Pallet canopy. How to build a simple gazebo from pallets without much effort

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Products that were originally intended for other purposes can often be used as building materials. Particularly popular is furniture that can be made from pallets. It is installed not only in summer cottages, but also in apartments decorated in loft style. Another interesting solution that can be implemented using pallets is a gazebo. You can assemble it in less than a day, and you will enjoy its functionality for quite a long time. What is required for this will be discussed in the article.

General information

Pallets are a simple structure that is used for transporting and storing goods. Most often, it consists of two levels of boards, which are secured to each other with special beams. There are several options for pallets. The difference is only in the sizes between them.

The assembly principle remains unchanged. One of the advantages of pallets for construction is that the wood dries well during use, so it is convenient to use in construction. In addition, you can often get pallets for free or for a small price, since in most cases they are simply thrown away or stored until better times.

You can get pallets yourself by assembling them from scrap materials. Great skill is not required for this task. It is important to be able to hold a hacksaw and a hammer or screwdriver in your hands. When assembling yourself, the dimensions can be adjusted to the desired ones without being tied to standards. You can buy ready-made pallets, for example, from transport companies.

Often customers pay for pallets to transport goods, but do not pick them up from warehouses, so they are happy to give them away. In some cases, companies are willing to give away pallets on condition that they remove them themselves, since removal and disposal require additional costs.

Project preparation

It's easier to create what you imagine well. If it comes to any structure, then it is better to draw up a project and a detailed drawing that will allow you to calculate the amount of material required. But you should start by selecting a suitable area for the gazebo. It’s good if the gazebo is located among greenery, which will allow you to further decorate it.

It is easier to build a gazebo on a flat area than to prepare it or level it with a foundation. The selected area usually determines the size of the future gazebo; the dimensions are also affected by the number of people who will simultaneously gather under its roof.

When specific dimensions of the gazebo are selected, you can transfer them to the drawing. You can first sketch out a design project that will give you a better idea of ​​exactly what a gazebo made from pallets will look like. The easiest way is to build a regular quadrangular structure, but you can also get creative by creating an octagonal or hexagonal structure. This will require a lot of effort, but this version of the gazebo will look more attractive.

Preparation of material

Not only the project needs preparation, but also the pallets from which the gazebo will be made. After all pallets have been delivered to site, their condition must be carefully assessed. The first step is to remove dirt, since in industrial conditions the pallets are not kept clean. After complete cleaning, it is easier to identify shortcomings that can be eliminated by replacing several boards or simply fixing individual elements. In some cases, it will be necessary to assemble one from two pallets, so you should have a certain supply of material before starting construction. In accordance with the drawn up project, the pallets are divided by size and parameters for a specific module. Sometimes the connection of several elements is required. If all this is done in advance, the final assembly will happen faster.

Since pallets are considered a consumable material, planed wood is not used for them. A gazebo made from it will look unattractive. This means that it must be further processed with a grinding machine. In some cases, it will be necessary to remove several layers of sandpaper of varying grits to achieve a smooth surface. When the initial grinding is completed, it is necessary to give the pallets a certain fire resistance. This is done with special impregnations. After applying them, you must wait until they dry completely. During the process, some fibers will rise and will need to be sanded down again. Some people prefer to paint the pallets at this stage. But it is better to do this on a finished structure, since some areas may be damaged during the installation process. It is easier to paint hard-to-reach places, and after construction, finish the front side.

Laying the foundation

The gazebo, which will be assembled from pallets, is light in weight, so it does not require a powerful foundation. Its design will largely depend on the type of soil in a particular area. If the groundwater is at a sufficient level and the soil is slightly susceptible to heaving, then a regular backfill of crushed stone and sand can be used as a foundation. To do this, a small depression is made over the entire area of ​​the gazebo, the bottom of which is compacted. A layer of sand and gravel is poured on top. Each should be 10 cm thick. They are leveled and also compacted well. The gazebo floor can be laid directly on crushed stone. In addition to good support, rainwater will be quickly filtered if it gets under the gazebo.

