New snack for beer. How to make a million on beer snacks Open a small production of beer products

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The production of crispy potatoes, chips and crackers in small and medium-sized enterprises pays for itself in 3–5 months

Currently, the pace of development of the brewing industry is one of the highest in the Russian economy and is probably comparable only with the growth rate of American companies engaged in the Internet and Hi-Tech sectors. Naturally, the production of beer snacks is experiencing a real boom, especially in the last two years. A wide range of snacks is offered by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Many large domestic brewing companies have organized production chips, nuts, crackers.

However, traditionally the most popular beer snacks are crisp, chips, crackers. This is due to the relative cheapness of the product and convenient packaging. The entrepreneur is attracted to the production of these products by the low costs of equipment and raw materials, the simplicity of the technological process and the possibility of obtaining high profits.

Production of crispy potatoes

The production of crispy potatoes includes several technological operations: potato washing, peeling, inspection, slicing, starch removal, blanching, drying, frying (dehydration), cooling, adding salt and spices, packaging and packing.

Washing with a productivity of up to 300 kg per hour (for raw materials), as a rule, is done manually using two-section washing baths. For large-scale production, continuous washing machines are used.

Peeling of potatoes is carried out using batch cleaning machines by erasing the surface layer using a coarse abrasive (“emery”). After this, the tubers are inspected, i.e. removal of defective tubers and additional cleaning, when the remaining “eyes” and remaining peel are cut off. The operation is carried out manually, and with a productivity of more than 300 kg/h, personnel are placed at a special inspection conveyor.

Then, using vegetable cutting machines, the potatoes are cut into plates 1.5–2 mm thick or “straws” with a transverse dimension of 6–10 mm. Washing of starch released on the surface of sliced ​​potatoes is done in special baths or special machines with cold water. Blanching is done in hot water using steam. This causes the decomposition of enzymes that cause browning of potatoes. Also, during blanching, the intercellular walls soften, which facilitates subsequent drying. For blanching in batch mode, boilers with electric or steam heating are used. In continuous mode, special devices are used - blanchers (water and steam). Immediately after blanching, the potatoes are cooled using a shower device.

Drying can be either volumetric (deep) or superficial. In the first case, humidity can be up to 30–40%, in the second – up to 70–75%, and water is removed only from the surface. Drying can be done in drying chambers, on conveyor lines or racks using various types of electric heaters or steam, as well as fans. Roasting (dehydration) is the main process in cooking chips and crispy potatoes. Its task is not only to reduce the moisture content of potatoes to a minimum (7–10%), but also to do this as quickly as possible, so that the resulting water vapor, expanding, loosens the mass of potatoes, giving it porosity. To obtain a “crispy” consistency, frying in oil must occur at a temperature of at least 140°C. For frying, frying baths and ovens are used, which differ both in power and in the loading method: batch (baskets) or continuous (conveyors). The performance depends on the electrical power of the device, i.e. pre-drying increases frying productivity, as energy consumption for evaporation is reduced.

Mandatory operations in the production of crispy potatoes are cooling and distillation of excess oil, which are carried out on a special conveyor or using a similar device, for example, a rack with mesh trays.

The introduction of salt and spices (flavors) is carried out in periodic or continuous panning machines. Salt and spices are added by sprinkling, spraying or sprinkling continuously while simultaneously mixing the product. In all panning machines, mixing is carried out without the use of kneading elements. Packing and packing crispy potatoes It is produced, as a rule, in doses of 25–100 g in bags made of polymer film with a printed pattern and the necessary data about the product and manufacturer.

Dosing and packaging (bag production and sealing) are carried out using automatic or semi-automatic filling and packaging machines. Table 1 shows an approximate set of equipment for the production of crispy potatoes from the Dialog Plus TF.

Table 1. Approximate set of equipment for the production of crispy potatoes




Bathtub washing


Potato Peeler


Bathtub washing


Vegetable cutter

"Gamma 5A"

Deep frying bath


Packaging machine (semi-automatic)


  • productivity – 20 kg/h;
  • average power – 40 kW;
  • occupied area – 40 m2;
  • staff – 5 people/shift.

Cost of equipment – ​​RUB 1,225,500*

Production of potato chips

Potato chips made from a mixture of mashed potatoes and potato starch. Production technology includes: preparation of raw materials, mixing, molding, adding salt and spices, packaging and packing.

Preparation of raw materials comes down to control and removal of accidental inclusions. This operation is carried out by sifting; in some cases, dry mashed potatoes are crushed before sifting. Micromills and sieves, including electromechanical ones, are used for preparation.

Mixing and molding are carried out in a single unit - an extruder. Dry potato products - starch, dry mashed potatoes, in some cases salt and spices - are mixed in accordance with the recipe. Water is added in an amount that ensures the moisture content of the molded mixture is about 28–30%. Molding occurs by pressing the mixture through special dies: the process takes place at a pressure of 80–120 atm. and temperature 75–90°C. The resulting tape is cut by an automatic knife into individual products.

