“No one listens to my words... I’m alone...” M. Lermontov

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“NO ONE HEEDS MY WORDS... I AM ALONE,” verse. L. (presumably 1835-36). Expressing constants for Lermont. lyrics reflections on the futility, aimlessness of life lived, verse. stands out for its special concentrated, calm tonality and stylistic. concreteness characteristic of plural poems of late L.: “The day is going out... drawing red stripes,” “... and the fireplace / Crackles in front of me.” Dreams, which are full of lyricism. the hero - “vain” and “mad” in the early poems - here, like loneliness, are not assessed; a gloomy past filled with “suffering and torment” in this verse. is replaced by the “monotony” of days passing before the poet’s gaze, the search for meaning and purpose of which is strikingly narrowed: “And in vain I search with confused eyes / Between them, at least one day, marked by fate!” (cf. “I would like to make every day immortal” - “June 1831, 11 days”) (see The purpose of life in the article. Ethical ideal).

The shift in emphasis in looking at his past indicates L.’s revision of important life dimensions, tested by the reality of lived experience. Looking at the verse. in the context of all of L.'s lyrics, it can be argued that it does not indicate the futility of existence suddenly revealed to the poet: L. initially foresaw the impracticability of a great accomplishment with a thirst for it. But this possibility is always close and frightening to the poet in this verse. acquired the meaning of an accomplished and rather trivial fact, which caused the “embarrassment” of the hero.

Poem according to mood and theme. associated with the verse. “My future is in the fog,” written on the same piece of paper.

Poem. set to music by S. V. Aksyuk, A. S. Leman.

Autograph - TsGALI, f. 276, op. 1, No. 53. For the first time - LN, vol. 19-21, p. 505. No date set. According to N. Pakhomov, G. Lapkina, verse. written no later than 1837. An autographed sheet received from S. A. Raevsky was preserved in the archive of E. A. Karlgof-Drashusova.

Lit.: Pakhomov (1); Lapkina G. A., (Comments), in the book: LAB, vol. 2, p. 368; Peisakhovich (1), p. 476.

L. M. Shchemeleva.


  1. Lermontov Encyclopedia. Ch. ed. V. A. Manuilov. - M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1981. - 784 pp. with illustrations. In the back: Institute of Russian Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House). Scientific and editorial council of the publishing house.

Mikhail Lermontov: a prophet in his Fatherland

M.Yu. Lermontov is perhaps the most mystical writer in Russian literature. D.S. Merezhkovsky called him “the night luminary of Russian poetry” (A.S. Pushkin, of course, is the daylight!) and, I think, not only because the poet was born on the night of October 2-3, 1814, according to the “old style.”

It looked like a clear evening,

Neither day nor night, neither darkness nor light.

As if the poet were talking about himself. And this is not a connection to time, but to timelessness. All his poetry is permeated with eternity:

And I lost track of my years

And I catch the wings of oblivion.

How I would give them my heart to take away,

How would eternity throw mine at them!

The fifteen-year-old poet “lost” count their years old and talks about of your eternity! Who can talk about his eternity? Only the one “who is near heaven and not struck down by earthly things” and who “is not bound by earthly bonds and is punished by eternity and knowledge”...

Poetry is not only a mirror of the soul, as is commonly believed, it is a spiritual perception of the world and its poetic reflection. How many of us remember what happened to us before we were born? The question seems provocative, but Lermontov answered it:

An angel flew across the midnight sky

And he sang a quiet song;

And the month, and the stars, and the clouds in droves

Listen to that holy song...

He carried the young soul in his arms

For a world of sadness and tears,

And the sound of his song in the soul is young

He remained - without words, but alive.

And for a long time she languished in the world,

Full of wonderful desires...

The length of a human life is not in the years lived, but in the feeling of them. Old people feel young, and young Lermontov feels like an old man.

He remembers the angelic song he heard before his birth and languishes with his temporary earthly existence, punished by eternity and the knowledge of what was, long before his birth, is and will be...

Read carefully his “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov” and you will not find a single historical mistake in it! Moreover, you will come across such subtle knowledge of the era and life of the 16th century that you will be amazed!

The king feasts, first of all, “for the glory of God,” and only then “for his pleasure and joy.” Let's say we can guess this. But how did Lermontov know that in Rus' in the 16th century. there was no distillation, and there were only sweet fortified wines from overseas? Why is the daring fighter Kiribeevich not named? So as not to discredit his guardian angel! This is what ancient Russian writers of that time did.

