Writing technical requirements on drawings of welded structures. Technical requirements on the drawing Location of technical requirements on the GOST drawing

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Any drawing in addition to such elements as the actual image of the part, the dimensions to which it must correspond, the permissible values ​​of their maximum deviations characteristic of the displayed object, it also contains some additional components that are written in the form of text.

It should be noted that this component of the technical drawing is of great importance, since it contains important information characterizing the part. It can be: various inscriptions, technical requirements, as well as tables with data on certain sizes or any other parameters.

According to the standards in force in our country, all points of technical requirements must have continuous numbering. In addition, each of them must be written on a new line. In this case, the header (" Technical requirements") there is no need to write.

In cases where there is a need to indicate any technical characteristics of the product, it is located away from technical requirements. In addition, it should have its own numbering of paragraphs, placed under the heading “ Technical specifications"on the free field of the drawing. The heading " Technical requirements" Neither heading is underlined.

Technical requirements on the drawing

For presentation technical requirements The principle of grouping by homogeneity and similarity is used. It is recommended to arrange them in the following sequence:

01. Requirements for the workpiece, the material for its manufacture, the properties of the material of the finished part (hardness, electrical conductivity, magnetizability, hygroscopicity, humidity, etc.), heat treatment. If it is possible to manufacture a part from substitute materials, then they should also be indicated;

02. Dimensions and their maximum deviations, weight, relative position of surfaces and their shape;

03. Requirements for the quality of surfaces, coatings applied to them, instructions regarding finishing;

04. Location of various structural elements, gaps between them;

05. Adjustment and configuration of products, as well as the requirements for it;

06. Other requirements for the quality characteristics of products (silence, self-braking, vibration resistance, etc.);

07. Test methods and conditions;

08. Instructions for branding and marking;

09. Rules for storage and transportation;

10. Special conditions of use;

The standard establishes the rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings of products from all industries.

Designation: GOST 2.316-68*
Russian name: ESKD. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings
Status: active
Replaces: GOST 5292-60 “Drawing management system. General requirements for working drawings" (in part of Section VI and appendices) GOST 3453-59 "Drawings in mechanical engineering. Images, views, sections, sections" (in part of section VI)
Date of text update: 01.10.2008
Date added to the database: 01.02.2009
Effective date: 01.01.1971
Approved: State Standard of the USSR (01.12.1967)
Published: IPC Standards Publishing House No. 2000

GOST 2.316-68







Approved by the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in December 1967. The introduction date is set

from 01.01.71

1. This standard establishes the rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables, drawings of products from all industries.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3).

2. In addition to the image of the item with dimensions and maximum deviations, the drawing may contain:

a) text part consisting of technical requirements and (or) technical characteristics;

b) inscriptions with designations and images, as well as those related to individual elements of the product;

c) tables with dimensions and other parameters, technical requirements, control systems, symbols, etc.

3. The main inscription of the drawing must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.104-68 and GOST 2.109-73.

4. The text part and inscriptions of the table are included in the drawing in cases where the data, instructions and explanations contained in them are impossible or impractical to express graphically or in symbols.

6. Text in the field of the drawing, tables, inscriptions indicating images, as well as inscriptions associated directly with the image, as a rule, are placed parallel to the main inscription of the drawing.

7. Near the images on the shelves of the leader lines, only short inscriptions are applied directly to the image of the object, for example, indications of the number of structural elements (holes, grooves, etc.), if they are not included in the table, as well as indications of the front side, direction of rolling, fibers, etc.

8. A leader line that intersects the contour of the image and is not deviated from any line ends with a dot (Fig. 1 A) .

The leader line drawn from the lines of the visible and invisible contour, as well as from the lines indicating surfaces, ends with an arrow (Fig. 1 b,V) .

At the end of the leader line, diverted from all other lines, there should be neither an arrow nor a dot (Fig. 1 G).

Crap. 1

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

9. Leader lines should not intersect each other, be not parallel to the hatching lines (if the leader line runs along a shaded field) and, if possible, not intersect dimension lines and image elements that do not include the inscription placed on the shelf.

It is allowed to make leader lines with one break (Drawing 2), as well as draw two more leader lines from one shelf (Drawing 3).

Crap. 2

Crap. 3

10. Inscriptions related directly to the image may contain no more than two lines located above and below the leader line shelf.

11. The text part placed on the drawing field is placed above the main inscription.

It is not allowed to place images, tables, etc. between the text part and the main inscription.

On sheets larger than A4, text may be placed in two or more columns. The column width should be no more than 185 mm.

The drawing leaves space for the continuation of the table of changes.

12. On the drawing of a product for which a table of parameters is established by the standard (for example, a gear, worm, etc.), it is placed according to the rules established by the corresponding standard. All other tables are placed in the free space of the drawing margin to the right of the image or below it and are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.105-95.

13. Technical requirements are stated in the drawing, grouping together requirements that are homogeneous and similar in nature, if possible in the following sequence:

a) requirements for the material, workpiece, heat treatment and material properties of the finished part (electrical, magnetic, dielectric, hardness, humidity, hygroscopicity, etc.), indication of substitute materials;

b) dimensions, maximum deviations of dimensions, shape and relative position of surfaces, mass, etc.;

c) requirements for the quality of surfaces, instructions on their finishing and coating;

d) gaps, location of individual structural elements;

e) requirements for setting up and regulating the product;

f) other requirements for product quality, for example: noiselessness, vibration resistance, self-braking, etc.;

g) test conditions and methods;

h) instructions on marking and branding;

i) rules of transportation and storage;

j) special operating conditions;

14. Points of technical requirements must have continuous numbering. Each item of technical requirements is written on a new line.

15. The heading “Technical requirements” is not written.

16. If it is necessary to indicate the technical characteristics of the product, it is placed separately from the technical requirements, with independent numbering of points, in a free field of the drawing under the heading “Technical characteristics”. In this case, the heading “Technical Requirements” is placed above the technical requirements. Both headings are unemphasizing.

17. When drawing on two or more sheets, the text part is placed only on the first sheet, regardless of which sheets contain the images to which the instructions given in the text part relate.

Inscriptions relating to individual elements of an object and placed on the shelves of leader lines are placed on those sheets of the drawing on which they are most necessary for ease of reading the drawing.

18. To designate images (types, sections, sections), surfaces, dimensions and other elements of the product in drawings, capital letters of the Russian alphabet are used, with the exception of the letters И, О, ​​X, ъ, ы, ь.

Letter designations are assigned in alphabetical order without repetition and, as a rule, without gaps, regardless of the number of sheets of the drawing. It is preferable to label images first.

In case of a lack of letters, digital indexing is used, for example: “A”; "A 1"; "A 2 ;"B-B"; "B 1 -B 1"; "B 2 -B 2."

Letter designations are not underlined.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

19. The font size of letter designations should be approximately twice the size of the digits of the dimensional numbers used in the same drawing.

20. The scale of the image in the drawing, which differs from that indicated in the main inscription, is indicated immediately after the inscription relating to the image, for example:

A - A (1:1); B (5:1); A (2:1).

