New life. Funny story for children about school Leonid Kaminsky starting a new life

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Yura lay on the sofa, looked at the ceiling and mentally scolded himself: “It’s high time to take up my homework, but I’m just lying there, and no matter what! Absolutely no willpower! So life will pass, and I won’t have time to do anything. No discoveries, no records... I remember reading somewhere that Mozart was already composing music at the age of three. And I? I can’t even write a letter to my grandmother! And there's a lot of trouble at school. Take the last month, for example. I overslept twice. In physical education - "couple": I forgot my sneakers at home. In literature - three: I couldn’t remember why Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich... No, it won’t go any further! It's time to start a new life. Right from tomorrow. What do we have tomorrow? Friday? No, better from the new week! I skip two days and immediately - from Monday! And no favors for yourself!”

Yura resolutely jumped up from the sofa, tore out a sheet of paper from the notebook and began to write:


1. Start a new life (from Monday).

2. Get up at 6:15 every day.

3. Buy dumbbells and do exercises followed by dousing them with ice water.

4. Correct a bad mark in German and learn two more foreign languages.

5. Arrive at school 10 minutes before the teacher arrives.

6. Reply to grandma’s letter from last year.

7. Find out why Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich.”

- Well, well, we'll live until Monday!

On Monday Yura was late for school. No, he didn't oversleep. On the contrary, I got up half an hour earlier to start a new life. According to plan. But it’s easy to say: “According to plan”! And where he?

It was not on the table, nor on the sofa. Yura looked for it under the bed, on the closet, turned the whole room over - no results: “Action Plan No. 1” seemed to have disappeared into the ground!

“Nothing,” Yura reassured himself, “difficulties only strengthen willpower!”

He decisively tore a piece of paper out of his notebook and wrote:


1. Find “Action Plan No. 1.”

2. Start a new life (from next Monday).”

Lesson 3 Topic: “What am I?”

26.10.2011 22337 1973

The purpose of the lesson:to form in students an idea of ​​themselves as individuals; develop the ability to analyze your thoughts, feelings, actions and actions; cultivate a respectful and caring attitude towards yourself.

Methods:conversation, story, explanation, work with a book, practical work, exercise.

Resources:reader, notebook “My Assistant”.

Circle of Joy

The teacher and children greet each other. Then The teacher introduces the children to an exercise to increase self-esteem:

– Even if you may not think very positively about yourself, still find the best in yourself and strive to affirm only good and positive things about yourself.

– If any of you feel embarrassed or insecure while doing this exercise, say to yourself: “I love myself, I am unique and inimitable!”

– Whenever negative assessments come to your mind, remember that you still need to develop and develop and, naturally, you cannot be perfect yet.

Next, the teacher invites the children to divide into two groups according to the principle: outer - inner circle. Participants in the outer circle must find a partner from the inner circle and, at the teacher’s signal, begin to tell him about their positive qualities and achievements. The one who listens to him, bends over fingers and says a phrase on each With cauldron e partner : “Oh, what a great fellow you are! Once! Oh, what a great fellow you are! Two!" (etc.)

P At the teacher's signal, the children change places so that the outer circle becomes the inner one. Game continues .

Exercise “What do I want to achieve?”

The teacher invites the children to sit for a few moments in silence and think about what they would like to achieve in their studies, in their lives? What would they like to learn? Then he asks one of the children to talk about it without words, using facial expressions and gestures. The rest of the children must guess what we are talking about .

Children do the exercise.

Working with the reader

L. Kaminsky. "I'm starting a new life"

Yura I lay on the sofa, looked at the ceiling and mentally scolded myself: “It’s high time to take up my homework, but I’m just lying there, and no matter what! Absolutely no willpower! So life will pass, and I won’t have time to do anything. No discoveries, no records... I remember reading somewhere that Mozart was already composing music at the age of three. And I? I can’t even write a letter to my grandmother! And there's a lot of trouble at school. Take the last month, for example. I overslept twice. In physical education - “couple”: I forgot my sneakers at home. In literature - three: I couldn’t remember why Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich... No, it won’t go any further! It's time to start a new life. Right from tomorrow. What do we have tomorrow? Friday? No, better from the new week! I skip two days and immediately - from Monday! And no favors for yourself!”

Yura resolutely jumped up from the sofa, tore out a sheet of paper from the notebook and began to write:

"Action Plan No. 1:

1. Start a new life (from Monday).

2. Get up at 6:15 every day.

3. Buy dumbbells and do exercises followed by dousing them with ice water.

4. Correct a bad mark in German and learn two more foreign languages.

5. Arrive at school 10 minutes before the teacher arrives.

6. Reply to grandma’s letter from last year.

7. Find out why Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich.”

- Well, well, we'll live until Monday!

