Scientific journal Rints. Rinz scientific journals lists

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At the end of the 19th century, the first attempts were made in the United States to systematize published scientific works and create their databases. In our country, work in this direction began after the end of the Great patriotic war in the 50s of the twentieth century. V modern form the list of scientific publications was drawn up in 2006.

RSCI list

RSCI stands for "Russian Science Citation Index". It is a list of scientific periodicals that have ever cited or published the works of Russian scientists, as well as their colleagues from countries the former USSR... The archives of the database are free for use, publicly available and posted on the website

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First of all, the list of RSCI journals is intended to make it easier for students and scientists to search for information of interest to them on a particular topic. However, it also performs another important function: by analyzing the RSCI journals, one can obtain important statistics on the number of published works.

List of periodicals from the RSCI core

When the system was just being formed, the journals included in the RSCI did not undergo any verification. To include them in the list, the publisher simply had to submit an application to the administration of the system. This led to the fact that many publications appeared on the list that did not have any significance for science.

In order to facilitate the search for periodicals, the creators of the index set a goal to create a list of journals with the highest value within the RSCI. For this publication, they undergo a special examination. It is carried out jointly with another similar project created by American company Thomson Reuters. The set of verified publications, which are reliable sources of information, are called the "core" of the project.

Trash magazines

Junk publications are those that publish the work of scientists for money, without proper scientific review. De facto, they charge funds without reason. Many go to publish their work in such a publication to obtain an academic degree, since this requires the presence of published works.

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Since the control over periodicals entering the database is rather weak, such garbage journals sometimes appear in it. RSCI is working to identify them and exclude them from the list. A list of journals excluded from the RSCI is maintained. A list of all journals, conferences and books excluded from the RSCI can be found at the link:

For students


The database includes publications of various directions. Among them:

  • RSCI journals in economics. The list contains 2148 such publications
  • RSCI journals on pedagogy and psychology (screen). They are in the RSCI 1921 and according to the results of the examination the pedagogical publication "Psychological Science and Education" is recognized as the most relevant.

In addition to these, the index contains publications on many other branches of knowledge.

On the site you can find an up-to-date list of VAK journals and scientific conferences. In some magazines it is possible to send an article for publication directly from the site.

The scientific article is a detailed summary of the research done. However, the goals of writing scientific articles can be different. Depending on the purpose of publications, they are divided into several types.

Scientific and theoretical. Such articles, as a rule, are devoted to the explanation of certain patterns of a certain phenomenon, theoretical search. This is a kind of basis for carrying out absolutely any research. On the basis of such articles, physical laws were often discovered, experiments and experiments were confirmed.

Scientific and practical. This type of publication is devoted to real experiments. They describe the methods and methods of conducting experiments, means of observing them, record the data and phenomena obtained. An obligatory component of such an article should be a detailed presentation of the final results, supported by appropriate illustrations, diagrams or graphs.

Scientific and methodological. These articles are intended to provide an overview of the observed processes, descriptions of specific methods and tools. In order to form a new methodology, a full-fledged, comprehensive scientific work of a whole team of researchers is required.

There are also several classifications of this kind of material according to the style of presentation.

So, scientific articles can be analytical... The purpose of such a publication is to analyze and study clear facts that could lead to a complete solution to the problem or question posed.

Analytical articles include historical essays, scientific and technical materials, theoretical reasoning, etc.

Another type is informational article. The purpose of this publication is to convey the main material or information about a specific event to the desired audience.

Scientific and practical conferences. This is a special form of scientific work in which an unlimited number of people can take part.

Participants can be both scientists and workers in this field, as well as students, graduate students and masters.

Being at such conferences gives not only colossal experience, but also allows you to understand in detail the whole essence of scientific activity.

Conferences are held both in the country and abroad. For example, the Nauchnoye Obozreniye publishing house, together with the ANO, annually organizes international conferences in 30 scientific areas. Events are held in Russian and English language, which makes it much easier for Russian students to participate in them. At the end of the conferences, scientific journals are published, teaching aids and collections.

