A short story about animals in English. My Favorite Animal (Stories about Animals in English)

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I like animals very much, that’s why I’d like tell about my home pet. This is a small cat, her name is Penny and she has no breed. She was presented to me by my friends and it was the most adorable gift I’ve ever had.

She is not fat and grand, she`s just 4 months old. She is gray and white with a black spot on the chin, which looks like a small beard. Her eyes are green, her ears, paws and nose are rose. My cat is cute and fluffy, so it`s very pleasant to touch her. When Penny is in a good mood she always purrs.

Penny doesn`t like to stay alone. She misses me and when I come she runs up, wags with the tail and asks me to take her in my arms. She always follows me from one room to another: we cook, clean, wash the dishes, play computer games and sleep together. She likes sleeping. Usually she finds soft, warm and clean place and lies down there. She is very sociable and likes guests. When I invite somebody to my flat, Penny usually greets and welcomes them.

My cat has some favorite toys: a rubber ball, a scratching post and a mouse-toy. Penny likes running, jumping on sofas, tables, chairs and window sills and sometimes she can be very noisy. She is mad about fish and meat, that’s why when she sees the food she cries loudly and asks to treat her aggressively. She likes sitting in my bag and gnawing my headphones when I do my work. Now I buy the cheapest analogues to avoid any wastes.

Some cats walk outdoors, but I don’t let my cat to walk down the streets, because it is very dangerous. Penny could be attacked by dogs, other cats, cars or people. There are many people who don’t like animals (they kick, poison or even kill animals) and I want my cat to be safe and alive.

I love my cat and I hope she loves me too. In my opinion, she is my best friend and she can keep secrets.

I love animals very much, and therefore I would like to tell you about my pet. This is a small cat, her name is Penny, she has no breed. My friends gave it to me, and it was the most beautiful gift I have ever received.

She is not big or fat, she is only 4 months old. She is gray and white with a black patch on her chin that looks like a small beard. She has green eyes, pink ears, nose and paws. She is cute and fluffy, so she is very pleasant to touch. When Penny's in good mood, she purrs constantly.

Penny doesn't like to be alone. She misses me, and when I come, she runs out to me, wags her tail and asks to be held. She always follows me from one room to another: we cook, clean, wash dishes, play computer games and sleep together. She loves to sleep. She usually finds a soft, warm, clean place and lies down there. She is very sociable and loves guests. When I invite someone over, Penny usually meets and greets the guest or guest.

My cat has favorite toys: a rubber ball, a nail scratcher and a toy mouse. Penny likes to run, jump on sofas, tables, chairs and window sills and can be very noisy at times. She is crazy about fish and meat, and therefore when she sees food, she makes loud noises and very aggressively demands to be treated. She likes to sit in my bag when I'm busy with my work and chew on my headphones. Now I buy the cheapest models so as not to waste money.

Some cats love to roam in nature, but I don't let my cat roam the streets because it's very dangerous. Penny can be attacked by dogs, other cats, people, or hit by a car. There are a lot of people who don't like animals (they kick them, poison them and even kill them) and I want my cat to be safe.

I love my cat and I hope she loves me too. I think she is my best friend and knows how to keep secrets.

When writing a description of a cat in English, many people think that they can get away with the simplest vocabulary.

On the one hand, everyone knows what a cat looks like, so there really are no complicated terms in the description. On the other hand, what lexical level is used affects the final result of communication; before writing the text, we determine why this text is being written.

Based on their initial task and final goal, we build a story. In most cases, even for a high level of language proficiency, the description of the cat will be short - 10-12 sentences. Much depends on whether the pet’s character traits need to be included in the description or whether it is enough to indicate only its color and basic habits.

Constructing a description of a cat in English

According to the rules for constructing a descriptive text, the object being described is introduced using some kind of construction. In our case, we can use the following:

I have a cat and it is an incredible pet- I have a cat, and it is an incredible pet.

If you don't know how to relax, ask my cat- Don't know how to relax? Ask my cat how to do it!

Can't catch mice? So here we are!- Don’t know how to catch mice? Then we go to you!

Such an unusual introduction stirs up the interest of the listener and reader of your text. If you are not describing your cat, then simply replace the pronoun with the animal's name.

Let's proceed directly to the description. You can use the following text as a basis, changing the adjectives and some details. We start with a description of the type of animal, gradually moving on to its character.

My cat is just like thousands of cats around. His ears are able to hear the slightest sound in the kitchen, his nose is capable of smelling a mouse under the floor, and his eyes seem to look at us, mere humans, with a slight shade of disdain. My cat is a "tabby": he has bold brownish stripes and cinnamon-colored fur, expressive markings around his pale jade eyes, and a tabby "M" on the forehead. Basically, he is like any cat. But there's one thing that makes him absolutely special. - My cat is like thousands of other cats. His ears can hear the slightest rustle in the kitchen, and his nose can smell a mouse under the floor, his eyes look at us humans with slight contempt. His coloring is tabby: he has bright brownish stripes on his reddish fur and lines on his face that expressively outline his pale jade eyes and form the letter "M" on his forehead. In short, he looks like thousands of other cats. But there is something that makes him special.

