Purpose and composition of the mooring device. types of mooring devices, principles of their operation

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A mooring device is designed to secure a vessel at a berth or other structures. Elements of the mooring device:

- mooring lines - ropes , which are fixed at one end to the shore or other structure;

- bollards - serve to secure the ship's end of mooring lines;

- bales, fairleads - designed to prevent breakage and reduce friction of moorings;

- mooring mechanisms- serve for picking up (pulling up) and locking mooring lines;

- views, banquettes- designed for storing mooring lines;

- fenders- serve to soften shocks when mooring a vessel. (Fig. 6.16).

The general diagram of the mooring device is shown in Fig. 6.14.

Rice. 6.14. General diagram of the mooring device.

1-automatic mooring winch; 2-rolls guide; 3-flea mooring six-roller; 4-mooring rope stopper; 5-bale bar with three rollers; 6- towing fairlead; 7- towing bollard; 8 - mooring bollard; 9- mooring rope; 10- automatic mooring winch with a turret; 11- mooring lines; 12- towing rope stopper; 13-bale plank with two rollers and basting; 14- non-drive view with brake; 15 - mooring fairlead; 16 - anchor-mooring capstan; 17 - breaker.

Moorings- steel, vegetable or synthetic ropes (cables). Currently, synthetic mooring lines are mainly used. These mooring lines have a number of advantages: they are light, flexible, strong, elastic (shocks are absorbed), but there are also disadvantages: they melt during friction, are destroyed in the sun, and when broken, release colossal kinetic energy (which is dangerous for mooring operators). To prevent sparking, these mooring lines must be soaked in sea water. Vegetable mooring lines (hemp, sisal, manila) are flexible, but less durable, susceptible to rotting and are currently practically not used on ships. Steel mooring lines are strong, but heavier and more rigid. To be able to work with steel moorings, they must consist of at least 144 wires and 7 soft cores. These mooring lines pose a danger to moorers and are used quite rarely.

The mooring lines at the outboard end have a loop - a fire, which is thrown over the shore pole. To supply moorings to the shore or other structure, it is usually used throwing end-light hemp cable with sand in a cable braid at the end (Fig. 6.16. And). With the help of this light cable, relatively heavy mooring lines are pulled ashore.

Depending on the position relative to the vessel, mooring lines are called: longitudinal, clamping, springs (bow and stern, respectively) (Fig. 6.15).

Fig. 6.15. Scheme of mooring a vessel with a log.

1-windlass, 2-bollard, 3-mooring winch, 4-hawse, 5-bale cleat, 6-mooring capstan, 7-stern longitudinal, 8-stern clamp. 9-stern spring, 10 bow spring, 11-bow clamp , 12-nasal longitudinal.

To secure mooring lines on a ship, bollards are used (Fig. 6.16. A). If the vessel is moored to high-sided vessels and high berths, then cross bollards are installed to prevent the mooring lines from slipping (Fig. 6.16. b). To prevent kinks in the mooring line and reduce friction, fairleads and bale strips are installed at the side of the vessel (Fig. 6.16. c, d, d). If the ship uses mooring lines made of synthetic materials, then to prevent rapid wear of the mooring lines, fairleads with a rotating cage are installed (Fig. 6.16. e). Due to the fact that the cage rotates when the mooring line is pulled, the rollers end up in the plane of the ship's and shore branches of the mooring line, which eliminates sliding friction. In some cases, multi-roll fairleads, which are formed by several horizontally and vertically located rollers, are used for the same purpose. But at certain angles of inclination of the mooring line, it becomes pinched and deformed, which leads to rapid wear of the mooring line.

The mooring lines are stored on racks during the march (Fig. 6.16. and), drums of automatic mooring winches and on banquets. On a number of modern ships, the views are electrically driven, which makes mooring the vessel easier. Banquettes are lattice wooden platforms that serve for storing mooring lines rolled into coils.

To pull up mooring lines, windlass heads, mooring capstans, mooring winches, automatic mooring winches, and multi-drum mooring winches are used.

In the absence of mooring winches, after pulling the mooring line using mechanisms, the mooring lines must be locked, and then transferred to the bollard and secured with eights. To lock the mooring line, cable stoppers are placed on it, usually made of the same material as the mooring lines, and sometimes stationary stoppers are used (Fig. 6.16. h).

Automatic mooring winches (Fig. 6.16. l)maintain the force in the mooring line within specified limits by releasing or picking up the mooring line. If the length of the mooring line exceeds a specified value, then to avoid an accident, the winch is locked and sounds a sound signal. On automatic mooring winches, the entire mooring line is on drums, which greatly simplifies mooring work and when changing the vessel's draft. But since automatic winches are bulky, it is not possible to install the number of winches corresponding to the number of moorings that the ship usually provides. In addition, automation often fails.

Fig.6.18. Double drum mooring winch with hydraulic drive.

Many modern ships now have multi-drum mooring winches. These winches do not have automation, but they greatly facilitate mooring work due to the fact that the minimum required number of mooring lines are located on the drums (for example, on a bulk carrier with a deadweight of 75,000 tons there are 8 mooring drums at the bow and stern). From the mechanism of this winch comes a shaft on which drums with mooring lines (from two to 4) are located. Each drum can be connected to or disconnected from the shaft using a jaw coupling (similar to an anchor drum) and each drum has its own stopper. This allows the operator to work with any drum (Fig. 6.17 and Fig. 6.18).

Mooring device - a set of devices and mechanisms located on the upper deck and designed to reliably hold the ship at the berth (pier), floating structures or the side of another ship. It provides mooring of the ship by the stern, side (lag) and bow, and is also used for towing, transferring cargo while moving and in other cases. A general view of the mooring device of a surface ship is shown in Fig. 2.1.

Rice. 2.1. Mooring device of a surface ship:
1, 11 - mooring hawse; 2 - bollard; 3, 10 - spiers; 4 - bale strip; 5 - duck: 6 - views; 7 - baskets for fenders; 8 - gangway; 9 - biteng; 12 - mooring lines

The mooring device includes: mooring lines - flexible steel, synthetic or vegetable cables, with the help of which the ship is pulled up and secured; devices for storing moorings and feeding them; bollards, bitings, cleats used to secure mooring lines on the deck of a ship; mooring fairleads and bale strips, designed to bring mooring lines overboard, giving them the desired direction and protecting them from rubbing against the side; mooring mechanisms - capstans, windlasses, winches used for hauling and pickling mooring lines; fenders that soften the impact of the hull on the pier or side of another ship.

Moorings. On surface ships and submarines, flexible steel cables GOST 3071-66 and 3083-66 are usually used as mooring lines. The diameter of the steel mooring cable is determined by the displacement and class of the ship (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1

On boats, vegetable (hemp or manila) cables with a circumference of 60-100 mm, convenient for picking and pickling by hand, are often used as moorings. On some ships and vessels, and on tankers, mooring ropes made of artificial fiber are mandatory - nylon rope GOST 10293-67. Synthetic cables are very promising due to their lightness, elasticity (resistance to dynamic loads) and high anti-corrosion qualities.

Auxiliary vessels of the Navy are supplied with moorings according to the rules of the USSR Register. The length of the mooring lines must be at least the length of the ship, and one of the stern mooring lines must consist of a full coil of cable (220 or 300 m) for releasing the stop anchor (see Chapter 3). At both ends of the mooring lines, fires about 1 m long are sealed. Devices for storing moorings and feeding them. Vyushkas are used for storing working moorings, making them easy to supply and clean. The most widely used are horizontal mooring views (Fig. 2.2), equipped with a brake. Vertical views (Fig. 2.3) are used only for vegetable and synthetic cables; they are less convenient to use, but take up less space. The views are placed on the deck or in the superstructures in such a way that it is convenient to supply the moorings both to the bale bar and to the mooring drum of the mechanism. Spare mooring lines are stored in the rigging storerooms.

Rice. 2.2. Horizontal mooring view

Rice. 2.3. Vertical mooring view

Mooring lines are brought to the pier (adjacent ship) at a distance of 15-25 m manually using throwing lines. The supplied casting end is tied into the base of the mooring line, previously brought into the bale strip (hawse). When feeding heavy mooring lines, first a conductor is fed using the throwing end - a strong plant cable with a circumference of 60-100 mm, on which the mooring line is then selected.

