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DIY sky lantern.

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It has become very popular to launch sky lanterns for Weddings, Birthdays and other holidays. A very beautiful and useful borrowing from Chinese culture. That is why they are also called Chinese lanterns. It may turn out that there is no store at hand, and why spend money if you can do it sky lattern

with your own hands. So let's figure this out and please ourselves, our loved ones and the onlookers who happened to catch the start.

In this post we will tell you how to make a sky lantern with your own hands. How and where to use it is up to you: weddings, corporate events, or just when you’re in a good mood!

  • Let's go! We will need the following components:
  • 30 liter waste bag
  • Straws for cocktails
  • Candles

For fastening tape or glue

First you need to glue two or three bags into one - the dome needs more than 30 liters. There is no need to be greedy and immediately choose a larger package. The polyethylene in them is thicker and, as a result, heavier. The flashlight won't fly!

We cut one bag along the seam line, insert the second one into it and glue it with tape or glue. The package seems to be getting longer. We try to use as little tape or glue as possible. Remember: lighter design means easier flight!

We assemble a cross from straws (tubes) and secure it with tape.

It remains to reunite the two components of the sky lantern, the dome and crosspiece with the “engine”. We fasten them and we can prepare for launch.

To start, you need 2 people. It’s quite expensive to do everything alone. One straightens and holds the dome, and the second lights the candles.

Naturally, you shouldn’t expect an instant flash of a flashlight into the sky immediately after lighting the candles. It is necessary that the air in the dome warms up well enough, and its lifting thrust is sufficient for flight.

Wait a little, the candles will burn out, their mass will decrease and the Chinese lantern will rush upward. Although a rather loud word will rush, it will begin to rise smoothly. To speed up the wait, the flashlight can be placed on a table or other horizontal surface - the heated air will not escape.

There is a second way to make a sky lantern.

The crosspiece can be made from aluminum wire. It is quite light and the flashlight will be able to pull it. Our engine will be a stand from an aromatic candle with a tablet of dry fuel.

Let's look at the picture of how the fastening is done. The main thing is not to overdo it with wire - don’t forget about the mass.

Now you know how to make a sky lantern with your own hands from available materials. Everything is quite simple and you are convinced of it yourself. From now on, you will be able to delight your loved ones with the enchanting spectacle of launching Chinese lanterns, both on holidays and on weekdays. Why not?

Flying lanterns float across the night sky: very interesting, charming, romantic. An open fire heats the air in them according to the same principle as in balloons. First launched in China over 2,000 years ago, the first flying lanterns were constructed from bamboo rims with paper parts attached to them, creating the shape of a bag or cube. In the lower, open part, a fire source was fixed (most often a burning candle or a rag soaked in oil) and the hot atmosphere filled the lantern. As the flashlight cooled, it calmly descended back to the ground.

These handmade “night birds” still excite the imagination, appearing in paintings, books, movies and cartoons. Modern flying lanterns are very similar to their predecessors, only now they are safer thanks to the addition of a fire-resistant substance applied to the paper. And unlike in years past, many are writing messages or wishes on their lanterns before sending them off into the sky.

You will need:
— packaging of tissue (cosmetic, thin wrapping) paper of any color;
- any product that greatly increases the fire resistance of paper (for example, MP FR);
- clothesline;
- clothespins;
- glue;
— kraft paper;
- bamboo, 2.5 cm in diameter, approximately 122 cm in length;
- knife;
- sandpaper;
- wood glue;
- copper wire;
- thin staples;
- a square of thin cardboard, side - 5 cm;
- cotton ball;
— ethyl alcohol (from 70%);
- aluminium foil;
- duct tape.

1. Pin 4 sheets of tissue paper onto a clothesline and spray them with flame retardant, avoiding the very corners where the sheets are caught by clothespins. Let the paper dry completely.

2. Adhere each sheet of treated tissue/thin wrapping paper to a sheet of untreated tissue paper, overlapping lengthwise and using a thin, even layer of adhesive.