Frying and all subsequent operations proceed in the same way as during production. crispy potatoes.

Packing and packing is carried out in plastic bags of 30–50 g or in cardboard boxes of 100–150 g.

Table 2 shows an approximate set of equipment for the production of potato chips from the Dialog Plus TF.

Table 2. Approximate set of equipment for the production of potato chips




Forming machine "Makiz"


Deep frying bath


Coating machine


Automatic packaging machine "Makiz-compact"


Technical characteristics of the kit:

  • productivity – 50 kg/h;
  • average power – 25 kW;
  • occupied area – 40 sq. m.;
  • service personnel – 5 people.

The cost of equipment for the production of potato chips is RUB 181,500*

Chips can be made from pellets (semi-finished products chips). The technological process in this case is limited to the preparation of raw materials, molding and drying.

Production of snack crackers

Production snack crackers made from baked rye bread is quite simple in technological terms. The production technology includes several mandatory stages: incoming control of bakery products, cutting of bakery products, frying, processing of products with spices, food additives and flavorings, aging, packaging.

Incoming control of bakery products consists of rejecting products with contamination, foreign inclusions and other types of defects. After checking the workpieces, the bread is cut into slices 7–12 mm thick. Using a bread slicer, you can obtain pieces for crackers in the form of sticks by repeatedly passing the products through the bread slicer in a mutually perpendicular direction. To obtain cubes, you need to pass the resulting pieces through the bread slicer again. Then the cut slices are placed on metal sheets and fried in an oven, oven, or drying. Rye roasting temperature crackers 180–200°C for 15–20 minutes. For roasting, either bakers or ovens are used. It is allowed to dry without frying in ovens or other drying devices at temperatures above 105°C. Drying time is 2–4 hours. The duration and temperature of frying or drying may vary and depends on the design of the oven or drying cabinet.

After frying, the crackers are sprinkled with food additives, spices, and flavorings are added (in solution) depending on the type of product. This operation can be carried out manually for small production volumes and using a mixing drum (panner) for large volumes.

After frying and adding spices and flavors crackers placed in open boxes or other containers and kept for 8–16 hours at room temperature 21–30°C and relative humidity 50–70%.

The filling and packing of crackers is carried out using filling and packaging machines or semi-automatic machines with a weighing dispenser. Crackers are loaded into the receiving hopper of the packaging device. Next, from the dispenser bucket they enter the receiving funnel of the packaging device, which forms a bag from the roll film and seals the product.

For packaging rye crackers polypropylene or pearl film with a thickness of 30–35 microns is used.

Since the entrepreneur is offered several options for completing workshops for the production of snack crackers with a capacity of 25, 50 and 100 kg/h, the number and name of the machines and units included in them, the technical characteristics and cost of the sets have some differences (Table 3).

Table 3. Main technological equipment and some technical characteristics of equipment sets for the production of snack crackers



1 option

Option 2

Option 3

Main technological equipment

Quantity, pcs.

Bread slicer

Bakery cabinet


Drying plant

Semi-automatic packaging

Automatic filling and packaging machine



Productivity, kg/hour

Installed power, kW

Occupied area, sq.m.

Service personnel, persons

Approximate cost, rub.*




When equipping a production workshop snack crackers auxiliary equipment is also used: production tables, bins, pastry sheets, shelving trolleys.

A set of equipment with a capacity of 25–50 kg/h is intended for existing bakeries and bakeries. They make it possible to profitably utilize returns and rejects of baked goods.

The line with a capacity of 100 kg/h is used in the production of snack crackers. For example, a company producing crackers well-known trademark “Three Crusts”, is equipped with similar equipment. In addition, most brewing companies now have such workshops, which are seeking to increase the range of products and expand their business. For example, the Baltika company produces snack crackers under its own brand.


The experience of food equipment supply companies shows that the production of food products from potatoes and snack croutons from baked bread in small and medium-sized enterprises is a profitable and profitable business. Production costs pay off approximately 3–5 months after the start of production, subject to the availability of cheap raw materials, guaranteed sales of finished products, and uninterrupted production with high productivity. Organizing such production is not very difficult and does not require significant financial costs. In addition, with a rational approach, you can choose exactly the equipment configuration option that will bring the greatest benefit in the conditions of a given region. However, entrepreneurs often need the help of specialists who would help not only select equipment and commissioning, but also provide information support.

* Prices are given according to the price list of the Dialog Plus TF as of May 2002.

