Unstable Internet operation over Wi-Fi: some tips to solve the problem. Solving the problem of disabling WI-FI on a laptop

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Wi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to transmit data or connect to the Internet via wireless network. These days, the use of Wi-Fi is becoming very common and we can see this technology being used by a wide range of devices such as smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, smart TVs, etc.

However, this technology has a number of limitations. Firstly, it is not as secure as a wired connection, but this is solved by using Protected Access Encryption (WPA2), which helps prevent unauthorized access to the network. If you do not have sufficient knowledge to set up a home or office network, then it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. Simply fill out the form at http://kompom.kiev.ua/ and the setup will be done quickly and efficiently.

Another problem: Wi-Fi drops out periodically. Usually, when there is no activity, the phone or tablet loses connection with the Wi-Fi router and does not see the network until Wi-Fi on the mobile device is restarted. There may be several reasons why the Wi-Fi connection is lost; in this article we will look at several options for solving the problem when Android loses the Wi-Fi network.

If you are facing the problem of Wi-Fi turning off on your Android device, try the following settings options and you will be able to connect your device wirelessly without much hassle.

Wi-Fi network overflow

The biggest interference to the Wi-Fi signal comes from neighboring wireless networks. The problem is that most Wi-Fi devices operate in the already occupied 2.4 GHz band, and high density signals can interfere with each other, reducing the speed and performance of networks.

Solution: Use a dual-band router that can operate on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz simultaneously. The 2.4 GHz frequency band will be supported by most devices, but it only has three non-overlapping channels. On the other hand, 5 GHz has 23 non-overlapping channels, increasing the likelihood of no interference in this band. If your router can operate in the 5GHz band, use it to solve your Wi-Fi network congestion problem.

Setting up a Wi-Fi channel

The 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi band has 11 channels and each of them is separated from each other by a 5 MHz band and has a width of 20 to 22 MHz. This means that each channel will overlap adjacent channels by 10 MHz and this is referred to as overlapping channels.

Solution: In the case of channels 1, 6 and 11, there will be no overlap causing interference, since these are not overlapping channels. To work on these channels, users will need to go into the router's settings and find a setting called "Channel" or "Wireless Channel". From the drop-down menu, you need to select desired number channel.

Most manufacturers resort to various methods to increase battery life. Users Android smartphones are forced to enable such energy saving features in their devices. One such feature is turning off Wi-Fi when the phone is inactive or when the device has low level battery charge. Such features of Wi-Fi in sleep mode create problems when connecting to the network as needed.

Solution: Simply configure your Android device's settings and make sure you always have Wi-Fi turned on, even when your device is not in use. To do this on devices running Android 2.3 Gingerbread and above, you need to do the following. Go to Settings menu - Wireless network— Wi-Fi and select Advanced — Wi-Fi in sleep mode do not select "Don't turn off".

On those devices running Android 4.0 ICS and higher, go to Settings - Wi-Fi, select Advanced and set the Wi-Fi during sleep option to "Always".

Change DNS servers

Changing DNS servers can solve the Wi-Fi problem when the Internet network on the phone disappears. Go to Settings - Wi-Fi and turn on Wi-Fi. If it's a known network, you'll have to "forget" it and then connect again. When you see the password entry window, click on Extra options and select "Static" from the IP settings in the dropdown menu. Then scroll down and enter the IP address of the DNS server you would like to use in the DNS1 and DNS2 field. Now enter your Wi-Fi password and connect to the network.

Reset to factory settings

If none of these methods work, hard reset your Android device. If you then have problems where you lose your Wi-Fi connection, then it could be a hardware problem. You may need to take the device to service center to fix the problem.

We have looked at the most common reasons for Wi-Fi disconnection that occur in Android devices. We hope this will help solve the problem and allow you to set up a stable Wi-Fi connection. In addition, pay attention to specialized applications, since the store Google Play There are many applications, the use of which will help ensure a reliable connection. Some of them are Wi-Fi Fixer, Fix My Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Analyzer and others.