3. On craft paper, draw an image representing the top half of the mitten. The finished lantern will look like a hot air balloon made of 4 pieces combined: make 4 of these “half-mittens” from kraft paper and tape them together. So that the lower flat edges of the half-mittens look down, and only they form together the open part of the flashlight: you will get a layout of your flashlight and will be able to adjust it where necessary. When you are completely satisfied with the design, remove the adhesive tape.

4. Using the kraft paper model as a reference, cut out the desired shape from the tissue paper, creating 4 slightly curved pieces with one straight edge. Glue the elements of the flashlight together, leaving, as in the point with the layout, only the edge at the bottom where the 4 parts have a straight edge is open: this is the lower part of the flashlight, where we will insert the burning element. Naturally, the sprayed side of each sheet of tissue paper should go inside the lantern.

5. Make a bamboo ring. Split the bamboo stick into thin strips by very carefully and slowly moving the knife down the length of the pole. Test the strips for flexibility by gently bending them with both hands. If you find one that is flexible enough, sand it sandpaper until completely smooth. Then make a rim from the finished strip and fix it at the joint with glue.

6. Install made from copper wire a suitable-sized letter “X” into the circle of the base of the lantern (into a bamboo ring), using thin staples, secure everything in place. Cover a cardboard square with foil and secure it in the center of the "X" with tape, staples, or glue.

7. Make a cup out of foil: large enough to hold the cotton ball, but not allow it to fall out. Glue the cup to the center of the stand.

8. Attach the previously made part of the lantern from the bottom (open part) to the stand circle using adhesive tape and remember: it works like a balloon, so the cup with foil should fit inside.

9. Carry a flashlight outside in the evening. Soak a cotton ball in ethyl alcohol(70% and above) and place the damp cotton wool in a foil bowl. Light the ball, carefully secure the bottom of the flashlight and hold the flashlight in your hands, ensuring the accumulation inside warm air. When the sides become hot and you begin to feel the flashlight slipping out of your palms, release it.

Additions and warnings:

— Garden pegs or poles can become good source bamboo;
— Coping with a flying flashlight is easier with a couple;

— When you develop the shape of a balloon, make sure that the upper part is certainly larger and more voluminous than the lower part;
- An alternative type of "fuel" can be made through immersion toilet paper into melted wax;
— A hoop made of copper wire can be attached to the top of the flashlight - it will provide the latter better shape;
— Never launch such lanterns on very windy days - there is a great risk of fire;
— When it rains, it’s simply not possible to run such a lantern;
- Remember that your flying flashlight is a potential fire hazard and you will be responsible for any damage it may cause.

Sky lanterns that came to us from the Celestial Empire are called “Hum loy” or “Hum fairy” in their homeland. Such lanterns are very popular not only in Asian countries, but throughout the world. Chinese sky lanterns are used in many celebrations, flash mobs, and in Thailand there is even a separate holiday, during which residents and guests launch lanterns into the sky en masse. Recently, sky lanterns have become popular in our country. They can be purchased in various stores, but you can also make them yourself, which we will try right now.

So, before we start, let’s watch a video of the flashlight:

There are many ways to make sky lanterns, but the simplest one allows you to do it without special effort and costs.

We will need:
- Regular 30 liter garbage bags. (it is not recommended to take larger bags, since they are usually made of thicker polyethylene);
- Stationery tape;
- Wire diameter 0.5 mm;
- And also a tablet of dry fuel.

The materials have been collected. You can begin the process of making a flashlight. The ball that we will launch into the sky is made from several packages. It is recommended to use two or three bags, depending on the air temperature. In winter, for example, you can be content with one package, on a summer evening a balloon of two will launch, and during the day in hot weather- out of three. First of all, we cut off the packages along the soldering line and insert one of them into the other. The resulting seam using tape.

Next, we need to take care of the holder for our burner, which we will make from wire. To do this, we need two pieces of aluminum wire 40 cm long, which need to be twisted around the candle.

