Standards for artificial lighting of production workshops. Workshop lighting

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A production workshop, a warehouse, a conveyor - none of these objects can operate without lighting, which in this context is usually called industrial. Lamps of various types increase productivity, reduce personnel fatigue and ensure safety of the work process. Accordingly, increased requirements for reliability and functionality are placed on the design of lighting for industrial buildings and indoor workplaces.

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Types of industrial lighting

In industrial production, such types of lighting as natural, artificial and emergency are used. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


It means the sun, the rays of which fall directly or reflected onto the illuminated object. There are several types of natural lighting in a building: top, side and combined. In the first case, light enters the room through openings in the ceilings. When applied from the side, it penetrates inside through openings in the walls. Both options combine combined lighting.

Artificial lighting

The need for it in production arose due to the inconsistency of the natural source - the sun. Working and duty (the second is used during non-working hours) provides visibility at work sites. For this purpose, luminaires with fluorescent, high-pressure gas-discharge lamps or LED sources are installed in buildings.

Emergency lighting

It is used in emergency situations and is divided into two types: for evacuation and for safety. The first provides the proper conditions for the prompt evacuation of people from the building and is represented by devices with inscriptions and signs. They are installed at exits or fire safety equipment locations. Lighting of industrial premises for safety purposes is required when turning off the main source leads to a dangerous situation: fire, poisoning, disruption of the technological process.

One of the types of artificial work lighting is LED. Industrial LED lamps are economical and ergonomic. They can be used in conditions of high humidity, at high and low temperatures, in dusty buildings. This is achieved due to the special housing design, which minimizes external influences on them and eliminates overheating. The last problem is solved by using radiators to remove heat.

LED elements are used in manufacturing plants and large buildings. They are capable of reducing electricity costs by 4-7 times compared to fluorescent and traditional sources. LED lamps are durable and do not require special care or maintenance. They have a high margin of safety, since the flask is made of polymer material, and therefore are suitable for difficult operating conditions. Even when broken, they do not release toxic substances, as is the case with fluorescent ones, so they do not pose a health threat to people present in the room.

Dome lamps

These suspended devices are designed for large industrial facilities (workshops, warehouse complexes, hangars) and other buildings with ceilings higher than 4 m. In addition to the dome design, they are characterized by a convenient fastening with a reflector rotation function. The configuration of the dome determines at what scattering angle the rays will propagate. Dome models have a dust- and moisture-proof housing (IP57 and higher), operate in a temperature range from -40 to +50 ° C and operate on average about 75 thousand hours.

Floodlights are installed not indoors, but also outside. They create a stream of rays and shape its transmission at a certain angle, depending on the design features of the housing, installed lenses and reflectors. Optical solutions that produce a beam of light at an angle of 15, 30, 45, 60 or 90° are common.

Ceiling lamps

Ceiling lamps are attached directly to the ceiling and create diffused rather than directed light, evenly illuminating the entire workshop, warehouse or other building. They can be built-in or overhead. Ceiling lamps are easy to maintain, economical and are also used for emergency lighting.

Individual lighting

It is used to highlight the work area of ​​employees as much as possible, focus attention on details, or ensure compliance with safety regulations. It makes sense to equip the operator’s position on a conveyor belt or behind a machine. LED spotlights with a bright directional beam that hits the workplace of one or two or three workers would be appropriate here.

Lighting of workshops and warehouses

To solve this problem, LED solutions are widely used. They have proven themselves in the industrial sector for a number of reasons.

  • Demonstrate cost effectiveness. They are 4-7 times more economical than halogen and fluorescent analogues and do not require regular replacement of starters.
  • They last at least 50,000 hours. In practice, this figure reaches 75,000 and even 100,000 hours, which corresponds to 4-8 years of continuous operation.
  • They pay for themselves within 6-12 months. This takes into account their service life, energy efficiency and it is assumed that they will be on 24 hours a day.
  • They produce a luminous flux with different characteristics. Depending on the needs of production, the optimal values ​​of the spectrum, power, and directivity are selected.
  • Practical and reliable. Not only the service life of LED elements plays a role, but also the strength of the structure. They are not fragile, are not afraid of vibration and weigh little. They are not afraid of frequent switching on and off, dusty and humid rooms.

If a workshop, warehouse or other building has an elongated shape, it is reasonable to install linear ceiling devices in it. Dome solutions are suitable for organizing local light flux. If natural light enters the production room, the operation of the artificial source must adapt to it. This problem is solved by manually turning on and off lighting fixtures or using sensors and timers that operate automatically throughout the entire area or in individual sectors.

The influence of industrial lighting on human performance

Artificial light affects biological processes in the human body. It determines the visibility of objects in the workplace and affects the emotional state, endocrine and immune systems, metabolic rate and other vital processes. Natural light from the sun is a priority for the human body. In order for artificial analogues to replace it, the spectral compositions of the radiation must match. Otherwise, visual discomfort leads to the following consequences:

  • Fatigue
  • Decreased concentration
  • The appearance of a headache
  • Difficulty recognizing objects

Requirements and standards for lighting of industrial premises

Industrial structures are designed taking into account approved standards. Current standards make it possible to organize comfortable and safe workplaces. Requirements and standards are listed in the set of rules SP52.13330.2011 (formerly SNiP 23-05-95) “Natural and artificial lighting”. Engineers are also guided by SP “Hygienic requirements for the design of newly built and reconstructed industrial enterprises”, GOST 15597-82 “Lamps for industrial buildings. General technical conditions" and industry standards. Here is a brief statement of the basic design rules set out in these standards.

  • The level of illumination in an industrial workshop or other structure corresponds to the type of work that is performed in it.
  • The brightness is the same throughout the entire room. This is achieved by painting walls and ceilings in light shades.
  • The lamps used have spectral characteristics that ensure correct color rendering.
  • There are no objects with pronounced reflective surfaces in a person’s field of vision. This avoids direct and reflected glare and thus eliminates the possibility of glare.
  • The room is evenly illuminated throughout work shifts.
  • The possibility of sharp and dynamic shadows appearing in workplaces, which lead to an increase in injuries, is eliminated.
  • Lamps, wires, switchboards, transformers are located in places that are safe for others.