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Foamy drink consumers are becoming more and more picky. They “seize” beer not only with the usual battering ram. In the “snack” market, small crackers with various flavoring additives and dried seafood (squid, cod, etc.) became substitutes for traditional products. As the study showed, their production (and even more so banal import) is a very profitable business and, with the right approach to business, does not require exorbitantly large capital investments.

Investments in this kind of project (without costs for product branding) amount to $70-120 thousand.

At the same time, the “beer and snack” market is not yet too crowded and newcomers have room to expand. So far, these are mostly small mobile enterprises that can quickly respond to changes in consumer preferences by changing their taste range. Growth rate of beer snacks consumption

(both in the recent past and according to forecasts for the future) - more than 100% per year. Therefore, anyone who can arrange the supply of high-quality raw materials, select the right personnel and be sufficiently competent in technological terms will be able to earn decent money.

Market situation

“Sugar-seafood” snacks for beer, from a marketing point of view, belong to the so-called snack group - goods consumed on the go. The Ukrainian snack market in its modern form has been formed over the past 2 years under the influence of Russian companies. Nature abhors a vacuum, and if a product is successfully sold on the market of a “northern” neighbor, then with a standard time lag of a year or two it appears in Ukraine.

Quite low “input” capital investments in the industry make the market attractive for new operators: both manufacturers and importers. Today this is a business for small and medium-sized companies, since the scale is not yet the same for transnational titans, and perhaps they simply have not yet smelled the smell of money here. Nevertheless, market operators are gradually increasing their momentum. New types of products are appearing on the market, media and promotional activity to “promote” brands is intensifying.

Three quarters of the “sugar-seafood” snack market is filled by domestic producers. There are about 10 “dryers”, but of the “dryers” of seafood, BUSINESS was able to find only a local company - “Golden Fleece”.

The major players in the market are listed below (in alphabetical order):

  • “Alliance Techfarfor” (Ukraine - TM “Khrustashki”): rye crackers with various flavorings;
  • CJSC “Bridgetown Foods” (Russia - TM “Three Crusts”): rye and wheat crackers with various flavorings;
  • “Meridian Plus” (Russia - TM “Klinskoe”): rye crackers with various flavorings;
  • LLC “PIG “Corner Capital” (Ukraine - TM “Grizzly”): rye and wheat crackers with various flavoring additives;
  • LLC “Slavic crackers” (Ukraine - TM “Krokha”): rye and wheat crackers with various flavorings;
  • “Temperance” (Ukraine - TM “Golden Rule”): rye crackers with various flavorings;
  • “Golden Fleece” (Ukraine - TM “Golden Fleece”): rye crackers with various flavorings, sliced ​​potatoes, dried squid and cod;
  • LLC “Factor” (Ukraine - TM “Flint”): rye crackers with various flavorings, dried squid.

The largest volume of sales falls on the city of Kiev, the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, since the most “advanced” and wealthy consumers are concentrated there and the largest amount of beer is drunk. According to marketing research by the Golden Fleece company, approximately 40% of fans of the intoxicating drink prefer to snack on crackers, and 25% prefer seafood. Other buyers consume salted peanuts (25%) and pistachios (10%) as substitute goods. 75% of the total sales volume falls on “young people” - consumers under the age of 27 years. The most popular “flavors” in the crackers segment are “bacon”, “fish” and “cheese”; other consumer preferences are not so clearly expressed.

The peak of sales occurs in the summer, and the quantitative parameters of seasonal growth in consumption depend only on the weather.


In order to create a production unit that produces “cracker” snacks for beer, it is necessary to spend $50-80 thousand on “hardware”. Investments in starting working capital by operators are estimated at another $20-50 thousand. “Seafood” “snack” business requires the presence of a start-up entrepreneur $100 thousand, which are distributed in different proportions depending on where the packaging is done. In the case of a purely import scheme, all capital is invested in “turnover”; in the case of local packaging, about $10-20 thousand will have to be invested in fixed assets. The minimum profitability of the production of beer snacks is 20%, the wholesale margin is 12-15%, the retail margin is 20-25%.


Beer snacks available on the market today can be divided into the following price segments: from 0.5 UAH. up to 1 UAH - lower price segment, 1-2 UAH - middle, 2-5 UAH. - upper price segment. The buyer is willing to pay the same amount for a snack as he pays for 1 bottle of beer, but no more. Therefore, you need to approach pricing realistically and remember that dried squid, for example, began to really be in demand only last year, when market operators found a competitive price.


“Resolution”, associated with the organization of the production of “sugar-seafood” snacks, is traditional: SES and firefighters. This pleasure costs about $300 and takes 1-3 months. Subsequent regulatory issues are the same as for any other food production. For example, since 2002, enterprises in this area of ​​business have been visited not only by the district SES, but also by the regional one - it approves the range of products and carries out control measurements. To obtain a barcode, you will have to register with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry; the weighing equipment used in production will be the object of close attention of the State Consumer Standard. Further - more, and “permit fees” can be safely included in the internal company budget.