Such a description, on the one hand, brings a slight smile to the listener, and on the other hand, it intrigues and makes you think about what is so unusual about this cat. Further description depends on the introduction. If your cat is a master of relaxation, write about it. If he teaches you to hunt day after day, bringing back captured mice, birds and dragonflies, tell him about it. If you just want to describe the cat, pointing out its unusual character, this option is also suitable. In our description we will talk specifically about the character of the pet.

I thought that all the cats meow when they want to eat and wake up their masters. I was wrong. I realized it when I saw my cat sleeping next to his plate. He wakes only when I wake up and starts meowing only when I go to the kitchen. We have no problems with waking up and it is really amazing. My mom wonders how I managed to train him, but I think my cat is simply a clever one. He learns tricks really fast. When he does something wrong I don"t have to punish him. I have only to give him a stern look and say “No.” He understands that he does something wrong. - I thought that all cats start meowing when they want eat, and wake up their owners. I was wrong. I realized this when I saw my cat sleeping near the plate. He wakes up only with me and starts meowing only when I go to the kitchen. We have no problems with early rises and this really incredible. My mom wonders how I trained the cat like that. But I think he's just a smart animal in his own right. He learns really quickly. When he does something bad, I don't have to stand up and punish him. Strictly enough look and say, ‘You can’t.’ He understands that he’s doing the wrong thing.”

This completes the basic description of the pet’s character. You can add a final phrase. For example:

Even if my cat is not perfect, I love him and I am responsible for him, so I’m happy to take care of my cat and have him as the best companion imaginable.– Even if my cat is not perfect, I still love him and I am responsible for him. Therefore, I am glad to take care of him and have the best companion in the world.

1. An elephant is a huge animal that lives in Africa and Asia. Elephants are grey, they have two big ears, two long teeth (tusks) and a long nose (a trunk). They eat leaves, plants, fruit and roots. Elephants are mammals.

2. A fox belongs to the dog family. It is a mammal. Foxes are red and they have beautiful fluffy tails. They are very cunning, they catch and eat small animals and birds. They live all over the world.

3. A giraffe is a tall animal with a long neck and thin long legs. Animals live in Africa, they eat tree leaves and fruit. Giraffes are mammals. Their bodies are covered with brown marks.

4. A rhinoceros is a large and heavy mammal that lives in Africa and Asia. It has one or two sharp horns on its head and it has thick skin. Rhinoceroses eat fruit, leaves and grass.

5. A hare is a small mammal with a short tail, long legs and long ears. Hares eat plants and fruit. They can jump and run very fast. Hares live in Europe and America.

6. A hedgehog is a small mammal covered in spines. It can roll in a ball. Hedgehogs hunt for insects, worms and small animals. They live in Asia, Africa and Europe.

7. A lion is a large wild cat. It is called “the king of beasts”. It has sharp teeth and claws, a big head and a long tail. Lions are predators, they hunt for other animals. Animals live in Africa and India in groups called prides. Lions are very strong, smart and cunning.

8. A bear is a large mammal. Bears have large paws with sharp claws. They can climb and swim very well. They live all around the world. Animals like to eat meat, fish, plants, fruit, berries and honey. Bears have a sweet tooth.

9. A camel is a large mammal. It lives in Africa. It eats vegetation: plants, grass and grain. Camels have a long neck and two humps. They can live without water for 10 months.

10. A wolf is a wild mammal. Wolves are of gray color and they look like dogs. They are smart predators and eat other animals. Wolves live in small groups in forests and mountains.

11. A crocodile is a large dangerous animal that lives in rivers and lakes of Africa, Asia, Australia and America. Predators eat fish and mammals. They can swim and run very fast.

12. A zebra belongs to the horse family. It is a striped black-and-white mammal. Zebras live in Africa in groups (herds). They eat vegetation. They can run and kick with their strong legs.

13. A monkey is a small animal with a long tail. Monkeys live in the forests of America, Africa and Asia. Animals are very funny, smart and active. Monkeys can run, jump, climb and play with each other. They like to eat fruit, nuts, berries, eggs and insects.

14. A panda is a white-and-black mammal. It lives in the forests of China. It can climb very well. Pandas look like fluffy bears. They eat bamboo trees, plants and small animals.

15. A kangaroo is a mammal that lives in Australia. It eats plants and leaves. Kangaroos have strong long legs and they can hop very fast. They also have a pocket on their stomach where they can carry their babies.

16. A squirrel is a pretty small animal. It has a fluffy tail. It lives in trees all over the world. Squirrels eat nuts, berries, fruits and insects. They can jump and climb trees.


1. The elephant is a huge animal that lives in Africa and Asia. Elephants are gray in color and have two large ears, two long teeth (tusks) and a long nose (trunk). They feed on leaves, plants, fruits and roots. Elephants are mammals.

2. The fox belongs to the canine family. This is a mammal animal. Foxes are red in color and have beautiful fluffy tails. They are very cunning, they catch and eat small animals and birds. They live all over the world.