Calculation of industrial premises lighting

Ergonomically correct design of workplaces creates comfortable and safe working conditions. When choosing lighting sources for a workshop, it is customary to rely on three evaluation criteria:

  • The amount of luminous flux. Based on this parameter, the illumination required for a building or a separate sector is calculated and the number of sources to provide it is determined. This takes into account the type and purpose of the room, the area and height of the ceilings, and takes into account building rules and regulations, including industry ones.
  • Colorful temperature. Determines the intensity of light radiation and its color - from warm yellow to cool white.
  • Terms of Use. Here it is important to take into account the average temperature in the production room, the level of humidity, dust, vibration and other factors.

According to standards, if workers do not perform visual tasks, the brightness is 150 lm per 1 m2. If average visual load is assumed, this figure increases to 500 lm per 1 m2. In those rooms where they work with parts with a diameter of up to 10 mm, the luminous flux level is at least 1,000 lm per 1 m2. To obtain a luminous flux of 400-450 lm, you will need a 40 W halogen lamp, an 8 W fluorescent lamp or a 4 W LED lamp.

In the workplace, the color temperature is brought closer to the parameters of natural light. This is from 4,000 to 4,5000 K. If regular reading of documentation is expected, the color temperature is increased towards cool white, but not more than 6,000 K.

The power of the luminous flux is influenced by the installation features of the device (the higher it is located, the fewer lumens it produces), the presence or absence of a diffuser, and the degree of transparency of the glass. When choosing a specific light source, it is also customary to focus on the stability of the luminous flux, the efficiency of the selected product, its electrical parameters and safety requirements.


Management companies and business owners in Moscow and beyond are increasingly using LED solutions for production and other facilities. LED light sources have declared themselves to be economical, durable, easy to maintain, comfortable for vision and safe from the point of view of constant exposure to the human body.

Calculation of natural and artificial lighting is carried out according to the standards SNiP II-A.8–72 and SNiP II-A.9–71.

Forging and stamping shops work, as a rule, in two shifts, and certain areas, for example, some thermal departments (see), work in three shifts, and, therefore, cannot be fully provided with natural light during working hours. Even during the day shift in winter, as well as in cloudy weather, artificial lighting is often required.

Workshop lighting

Artificial lighting must provide illumination during any work shift that allows for the adjustment of equipment without production defects and injuries arising due to insufficient illumination. In addition, the lighting in each section of the workshop must be such that the possibility of excessive fatigue of the worker as a result of visual strain is excluded.

Artificial lighting is provided by a single general lighting system or a combined lighting system, that is, general and local. The use of local lighting alone is not permitted.

The general lighting system can be implemented by uniformly placing lamps in the room or by localized placement, taking into account the location of work areas.

Artificial lighting is divided into working and emergency. Working lighting is intended to ensure normal operation of the workshop in the dark, and emergency lighting is turned on in cases where it is necessary for people to leave the workshop or continue working in it in the event of a sudden shutdown of the working lighting. Emergency lighting fixtures must be connected to a separate electrical network.

Artificial lighting can be provided by gas-discharge lamps (see), as well as mercury lamps such as DRL and DRI.

Lighting standards for industrial premises

Standards for illumination of working surfaces in industrial premises are established depending on the characteristics of visual work: I category - work of the highest precision, IX category (last) - work in warehouses of bulky objects and bulk materials. Forging and cold stamping shops can be classified as category IV - medium precision work. The lowest permissible illumination when using a general lighting system for forge shops is 300 lux, for forge shops for stamping 400 lux, for forge shops 400 lux, at 500 lux, in technical control areas (III – high-precision work) 750 lux.

When using fluorescent and mercury lamps with color-corrected DRL type, it is necessary to take measures to weaken the stroboscopic effect, since it makes rapidly rotating parts of machines seem motionless. Contact of a worker with such parts leads to injury.

Local lighting lamps (with any lamps) must have reflectors made of non-translucent material with a protective angle of at least 30°, and when the lamps are located no higher than the eye level of the worker - at least 10°.

When designing lighting installations in forging and cold stamping shops, a safety factor should be introduced that takes into account the decrease in illumination during operation of the installations (contamination of lamps, aging of lamps, etc.). The safety factor for fluorescent lamps is 1.8. Cleaning of lamps should be done at least three times a month.

Not only the health of a person’s eyes and performance, but also his physical and psycho-emotional state directly depend on the degree of illumination. Moreover, in rooms for different purposes, lighting requirements must differ. Also, when calculating illumination, it is reasonable to take into account the characteristics of the work process carried out by a person in such a room, its frequency and duration. This issue should be given special attention when designing and installing all kinds of lighting systems.

There is also a division of lighting design standards by industry. Below are some of them:

  • Lighting standards for residential buildings, administrative buildings, banking and insurance institutions:
  • Lighting standards for educational institutions, leisure facilities, and preschool institutions;
  • Lighting standards for public catering establishments, consumer services, shops, pharmacies, shop windows; Lighting standards for stations, hotels, enterprises;
  • Standards for lighting streets, roads and squares, impassable parts of streets, roads, squares, closed vehicle tunnels, vehicle tunnels that have one wall with open openings;
  • Standards for lighting boulevards and squares, pedestrian streets and neighborhoods, parks, stadiums and exhibitions;
  • Standards for external architectural lighting of urban facilities and areas adjacent to public buildings;
  • Standards for lighting open parking lots and entrances to refueling and storage areas.

Documentary basis

The calculation of illumination standards is regulated by several legal acts. The most important document is SNiP. There are also SanPiN, MGSN (Moscow City Building Standards), as well as a large number of regional (for each subject of the Russian Federation) and industry documents, acts, etc.

