DIY sky lantern. How to make sky lanterns with your own hands

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Flying sky lattern- This is an amazingly beautiful ball. By launching it, you can make a wish, or you can let go of all troubles and misfortunes forever. You can, or you can try to do it yourself.
Anyone can make a sky lantern with their own hands.
To do this you will need:

1. Garbage bag 120 l. As thin as possible. And preferably not black.
2. Stationery tracing paper
3. Glue
4. Wire
5. Vata
6. Paraffin
Let's answer the question: How to make a sky lantern.
Let's unwrap the garbage bag. We need to inner side stick a piece of paper onto the package. This way our dome will not melt or burn. The tracing paper should be glued in such a way that it overlaps, that is, the seam is 1 cm wide. We make a ring from the wire, with a diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the bag and glue it to the base of the bag with glue. Through the center of the ring, perpendicular to each other, we make a cross from wire, to which we will attach the burner. To make a burner, take cotton wool and cover it with paraffin. We attach the burner with wire to the center of the ring. The flying lantern is ready!
You can put an inscription on the sky lantern.
Read before starting

Instructions for launching a Chinese sky lantern:

1. Take the sky lantern and burner out of the package.

2. Attach the burner to the wire frame of the flashlight in the center by inserting the wire into the hole in the center of the burner and secure it by straightening the ends of the wire.

3. Carefully straighten the flashlight.

4. If the air lantern is more than one meter high, you can ask a friend for help. Ask a friend to hold the flashlight with both hands while you light the burner.

5. Press the flashlight to the ground, holding it by the wire rim. So that it fills with hot air faster. This will take from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

6. As soon as you feel the Chinese sky lantern take off, let it go.

7. Enjoy the beautiful view and make a wish!

2. Make sure there is no tall trees and high-rise buildings in the direction of the wind.

3. Don't let children launch the flying lantern by themselves.

4. Keep sky lanterns out of the reach of children.

5. In case of mass launch of sky lanterns, obtain permission from the competent authority.

6. Do not launch Chinese lanterns within a radius of 20 km from national airports and 50 km from international airports.

7. Never launch a flying flashlight near flammable or explosive objects (gas stations, dry meadows or, in the immediate vicinity of wooden houses and so on.).

Sky lanterns- an amazing sight, thanks to very simple inventions. The flashlight has a very simple design, which means you can do it yourself! This will require very few materials, which nowadays cost mere pennies.

How to make a sky lantern with your own hands?

For the flashlight we will use:

Rubbish bag;

Cocktail straws;

Once everything is ready, you can start creating.

1. We take the tubes and make a cross out of them. We fasten them together with tape or glue. Don't be too zealous with the tape, try to keep the design as light as possible.

2. We glue candles to the tubes. We used the lightest, most festive ones, and we also advise you to take them.

3. We attach the resulting structure to a garbage bag. Again we use tape or glue.

The flashlight is ready! You can start launching!

How to launch a sky lantern?

Launch a flashlight- it’s not an easy task, you need to follow several rules for the launch to be successful.

1. Spread the flashlight.

2. The launch is best carried out by two people. One holds the dome, the second sets fire.

3 . Keep it like this until it warms up well.

4. As soon as the flashlight heats up, lift it up, if it pulls out of your hands, then let go, if not, then hold it still. Repeat the up and down motion until the flashlight flies up.

Flying lanterns float across the night sky: very interesting, charming, romantic. Open fire heats the air in them according to the same principle as in balloons. First launched in China over 2,000 years ago, the first flying lanterns were constructed from bamboo rims with paper parts attached to them, creating the shape of a bag or cube. In the lower, open part, a fire source was fixed (most often a burning candle or a rag soaked in oil) and the hot atmosphere filled the lantern. As the flashlight cooled, it calmly descended back to the ground.

These handmade “night birds” still excite the imagination, appearing in paintings, books, movies and cartoons. Modern flying lanterns are very similar to their predecessors, only now they are safer thanks to the addition of a fire-resistant substance applied to the paper. And unlike in years past, many are writing messages or wishes on their lanterns before sending them off into the sky.

