Exterior painting of a wooden house. What paint to paint the outside of a wooden house

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The appearance and service life of the material depend on how well the exterior painting of a wooden house is done, and the interior decoration should ensure comfort and coziness in the room.

The following factors negatively affect the tree:

  • Sun rays;
  • temperature changes;
  • wind, frost;
  • dust, debris;
  • bacteria and insects;
  • time.

How to paint

Before painting the outside of a wooden house, you need to choose the right paint for the coating. It is usually divided into three categories:

  1. Antiseptics. This material penetrates deep into the wood (up to 7 mm) and protects both the surface and the inside of the wood from rot, mold and other factors. Antiseptics can be glazing (transparent) and covering. The difference lies only in appearance - transparent antiseptics preserve the appearance of the wood as much as possible. The covering ones completely hide the texture. Typically, antiseptics last for about 5 years.
  2. Acrylic paints. An environmentally friendly material based on acrylates and water, which protects wood well from moisture and low temperatures. In addition, acrylic paints do not have strong odors and allow wood to “breathe.” Such paints have the longest service life - up to 10 years.
  3. Oil paints. Made on the basis of drying oil, which allows the material to penetrate deeply into the structure of the wood and provides it with reliable protection. This paint is cheap, but has a number of disadvantages - a strong smell, takes a long time to dry, and changes color over time. Typically, oil paints need to be changed every 4-6 years.

Which material to choose? It all depends on your conditions, goals, means. It is best not to skimp on finishing - wood requires high-quality finishing. Professionals advise using more expensive, natural paints. As for color, only your preferences play a role here.

How to paint correctly

Painting the outside of a wooden building is not a difficult task, but quite voluminous. Let's divide the process into three stages:

  1. Surface preparation.
  2. Applications.
  3. Painting.

Surface preparation

If the house has already been painted before, then, first of all, you need to completely clean the walls of the old paint. It is better to do this using special removers that do not damage the structure of the wood. Old paint can also be cleaned using a regular brush. A hair dryer also copes well with this task - the paint easily peels off the wall.

After cleaning the walls, you need to wash them and let them dry. At this time, you can inspect problem areas - replace rotten boards, seal cracks, treat mold and blue stains with special means.

If the house is new, then simply skip the process of removing old paint.

Applying primer

Once all the previous steps have been completed, you can begin applying the primer. It is applied in two layers - here it is important to guess the moment when the first layer is no longer damp, but has not completely dried. It is best to apply a second coat at this time.

Primer antiseptic is extremely important to protect the wood, if you decide to skip this step, then it is quite possible that you will regret it in the near future. You should not skimp on primer - otherwise the tree will not last too long.


When the primer has dried, you can proceed directly to painting the wood. It's better to wait for a warm, but not too hot day. The fact is that in the heat the paint dries too quickly, not penetrating deep enough into the wood.

Which tool is better to use? It is selected depending on the consistency of the cladding and the texture of the wood:

  • a smooth wall is painted with a short-haired roller or brush, a textured wall with a long-bristled brush;
  • textured paints are applied using a spatula.

As for the spray gun, it is used only by highly qualified specialists.

When the paint is completely dry, you can begin applying the second coat.

Painting wood inside the house

The purposes for painting walls can be varied, but most often wood is painted indoors for the following reasons:

  • to extend the service life of the material;
  • for security;
  • for decorative purposes.

How to paint the inside of a house

For interior finishing, the same types of paint are used as for exterior finishing. The difference is that most of them are water-based, which reduces toxicity and allows you to work in enclosed spaces. In addition, fire retardants are added to this list. Fire retardants are compounds that are used to treat wood to prevent fire in the house. However, it is better if the wood was coated with fire retardant at the factory - in this case the coating works better.

Most often, transparent and translucent varnishes and impregnations are used for interior decoration. In this case, you will preserve the beauty of the tree to the greatest extent. If it’s time to hide any flaws, you will have to use decorative coatings - acrylic and oil paints. Oil paints are used more often due to their low cost. However, this paint has a strong, persistent odor, which limits the possibilities of its use in the cold season, when ventilating the room is problematic.

