New Year's garlands made of cotton wool. How to make snowballs from cotton wool with your own hands? DIY snowballs made from cotton wool and glue

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The kindergarten has planned entertainment: taking the fortress and other fun. But since it is Epiphany frost outside, the entertainment will take place in the gym. And therefore snowballs must be non-melting. So I sewed some “snowballs” for kindergarten

I used Junior's white flannel diaper, synthetic fluff filling, and sewing thread, of course.

The pattern was built based on the following calculations. You need four petals per ball. The height of the petal is half a circle, the width of the petal is a quarter of a circle. This means that the height of the petal is twice the width.

If a certain diameter of the ball is needed, then the formula will come to the rescue: circumference = 2*pi*radius.

For a ball with a diameter of 8 cm, the petal should have a height of pi*radius, i.e. 3.14*4=12.56cm; and the width is ½*pi*radius, i.e. ½*3.14*4=6.28cm

We build a petal pattern, lay it out on the fabric,

cut with seam allowance.

Then we sew it together using a sewing machine, leaving about 1/3 of the last seam open.

Through this hole we turn the future ball right side out and fill it with filler.

We sew up the hole by hand using a blind stitch.

That's it, the snowball is ready! Go ahead, take the fortress!

The kindergarten has planned entertainment: taking the fortress and other fun. But since it is Epiphany frost outside, the entertainment will take place in the gym. And therefore snowballs must be non-melting. Then the question arose, how to sew a snowball? I thought about it, came up with and sewed several “snowballs” for kindergarten.


I used Junior's white flannel diaper, synthetic fluff filling (you can, of course, also use cotton wool, but it is much heavier and harder, so synthetic fillings are preferable. Besides, they can be easily washed), sewing thread, of course.

Description of work:

The pattern was built based on the following calculations. You need four petals per ball. The height of the petal is half a circle, the width of the petal is a quarter of a circle. This means that the height of the petal is twice the width.

If a certain diameter of the ball is needed, then the formula will come to the rescue: circumference = 2*pi*radius.

For a ball with a diameter of 8 cm, the petal should have a height of pi*radius, i.e. 3.14*4=12.56cm; and the width is ½*pi*radius, i.e. ½*3.14*4=6.28cm

We build a petal pattern, lay it out on the fabric,

snowball pattern

cut with seam allowance.

petals for sewing snowballs

Then we sew it together using a sewing machine, leaving about 1/3 of the last seam open.

sew the blanks, leaving a hole

Through this hole we turn the future ball right side out and fill it with filler.

fill the snowball with filler

We sew up the hole by hand using a blind stitch.

That's it, the sewn snowball is ready! Go ahead, take the fortress!

Snow. Soft, fluffy, delicate, fresh, sparkling, captivating and alluring. Fun Science today suggests making snow with your own hands. Make snow at home. Children will definitely enjoy snow experiences and experiments. A snow fairy tale awaits you. Welcome, friends.

DIY sparkling snow

Ready to make fluffy, cold and very soft snow? The ingredients are simple and affordable. No dangerous ingredients. The recipe is easy. To make snow with your own hands, you need to thoroughly mix the following components together:

  • corn starch,
  • shaving cream,
  • mint extract (optional)
  • sparkles.

DIY snow plasticine

An unexpected combination, you must agree. If you want to sculpt with snow mass, then write down the recipe. The child will undoubtedly enjoy this experience and will be useful for training motor skills and developing tactile sensations. The magic of this modeling compound is the ordinary ingredients and the shimmering shine. It won't take long to prepare the snow. Take:

  • 2 cups baking soda,
  • 1 cup cornstarch,
  • 1 cup cold water
  • a few drops of mint extract,
  • sparkles.

Combine all recipe ingredients except glitter in a large saucepan. Simmer until the ingredients begin to bubble and the liquid begins to thicken. Stirring continuously, puree until smooth. Remove the pan from the stove. Transfer the mixture into a deep cup, let cool, cover with a towel. Once cooled, add rainbow glitter and knead into clay. How long to knead? Until you achieve the desired shine, smoothness, and plasticity. In order for the snow clay to slightly cool children's hands, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Making your own snow paints

Is it possible to paint with snow? Certainly. But first you need to prepare snow paints. This is exactly what we will do now. We prepared for this task in advance. In the evening we put the shaving foam in the refrigerator, and in the morning we put the glue in there (for 10 minutes). When everything was ready, we began to experiment.

In a deep cup, mix shaving foam and glue in equal parts. Add glitter + a few drops of peppermint (to add a fresh scent) and mix everything thoroughly. As you may have noticed, the recipe is simple. And what wonderful drawings you get. Try it! Your child will love this fun! See even more recipes for homemade and safe paints.

Making “silk” snow with your child at home

When you can't go outside to play in the snow in winter. Or there is no snow, and you miss it, ask your parents to organize a snow fairy tale at home. And now I will tell you the recipe for silk snow:

  • frozen white bars of soap of any brand,
  • cheese grater,
  • sparkles.

Place a few bars of soap in the freezer overnight. Take out one piece at a time and start grating the soap. The last step in this short process is to add rainbow glitter and peppermint extract. Your own homemade snow is ready. It's time to build a snowman.

Snow dough - a super recipe for home cooking

This recipe is based on just two simple ingredients:

  • 450 g corn starch,
  • 250 ml of any cosmetic body lotion.

Friends, to make snow dough, just mix these ingredients with each other and that’s it. Adjust the density of the mass at your discretion. A little tip: you can reward the dough with pleasant coolness and special softness if you cool the ingredients before mixing. Want to keep the dough longer? Place it in a tightly sealed bag and put it in the refrigerator. If the dough becomes dry, mix it with hands moistened with lotion.