Another option that will require less cost is a columnar foundation. The essence of the design is that small holes are made in the places of key support points and backfill is performed, as in the previous version. After this, two strong blocks or several bricks are laid on the bedding. To make the base more durable, they can be fastened together with sand-cement mortar. They must also be in the same plane to ensure a level floor. Pallets are laid on top of the blocks.

If the situation with the soil is not rosy, but you want to have a gazebo made of pallets, then additional expenses will be required for the foundation. In this case, screw metal piles can be used. They are screwed in to a depth where the soil has a high density, and they must be installed in increments of 1.5 meters for such a design. A wooden grillage is laid on top of the piles, which will tie all the elements together. Several piles must be installed in the middle of the gazebo so that the floor has support along the entire plane. In this case, the pallets are simply screwed to a wooden grillage, which is mounted on piles.

Another foundation option that can be used for a pallet gazebo is a slab foundation. Preparation for its construction is carried out in the same way as described for the first option, only the pit in this case will require greater depth. Reinforcement is laid on the crushed stone, which must be raised on special supports. The reinforcement is poured from above with prepared concrete mortar, which is discharged horizontally. It takes up to one month to gain structural strength. Fixing wooden pallets to the slab is carried out with a gasket made of waterproofing material, which will prevent moisture from entering the wood.

Assembly of the structure

Assembling a gazebo from pallets begins from the floor. In this case, pallets can be laid in one or two layers. If the pallets will be stacked in two rows, then they should be mounted with interlocking seams. The space between the slats is filled with boards of suitable size. Another option is to use sheets of OSB or moisture-resistant plywood that are screwed over the pallets to create a continuous floor surface. Pallets must be fixed to the foundation, as well as to each other.

The next step is the installation of the first row of pallets, which will serve as walls. They must be fixed level and firmly fastened with self-tapping screws to the base. If necessary, they can be trimmed to the required height.

For greater strength of the entire structure, pallets that are installed vertically must be connected to each other along the entire length with an edged board. Additionally, you will also need a wooden beam with a cross-section of 10 cm. It will act as support pillars on which the roof will rest, as well as the rest of the pallets fixed to the walls. The number of beams required will depend on the roof structure and the material that will be used for it.

The end of the pallets should also be covered with a board to prevent any animals from making a home under the floor. This move will also improve the appearance of the entire building.

When all the vertical elements of the gazebo made from pallets are installed, you can make the top frame. To do this, you will need a beam measuring 10 by 15 cm. It is laid on the end of the pillars of the gazebo made from pallets, and the individual elements are secured together with a lock, as can be seen in the photo above. For reliable fastening, a hole is drilled through the connection and a self-tapping screw is screwed in, which can press the harness to the support post.

When the frame of the gazebo is ready, you can attach wooden crossbars to it, which will serve as rafters. The roofing decking of the gazebo will be installed on them. If we are talking about the same polycarbonate as in the photo, then powerful lathing is not required, but for metal tiles or corrugated sheets, the lathing must be made in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements to ensure sufficient resistance to various loads. If a soft roof is used, then the sheathing is made of solid boards or sheet material, on which waterproofing is additionally laid. A video about assembling such a gazebo from pallets is below.


The final stage is painting the entire structure with varnish or a composition that matches the color. It is easy to decorate such a gazebo made of pallets with flowers. They are easy to place at the end of the walls, since the pallets have gaps where flower pots can be easily installed. In this case, it is worth thinking about a container in which water will be collected after watering, so that the liquid does not have a destructive effect on the wood of the pallet. Places where screws are screwed into the pallets or nails are driven in can be puttied to hide the recesses. Near the gazebo you can plant climbing plants, which will further decorate it with greenery.

The most popular object for garden architects in the country is a gazebo. It is easy to build it with your own hands, and a variety of materials are used for this - from wood to polycarbonate. Gazebos made from pallets for summer cottages are also a common solution.