When using antiseptics and interior paints, make sure they can be used indoors. This is usually indicated on the label.

How to paint correctly

Painting a wooden house inside is not much different from painting it outside. Basically, all the same preparation and processing processes, with the exception of some nuances.

Stages of work when painting the interior of a house:

  1. Preparation.
  2. Antiseptic treatment.
  3. Fire retardant treatment.
  4. Painting.


Again, if the walls were previously painted, you need to clean them of old paint. Just when cleaning the interior walls with a wire brush, try not to apply too much force, as this may damage the wood. If this does happen, sand the top layer using a sanding machine or sandpaper.

After this (or if the walls have not yet been painted), treat the wood with water.

Antiseptic and fire retardant treatment

When the walls are dry, you can start treating them with an antiseptic. Please note that some areas (sockets, etc.) must be covered with plastic bags and tape.


When all the previous steps have been completed and the fire retardant has dried, you can begin painting the wood. Each type of paint is applied differently - check with the seller for this information. In general, experts recommend applying several thin layers instead of one thick one. For painting, it is best to use a sprayer, but if you decide to use a brush, then you need to paint along the panel, without lifting it from the surface.

Safety precautions

When working with paint, wear appropriate skin, eye and respiratory protection. Strictly follow safety precautions - use goggles, respirators, regularly ventilate the room and go out into the fresh air.

Today, many people ask the question: how to paint the outside of a wooden house?

There are many types of paints on the market, and not every type is suitable for wood.

In addition, correctly selected paint will extend the life of the walls of the house and protect them from pests and adverse weather conditions.

Color is also important, since painting can radically change the design of a house and make it both attractive and repulsive.

Types of paint

Today, many people prefer to build houses from wooden beams. This is due to the fact that wood is a living material, which not only has excellent thermal insulation properties, but also looks great.

However, wood also has a number of disadvantages, primarily its vulnerability to moisture, sunlight, fungi and various pests.

If the wood is not protected from these factors, then over time the walls of the house will dry out, crack and be affected by fungus.

Therefore, the question of what paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house is very important, since the right paint will protect the house from external weather factors and significantly improve its design.

This is especially true for wooden houses built in conditions of high humidity (for example, near a pond).

Currently, there are three types of paints available on the market that are suitable for a wooden house.

The first type - antiseptics - is characterized by deep penetration into the wood (up to seven millimeters), thereby perfectly protecting the walls of the house from adverse weather conditions, fungus and mold.

Antiseptics are glazing (transparent) and covering (opaque). If the question is what is the best way to paint wooden walls, then it is better to choose glazing antiseptics.

Thanks to their transparency, the structure of the wood is preserved, and the design of the house becomes unique due to the color shade.

A house painted with glazing antiseptics looks great on the outside and is reliably protected from the outside.

The house will need to be repainted after about five years if glazing antiseptics were chosen, and after seven years if coating antiseptics were chosen.

Oil paints are very resistant to various atmospheric influences and are also deeply absorbed into wood.

Their disadvantages include long drying (more than a day) and a slight change in color over time (the surface becomes matte).

However, the color change is almost invisible when painted with light shades. Oil paint will last about six years on the walls (see photo).

Acrylate paints also have excellent weather resistance. In addition, when painting the walls of a house with such paint, you can be sure that it will last for a long time (up to ten years).

Acrylate paints give the wood the ability to breathe, thereby making the house more alive.

Due to the presence of acrylate, the paint is quite elastic, so when the house shrinks, it will move with the walls without collapsing.

If the question arises about how to paint the inside of a wooden house, then it is better to use ordinary water-based acrylic paints.

They are not very suitable for exterior use, but painting the inside of the house with these paints will be the best choice to improve the interior design of the house.

Today there are many options on the market for how to paint the inside of a wooden house.

Painting a newly built house

The question of how to paint the facade of a house with your own hands - that is, apply paint to the surface of the wall - usually does not arise, since almost everyone knows how to work with a brush.