The bags will be attached to the holder, so special clamps need to be made at the ends.

Homemade sky lantern is ready.

All that remains is to take dry fuel, which we will use as fuel. One tablet needs to be broken into four even pieces. In some cases, the flashlight may not take off immediately. The reason for this may be the severity of the fuel. In such cases, you should wait a little until some of the fuel burns out.

Today it is fashionable to launch hand-made Chinese lanterns into the sky. The lights flying into the sky are a wonderful sight that both children and adults enjoy admiring. So where did this popular fun come from and what rules are important to follow to ensure the safety of others.


For the first time, a Chinese paper lantern was mentioned in the chronicle description of the military campaigns of Zhuge Liang. This legendary Chinese general imitated the intervention of divine powers, instilling fear in his enemies. To do this, he used a paper bag and oil lamp. The rising cloud of light convinced opponents that higher power on the general's side.

Used similar devices and for transmitting signals between military units located far from each other. Information about this dates back to the third century BC. Some experts claim that flying lanterns were also used to perform religious rituals.

The history of the mass distribution of glowing lanterns in Europe dates back to 2005. The reason was a tragic event: the 2004 earthquake in the Indian Ocean. A mass launch of glowing lanterns in Thailand became a memorial event for this tragedy and its victims. And thanks to the photograph of this event, which became a World Press Photo winner, the Chinese ritual became popular among Europeans.


The Chinese flying lantern consists of the following elements:

  • bamboo frame;
  • a burner made of fuel-soaked fabric attached to a thin wire;
  • dome made of rice paper impregnated with a non-flammable composition.

The shape of the product can be any - most often spherical or cylindrical.

Operating principle

Chinese sky lanterns easily soar into the sky, acting on the same principles as Balloons. Remember the Montgolfier brothers? Their invention is shells filled with hot smoke and capable of flying for kilometers. The fact is that due to heating, the air becomes lighter due to a decrease in density. Difference between density air masses inside and outside the shell and becomes the driving force.

That is why among the tips for launching flying lanterns you can often find the following: “in order to launch a lantern, choose a clear frosty night.”

Some characteristics

A traditional Chinese lantern has the following parameters:

  • approximate weight from 50 to 100 g;
  • height size from 70 to 170 cm;
  • burning duration is about 20 minutes;
  • diameter of the lower ring from 28 to 50 cm;
  • The approximate possible lifting height is up to 500 m.

Is it possible to display Chinese lanterns in the city?

Unregulated launching of flashlights often leads to unpleasant consequences. Among them:

  • fires, including forest fires;
  • disabled power plants;
  • death of livestock that accidentally ate a fallen wire frame;
  • injury to animals.

Therefore, in some states there are bans associated with this beautiful and exciting event. Relevant regulations were also adopted in Russia.

Law prohibiting the launch of Chinese lanterns in Russia

In 2014, changes to the Fire Regulations were approved. According to the document, structures that rise to a height by heating the air inside using open fire, it is prohibited to be allowed in cities, other settlements, or near forested areas. Lawyers warn: fines have been prescribed for violators, individuals These amounts are up to 1.5 thousand rubles, for legal entities – an order of magnitude higher.

According to the law, when planning an event with a mass launch of Chinese lanterns, prior approval is required from air traffic control authorities.

Operational safety

But even in places where it is allowed to run flashlights, it is important to follow the rules that ensure the safety of others. Launching Chinese lanterns is allowed in open spaces where the location of the fall can be controlled. There should be no residential buildings nearby. You should not use flashlights in windy weather.

Responsible fans of launching sky lanterns recommend: use a small amount of fuel, this way you can control the crash site and can not only make sure it burns completely, but also clean up the debris.


Chinese lanterns can vary in both shape and purpose. Often Chinese lanterns are used simply for decoration. Similar hanging options often decorate Asian cafes and restaurants, oriental shops. Glowing hearts can often be seen at wedding celebrations. And the simplest paper crafts will decorate your home for the New Year or another family holiday.