A pallet is a type of container used for transporting and unloading goods. Its structure and dimensions are related to the operating features of the unloading equipment, and therefore the parameters of the box are strictly regulated.

The standard dimensions are 80*120*14.5 cm. Finnish pallets are slightly wider - 100*120*14.5 cm. The smallest Euro pallets have a length and width of 80*60 cm. The height remains the same.

The pallet can be equipped with 2 sides or 4 - it depends on which unloader the box is designed for. You can build a veranda from any type.

  • Another nuance is the flooring arrangement. For the most part, the boards in the flooring are located at some distance from each other, which is an advantage: moisture does not accumulate and ventilation is ensured. However, there are also options with continuous flooring. Sometimes this model is more convenient for fencing.

A gazebo made from pallets is assembled with your own hands like a construction set: you just need to follow the step-by-step instructions and use sufficient fasteners.

Materials and tools

The main “raw materials” for construction are pallets. You can purchase them at any retail outlet or shipping company: it is much easier for the latter to sell used containers than to dispose of them. Pallets are purchased whole, if possible clean, and only those that were used for transporting light cargo.

  • The amount of material depends on the size of the structure. Therefore, before purchasing, it is necessary to develop a project and calculate how many boxes will be required for implementation. In this case, it is not the dimensions of the box that are adjusted - this is unprofitable and unprofitable, but the dimensions of the building. The latter should take into account the convenient location of the table and sofas, and maybe even a chaise lounge. How to do this is clear: first calculate the dimensions of the furniture, and then calculate the area of ​​the veranda.
  • Beam - required for the frame and strengthening of the structure. The cross section is calculated based on the size of the structure.
  • Roofing material – polycarbonate, tiles, tes.
  • Primers, wood paint or varnish.
  • Sanding machine - the building is of impressive size, so it is unrealistic to sand such a number of wooden boxes by hand.
  • Electric drill and screwdriver.
  • Brushes, rollers, wire brush.
  • Self-tapping screws, cap screws and other types of fasteners.

Preparation of materials

The container is made from low-grade wood: only strength is important here, not appearance or long service life. Therefore, before building a gazebo or veranda from the material, it is necessary to carry out some measures. The do-it-yourself gazebo made from pallets in the photo is painted in a light color.

  1. Pallets are cleaned of dirt, dust, suspicious damp spots and rot, if detected. Use a metal brush. If necessary, dry the wooden boxes - 3-4 days in the shade at a temperature of 20-25 C.
  2. The products are carefully polished with a grinder.
  3. Wooden boxes are treated with an antiseptic primer or other compounds that can protect the wood from rot, mold, bugs, and so on. The master class recommends impregnating it with fire retardants to reduce the flammability of the material.
  4. Pallets are painted or varnished in 2 layers. Before building a gazebo, as a rule, it is painted or varnished with one layer, and then the procedure can be carried out again after the work is completed.

How to make a gazebo from pallets

Step-by-step construction instructions include several stages. All of them are required, but the method of implementation depends on the size and complexity of the project. Typically, at the dacha they prefer not too large “transparent” structures, used only in the summer.

  1. Since the structure is quite large, before deciding how to make a gazebo from pallets, you need to choose a suitable foundation. Usually this is either the simplest columnar or shallow-depth tape, since the container has large dimensions and is light in weight. The easiest way is to fill the selected area with concrete. In this case, 2 problems are solved at once: the foundation is reliable and the floor is level. The photo shows the preparation of the foundation.
  2. Before construction, the screed is waterproofed with film or roofing felt.
  3. The frame is installed first. To do this, use a thick, durable beam, which is secured to the concrete base with screws.
  4. The calculated number of pallets are placed on the site. The products are fastened together in groups of 2 - bolted together or using a wooden overlay, and then fastened in large groups to the frame boards. The step-by-step instructions are very simple, you just need to follow the order.
  5. At the corners of the structure, support posts made of timber are installed. Fastened with cap screws. The master class recommends duplicating the fastening with metal corners. If the gazebo area is large, you need to install an additional central pillar.
  6. The roof structure is fixed: its type depends on the chosen model. This is usually a regular pitched roof. In this case, the support pillars have different heights.
  7. Then the fence is filled: pallets installed vertically are secured to the support posts and to each other.
  8. The floor and roof are being installed. For the floor, it is better to choose terrace boards or use pallets with solid flooring. For roofing, ordinary boards with waterproofing or polycarbonate sheets are used.