Now I want to talk about a situation where it is constant, or not very, but periodically. The situation, of course, is unpleasant; you constantly have to take some action, such as restarting the computer, etc. In this post I am now I’ll try to outline the main causes of problems and methods by which they can be eliminated or at least minimized :)

Laptops and WiFi.

Most common cause WiFi connection disconnections, especially on laptops, are outdated drivers, or even completely unsuitable ones. This is especially common on new laptops that have a new operating system such as Windows 7 installed, and Drivers go to either Vista or XP. At first, the user does not pay attention to this, they say, it’s installed and okay, but Then it bites my elbows - WiFi constantly falls off.

The solution to this problem is to go to the website of the laptop manufacturer and download the latest driver versions. After this, they need to be installed accordingly. If the laptop manufacturer has not released the latest versions of drivers (although this is unlikely, it still happens), then you can go to the website of the WiFi adapter manufacturer.

Problems with access points.

Quite often, it’s not even the drivers that are to blame for WiFi failure, but the equipment you use. Do some magic with your access point- carefully inspect it, check the power supply, measure the output and input voltages - perhaps the problem is in the power adapter, look around the access point to see if there is any screen that can jam the signal.

If the situation does not change, and even a few meters from the WiFi access point it still periodically or constantly falls off, borrow a friend's laptop or netbook and try using it. If the problem persists, then the problem is clearly in the wireless access point. Try it if other measures don't help, you need to change the firmware to a more recent one.

Also possible reason is a weak signal. An external antenna will help here.

Some more tips to fix the problem.

    If possible, place the access point higher, for example on a closet. This will have a very good effect on the signal quality.

    You can enable an older WiFi standard. Sometimes this measure helps, and quite significantly.

    Another recipe for fixing the problem is to switch to another channel. On many routers (almost all) it is set to Auto, but you can select a forced value from 1 to 14.

    In addition to changing the channel, you can try to switch to another frequency itself, for example, the 802.11a standard.

    The last resort is to try disabling encryption of transmitted data. This is done in the connection settings. But in this case it’s better not to even think about safety... The way of the lamer in a word.

Other causes of the problem.

Another problem with wireless radio communications, including WiFi, is extraneous sources of interference. It can be Appliances and equipment(such as refrigerators, electric shavers, TVs, radios, stereos, etc. Try turning them off and checking the quality of the signal and operation, then turn them back on, if the problem first went away and then reappeared, it means there is a problem with the devices. The solution here is this: either move the devices that create interference., either a router, or a laptop (well, or a computer).


Don’t forget to also use popular search engines, because It is quite possible that someone has already encountered the same problem, like you, that is, when, and somehow solved it successfully. Good luck, and hopefully there will be fewer problems!

Purchased a laptop, phone or tablet. A portable device is specifically selected to access the Internet via Wi-Fi in any accessible location. However, an unexpected difficulty arises: for some reason the connection suddenly disappears. What is the reason? Let's figure it out.

A sharp and sudden disconnection of the wireless network can happen due to several reasons. They are presented below:

  • Wi-Fi coverage may disappear due to the fact that one of the functions of any modern device, whether it's a laptop, tablet or phone, is to save battery power.
  • An important reason may be the presence of a weak Wi-Fi signal.
  • Another reason is unexpected driver failures, including the driver responsible for quality work wireless network.

However, whatever the reasons why Wi-Fi turns off, they are all fairly easy to fix. It is only important to be able to make the necessary settings or reinstall the driver. In this case, it is best to download the driver from the manufacturer’s official website, otherwise serious problems with Wi-Fi operation may occur. Let's talk about solutions to problems in more detail.

What to do if there is a weak signal or sources of strong interference?