The line-throwing device is used to supply mooring (as well as towing, etc.) cables over long distances. The most common is the LU-1 reactive line-throwing device (Fig. 2.4). The flight range of a rocket with a line is up to 275 m. A nylon line with a diameter of 6 mm has a breaking strength of over 400 kgf.

Rice. 2.4. Line throwing device LU-1:
1 - front sight; 2 - shield; 3 - trunk; 4 - trigger mechanism; 5 - rocket; 6 - steel cable; 7 - bed; 8 - nylon line; 9 - box

The barrel of the gun is a steel tube, open at both ends. Along the lower generatrix, the barrel has a slot for the passage of a steel cable connecting the rocket to the line. The bottom of the trunk is covered with a wooden stock. The barrel has a window for the passage of the firing pin of the firing mechanism. A nylon line 400 m long is placed in a box in a certain way. The sighting device consists of a front sight and two crosshairs printed on the sight glass of the shield. When launching a rocket at a distance of 200-250 m or shorter distances in a headwind, the gun should be given an elevation angle of 30°; when launching a rocket at a distance of 100-150 m, the elevation angle should be 15°. Line throwing is carried out by aiming the gun “by hand” at the highest points of the ship (tops of masts, pipes, etc.). The shooter's face must be behind the shield.

Bollards- paired steel (rarely cast iron) cylindrical pedestals, mounted on a common foundation and firmly connected to the ship’s hull. They are installed in the bow and stern ends, and sometimes in the middle part of the upper deck. Bollards (GOST 11265-65) are divided depending on the design into straight and cross; according to the manufacturing method - cast and welded (Fig. 2.5).

Rice. 2.5. Mooring bollards:
a - cast straight; b - welded straight lines; in - cast cross double

The mooring line, dressed with a light on the shore bollard or bollard of another ship, passes through the hawse (bale strip) and is attached to the bollard with four or five hooks in a figure of eight. The tides on the outer sides of the bollard bollards (Fig. 2.5, a, b) allow two mooring cables to be attached to one bollard and each of them to be pulled separately. Cross bollards (Fig. 2.5, c) are installed on small (low-sided) ships and vessels; The cross member on the bollard allows the cable to be directed at an upward angle. To prevent the bollards from being torn off during strong jerks, they are installed on the deck relative to the fairleads, bales and mooring mechanisms in such a way that the longitudinal axes of the bollards are located along (at a slight angle) the direction of pull of the moorings.

Single bollards - b i t e n g i (Fig. 2.6) and u t k i (Fig. 2.7) are used for fastening the moorings of small ships, boats and boats moored at the side.

Rice. 2.6. Single cross bollard - biteng

Rice. 2.7. Mooring cleat

Cable stoppers are used to lock covered steel mooring cables while moving mooring lines from capstans to bollards. They are installed in the area between the spire and the bale strip. The most common is the chain stopper (Fig. 2.8) - a three- to four-meter piece of rigging chain with a caliber of 5-10 mm, attached to the deck butt or taken by the bollard bollard with a tightening loop. The chain is placed behind the moorings with a stopper knot and subsequent three to four flat slings in the direction of traction, opposite the direction of the cable lay. The running end of the chain is attached to the mooring line.

Rice. 2.8. Mooring line stoppers:
a - chain; b - wedge; c - Carpenter systems

The use of a chain stopper with strong mooring line tension can lead to deformation and damage to the cable. Therefore, on large ships and vessels, portable wedge stoppers are sometimes used, stopping the cable using a movable wedge. On small ships, mooring line stoppers are not used; Mooring lines are selected manually through a bollard.

Mooring hawse and bales. S ide ha le (Fig. 2.9) - a round or oblong hole in the bulwark, bordered by a cast frame, for passing the cable. Deck hatches (Fig. 2.10) are used on deck areas fenced with rails. Bow and stern deck fairleads, installed at the stem and sternpost, are used not only for mooring, but also for towing.

Rice. 2.9. Side mooring fairlead

Rice. 2.10. Deck mooring hawse

Key planks - steel or cast iron castings in the form of an open frame for guiding the mooring cable (GOST 11264-65); they come without rollers or with one, two and three rollers (Fig. 2.11).

Rice. 2.11. Bale strips

Mooring mechanisms- capstans and winches - designed for picking and pickling mooring lines under load. Mooring winches are not used on warships. To work with bow moorings, mooring drums of capstans and windlasses are used. Large ships have one or two mooring capstans on the poop; boats and submarines may not have them. There are two main types of mooring capstans:

Double-deck, in which the capstan head is located on the upper deck, the rest of the mechanisms are on the deck located below the upper one;
- single-deck, in which all mechanisms are located on the upper deck or under it, on a common foundation frame near the spire head; The most modern single-deck capstans are non-bolted.

A double-deck mooring capstan is shown in Fig. 2.12. On the upper deck there is a capstan head - a conical mooring drum connected to a vertical axis - a stock, which is driven by an electric motor through a gearbox. The electric motor has an electromagnetic shoe brake, with the help of which it is locked; when turning off the power.

Rice. 2.12. Mooring capstan SHER-13D/1:
1 - spire head; 2 - stock; 3 - gearbox; 4 - electric motor; 5 - shoe brake

The structure of the capstan head is shown in Fig. 2.13. The mooring drum is connected by pins to a coupling fixedly mounted on the stock and rotates on bronze bushings around the fixed gearbox housing. Three satellite gears are rolled along the inner gear rim of the gearbox housing and mesh with a gear rigidly mounted on the stock. In the lower part, the mooring drum has four pins (pawls), which, to prevent reverse motion, rest against ratchet teeth on the flange of the gearbox housing.

Rice. 2.13. Spire head SHER-13D/1:
1 - socket for embossing; 2, 3 - holes for lubrication; 4 - hole for access to the finger; 5 - finger; 6 - bushing; 7 - mooring drum; 8 - gearbox; 9 - satellite gear; 10 - stock; 11 - stock gear; 12 - gear housing flange; 13 - gear housing; 14 - coupling; 15 - fell (dog)

The spire has a manual (emergency) drive using knockouts inserted into special sockets. To switch to manual drive, it is necessary to disconnect the mooring drum from the stock, to do this, remove the fingers from the coupling through special holes. Other holes in the capstan head serve to fill the internal cavities with lubricant.

The ballless mooring capstan (Fig. 2.14) has smaller dimensions, since the electric motor and gearbox are located inside the head. All spire components are mounted on the gearbox housing, which is attached to the deck foundation. The torque of the electric motor is transmitted through the coupling, gearbox gears and drive gear to the internal ring gear of the mooring drum. The mooring drum rotates around a stationary support glass. The electric motor is equipped with an electromagnetic shoe brake.

Rice. 2.14. Mooring capstan SHE-58:
1 - shoe brake; 2 - electric motor: 3 - support cup; 4 - mooring drum; 5 - coupling; 6 - gear housing; 7 - ring gear; 8 - drive gear

The electric motors of the spiers are controlled from control panels (controllers). Some data on mooring capstans are given in Table. 2.2.

Table 2.2

Fenders. Soft, wooden and pneumatic fenders are used on ships and vessels. The most common are soft fenders (Fig. 6.12). In a traveling manner, fenders are stored in special baskets on the deck. The fender falls overboard at the end of the plant cable and is held at the point where the ship's hull contacts the pier (the hull of another ship). Some data for soft fenders are given in table. 2.3.

Table 2.3

A log with a diameter of 200-250 mm is used as a wooden fender, which is suspended on a cleat overboard using a rigging chain or cable. When large ships are permanently based, wooden fenders are made in the form of a package of logs (raft) floating on the surface of the water between the side and the pier. Wooden fenders have high strength, but low shock absorption capacity.

For mooring ships on the open sea, rubber-fabric pneumatic fenders are most convenient. Such fenders are usually made up of separate cylinders, the design of which is shown in Fig. 2.15. The fender, consisting of four cylinders connected by chains by the eyeballs, weighs about 1800 kg, so it falls overboard like a ship's boom and remains afloat. In the working position at the side, the fenders move during waves, so they should be attached to synthetic or vegetable ropes and their position should be monitored.