You can quickly build sofas and tables from pallets, instead of constructing them from wood. The gazebo made from pallets in the photo is equipped with a sofa and a table made from pallets.

  1. The structure is painted or varnished again, since during the work the layer of paint and varnish is damaged.

In the video, the construction of a gazebo from pallets with your own hands is presented in every detail.

If you want to quickly build a beautiful gazebo, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. An original and simple method is the option where the gazebo is created from pallets. Today, they are often used by summer residents, since they act as an inexpensive building material that allows you to construct a fence or small structures. Using pallets, you can significantly reduce the cost of building a gazebo, while still getting an original design. You can build a gazebo from this material in the shortest possible time, since for this you only need to connect the pallets according to the developed drawing.

What are pallets?

Pallets should be understood as a structure consisting of wooden boards and beams arranged in 2 tiers. These products are necessary in order to transport any materials/items. The wood used to create pallets is processed, so the risk of fungus is extremely low.

Pallets are used in warehouses for a long period of time, so the wood has time to dry well. Many companies simply throw away these products because they no longer need them, but some companies sell them at low cost. You can purchase them as firewood or as material for building structures.

There are 4 types of pallets for the garden, which differ in size, but the most common type has a height of 15 centimeters. Of the products in question, you can easily lay the floor, since you only need to fill the existing gaps.

Where can you find pallets?

Finding the products in question in order to build a gazebo is not difficult. There are several ways.

  • We assemble the pallets ourselves. To do this, you will need to find a suitable material, then find out the dimensions of the products.
  • Purchase. Many companies sell these products that have been used for a certain time.
  • We get it for free. To get free pallets, you need to contact the companies that use them and ask if they recycle them. If the company is just throwing them away, you can probably negotiate to pick up the material, since even hauling the pallets away for disposal comes with a cost to the company.

Preparing the material

Before you start building a gazebo, you need to decide on its location and create a construction plan. Once you have decided on the dimensions, you can calculate how many pallets you will need for the job.

Before you start building a gazebo, it is important to do the following:

  • carefully inspect all pallets received, repair and clean them if required;
  • divide the pallets into parts if this is provided for in the project;
  • it is recommended to sand the pallets before use, especially those parts that will be located inside the gazebo;
  • use antiseptic impregnation that will protect the material from bacteria and fungus;
  • Once the applied impregnation has dried, the pallets can be painted in the desired color.

If you ignore the steps presented above, the constructed gazebo will be of lower quality and will become unusable in the near future.

Pros and cons of pallets

Pallets are made of wood, therefore they have the following characteristics:

  • environmentally friendly and safe for the human body;
  • products and buildings made of wood have a beautiful appearance;
  • easy to process.

Pallets marked IPPC should not be used because they have been treated with chemicals. They cannot be used as a building material.

The use of pallets in the construction of a gazebo has many advantages. There are many advantages to this idea.

  • The gazebo has an open design, so air circulates well. This has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere inside.
  • The cost of the material is relatively low. You can create pallets yourself from boards. It is also possible to purchase used material at a great price. Moreover, even new pallets do not have a high cost.
  • The constructed structure will be environmentally friendly and safe.

Despite many advantages, there is one significant drawback. The wood has been treated, but it is not designed for long-term use, so you will have to periodically coat the gazebo with special compounds to extend its service life.