Building codes and rules for lighting design are a set of regulatory documents in the field of construction, adopted by executive authorities and containing mandatory requirements, which include 4 parts:

  1. General provisions.
  2. Design standards.
  3. Rules for the implementation and acceptance of work.
  4. Estimated rules and regulations.


Sanitary rules and regulations cover a huge area of ​​influence. The requirements of SanPin must be taken into account when developing SNiP, technical and regulatory documentation and agreed with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation. SanPin applies both to existing production facilities and to the design and operation of enterprises and buildings under construction. Sanitary norms and rules impose serious requirements for ensuring human living conditions and establish a standard for the safety of environmental factors.

These requirements must be taken into account when developing SNiP, regulatory and technical acts, and also be agreed upon with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation.


Calculation of the illumination norm is carried out in Lux (Lx). Lux is 1 lumen per sq.m. It is for this indicator that there are international and Russian standards.

It is worth noting that the developed parameters relate to:

  • planes of tables in the case of a classroom, office, etc.
  • floor, ground surface in the case of a staircase, stadium, open area, street, etc.

Workplace illumination standards

There are tables indicating the optimal amount of Lux for objects of all types. We present indicators for the main groups - offices, production facilities, warehouses, and residential buildings.

Lighting standards for office premises

Lighting standards for industrial premises

The calculation of indicators is carried out based on the characteristics of visual work.

Visual work category Characteristic Subcategory Illumination (combined system), Lux Illumination (general system), Lux
I Highest precision A
II Very high precision A
III High precision A
IV Medium accuracy A
V Low accuracy A
400 300
VI Rough 200
VII General monitoring of the production process A

a - constant work, b - periodic work with constant stay in the room, c - periodic work with periodic stay in the room, d - general observation of engineering communications.

Lighting standards for warehouse premises

Residential lighting standards

Type of room Illumination standard according to SNiP, Lux
Lift shaft 5
Passages of technical floors, basements, attics 20
Ventilation chambers, heating points, pumping and electrical switchboards 20
Bicycles, strollers 30
Stairs 20
Concierge room 150
Bathrooms, toilets, showers 50
Billiard room 300
Gym 150
Sauna, swimming pool, locker room 100
Wardrobe 75
auxiliary 300
Apartment corridors and halls 50
Office, library 300
Children's 200
Kitchens 150
Living rooms 150
Lobbies 30

Whatever type of room it is, you need to carefully plan and think through its lighting. The comfort and health of the people in it directly depends on this.

Standardized indicators for streets and roads of urban settlements with regular traffic with asphalt concrete pavement

Object category Class Main purpose of the object Design speed, km/h Average illumination of the road surface, Еср, lux,
no less
Main roads and city streets Outside the city center A1 Highways, federal and transit routes, main city thoroughfares 100 30
A2 Other federal roads and main streets 80-100 20
Downtown A3 Central highways connecting streets with access to the A1 highway 90 20
A4 Main historical passages of the center, internal connections of the center 80 20
Highways and district streets Outside the city center B1 60-70 20
Downtown B2 Main roads and streets of the city of regional significance 60 15
Local streets and roads Residential development outside the city center IN 1 Transport and pedestrian connections within residential areas and access to highways except for streets with continuous traffic 60 15
Residential development in the city center AT 2 Transport and pedestrian connections in residential areas, access to highways 60 10
In urban industrial, municipal and warehouse areas AT 3 Transport connections within production and utility-warehouse areas 60 6

Standardized indicators for streets and roads in rural settlements

Illumination of enterprise territories

Illuminated objects Maximum traffic intensity in both directions, units/hour Minimum illumination in the horizontal plane, lux

St. 50 to 150

Fire passages, roads for household needs 0,5
Pedestrian and bicycle paths

From 20 to 100

Steps and landings of stairs and walkways 3
Pedestrian paths on playgrounds and squares 0,5
Pre-factory areas that do not belong to the city (areas in front of buildings, entrances and passages to buildings, parking lots) 2
arrow necks

individual turnouts

railway track

Transitions and relocations 6

Lighting for gas stations and parking lots

Average horizontal illumination values ​​for underground and overground pedestrian crossings

Classification and standardized indicators for pedestrian spaces

lighting object
Object name Esr, lk,
no less
P1 Areas in front of the entrances of cultural, sports, entertainment and shopping facilities. 20
P2 The main pedestrian streets of the historical part of the city and the main public centers of the administrative districts, impassable and pre-factory squares, landing, children's and recreation areas. 10
P3 Pedestrian streets; main and auxiliary entrances of parks, sanatoriums, exhibitions and stadiums. 6
P4 Sidewalks separated from the carriageway of roads and streets; main passages of microdistricts, entrances, approaches and central alleys of children's, educational and health care institutions. 4
P5 Secondary passages in the territories of microdistricts, utility areas in the territories of microdistricts, side alleys and auxiliary entrances of city-wide parks and central alleys of parks of administrative districts. 2
P6 Side alleys and auxiliary entrances of parks of administrative districts. 1

Standards for external architectural lighting of urban facilities

Urban space category Location of the lighting object Illuminated object Fill and accent. light, medium brightness accent. the light of the element,
Le, cd/m2
Local flood lighting, medium brightness,
L, cd/m2
A Squares of the capital's center, areas of city-wide dominants Architectural monuments of national importance, large public buildings, monuments and dominant objects 30 10
Main streets and squares of citywide importance Architectural, historical and cultural monuments, buildings, structures and monuments of urban significance 25 8
Parks, gardens, boulevards, public gardens and pedestrian streets of citywide importance Notable buildings, structures, landmarks and monuments, unique landscape elements 15 5
B Areas of district and regional public centers Monuments and monuments, buildings and structures of district and district significance 20 8
Main streets and squares of district and district significance Same 15 5
Parks, gardens, squares, boulevards and pedestrian streets of district and regional significance 10 3
IN Streets and squares, local pedestrian roads Monuments and monuments, landmark buildings and structures 10 3
Gardens, squares, local boulevards The same goes for the characteristic elements of the landscape 8 3