But how to properly paint the outside of a wooden house is an interesting question, since there are nuances in the preparatory work.

First of all, you need to prepare the walls for painting, and this does not mean that you just need to brush off the dust with a brush.

It is advisable to do this using a spray bottle with water, since the liquid will absorb dust much better.

If there is mold or mildew on the walls, they need to be treated with a special product sold in stores.

If there is resin on the wood, you need to remove it - a spatula is perfect for this purpose. There may be many nail heads and screws on the walls of the house.

They need to be coated with a special metal primer, otherwise they will begin to rust over time.

After the wood has dried, you can begin painting. Almost everyone knows how to paint, however, there are several nuances.

It is better to carry out work in the warm season, but not under the scorching sun, otherwise the paint will dry too quickly.

It is advisable that the weather be calm, otherwise various debris may stick to the wet, fresh paint.

The paint must be stirred regularly in the jar so that its color is always the same. It should be applied to wooden logs exclusively in the longitudinal direction - just like an antiseptic.

The ends of the logs suffer the most from atmospheric influences, so they should be given the most attention. They should be soaked in several layers of antiseptic and paint.

The question often arises: what color to paint the outside of the house, because this greatly affects the appearance of the building?

Many stores offer consulting services on choosing a color to match the color of the roof and other home features, as well as the landscaping.

Often you can buy a small amount of paint in a store and experiment on an unnecessary board, comparing the results and choosing the option you like.

In many stores you can find samples of wood painted with a certain paint, and you can see the result immediately before purchasing.

How to paint an old house?

The question often arises: how to paint the outside of a house if it is already many years old and the old paint no longer holds?

In this case, painting will not only significantly improve the appearance of the building, but will also protect the wooden walls and extend their life.

To properly paint an old wooden house, you need to take into account some nuances.

The first step is to use the same type of paint as last time, or to completely remove the old paint from the entire building down to the depth of the wood.

This process is quite labor-intensive and complex, so it is much easier to determine what the house was painted with last time.

This can be difficult to do if another person did the painting. If the house was painted with oil paint, it is easy to determine visually - it is cracking in cells or across the wood fibers. Acrylate paint cracks along the grain and feels like leather.

You can also try rolling a piece of old paint into a roll. If this was possible, then the house was painted with acrylate paint, and if a piece crumbled, then with oil paint.

Glazing antiseptics become thinner over time; the coating can be renewed with the same composition of a darker color.

Before painting begins, old paint must be removed from the walls. It is better to do this with a metal brush.

You can use chemical cleaning agents that will preserve the structure of the wood much better.

However, this process is quite long and labor-intensive, so if you have a lot of free time, you can use a gel remover to remove old paint; if not, then the walls need to be cleaned mechanically.

If the old paint is holding strong, you can leave it. Then you need to clean the walls from dust and dirt, preferably using a sprayer.

If mold or mildew is present, the affected areas must be thoroughly cleaned. If there are rotten boards in the wall, it is better to replace them with new ones.

For better adhesion of the new paint to the wood, the walls can be treated with an alkaline detergent. If necessary, you can treat the walls with sandpaper.

An antiseptic primer must be applied to old walls, paying special attention to the ends of the building.

This will extend the life of the wood and protect it from mold and fungi. Painting the walls is carried out using the same method as for a new wooden house.

The most popular paints today are from the Finnish manufacturer Tikkurila. This company has been a leader in the paint and varnish market for many years.

Good quality is offered by the Finnish company Pinotex and the Slovenian company Belinka. By purchasing paints and antiseptics from any of these companies, you can be sure that the house will be painted with a high-quality composition that will last for many years.

Painting an old or newly built wooden house is quite simple.

To do this, you need to take into account some of the nuances of the process, purchase high-quality paint and primer antiseptic, and thoroughly clean the walls from dust, mold and resins.

With proper preparation and painting, a wooden house will acquire an attractive appearance and will be protected from negative atmospheric influences for many years.

Sooner or later, every owner of his own home has a question: how to paint the outside of a wooden house? Even if it is built from expensive materials that have undergone high-quality professional processing, the façade of the building must be updated over time. In addition, in this way you can save on the cost of materials, while ensuring that the work is done well.