If in the drawing it is difficult to find additional images (sections, cuts, additional views, extension elements) due to the large saturation of the drawing or its execution on two or more sheets, then the designation of additional images indicates the sheet numbers or designations of the zones on which these images are placed (Fig. 4).

Crap. 4

In these cases, additional images next to their designations indicate the numbers of sheets or designations of zones on which additional images are marked (Fig. 5).

Crap. 5

21. Excluded. Change No. 3 .



Full name


Without drawing

Upper deviation

top off





Countersink, countersink






Class (accuracy, purity)




Design department

Design department











Standard control

Lower deviation

lower off



Processing, processing


Center hole

resp. center.



Primary applicability

first app.*




Purchase, purchase

In order

Maximum deviation

prev off




Developed by


Registration, registration


Assembly drawing




Standard, standard




Technical requirements


Technical task


Technological control

T. counter.*

High frequency current

Precision, precise


Conditional pressure

conventional pressure

Conditional pass

conventional damn


Cementation, cement

Center of mass




Note: Abbreviations marked with “*” are used only in the title block.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 3).

The general view drawing contains:

a) images of the product (types, sections, sections), giving ideas about the design and interaction of its component parts;

b) position numbers of components;

c) information about the composition of the product, including names, designations of components, brands of structural materials of parts, etc.;

d) the text part, inscriptions and tables necessary to understand the structural design of the product, its technical characteristics, the interaction of its components and the principle of operation;

e) overall, installation, connection and reference dimensions;

f) main inscription.

A general drawing is developed at the first stages of design, i.e. at the stage of technical proposal, preliminary and technical designs.

The general drawing is carried out in compliance with the requirements of GOST 2.109--73. The components are depicted in a simplified manner. They can be depicted on one sheet with a general view or on separate subsequent sheets.

The name and designation of the component parts of the product can be indicated in one of the following ways:

on the shelves of leader lines drawn from the parts in the general drawing;

in the table located on the general view drawing

in the table, made on separate sheets of A4 format, as the next sheets of the general view drawing.

If there is a table, the serial number of the component parts of the product is indicated on the shelves of the leader lines in accordance with this table.

The table is placed above the main title of the drawing.

The text part in the form of technical requirements and technical characteristics must be placed on the first sheet in the form of a column no more than 185 mm wide. If necessary, the text is placed in one, two or more columns. In this case, the second and last columns are located to the left of the main inscription. Images or other tables cannot be placed between the text part and the table of components (or the main inscription). Overall, connecting, installation and necessary structural dimensions are indicated on the general view drawing

The necessary tables, including technical specifications, arranged in table form, are placed on the free field of the general view drawing to the right of the images or below them. If there are several tables and they are referenced in the technical requirements, then the tables are labeled as follows: “Table 1” (without the No. sign).

Technical requirements for a non-standard product are placed on the free field of the sketch drawing and, if possible, above the main inscription

The technical requirements state:

Purpose, scope and parameters characterizing the operating conditions of a non-standard product;

Technical data, design requirements and characteristics,

necessary for the development of a non-standard product (design, device, mounting block);

A brief description of the design of a non-standard product and, if necessary, the principle of operation. If there are component parts of the product, the description is carried out sequentially for each component of the non-standard product;

Requirements for manufacturing technology, if they are the only ones that guarantee the required quality of a non-standard product, and requirements for protective coatings;

Requirements for the conditions of fastening (installation) of a non-standard product (structure, device, mounting block) to foundations and other building structures;

Special requirements for a non-standard product - explosion safety, acid resistance and others;

Quality requirements that a non-standard product must meet (for example, wear resistance, heat resistance, strength);

Initial data on the load on a non-standard structure, working environment and other data;

Instructions for making permanent connections (for example, welded);

Special requirements for storage conditions of non-standard products and other necessary requirements


The following are indicated on the general view drawings:

1. Overall and connection dimensions

2. Fundamentally important dimensions and fits that ensure normal operation of the parts.

3. Longitudinal mating dimensions, affixed in the form of dimensional chains.

4. Coordinates that determine the positions of interconnected structural elements.

Dimensions between centers of mounting screw holes.

5. Dimensions, the size of which is limited by the small distance between closely spaced parts.

6. Dimensions are important to ensure the performance and reliability of parts

7. Dimensions of standard elements, if they are changed to non-standard ones.

The general view drawing DOES NOT INCLUDE:

1. Dimensions of non-mating elements specified by standards.

2. Dimensions of non-mating elements specified by the standards for these elements: dimensions of technological elements specified by the standards.

3. Dimensions of elements that can be measured with sufficient accuracy using a general view drawing.

GOST 2.316-68







Approved by the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in December 1967. The introduction date is set

from 01.01.71

1. This standard establishes the rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings of products from all industries.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2,).

2. In addition to the image of the object with dimensions and maximum deviations, the drawing may contain:

a) text part consisting of technical requirements and (or) technical characteristics;

b) inscriptions indicating images, as well as those relating to individual elements of the product;

c) tables with dimensions and other parameters, technical requirements, control systems, symbols, etc.

3. The main inscription of the drawing must be made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.104-68 and GOST 2.109-73.

4. The text part, inscriptions and tables are included in the drawing in cases where the data, instructions and explanations contained in them are impossible or impractical to express graphically or by symbols.

6. Text in the drawing field, tables, inscriptions indicating images, as well as inscriptions associated directly with the image, as a rule, are placed parallel to the main inscription of the drawing.

7. Near the images on the shelves of leader lines, only short inscriptions are applied directly to the image of the object, for example, indications of the number of structural elements (holes, grooves, etc.), if they are not included in the table, as well as indications of the front side , rolling directions, fibers, etc.

8. A leader line that intersects the contour of the image and is not deviated from any line ends with a dot (Fig. 1 A).

The leader line, drawn from the lines of the visible and invisible contour, as well as from the lines indicating surfaces, ends with an arrow (Fig. 1 b, V).

At the end of the leader line, diverted from all other lines, there should be neither an arrow nor a dot (Fig. 1 G).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

9. Leader lines should not intersect each other, be non-parallel to the hatch lines (if the leader line runs along a shaded field) and, if possible, not intersect dimension lines and image elements that do not include the inscription placed on the shelf.

It is allowed to make leader lines with one break (Diagram 2), as well as draw two or more leader lines from one shelf (Diagram 3).

10. Inscriptions related directly to the image may contain no more than two lines, located above and below the leader line shelf.

11. The text part placed on the drawing field is placed above the main inscription.

It is not allowed to place images, tables, etc. between the text part and the main inscription.

On sheets larger than A4, text may be placed in two or more columns. The column width should be no more than 185 mm.

The drawing leaves space for the continuation of the table of changes.

12. In the drawing of a product for which a table of parameters is established by the standard (for example, a gear, worm, etc.), it is placed according to the rules established by the corresponding standard. All other tables are placed in the free space of the drawing margin to the right of the image or below it and are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.105-95.