Display lighting

Lighting of building entrances

Emergency lighting of escape routes

Emergency and security lighting

Standard indicators for lighting the main premises of public, residential and auxiliary buildings

Illuminated objects Height of the plane above the floor (H – horizontal, V – vertical), m With combined lighting In general lighting
Administrative buildings (ministries, departments, committees, prefectures, municipalities, departments, design and engineering organizations, research institutions, etc.)
1. Cabinets and workrooms, offices G-0.8 400/200 300
2. Design halls and rooms, design, drawing bureaus G-0.8 600/400 500
3. Premises for visitors, expeditions G-0.8 400/200 300
4. Reading rooms G-0.8 500/300 400
5. Reader's catalogs B-1.0, on the front of the cards: 200
6. Book depositories and archives, open access fund premises B-1.0 (on racks) 75
7. Photocopying facilities G-0.8 300
8. Binding and stitching rooms G-0.8 300
9. Layout, carpentry and repair shops G-0.8, on workbenches and work tables 750/200 300
10. Computer rooms V-1.2 (on display screen)/G-0.8 on desktops 200
11. Conference rooms, meeting rooms G-0.8 200
12. Recreation, corridors, foyer G-0.0 - on the floor 150
13. Laboratories: organic and inorganic chemistry, thermal, physical, spectrographic, stometric, photometric, microscopic, X-ray analysis, mechanical and radio measuring, electronic devices, preparatory G-0.8 500/300 400
14. Analytical laboratories G-0.8 600/400 500
Banking and insurance institutions
15. Operating room, credit group, cash room G-0.8 on desktops 500/300 400
16. Premises of the collection department, cash collection G-0.8 300
17. Depository, storage room, storage room for valuables G-0.8 200
18. Server room, premises for interbank electronic settlements G-0.8 400
19. Room for the production and processing of identification cards G-0.8 400
20. Safe G-0.8 150
Institutions of general education, primary, secondary and higher specialized education
21. Classrooms, auditoriums, study rooms, laboratories of secondary schools, boarding schools, secondary specialized and vocational institutions B – in the middle of the board/G-0.8 on work tables and desks 500/400
22. Auditoriums, classrooms, laboratories in technical schools and higher educational institutions G-0.8 400
23. Informatics and computer science classrooms B- on the display screen 200
24. Technical drawing and painting rooms On the board

G-0.8 - on work tables and desks

25. Laboratory assistants in classrooms G-0.8 400
26. Workshops for metal and wood processing G-0.8 - on workbenches and work tables 1000/200 300
27. Offices of service types of labor G-0.8 - on desktops 400
28. Gyms G-0.0 – on the floor

B – at a level of 2.0 m from the floor on both sides on the longitudinal axis of the room

29. Indoor pools G – on the surface of the water 150
30. Assembly halls, cinema audiences G-0.0 – on the floor 200
31. Stages of assembly halls G-0.0 – on the floor 300
32. Teachers' offices and rooms G-0.8 300
33. Recreation G-0.0 – on the floor 150
Leisure institutions
34. Multi-purpose halls G-0.8 400
35. Theater auditoriums, concert halls G-0.8 300
36. Auditoriums of clubs, club-living room, premises for leisure activities, meetings, theater foyers G-0.8 200
37. Exhibition halls G-0.8 200
38. Cinema auditoriums G-0.8 75
39. Foyers of cinemas, clubs G-0.0 – on the floor 150
40. Club rooms, music classes G-0.8 300
41. Film, sound and lighting equipment G-0.8 150
Children's preschool institutions
42. Receptionists G-0.0 – on the floor 200
43. Changing rooms G-0.0 – on the floor 300
44. Group, playing G-0.0 – on the floor 400
45. Music and gymnastics rooms, dining rooms G-0.0 – on the floor 400
46. ​​Sleeping G-0.0 – on the floor 100
47. Isolators, rooms for sick children G-0.0 – on the floor 200
48. Medical office G-0.8 300
Sanatoriums, holiday homes, boarding houses
49. Chambers, sleeping rooms G-0.0 – on the floor 100
50. Classrooms in children's sanatoriums G-0.0 – on the floor 500
Sports and recreational institutions
51. Sports halls G-0.0 – on the floor/V-2.0
on both sides on the longitudinal axis of the room
52. Pool hall G-surface of water 150
53. Aerobics, gymnastics, wrestling halls G-0.0 – on the floor 200
54. Bowling alley G-0.0 – on the floor 200
Catering establishments
55. Dining rooms of restaurants, canteens G-0.8 200
56. Handouts G-0.8 200
57. Hot shops, cold shops, pre-production and procurement shops G-0.8 200
58. Washing kitchen and tableware, rooms for cutting bread G-0.8 200
The shops
59. Trading floors of stores: bookstores, ready-made clothes, linen, shoes, fabrics, fur products, hats, perfumes, haberdashery jewelry, electrical, radio goods, food without self-service G-0.8 300
60. Self-service grocery store sales areas G-0.8 400
61. Sales areas of stores: tableware, furniture, sporting goods, building materials, electrical appliances, cars, toys and office supplies G-0.8 200
62. Fitting booths V-1.5 300
63. Premises of order departments, service bureau G-0.8 200
64. Premises of the main ticket offices G-0.8 300
Consumer service enterprises
65. Baths:
a) expected-remaining

b) changing rooms, washing rooms, showers, steam rooms

c) swimming pools

G-0.8 150
G-0.0 – on the floor 75
G-0.0 – on the floor 100
66. Hairdressers G-0.8 500/300 400
67. Photos:
a) salons for receiving and issuing orders G-0.8 200
b) photo studio film room G-0.8 100
68. Darkroom Г-0.8/В-1.2 (on display screen) 400/200
69. Laundries:
a) departments for receiving and issuing linen G-0.8/V-1.0 200/75
b) washing departments: washing, preparation of solutions,