This factor is a fairly common reason for Wi-Fi connection disconnection. Needless to say, this coverage is based on radio signals that can be shaken. It’s worth saying directly about the signal level that it is not always stable. It is influenced by several factors, the most significant of which is tension in electrical network. A wide variety of electrical devices are involved in creating interference, which can sometimes be so strong that it prevents the Wi-Fi signal from spreading.

The presence of metal objects between the portable device and the router. If the laptop is located at a fairly large distance from the signal propagation point, it may periodically disappear. Therefore Wi-Fi turns off. As already noted, the signal is not stable.

When a laptop, phone or tablet is placed close to the router, the vibrations are unnoticeable, but when moving away they begin to become more pronounced, and eventually the Wi-Fi connection is interrupted. Especially negative impact turns out to be in touch mobile phones or microwave ovens. You can fix the problem by moving the laptop closer to the wireless router.

Problems caused by battery saving

As you know, one of the fundamental functions of any laptop, tablet and phone is autonomous operation, which is achieved due to high-quality battery saving. In this regard, the developers have created a special program that allows you to save energy and which automatically turns off for a long time unused modules.

The same applies to the Wi-Fi adapter. It is quite possible that it will turn off spontaneously if it is not in use. However, it happens that the program has certain glitches and, as a result of an unstable connection with Wi-Fi, the adapter turns off after a certain period of time, regardless of whether the Internet connection is needed at the moment or not.

You can solve the problem described by disabling the mentioned option. To do this, you need to pay attention to the battery icon in the lower right corner of the screen. Having selected it, you should go to “Advanced battery charging options”, and then set optimal plan recharge. Here it is quite possible to experiment until the optimal plan is found.

Finally, you need to select the “Edit” icon. The Energy Saving Modes window appears. Here you need to set maximum performance both when operating on battery power and when operating from the network. Thus, automatic disabling of the Wi-Fi adapter will become inactive. As a result, Wi-Fi will not suddenly disappear.

However, what if all the work has been done correctly, but the Wi-Fi connection still keeps disconnecting? This means that in the most operating system installed saving settings electrical supply . You can disable this feature using the Wireless Network and Sharing Center. All you need to do is right-click on the “Wi-Fi” icon. Then you should select the required pop-up sub-item - “Change parameters”. Here you need to find the wireless connection shortcut and right-click on it. In “Properties” you should select “Network”. Then you should go to “Settings” and select “Power Management”. Here you should uncheck the box “Allowing a device to turn off to save power”.


01/23/2019 at 10:04 (2 months ago)

I started experimenting when WI-FI on modern smartphones periodically disappeared. On both. The modem needed to be rebooted. Started changing channels WI-FI settings. Did not help. I thought it was the modem's fault. I bought another one for the experiment, the same one, used. Did not help. I started changing the settings again. Changed the standard b/g auto to only b, only g. I changed the transfer speed from automatic to maximum (54 Mbit/s). I even changed the transmitter power. Unsuccessfully.

Using the program Inssider (suitable for my XP on a laptop with a WI-FI adapter), I found out that somewhere close neighbors have a very powerful WI-FI, the signal of which is only slightly weaker than that of my weak old man “ one-horned Pirelli. The 5GHz band is completely free, but my Pirelli only works in the 2.4 GHz band. :(((Moreover, the neighbor’s router is turned on in automatic channel selection mode. I saw how it suddenly changed channel from 11 to the first. So I can’t maneuver by “escaping” to a free channel.

I tried to overcome the “one-hornedness” by purchasing a new “two-horned” router TL-WR841N, connecting its “WAN” input to the output of one of Pirelli’s “LANs”. Based on the laptop, I estimated that the “two-horned” signal was a little stronger. HIS WI-FI did not disappear, even when the neighbor’s WI-FI interfered with his channel. I seemed to have solved the problem, I thought about turning off Pirelli’s WI-FI and using two routers. Then I tried to experiment with old Pirelli (something better affordable price I can’t find it for DSL). I remembered that if you just remove the Bluetooth speaker from the smartphone, when the sound starts to stutter, the radio transmission most often stops, and the smartphone pauses. This is because the smartphone not only transmits a signal via Bluetooth, but also “communicates” with the speaker. The connection is disrupted - the smartphone goes into a stupor.