Rice. 2.15. Pneumatic fender cylinder:
1 - rubber-fabric shell; 2 - inflatable chamber; 3 - flange; 4 - eye for connecting cylinders

Submarine mooring device includes: mooring lines, bollards, cleats and bale strips, mooring capstan. Mooring ropes are stored on views installed in the superstructure. Mooring devices on the upper deck (bollards, cleats, bales) are retractable. The bow mooring capstan stock (Fig. 3.2) is driven by the windlass of the anchor device. The mooring drum of the capstan is usually removable; it is stored in the superstructure during travel. When the mooring capstan is in operation, the windlass chain drum is switched off.

Working with moorings and safety measures. Before starting work with moorings, it is necessary to prepare the mooring device and check all its mechanisms in operation. The mooring lines, which will be used in accordance with the chosen mooring option, are unwound from the views to the required length and passed into the bale strips (hawsees). The guides get involved in the bases of the mooring lights in advance; the required number of throwing ends is prepared. The fenders are removed from the baskets and carried along the corresponding side (stern). To increase the working length (and therefore to better absorb shocks), it is not recommended to place mooring lines perpendicular to the pier. The bend of the cable on bale bars and bollards should be minimal.

Coastal bollards, as a rule, are used by several ships, therefore, to ensure the free release of any mooring line, each of them should be inserted from below into the mooring lines already existing on the bollard. If the mooring line is wound with a shackle, then it should be on the pole below the lights of the other mooring lines (Fig. 2.16).

Rice. 2.16. The procedure for placing several mooring lines on a pallet with lights (I, II, III) and an eyelet (IV)

It is always necessary to insert the running end of the mooring line onto the mooring drum of the capstan (windlass, winch) from the bottom of the drum. The root end (guy) should come out from the top of the drum. Due to the different magnitude of cable friction forces, when working with steel cables, at least four hoses should be placed on the mooring drum; with synthetic ones - at least five; with plants - at least three. You can select moorings with a capstan only after reporting that it has been wound up (the bollard of a neighboring ship).

The mooring line on the bollard (Fig. 2.17) is attached from the running end. The tension of the free (root) end of the mooring line quickly decreases with the application of each subsequent hose, reaching 0.25% of the load of the running end with five hoists (figures of eight) of the steel mooring line. For reliable fastening, the upper ropes of the mooring line are jacked up. It is unacceptable to lay the mooring line on the bollard from the root end (facing the view) or the last line in a loop, since in this case serious difficulties arise with the release of the mooring line.

Rice. 2.17. Laying and fastening the mooring line on the bollard:
1 - running end; 2- heel; 3 - root end

A mooring line placed on the bollard, on which pegs have formed (Fig. 2.18), must not be left or re-etched. It is necessary to take the cable to the stopper, straighten the pegs and only after that fasten the moorings to the bollard.

Rice. 2.18. Formation of pegs on the cable

Only persons in charge of them and authorized to service them are allowed to work with mooring mechanisms. The safety of work on the mooring device largely depends on the high organization of work (in accordance with the schedule) and unified management of it.

Basic safety measures when working on a mooring device:

Personnel working with steel moorings must be equipped with gloves;
- during work, personnel should not be near the moving cable or inside its hoses, and those standing on the guy rope should not be closer than 1.5-2 m from the mooring drum;
- cables should not have protruding wires or broken strands;
- the mooring rope should be selected and pulled manually only by intercepting it with your hands, without allowing it to slip;
- cable hoses can only be placed on a locked capstan drum (windlass, winch);
- the capstan (windlass, winch) should operate smoothly, without jerking;
- the excess length of the mooring line must not be unwound from the view, and the slack formed during the work should be immediately picked up;
- the mooring line under load must be removed from the mooring drum of the capstan (windlass, winch) and secured to the bollard using a stopper;
- when working with a synthetic cable, it should be taken into account that under load it turns into a kind of spring and when the guy on the mooring drum is loosened, a sharp shift of the cable occurs.

Table of contents

§ 33. Mooring device

The mooring device is intended for securing a vessel when moored at piers, embankments, piers or near other ships, barges, etc.

The components of the mooring device on each vessel are (Fig. 60):

mooring - cables (ropes) intended for securing (mooring) the vessel at the mooring site. Steel, hemp, sisal, manila, nylon and nylon ropes (cables) are used as moorings on ships;

bollards - short pedestals, straight or cross-shaped, firmly fixed on the upper deck of the ship and used to secure mooring lines;

bale strips and cable bends - guide cables to the bollard or capstan, protecting them from rubbing against the sharp edges of ship parts;

mooring mechanisms - mooring capstans, winches used for selecting cables when pulling the vessel to the mooring site or for tightening mooring lines;

rope views - intended for storing mooring ropes on a ship during voyage;

fenders are gaskets that protect the side of a vessel from impacts when it lands on the wall or side of an adjacent vessel.

Rice. 60. Diagram of the vessel’s mooring arrangement with bow and stern spring; 2- fenders; 3-clamp mooring lines; 4- longitudinal mooring lines; 5-additional longitudinal mooring lines; 6- bale strips; 7- bollards; 8-moor fairleads; 9-rope views: 10-mooring capstan; 11-mooring turrets of the windpiel.

Rice. 61. Towing device diagram. 1 – towing winch; 2 – towing hook; 3 – intermediate fairlead with basting; 4 – towing rope from the winch; -5 – tow rope from the hook; 6- towing arch; 7 – towing fairlead; 8 – tow rope when towing on a short rope.

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To ensure the seaworthiness of the vessel, ship equipment, systems and supplies are designed, these include:

Steering gear

The steering device is used to control the vessel. Its components are the steering wheel, engine, drive, control station and steering gear.

The rudder allows you to keep the ship on a given course and change the direction of its movement. It consists of a steel flat or streamlined hollow structure - the rudder blade and a vertical rotary shaft - the stock, rigidly connected to the feather. At the upper end (head) of the stock, located on one of the decks, there is a sector or lever—a tiller—attached, to which an external force is applied to turn the stock.

The steering motor turns the stock through the drive, which ensures that the rudder is shifted. Engines are steam, electric and electro-hydraulic. The engine is installed in the tiller compartment of the vessel.

The control station is used for remote control of the steering motor. It is installed in the wheelhouse. The controls are usually mounted on the same column as the autopilot. To control the position of the rudder blade relative to the center plane of the vessel, pointers - axiometers - are used.

The steering gear provides remote control of the steering motor from the helm station. The simplest gears are mechanical, directly connecting the steering wheel to the steering motor starting device, but due to low efficiency they are not used on modern ships. The most common are electric steering gears.

Based on the design of the feather, rudders are divided into flat and streamlined.

It has an axis of rotation at the leading edge of the steering wheel. rudder feather, made of thick steel sheet, reinforced on both sides stiffening ribs. They are cast or forged integrally with the thickened vertical edge of the steering wheel - Ruderpis- With loops, in which they are securely fastened pins steering wheel mounted on rudder post loops. The pins have a bronze lining, and the rudder post hinges have backout bushings. The lower pin of the ruderpiece fits into the recess sternpost heels, into which a bronze or backout bushing with a hardened steel lentil at the bottom is inserted to reduce friction. The heel of the sternpost absorbs the pressure of the rudder through the lentil. To prevent the steering wheel from moving upward, one of the pins, usually the upper one, has a head at the lower end. The upper part of the ruderpiece is connected to baller special steering wheel flange. The flange is slightly offset from the axis of rotation, which creates a shoulder and makes it easier to turn the rudder. The displacement of the flange allows, during repair of the rudder blade, to remove it from the hinges of the rudder post without lifting the stock, by disconnecting the flange and turning the blade and stock in different directions.

Ordinary flat rudders are simple in design and durable, but create great resistance to the movement of the vessel, so a lot of effort is required to shift them. Modern ships use streamlined, balanced and semi-balanced rudders.

Feather streamlined steering wheel It is a welded metal waterproof frame covered with sheet steel.

The feather is given a streamlined shape and sometimes additional special attachments are installed on it - fairings. Ruderpost is also made streamlined.

U balance steering wheel part of the feather is shifted from the axis of rotation to the bow of the vessel. The area of ​​this part, called the balance part, is 20-30% of the total area of ​​the pen. When shifting the rudder, the pressure of counter flows of water on the balance part of the feather promotes the rotation of the rudder, reducing the load on the steering machine.