Crackers and dried seafood products are successfully sold both in retail chains and in wholesale and retail markets, which are still popular in the regions.

Manufacturers' choice of sales model is determined by the length of their product line. A wide range and combination of several snack product categories make direct distribution in large cities economically feasible. Otherwise, it is preferable to focus on cooperation with resellers and the formation of a distribution network.

As the experience of leading market players shows, an unbranded product has nothing to do with it (we remind you that “promotion” of a brand costs at least $100 thousand in excess of the amount of production investments). Therefore, to promote your products, you need to position them as branded and use the entire range of marketing communications, starting with POS materials at points of sale, advertising in the press, the metro, and ending with non-standard promotions. Considering that operators’ marketing budgets are in most cases very limited, the emphasis should be on non-capital-intensive but memorable events with an eye to the future (for example, aimed at children).

Raw materials and packaging

The raw materials for the production of crackers are the most ordinary and completely domestic: flour and sunflower oil. If crackers are prepared from already baked bread, then it is better to use denser varieties with a uniform mesh structure without mini-voids inside. Such bread can be baked to order by any bakery that uses classical technology.

Food additives, flavorings and other ingredients, however, will have to be imported. As well as any raw material for the production of “seafood” snacks, since squid and others like them are not caught in the Black Sea, but are imported from the Far East (China, Korea). Moreover, evil tongues claim that similar packaged products imported into Ukraine from abroad have a very conditional relationship to fish products and are made from soybeans. To obtain 100 kg of finished products, it is necessary to consume about 150 kg of bread until it goes stale, 50 kg of butter and 4 kg of spices with salt. The average price of spices is 55 UAH. for 1 kg, oil - 3 UAH. for 1 kg. The monthly water consumption for a production capacity of 40 kg/h (800 packages of 50 g each) will be about 10 cubic meters. The material of the packaging film has a decisive influence on the competitiveness of the finished product. Under no circumstances should you use polyethylene, since the contents of the bag very easily absorb the “aroma” inherent in it (polyethylene). Therefore, crackers, as a rule, are packaged in bags (50 g) made of two-layer metallized polypropylene with interlayer printing, which guarantees a long shelf life of the product. Corrugated cardboard boxes designed for 50 bags are used as transport packaging. High-quality domestically produced packaging film, according to market operators, costs approximately 26 UAH. for 1 kg.


The number of production personnel employed directly on the production line is 4-5 people. per shift plus foreman. In addition, a snack enterprise vitally needs a good production manager (controller), a highly qualified chief technologist and a good mechanic. The total number of personnel subject to indirect distribution (see the “Marketing” chapter) is 20-30 people. The wages of production workers are 350-400 UAH, but you will have to fork out more to pay specialists. A technologist, for example, costs the owner $300-400 per month.


Crackers and “seafood” snacks are new products for our market. Therefore, in order to produce them, it is advisable to work on developing your own specifications, as well as spend money on their coordination and approval. The requirements for the quality of raw materials are quite normal and are regulated by the relevant GOSTs.

Industry research centers such as the Institute of Bread Products are developing standards. The official cost of completing a Carcass order is $1000-2000. However, if you are not too lazy, you can find a professional who will charge $200-300 for this work.


It is preferable to locate snack production in places where consumers are concentrated, that is, in megacities and their suburbs. A good option is to use the production space of bakeries or food factories. The area required for installation of technological equipment is 80-100 sq.m., and the same amount is required for support and office services. It is, of course, also necessary to have a water supply and sewerage system, including to the locker room for workers.

A voltage of 380 V must be supplied to the production premises. The walls of the machine room will have to be painted, according to the requirements of the sanitary station, to a height of 1.8 m, and the warehouse premises will have to be equipped with pallets. When placing the hardware, the direct flow of the production process must be ensured - the product enters one door and exits another, and the flows do not intersect.


Typical technology includes the production (baking) of semi-finished bread products, their cutting, drying; applying oil, flavorings (spices); packing and packing. The quality of the final product is determined by the production modes of semi-finished products, the technology and quality of adding flavoring additives and the type of packaging.

The sequence of actions in the production of crackers is as follows. First, bread or specially baked pieces are cut sequentially in several planes - cubes or oblong bars are obtained. Then the preparations for crackers are given a specific taste. For small production volumes, bread pieces are laid out on a sheet in an even layer 2-3 cm thick. Next, the sheets are placed in an oven, dried for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 ° C, cooled, sent to pan coating machines for applying additives and then for packaging. In coating machines, the product is constantly mixed, and additives are fed from above. An alternative option is devices in which the product moves along a conveyor and additives are scattered from above. Some manufacturers make crackers using a special, so-called oil-free technology. The difference between this technology is that the specially baked semi-finished product is dried in convection ovens rather than fried in oil. Only then does the process of uniform treatment with refined oil follow. As for the technology for the production of dried seafood, unfortunately, there is nothing special to say about it, since in Ukraine it is economically feasible to organize exclusively their packaging. Therefore, the stumbling block here is rather not technology, but the nature of the raw materials used.