13. The technical requirements in the drawing are stated by grouping together requirements that are homogeneous and similar in nature, if possible in the following sequence:

a) requirements for the material, workpiece, heat treatment and material properties of the finished part (electrical, magnetic, dielectric, hardness, humidity, hygroscopicity, etc.), indication of substitute materials;

b) dimensions, maximum deviations of dimensions, shape and relative position of surfaces, mass, etc.;

c) requirements for the quality of surfaces, instructions on their finishing and coating;

d) gaps, location of individual structural elements;

e) requirements for setting up and regulating the product;

f) other requirements for product quality, for example: noiselessness, vibration resistance, self-braking, etc.;

g) test conditions and methods;

h) instructions on marking and branding;

i) rules of transportation and storage;

j) special operating conditions;

14. Clauses of technical requirements must have continuous numbering. Each item of technical requirements is written on a new line.

15. The heading “Technical requirements” is not written.

16. If it is necessary to indicate the technical characteristics of the product, it is placed separately from the technical requirements, with separate numbering of points, in a free field of the drawing under the heading “Technical characteristics”. In this case, the heading “Technical Requirements” is placed above the technical requirements. Both headings are not underlined.

17. When making a drawing on two or more sheets, the text part is placed only on the first sheet, regardless of which sheets contain the images to which the instructions given in the text part relate.

Inscriptions relating to individual elements of an object and placed on the shelves of leader lines are placed on those sheets of the drawing on which they are most necessary for ease of reading the drawing.

18. To designate images (types, sections, sections), surfaces, dimensions and other elements of the product in the drawing, capital letters of the Russian alphabet are used, with the exception of the letters Y, O, X, Ъ, ы, ь.

Letter designations are assigned in alphabetical order without repetition and, as a rule, without gaps, regardless of the number of sheets of the drawing. It is preferable to label the images first.

In case of a lack of letters, numerical indexing is used, for example: “A”; "A1"; “A2; "B-B"; "B1-B1"; "B2-B2."

Letter designations are not underlined.

19. The font size of letter designations should be approximately twice the size of the digits of the dimensional numbers used in the same drawing.

20. The scale of the image in the drawing, which differs from that indicated in the main inscription, is indicated immediately after the inscription relating to the image, for example:

A - A (1:1); B (5:1); A (2:1).

If in a drawing it is difficult to find additional images (sections, cuts, additional views, extension elements) due to the large saturation of the drawing or its execution on two or more sheets, then the designation of additional images indicates the sheet numbers or designations of the zones on which these images are placed (Fig. . 4).

In these cases, above the additional images, their designations indicate the sheet numbers or designations of the zones on which the additional images are marked (Fig. 5).


Full name


Without drawing

Upper deviation

top off





Countersink, countersink






Class (accuracy, purity)




Design department

Design department











Standard control

Lower deviation

lower off



Processing, processing


Center hole

resp. center.



Primary applicability

first app.*




Purchase, purchase

In order

Maximum deviation

prev off




Developed by


Registration, registration


Assembly drawing




Standard, standard




Technical requirements


Technical task


Technological control

T. counter.*

High frequency current

Precision, precise


Conditional pressure

conventional pressure

Conditional pass

conventional damn


Cementation, cement

Center of mass




Note: Abbreviations marked with “*” are used only in the title block.

Date of introduction 1974-07-01

This standard establishes the basic requirements for the execution of drawings of parts, assembly, dimensional and installation at the stage of development of working documentation for all industries. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 8, 11).


1.1. General provisions 1.1.1. When developing working drawings, the following is provided: a) the optimal use of standard and purchased products, as well as products that have been mastered by production and correspond to the modern level of technology; b) a rationally limited range of threads, splines and other structural elements, their sizes, coatings, etc.; c) a rationally limited range of grades and assortments of materials, as well as the use of the cheapest and least scarce materials; d) the necessary degree of interchangeability, the most advantageous methods of manufacturing and repairing products, as well as their maximum ease of maintenance in operation. 1.1.1a. Working drawings on paper (in paper form) and electronic drawings can be made on the basis of an electronic model of a part and an electronic model of an assembly unit ( GOST 2.052 ). (Changed edition, Amendment No. 11) General requirements for electronic documents - according to GOST 2.051 1.1.2. When making references to technical specifications in drawings of serial and mass-produced products, the latter must be registered in the prescribed manner (in states where state registration of technical specifications is mandatory). It is allowed to provide references to technological instructions when the requirements established by these instructions are the only ones that guarantee the required product quality; at the same time, they must be attached to the set of design documentation for the product when it is transferred to another enterprise. It is not allowed to provide references to individual paragraphs of standards, technical specifications and technological instructions. If necessary, the drawing provides a link to the entire document or to a separate section of it. It is not allowed to provide references to documents defining the shape and dimensions of structural elements of products (chamfers, grooves, etc.) if the relevant standards do not contain a symbol for these elements. All data for their manufacture must be shown on the drawings. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 4, 10, 11). 1.1.3. It is not allowed to place technological instructions on working drawings. As an exception, it is allowed: a) to indicate manufacturing and control methods if they are the only ones that guarantee the required quality of the product, for example, joint processing, joint bending or flaring, etc.; b) give instructions on the choice of the type of technological workpiece (casting, forging, etc.); c) indicate a certain technological method that guarantees the provision of certain technical requirements for the product that cannot be expressed by objective indicators or quantities, for example, the aging process, vacuum impregnation, gluing technology, control, pairing of the plunger pair, etc. 1.1.4. For products of the main unit* and auxiliary production, on the drawings intended for use at a specific enterprise, it is allowed to place various instructions on the manufacturing technology and control of products. * The rules for the execution of drawings of products of single production also apply to auxiliary production. 1.1.5. The drawings use symbols (signs, lines, alphabetic and alphanumeric designations) established in state (interstate) standards. Symbols are used without explaining them in the drawing and without indicating the standard number. The exception is the symbols, which provide for indicating the standard number, for example, center hole C12 GOST 14034. Notes: 1. If there are no corresponding symbols in state (interstate) standards, then the symbols established in national standards and standards of organizations with mandatory references to them are used. 2. It is allowed to use symbols that are not provided for in state (interstate) and national standards and standards of organizations. In these cases, the symbols are explained in the drawing field. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 11) 1.1.6. The dimensions of conventional signs that are not established in the standards are determined taking into account the clarity and clarity of the drawing and are kept the same when repeated many times. 1.1.7. The working drawing of the product indicates dimensions, maximum deviations, surface roughness and other data that it must comply with before assembly (Drawing 1 A). The exception is the case specified in clause 1.1.8. Dimensions, maximum deviations and surface roughness of product elements resulting from processing during or after assembly are indicated on the assembly drawing (Fig. 1 b). (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 1.1.8. A product, the manufacture of which provides for an allowance for the subsequent processing of individual elements during the assembly process, is depicted in a drawing with dimensions, maximum deviations and other data that it must comply with after final processing. Such dimensions are enclosed in parentheses, and in the technical requirements an entry is made like: “Dimensions in parentheses - after assembly” (Fig. 1 V). 1.1.9. Working drawings of products to be coated indicate the dimensions and surface roughness before coating. It is allowed to indicate simultaneously the dimensions and surface roughness before and after coating. In this case, dimensional lines and designations of surface roughness before and after coating are applied as shown in Fig. 2. If it is necessary to indicate the dimensions and surface roughness only after coating, then the corresponding dimensions and surface roughness designations are marked with the sign “*” and in the technical requirements of the drawing an entry is made like: “*Dimensions and surface roughness after coating” (Drawing 3).