storage of washing materials

G-0.0 – on the floor 200
c) drying and ironing departments: mechanical, G-0.8 200
d) departments for disassembling and packaging linen G-0.8 200
d) mending clothes G-0.8 2000/750 750
70. Self-service laundries G-0.0 – on the floor 200
71. Dry cleaning shop:
a) salon for receiving and issuing clothes G-0.8 200
b) dry cleaning rooms G-0.8 200
c) stain removal departments G-0.8 2000/200 500
d) chemical storage rooms G-0.8 50
72. Atelier for the manufacture and repair of clothing and knitwear:
a) sewing shops G-0.8, on
2000/750 750
b) cutting compartments G-0.8, on
c) clothing repair department G-0.8 2000/750 750
d) departments for the preparation of applied materials G-0.8 300
d) manual and machine knitting departments G-0.8 500
e) ironing, decating G-0.8 300
73. Rental locations:
a) premises for visitors G-0.8 200
b) storerooms G-0.8 150
74. Repair shops:
a) production and repair of hats, furrier work G-0.8 2000/750 750
b) repair of shoes, haberdashery, metal products, plastic products, household electrical appliances G-0.8 2000/300
c) watch repair, jewelry and engraving work G-0.8 3000/300
d) repair of photo, film, radio and television equipment G-0.8 2000/200
75. Recording studio:
a) recording and listening rooms G-0.8 200
b) music libraries G-0.8 200


76. Service Bureau G-0.8 200
77. Premises of duty and service personnel G-0.8 200
78. Living rooms, rooms G-0.0 150

Residential buildings

79. Living rooms G-0.0 – on the floor 150
80. Kitchens G-0.0 – on the floor 150
81. Corridors, bathrooms, restrooms G-0.0 – on the floor 50
82. Common premises:
a) concierge room G-0.0 – on the floor 150
b) lobbies G-0.0 – on the floor 30
c) floor corridors and elevator halls G-0.0 – on the floor 20
d) stairs and landings 20
Auxiliary buildings and premises
83. Sanitary facilities:
a) washrooms, latrines, smoking rooms G-0.0 – on the floor 75
b) showers, dressing rooms, rooms for drying clothes and shoes, rooms for heating workers G-0.0 – on the floor 50
84. Health centers:
a) expected G-0.8 200
b) reception, rooms for duty personnel G-0.8 200
c) doctors’ offices, dressing rooms G-0.8 300
d) treatment rooms G-0.8 500

Other premises of production, auxiliary and public buildings

85. Lobbies and dressing rooms for street clothes:
a) in universities, schools, hostels, hotels and main theaters, clubs, entrances to large industrial enterprises and public buildings G-0.0 – on the floor 150
b) in other industrial, auxiliary and public buildings G-0.0 – on the floor 75
c) lobbies in residential buildings G-0.0 – on the floor 30
86. Stairs:
a) main staircases of public, industrial and auxiliary buildings G-0.0 - floor, platforms, steps 100
b) staircases of residential buildings G-0.0 – on the floor 20
c) the remaining staircases G-0.0 – on the floor 50
87. Elevator halls:
a) in public, industrial and auxiliary buildings G-0.0 – on the floor 75
b) in residential buildings G-0.0 – on the floor 20
88. Corridors and passages:
a) main corridors and passages G-0.0 – on the floor 75
b) floor corridors of residential buildings G-0.0 – on the floor 20
c) other corridors G-0.0 – on the floor 50
89. Machine rooms for elevators and rooms for freon installations G-0.8 30
90. Attics G-0.0 – on the floor 20


Guidelines for the implementation of RGZ in the discipline “Design of electric lighting”

1. Formulation of the problem

IN The work requires designing an electrical lighting system for a workshop of an industrial enterprise. Standard industrial equipment is installed in the production areas of the workshop. The workshop also provides for service, auxiliary and household premises. The workshop's electrical receivers are powered from the workshop's built-in transformer substation.


1. Lighting calculation

1.1. Selection of lighting systems for workshop premises

1.2. Selection of standardized illumination for each workshop room

1.3. Selecting light sources for illuminating workshop premises

1.4. Selection of lamps and their placement in the workshop premises

1.5. Calculation of electrical lighting of workshop premises

2. Electrical calculation

2.1. Selecting voltage and power source

2.2. Selecting a power supply circuit for a lighting installation

2.3. Electric lighting load calculation

2.4. Selection of group lighting panels

2.5. Selecting the brand and method of laying conductors

2.6. Calculation of conductor cross-section

2.7. Selection of protective switching devices

2.8. Calculation of single-phase short circuit currents and testing of devices

2.9. Calculation of voltage losses in conductors

Conclusion List of sources used Appendix

3. Implementation principles

The settlement and explanatory note must contain: title page, content, introduction, main part, conclusion, list of sources used, appendix.

The introduction provides the design assignment and initial data: number of the assignment option, name, purpose and dimensions of individual workshop premises, characteristics of the premises (overall and modular dimensions, environment, fire, explosion and electrical safety classification, reflection coefficient values), location of the transformer substations.

The main part of the work includes calculation tasks for performing light calculations and designing the lighting electrical network of the workshop.

The lighting system is calculated for each room of the workshop.

When forming individual sections of the calculation part of the work, it is necessary to provide all expressions and formulas used in the calculations, or provide links to previously used expressions. Below in the text of the section an example of performing calculations should be given; similar calculations are further summarized in tables.

When choosing electrical equipment or using standard values ​​of coefficients and parameters, be sure to indicate the source of information using a link.