You will need:
— packaging of tissue (cosmetic, thin wrapping) paper of any color;
- any product that greatly increases the fire resistance of paper (for example, MP FR);
- clothesline;
- clothespins;
- glue;
— kraft paper;
- bamboo, 2.5 cm in diameter, approximately 122 cm in length;
- knife;
- sandpaper;
- wood glue;
- copper wire;
- thin staples;
- a square of thin cardboard, side - 5 cm;
- cotton ball;
— ethyl alcohol (from 70%);
- aluminium foil;
- duct tape.

1. Pin 4 sheets of tissue paper onto a clothesline and spray them with flame retardant, avoiding the very corners where the sheets are caught by clothespins. Let the paper dry completely.

2. Adhere each sheet of treated tissue/thin wrapping paper to a sheet of untreated tissue paper, overlapping lengthwise and using a thin, even layer of adhesive.

3. On craft paper, draw an image representing the top half of the mitten. The finished lantern will look like a hot air balloon made of 4 pieces combined: make 4 of these “half-mittens” from kraft paper and tape them together. So that the lower flat edges of the half-mittens look down, and only they form together the open part of the flashlight: you will get a layout of your flashlight and will be able to adjust it where necessary. When you are completely satisfied with the design, remove the adhesive tape.

4. Using the kraft paper model as a reference, cut out the desired shape from the tissue paper, creating 4 slightly curved pieces with one straight edge. Glue the elements of the flashlight together, leaving, as in the point with the layout, only the edge at the bottom where the 4 parts have a straight edge is open: this is the lower part of the flashlight, where we will insert the burning element. Naturally, the sprayed side of each sheet of tissue paper should go inside the lantern.

5. Make a bamboo ring. Split the bamboo stick into thin strips by very carefully and slowly moving the knife down the length of the pole. Test the strips for flexibility by gently bending them with both hands. If you find one that is flexible enough, sand it sandpaper until completely smooth. Then make a rim from the finished strip and fix it at the joint with glue.

6. Install made from copper wire a suitable-sized letter “X” into the circle of the base of the lantern (into a bamboo ring), using thin staples, secure everything in place. Cover a cardboard square with foil and secure it in the center of the "X" with tape, staples, or glue.

7. Make a cup out of foil: large enough to hold the cotton ball, but not allow it to fall out. Glue the cup to the center of the stand.

8. Attach the previously made part of the lantern from the bottom (open part) to the stand circle using adhesive tape and remember: it works like a balloon, so the cup with foil should fit inside.

9. Carry a flashlight outside in the evening. Soak a cotton ball in ethyl alcohol(70% and above) and place the damp cotton wool in a foil bowl. Light the ball, carefully secure the bottom of the flashlight and hold the flashlight in your hands, ensuring the accumulation inside warm air. When the sides become hot and you begin to feel the flashlight slipping out of your palms, release it.

Additions and warnings:

— Garden pegs or poles can become good source bamboo;
— Coping with a flying flashlight is easier with a couple;

— When you develop the form hot air balloon, make sure that the upper part is certainly larger, more voluminous than the lower one;
- An alternative type of "fuel" can be made through immersion toilet paper into melted wax;
— A hoop made of copper wire can be attached to the top of the flashlight - it will provide the latter better shape;
— Never launch such lanterns on very windy days - there is a great risk of fire;
— When it rains, it’s simply not possible to run such a lantern;
- Remember that your flying flashlight is a potential fire hazard and you will be responsible for any damage it may cause.

The sky lantern first appeared in the third century and served as a signal of war.
Over time, its use as a cry for hostilities was replaced by a completely peaceful signal. Sky lanterns are actively used at numerous festivals, significant events, and minor celebrations. In our country, lanterns have become particularly popular; lanterns with love messages are especially in demand.
A sky lantern is quite easy to make yourself; the main thing is to follow safety rules to prevent fires.