A beginning manufacturer of crackers will have to acquire bread slicers, ovens for drying bread, equipment for applying additives and packaging machines. Prices for it are in the range of $50-80 thousand and depend on the productivity of the oven, bread slicer and packaging machine. Auxiliary types of equipment influence the cost insignificantly. The price level is also determined by the country of origin of the equipment. For example, an Italian bread slicer costs $2-7 thousand, a Dutch one - $6-7 thousand, a Russian one - $4-5 thousand, a Turkish one - up to $2 thousand. A domestic packaging machine can be purchased for EUR990-3500, depending on the level of automation, a coating machine - for EUR990, drum oven - for EUR1850-2450, bread slicer - for EUR1980.

The most difficult operation, from the point of view of selecting equipment, is cutting bread into pieces of the required shape. The machines used for this purpose are classified depending on the planes in which the cutting is carried out and the nature of the cutting: sawing with a milling cutter, sawing with a saw, cutting with a crescent-shaped knife, a regular-shaped knife and dissolving on rollers. Today the following types of bread slicers are available on the market: Soviet-style machines that cut toast-type slices with a sickle-shaped knife ($1000-1500); machines that cut bread into strips, slices, etc. ($2000-3000); combines that cut bread in several planes. For the production of crackers, you can use any oven for baking and confectionery purposes: conventional tray ovens, rotating tray ovens, drum ovens and conveyor ovens.

Each manufacturer completes the production line based on its financial capabilities and technological know-how. For example, PIG Corner Capital LLC uses imported baking equipment made in Turkey, bread-slicing equipment made in the USA; domestic coating and packaging equipment.

Many manufacturers note that one of the key factors ensuring smooth production of products is accessible service. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase equipment from a supplier whose representative office is located at the location of production. Commissioning and adjustment work, as a rule, is carried out for a fee (5-10% of the cost of the equipment).

Legal aspects, equipment selection, assortment formation, premises requirements, production processes, sales. Full financial calculations.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

800,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

6 months


From 100,000 ₽

Average income

35 %


The minimum starting capital for organizing your own production of crackers is from 800 thousand rubles. Moreover, more than half of this amount will go to the purchase of equipment, part to the rental and purchase of raw materials, and the rest to the current expenses of the enterprise.

The main target audience of such products are teenagers and young people under the age of 30-35. Crackers and other snacks (chips, salted and dried seafood, etc.) are also positioned by manufacturers as a beer snack. This market is considered very attractive and promising, primarily due to small investments in opening such a business.

The products of domestic companies predominate here (they own 3/4 of the market). Of all other types of snacks, the production of crackers is considered the most profitable. This same product is most popular among beer lovers. According to various studies, over 35% of respondents choose croutons as a snack for a foamy drink, 25% prefer salted-dried seafood, and the rest are salted nuts (peanuts and pistachios), cheese and meat snacks (“straws”, “ braids"), etc.

Although competition in this market is quite high, it cannot be called saturated. This is due, first of all, to the predominance of several of the largest and most well-known brands at the federal level. Regional markets offer good opportunities for young companies.

If you are going to start a cracker production business, the best place to start is by drawing up a detailed business plan. A business plan is also necessary if you are not going to take out a bank loan or contact investors. When compiling it, you will be able to assess the level of competition in your chosen segment, analyze demand and consumer preferences, calculate all expense items (or at least the main ones), think about sales channels for your products and even search for partners in advance, develop a promotion program and accept taking into account a large number of different nuances.

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Let's start with competition. As mentioned above, the level of competition in the snack market is assessed as high. If you do not have a lot of money, then you should not try to compete with federal brands and foreign manufacturers from the very beginning. Try to first cover at least the regional market, and then gradually expand beyond it. When analyzing the market, pay attention to several factors at once - the number of brands, their range, pricing policy, methods of advertising and promotion, sales channels.

It is best to order research from specialists - a marketing agency. Its cost will be from 10-15 thousand rubles and more, depending on the region and the tasks assigned. Give preference to a trusted agency with which you or your friends already have experience working. However, in some cases it is quite possible to conduct such research independently if you have some knowledge and free time. Based on its results, you will receive data on which you will rely when developing your business plan.

The technology for producing crackers is not complicated and consists of several main stages: cutting the bread, frying it in an oven or oven for 10-15 minutes, adding spices and other additives, holding with cooling and packaging the finished product. The raw material for the production of crackers is usually wheat or fine-pored bread with the addition of rye flour.