I thought that using WI-FI I could try to facilitate communication between the router and smartphones and laptops. After all, it not only transmits a signal, but also encrypts it using WPA. I decided to temporarily disable encryption. And, lo and behold, the WI-FI stopped interrupting altogether!!! Then I turned on simple ancient WEP encryption - also full order! Insider showed that all competing networks use WPA, WPA-2, WPA-T, etc. encryption. Now I only have WEP. The moral of this story is this. If I'm set to WEP, my router doesn't even try to read the neighbor's WPA-encrypted signal. There is interference, it produces noise, but my native signal level on smartphones and laptops is sufficient. Changing the encryption helped the router add selectivity and tune out powerful interference. Even when the powerful neighbor’s WI-FI “sits” on my channel and simply “breathes down my back.” That's how I understood it. Maybe it will be useful to someone. Specifically, weak encryption is not a problem for me. The signal of the “one-horned” Pirelli sharply weakens as we move away from our apartment. And if someone pushes himself and connects to my network, he will have DSL speed, and the desire to interfere will immediately disappear. :)))

01/24/2019 at 00:00 (2 months ago)

Interesting experience, Thank you!
But I still wouldn’t recommend setting the security type to WEP. The problem is not only that it is not safe. There may be problems connecting new devices to the Wi-Fi network.


01/24/2019 at 01:11 (2 months ago)

I have MODERN smartphones Xiaomi Redmi 6 32/16 GB (Android 8), or, instead of one of them, Windofon (Windows mobile 8.1/10) Nokia Lumia 535.0 (2014). To be fair, the TL-WR841N router, which initially works with WPA encryption, has two WI-FI: encrypted and open, for a maximum of 32 guests. I immediately turned off the open WI-FI there, so that with my DSL I would not lose the Internet, losing its speed (512-1024 KB/s) to the speed of the oldest old switching modem (56KB/s) connected to the telephone line, popularly called the “donkey” " I remember my donkey, I even kept two living specimens. :))) In short, the TL-WR841N router has the opportunity to test the refusal of encryption as a way to overcome powerful interference.

For my Pirelli, I left only one non-standard setting: instead of “b/g mixed” - “g only”. But this is not important at all, and does not save you from interference.

Let's look at the problem today when Wi-Fi network It works unstable, and when the connection to the Wi-Fi network periodically breaks down, or the Internet connection disappears. It seems to me that this is even worse than when the Internet does not work at all. Because the problem is not clear, everything seems to work, but not as it should, the signal disappears, devices turn off, and other incomprehensible moments. It’s just that when something doesn’t work, it’s at least clear where to look for a solution, but in such a situation nothing is clear at all.

What causes an unstable Wi-Fi connection:

  • Periodic disconnections of devices from the Wi-Fi network. Or the Internet simply breaks for a while (), and everything starts working again. A very popular problem that causes a lot of inconvenience. For example, a laptop is connected to a Wi-Fi network, and the Internet is working. But periodically a yellow one appears near the connection icon Exclamation point, and the Internet disappears. Loading files gets stuck, etc. And, as a rule, the connection is restored after a while.
  • Devices do not connect to the Wi-Fi network the first time, or do not see the Wi-Fi network.
  • The Wi-Fi network completely disappears and appears.
  • Very low internet speed over wireless network (everything is fine via cable).
  • When the Wi-Fi connection only works close to the router.
  • The wireless network signal level is constantly changing.

This, of course, is not the entire list of problems that are associated with unstable operation of wireless networks. There may be many more. Very often, Wi-Fi works fine for a while, and then problems begin and go away again. You may also notice the appearance of problems, for example in the evenings, or at other times of the day.