If you use untreated wood, you can save a lot on costs.

Why does wood age?

Despite all the advantages of natural wood, its main disadvantage is that it is a living natural material. Like other living matter, wood also ages over time, especially when cut down, this happens much faster. Paint can protect wood from rot, mold or blue stains.

How to paint the outside of an old wooden house

The choice of material for painting the house depends on the condition of the walls, as well as the paint previously applied to the façade of the structure. It may also be that high-quality repairs are only necessary for one wall. The rest will only need a light update using the same paint.

- “Oil paint works best over previous coatings. But no other coating can be applied to it. That is, you will have to use either the same type of paint each time, or completely remove the previous layers.”

First, you need to clean the surface of old paint using brushes or scrapers or using special chemical agents in order to preserve the structure of the wood and not scratch it. After cleaning the surface, the wood must be thoroughly rinsed and left to dry. If there are areas covered with blue stains or mold, they must be treated with special chemical agents.

“To ensure the best possible adhesion of paint to wood, a special alkaline solution is applied to the surface before applying the paint.”

If the boards are severely rotten or damaged, they should be replaced. The process of painting the facade of an old wooden house is identical to the classic one.

What paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house?

Before deciding how to paint the outside of a wooden house, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main types of materials. There are three types of coating for wooden houses:

· Antiseptic. This material penetrates deeply into the structure of the wood (up to 7 mm), thereby preventing the formation of rot, mold and blue stains, as well as protecting the wood from the negative effects of external factors (environment). In turn, antiseptics are divided into two main subtypes:

  1. 1. Glazing - the transparent structure of the product penetrates deep into the structure of the wood, preserving its natural structure and color, and also adds a noble shine.
  2. 2. Covering – the structure of which is opaque. They will completely hide the wood structure. However, its relief and structure will remain distinguishable.

· Paint is an antiseptic that helps protect the house from mold and protects the wood from negative external factors. Paints also come in different types:

  1. 1. Acrylic. When choosing the best way to paint the facade of a wooden house, it is important to consider that this type of paint is the most in demand. The material is environmentally friendly because it is based on water and acrylates, which act as binding elements. Acrylic paint protects wood from moisture. At the same time, it retains its breathable properties, due to which normal air circulation occurs in the wood. The coating is also quite wear-resistant, resists aggressive external influences and mechanical damage, and is resistant to low temperatures. The paint does not smell unpleasant, which is beneficial when carrying out painting work. Due to the fact that the polymer emulsion does not react with oxygen, the gloss remains as desired and is not lost at all!
  2. 2. Oil paint is very well absorbed into the wood structure, creating a kind of barrier that protects the wood from the negative influences of the external environment. Accordingly, the penetration of moisture into the wood is blocked. Today this type of paint is less relevant. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the paint takes a very long time to dry (up to 24 hours). Because of this, it is important to know the weather forecast so that after painting the facade of the house there is no rain, because it will destroy some of the properties of the material. Secondly, after some time, the paint changes its tone, in which yellowness appears.

When choosing what paint to paint the outside of a wooden house, you should take into account the durability of the material so that painting the facade does not have to be done too often.

In addition, if we take into account the service life of the painting materials and when choosing the best way to expose the surface of the house, it is worth considering this factor for each type of material:

  • · Glazing coatings will last 3-5 years
  • · 5-7 – covering. After this period they will need to be updated.
  • · 4-6 – oil.
  • · 7-10 – acrylic.

As for the choice of color scheme of materials for opening the wooden facade of a building, each owner chooses from his own wishes and preferences.

It is also important to take into account the fact that if the house is located near a body of water, its facade must be additionally protected with high-quality resistant materials.

How to paint a wooden house correctly

The process of painting a house made of natural wood consists of the following main stages:

  • · Preparatory work on the façade surface, thereby improving adhesion properties and, therefore, ensuring a durable coating.
  • · To prevent various wood diseases and save on painting the facade, an antiseptic primer is applied.
  • · The surface is painted.

