others.

When a person chose the path of Light, his task is to destroy the evil in himself and the dark forces in the world around him. Dark forces allow such a person to quickly develop through the fight against them and allow themselves to be destroyed (they are mortal). Effective development- involves complete elimination inner evil, any dependence on it and the ability to counteract external evil.

Good luck to you in your fight, first of all, against inner evil!

Today, there is a lot of talk about various conspiracies, world government, dark forces and other organizations that control our planet. The range of this information is quite wide, from a financier conspiracy to an alien invasion. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? New information, books, articles, revelations appear quite regularly, especially in recent decades.

Is not world government controls us, it is we ourselves who do not want to control our lives.

Some believe, some reject, some are afraid, some don’t pay attention to all this, people’s reactions are quite varied. How many people, so many opinions. But, nevertheless, since an event occurs, it means that someone needs it for some reason. Let's try to figure this issue out.


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After all, the path of the dark is also a road that everyone must follow in order to learn the obvious things, that evil begets evil, violence begets violence, and love begets love.

Dark forces appeared in the universe with the appearance of the universe itself. This is a catalyst, the opposite, the desire to achieve results quickly and painlessly for oneself, everything is only for me and in my name.

This, of course, is also a path and, like any path, worthy of respect.

The human spirit, once born, begins to comprehend the foundations of the universe through incarnations, gaining experience of life on Earth and other planets. Only after going through the road of comprehension of moral laws, a person will be able to choose for himself right direction in life.

The lower you fall today, the higher you have the opportunity to rise tomorrow. Because only on personal experience a person becomes convinced that the fire is hot and the ice is cold. And no matter how much you tell your child that the iron is hot, he will not believe you until he gets burned himself. The entire evolution of man is based on this example.

Therefore, you must treat the dark ones evenly, without hatred, accept them as any manifestation of life, like bad weather, you don’t like it, but it exists. But the choice of road is always yours; this is why karmic situations exist on Earth.

Any situation can be solved in two ways, the path of light and the path of darkness, or you don’t have to solve it at all. But the laws of the universe will still put you in such conditions when you have to make a decision.

To continue your evolutionary development further, you need to live through all karmic situations in accordance with cosmic laws. For the Spirit will not be able to evolve further, its sins simply will not allow it. And, speaking in the language of space, specific gravity The spirit will not correspond to the reality where it strives so much.

The task of the Light forces is to help a person in his evolution, if he wishes to do so. And the dark ones strive to take possession of a person by force, for this is their main position. But they also live according to Cosmic laws, whether they want it or not. The only thing they are allowed to do is pump up similar vibrational frequencies that the person himself creates. “Like attracts like” is one of the basic laws of the Universe.

Manifestation of evil, irritation, hatred, etc. attracts similar vibrations from the space of the Earth. This infuriates him, and already in this state he resolves the karmic situation.

The boomerang law is inexorable. A person will definitely receive a return blow, but of greater force than the one he sent into space. As a result, retribution comes in the form of misfortune, illness and suffering.

But a person still has to go his own way. By getting burned, falling and getting up, dying and being reborn again in the human body, the Spirit comprehends the basic laws of the Cosmos. His Spiritual potential develops and grows.

We all have one road - only to the light, for light always conquers darkness, but everyone must be convinced of this by example and experience. Therefore, treat the manifestation of the dark ones evenly, without showing aggression or hatred. Only on the basis of love can any karmic situation be correctly resolved. “What you sow, so shall you reap” - this folk wisdom of our ancestors reflects the real state of things in the universe. Think about this, people, God and all the bright forces are with you.


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