1.1.10. A separate drawing is made for each product. An exception is a group of products that have common design features, for which a group drawing is made in accordance with GOST 2.113. 1.1.11. On each drawing, a main inscription and additional columns are placed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.104. 1.1.12. The main inscription columns are filled out taking into account additional requirements: when drawing on several sheets, the same designation is indicated on all sheets of one drawing; in column 5 indicate the mass of the product: on the drawings for the manufacture of prototypes - the calculated mass, on the drawings, starting with the letter O 1 - the actual mass. In this case, the actual mass should be understood as the mass determined by measurement (weighing the product). On drawings of products of single production and products with a large mass, and large-sized products, the determination of the mass of which by weighing is difficult, it is allowed to indicate the calculated mass. At the same time, on the drawings of products developed under orders of the Ministry of Defense, indication of the estimated mass is allowed only in agreement with the customer (customer’s representative). The mass of the product is indicated in kilograms without indicating the unit of measurement. It is allowed to indicate the mass in other units of measurement indicating them, for example: 0.25 t, 15 t. If necessary, it is allowed to indicate the maximum deviations of the mass of the product in the technical requirements of the drawing. On dimensional and installation drawings, as well as on drawings of parts of prototypes and individual production, it is allowed not to indicate the weight. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 6). 1.1.13. (Deleted, Amendment No. 11) 1.1.14. If an edge (edge) needs to be made sharp or rounded, then a corresponding indication is placed on the drawing. If there is no indication on the drawing about the shape of the edges or ribs, then they should be blunted. If necessary, in this case you can specify the size of the bluntness (chamfer, radius), placed next to the “∟” sign, for example, dash. 3a. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 9).

1.1.15. If the final manufactured product must have center holes made in accordance with GOST 14034, then they are depicted conventionally, with a sign indicating the designation in accordance with GOST 14034 on the shelf of the leader line. If there are two identical holes, one of them is depicted (Fig. 4 a). If the center holes in the finished product are unacceptable, then indicate the sign (Fig. 4b). Center holes are not depicted and no indications are placed in the technical requirements if the presence of holes is structurally indifferent. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 7). 1.1.16. In justified cases (for example, when changing dimensions in a drawing during its development, when re-executing the drawing is impractical, when using blank drawings*, etc.), deviations from the image scale are allowed if this does not distort the clarity of the image and does not make it difficult to read the drawing in production. * Blank drawings - blanks of design documents that are used after entering the missing dimensions and other necessary data into them. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2, 8).

1.2. Drawings of jointly processed products 1.2.1. If individual elements of a product need to be processed together with another product before assembly, for which they are temporarily connected and fastened (for example, body halves, crankcase parts, etc.), then independent drawings should be issued for both products in the general manner indicating of all sizes, maximum deviations, surface roughness and other necessary data. Dimensions with maximum deviations of elements processed together are enclosed in square brackets and the technical requirements include the following instruction: “Processing according to dimensions in square brackets is carried out together with...” (Fig. 5).

1.2.2. In difficult cases, when indicating the dimensions connecting the various surfaces of both products, next to the image of one of the products, which most fully reflects the conditions of joint processing, a full or partial simplified image of the other product, made with solid thin lines, is placed (Fig. 6). It is not allowed to release separate drawings for joint processing.

1. Processing according to dimensions in square brackets should be carried out together with the children...

2. Use the parts together.

1.2.3. Technical requirements relating to surfaces processed together are placed in the drawing where all products processed together are shown. Instructions for joint processing are placed on all drawings of jointly processed products. 1.2.4. If individual elements of a product must be processed according to another product and (or) fitted to it, then the dimensions of such elements must be marked in the image with a “*” sign or a letter designation, and the corresponding instructions are given in the technical requirements of the drawing (Fig. 7). 1.2.5. When the processing of holes in a product for installation bolts, screws, rivets, pins must be carried out when assembling it with other products without preliminary processing of holes of a smaller diameter, the holes are not shown on the drawings of the parts and no instructions are placed in the technical requirements.

1. Surface And process according to the details. ..., maintaining size B.

2. Use the parts together.

All necessary data for processing such holes (images, dimensions, surface roughness, location coordinates, number of holes) are placed on the assembly drawing of the product in which this product is an integral part (Fig. 8). When using conical pins, assembly drawings of products indicate only the surface roughness of the hole and, under the shelf, a leader line with the pin position number - the number of holes. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 11) 1.2.6. In the drawing of a product obtained by cutting a workpiece into parts and interchangeable with any other product made from other workpieces according to this drawing, an image of the workpiece is not placed (Fig. 9). 1.2.7. For a product obtained by cutting a workpiece into parts or consisting of two or more jointly processed parts, used only together and not interchangeable with the same parts of another similar product, one drawing is developed (Drawing 10). 1.3. Drawings of products with additional processing or alteration 1.3.1. Drawings of products manufactured with additional processing of other products are carried out taking into account the following requirements: a) the workpiece product is depicted with solid thin lines, and surfaces obtained by additional processing, newly introduced products and products installed to replace existing ones - with solid main lines. The parts removed during alteration are not depicted; b) apply only those dimensions, maximum deviations and surface roughness designations that are necessary for additional processing (Fig. 11). It is allowed to apply reference, overall and connecting dimensions. It is allowed to depict only part of the workpiece product, the elements of which must be additionally processed. 1.3.2. In the drawing of a part produced by additional processing of the workpiece, in the column 3 In the main inscription, write down the word “Product-blank” and the designation of the product-blank. When using a purchased product as a product-blank, in column 3 of the main inscription indicate the name of the purchased product and its designation, which are contained in the accompanying documentation of the manufacturer (supplier). (Changed edition, Amendment No. 11)

Assembly drawing

Parts drawings

1.3.3. The workpiece part is recorded in the appropriate section of the product specification. In this case, the column “Pos.” crossed out. In computer-aided design, it is allowed to record a blank product after a modified product without taking into account the specification section. In the “Name” column, after the name of the workpiece product, indicate in brackets “Blank for...ХХХХХХ...”. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 6, 11). 1.3.4. When using an assembly unit as a blank product, the drawing of the product manufactured from the blank should be made as an assembly one. The specification of this product includes the workpiece product and other products installed during rework. The converted product is assigned an independent designation. When executing documents in electronic form, the workpiece product is included in the electronic structure of the product (GOST 2.053).