Product consumption may vary depending on the recipe used. But on average, to make 100 kg of crackers you will need from 130 to 140 kg of bread, 3-4 kg of spices and other food additives, 30-40 liters of butter. Sometimes crouton manufacturers do not use ready-made bread, but bake it themselves, which allows them to increase the profitability of production. In this case, the first stage of cracker production begins with baking bread. Products such as flour and sunflower oil are usually of Russian origin. But spices, food additives, flavorings, and seafood are imported from abroad.

According to research results, the following flavors of croutons are in greatest demand in our country: meat (bacon, salami), with cheese, with onions and sour cream, and with seafood. However, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just these tastes. Don't be afraid to experiment and create your own unique types of products. To do this, you will need a highly qualified, experienced technologist. A technologist is perhaps the most important person in food production, because the quality and taste of your product will largely depend on him. He develops recipes, controls product quality, added spices, and is even responsible for packaging goods in production.

To make crackers you will need special equipment. It can be either imported (the most common equipment is from Ukrainian manufacturers) or domestic, of various types and configurations, which depends on what kind of crackers you are going to produce. The standard set of equipment includes bread slicers, ovens for drying bread, equipment for applying spices, and packaging machines.

Experts recommend purchasing automated lines that can be used to produce crackers into strips and then pack them into polypropylene bags. These croutons are more popular than cubed croutons, as they are thinner and less hard. To produce such products, you will need a special machine for cutting bread into strips with a capacity of up to 100 kg of product per hour and costing about $1,500, a machine for frying crackers with a capacity of 30 kg per hour and costing $800, a pan-drying machine with a capacity of 90 kg of product per hour and costing $700, and a packaging machine a semi-automatic machine that allows you to pack up to 500 packages of 50 grams each per hour, costing over $1000.

The minimum cost of a simpler line with a capacity of up to 20 kg per hour (up to 330 packages of 50 grams per hour) will be about $4,000. This is the simplest and cheapest option for the line, but it also has a number of disadvantages. Experts advise purchasing some equipment separately, rather than as part of a line, to increase profitability. For example, as can be seen from the above data, the productivity of a machine for cutting bread into strips and a coating machine is several times higher than other pieces of equipment. To avoid downtime, it is recommended to purchase two more semi-automatic packaging machines and two or three ovens for frying crackers (the exact number depends on the performance of your equipment and the capacity of the oven).

With relatively small additional costs, you can increase production volumes at least three times. A simple line usually includes a rotating oven, which requires pre-drying the crackers after cutting them on an appropriate machine.

This takes too much time: the bread cut into strips must sit for two days in cardboard or wooden boxes before frying. If this condition is not met, then when rotated in the oven the straw will simply be crushed. To shorten the production cycle, you can use roasting ovens where there are no rotating elements. For example, ordinary table ovens are suitable for this. However, they have two main disadvantages - high price and high energy consumption (see below).

Ready ideas for your business

Also, in addition to the line itself, as in any bakery, you will need various tools (scales, measuring spoons, mugs, scoops), equipment (containers, containers for storing and drying crackers, etc.), shelving, tables, etc. All this will require about another 100 thousand rubles (subject to the purchase of expensive racks and tables in used condition).

Such equipment will make it possible to produce at least 2,500 packages of 60 grams of crackers in one eight-hour shift (or about 150 kg of product). The food consumption for this volume will be: 300 kg of dense bread, 1.6 kg of spices, and for packaging the finished product you will need 8 kg of metallized polypropylene film with a pattern. It is worth saying a few words about the packaging. Some manufacturers try to save on this expense item by choosing low-quality material for packaging their products. However, later such savings come back to bite. Firstly, such packaging is inconvenient to use and quickly breaks (often right in the hands of the buyer), and, secondly, the quality of the packaging directly affects the shelf life of the finished product. You will also need to order corrugated cardboard boxes, which are required for transporting products.

Add to this the cost of electricity (25 kW), gas consumption when using a gas oven, as well as the wages of operators. As the experience of entrepreneurs shows, it is most profitable to use gas rather than electric ovens (otherwise, in the latter case, it will cost a third more). Two people per shift will be required to operate the line. As a rule, such production operates in two shifts, therefore, you will need 4-5 people to work on the line, a technologist, a mechanic and a foreman. The total number of people on staff, including an accountant, purchasing manager, sales manager, etc., will be at least 15-20 people, depending on production volumes.

To place the equipment, you will need a workshop area of ​​50 sq. m. meters (optimal for medium production - 80-100 sq. meters). The same amount will be needed for household, service, administrative (office) premises, and you also need to allocate space for warehouses for raw materials and finished products. It is desirable that the production itself be located in a large city (with a population of at least 1 million people), but the workshop itself can be opened on the outskirts, where the rental cost will be lower.