Semi-balanced steering wheel differs from the balancing one in that its balancing part has a smaller height than the main one.

In addition to rudders, ships use thrusters. By means of a propulsion device installed in the transverse channel of the vessel's hull, they create a traction force in the direction perpendicular to its DP, providing controllability when the vessel is not moving or when it is moving at extremely low speeds, when conventional steering devices are ineffective. Fixed or adjustable pitch propellers, vane propellers or pumps are used as propulsors. Thrusters are located in the bow or stern ends, and on some ships two such devices are installed in both the bow and stern ends. In this case, it is possible not only to turn the vessel on the spot, but also to move it in a lag without the use of main propulsion engines. To improve controllability, rotary attachments mounted on the stock and bow balance rudders are also used.

Anchor devices

The main purpose of the anchor device is to ensure reliable anchorage of the vessel in roadsteads and on the open sea at accessible depths. In addition, the anchor device is used in the following cases:

  • when mooring a vessel to a pier or another vessel in unfavorable conditions (strong wind, current, etc.). An anchor placed on the windward side when there is a downwind or current allows the vessel to avoid collapsing onto a pier or another vessel;
  • when mooring a vessel stern to a pier or mooring barrels for offshore transshipment operations using floating equipment. Dropped anchors when the stern moorings are placed on the pier or barrels limit the mobility of the vessel;
  • to carry out an effective turn of the vessel in a limited free water area (when leaving the harbor, in a narrow area, etc.). The released anchor allows you to reduce the circulation diameter and perform a safe turn;
  • to quickly dampen inertia and stop the vessel in order to prevent a collision with another vessel;
  • to refloat the vessel. An anchor set towards greater depths with a steel cable attached to it is selected using a capstan or windlass, which in some cases allows the vessel to be refloated without outside help.

Some elements of the anchor device (hawsees, anchor chains) can be used when towing a vessel.

The components of an anchor device are anchors, anchor chains, fairleads, chain boxes, devices for attaching anchor chains to the ship's hull, stoppers and mechanisms for releasing and lifting anchors - windlasses or capstans.

The anchor device is located in the bow of the vessel. Icebreakers, tugboats, large-tonnage transport and expedition vessels have an additional anchor device at the stern.

According to their purpose, ship anchors are divided into main anchors and auxiliary anchors. Each vessel must have three main anchors: two in the fairleads and one spare on the deck.

Auxiliary anchors include:

  • stop anchors are the largest of the auxiliary anchors, having a mass equal to one-third of the mass of the anchor anchor. They are used in conjunction with deadlifts to hold the vessel in a certain position relative to the wind when loading and unloading, boarding and disembarking passengers, receiving fuel in roadsteads, and also for refloating the vessel;
  • Verps are small anchors used for the same purposes as stop anchors. The mass of the verp is approximately half the mass of the stop anchor;
  • drecks - small boat anchors weighing from 16 to 45 kg;
  • cats - small three- and four-horned anchors weighing from 5 to 15 kg, used to find sunken objects and catch floating objects;
  • ice anchors have a mass of 75-80 kg. They are used to hold a ship near an ice field or fast ice.

The characteristics of ship anchors must correspond to their purpose. The most important of them is the holding force - the least force that must be applied in the direction of the anchor spindle in order to tear the latter off the ground. Special requirements are placed on deadlift anchors. The main one is that such an anchor can be quickly released. The anchor should pick up the ground well, have great holding force, be easily separated from the ground when lifting, and be conveniently attached in a traveling manner. All anchors must be durable and easy to manufacture.

These requirements have led to the creation of a large number of anchors of various designs. According to the method of picking up soil, they can be divided into two types: with a rod, burrowing into the ground with one paw; with and without a rod, picking up soil with two paws.

Anchors that dig into the ground with one paw include: admiralty anchor. It consists of spindles and two horns With paws, cast or forged together with the spindle. The spindle has a thickening - a trend, the lower part of which is called heel. There are two holes in the upper part of the spindle: through one of them it is attached to the spindle anchor shackle, and is inserted into the other stock. The latter has thickenings at the ends that prevent it from burying into the ground when the anchor is released. One end of the rod is bent at a right angle, which allows it to be removed along the spindle when attaching the anchor in a traveling manner. The rod ensures that the anchor quickly picks up the soil. The released anchor rests on the ground with its heel and rests against it with the end of the rod. When the anchor chain is tensioned, the anchor on the ground rotates 90°, as a result of which the lower horn with its paw is buried in the ground.

It is simple in design and has great holding force. However, it also has significant disadvantages. The anchor is inconvenient when releasing and retracting, since it is fixed on the deck in a traveling manner. Buried in the ground with one paw, the anchor poses a danger to ships in shallow water; it is also possible for the anchor chain to become entangled in the second horn rising above the ground.

The type of anchors that pick up soil with two arms include the Hall, Gruson-Hayne, Boldt, Byers anchors (without a rod) and the Matrosov anchor (with a rod). The Hall anchor is predominantly used on ships.

Consists of two main parts: spindles And boxes, cast as one piece with two paws. The spindle has a square cross-section, tapering towards the top. At the lower, thickened end of the spindle there is an eye for a roller, the ends of which fit into sockets inside the box. Thanks to this, the box with the paws can rotate at an angle of 40-45° when the paws enter the ground. The spindle is held inside the box by two locking pins. The pins only cover the one that enters the sockets roller, without limiting the required angle of rotation of the box with paws, which allows it to rotate in the plane of the paws at an angle of up to 10°. The box has grabs (sandpipers), facilitating the rotation of the paws when entering the ground. At the top there is an eyelet for anchor shackle, to which the anchor chain is attached. When the released Hall anchor lies on the ground, when the anchor chain is tensioned, the grips rest against it and force the paws to bury themselves.

The Hall anchor has received wide recognition due to its ease of use. It can be quickly released, it has a fairly large holding force and is conveniently pulled into the hawse when cleaning. Burying itself into the ground with both paws, the anchor is not dangerous for ships in shallow water. The entanglement of the anchor chain in the anchor arms is virtually eliminated. However, if the paws are unevenly buried in the ground with strong tension in the anchor chain, as well as when the direction of the wind or current changes, the anchor begins to turn out of the ground. This drawback was eliminated in the anchor design proposed by Matrosov.

It has wide paws located almost close to the spindle. As a result, the moment of forces pulling the anchor out of the ground is reduced. The legs have a rod cast along with them, shifted upward relative to the spindle rotation axis in the anchor trend. The rod does not interfere with the retraction of the anchor into the hawse; it protects the anchor from tipping over when dragged along the ground, and in soft ground, plunging into it along with the paws, increases the holding force. The anchor has a relatively small mass, but has great holding force.

Anchors Gruzon-Heyn, Boldt, Byers differ from the Hall anchor and from one another in the shape of the box and legs, the distance between the legs and the spindle, and the details of the connection between the spindle and the box. Just like the Hall and Matrosov anchors, they are called retractable anchors, since in the stowed position they are drawn over the entire length of the spindle into the anchor pipes - fairleads.

The anchor hawse is a metal pipe with two sockets, one of which is welded to the deck, the other to the outer hull plating. On ships that do not have an anchor device at the stern, anchor fairleads are located one on each side only in the bow. So that when attaching the anchor in a stowed manner, its legs do not protrude beyond the side plating, niches are made in the places where the side bells are attached.

Ice anchor comprises spindles And paws, which is placed in an ice crack or in a hollowed out hole. The anchor is equipped with two brackets: behind main bracket fix a rigid steel cable on which the anchor is set, and behind additional bracket- the short end of a soft steel or vegetable cable, by which the anchor is removed from the hole. Ice anchors are used mainly to hold a ship at an “ice berth”.

"Dead" anchors used to reliably hold in place mooring barrels, lightships, docks, floating workshops and other structures, as well as navigation equipment. These are reinforced concrete masses of various geometric shapes or volumetric metal structures that are laid in the ground. Floating structures are held at “dead” anchors with strong chains or cables.

— a device in the form of a canvas cone that provides great resistance when moving in water. A sea anchor attached to a cable from the bow of the vessel forces it to hold against the wave, slowly drifting with the wind. It is used on small sailing ships and is included in the supply of lifeboats.