In the technical requirements of the drawing, it is allowed to indicate which assembly units and parts during rework are replaced with newly installed ones or excluded without replacement, for example: “Parts pos. 4 and 6 install instead of the existing roller and bushing”, “Remove the existing bushing”, etc. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 11) 1.3.5. If the modification of a product that is an assembly unit consists of removing or replacing its components, then an assembly drawing for the modified product may not be issued. The specification of such a product should be carried out in accordance with GOST 2.106, taking into account the following features: the product being modified is recorded in the “Assembly units” section as the first position; the components removed from the product being modified are recorded with an item number according to the specification of the product being modified in the appropriate sections under the heading “Removed components”; newly installed components are recorded in the appropriate sections under the heading “Newly installed components” indicating the item numbers that are a continuation of the items specified in the product being modified. Note. This method cannot be used when modifying purchased products. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 6). 1.4. Drawings of the product with inscriptions, signs, slags, photographs 1.4.1. Inscriptions and signs applied to the flat surface of the product are, as a rule, depicted in full on the appropriate form, regardless of the method of their application. Their location and design must meet the requirements for the finished product. If these products are shown in the drawing with gaps, then it is allowed to apply inscriptions and signs on the image incompletely and include them in the technical requirements of the drawing. 1.4.2. If inscriptions and signs must be applied to a cylindrical or conical surface, then an image of the inscription in the form of a scan is placed on the drawing. In a view where inscriptions, numbers and other data are projected with distortion, it is allowed to display them without distortion. It is allowed to depict in this view only part of the applied data necessary to connect the view with the scan (Fig. 12, 13). 1.4.3. When the inscription is symmetrically positioned relative to the contour of the part, instead of the dimensions that determine the location of the inscription, as a rule, the technical requirements indicate the maximum deviations of the location (Fig. 14). (Changed edition, Amendment No. 6). 1.4.4. The drawing must indicate the method of applying inscriptions and signs (engraving, stamping, embossing, photography, etc.), covering all surfaces of the product, covering the background of the front surface and covering the applied inscriptions and signs (Drawing 15). 1.4.5. If inscriptions, signs or other images must be applied to a product by photographing or contact printing directly from the original working drawing of the product, then the drawing (drawing. 16) in this case, it must be carried out in compliance with the following requirements: a) the product must be drawn in full size or on an enlarged scale. The scale should be selected depending on the method of applying the image (for example, for contact printing the scale should be 1:1); b) there should be no construction lines on the product image. All necessary dimensions, dimension and extension lines must be placed on the drawing field, outside the image. The dimensions of the holes made on the product may be given in the technical requirements. 1.4.4, 1.4.5. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5). 1.4.6. If it is advisable to apply an image to a product by photographing from the original of any design document (for example, from an electrical circuit diagram), then the drawing of such a product (Fig. 17) must be made in compliance with the following requirements: a) the applied images are not drawn; b) inside the contour of the product indicate the boundaries of the image location (solid thin line);

Deviation from the symmetrical position of the inscription is no more than 0.5 mm.

1. Photochemical etching flat: a) background of the front surface - black;

b) inscriptions, letters, signs and platform - metal colors.

2. Font - according to regulatory and technical documentation.

C) in the field of the drawing or inside the outline of the product, indicate the designation of the document from which photography should be taken, and provide additional information about which part of the document is to be photographed; d) inside the outline of the product, draw out (indicating the required dimensions and coordinates) the inscriptions, signs and other data missing in the document that must be added to the applied image. 1.5. Drawings of products manufactured in various production and technological options 1.5.1. Drawings that allow the manufacture of products in two or more production and technological options should be carried out according to the rules established for drawings of parts and assembly drawings, taking into account the additional requirements given in paragraphs. 1.5.2- 1.5.8. Note. Production and technological options are such options for the implementation of a product that are provided in the drawings in relation to various known production conditions or technological methods and means of production. Production and technological options should not violate the interchangeability, technical characteristics and performance of the product. 1.5.2. For each variant of manufacturing a part, which differs from other variants in manufacturing technology (casting, die-forging, welding, pressing from press material, etc.), a separate drawing with an independent designation is produced. l .5.3. In the drawing of a part that can be manufactured in various versions, differing in structural elements or their shape (grooves for tool exit, chamfers, rolled or cut threads, etc.), an indication of acceptable replacements is made. If necessary, place an additional image with the inscription “Option” above it. If there are several options, the option number is indicated in the inscription. Instructions allowing the manufacture of parts in accordance with the depicted option are not given in the drawing (Fig. 18). 1.5.4. When an assembly drawing provides options for manufacturing component parts of a product according to independent drawings (for example, parts made from a metal casting or from a stamping forging, or pressed from plastic), all options are recorded in the specification of this assembly unit in separate positions under their designations.

Number of components in the column “Quantity.” specifications are not entered, but in the “Note” column they indicate “... pcs., tolerance, replacement by item...”. On the shelf, leader lines from the image of the component indicate position numbers for all variants of this part, for example: “6 or 11”. 1.5.5. It is allowed to manufacture parts from two or more parts (for example, a sheathing sheet; individual parts of fencing, etc.); at the same time, the technical requirements contain an indication of the admissibility of manufacturing such a part, the method of connecting the parts and the materials necessary for the connection. If the location of a possible connection of parts and their preparation for connection must be precisely determined, then additional data is placed on the drawing: image, dimensions, etc. The connection point is depicted with a thin dash-dotted line. 1.5.6. An assembly drawing of a product, which includes a part with various manufacturing options (according to paragraphs 1.5.3 and 1.5.5.), is drawn up without additional instructions. 1.5.7. If the manufacturing options for a product consist in the fact that its components, while remaining equivalent, differ in some structural elements that are advisable to be shown on the assembly drawing, then the corresponding additional images will be in the way. An inscription is made above the additional image explaining that this image refers to the manufacturing option. If there are several options, the option number is indicated in the inscription.

The positions of the components included in the options will appear on the corresponding additional images (Fig. 19). 1.5.8. If the option for manufacturing parts is a detachable connection consisting of several parts, then an assembly drawing for this option is not developed. In the product specification, the parts that make up the variant are recorded as separate items. Count "Count." specifications are not filled out, but in the “Note” column they are written: for the main part; “pieces, tolerance, replacement with item...”, indicating the position numbers of all parts that make up the option, and the quantity of each of them; for variant details (detachable connection): “...pcs., app. with poses... instead of poses..." (Fig. 20).


2.1. Working drawings are usually developed for all parts included in the product. It is allowed not to produce drawings for: a) parts made from shaped or sectioned material cut at right angles, from sheet material cut along a circle, including those with a concentric hole or along the perimeter of a rectangle without subsequent processing; b) one of the product parts in the cases specified in paragraphs. 3.3.5 and 3.3.6; c) parts of products with permanent connections (welded, soldered, riveted, glued, nailed, etc.), which are components of products of a single production, if the design of such a part is so simple that three or four sizes on an assembly line are sufficient for its production a drawing or one image of such a part in a free field of the drawing; d) parts of individually produced products, the shape and dimensions of which (length, bend radius, etc.) are installed locally, for example, individual parts of fences and flooring, individual sheets of cladding for frames and bulkheads, strips, angles, boards and bars, pipes and so on.; e) purchased parts that are subjected to anti-corrosion or decorative coating that does not change the nature of the interface with adjacent parts. The necessary data for the manufacture and control of parts for which drawings are not issued are indicated on the assembly drawings and in the specification. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 8). 2.2. In the drawings of parts, in the specification or in the electronic structure of the product, the symbols of the material must correspond to the symbols established by the standards for the material. If there is no standard for a material, it is designated according to technical specifications. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 11) 2.3. The designation of the material of a part according to the standard for the assortment is written on the drawing only in cases where the part, depending on the design and operational requirements imposed on it, must be made of a grade material of a certain profile and size, for example:

In documents executed in electronic form, the horizontal line indicated in the examples may be replaced with a slash (/). It is allowed not to indicate the accuracy group, flatness, drawing, edge trimming, length and width of the sheet, width of the tape and others in the symbol of the material parameters, if they do not affect the performance of the product (part). At the same time, the general sequence of recording data established by standards or technical specifications for materials must be preserved. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 8, 10, 11). 2.4. In the title block of the drawing, parts indicate no more than one type of material. If the use of material substitutes is envisaged for the manufacture of a part, then they are indicated in the technical requirements of the drawing or technical specifications for the product. 2.5. If the shape and dimensions of all elements are determined in the drawing of the finished part, the development (image, development length) is not given. When the image of a part manufactured by bending does not give an idea of ​​the actual shape and dimensions of its individual elements, a partial or complete development of it is placed on the drawing of the part. On the scan image, only those dimensions are applied that cannot be indicated on the image of the finished part. A conventional graphic symbol is placed above the scan image (Fig. 21). 2.6. The development is depicted by solid main lines, the thickness of which should be equal to the thickness of the lines of the visible contour in the image of the part.

If necessary, fold lines are drawn on the scan image, made with a dash-dot thin line with two dots, indicating the “Fold Line” leader line on the shelf. 2.7. It is allowed, without disturbing the clarity of the drawing, to combine the image of part of the development with the view of the part. In this case, the scan is depicted with dash-and-dotted thin lines with two dots and the conventional graphic designation is not placed (Fig. 22). 2.8. Parts in which individual elements must be measured after a change (within elastic deformations) in the original shape corresponding to the free state of the part are depicted with solid main lines in the free state and dash-dot thin lines with two dots - after changing the original shape of the part. The dimensions of the elements that must be measured after changing the original shape of the part are plotted on an image made in dash-dot thin lines with two dots (Fig. 23). If in such a part the deformable elements in a free state can have an arbitrary shape, then the part is depicted in the drawing in the state of its measurement with a corresponding indication in the drawing field (Fig. 24). 2.6 - 2.8. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 2.9. If the part must be made of a material having a certain direction of fibers, warp, etc. (metal tape, fabric, paper, wood), then in the drawing, if necessary, it is allowed to indicate the direction of the fibers (Fig. 25). Instructions on the arrangement of layers of material for a part made of textolite, fiber, getinax or other layered material, if necessary, are included in the technical requirements (Figure 26). 2.10. In drawings of parts made from materials that have a front and back side (leather, some types of fabrics, films, etc.), if necessary, leader lines on the shelf indicate the front side (Figure 27). Such instructions may also be placed on assembly drawings of products, which include parts that have a front and back side (Figure 28). 2.11. Parts made from transparent materials are depicted as opaque. Inscriptions, numbers, signs and other similar data applied to the parts on the reverse side from the observer, which should be visible from the front side of the finished part, are shown on the drawing as visible and a corresponding indication is placed in the technical requirements (Fig. 29).

A - for metal; b- for fabrics; V - for paper; g - for wood; d - for plywood.

Engrave the inscription on the reverse side.


3.1. Contents, images and dimensions 3.1.1. The number of assembly drawings should be minimal, but sufficient for the rational organization of production (assembly and control) of products. If necessary, assembly drawings provide data on the operation of the product and the interaction of its parts. 3.1.2. The assembly drawing must contain: a) an image of the assembly unit, giving an idea of ​​the location and mutual connection of the components connected according to this drawing, and providing the ability to assemble and control the assembly unit. It is allowed to place additional schematic images of the connection and location of the component parts of the product on assembly drawings; b) dimensions, maximum deviations and other parameters and requirements that must be met or controlled according to this assembly drawing. It is allowed to indicate as reference the dimensions of parts that determine the nature of the interface; c) instructions on the nature of the mating and methods for its implementation, if the accuracy of the mating is ensured not by specified maximum dimensional deviations, but by selection, fitting, etc., as well as instructions on making permanent connections (welded, soldered, etc.); d) position numbers of the components included in the product; e) overall dimensions of the product; f) installation, connecting and other necessary reference dimensions; g) technical characteristics of the product (if necessary); h) coordinates of the center of mass (if necessary). Notes: 1. Data specified in the transfers d, f It is allowed not to indicate on the drawings assembly units that are not the subject of independent delivery. 2. Data specified in subparagraphs and And h of this paragraph are not placed on the assembly drawing if they are shown in another design document for this product, for example, on a dimensional drawing. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 8, 11). 3.1.3. When specifying installation and connecting dimensions, the following must be indicated: location coordinates, dimensions with maximum deviations of elements used for connection with mating products; other parameters, for example, for gears serving as external communication elements, module, number and direction of teeth. 3.1.4. On the assembly drawing it is allowed to depict moving parts of the product in an extreme or intermediate position with the appropriate dimensions. If, when depicting moving parts, it is difficult to read the drawing, then these parts can be depicted in additional views with appropriate inscriptions, for example: “Extreme position of the carriage pos. 5". 3.1.5. On the assembly drawing of the product it is allowed to place an image of border (neighboring) products (“furnishings”) and dimensions that determine their relative position (Fig. 30). The components of the product located behind the furnishings are depicted as visible. If necessary, it is allowed to depict them as invisible. The “furnishings” are carried out in a simplified manner and provide the necessary data to determine the installation location, methods of fastening and connecting the product. In sections and sections, the “furnishings” may not be shaded. 3.1.6. If on the assembly drawing it is necessary to indicate the names or designations of the products that make up the “furnishings” or their elements, then these instructions are placed directly on the image of the “furnishings”, or on the shelf of a leader line drawn from the corresponding image, for example: “Pressure machine (designation )"; “Oil cooler pipe (designation)”, etc. 3.1.7. On an assembly drawing of an auxiliary production product (for example, a stamp, a jig, etc.), it is allowed to place an operational sketch in the upper right corner. 3.1.8. Assembly drawings should, as a rule, be made with simplifications that comply with the requirements of the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation and this standard.

On assembly drawings it is allowed not to show: a) chamfers, roundings, grooves, recesses, protrusions, knurls, notches, braids and other small elements; b) gaps between the rod and the hole; c) covers, shields, casings, partitions, etc., if it is necessary to show the components of the product covered by them. In this case, an appropriate inscription is made above the image, for example: “Cover pos. 3 not shown"; d) visible components of products or their elements located behind the mesh, as well as partially covered by components located in front; e) inscriptions on plates, branded strips, scales and other similar parts, depicting only their outline. 3.1.9. Products made from transparent material are depicted as opaque. It is allowed on assembly drawings to depict components of products and their elements located behind transparent objects as visible, for example: scales, instrument needles, internal structure of lamps, etc. 3.1.10. The products located behind the helical spring, depicted only by the sections of the coils, are depicted up to the zone that conventionally covers these products and is defined by the axial lines of the sections of the coils (Fig. 31). 3.1.11. In assembly drawings, the following methods of simplified depiction of component parts of products are used: a) in sections, the component parts for which independent assembly drawings are drawn up are depicted as undissected. It is allowed to make drawings as shown in Fig. 32; b) standard, purchased and other widely used products are depicted by external outlines (Figure 33).