DIY construction

Regardless of what type of pallets you choose, you will definitely be satisfied with the result. A gazebo will not only decorate your site, but will also turn into a cozy place. On summer evenings you can relax here with family and friends, and during the day you can find shelter from the scorching sun. The best part is that this gazebo is built very quickly. It will take a maximum of 2 days to complete the entire work. Next, we will tell you how to properly build a gazebo and where to start.

Initially, you must create a plan that you will definitely follow while working.

You need to do all of the following in a row:

  • selecting building materials;
  • imagine what a gazebo should look like;
  • we develop a drawing;
  • we build a gazebo;
  • We make the gazebo as cozy as possible.

Determining the optimal location

You need to decide on the location of the gazebo first. The selected area must be cleared of stones, and the tall grass must be mowed. If the site is uneven, it must be leveled before starting construction.

This is especially important if the floor will be built directly on top of the ground. Experts do not recommend that you go this route, since such construction will not be durable. It is best to create a base on which our gazebo will be located. When you have cleared the desired area, use pegs and rope to mark what size your gazebo will be.


Now is the time to turn to your imagination in order to design your future gazebo. At this stage, your ingenuity will be required. After all, you can make a large number of elements from pallets that will fill your gazebo with coziness and convenience. Pallets are ideal for creating tables or benches, but this must be included in your plan. It is better to make furniture for the gazebo before its construction. When you have already decided what the design should be, you can proceed to further actions, namely, start developing a drawing.


Don't worry about the fact that you are not an architect and do not have the necessary knowledge to create a correct and beautiful drawing. Ordinary graphic editors can help you in this situation. Your task is not to perfectly depict a gazebo on paper, but to correctly implement the idea. It is necessary to develop a drawing of the gazebo, taking into account the structural sections. This will help you later when you start making the project a reality.


At this stage, we are already starting to work on the site. Here you need to build a foundation for the future gazebo. Foundations come in various types. You can choose one of them based on the time you plan to spend on building the gazebo. If you need to do it quickly, then concrete blocks set on compacted earth are the best option.

Laying brick pillars will take longer compared to the previous option, however, the most time-consuming method is pouring concrete columns. It is important to note that the latter method is the most reliable and durable. Keep in mind that if the soil is soft, then it needs a strip base, which will prolong construction a little, because you will need to wait until the cement dries.

When the foundation is laid, it is necessary to install a timber base along its perimeter. It is attached with screws. The bars are fastened together with strapping.

It is important that the base is made of exclusively high-quality boards, since they will be subject to intense load.

If you place a protective film under the base, you can thus protect the foundation from moisture.

Creating the floor and walls

When you already have a solid foundation, you can begin installing the corner posts. They need to be installed not only in the corners, but also in the front part, highlighting the entrance. The beams are connected from above by means of strapping. Make sure that the posts are level and vertical, otherwise this will cause the gazebo to sag.

After installing and securing all the posts, you can proceed to the top trim. It is recommended to strengthen it with corners to reduce the risk of breaks. Next, you can begin laying the boards on the floor.

They must first be treated with a special anti-rotting agent. If this is not done, they may rot and the gazebo may sag.

If your project involves a middle frame, then after creating the floor you can proceed to this stage. If this point is not provided, then you can start building walls. They can be stacked in one row or in several. Fasten with anchors or cap screws. In some cases, nails are used, but this is not a completely reliable method of fastening.


The roof should be done last. What material you make it from is up to you. You can choose tiles, roofing felt or polycarbonate. Each of the presented materials has its pros and cons.

The tiles have an attractive appearance, however, it will take a lot of time to lay them. Ruberoid is characterized by quick installation, but visually the roof looks very specific. Polycarbonate appears to be a middle option. It installs relatively quickly and looks quite neat and attractive. In some cases, the pallets themselves are used for roofing, but this is not the best option. You can disassemble them and use them to build a gazebo roof.