Depending on whether the wood has been previously painted, the work performed may vary significantly.

How to beautifully paint a wooden house if it is new?

Only well-dried wooden beams need to be coated with paint. If they are wet, you need to apply an antiseptic primer to them and wait until the surface dries well. The walls must first be very well cleaned of dirt and accumulated dust. The best way to do this is with water and a stiff brush. If resin appears on the beams, it must be removed with an iron brush, and then the area must be treated with a special varnish for knots. If there is a suspicion of mold or blue staining, you should immediately treat it with special means. After carrying out the preparatory work, the wood “rests” for up to two weeks.

- “If the owner is concerned about the question of how to beautifully paint a wooden house, it is very important to adhere to the basic rules!”

Before painting the house, it is best to treat metal surfaces (for example, nails, staples, etc.) using an anti-corrosion primer.

It is best to carry out work on a warm, not windy and not hot day. The paint is periodically mixed during the work so that the shade of the painted surface is uniform and identical. The material must be applied in the longitudinal direction. And before applying a new layer, the previous one must dry thoroughly.

Knowing the main factors: how to paint the facade of a wooden house, as well as how to beautifully paint a wooden house - all the work will go flawlessly!

How to paint the inside of a wooden house

The interior of the house is pre-prepared, after which it is treated with antiseptics to prevent rotting, etc., after which a glazing compound (decorative paint) is applied.

Carrying out painting work inside the house is a rather labor-intensive process. But the most important thing here is to follow technology.

Each owner chooses the most suitable and acceptable material for his home. For finishing work inside the house, the following main types of materials are offered on the market:

  • · Oil-based paints that penetrate deeply into the wood structure, thereby protecting it from fungus and mold.
  • · Acrylic type is the most inexpensive and accessible option. They have a fairly wide range of colors, from which you can choose the most unusually beautiful colors for interior decoration. In addition, this paint does not stink and dries quickly. Its disadvantage is its rapid flammability, which is why it must be used together with antipyrine.
  • · Water-based paint is an excellent option for interior decoration of a house. The room does not “clog”, the walls “breathe”. In case of contamination, the walls can be easily washed and, if necessary, damaged areas can be restored.

When carrying out painting work inside and outside a wooden house, it is important to treat the entire process carefully and seriously. After all, not only beauty, but also coziness and, of course, comfort will depend on how well the work is done!