We will need:
- papyrus paper
- glue
- paints (if you will color the flashlight or write messages)
- fire retardant treatment
- thin wire
- a hoop made of bamboo or balsa wood
- scissors
- wire cutters
- wax
- material for wax impregnation (paper towel)
-kraft paper
The first thing to do is soak the papyrus paper with wax. Dilute the paper in this way and spray the fire retardant until completely saturated. To be sure that enough has been applied, try burning a small piece of paper.
For one sky lantern we will need four such wedges (1 square = 1 centimeter).
Make yourself a pattern in the form of half a wedge of a lantern from thick paper. Fold the papyrus paper in half, cut out about 1 centimeter to allow for gluing.
Attention: To avoid unpleasant consequences, close work surface transparent polyethylene. If the flashlight is intended for a message of love or congratulations, then write all the inscriptions on it after gluing, when it is still folded.
Now place the weights on the glued areas and let the flashlight dry for 3-4 hours. You can make a bamboo hoop yourself by fastening several thin sticks together, or you can buy a ready-made one.
Now let's soak the paper towels with wax.
Attention: You need to melt paraffin over low heat in a water bath, as it is very flammable.
Apply melted wax to a paper towel and cut into small pieces. To make the burner more consistent with the original Chinese lantern, you can cut out five rectangles from kraft paper and layer them between a soaked paper towel. Fasten the burner with wire like this, leaving enough wire at the ends.
Now we just have to put all the elements together.
We wrap the burner to the hoop, securing the ends of the wire on four sides, and then glue the hoop to the flashlight.

The lantern is ready.
Attention: Launch the flashlight away from houses in calm weather.

Flying and Chinese lanterns are becoming increasingly popular. And this is not surprising, because having launched a sky lantern into the sky at least once, many turn into their regular fans.
First chinese lantern was invented by a famous cunning commander named Zhuge Liang almost two thousand years ago. It was made from rice paper, and the shape was copied from the hat of a successful military strategist. A small candle was placed inside, the hot air from which raised the lantern upward. At that time, such lanterns did not serve to decorate the dark night sky. Celestial candles were used to transmit information during battle. This method of using luminous lanterns was the only one almost until the third century.
During the Yuan Dynasty, Chinese paper lanterns became a symbol of hope and wishes for happiness and good fortune. They were used in many religious rites and rituals, as the Chinese believed that with the help of the light of lanterns they could convey messages to deities. Therefore, before making a sky lantern, people wrote their most important messages on rice paper.
The Chinese still believe that when the lanterns rise into the sky during the festival, they symbolize the relationship between people and nature, and also bring pleasure to higher beings, allowing spring and sunshine to return to the earth every year.

Buy ready product the easiest way, but there are always people who want to know how to make a Chinese lantern. In fact, it is not difficult at all, you just need to really want it and apply some diligence. Even if the first pancake is lumpy, failure can only provoke a real fan of beautiful luminous dots against the background of the starry sky.
A Chinese lantern consists of a dome, frame and burner. Each part is made separately and then assembled together. It's worth starting with the dome. Ideal material for him - rice paper, but it is practically inaccessible. Alternatively, you can use ordinary plastic garbage bags. Moreover, you need to buy the cheapest ones, since they are very thin and light.
You need to take two bags with a volume of thirty liters or more. Then cut off the bottom of one and tape them together. You should get a cylinder with the top from the bottom of the second bag, and the bottom from the neck of the first.
Next, you should make a frame from veneer or thin millimeter wire, which must be rolled into a ring. The diameter should match the size of the neck of the plastic bag. Then two more wires are attached to it crosswise with the intersection point in the center of the circular frame.
For the burner, you can use regular chocolate foil. It is necessary to make a small cup out of it and secure it to the cross. Then the frame along with the burner must be attached with tape to the bottom of the cylinder. We get a finished Chinese lantern. For a light, a piece of cloth or cotton wool soaked in alcohol is suitable. You can take a quarter of a tablet of dry fuel.
Even a smart teenager can make such a miracle, if only he knows how to make an air lantern. In order to launch it into the sky, the lantern must be straightened and filled with air, simply by moving forward with the bell. Holding it in a vertical position, we put pre-ignited dry fuel into the burner. If the dome is not even slightly straightened, it may burn from the touch of a flame.
Having placed the structure on the ground, you need to wait a little while the air in the dome heats up.
And you shouldn’t throw a Chinese lantern up. You need to be a little patient and wait until he “wants” to fly. Having released a sky lantern, you can admire the beauty of its movement.
If, despite all the efforts made, the flashlight remains in place, it is obvious that its weight is heavy. It is necessary to carefully analyze each element of the design and think about how to make it even weightless. Here the count is literally in milligrams. However, this should be done without losing the original rigidity. Maybe you should choose a thinner wire? Or try to do without the ring, leaving only the cross? Make the burner smaller? Or take a thinner bag? Another solution is to increase the volume of the dome by purchasing larger plastic bags. This will increase the lifting force.
With due diligence and diligence, the capricious Chinese lantern will definitely fly up.


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