A practical owner of a country plot strives to do something useful for his dacha with his own hands. In this case, a jack of all trades uses available materials. Wooden pallets can be used for various purposes, such as making furniture. A gazebo made from pallets is a wonderful structure that can decorate the landscape in an original way.

Project of an original gazebo made from pallets

It won’t take much time to build a useful structure for your summer cottage. If you are missing a gazebo, this can be easily fixed.

Before starting construction, prepare the necessary building materials and tools:

  • pallets;
  • primer;
  • paint (stain);
  • polycarbonate;
  • bars;
  • brush;
  • sander;
  • drill with self-tapping screws.

Look around your garden plot and decide where you will put it. If you do not have any green spaces, then place the structure where you like best. Don’t worry that the gazebo will spoil the natural landscape of the dacha. Finishing will help give the structure an aesthetic appearance. It all depends on your imagination.

Option for constructing a small gazebo from pallets

The structure may be located on the shore. It may be surrounded by small trees.

Drawing up a design project

When starting to draw, think about how exactly you are going to use the gazebo. Write down all your wishes on paper. They can be located in the gazebo. Here you can fantasize as much as you like. All creative ideas are easily translated into reality.

Calculate the dimensions of the future structure so that it can accommodate a table, comfortable seats and a comfortable chaise lounge. All these practical and convenient items are made from pallets. It also takes into account which pallets for walls and furniture are going to be used.

Design project of a gazebo made of pallets for a summer residence

There are several varieties:

  • europallet;
  • Englishwoman;
  • EURO;
  • EURO increased.

All of the above options have the same height - 14.4 cm. And the width and length dimensions may vary. The smallest is EURO: 80 x 60 cm. When pallets are placed in two rows, the structure is obtained with minimal clearances. This design serves as a reliable shelter from the rain.

Features of gazebos built from pallets

A structure designed for recreation has many advantages:

  • The openwork structure easily lets in the sun's rays;
  • There is a cozy atmosphere inside the DIY space;
  • The construction of the structure can be done quite quickly;
  • The airiness and openness of the structure are ideally combined with the natural environment.

Read also

Types and types of summerhouses

Wooden elements should be prepared in advance. They need to be sanded and then cleaned. The surface should not be rough to the touch.

Then during construction the master will not get hurt and will avoid snags on clothes or splinters. Each product needs to be sanded.
Sanding is done using sandpaper or a special machine. In the first case, the process will take a long time, and the effect will not be as attractive as when using equipment.
If pallets require repairs, they must be carried out before painting. It’s easy to treat the surface of wooden pallets with your own hands to prevent possible problems:

  • The tree will be less susceptible to rotting;
  • It becomes possible to get rid of harmful insects that can live in the wood.

Special impregnation is applied with a brush. You need to wait until the composition is well absorbed.

Processing and painting pallets for gazebos

When it dries you can start painting. Choose a paint designed for exterior use or purchase a wood stain.

The base and frame of the future structure for resting from pallets

If the site is located on clay soil, then the best choice is a foundation on piles. A steel pipe with blades at the end easily enters the ground, and the building will not be damaged by adverse weather conditions. After installation of the piles, vertical supports are installed. From above, the load-bearing structural elements are connected using strapping.

Installation of a gazebo frame from pallets

If the building will be erected on gristly soil, then it will be enough. It is better to make floors from terrace boards with a ribbed structure.

For pallets it is necessary to make a frame. It is assembled from thick timber. The walls of the gazebo are erected from one or two rows of pallets. As an alternative, the material for the frame can be reinforcement or a metal profile. The second option can also be secured with your own hands. Walls are built from finished boxes. They are attached to supports. Not only walls, but also ceilings are built from pallets.

Gazebo roof

If there are a lot of pallets, then the roof can also be made from them. The number of products is calculated depending on the desired size of the room.

Having decided to use pallets to build a roof, you should think about what kind of waterproof material to cover the structure on top: only film or roofing felt will save you from rain.