The graphic part is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST and must contain:

workshop plan of an industrial enterprise indicating the names and characteristics of individual rooms, lamps, lighting network, lighting panels and transformer substation. Overall dimensions in the drawing are required;

schematic diagram of the supply network of the lighting installation indicating the parameters of all selected distribution points, protective switching devices and conductors

4. Options

Table 1 - List of options



Workshop of an industrial enterprise



Mechanical repair shop

Forging and press shop

Electroplating workshop

Mechanical shop

Tool shop

Metal products workshop

Mechanical assembly shop

Stamping shop

Turning shop

Mechanical repair shop

Forging and press shop

Electroplating workshop

Mechanical shop

Tool shop

Metal products workshop

Mechanical assembly shop

Stamping shop

Turning shop

Mechanical processing workshop

Mechanical repair shop

Forging and press shop

Electroplating workshop

Mechanical shop

Tool shop

Metal products workshop

Mechanical assembly shop

Stamping shop

Turning shop

Mechanical processing workshop

5. Basic design rules

A4 sheet format. Margins: top – 2.0 cm, bottom – 2.5 cm, left – 2.5 cm, right – 1.5 cm. Sheets are numbered in the upper right corner. The first page is considered to be the title page, then the contents sheet, etc. There is no number on the first sheet.

Body text: Times New Roman font, font size – 14 pt. The first line of the paragraph is indented 1.25 cm. One and a half line spacing, justified.

Headings: introduction, conclusion, list of sources used, appendix are not numbered. Introduction, conclusion and chapter titles – capital letters, 14 pt font. ordinary; The names of the sections in the chapter are in 14 pt font. – bold; the names of subsections in sections are in 14 pt font. italics.

Drawings must have a number and title. The figures are numbered by chapter (Fig. 1.1; 2.1; 3.1, etc.). Picture captions font – 14 pt. Place the picture in the center.

Tables must have a number and a title. Numbering of tables by chapters. The table name is placed above the table on the left, without indentation, on one line with its number separated by a dash. If the table is not included on one sheet, then it continues on the next sheet with the table header repeated and above the table it is indicated (for example): Continuation of the table.

Formulas are numbered by chapter. The formula number is indicated on the right in parentheses.

Symbols on plans

Carried out in accordance with GOST 21.614-88 “System of design documentation for construction. Conventional graphic images of electrical equipment and wiring on plans.” – M.: Gosstandart, 1988.

Symbols on electrical diagrams

Performed in accordance with GOST and ESKD according to: Neklepaev B.N., Kryuchkov I.P. Electrical part of power plants and substations: Reference materials for course and diploma design. – M.: Energoatomizdat, 1989.

6. Guidelines for design

Low-voltage distribution networks in the workshops of industrial enterprises are carried out separately for lighting (lighting electrical networks) and for power (power electrical networks) electrical receivers.

To design electric lighting, it is initially necessary to perform a number of steps, which are united by a common concept - lighting calculations, the result of which is the required number of lamps, as well as their rated power. In this case, the following issues must be resolved: choice of standardized illumination, choice of lighting system, choice of light sources, choice of lamps and their placement, calculation of electric lighting.

6.1. Selection of normalized illumination

To quantify the illumination of any surface in lighting engineering, the concept of illumination E is used, i.e. the ratio of the luminous flux incident on a surface to the area of ​​this surface:


The unit of measurement is lux (lx) - this is the illumination of a surface area of ​​1 m2 with a luminous flux of 1 lumen (lm).

Thus, illuminance characterizes the degree of illumination of a surface. Therefore, when designing electric lighting, it is necessary to correctly select the normalized illumination value. If you create illumination that is less than required, this will cause discomfort for people in the room, worsening working conditions, and a decrease in productivity. If the illumination turns out to be significantly higher than normal, this will lead to an unjustified increase in the costs of installing and operating the lighting system.

Table 2 – Characteristics of visual work categories



object size

visual work

visual work

discrimination, mm

highest accuracy

very high accuracy

high accuracy

average accuracy

low accuracy

very low accuracy

luminous materials and products

general monitoring of the process

The choice of illumination value is made according to regulatory documents (SP or industry standards) in accordance with the nature and characteristics of visual work. In SP, visual work is divided into appropriate categories according to the minimum size of the object of discrimination. Recommendations for determining the discharge for specific premises are given in the reference literature on lighting engineering. Below are examples for some rooms.

Table 3 - Characteristics of premises


Lighting object




Hot, dusty

Tool shop


Mechanical shop


Mechanical assembly shop


Electroplating workshop

Chemically active

Metal coating workshop

Chemically active

Forge shop

Hot, dusty

Thermal workshop

Hot, dusty

Compressor shop


Mechanical repair shop


Woodworking shop

Weaving shop

6.2. Selecting a lighting system

IN In the practice of designing lighting installations for industrial buildings, two different lighting systems are used.

The first system - the general lighting system - is lighting in which lamps are placed in the upper zone of the room. Its purpose is not only to illuminate the work surfaces, but also the entire room as a whole, since general lighting lamps are usually placed under the ceiling of the room at a fairly large distance from the work surfaces.

IN In a general lighting system, it is customary to distinguish between two methods of placing lamps: uniform and localized. In a system of general uniform lighting, the distances between lamps in each row and the distances between rows are kept constant. In a system of general localized lighting, the position of each lamp is determined by considerations of choosing the most advantageous direction of the light flux and eliminating shadows in the illuminated workplace, i.e. depends entirely on the location of the equipment.

Uniform arrangement of general lighting fixtures is usually used

V in cases where it is desirable to provide identical lighting conditions throughout the entire area of ​​the room as a whole. If additional illumination of certain areas of the illuminated room is necessary, if these areas are large enough in area or if operating conditions make it impossible to install local lighting, resort to localized placement of lamps.

Localized placement of luminaires in the above cases makes it possible, while reducing the specific installed power compared to the uniform placement option, to provide better lighting quality, in particular, to create the desired direction of the light flux onto work surfaces and eliminate falling shadows from nearby equipment.