On Monday Yura was late for school. No, he didn't oversleep. On the contrary, I got up half an hour earlier to start a new life. According to plan. But it’s easy to say: “According to plan”! And where he?

It was not on the table, nor on the sofa. Yura looked for it under the bed, on the closet, turned the whole room over - no results: “Action Plan No. 1” seemed to have disappeared into the ground!

“Nothing,” Yura reassured himself, “difficulties only strengthen willpower!”

He decisively tore a piece of paper out of his notebook and wrote:

"Action Plan No. 2:

1. Find “Action Plan No. 1.”

2. Start a new life (from next Monday).”

– What do you think was the reason for the hero’s failure to implement the action plan?

– What character qualities should a boy develop?

– What do you think determines the achievement of this goal?

Children's thoughts.

Working in a notebook

Do it in your notebook exercise 1. Think about it.

Be careful! Use a “+” sign for those traits that match your opinion of yourself, use a “–” sign to mark traits that are not characteristic of you, and a question mark “?” if you are not sure of the answer.

– What character traits would you like to change in yourself? Why?

Children's answers.

Working with the reader

Reading with a stop.

Parable “Three Types of People”

One king from a neighboring state was sent three completely identical gold figurines. The cover letter stated that each of them had its own meaning and value.

The king presented the figures to his courtiers and demanded to determine how they differed from each other.

The court men weighed them, measured their length, checked the gold standard, but no external or internal differences were found. People who examined these figures only shrugged their shoulders, admitting their helplessness. Only the wise vizier did not give up. Finding small holes in the figures' ears, he inserted a thin gold wire into them and saw the following: in the first figure its end came out of the other ear, in the second - from the mouth, and in the third - through a hole in the navel.

After thinking a little, the vizier said...

- What do you think the vizier said?

Children's versions.

After thinking a little, the vizier said: “Your Majesty, I think that the solution to the riddle has been found. The first figure is like a man who “flies in one ear and flies out the other.” The second figure resembles a person who, having barely heard the news, rushes to tell it to others, without bothering to comprehend it. The third figure symbolizes the one who remembers what he heard and tries to pass it through his heart. She is the most valuable of the three."

– Why do you think the third type of person is the most valuable of the three?

Children's thoughts.

– A person’s life largely depends on the harmony of the heart and mind, feelings and intellect - this is the basis of a harmonious personality. You all probably know people who are smart, talented, but selfish, or kind, but too hot-tempered, capable of doing some rash act under the influence of emotions. And human life is like a scale, on one side of which there is himself with his attitude towards the world, and on the other - the world with its attitude towards man. And in order to live your life with dignity, you need to remember the words addressed to children by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak: “Let your mind be kind, and your heart be smart!”


- Complete in your notebook task 2 And 3. In the anthology, read the stories of V. Dragunsky “What I Love” and “...What I Don’t Love.”

Circle “From Heart to Heart”

The teacher invites the children to draw their own conclusions about the topic of the lesson.

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L. Kaminsky
Lots of brushwood
The bell rang for recess. Vitya Bryukvin, nicknamed “This is the One,” jumped out of the classroom and rushed up the stairs, jumping three steps at once. At the entrance to the buffet, he almost knocked down a thin man with a thin, long beard. Vitya glanced at him and froze:

Oh sorry! Can't be! Are you really that same writer?.. Well, this one, as they say, is a classic?

Do you, young man, know me? - the stranger asked displeasedly.

But of course! - Vitya was happy. - You’re still in the portrait - just like you’re alive! Well, the portrait that hangs by the board. Between this, what’s his name, Gogol and this, well, fabulist, what’s his name, Krylov! Yes, we are passing through you now: “Grandfather Mazai” and these, what’s their name, “hares”! Then “Little Man”, that’s right, “right off the bat”! I just learned your poems yesterday! Would you like me to read it?

And, without waiting for an answer, Vitya Bryukvin began to quickly recite:

One day, in the cold, winter season, I came out of the forest, well, that means. It was, as they say, bitterly cold. I look, it’s the same thing going up the mountain, a horse carrying it, that’s the thing... In a word, as they say, a cartload of brushwood!..

Please stop right now! - the classic interrupted Vitya. - What did you do with my poems?! Not a cartload of brushwood, but a whole cartload of verbal garbage! Ugliness! The name of? What's the last name?

Bryuk-vin... Vik-k-ctor... - Vitya began to stutter.

An excerpt from the poem "Peasant Children"! - Vitya began. - Poet Nekrasov. N.A.,” he added and quietly glanced sideways at the portrait. The classic looked away. - One day, in the cold winter, I came out of the forest; it was severely frosty. I look, it is slowly rising up the mountain...

And then the whole class was surprised to hear how Vitya Bryukvin, nicknamed “This is the same,” read the entire passage without hesitation. Without any extraneous words. He never once said “this is it” or “what’s his name.” And he never even said “well”! No, he still said one “well”:

“Well, she’s dead!” the little one shouted in a deep voice, pulled the reins and walked faster.