Mooring devices

A mooring device is designed to secure a vessel to a pier, mooring barrels or to the side of another vessel. The device includes mooring ropes, bollards, fairleads, bale strips, guide rollers, views, mooring mechanisms, as well as auxiliary devices - stoppers, throwing lines, fenders, mooring shackles.

Mooring ropes (mooring lines) can be steel, vegetable and synthetic. The number of mooring ropes on the ship, their length and thickness are determined by the Register Rules.

The main mooring ropes are supplied from the bow and stern ends of the vessel in certain directions, preventing the vessel from moving along the berth and moving away from it. Depending on these directions, mooring lines got their names. The cables supplied from the bow and stern ends keep the ship from moving along the pier and are called bow and stern longitudinal cables, respectively.

A cable whose direction is opposite to its longitudinal end is called a spring. Bow and stern springs are used for the same purposes as longitudinal ones. Cables fed in a direction perpendicular to the pier are called bow and stern clamps. They prevent the ship from leaving the berth in strong winds.

Bollards— cast or welded bollards (steel and cast iron) for fastening mooring cables. On transport vessels, paired bollards are usually installed with two bollards on a common base, which have bosses to hold the lower rope hoses, and caps that do not allow the upper hoses to jump off the bollards.
Bollards with pedestals without bosses and bollards with a cross are also installed. The latter are convenient for attaching mooring cables directed from above at an angle to the deck. Bollards are installed in the bow and stern parts of the vessel, as well as on the upper deck on both sides symmetrically.

Sometimes single-bollard bollards are installed on transport vessels. which are used for towing. Bitens are massive bollards, the bases of which are attached to the upper deck or passed through it and attached to one of the lower decks. To better hold the cable on the bits there are spreaders.

Very convenient for mooring operations are bollards with bollards rotating in bearings and equipped with a locking device. The mooring lines secured to the pier are placed in a figure of eight with two or three ropes on the bollard bollards, and then on the windlass head. When the cable is selected, the bollards rotate and pass the cable freely. At the right moment, remove the cable from the turret and place additional hoses on the bollard bollards. At the same time, the locking device keeps the cabinets from rotating.

Cluses- devices through which mooring ropes are passed from a ship. They are steel (cast iron) castings with round or oval holes, bordering the same holes in the bulwark of the ship.
The working surface of the fairleads has smooth curves, eliminating sharp bends of the mooring cables. For mooring small floating craft to the side of a ship, fairleads with tides called horns are used. For the same purpose, in the immediate vicinity of the fairleads, cleats are welded to the bulwark or to its posts. In places where railings are made instead of a bulwark, special fairleads are fixed on the deck at the edge of the side. To supply mooring lines, towing fairleads, firmly attached to the bow visor and stern of the vessel, are used, primarily intended for inserting towing ropes.

Strong friction of moorings on the working surfaces of fairleads of these structures leads to rapid wear of cables, especially synthetic ones, which is why universal and rotary universal hawsees are widely used on ships. A universal hawse has vertical and horizontal rollers rotating freely in bearings, forming a gap into which the cable fed to the shore is passed. Rotating one of the rollers when pulling the cable from any direction significantly reduces friction. The rotary universal hawse has a cage rotating on ball bearings in the body.

Bale strips have the same purpose as mooring fairleads. They are simple in design, with a biting, with one or more rollers. To guide mooring lines supplied to high berths and ships with high sides, closed bale strips are used. The most widely used are bale strips with rollers, the use of which significantly reduces the effort required to overcome the friction forces that arise during rope removal.

To route mooring cables from the hawse to the mooring mechanism drums, metal bollards with guide rollers are installed on the deck of the forecastle and poop.

Views are designed for storing mooring ropes. They have locking devices. They are installed in the bow and stern of the vessel, not too far from the bollards.

Mooring mechanisms are used to pull a vessel with mooring lines in place to the pier, the side of another vessel, a mooring barrel, to pull the vessel along the pier, as well as to automatically adjust the tension of the mooring cables when the water level fluctuates due to tidal phenomena or when the vessel's draft changes during cargo operations. operations.

Ship mooring mechanisms are: windlass, anchor-mooring and mooring capstans, anchor-mooring winches, simple and automatic mooring winches.

Windlasses and anchor-mooring capstans have drums (turrets) that are used for pulling out mooring cables. On ships that do not have a stern anchor device, a mooring capstan that does not have a chain drum is installed at the stern. The vertical location of the axis of rotation of the mooring drum of the capstan allows you to select moorings from any direction. The concave outer surface of the drum can be smooth or have vertical velps - rounded ribs. Welps prevent the cable from sliding along the drum, however, due to kinks on them, the cable is damaged more quickly. Therefore, when synthetic cables are widely used on ships, subject to a lot of abrasion on rough surfaces, it is preferable to have capstans with smooth drums.

Anchor-mooring winches, installed on some ships instead of windlasses, are used in mooring operations in the same way as windlasses.

A simple mooring winch has an electric motor with a built-in disc brake. The rotation of the engine is transmitted through a worm gearbox to an intermediate shaft on which an open spur gear and a friction clutch are mounted. Through a large gear, rotation is transmitted to the working shaft with the mooring drum. A manually operated band brake is mounted on the drum disk. The friction clutch is turned on and off by hand. The mooring rope is laid on the drum in even rows using a cable laying machine.

An automatic mooring winch differs favorably from a simple one in that it can operate in manual and automatic modes. In manual mode, the winch is used to pull the vessel to the pier and to retrieve the released cables. After the mooring rope is pulled tight when pulling the vessel, it remains on the drum, and the winch is switched to automatic mode, for which it is on the machine. set the required mooring line tension force. If for any reason the load on the cable deviates from the set one, the winch automatically picks up or releases the mooring cable, ensuring a constantly specified tension.

The length of the mooring cable that can be automatically released by the winch when the load exceeds the set one is limited. In this case, they proceed from the greatest possible changes in the position of the vessel relative to the berth. If, for example, during a strong squeezing wind, the cable tension exceeds the set value on the machine, then the winch releases the specified length of the cable, after which the machine will clamp the drum with the brake and a light or sound signal will turn on on the winch, indicating an emergency mode of its operation. When choosing a limit for the permissible length of the mooring rope to be released, it is recommended to set the alarm in such a way that the signal turns on at the moment when the full first row of the rope remains on the drum. This installation will give time to eliminate the danger of completely losing the mooring line.

Automatic winches are manufactured in two versions: with a mooring turret connected to the mooring drum by a release coupling, and without a turret. The latter are installed near the windlass and capstan.

Stoppers serve to hold mooring ropes when transferring them from the mooring mechanism drum to the bollards. They are chain, vegetable and synthetic. The chain stopper is a piece of rigging chain with a diameter of 10 mm, a length of 2-4 m, with a long link for fastening with a bracket to the deck butt at one end and a plant cable at least 1.5 m long at the other. The stopper for vegetable and synthetic cables is made of the same material as the cable, but half as thick.

Throwing ends are necessary for feeding mooring ropes to the shore when the ship approaches the pier. The throwing end is a plant line or a braided nylon cord 25 mm thick, 30-40 m long, with small fires embedded at the ends. One of them is used for attaching lightness - a small canvas bag tightly filled with sand and braided with skimushgar, the other - for the convenience of using the throwing end.

Fenders are designed to protect the ship's hull from damage when moored, parked at a pier or on board another ship. They are soft and hard.

Soft fenders- These are canvas bags tightly stuffed with elastic, non-deformable material (for example, cork chips) and braided with strands of vegetable rope. The fender has a fire with a thimble for attaching a plant cable to it, the length of which should be sufficient to fasten the fender overboard at low berths and the smallest draft.

Hard fenders- wooden blocks suspended on cables from the side of the ship. To give such a fender elasticity, it is braided along its entire length with an old plant cable.

Mooring shackles are used to fasten the mooring cable to the shore eye or the eye of the mooring barrel.

Rigging equipment

Items and devices of rigging equipment are chains, staples, hooks, butts, eyes, thimbles and other useful things.

Rigging chains are used to maintain various ship structures in a fixed position, make stoppers, steering ropes, handrails, secure deck cargo, etc. They consist of steel links connected by welding. Cast and stamped chains are also used. The shape of the chain links is round and oval (short- and long-link). The thickness, or gauge, of a rigging chain is measured in millimeters of the diameter of the round steel from which the links are made.