3.1.12. The external outlines of the product, as a rule, should be simplified, without depicting small protrusions, depressions, etc. (drawings 33, 34 a, b). 3.1.11, 3.1.12. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).

3.1.13a. On assembly drawings it is allowed to depict seals conditionally, as shown in Fig. 34 ( c, d, d), indicating the direction of action of the seal with an arrow. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 5). 3.1.13. On assembly drawings that include images of several identical components (wheels, road wheels, etc.), it is allowed to make a complete image of one component, and images of the remaining parts - simplified in the form of external outlines. 3.1.14. A welded, soldered, glued and similar product made of a homogeneous material assembled with other products in sections and sections is hatched in one direction, depicting the boundaries between the parts of the product with solid main lines (Figure 35). It is allowed not to show the boundaries between parts, i.e. depict the structure as a monolithic body.

3.1.15. If it is necessary to indicate the position of the center of mass of the product, then the corresponding dimensions are given in the drawing and the inscription is placed on the shelf of the leader line: “C. M." The lines of the centers of mass of the component parts of the product are drawn with a dash-dotted line, and on the shelf of the leader line the inscription is made: “C.M. Line.” 3.2. Item numbers 3.2.1. In the assembly drawing, all components of the assembly unit are numbered in accordance with the item numbers specified in the specification of this assembly unit. Item numbers are placed on the shelves of leader lines drawn from the images of the component parts. 3.2.2. Position numbers indicate those images on which the corresponding components are projected as visible, as a rule, on the main views and sections replacing them. 3.2.3. The position numbers are placed parallel to the main inscription of the drawing outside the outline of the image and grouped into a column or line, if possible on the same line. 3.2.4. Position numbers are usually written on the drawing once. It is allowed to repeatedly indicate item numbers of identical components.

3.2.5. The font size of item numbers should be one or two numbers larger than the font size adopted for the dimensional numbers on the same drawing. 3.2.6. It is allowed to make a common leader line with a vertical arrangement of position numbers: a) for a group of fasteners belonging to the same fastening point (Fig. 36). If there are two or more fasteners and, at the same time, different components are fastened with the same fasteners, then their number may be placed in parentheses after the corresponding position number and indicated only for one unit of the fastened component, regardless of the number of these components in the product; b) for a group of parts with a clearly defined relationship, excluding different understandings, if it is impossible to draw a leader line to each component part (Figure 37). In these cases, the leader line is drawn away from the component being fixed; c) for individual components of the product, if it is difficult to depict them graphically, in this case it is permissible not to show these components on the drawing, but to determine their location using a leader line from the visible component and in the field of the drawing, and place an appropriate indication in the technical requirements , for example: “Tourniquets pos. 12, under the brackets, wrap with press span pos. 22". (Changed edition, Amendment No. 10). 3.3. Execution of certain types of assembly drawings 3.3.1. In the assembly drawing of the product, which includes parts for which working drawings have not been issued, in the image and (or) in the technical requirements additional data is provided to the information specified in the specification necessary for the manufacture of parts (surface roughness, shape deviations, etc.) . On assembly drawings of individually produced products, it is allowed to indicate data on the preparation of edges for permanent connections (welding, soldering, etc.) directly on the image or in the form of a remote element (Fig. 38), if this data is not shown on the drawings of the parts. 3.3.2. Depending on the nature of production, the component parts of the product for which drawings may not be issued can be accounted for in two ways: as parts with a designation and name assigned to them, or as a material without a designation and name assigned to them and with an indication of quantity in units of length, mass or other units (drawings 39 - 42). (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5, 11). 3.3.3. When a certain grade material is installed to produce a part of a simple configuration according to an assembly drawing (without issuing an independent drawing for it), the corresponding dimensions of the part are given in the specifications. If there is no need to install a specific grade of material for a part, then on the assembly drawing all dimensions are placed on the image of this part, and only the grade of material is indicated in the specification.

3.3.4. It is allowed to place separate images of several parts on the field of the assembly drawing, for which it is allowed not to produce working drawings, provided that the clarity of the drawing is maintained. An inscription is placed above the image of the part containing the position number and the scale of the image, if it differs from the scale indicated in the title block of the drawing. 3.3.5. If a part of large dimensions and a complex configuration is connected by pressing, soldering, welding, riveting or other similar methods with a part of a less complex and smaller size, then, provided that the clarity of the drawing and production capabilities are maintained, it is allowed to place on the assembly drawings of the products all dimensions and other data necessary for manufacturing and control of the main part, and issue drawings only for less complex parts. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 8). 3.3.6. If an assembly unit is made by surfacing a metal or alloy onto a part, or by filling the surfaces or elements of the part with metal, alloy, plastic, rubber and other materials, then a drawing for such parts may not be issued. The drawings of these assembly units indicate the dimensions of surfaces or elements for surfacing, pouring, etc., the dimensions of the final finished assembly unit and other data necessary for manufacturing and control. 3.3.7. The guided metal, alloy, plastic, rubber and other materials with which the reinforcing parts are filled are recorded in the specification of the assembly unit in the “Materials” section. 3.3.8. Examples of the design of drawings of assembly units made by surfacing and filling parts with alloy and rubber are shown in Fig. 43-45. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).

3.3.9. If, when assembling a product for its adjustment, adjustment, compensation, the component parts are selected, then on the assembly drawing they are depicted in one of the possible applications. 3.3.10. The recording of “selected” components in the specification and the indication of position numbers on the shelves of leader lines is applied depending on the method of application of the components: a) if the selection is made with identical products (for example, the required spring load is achieved by installing identical washers under it), then in the column "Col." specifications indicate the most likely number of products during installation, and in the “Note” column they write down “Naib. count." The technical requirements of the assembly drawing contain the necessary instructions for installing such “selected” parts, for example: “Ensure the spring load by installing the required number of parts. pos..."; b) if the selection is made by installing one of the products that have different sizes and independent designations (for example, the gap size should be ensured by installing only one installation ring), then each “selection” part is recorded in the specification under different item numbers. In the column "Count." for each part indicate “1” and in the “Note” column - “Selection”. The technical requirements include an entry like: “Size (clearance, stroke, etc.) A provide installation of one of the parts. pos. ..."; c) if selection can be carried out by installing several products with different sizes, designations and in different quantities, then all products are recorded in the specification. Each “selected” part is assigned its own position number and its own designation. In the column "Count." in this case, indicate the most likely quantity during installation for each “selected” part and in the “Note” column - “Most. count." Position numbers of all “selected” parts are placed on the shelves of leader lines. The technical requirements indicate accordingly: “Size (clearance, stroke, etc.) B provide installation of parts. pos. ...".