The second system is a combined lighting system - lighting in which local lighting is added to general lighting. This system includes both lamps located directly at the workplace and designed to illuminate only the working surface (local lighting), and general lighting lamps designed to equalize the distribution of brightness in the field of view and create the necessary illumination along the passages of the room. A combination lighting system typically has higher initial equipment costs than a general lighting system.

From the point of view of ease of use, the combined lighting system has advantages over the general lighting system. Indeed, since local lighting lamps are located directly at workplaces, their cleaning, replacement of burnt-out lamps, as well as systematic supervision and routine repair of the lighting installation are greatly simplified. Local lighting at workplaces where no work is currently being done can be turned off, which provides greater flexibility in lighting operation, eliminating wasteful energy consumption.

6.3. Selecting light sources

All light sources, based on the principle of generating a luminous flux, can be divided into groups according to the principle of operation: incandescent lamps, gas-discharge lamps, LEDs, etc.

Incandescent lamps. The action of incandescent lamps is based on the principle of thermal radiation. The glow in these lamps occurs as a result of heating the filament to a high temperature. At low temperatures, the body emits almost exclusively invisible infrared rays. As the temperature rises, the composition of the spectrum changes and the visible radiation increases.

Incandescent lamps are easy to manufacture, easy to use, do not require additional devices to be connected to the network, and provide almost instantaneous ignition when turned on, regardless of the ambient temperature. The disadvantage of these lamps is low luminous efficiency (10-15 lm/W) with high brightness of the filament, low efficiency equal to 10-13%. The service life of the lamps is 1000-2000 hours. The lamps provide a continuous spectrum, which differs from the spectrum of daylight by the predominance of yellow and red rays, which distorts a person’s perception of the colors of surrounding objects.

Due to the adoption of Federal Law No. 261 “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” this type of lamps is being gradually replaced with more energy-efficient light sources.

Halogen incandescent lamps Along with the tungsten filament, they contain vapors of one or another halogen in the flask, which increases the filament temperature and virtually eliminates evaporation. They have a longer service life (up to 3000 hours) and higher light output (up to 30 lm/W).

Gas discharge lamps emit light as a result of electrical discharges in gas vapor. A layer of a luminous substance is applied to the inner surface of the flask - a phosphor, which transforms electrical discharges into visible light. There are low-pressure (fluorescent) and high-pressure gas-discharge lamps (DRL, DRI, DNAT).

Fluorescent lamps They create artificial light in industrial and other premises that is close to natural light, and are more economical in comparison with other lamps. The operation of a fluorescent lamp is based on the use of ultraviolet radiation in low-pressure mercury vapor filling the lamp bulb, when an electric current passes through them, followed by its conversion using a phosphor into visible radiation.

The advantages of fluorescent lamps include a longer service life and high luminous efficiency (60-80 lm/W). The glow occurs from the entire surface of the tube, and, consequently, the brightness and glare of fluorescent lamps is significantly lower than incandescent lamps. The low surface temperature of the bulb makes the lamp relatively fireproof.

Despite a number of advantages, fluorescent lighting also has some disadvantages: a complex switching circuit that requires ballasts (ballasts); sensitivity to fluctuations in ambient temperature.

One of the modern modifications of fluorescent lamps are compact fluorescent lamps. They retain all the main advantages of fluorescent lamps, which have already become traditional, but at the same time they can be used in ordinary lamps instead of incandescent lamps. This was made possible by integrating ballasts into the lamp body, as well as using a threaded base. Such lamps have received the unofficial name of energy-saving lamps, since due to the high light output characteristic of fluorescent lamps they have reduced power consumption (about 5 times) compared to incandescent lamps with similar light parameters.

For lighting open spaces and high (more than 6 m) industrial premises, lighting has become widespread. mercury arc lamps DRL. These lamps, unlike conventional fluorescent lamps, concentrate significant power in a small volume. Structurally, the lamp consists of an external cylinder made of glass, inside of which is placed a quartz gas-discharge lamp filled with a certain amount of mercury and an inert gas. A layer of phosphor is applied to the inner surface of the container.

The main advantages of DRL lamps are their resistance to atmospheric influences and the ability to manufacture high-power lamps. The disadvantages of lamps include a long ignition time when turned on, as well as the ability to re-ignite only after cooling. It should be noted that it is also significant

The disadvantage is poor color rendering, which allows the use of lamps only in the absence of any requirements for color discrimination.

Along with DRL lamps, it is possible to use metal halide lamps DRI. These light sources are an improvement of DRL lamps. The addition of metal iodides made it possible to increase the luminous efficiency to 70-90 lm/W, as well as improve the spectral composition of the light. Otherwise, DPI lamps are characterized by the same features (long service life, switching on via ballasts, etc.) as any other gas-discharge lamps.

HPS sodium lamps are the most economical of gas discharge lamps. The luminous efficiency of such light sources is 90-120 lm/W with a fairly long service life. However, sharply incorrect color rendering with a predominance of yellow rays makes HPS lamps suitable mainly for outdoor street lighting.

IN Recently, electric lighting has become increasingly popular LEDs. The operation of these light sources is based on the physical phenomenon of the appearance of light radiation when an electric current passes through a semiconductor p-n junction. Light energy is released during the recombination of electric charge carriers moving towards each other - electrons and holes at the boundary of the p-n junction.

LEDs are an ideal replacement for conventional incandescent lamps due to their ability to be used in lamps with a standard base. At the same time, they have a number of undoubted advantages: low power consumption, instant ignition, ease of maintenance, high mechanical strength and reliability, and a service life can reach 100 thousand hours. The disadvantage of such light sources at the moment is their excessively high cost.

IN In general, when deciding on the choice of a light source for lighting industrial premises, it is necessary to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of light sources and then draw a conclusion about the need and advisability of using certain lamps, taking into account the recommendations of the joint venture.

6.4. Selection of lamps

A lighting device is a combination of lighting fixtures and a light source placed in it. Lighting devices designed to illuminate objects located relatively close to them are called lamps, and distant objects are called floodlights.