Budget options for making a gazebo roof include the use of polycarbonate. Today this building material is produced in a rich range of colors. Securing it is quite simple. It has an important advantage - the ability to transmit sunlight. You can fill the interior with orange highlights even if it's partly cloudy. Polycarbonate can withstand high temperatures. It will not be difficult to install a soft roofing covering on the gazebo with your own hands.

Wooden pallets for transporting pallets with all kinds of cargo have long been of great interest to summer residents and people living in the private sector. And this is not surprising - after all, in skillful hands, these products turn into full-fledged building materials. The cost of such used pallets is simply ridiculous, and it happens that they are generally given away for free. They build a lot of them: garden houses, fences, and gazebos of all kinds. Everything is limited only by flights of fancy and the desire to sculpt something on your own country plot.

Almost every summer cottage has a gazebo, and the variety of such buildings is simply enormous. There are both small and large, of different shapes and design options. Some people order ready-made structures, while others build them themselves from available materials.

But here it all depends on the budget, and if there is no money to build a gazebo from classic building materials, then it is quite possible to use alternative and very inexpensive materials, for example, wooden pallets.

What pallets are suitable for building a gazebo?

There are several types that differ in material quality and dimensions. Thick curved boards, on which bricks and cement are usually transported, are only suitable for firewood, and varieties with thinner boards are just what is needed. Europallets are especially popular for disassembling into material. It is of very good quality, but it has its drawbacks: it concerns its disassembly. Often, rough nails are used here, which are not so easy to pull out. A nail puller won't help here, but pulling out the brushes with a hammer and a small hatchet won't be too difficult.

What types and sizes of pallets exist:

  • standard– 1200x1000x140 mm;
  • Euro pallets– 800x600x140 mm;
  • Euro pallets– 800x600x140 mm;
  • increased euros– 1200x1200x140 mm;
  • thickness may vary in amplitude from 120 to 144 mm.

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to draw up a plan and drawing of what kind of gazebo it will be, what size and shape. Where will the garden furniture be located and what dimensions will it be? Calculate how much and what material will be needed, purchase everything you need.

There are a lot of self-tapping screws, so it’s better to buy them with a reserve, so they won’t be superfluous in the household.

Pallets purchased for construction need to be prepared:

  • Inspect for damage, check for strength, then select the best ones. The rest can be disassembled into boards.
  • Clean from dirt and wane.
  • Pallets and individual planks from disassembly must be processed with a grinding machine.
  • Wood needs protection from moisture, fungus and pests. To do this, it must be treated with a special antiseptic solution. If this is not done, the wood will darken and take on a not very beautiful gray color, and will also rot.
  • It is better to paint the wood immediately, and not after the gazebo is ready. Waterproof wood paint is suitable, and if you want to leave the natural wood color, you can use stain. After painting, it is advisable to coat it with waterproof varnish.

The better the wood is processed, the longer the structure will retain its beautiful appearance. Prepare the necessary tool. Clear the area where you plan to build the gazebo from debris, bushes and tall grass.

What tools will you need:

  • saw;
  • hammer;
  • axe;
  • grinder;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill and drill bits;
  • brushes;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • pencil.

It is better to use a power tool; it will save energy and make the work much easier and faster.

Construction works

The construction of a gazebo is divided into several stages:

  1. foundation;
  2. frame installation;
  3. wall cladding;
  4. roof;
  5. painting and decoration;
  6. decor.


In order for the gazebo to serve for many years, it is necessary to make a foundation of the required size. If the soil is not very swampy and the building area is small, then you can simply place concrete blocks of 200x200x400 mm.

When constructing a more permanent structure on problematic soil, it is better to fill in a shallow-depth tape.

One of the popular foundation laying technologies is piles, which are divided into two types. There may be three options for bases for the gazebo.

Concrete piles

It is not very difficult to make such supports for a future structure, but it will take some time for the cement mortar to set.