Stepan Paramonovich acts according to “Domostroy” - a set of moral laws from the time of Ivan the Terrible. He speaks to his younger brothers about the shame of their honest family, and not of his wife.

Alena Dmitrievna - behind husband, and, therefore, the husband is a protector before her, and he himself is responsible for everything that happened to her. He comes to the defense of her and her family - the “small church”. And it is no coincidence that Kiribeevich’s blow falls on his pectoral cross: the cross crowns the church, and the husband is the crown of the family.

Love is sacrificial, and Stepan Paramonovich sacrifices his life to protect the honor of his wife. And the reward for the merchant Kalashnikov is purely royal - martyrdom, which, we hope, atones for the mortal sin of murder... Only the tsar could reward the winner like that.

How did Lermontov know all this? After all, according to the publisher A.A. Kraevsky, Lermontov sketched “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich” “out of boredom, to have fun during an illness that did not allow him to leave the room.” Therefore, he didn’t delve into archives, didn’t go to libraries, and the first editions of “Domostroy” appeared only after his death...

Even more impressive is his knowledge of the future, first of all, of his own death.

At the age of 16, M. Lermontov will write:

At the place of execution, proud, even despicable,

I will end my life.

I foresaw my lot, my end...

A bloody grave awaits me

A grave without prayers and without a cross,

On the wild shore of roaring waters

And under the foggy sky; emptiness

A comment is needed here to make this prophecy of the poet understandable. The fact is that, according to the church laws that existed in Russia at that time, those killed in a duel were classified as suicides, and they were not allowed to have a funeral service in the church. Hence - “a grave without prayers and without a cross.” He was initially buried at the Pyatigorsk cemetery “under a foggy sky,” where “emptiness is all around,” and only later was his grandmother E.A. Arsenyev will obtain permission to transport the body of her beloved grandson to her estate Tarkhany.

At 23, Lermontov again remarked:

I knew that the head you loved

It will go from your chest to the chopping block.

He knew that he would not live to a ripe old age and would not die in the war. A different fate awaits him: death on the chopping block - a duel.

Shortly before his death, in 1841, in the poem “Dream,” he described his death:

Midday heat in the valley of Dagestan

With lead in my chest I lay motionless;

The deep wound was still smoking,

Drop by drop my blood flowed.

According to Prince A.I. Vasilchikov, Lermontov’s second, “the wound was smoking in the right side, blood was oozing in the left, the bullet pierced the heart and lungs.”

And three months before his death, on April 12, at the Karamzins’ farewell party, Lermontov was sad and, according to Rostopchina’s recollections, “during the entire dinner and goodbye... he only talked about the imminent death awaiting him.”

It's time to get your last sleep;

I have lived quite in peace...

It seems that he is burdened with his life and turns to God:

Arrange only so that from now on you

It didn’t take me long to thank him.

None of the poets has ever addressed the Creator with such a request. It is no coincidence that the philosopher and poet Vl. Soloviev will condemn Lermontov for fighting against God, but another philosopher and poet, D. Merezhkovsky, will stand up for him: “...Who knows if God will not say to Lermontov’s judges, as to Job’s friends: “... My anger burns because you spoke wrong about Me true, like My servant Job,” – My servant Lermontov”...

In addition to prophecies about his death, Lermontov also left “Prediction” (1830) about Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century.

The year will come, Russia's black year,

When the kings crown falls;

The mob will forget their former love for them,

And the food of many will be death and blood.

Obviously, we are talking about two revolutions of 1917 and their consequences - the Civil War:

When children, when innocent wives

The overthrown will not be protected by the law;

When the plague is from stinking, dead bodies

Will begin to wander among the sad villages,

To call from the huts with a scarf,

And hunger will begin to torment this poor land;

And the glow will color the waves of the rivers:

On that day a mighty man will appear,

And you will recognize him - and you will understand,

Why is there a damask knife in his hand:

And woe for you! - your cry, your moan

Then it will seem funny to him;

And everything will be terrible, gloomy in it,

Like his cloak with his lofty brow.

Where did Lermontov get his knowledge about blue glow Earth, which astronauts will see from space for the first time 120 years after his death?

It’s solemn and wonderful in heaven!

The earth sleeps in glow of blue

Is it difficult to be a prophet in your own country? Pushkin's prophet had to, upon receiving God's gift, go to people in order to “burn” their hearts with his words. Lermontovsky is an outcast, he is not accepted:

Since the eternal judge

He gave me the omniscience of a prophet,

I read in people's eyes,

Pages of malice and vice.