The need to place the lamp inside the lighting fixture is caused by the following considerations. When burning, an open lamp emits a luminous flux into space evenly in all directions. About half of the total emitted flux is directed to the upper hemisphere. This part of the light flux, falling on dark-colored or dirty walls and ceilings of industrial premises, as a result of reflection, either gives a slight increase in illumination of the workplace, or is not used at all. Lighting fixtures allow you to redistribute the luminous flux of the light source, i.e. send him in the right direction.

By using appropriate lighting fixtures depending on the external environment, you can also reliably protect the lamp from dirt, corrosion, mechanical damage, moisture, fire and explosive dust and vapors.

In general, all lamps are characterized by the following basic indicators:

the nature of the distribution of light flux in space;

the value of the protective angle;


IP protection degree.

Lamps, depending on the specified conditions for the distribution of luminous flux between the upper and lower hemispheres, are divided into the following groups.

Direct light luminaires (D) direct at least 80% of the total luminous flux emitted by the lamp to the lower hemisphere. Due to the fact that the largest part of the light flux is directed directly onto the illuminated surfaces, direct light lamps are the most economical in terms of energy consumption and are used for lighting industrial premises and outdoor lighting. Their disadvantage is the appearance of rather sharp shadows.

Lamps with predominantly direct light (H) emit from 60 to 80% of the total luminous flux into the lower hemisphere. Such lamps are used in workshops with highly reflective walls and ceilings.

Diffused light lamps (P) emit luminous flux in all directions (from 40 to 60% in each hemisphere). This group is intermediate between direct and reflected light luminaires and is used in industrial premises, when it is necessary, in addition to lighting the lower part of the room, to also illuminate part of the process equipment and pipelines located in the upper part of the room. Lamps of this group are widely used for lighting administrative and domestic premises with light colored ceilings and walls.

Lamps of predominantly reflected light (B) direct from 60 to 80% of the light flux to the upper hemisphere and are used in cases where, due to the nature of the work performed in a given room, there should be no shadows.

Reflected light luminaires (O) direct at least 80% of the luminous flux emitted by the lamp to the upper hemisphere. When illuminating clean and bright rooms, they create light evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the room, with almost no sharp shadows or penumbra. These lamps are used for lighting public buildings, as well as for architectural lighting. Reflected light luminaires are less energy efficient than luminaires of direct or diffused light groups.

The flux emitted in a given hemisphere can also be distributed differently in space. Its distribution in individual directions of space is characterized by luminous intensity curves. GOST establishes the following main types of luminous intensity curves: K – concentrated; G – deep; D – cosine; C – sinus; L

– semi-wide; W – wide; M – uniform.

Another characteristic of the luminaires is its protective angle. To protect the observer's eyes from the effects of the brightness of the light source, each lamp must have a certain protective angle.

Rice. 1.Typical luminous intensity curves

The protective angle of a lamp with an incandescent lamp is the angle γ formed by two straight lines, one of which passes through the filament body of the lamp, and the other connects the extreme point of the filament body with the opposite edge of the reflector.

Rice. 2. Protective angle of the lamp

The luminous flux emitted by an open lamp will always be greater than the luminous flux of a lamp with the same lamp. This is explained by the fact that part of the light flux is absorbed by the lighting fixtures.

The ratio of the luminous flux of the lamp F sv to the luminous flux of the light source (lamp) F l is called the efficiency coefficient of the lamp:

F St


According to the degree of protection from environmental influences, determined by the IP code (Ingress Protection) indicating two numbers, the first of which characterizes the protection of the lamp from the penetration of solid bodies, and the second from the ingress of water, lamps are divided into conventional ones, for example, with a degree of protection IP20, and protected from dust and moisture, for example IP54 and IP65.

Table 4 – Degree of protection according to GOST 14254-96

Solid body protection

Moisture protection

No protection

No protection

Protection against solid bodies > 50 mm

Protection against dripping water

Protection against solid bodies > 12 mm

Protection against water droplets at an angle

Protection against solid bodies > 2.5 mm

Rain protection

Protection against solid bodies > 1 mm

Drip and splash protection

Partial dust protection

Protection against jets of water

Complete dust protection

Protection from water waves

Temporary immersion

Long Dive

As shown earlier, general lighting can be achieved with a uniform or localized arrangement of lamps. The location of localized lighting fixtures, their power and suspension height are determined individually for each workplace or area of ​​the production premises. This takes into account the nature of the production process and the requirements for the best direction of the light flux.

When placing luminaires evenly, it is necessary to find the most favorable distance between them, at which the least amount of energy is consumed for a given illuminance. Lamps are most often placed at the corners of a square, rectangle or in a checkerboard pattern.

When placing luminaires, the designer is faced with two contradictory conditions. On the one hand, frequent placement of lamps requires the use of low-power lamps with low luminous efficiency, which leads to increased energy consumption and unnecessary capital costs for lamps and installation of the electrical network. On the other hand, the rare arrangement of lamps with lamps

relatively high power leads to uneven illumination, which ultimately is also unprofitable in terms of energy, since the illumination of surface points under the lamps will greatly exceed the illumination of the points between the lamps, where it is necessary to ensure a standardized minimum illumination.

Rice. 3. Lamp placement options

As a result, both too large and too small distances between luminaires turn out to be unfavorable in terms of energy. In lighting engineering, the concept of relative distance between lamps is used, which is the ratio of the absolute value of the distance between lamps L to the height of their suspension above the working surface H p:

Rice. 4. Arrangement of lamps according to the height of the room

Recommended relative distances for the most commonly used luminaires are given in lighting reference books. At the same time, optimal relative distances cannot always be accepted according to architectural, construction and other conditions. Therefore, when designing lighting installations it is possible

When lighting rooms with fluorescent lamps, they are placed in continuous rows or with slight breaks. Distance between parallel


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