To start producing snacks (in particular, crackers), you will need to obtain permission from the SES and firefighters, as well as a barcode from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Obtaining permits will take about a month. In addition, you will need to make technical specifications (TS) for your products, coordinate and approve them. Specifications are a regulatory document that establishes technical requirements for manufactured products.

Technical conditions are needed if there is no GOST or technical regulation to determine the parameters of manufactured products, if it is necessary to supplement an existing GOST, or if it is necessary to combine the requirements prescribed in several state standards at once. Technical specifications, like GOST, are developed for specific products, materials or their groups. Among other things, they must specify procedures for establishing compliance with these requirements.

The development of specifications can also be ordered from a specialized company. Creating the initial version of the specifications takes at least three days, then the text is agreed with the customer, then changes are made to it and, finally, the final version is approved. As a rule, it takes up to seven working days to develop technical specifications. The cost of such work ranges from 30 thousand rubles. But it is quite possible to find cheaper options. You can draw up specifications yourself, observing all the necessary requirements. True, it will take much more time to agree and finalize the final version. Often such savings are not justified.

It is most profitable to sell products such as snacks through wholesale companies and large retail chains. If there is a large range of products (not only crackers, but also other types of snacks), as a rule, manufacturing companies work directly.

With a small assortment and limited production volumes, they turn to intermediaries. One of the most significant expenses (besides rent and equipment) is advertising and promotion of your brand. Of course, you shouldn’t immediately aim to build a brand on a federal scale. It is unlikely that you will have a sufficient budget for this. However, even a new company is quite capable of conquering the regional market. Actively use outdoor, print and POS advertising (directly at points of sale), organize various promotions, focusing primarily on the student target audience.

In some articles you may find recommendations to target children's age groups when promoting your snacks. In fact, crackers and other snacks are classified as “unhealthy” foods and are not intended for young, middle and older children. Therefore, it is better to focus on young people aged 17-18 years and older. Think about the design of the packaging of your crackers - even such little things are very important. Bright packaging with a memorable product name will make it stand out on store shelves among dozens of similar packs.

Another key to the success of your products, in addition to a well-structured advertising campaign, is the consistently high quality of your products, which directly depends on the quality of raw materials - flour, sunflower oil, food additives and flavorings. It's not worth saving on the latter.

If you still strive to maximize profitability (which is 20% in the case of snack production), then it is recommended to do this by expanding the range. Ideal if you bake your own bread. Then there will be more opportunities for expansion. Although it is quite possible to purchase bread with a dense, uniform structure without voids from a local bakery and at the same time introduce new tastes, sizes and shapes of crackers (for example, more convenient straws have replaced the usual cubes) and change the volume of packaging.

An additional promising direction, but not yet covered by Russian snack manufacturers, is related to the production of crackers for various dishes. Crackers as an additive are used in recipes for various salads (including the famous Caesar). At the same time, finding suitable crackers on sale is not so easy. They must be made from wheat bread and have a certain size and degree of roasting.

Crackers, positioned as a beer snack, are not very suitable in this case, since they have a pronounced taste and smell, which is given to them by food additives and flavorings. Often they greatly distort the taste of the dish itself. Some bakery product manufacturers sell crackers made from waste from their production. But the latter, as a rule, are not distinguished by either particularly high quality or ease of use - they are packaged in large bags, cut into large pieces, etc. The production of special crackers - salad dressings from wheat bread with minimal addition of spices suitable for the recipe can become an excellent and promising idea, as well as your undoubted competitive advantage. In this case, you will have another channel for selling your products: such crackers are readily purchased by numerous cafes and restaurants.

The cost of one package of crackers, as a rule, does not exceed 20-25 rubles. The main rule of pricing for beer snacks is that consumers will not pay as much (or even more) for them as one can of beer costs. Also keep in mind that snacks are a seasonal product, and their sales volume is highly dependent on beer sales volumes. Thus, the peak of sales occurs in the period from May to October, and in the period from November to April there is a noticeable decline.

However, since croutons have long ceased to be perceived by consumers as an indispensable snack for an alcoholic drink and are positioned by many manufacturers as an independent product, these seasonal fluctuations do not affect their sales so much (although a certain pattern can still be traced).

So, the minimum starting capital for organizing your own production of crackers is from 800 thousand rubles. Moreover, more than half of this amount will go to the purchase of equipment, part to the rental and purchase of raw materials, and the rest to the current expenses of the enterprise (advertising, wages, etc.). With an established sales system for finished products, experts estimate the payback period to be six months. The average income can reach 150 thousand rubles per season and 100 thousand rubles in other months.

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Undoubtedly, beer in our country is in demand like no other product.