In the preface to the novel “Hero of Our Time,” Lermontov notes that “A Hero of Our Time ... is a portrait, composed of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development" Well, who would like such a diagnosis of a disease in society?

I began to proclaim love

And the truth is pure teachings:

All my neighbors are in me

They threw stones wildly.

Pushkin in life is always among friends; Lermontov is characterized by loneliness and is accompanied by rockfall.

I sprinkled ashes on my head,

I fled the cities as a beggar,

And here I live in the desert,

Like the birds, the gift of God's food;

Keeping the eternal covenant,

The earthly creature is submissive to me;

And the stars listen to me

Joyfully playing with rays.

It is not in a human society decayed by sins, but in pristine nature - the magnificent creation of God, that the Prophet finds the harmony of life, like the first person in paradise. The exodus from paradise to people causes aggression on their part:

When through the noisy hail

I'm making my way in a hurry

That's what the elders tell their children

With a proud smile:

“Look: here is an example for you!

He was proud and did not get along with us:

Fool, he wanted to assure us,

What God says through his lips!

Look, children, at him:

How gloomy and thin and pale he is!

Look how naked and poor he is,

How everyone despises him!

“The Prophet” is one of Lermontov’s last poems; it is an awareness of one’s life purpose and its fulfillment.

Which of his contemporaries understood the poet? Alas, no one, not even for twenty years, forgot about him, and therefore the poet’s last bitter confessions:

No one listens to my words... I'm alone.

The day is fading... drawing red stripes,

The clouds turned to the west, and the fireplace

Cracking in front of me. I'm full of dreams

About the future... and my days in a crowd

They pass monotonously before me,

And in vain I search with confused eyes

There is at least one day between them, marked by fate!

It is difficult to be a prophet in your own Fatherland.

Alexander Nikolaevich Uzhankov – professor, doctor of philological sciences.

Special for the Centenary

"No one listens to my words...I'm alone" “NO ONE HEEDS MY WORDS...I AM ALONE”, poem. L. (presumably 1835-36). Expressing constants for Lermont. lyrics reflections on the futility, aimlessness of life lived, verse. stands out for its special concentrated, calm tonality and stylistic. concreteness characteristic of plural poems of late L.: “The day is going out...drawing in red stripes,” “...and the fireplace / is crackling in front of me.” Dreams, which are full of lyricism. the hero - “vain” and “mad” in the early poems - here, like loneliness, are not assessed; a gloomy past filled with “suffering and torment” in this verse. is replaced by the “monotony” of days passing before the poet’s gaze, the search for meaning and purpose of which is strikingly narrowed: “And in vain I search with confused eyes / Between them, at least one day, marked by fate!” (cf. “I would like to make every day immortal” - “June 1831, 11 days”) (see. The purpose of life in Art. Ethical ideal). The shift in emphasis in looking at his past indicates L.’s revision of important life dimensions, tested by the reality of lived experience. Looking at the verse. in the context of all of L.'s lyrics, it can be argued that it does not indicate the futility of existence suddenly revealed to the poet: L. initially foresaw the impracticability of a great accomplishment with a thirst for it. But this possibility is always close and frightening to the poet in this verse. acquired the meaning of an accomplished and rather trivial fact, which caused the “embarrassment” of the hero. Poem according to mood and theme. associated with the verse. “My future is in the fog,” written on the same piece of paper. Poem. set to music by S. V. Aksyuk, A. S. Leman. Autograph - TsGALI, f. 276, op. 1, No. 53. For the first time - LN, vol. 19-21, p. 505. No date set. According to N. Pakhomov, G. Lapkina, verse. written no later than 1837. An autographed sheet received from S. A. Raevsky was preserved in the archive of E. A. Karlgof-Drashusova.

Lit.: Pakhomov(1); Lapkina G. A., in the book: LAB, vol. 2, p. 368; Peisakhovich(1), p. 476.

L. M. Shchemeleva Lermontov Encyclopedia / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute rus. lit. (Pushkin. House); Scientific-ed. Council of the publishing house "Sov. Encycl."; Ch. ed. Manuilov V. A., Editorial Board: Andronikov I. L., Bazanov V. G., Bushmin A. S., Vatsuro V. E., Zhdanov V. V., Khrapchenko M. B. - M.: Sov. Encycl., 1981


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