If necessary, in the “Note” column of the specification for “selected” parts, it is allowed to provide references to the technical requirements clause, which provides instructions for selection, for example: “See. P. ...". 3.3.11. When, after assembling a product during its transportation and (or) storage, it is necessary to install protective temporary parts (cover, plug, etc.), these parts are shown on the assembly drawing as they should be installed during transportation and storage. 3.3.12 . If protective temporary parts during transportation and storage must be installed instead of any devices or mechanisms removed from the product, then the relevant instructions are placed on the assembly drawing in the technical requirements, for example: “Pump pos. ... and position regulator. ... before packing, remove and replace the covers pos. ..., tightening them tightly with bolts pos. ..." and so on. On the assembly drawing it is allowed to place an image of a part of the machine with an installed protective temporary part, explaining the position of the part. 3.3.13. Assigning names and designations to protective temporary parts, depicting them on the assembly drawing and recording them in the specification or electronic structure of the product is carried out according to general rules. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 11) 3.3.14. In cases where individual parts of a purchased product are installed in different assembly units of the product (for example, tapered roller bearings), the purchased product is recorded in the specification of the assembly unit in which it is included in assembled form. The technical requirements of the assembly drawing of the product being developed indicate those assembly units that include individual parts of the purchased product. In the specifications of these assembly units, in the “Note” column indicate the designation of the specification that includes the purchased product in assembled form. In this case, in the “Name” column indicate the name of the component of the purchased product, and in the “Quantity” column. not filled in. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 8).


4.1. Dimensional drawings are not intended for the manufacture of products based on them and should not contain data for manufacturing and assembly. 4.2. In the dimensional drawing, the product is depicted with maximum simplification. The product is depicted so that the extreme positions of moving, extending or tilting parts, levers, carriages, hinged lids, etc. are visible. It is allowed not to show elements that protrude beyond the main contour by an insignificant amount compared to the dimensions of the product. 4.3. The number of views on the dimensional drawing should be minimal, but sufficient to give a comprehensive idea of ​​the external outlines of the product, the positions of its protruding parts (levers, flywheels, handles, buttons, etc.), and the elements that must always be in the field of view (for example, scales), about the location of elements connecting the product with other products. 4.4. The image of the product on the dimensional drawing is made with solid main lines, and the outlines of moving parts in extreme positions are drawn with dash-dotted thin lines with two dots. It is allowed to depict the extreme positions of moving parts in separate views. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 4.5. On the dimensional drawing it is allowed to depict parts and assembly units that are not part of the product using solid thin lines. 4.6. The overall dimensions of the product, installation and connection dimensions and, if necessary, dimensions determining the position of the protruding parts are indicated on the dimensional drawing. Installation and connection dimensions required for connection with other products must be indicated with maximum deviations. It is allowed to indicate the coordinates of the center of mass. The dimensional drawing does not indicate that all dimensions given on it are for reference. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 8). 4.7. The dimensional drawing may indicate the conditions of use, storage, transportation and operation of the product in the absence of these data in the technical description, technical specifications or other design document for the product. 4.8. An example of the design of a dimensional drawing is shown in Fig. 46.


5.1. The installation drawing must contain: an image of the mounted product; images of products used during installation, as well as a full or partial image of the device (structure, foundation) to which the product is attached; installation and connection dimensions with maximum deviations; list of components required for installation; technical requirements for product installation. 5.2. Installation drawings are produced for: products mounted in one specific place (device, object, foundation); products mounted on several different places (devices, objects). An installation drawing is also produced in cases where it is necessary to show the connection of the components of the complex to each other at the site of operation. 5.3. The installation drawing is carried out according to the rules established for assembly drawings, taking into account the rules set out in this section. 5.4. The mounted product is depicted in the drawing in a simplified manner, showing its external outlines. They show in detail the structural elements that are necessary for proper installation of the product. The device (object, foundation) to which the mounted product is attached is depicted in a simplified manner, showing only those parts that are necessary to correctly determine the location and method of fastening the product. The image of the mounted product and the products included in the set of mounting parts is drawn with solid main lines, and the device to which the product is attached is drawn with solid thin lines. When making foundation drawings, the foundation is depicted with solid main lines, and the mounted product with solid thin lines. 5.5. The installation drawing indicates the connecting, installation and other dimensions required for installation. The installation drawing, intended for installing the product in various places, also indicates the dimensions that determine the specific requirements for the placement of the product (for example, the minimum distance to the wall of the room, etc.). The installation drawing of the complex indicates the dimensions that determine the relative position of the components directly included in the complex. 5.6. The list of components required for installation can be made according to Form 1 GOST 2.106, with the exception of the “Format” and “Zone” columns, and must be placed on the first sheet of the drawing.

The list includes the product being installed, as well as assembly units, parts and materials necessary for installation. Instead of a list, it is allowed to indicate the designations of these components on the shelves of leader lines. 5.7. Products and materials required for installation, supplied by the company manufacturing the mounted product, are recorded in the specification of a set of mounting parts in accordance with GOST 2.106 or in the electronic structure of a set of mounting parts in accordance with GOST 2.053. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 11) 5.8. Products and materials required for installation that are not supplied with the product being mounted are listed on the installation drawing, and the corresponding indication is placed in the “Note” column or in the technical requirements, for example: “Pos. 7 and 9 are not supplied with the product”, etc. If it is impossible to indicate the exact designations and names of non-supplied products, then their approximate names are indicated in the list, and in the drawing, if necessary, dimensions and other data that ensure the correct selection of products required for installation. 5.9. On the installation drawing on the shelf, leader lines or directly on the image indicate the name and (or) designation of the device (object) or part of the device to which the mounted product is attached.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR 2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated July 27, 1973 No. 1843 Change No. 9 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 13 dated 28.05. 98) Registered by the Technical Secretariat of the IGU No. 2907 The following voted for the adoption of the change:

State name

Republic of Belarus
The Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstandard
The Republic of Moldova Moldovastandard
Russian Federation Gosstandart of Russia
The Republic of Tajikistan Tajikstandard
The Republic of Uzbekistan Uzgosstandart
Ukraine State Standard of Ukraine
Change No. 10 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 17 of June 22, 2000) Registered by the Technical Secretariat of the IGU No. 3526 The following voted for the adoption of the change:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan Azgosstandart
Republic of Belarus State Standard of the Republic of Belarus
Georgia Gruzstandart
The Republic of Kazakhstan Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstandard
The Republic of Moldova Moldovastandard
Russian Federation Gosstandart of Russia
The Republic of Tajikistan Tajikstandard
Turkmenistan Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"

Item number

Item number

GOST 2.104-2006 GOST 1133-71
GOST 2.106-96

1.3.5 , 5.6, 5.7

GOST 1435-99
GOST 2.113-75 GOST 2590-88
GOST 103-76 GOST 8240-97
GOST 535-88 GOST 8509-93
GOST 1050-88 GOST 8510-86
GOST 2.051-2006 GOST 14034-74
GOST 2.052-2006
GOST 2.053-2006
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 11) 5. EDITION (June 2002) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, approved in February 1980, November 1981 May 1984, December 1984, March 1985, September 1985, March 1986, September 1987, February 1999, December 2000 (IUS No. 4-80, 4 -82, 8-84, 3-85, 5-85, 12-85, 6-86, 12-87, 5-99, 3-2001)


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