For each size of the rigging chain, a certain working force Рт is established, the approximate numerical value of which is N,

P C = 10 . d, Where d— chain diameter, mm.

Lifting chains 3 times stronger than steel cables of the same diameter and more durable, but they are approximately 5 times heavier than steel cables of equal strength.

When accepting rigging chains, they check for cracks, delaminations and other defects on the links. Lifting chains to be stored are coated with anti-corrosion lubricant and hung in a dry room. Chains that do not experience friction during operation are painted, and chains that are in motion are regularly lubricated.

When using rigging chains, their features are taken into account. The chains do not have elasticity, but due to the grinding of the links under tensile load, the new chains lengthen by 3-4%. Chain links that are in the “breaking” position break under a load that is significantly less than the permissible operating force. At low temperatures, chains do not withstand shock loads well. If the thickness of the links has decreased by 10% of their original thickness, the rigging chain is considered unsuitable for further use.

Shackles used as equipment elements and various ship devices. The bracket consists of a back, tabs with eyes and a pin. The pin in the bracket is held in place by a thread at the end of the pin and in one of the lugs, or by a cotter pin inserted into the holes in the tab and pin. With a threaded connection, the head of the pin has a small butt, into which a pile is placed to screw and unscrew the pin. The threaded connection allows you to quickly attach or release rigging gear, a stopper, a block, connect or disconnect rigging chains and cables.

According to the shape of the back, the staples are straight And rounded. Straight staples are used for any cables, and rounded ones - only for vegetable and synthetic ones. Staple clamps used for quick connection (splicing) of cables and making loops at the ends of cables. The size of the staple is determined by the diameter of its back and is characterized by a number that corresponds to the permissible working force on the staple. The number is stamped on the bottom of the staple leg along with the manufacturer's trademark.

Approximate numerical value of the permissible working force on the bracket, N: straight p=4.8d2

rounded where d and is the diameter of the straight and rounded bracket, respectively, mm.

Only serviceable staples that are free from cracks, cavities, burrs and other defects are allowed for use. The head of the pin must be free from distortion and fit snugly against the side supporting surface of the eye. For threaded pins, the threads should not have broken threads. The rubbing parts of the brackets, as well as the cutting of the pins and eyes, are regularly lubricated. The use of staples with wear of 10% of the original thickness is not allowed. Staples are stored in a dry place in a suspended state.

Rigging hooks are forged steel hooks. Based on their shape and design, there are ordinary hooks, swivel hooks, verb-hooks and snores.

The shape of ordinary hooks is simple, if the plane of the butt is perpendicular to the plane of the back and rotated, if the butt, back and toe lie in the same plane. By means of the butt, the hook is embedded in the cable fire or secured in the suspension of the structure. A variety of ordinary hooks is the penter-hook. In the lower part of the back it has a pad for attaching a guy. For cargo pendants, rotated hooks of a special design are used. This hook, called a cargo hook, or pendant hook, has a toe curved inward, covered on top with a special tide. This design of the hook prevents it from getting caught on the protruding parts of the ship's hull and the cargo hatch when lifting the cargo.

Swivel hook Instead of a butt, it has a neck, which ensures the hook is secured and freely rotates in the block frame or other suspension. Swivel hooks are used to prevent cables from twisting.

Verb-hack consists of the hook itself with an elongated folding toe and a butt in the form of an eye, a round fastening link, an elongated link and locking and connecting links connected to it. The latter is embedded in a butt welded to the deck or superstructure. The dimensions of the locking link allow it to be put on the toe of the hook pressed against the extended link after the cable end or a link of the rigging chain is laid on the hook. When the gear attached to the hook is in a tense state, spontaneous release is excluded, but if you knock the locking link off the toe of the hook, the gear is quickly released.

Snores They are a folding hook formed by two simple hooks. When folding the hooks, a kind of closed ring is formed, which, being ensconced, ensures reliable fastening of the sling or cable end.

Hooks experience stress mainly through bending. Their strength is significantly less than the strength of rigging brackets. Approximate numerical value of the permissible working force on the hook, N,

P G = 0,6 . d G, Where d G— smallest diameter of the hook back, mm.

The hook is stamped with a number corresponding to its capacity.

The hooks are systematically inspected to detect cracks, cavities and other defects and the rubbing surfaces are lubricated. The swivel hooks move around periodically. Hooks with average wear of 10% of their original thickness are not allowed for use.

Butt— a device for reliable fastening of cables to ship structures. It is an eyelet in a metal strip, a metal ring or half-ring welded to any structure of the vessel. The tackle is usually attached to the butt using a rigging shackle, which is inserted into the butt with a pin. The butt is much stronger than a staple with a back of the same diameter.

Approximate numerical value of the permissible working force on the axle, N,

R O= 7.4, where do is the butt diameter, mm.

Rym- a metal ring inserted into the butt. The eyelets serve to pass the cable through and make it more convenient to fasten. The eye is much weaker than the butt, so it cannot be secured to it.

Koush- a metal forging product in the form of a ring, heart-shaped oval or triangle with a groove (bale) for a cable. The thimbles are embedded in the ends of the cables; they serve to protect the latter from chafing when attached to the butts, eyelets, brackets, etc. When connecting the cables to the butts, eyelets, or to each other with staples, the number of the bracket must correspond to the number of the thimble. The thimbles are selected according to the tables given in state standards, depending on the thickness of the cables. The use of thimbles that have cracks, delaminations, cavities, burrs and other defects is not allowed.

Ducks- wooden or metal double-horned planks, rigidly mounted on the bulwark, mast, superstructures and other structures. They are used for fastening the running ends of cables, signal halyards and other gear.

Nageli—wooden or metal rods intended for the same purposes as ducks. They are widely used on sailing ships for fastening running rigging.

Raxes- metal rings or half-rings used for attaching and stretching triangular sails - jibs and staysails.

Bugeli- metal rings with or without butts, solid or split. They are used to increase the strength of ship structures, as well as to secure blocks and cables for various purposes.

Lanyards They are used for tightening ship's gear, as well as for reliable fastening of various objects and cargo while traveling. Lanyards can be simple or screw.

Simple lanyards are usually made from vegetable or synthetic cables, which are passed several times between two eyes, triangular thimbles or staples and connected to each other by the running end of the same cable. Such lanyards are used for tightening lightly stressed cables and for securing small cargo items.

Screw lanyards are used to secure gear that is subject to high stress. On ships, mainly twin-screw (open and closed) and swivel lanyards are used.

Double screw open lanyard consists of a metal frame with bushings 2 at the ends with internal threads of opposite pitch, and two screws 3 with lugs, fork brackets or hooks at the outer ends, to which tackle and other parts are attached. When the frame rotates in one direction, the screws are screwed in and the tackle connected to the lanyard is tightened, and when rotated in the other direction, the screws are unscrewed and the tackle is loosened.

Double screw closed lanyard differs from the open one in that the role of the frame is performed by a closed cylindrical coupling. To rotate the coupling, there is a hole for a pile in its middle part.

Swivel lanyard has a screw on one side, and a hook or eyelet that rotates freely in the sleeve on the other.

Screw lanyards are periodically cleaned of old lubricants, rust and re-lubricated. Lanyards that are not in use are stored in a dry room.

The standing rigging is tightened tightly using screw lanyards. Before tightening the rigging, the turnbuckles are cleaned of old lubricants, lubricated well, and after tightening they are locked. The oiled and stopped turnbuckles are covered with canvas, which is then painted. To protect steel cables from rusting, they are periodically graded, i.e. coated with special compounds (shooting galleries). The following composition (%)’ can be used as a shooting range. solid oil - 70, Kuzbasslak - 28, technical soda, graphite powder and mineral oil - 2. The cable is covered with a hot dash, which is applied with a rag in an even thin layer, first across and then along the strands, so that it fills the grooves between the strands. At the same time, they protect the skin from contact with the shooting range and work in safety glasses.

Running rigging, made of galvanized cable, is not titrated. If the galvanization is damaged and rust appears, such places are cleaned with brushes and scabbed. Non-galvanized steel cables are periodically lubricated with technical petroleum jelly, rope ointment, grease or other lubricants. To increase the service life of the cables, their ends, as well as all the straps and slings covering the spar, are braided.