You dip your brush into it and create to your heart's content. But it's not that simple. Any professional will tell you that when painting a house, certain technology and painting rules are important. Everyone has probably noticed: for some, a painted house lasts for many years and the paint is like new, while for others, the house loses its appearance after just a year or two. So what is the secret and how to paint a wooden house correctly?
Wood, as a living and natural material, is very susceptible to aging. The aging and destruction of wood depends on many factors, but the most important enemies of wood are UV radiation, water and humidity, as well as fungi.
Sunlight, together with water, temperature, oxygen and other external influences (dust, dirt, fungi, sulfur compounds) destroys the surface of the wood, as a result of which it turns gray and becomes rough, and its fibers stand upright. This surface gets dirty easily. Moreover, such changes can be seen literally within a few weeks. Water first causes the wood to swell, which, when dried, causes a state of tension, which eventually leads to cracking. In addition, water stimulates humidity, and humidity in turn, especially at elevated temperatures, causes the growth of blue fungi, mold and rot. Mold fungi grow only on the surface in the form of dark spots and have a heavy and unpleasant odor. And blue fungi grow in the fiber of wood and cover its surface brown, blue-gray or almost black. Blue stain fungi and mold do not destroy wood or reduce its strength, but only cause aesthetic damage, making the appearance of the surface unsightly. But rot fungi are already destroying the wood and causing structural damage inside it. They can destroy wood cells from the inside and corrode cellulose, as a result of which the strength of the wood is significantly deteriorated and the wood becomes unsuitable for use. We should also not forget about bark beetles, which crawl out after a 2-3-year larval stage. In addition to all this, it must be taken into account that the atmospheric loads on a wooden surface in the coastal zone and in open spaces are especially high, and on the southern and western sides of buildings they are five times greater than on the northern. Thus, by carefully studying the causes of negative impacts on the tree, we can better eliminate and counter them.
1. Choose paints and impregnations from well-known companies.
2. Preliminary surface preparation. This has an important impact on the final result and should never be neglected. Careful surface preparation improves paint adhesion to the surface, etc. The service life of the finished coating is significantly increased.
First, remove dust and foreign matter from the surface. It is better to do this by rinsing the surface with water using a garden sprayer and a brush, because... water collects dust better. If there are already areas affected by mold and blue stains on the surface, then they need to be treated with a special anti-fungus and blue stain compound, and then rinsed with water. If there is resin in the places of knots (this is typical of coniferous wood), then you need to remove it with a metal spatula and then treat it with a compound for knots. Nail heads and other metal parts need to be coated with an anti-corrosion primer. It is a good idea to leave the surface prepared in this way to dry for one or two weeks, covering the surface with plastic film (in warm weather, do not forget to open the film) and be sure to leave room for ventilation. By the way, if we have a suspicion that the tree is not completely dry, then we will dry it for at least a month, covering it with a curtain of film in rainy weather, and removing this curtain in dry weather. If it is not possible to dry the tree at all, then we will cover it as is with a tinted primer and leave it until better times, when it will be possible to dry the tree.
3.Choice of paint.
Antiseptics penetrate the wood to a depth of several millimeters and protect the wood surface from the effects of atmospheric loads, rot, mold and blue stains. Antiseptics are glazing (translucent) and covering (opaque). Glazing (translucent) antiseptics preserve the wood texture well and at the same time give the wood a certain color tint; they preserve the beauty and pattern of wood better than other paints and varnishes. Covering (opaque) antiseptics completely cover the wood texture while maintaining visible relief of the wooden surface. Oil paints absorb well into wood and have excellent weather resistance, they are good at preventing water from penetrating the wood, but they dry slowly (seven hours to a day or more). In addition, oil paints tend to slowly matte and change color over time, which is especially noticeable in bright and dark shades of paint.
Acrylate paints are extremely weather resistant. Compared to oil paints, they retain their color and shine much better and, in addition, have good vapor permeability (they “breathe well”). The acrylate present in paints gives them excellent elasticity. Acrylate paints live in time with the deformations of wood and do not crack. Regarding service life, let’s say that the average service life (after which it is recommended to renew the surface):
- for glazing (translucent) antiseptics it is 3-5 years.
- for covering antiseptics 5-7 years
- for oil paints 5-6 years
- for acrylate paints from 7 to 10 years.
Varnish does not allow moisture vapor to pass through easily, so it should not be used for exterior finishing of a wooden house. Try to choose paint that applies a thick layer and hides defects
4. Application rules. Regarding the technology of applying paint and varnish to wood, we will say the following: for many well-known manufacturers of paints for protecting wood from the outside, the technology of applying paint to wood is divided into two stages. The first stage is the application of a primer antiseptic. Primer antiseptic plays an important role in protecting wood; it significantly slows down the effects of moisture, rot fungi, blue stains and mold. Neglect of priming with such an antiseptic leads to global consequences; the service life of the entire paintwork is significantly reduced. The second stage is the application of the finishing coating, which can be used as glazing and coating antiseptics, oil and acrylate paints. So, when the surface is prepared, we apply one layer of primer antiseptic, then, when the surface is dry (usually the next day), we apply 2 -3 layers of topcoat paint or antiseptic, drying each layer thoroughly.