The reason is probably not only the high level of alcoholism. People choose beer because... it's relatively inexpensive and allows you to relax without getting drunk. Although, of course, people manage to get drunk as hell and out of beer, but we’re not talking about that now)). Indeed, this product has flooded store shelves. No matter how much they tell us from TV screens that beer alcoholism is the worst, our people, and they are the most fearless, continue to consume it in huge quantities.

Unlike snacks for other strong drinks, which are extremely varied - from chocolate with fruit to onions and “sniffing” with pickled cucumber (mainly among Literball professionals), snacks for beer are distinguished by their enviable consistency. These are usually salted pistachios, peanuts, fish, chips and crackers. Of course, all this has a serious competitor - "pigtail" cheese, but perhaps it will be difficult to make it at home, at least our site cannot yet provide you with information about the technology for preparing this product, since it does not have it. However, even without any “braids” you can start your own mini-business producing beer snacks.
A huge plus is that you don’t have to hire workers or look for premises. At least initially. However, if the business grows seriously, such changes will not be scary.

A small disadvantage is that it is still advisable to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station and register your mini-business in accordance with the law. It's inexpensive, but perhaps everyone knows how collecting certificates can lead to hysterics. The most careful ones can comply with all the formalities, but please note: this is not necessary. At first, you can work without any permits, you just shouldn’t “shine” your product everywhere. And only then, when the business begins to generate stable income and you understand that it is yours, will you be able to register your business according to the law.
So where does a beer snack maker start?

To get started, stock up on recipes for making salted fish, crackers, chips and nuts. But don’t take a single recipe’s word for it. You can start with one thing, for example, with nuts, especially since this is the easiest snack to prepare. Fry them in several ways, write down everything: quantity, where you bought it, at what fire you fried it, how much oil and salt you added,... Find the most optimal flavor option, and do not deviate from the recipe. Then move on, for example, to crackers, and so on in order, until you get a complete list of snack recipes. By the way, seeds also go great with beer. And not only to him. They can also be included in the list.
Next, start packing. It can be a simple plastic wrap that closes tightly, the kind you can often see in stores, they are used to pack both food (nuts, dried fruits) and completely inedible things, beads for example. Find a place where you can always buy this packaging without any problems. Also, be sure to purchase a scale that can be used to weigh goods with an accuracy of up to a gram.

Now it's time to start calculating the cost. For example, a kilogram of peanuts costs 100 rubles, you can count the salt and butter or not, the total will be 5 rubles. Plus the cost of the bag, also probably no more than a couple of rubles. Let's round up to 110. Let's say you unpack nuts in bags of 50 g. 1000 g: 50 g = 20 (number of packages per kilogram). Next, we divide the price per kg by the number of packages. 110:20=5.5 rubles. This is the price of one package. Now all that remains is to decide on the selling price. It should be about 20-30% less than in the store. The fact is that the store usually marks up about 20%, and another 10% is what you have to sacrifice for the sake of interest in the product.

You can print small pieces of paper with a description of the product, weight, and release date. These are found in stores.
All that remains is to find a sale. To do this, you need to go around small shops and stalls. It is advisable to leave free “samples”. If the seller does not make contact, try contacting the store owner.
It is worth noting that 30-40% of the products you produce may be sold not only to beer, but simply among buyers such as children or youth, or maybe simply among salty lovers.
Don't give up if things seem difficult at first. You will succeed, the main thing is to believe in yourself and your success!

Russian snack manufacturers: 220 factories. Large brands and new brands of snack products. Catalog 2020: official websites, addresses, contacts and prices of manufacturers and suppliers. Become a dealer, order a price list!

The production of snacks in Russia has existed for less than 10 years, during which time the Russian product market has grown 15 times. The range of domestic companies producing snacks for “light snacks” includes at least:

  • croutons (flavored with cheese, jellied meat and horseradish, ham, mushrooms and other additives);
  • dried snacks for beer made from meat, fish, squid and other seafood;
  • sausages, portioned dried meat;
  • fish snacks;
  • seeds (sunflower, pumpkin), nuts;
  • chocolate, whole grain and other nutrition bars.

Companies producing snack products for baby food are gaining momentum - muesli bars with the addition of dried fruits and cereals, “baby chips”, etc.

The food factories presented at the online exhibition produce and offer to buy snacks in bulk:

  • potato chips with gravy;
  • salted roasted peanuts;
  • pistachios "Piastres";
  • onion rings "RSK";
  • fish extrusion, etc.

Companies sell both weight products and snacks in individual vacuum packaging.

Direct sale of snack products without intermediary markups (at the manufacturer’s wholesale price list) - 30-300% cheaper than retail. Small and large wholesale. The list includes manufacturers offering dealership and distribution in your region. Companies are looking for partners and representatives in the CIS.

Wholesale deliveries to the regions of the Russian Federation, CIS and for export. For deliveries to the countries of the Customs Union, companies provide certificates.


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