Running rigging made of plant cable, attached to cleats, dowels, etc., is inspected in wet weather and, if necessary, tightened to avoid breakage as a result of shortening the cable when wet. The wet rigging, folded into coils, is dried.

The rigging of ship equipment is, as a rule, in a highly stressed state, and the safety of its operation can only be ensured if the cables are securely fastened and in good condition. Therefore, it is very important to promptly detect damage to the cable and replace it or repair it by performing the necessary rigging work.

Sea knots

Marine knots are used in cases where it is necessary to make a thickening on the cable and quickly and securely connect two cables. firmly secure the cable, etc. Of the large number of maritime knots, we will consider only those that sailors prefer to use most often.

To thicken the end of the cable in order to prevent it from slipping out of the block, unraveling into strands, as well as to create support for arms and legs in cases of a person ascending (descending) along the cable, a simple knot and a figure eight are generally used.

Simple knot It will work if you make a small peg at the end of the cable and pass the running end of the cable into it.

Eight differs from a simple knot in that after the pegs are formed, the running end of the cable is wrapped around the root end and passed into the formed loop.

To connect two cables, the following knots are most often used: straight, flat, clew and front clew.

Straight knot used for connecting two cables of approximately the same thickness that are not subject to strong tension. A knot is usually made like this: holding the ends of the ropes being tied in your hands, bend them in opposite directions, tying two half knots. Cables under high tension are tied with a double straight knot. It is tied in the same way as a straight one, with the only difference being that in each half knot the end of one cable is wrapped around the other twice. If the end of one cable in the second half knot of a straight knot is inserted into the loop folded in half, a reef knot is obtained (Fig. 12, d). This knot is used to tie the shears of the covers of ship's boats, deck mechanisms, etc. Sometimes a reef knot is called a straight knot, since the last one to take reefs on sailing ships was to tie the reef seasons of the sails to reduce windage when sailing in stormy conditions.

Flat knot used for tying cables of identical and different thicknesses that are subject to strong tension or wetness. To tie a knot, the end of one cable is folded in the form of a loop, and the end of the other is brought under the loop and sequentially drawn according to the scheme: on top of the main and bottom of the running end of the first cable, on top of the loop under its root part, and then brought out over the loop.

Clew knot used to connect two cables, one of which has a small fire at the end. The knot was named after its main purpose on sailing ships - with this knot the sheets are tied into the sails. To perform this, the running end of the cable is passed into the fire, carried around its neck and passed between the fire and the root part of the cable. The halyards are tied to flags and pennants using a clew knot.

Windlass knot used on sailing ships for tying the topsheets into the sails. The knot is tied in the same way as a clew knot, with the difference that the end of the cable brought into the clew is wrapped twice around the neck of the clew under the root part of the cable. The clew knot is stronger than the clew knot. Unlike the latter, it does not immediately untie when the traction force ceases.

Reliable fastening of plant cables to eyelets, butts, hooks and other objects is provided by various non-tightening and tightening marine knots. Of the first, the most commonly used knots are called bayonets.

The final element of many knots, including bayonets, is a simple half-bayonet. To tie it, the running end of the cable is carried around the object, then around the root end of the cable, passed into the resulting loop and secured with a claw to the root end. A half-bayonet tied in this way can withstand strong tension.

Simple bayonet consists of two half-bayonets, tied so that in each of them the running end of the cable is carried around the root end in one direction. The knot is used to secure the mooring ends to the mooring devices, the guy ropes of the cargo booms to the eyes and butts, the cargo pendant to the lifted load, etc. If the running end of the cable is carried around the object twice and one or two half-bayonets are tied, the result is obtained accordingly half bayonet, with hose or a simple bayonet with a hose. Fisherman's bayonet differs from a simple bayonet with a hose in that in the first half-bayonet the running end of the cable, enclosed around the root end, is passed inside both hoses enclosing the object. A fishing bayonet is the most reliable knot for attaching a cable. Of the tightening knots, we will consider the most used ones. Clove hitch used for fastening cables to objects with a smooth and even surface, feeding tools to those working at height, attaching the throwing end to a mooring cable, etc. On sailing ships, this knot is used to tie shrouds to the shrouds, which is where it got its name. To tie a knot, the running end of the cable is carried around the object, crossed with it over the applied hose, once again carried around the object in the original direction and passed under the crossing hose. When attaching the throwing end to the mooring rope, the running end held under the crossing hose is folded into a loop, which allows you to quickly untie the knot. If the running end of the cable is carried around the object twice and crosses both hoses, and then is carried around the object again and passed under the crossing hose, a knock-out unit with a hose, or a sliding bayonet, is obtained.

Noose used in the same cases as a sliding bayonet - for lifting spars, logs, boards, etc. The running end of the cable is wrapped around the object and the root part of the cable, then wrapped several times around the hose placed on the object. When lifting logs in a vertical position and when towing them, the noose is supplemented with one (Fig. 12, n) or several separate hoses - half-bayonets.

Hook knot used to secure thick cables to the hook that experience relatively little tension. If the running end of the cable is carried around the back of the hook twice, placed in the hook and covered with the root part of the cable, a hook assembly with a hose is obtained. To secure cables under heavy load to the hook, use double hook knot. Two loops of the same size are made on the cable, they are wrapped around them with three cable hoses and put on the hook. In all hook assemblies, the main and running ends of the cable are fastened under the hook with a thin line or skimushgar.

Welding unit used along with the tapping tool mainly for securing piles, brushes and other tools in cases where it is necessary to supply them to those working at height or overboard. To make a knot, the cable is folded into a small loop, the doubled cable is inserted into it, the handle of the tool is inserted into the resulting loop and the knot is tightened.

Hail knot Unlike a noose, it has three hoses, which makes the knot more reliable.

Stopper knot placed on a stretched mooring rope to transfer it from the mooring mechanism turret to the bollards. The stopper is applied to the cable with two hoses, after which the running end of the stopper is wrapped several times around the cable in the direction of traction and held with hands.

Gazebo knot used to secure a safety cable around the body of a person working at height or overboard, and also instead of a fire when securing the cable to a shore pole, hook, etc. To do this, make a small peg on the cable, pass the running end of the cable into it, forming a loop of the required size, then put it around the root part and again pass it through the peg in the opposite direction. Sailors usually tie a knot around their waist with one continuous movement of their right hand. The running end of the cable is carried behind you and clamped in the fist of the right hand, stepping back from the end by about 10 cm. The root end of the cable is pulled forward with the left hand, and with the right hand with the running end clenched in the fist, pass it under the root end from top to bottom towards you and up Push. Then pass the running end on the left under the molar, pull it into the loop formed by the right hand and tighten the knot. In this way, a knot is tied in a matter of seconds, even in the dark, which is very important if a person who finds himself overboard and exhausted is given a rope from the deck: by tying the knot and moving the non-tightening armpit loop, the person can count on being safely lifted on board vessel.

If you make two non-tightening loops of different sizes, you get double gazebo knot. It is used instead of a gazebo: a person sits in a large loop, and the smaller one clasps his torso under his armpits, which allows him to work at height with both hands. One way to obtain a knot is to tie two bower knots in succession. First, a gazebo knot with a large loop is knitted on the cable, and then the running end of the cable is drawn parallel to itself, forming a second, approximately half the size, loop and a second hose of the pegs.

Quick and skillful tying of sea knots is developed during practical work and training practices on ships.

A splice is a connection (splicing) of two ropes or one rope at the break point. Splashes can be short and long (accelerating).

Short Splash used for splicing ropes in cases where it is not necessary to pass the spliced ​​part of the rope through blocks, since a thickening is formed at the site of such a splice.

Splicing with a short splice is carried out as follows. Having unraveled the ends of the rope into strands, you need to put marks on them so that the ropes do not unravel further. Marks should also be made on the ends of the strands. Strands of one rope are then passed between strands of the other rope. They are brought together so that the marks placed on them converge. First, strands of one side of the braid are pierced, then the other. When punching a pile between the main strands of ropes, you need to pass running strands under them so that each strand is passed over the nearest main strand under the next one. Having finished the first punching of all the running strands, they need to be carefully tightened, wrapped around with a flyweight, and then punched again and also tightened. Having divided each running strand in two, the halves closest to the root strands need to be cut off, and the remaining ones need to be punched again. Having cut off the protruding ends of well-covered half-strands, the short braid can be considered complete.