If you have something similar, and you seem to have an Internet connection, but you can’t always use it ( use without any problems), then now we will try to fix everything.

Changing the wireless network channel when Wi-Fi is unstable

This is the first and most important tip that you should definitely try. We know that every Wi-Fi network operates on some channel. If there are many of these networks, then they begin to interfere with each other, and interference appears. As a result, Wi-Fi is unstable. Well, and various incomprehensible problems that I wrote about above, and which you have most likely already encountered.

You need to change the Wi-Fi network channel in the router settings. Details about channels, about finding a free one and about changing to different models routers, I wrote in a separate instruction:

You can try setting some kind of static channel (if you have Auto), or vice versa, set Auto if a static channel was selected. In the article linked above, I wrote about finding the freest channel using the inSSIDer program. You can use it.

You just need to go to the router settings, go to the tab where you configure the wireless network, and in the Channel item change the channel. This is what it looks like on Tp-Link routers:

And on Asus routers:

After each channel change, do not forget save the settings and reboot the router. Be sure to try several options. It should help.

As for interference, household appliances can create it. Do not place the router near microwave ovens, cordless phones, etc.

The Internet is cut off via Wi-Fi: router firmware, and other tips

Almost always, such problems in the wireless network occur due to the router. Not rarely, this is due to the firmware. Therefore, I strongly recommend updating the firmware of your router. We have instructions on our website for all popular manufacturers. Here's an example:

It is also possible that the wireless network may be unstable due to some technical problems with the router. Something with the board itself, or the power adapter. By the way, it is power adapters that very often cause such problems. The router simply does not receive the necessary power and there are connection breaks, etc. Well, strong changes in the power supply can affect the operation of the router. If the Internet goes out after you put some kind of load on the router (online videos, games, torrents, connecting new devices, etc.), then this is usually due to an inexpensive (not powerful) router.

Need to eliminate problems on the ISP side. It may well be that the connection is broken on its end, and the router has nothing to do with it. It’s very easy to check, just connect the Internet directly to your computer and check its operation.

For many people, the connection breaks down in rooms where the Wi-Fi network signal is very poor. When, for example, only one division of the network signal remains on the device.

In such a situation, you need to increase the range of your Wi-Fi network. We have an article on this topic:. Or, install . After this, problems with Internet interruptions should disappear.

And if your devices at home find a lot of available networks that operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz (as is most likely your network), and changing the channel, and even changing the router does not produce results, and the Wi-Fi network is very unstable, then this problem can be solved by purchasing a router that supports operation at a frequency of 5 GHz. This frequency is practically free. I just know a case where there were a lot of wireless networks in the house, and Wi-Fi was simply impossible to use until they switched to the 5 GHz frequency.

If the Internet disappears on only one laptop

And of course, it’s not uncommon for all devices to connect and work with a wireless network without any problems or disconnections, but one device keeps disconnecting, losing connection, etc. It’s not hard to guess that most often this device is called a laptop and runs on Windows.

In such cases, it is imperative to update the wireless adapter driver. I wrote how to do this. It is possible that the problem may be in the hardware. And it appears very often after disassembling the laptop (cleaning dust). Why is that? During assembly, the antenna that is built into the laptop often suffers. These are the problems with working with Wi-Fi networks. Very often, after this the Internet only works near the router itself.

Update: changing Wi-Fi network properties

Open Network and Sharing Center and click on your Wi-Fi network. In the new window, click on the “Wireless Network Properties” button and check the box next to “Connect even if the network does not broadcast its name (SSID).” Click Ok.

If it doesn’t help, and Wi-Fi continues to fail, then in the same window, on the “Security” tab, you can click on the “Advanced settings” button and check the box next to “Enable compatibility mode for this network with the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) )".

You can restart your computer. Thanks to Alexander for this advice. He suggested it in the comments to this article.

Here are some tips if you have any: interesting information on this topic, personal experience, then write in the comments. You can ask questions there, I will definitely answer!


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