First, holes are dug 20x20 cm and 50 cm deep. Then formwork is placed in them from roofing felt, scrap boards or suitable material that is not a pity. Reinforcement is driven into the bottom of each hole, approximately 50 cm. Then the formwork is filled with concrete. Such piles should have a height from the zero level of about 30 cm. After pouring the solution, you need to wait a while until the mixture completely hardens.

Screw piles

A fairly new method of constructing foundations, which has proven itself well on clay and marshy soils. Everything is simple here. You buy piles of the required size, all you have to do is screw them into the ground and screw or weld the heads to them.

Shallow tape

For loose soils and large area gazebos, it is necessary to fill the tape. To construct this type of foundation, you need to dig a trench 50 centimeters deep around the perimeter and install formwork from boards along its edges. Next, a structure is made from reinforcement in the trench and concrete mixed with small stones is poured.

The concrete screed must be watered from time to time throughout the week.. The time for complete hardening of such a tape is about a month.

When constructing any type of foundation, it is necessary to use a level, and the perimeter must be marked with a thread attached to pegs. This will prevent the structure from becoming uneven.


First, a timber frame base is installed along the perimeter of the foundation and secured to the foundation with anchors. It should be made from the highest quality materials, since the floor bears the highest load. Next you need to fasten the beams with strapping.

Then vertical supports are mounted, which are secured on top with a transverse tie with boards and beams. Do not use nails to install the frame, since over time the structure will become loose. Self-tapping screws are considered more reliable fasteners, and you will also need other hardware, such as anchors and corners of various types.

Wall cladding

Wall cladding can be done in several variations:

  1. The simplest option is completely open walls. The structure only has a roof and floor, but no walls. But such a structure will not protect from the wind, so it is not particularly popular.
  2. The pallets are mounted in two rows in such a way that the second row does not allow light to pass through the cracks of the first layer. With this method of constructing walls, three sides are blank, and only the front part of the building remains open. This option is suitable for those who love shadow and darkness.
  3. Only the back wall is sewn up, and on the sides there are railings with a height of 800-1200 mm, depending on the position of the pallets. So, if installed horizontally, the height will be 800 mm, and if installed vertically - 120 mm. When installing such railings, the pallets are first attached to the base, then evenly pulled together.


The roof can be made of several types: single-pitched, gable or hipped in the shape of a pyramid. Which one to do depends on the design of the gazebo and personal wishes.

For the sheathing, 50x50 mm beams and planks are used. All this can be taken again from pallets.

Painting and decoration

After the gazebo is ready, it needs to be given a beautiful appearance. Paint it in the desired color. If the pallets and planks were painted at the preparatory stage, then all that remains is to finish painting what is not painted, for example, vertical supports.

If you have a skill such as wood carving, you can decorate the walls with a variety of patterns, but this must be done before painting and treating with an antiseptic. They also use a blowtorch, lightly burn the wood with its flame, which gives its structure a heterogeneous, slightly scorched shade, and then cover it with stain and varnish. It looks very impressive. But this procedure can only be carried out on clean wood, as long as it has not yet been treated with any chemicals.


To add comfort and beauty to a built gazebo, you can use many techniques. You can make flower beds in the cavities of the pallets and install beautiful lanterns so that a soft, unobtrusive light emanates from the clearings. It looks very fascinating, as if the walls are illuminated from the inside, while the lighting fixtures themselves are not visible.

If you have a barbecue, you can decorate it with heat-resistant tiles or stones, hang small paintings and other interior items, and install LED lighting around the perimeter of the gables. Open areas can be covered with camouflage netting, or even better, grapes can be planted around the gazebo.. When the vine grows, it will not only look beautiful, but also provide shade from the sun.

The decorative elements must also include furniture, without which the gazebo will seem like just a canopy from the rain or sun. First of all, you need a table and seats.

You can, of course, use standard furniture that is no longer needed at home, but there is an option to make so-called garden furniture from the same pallets. They make wonderful tables, benches and even chic corner sofas, which you just need to cover and place pillows.


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