After this, each half-strand in turn must be divided in half and the last punching done with quarters of strands. Having covered the pierced wires, you need to cut off their ends and those halves and quarters of strands that did not pierce.

Long (accelerating) splash used when splicing ropes passing through blocks. To do this, it is necessary to develop (unravel) the ends of two ropes into strands 1.5-2 m long, put marks and connect the ropes together as when splicing a short braid: pass the running strands of one rope between the running strands of the other.

By further developing one strand of a rope, a running strand of another rope is inserted in its place. When the inserted strand has a small end left, it needs to be wrapped clockwise around the output strand and tightened with a knot. After this, develop a strand of the second rope in the same way, insert a strand of the first rope in its place and also tie them together. Having spliced ​​the third pair of strands in the same way, carefully tighten all the knots, and tuck each running strand under each root strand. After punching, cut off the excess ends of the strands.

Ogonom called a loop (or ring) made from the rope itself at the end or middle of it. Simple fire splashes according to the principle of a regular short splash. To do this, strands of, for example, a three-strand hemp rope are unraveled to a length of up to half a meter. When spreading the root strands of the rope with a pile, the middle running strand must be punched under one of the strands of the root end, the left (from the middle, punched) running strand should be placed over the root strand, under which the middle strand was punched, and punched under the next root strand, and the right running strand should be punched under the third root strand. strand. After punching each strand, they must be pulled out well, tamping with a fly, so that a smooth surface emerges without any humps or twists. Thus, you need to make two punches for each strand. After this, each strand must be divided in half and the halves closest to the root strands must be cut off. The remaining halves of the running strands need to be punched 2 more times each. By cutting off the protruding ends of the strands, a fire is obtained. It is advisable to apply a mark to the area where it is splashed.

In cases where it is necessary to protect the fire from chafing, insert metal thimble. The size of the latter must correspond to the thickness of the rope. After applying the marks, the rope is unraveled, placed in a bale (recess) of the thimble and secured to it with a line or heel. Then, as in the manufacture of a simple fire, three punches are made. The first punch should begin near the end of the thimble so that the rope tightly presses the thimble.

Brand tying a rope or its strands with a line, canvas thread, heel or soft tinned wire is called. The marks protect the ropes from unraveling and come in the following types: simple, self-tightening, with a snake and with a punch. Sequential production simple stamp shown in the figure.

The mooring device is used to secure the vessel to the pier, the side of another vessel, roadside barrels, palams, as well as constrictions along the berths.

The mooring device includes:

mooring ropes; bollards; mooring fairleads and guide rollers; bale strips (with and without rollers); views and banquets;

mooring mechanisms (windlasses, capstan, winches);

auxiliary devices (stoppers, fenders, brackets, throwing ends).

Mooring ropes. Vegetable, steel and synthetic cables are used as mooring ends. The number and size of cables are determined according to the equipment characteristics of a given vessel.

Steel cables are used less and less often, since they do not take dynamic loads well and require great physical effort when transferred from the ship to the pier. The most common on sea vessels are steel mooring lines with a diameter of 19 to 28 mm.

Mooring lines made from synthetic cables are widely used. They are lighter than steel and vegetable moorings of equal strength and have good flexibility, which is maintained at relatively low temperatures.

The most convenient mooring lines are made of polypropylene or terylene ropes. They are inferior in strength to nylon ones, but due to less elasticity they better fix the position of the vessel at the berth and are less dangerous when using mooring mechanisms.
Polypropylene moorings are especially convenient when sailing over long distances, as they float. At the same time, they have little resistance to abrasion and melt during friction. It is not allowed to use synthetic cables that have not undergone antistatic treatment and do not have certificates.

To use the positive qualities of various types of synthetic cables, combined synthetic cables are produced. On mooring winches, where the mooring lines are steel, the part that goes to the shore is made of synthetic cable in the form of a so-called “spring”.

To ensure timely detection of defects, mooring lines must be thoroughly inspected at least once every 6 months. Inspection must also be carried out after mooring in extreme conditions.

At one end of the mooring rope there is a loop - a light, which is put on the shore bollard or secured with a bracket to the eye of the mooring barrel. The other end of the cable is secured to bollards installed on the deck of the ship.

They are paired cast iron or steel cabinets located at some distance from each other, but having a common base. In addition to ordinary bollards, in some cases, especially on low-sided ships, cross bollards are used, which can be either double or single.

1 - base; 2 - cabinet; 3 - cap; 4 - tide; 5 - stopper; 6 - butt

Mooring ropes on bollards secured by placing a number of hoses in the form of a figure eight so that the running end of the cable is on top. Usually two or three full eights are applied and only in exceptional cases the number of hoses is increased to 10. To prevent the cable from self-resetting, a grip is placed on it. To secure each mooring line brought ashore, there must be a separate bollard.

To pass mooring lines from the ship to the shore, a mooring hawse is made in the bulwark - a round or oval hole bordered by a cast frame with smooth rounded edges. Currently, universal fairleads with a rotary cage and rollers are increasingly used. Such fairleads protect the cable from chafing.

In those places where there is no bulwark, bale strips are installed instead of mooring fairleads, protecting the cable from chafing and giving it the necessary direction. There are several types of bale strips. Bales without rollers are usually used only on small ships with a small diameter mooring cable. Rollers reduce wear on cables and reduce the effort required to pull them out.

a) – with three rollers; b) – with two rollers; c) – without rollers

In addition to bale strips, guide rollers, which are located on the deck near the mooring mechanisms, are also used to change the direction of the cable.

Views and banquets. Banquets and views are used to store mooring ropes.

The latter are a horizontal drum, the shaft of which is fixed in the bearings of the frame. The drum has discs on the sides that prevent the cable from coming off.

Throwing ends (throwouts) and fenders. Parts of the mooring device also include throwing ends and fenders. The throwing end is made from a line about 25 m long. At one end there is lightness - a canvas bag filled with sand.

1 - cable; 2 - ejection; 3 - portable chain stopper

Used to protect the ship's hull from damage during mooring. Soft fenders are most often made from braided old plant rope.

Cork fenders are also used, which are a small spherical bag filled with small cork. Recently, pneumatic fenders have been increasingly used.

Mooring mechanisms. Spikes, mooring simple and automatic winches, and windlasses (for working with bow mooring lines) are used as mooring mechanisms for selecting and tightening mooring lines.

Mooring capstans are installed to work with stern mooring lines.

They take up little space on the deck; the capstan drive is located below the deck.

To select the mooring ropes on the forecastle, mooring turrets of the windlass are used.

Automatic mooring winches can be installed to work with stern and bow moorings. The mooring line is constantly on the winch drum; no preliminary preparation is required before feeding or transfer to the bollards after tightening. An automatic winch independently unwinds the moorings when it is over-tensioned or picks it up if the moorings have become slack.

The mooring cable selected using the mechanism is transferred to the bollards and secured. To prevent the cable from being damaged when moving it, a stopper is first placed on it.

The stopper is attached to the eye at the base of the bollard or to the butt on the deck of the ship. When working with steel mooring lines, you should use chain stoppers with a chain length of at least 2 m, a caliber of 10 mm and a plant cable at least 1.5 m long at the running end. The use of chain stoppers for vegetable and synthetic cables is unacceptable.

The stopper is pulled along the mooring line in the direction of tension. When the mooring line is secured to the stopper, you should not sharply release the cable from the capstan or capstan, so as not to jerk the stopper off. The mooring lines should first be carefully set by moving the capstan or windlass in reverse, without removing the hoses from the drum, and only after making sure that the stopper securely holds the mooring lines, quickly transfer the latter to the bollard.

On larger vessels, stationary screw stops may be used, in which the cable is clamped with a screw between the jaws.

Stationary stops are installed on the deck between the fairlead or bale bar and the bollard. Selecting and securing mooring ropes is greatly simplified when using bollards with rotating bollards, which have begun to be used recently.
The mooring lines are placed in figure eights on the bollard bollard and fed to the windlass head. When the cable is pulled out, the bollard bollards rotate, allowing the cable to pass freely. After removing the cable from the windlass head, it will not be pulled out, since the bollards have a stopper that prevents them from turning in the opposite direction.


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