Let's summarize. Availability scientific publication from a graduate student is a mandatory requirement for obtaining all kinds of research grants or for internships at foreign universities. It also influences the awarding of categories and the selection of prize-winners in scientific competitions. Publication in the journal also plays an important role in the success of the future career of a graduate student. In the course of his work, every master or novice scientist must study a lot of material, books and already published articles. This helps to choose the right topic for your work and organize productive activities.

Journals VAK, RSCI and scientific and practical conferences - where to publish scientific article? updated: February 15, 2019 by the author: Scientific Articles.Ru

This text is intended primarily for young scientists, graduate students and students who are faced with a difficult choice - where is the best place to publish the results of their scientific research... The task of choosing a journal for publication is really not an easy one - more than 6 thousand scientific journals are published in Russia alone, not to mention foreign ones, of which there are more than 40 thousand.

Of course, explaining to a graduate student where it is better to publish and where it is definitely not worth it is rather the task of his supervisor. However, some of the leaders not only "forget" to do this, but sometimes they themselves follow the path of least resistance, publishing in questionable magazines. The reason is most often simple - the publication is urgently needed, and in serious journals, consideration and review of a manuscript can take months, and it is not a fact that it will be accepted for publication at all.

So what should you look out for first when choosing a magazine? To publish the results of dissertations, the Higher Attestation Commission requires that a scientific publication be peer-reviewed. And these are not empty words. It is assumed that peer-reviewed journals in in this case act as external centers of expertise of the research results, preventing deliberately weak works from publication. But do all logs really fulfill this function, and how can we check it?

It is estimated that among the six thousand journals indexed in the RSCI, at least 1000 do not conduct any review of input manuscripts at all, although they declare this. Publication in such publications may lead to the fact that the article will not be included in the RSCI and will not be taken into account when calculating the scientometric indicators of the author. How to distinguish between such publications? Here are some of the characteristic features to look out for when choosing a magazine. We note right away that each of the signs by itself can be found in quite respectable scientific publications but together they give a fairly accurate picture of the log level.

1. The term of publication of the work. Journals that don't bother reviewing incoming manuscripts often offer fantastic deadlines - your article will appear in a week or two. On the website of such publications, you can often see the release plans of issues and the deadline for accepting articles almost a few days before the next issue. This is more like a printing factory than a scientific publication, where in fact it is generally impossible to foresee in advance how long it will take to review an article, how many reviewers it will need to attract, and how long it will take to finalize the manuscript if the reviewer makes comments. Fast publication of an article should be alarming - for serious publications this period usually ranges from several months to a year, and there are no guarantees on the timing.

2. The volume of the publication. A typical scientific journal publishes from 100 to 200 articles per year. If a journal publishes several thousand articles per year, it is highly likely that there is no peer review in it, that is, everything that the authors send is published. World practice lies in the fact that even if some scientific direction develops rapidly, this usually does not lead to an increase in the volume of the publication. Rather, new journals appear in this direction, most often more specialized. You can see how many articles a year are published in the journal on the page for analyzing the publication activity of the journal in the RSCI. We also recommend paying attention to how this number changes over the years - fast growth the number of publications is uncommon for serious journals.

3. Multidisciplinarity. In the overwhelming majority of cases, journals without peer review are multidisciplinary, while for authoritative scientific journals, on the contrary, there is a tendency of increasingly narrow specialization in some scientific area. In general, multidisciplinary journals have little chance of successful development, for example, it is almost unrealistic for them to get into the Web of Science, Scopus or RSCI. The reason is clear. It is believed that the editorial board of such a journal is simply not able to provide high-quality peer review in a wide range of scientific areas. Non-peer-reviewed publications have a different goal - to get the maximum input flow of publications, which is why they accept articles in all directions.

4. Paid for publications. Despite the fact that the journal's funding model is based on the "author pays" scheme - an article in open access" v Lately has become widespread, the bulk of reputable publications are still distributed by subscription and do not charge the author for publication. Regardless of the financial model, in serious journals, peer review and work with authors is the main focus. If the first thing you see on the magazine's website is the cost of publishing, some discounts for several articles, and in general the site looks more like an online store that is focused on selling publishing services, it is hardly worth taking such a publication seriously.