3. The giraffe is a tall animal with a long neck and thin long legs. Animals live in Africa, they eat tree leaves and fruits. Giraffes are mammals. Their bodies are covered with brown spots.

4. Rhinoceros is a large and heavy mammal that lives in Africa and Asia. It has one or two sharp horns on its head and has thick skin. Rhinoceroses eat fruits, leaves and grass.

5. A hare is a small mammal with a short tail, long legs and long ears. Hares eat plants and fruits. They can jump and run very fast. Hares live in Europe and America.

6. A hedgehog is a small mammal covered with spines. He can curl up into a ball. Hedgehogs hunt insects, worms and small animals. They live in Asia, Africa and Europe.

7. A lion is a big wild cat. He is called the "king of beasts." It has sharp teeth and claws, a large head and a long tail. Lions are predators; they hunt other animals. Animals live in Africa and India in groups called prides. Leos are very strong, smart and cunning.

8. A bear is a large mammal. Bears have large paws with sharp claws. They are very good at climbing and swimming. They live all over the world. Animals eat meat, fish, plants, fruits, berries and honey. Bears have a sweet tooth.

9. A camel is a large mammal. He lives in Africa. It feeds on vegetation: plants, grass and grain. Camels have a long neck and two humps. They can live without water for 10 months.

10. The wolf is a wild mammal. Wolves are gray in color and they look like dogs. They are intelligent predators and eat other animals. Wolves live in small groups in forests and mountains.

11. The crocodile is a large dangerous animal that lives in the rivers and lakes of Africa, Asia, Australia and America. Predators feed on fish and mammals. They can swim and run very fast.

12. Zebra belongs to the equine family. It is a striped black and white mammal. Zebras live in Africa in groups (herds). They feed on vegetation. They can run and kick with their strong legs.

13. A monkey is a small animal with a long tail. Monkeys live in the forests of America, Africa and Asia. Animals are very funny, smart and active. Monkeys can run, jump, climb and play with each other. They love to eat fruits, nuts, berries, eggs and insects.

Words of history with translation and transcription:

History in Russian based on a Greek parable:

Source: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/3616212/post131400894/

The cat with the striped tail said to the Great Goddess:

- Please, I beg you, Great Goddess, you can do anything, make me a woman! I want this so much!

And the Great Goddess said:

- It’s not difficult to do this, it’s difficult to love, and a woman, if she doesn’t know how to love, ceases to be a woman.

- I will, I will love! - swore the cat with a striped tail.

- OK! - said the Great Goddess. - Once! Two! Three!

And the cat turned into a woman.

She fell in love. He was handsome and tall, and he had blond hair because he was so tall that his head touched the sun.

He also fell in love with the cat.

But when he wanted to kiss her, disaster happened. A mouse flashed in the corner! And the cat forgot that she was no longer a cat, rushed at the mouse and... again became an ordinary cat with a striped tail.

And he? What could he do? He left.

He was tall and handsome, and he had blond hair because he was so tall that his head touched the sun.

The cat cried for a long time, but the Great Goddess was inexorable. She was a woman herself.

I have got a cat. Her name is Matilda. She is quite old for a cat. She is eleven years old. Matilda is very fluffy. Her back is black and her belly and chest are white. She also has a black muzzle with long white whiskers. Her legs and paws are white. Matilda has big eyes. Her eyes are light green, but they become yellow in bright sunlight. She has got big black ears and a small pink nose.

As any other cat Matilda loves sleeping, eating and playing. Her favorite places are an armchair in the living room and a windowsill in my parents’ bedroom. Matilda also likes lying on my desk and especially on the computer keyboard!

Her favorite food is meat and boiled fish. She also likes sour cream, soft cheese and ham. Sometimes we buy cat food and cat grass for her. She has a lot of cat toys to play with. She enjoys hunting flies, spiders and sunbeams.

My mother found Matilda in our street and brought her home. The cat became a real friend for me. We grew up together. When I was a little child, we used to play hide-and-seek and catch-up.

She often sits on my lap and purrs. She is always near me when I am sad or ill. I love my cat.

I have a cat. Her name is Matilda. She's quite old for a cat. She is eleven years old. Matilda is very fluffy. Its back is black, and its belly and chest are white. She has a black muzzle with long white mustache. Her legs and paws are white. Matilda has big eyes. Her eyes are light green, but they turn yellow in bright sunlight. She has big black ears and a small pink nose.

Like all cats, Matilda loves to sleep, eat and play. Her favorite places are the armchair in the living room and the window sill in her parents' bedroom. Matilda also loves to lay on my desk, and especially on my computer keyboard!

Her favorite food is meat and boiled fish. She also loves sour cream, soft cheese and ham. Sometimes we buy cat food and cat grass for her. Matilda has a lot of toys. She loves to hunt flies, spiders and sunbeams.

My mother found Matilda on our street and brought her home. The cat became a real friend for me. We grew up together. When I was little, we played hide and seek and tag.

She often sits on my lap and purrs. She is always there for me when I am sad or sick. I love my cat.


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