But this “well” does not count, because Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov himself had it. ..............................................................................
Copyright: funny stories about school


in excerpts from school essays

(collected by Leonid Davidovich Kaminsky)


Ancient people lived in huts, caves and dormitories.

In the process of evolution, the great ape begins to engage in social activities.

Archaeologists have found shards of ancient people in excavations.

Savages destroyed mammoths because there was no Red Book then.

Ancient people walked on four arms.

Ancient people ran after mammoths with spears and drove them into the abyss, and then someone climbed into it and pulled out the mammoth.

Ancient people built nests for themselves.

Ancient people were covered with stubble.

Ancient people were covered in moss.

Primitive people did not wear coats because it was hot then.

Primitive man's legs hung below the knees.

Primitive communal people lived in packs.


What is archaeology?

The science of excavations by scientists.

Why did dinosaurs become extinct?

Because they weren't vaccinated!

How did people know about the existence of dinosaurs?

From the memories of contemporaries.

What difficulties did primitive people have?

They didn't have tractors or collective farms.

How did ancient people hunt mammoths?

They dug a deep hole, mammoths fell into it and broke their arms and legs.

What was the first animal domesticated by ancient man?


How did primitive people escape the cold?

They were growing fur!

How did primitive people hunt?

They dug a hole, drove wild animals into it and threw tools at them...

Why did ancient people settle by the sea?

They loved to swim and sunbathe.

Why did ancient people live in tribes?

That was not boring!

What did ancient people do?

What did primitive people eat?

We ate everything we encountered on our way!

How can you find out what ancient people ate?

By cans!

How did primitive people differ from modern people?

The primitives walked the streets in herds, and the moderns walked in families.

What do you know about the monkey?

The monkey is the ancestor of man. She has two hands...

And four legs!

The Kyiv princes were very fragmented

The Pechenegs ate cookies...

Prince Oleg was predicted that he would die from a snake that would crawl out of his skull.

The besieged threw stones from the walls of the fortress and poured boiled water on the enemies.

Cossacks wore long mustaches, forelocks and bald heads.

The horse looked at the driver over his hind shoulder.

In front of him, sitting on a horse, stood a rider.

When Suvorov was little, he got up early, did exercises, washed himself and went to fight the Tatar-Mongols.


What restrictions did the Novgorod prince have?

He shouldn't have married his mother. He also wanted to live in the center, but he was constantly pushed out of town.

What kind of shoes did the ancient Slavs wear?

Bast shoes and ancient sneakers.

What kind of tribute did the Kiev prince collect from the ancient Slavs?

The Slavs gave him oil, pots and their skins, which they mined in the forest.

What kind of life did the Tatar-Mongols lead?


The chronicle is called that because it was usually written in the summer.

From over the horizon, Prince Igor saw the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Courage, a sense of honor, and love for the Motherland collided in Prince Igor.

Of the entire army of Prince Igor, only fifteen Red Army soldiers remained.

The parents of Ilya Muromets were simple collective farmers.

Alyosha Popovich sat in a helmet with a pike in his hand.

Alyosha Popovich sits on a horse. It is dark brown.

Ilya Muromets played and danced well on the harp.

Ilya Muromets had a helmet on his head and boots with ancient laces on his feet.

Alyosha Popovich vigilantly looked at the back of Ilya Muromets’ head.

The hero was wearing chain mail and a helmet made of scrap metal.

Dobrynya Nikitich sat on his horse and peacefully nibbled grass.

Ilya Muromets sits on a horse with a large mane and bushy tail.

Ilya Muromets holds a spear with one hand, and looks forward with the other.

The heroes wore helmets, chain mail and mittens.

Suddenly the ground shook: it was Zmey Gorynych coming to land...


Name a positive hero in a Russian fairy tale.

Chicken Ryaba. She laid a golden egg for Grandfather and Baba.

Tell us about the character of Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga hid her kind soul in a mortar and broom.

Nevsky Prospekt is named after Alexander Nevsky, who lived on this avenue

As a child, Suvorov dreamed of becoming a Suvorov soldier.

Pugachev was kind. He didn't attack people.

Pugachev went to the scaffold and shouted: “Workers of all countries, unite!”

Peter the Great sits on a horse, raising his front legs high.

Emelyan Pugachev was sentenced to death through pardon.

Bogdan Khmelnitsky sent a telegram to the Russian Tsar.

Not only peasants, but also animals suffered from serfdom.

Russian nobles were easily vulnerable and therefore died in duels.

The noble nobility drowned itself in luxury.

The coachman, wrapped in a sheepskin coat, sat on the box, and the gentleman sat inside.

Previously, there was an Institute for Noble Girls in Smolny.


The three horses were driven by a bearded box in a sheepskin coat.


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