5. Advertising. Intrusive mailing lists and online advertising offering quick publication in the journals RSCI, VAK, etc. - a sure sign of an unreviewed publication, the main goal of which is to attract the maximum flow of publications. Reputable publications almost never make such mass mailings, they are already well known in the professional community.

6. Correspondence conferences and collective monographs. The proposal from the publishing house to publish in collections of works of numerous correspondence, usually multidisciplinary scientific conferences or collective monographs, which are essentially just collections of articles, often not even related to a common topic, is also very characteristic feature publishers that are best avoided. There is usually no peer review in these so-called conferences, and the conferences themselves are not held, but only imitated. Moreover, the results of such pseudo-conferences are often published in scientific journals of this publishing house. Such publications are most likely not to be included in the RSCI.

7. Review together with the article. Sometimes the editors demand or asks to provide a finished review with the manuscript. This cannot be considered a confirmation of the publication's reviewability. Reputable scientific publications never do this. Reviewers should not be affiliated with the author in any way, and in general should not know whose work they are reviewing.

8. Composition of the editorial board. See who is on the editorial board, whether it corresponds to the stated topic of the journal. Do you know these scientists? Are they recognized authorities in your scientific field? Read what is written in the section "About the magazine". High-flown, and often illiterate phrases in the description of the mission of the magazine should alert you.

9. Finally, the most simple and reliable way to check if the publication is really peer-reviewed - this is to ask for reviews of your manuscript. If you received a review (and preferably two or even three), rate the quality of the review yourself - how deep it was, whether the reviewer made comments on the essence of the work to you or limited himself to formal phrases or correcting a couple of commas. Keep in mind that in serious journals, the likelihood of accepting an article on the fly, without any comments, is very small.

We hope these tips help you to do right choice... And remember that publications made in dubious publications will forever remain in your portfolio, which may not be the most the best way affect your reputation in the professional community.

Russian index scientific citations Is a database that has existed since 2005. It includes several thousand scientific periodicals in Russian. The creation of the RSCI makes it possible to calculate the scientometric indicators of Russian scientists and journals, to keep records and analysis of the publication activity of researchers and organizations, as well as to provide access to scientific materials to the general public.

The list of RSCI journals is publicly available. After finishing writing the article, the researcher chooses a scientific publication to publish his work. Currently, many magazines are ready to print any material for money. If the main goal is to increase the number of printed works, the easiest way is to contact just such an editorial office, where any articles are printed for a fee without verification, within the shortest possible time. However, if a scientist is interested in his own career, he is better off choosing journals for publication from the RSCI list.

The catalog of scientific publications of the RSCI is located on the official website of the project, in the section "Russian Science Citation Index". In the “search” column, you can select a language (English or Russian) and designate a letter of the alphabet. The window will display a list of logs that begin with this letter. In addition to the title, you can get information about the specialization of the journal, the number of issues and articles. In addition, scientometric data are presented in the form of a diagram: the number of citations of works from this publication, the impact factor. It should be understood that the journal is not necessarily included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission, even if it is included in the list of scientific publications of the RSCI. This information is also indicated next to the title of the journal.

To find out which journals are included in the RSCI, you can also use the heading "thematic search". The navigator is on the left side of the "search logs" window. You can choose a specialization from the list of proposed ones, the nomenclature of scientific specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission is used.

You can also use the "catalog" function. This is the most full way search. The user enters into the search boxes not only the subject, but also the country of publication, ISSN, language, selects a convenient sorting method for him.

If it is not possible to constantly work with the RSCI database online, the lists of journals for each specialty are in the public domain on various sites that specialize in helping graduate students and researchers... However, you need to be careful when resorting to their services. The list of RSCI journals is constantly updated, so information on unofficial resources may be incomplete or outdated.

Anastasia Roshalina, Yekaterinburg

This is not the first time I have used the proofreading and correction of the text from the "Open Resource". And now I will still publish, thanks!

Arseny Chekankin, Moscow


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