Moreover, if we follow a few simple tips below, the service life of the coating we apply will be maximum, and the appearance of the house will delight us for a long time.
- mix the paint thoroughly before and during painting, otherwise the gloss and color of the paint coating on the surface may be uneven. - do a test paint on a small area of ​​an unnecessary board and check the correctness of the chosen color.
- it is best to paint with a brush, because... This is the highest quality painting method. At the same time, try not to apply too thick layers, because... You risk getting uneven color and shine on the surface being painted.
- if possible, tint the primer in a color that is closest to the future coating.
- do not paint under direct exposure to sunlight, this will lead to undesirably rapid drying. Therefore, do not carry out painting work in hot and bright sunny weather, or if precipitation (rain, dew) is expected. The most favorable weather for painting is cloudy, windless and warm. Always apply paint and antiseptic in the longitudinal direction.
- the ends of boards and logs are the weakest points, through them water is especially easily and quickly absorbed into the wood, so they need to be especially carefully covered with several layers of both primer and coating material.
To properly paint a wooden house, you must first clean off the resin in those places where it appeared using a solvent and fill the gaps between the knots and the wood.
5.How and with what to properly paint a wooden house (outside)?
Previously painted wooden surfaces. If we see that the previously painted surface has faded, has a faded appearance, is covered with mold, the paint on the surface is peeling and other similar defects, then it’s time to think about updating the paint coating. A new coat of paint will significantly improve the appearance of the house, and at the same time you can also change the color of the facade itself. But before we begin the renovation, we must decide for ourselves what we want to get as a result? Indeed, often the very condition of the wooden surface limits us in choosing paint. It is worth thinking about repairing not the entire facade, but its individual parts, for example, the southern and western walls of the facade, which experience the greatest atmospheric loads and, accordingly, more often need repairs than other walls . Sometimes a good solution is selective repair of individual places or high-quality repair of one (the most worn) wall, with the intention of repairing other walls next season. If the wooden facade is in good technical condition and does not have gross structural defects or damage, it can simply be updated by repainting it in the same or a different color. In the case of repainting, when choosing a new paint, it is better to adhere to the following rule: for repainting, use the same paint or the same type of paint that was previously painted on the surface. If we do not know what paint the surface was previously painted with, we will try to determine the type of paint previously applied. Types of paints can be determined visually. Acrylate paint has a leathery surface and chalks less and later than oil paint. Acrylate paint usually cracks in the direction of the wood grain, while oil paint has checkered or transverse cracking in the direction of the wood grain. You can conduct a simple experiment, try to roll up a small piece of paint. If the lacquer film remains intact, then this usually means acrylate paint, and if the film breaks with a bang, then it is most likely oil paint. Glazing antiseptics also wear out over time and their film becomes thinner. If we see a glossy film of antiseptic, then the surface can be repainted with the same antiseptic of a richer or darker color or with oil-based paint. If the antiseptic has completely faded and does not form a film, then the surface to be coated can also be painted with acrylate paint.
We paint the old surface covered with oil paint with oil paint or acrylate paint (after having previously cleaned the surface with a wire brush to the wood). We paint the surface covered with acrylate paint with acrylate paint or, if you really want, with oil paint (after cleaning the surface with a wire brush to the wood).

Preliminary preparation is important during repairs; how thoroughly it is carried out, the better and longer the coating will last. In such cases, the surface to be painted is usually cleaned of hanging scraps of old paint, dust, dirt, resin and foreign matter with a brush or scraper and washed with water. Mold is removed with a special solution. For better adhesion of paint on the surface, it is recommended to degrease the surface with alkaline detergents. Old sheathing, as well as rotten, crooked and cracked boards must be replaced with new ones. If you need to remove old paint, then remove it mechanically (sandblasting, scraper or metal brush) or chemically (using special compounds). Chemical removal of lacquer coating better preserves the wood texture, but the process of chemical removal itself is difficult and slow, and to use it on large areas (in this case, facades) you need to be very patient. Chemical removal of old paint is used only when the surface to be cleaned must be cleaned very thoroughly or the condition of the wood does not withstand sandblasting. However, the end result of chemical removal is exceptionally excellent. In addition, it is necessary to do a trial removal of old paint. If you need to sand, then sand the wood. Next, we simply proceed according to the above plan. If we do everything as expected, we will get a good façade coating that will serve us for many years.
It is best to paint with a brush rather than a roller, as this is the highest quality painting method. However, you should not apply too thick a layer, as this may result in uneven color and shine on the surface being painted.


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