DIY Chinese lanterns made of paper

A Chinese lantern can be easily made at home. Teachers recommend: involve co-creation children, because they so love to participate in the creation of a fairy tale.

Option for children

The simplest craft, resembling a flashlight, was carved by almost everyone in childhood. To make it, you only need one sheet of colored paper, as well as scissors, glue, a ruler and a pencil as auxiliary materials.

The process consists of several short steps.

  1. You need to cut a strip two centimeters wide from the sheet.
  2. Fold the remaining piece in half.
  3. Draw the workpiece: draw a horizontal line at a distance of 4 cm from the edge and from the fold draw many vertical lines to it, located at the same distance from each other.
  4. Make cuts along vertical strips and unfold the sheet.
  5. Glue the edge and attach a handle from the strip cut at the beginning on top.

According to all traditions

For such a hanging lantern you will need a template. You can find it on the Internet or draw it yourself. For the drawing you need to take a sheet with an aspect ratio of one to two. The long side is placed horizontally and three are drawn horizontal lines: one in the center and two at a short distance (the same) from the edges. Then they divide the sheet with vertical lines into six sectors and draw another line in the center of each sector. Circles with a diameter of approximately 2 cm are drawn around the points of intersection of the central vertical lines with the outer horizontal ones. Then rounded lines connect the center of the upper circle, the points of intersection of the vertical lines limiting the segment with the central horizontal ones, and the center of the lower circle.

As a result, the template should consist of six identical segments connected along the center line. A blank is cut out of it from red cardboard. Important note: the workpiece cannot be divided into segments!

Next, you need to connect the outer segments together. Then combine the lower circles, stitch them with red thread and decorate them with a tassel formed from threads. The same thing needs to be done with the upper circles, only instead of a tassel at the top we leave a thread by which the flashlight will be suspended.

sky lattern

For the manufacture of Chinese lantern need a frame. It can be made from wooden fruit skewers wrapped in foil. As a simple fuel, you can use candle tablets or cotton wool soaked in alcohol. The candle or cotton wool is attached to the frame with metal wire.

The shell can be made as was traditionally done from rice or tissue paper. But on the Internet you often find another piece of advice: use a regular garbage bag for a flashlight.

Decor for products

It makes sense to decorate lanterns that are intended for decoration, not for launching. One of the decor options can be done as follows. Using a hole puncher, we make many, many (several dozen) holes on decorated paper. We glue the fallen circles onto the already made lantern according to the principle of husks. Important: the circles must be distributed evenly, making sure that the product is completely covered.

Today, anyone can make a Chinese paper lantern with their own hands. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a luminous object soaring into the sky or decor for interior decoration. The main thing is that ancient traditions are alive and doing daily life filled and beautiful.

Sky lanterns- an amazing sight, thanks to very simple inventions. The flashlight has a very simple design, which means you can do it yourself! This will require very few materials, which nowadays cost mere pennies.

How to make a sky lantern with your own hands?

For the flashlight we will use:

Rubbish bag;

Cocktail straws;

Once everything is ready, you can start creating.

1. We take the tubes and make a cross out of them. We fasten them together with tape or glue. Don't be too zealous with the tape, try to keep the design as light as possible.

2. We glue candles to the tubes. We used the lightest, most festive ones, and we also advise you to take them.

3. We attach the resulting structure to a garbage bag. Again we use tape or glue.

The flashlight is ready! You can start launching!

How to launch a sky lantern?

Launch a flashlight- it’s not an easy task, you need to follow several rules for the launch to be successful.

1. Spread the flashlight.

2. The launch is best carried out by two people. One holds the dome, the second sets fire.

3 . Keep it like this until it warms up well.

4. As soon as the flashlight heats up, lift it up, if it pulls out of your hands, then let go, if not, then hold it some more. Repeat the up and down motion until the flashlight flies up.


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