Liquid snow - prepare it at home with your child

Let me remind you that today we are making snow at home with the children. And therefore, most of the ingredients need to be cooled or frozen before starting the experiment. So, we take the starch out of the freezer and little by little add ice water to it until the consistency is not too liquid.

Friends, if you have never made non-Newtonian fluids before, you are in for a magical surprise. Be careful, with active interaction the mass becomes not only harder, but more viscous, and spreads at rest.

But that is not all. We have prepared for you the most complete selection of snow recipes that you can prepare with your child at home.

Artificial snow made from shaving foam, a simple recipe for making at home

The process of squeezing shaving foam into a basin is a fascinating activity in itself. Entrust this stage to your child, he will be wildly delighted. Empty your can of foam? Great, it's time to gradually add soda (1 pack). At the final stage, add glitter. The artificial snow is ready and you can sculpt figures from it. Cold homemade snow will be pleasant to the touch when it is pre-cooled in the refrigerator. Enjoy your experiments.

“Fragrant gentle snowball” for children’s entertainment

In previous recipes, we added peppermint extract. The fresh smell is amazing. But if you want other flavors, then you will probably like the following recipe:

  • 2 cups of flour,
  • ¼ cup baby oil.

The recipe is simple, and the snowball turns out delicate (ideal for children with sensitive skin), with a pleasant aroma. You will need a whisk for thorough mixing.

Important! The presence of oil in the recipe makes it difficult to clean up after playing.

Next up is another recipe for unusual snow. Are you tired yet? Then we continue.

Making artificial snow from a baby diaper

How far progress has come, science is advancing by leaps and bounds across the planet, and today, we will tell you how to make snow from diapers at home. Well, the components of this recipe are also simple:

  • baby diaper,
  • water,
  • fridge,
  • excellent mood (by the way, this is a mandatory ingredient in all recipes).

Parents and teachers go to great lengths to bring their child joy, pleasure and ignite a spark of interest in science. After all, we all understand that science is fun. The main thing is to find the right angle from which to show the child all the beauty of what awaits him tomorrow.

Today I suggest you gut your baby diaper and extract the sodium polyacrylate from it. Important note! Transfer the entire mass into a deep cup and gradually, in small portions, add water - continuously! Violation of technology and the snow will turn out too wet. Now it's time to add realism to our project, let's put the resulting snow in the refrigerator.

Dear scientists, are you tired of experiments yet? Fun Science has prepared for you some more entertaining instructions on how to create snow at home. It doesn’t matter whether the New Year comes tomorrow or in six months. This type of entertainment is relevant in any season. The main thing is the desire and availability of the necessary components at hand.

Do you have soap and toilet paper in your home? If yes, then I suggest making snow from these elements.

Making snow with children from foam polyethylene

Do you like the idea of ​​sprucing up the whole house before a magical holiday? Prepare some PVA glue and coat the surface you plan to decorate with a liquid solution. Now begin the process of making snow. Children will especially enjoy working with gloves and it can be an amazing experience. You need to grate polyethylene or foam. As a base, you can use packaging material for equipment, shoe inserts or polystyrene foam. Add sparkles to this airy mixture and enjoy the decorating process.

Making decor, preparing frost from salt

Continuing the decorating theme, I suggest making frost. To do this, you need to prepare a base - a concentrated saline solution. Take a saucepan, pour a small amount of water into it and put it on low heat. Add salt to the pan until it stops dissolving. Dip the branches of spruce, pine or any other plant into the hot solution and leave for a while. And now the science is starting to work. The process of crystal formation starts, which goes much faster in warm water! Let the water drain and leave the plants to dry for 4-5 hours. That's it, you get frost-covered branches. Further decor is at your discretion. Send photos of your work in the comments to this article. What innovation can you add to the recipe?

Artificial snow for a “snow globe”

The glass ball is a fascinating children's toy. You can add regular sparkles to such a ball. But then the experiment will not work. Therefore, we take a white paraffin candle and rub it on a fine grater. That's it, the snow is ready. And to create a “snow globe” we need a ball, water, glycerin and artificial snow flakes. You can add shimmering accents with glitter. We close the container hermetically and when shaken, the snowball smoothly sinks to the bottom.

PVA snow and starch

Take and thoroughly mix the starting components:

  • 2 tablespoons starch,
  • 2 tablespoons PVA,
  • 2 tablespoons silver paint.

Congratulations! You have just received excellent snow for voluminous decoration of any crafts for kindergarten or home decor.

Preparing a mass that imitates snow

Starting components:

  • fine quartz sand / semolina or foam chips,
  • white acrylic,
  • thick PVA glue,
  • sparkles.

When everything you need is ready, we begin the cooking process. Follow the instructions, follow the steps:

  1. Pour 250 grams (a full faceted glass) of your chosen material into a deep plate.
  2. We begin to gradually add white acrylic paint to this bulk material. Our task is to ensure that the loose particles stick together, but do not float in the slurry.
  3. Now it's time to add thick (this is important) PVA glue. We try to achieve elasticity and ductility. Add PVA little by little.
  4. And the last, very important touch is glitter. We thoroughly mix our artificial snow and... that's it!!!

Sugar snow

This recipe is suitable for decorating children's (and not only) parties. Before pouring juice, compote or cocktail into a glass, do a simple manipulation. Dip the edges of the glass (glass) into water or syrup. Done? Now you need to dip the wet edges in sugar. It is most convenient to do this on a tray. Here's a quick and easy way to make festive, snow-covered glasses.

Salty “snow” for meat

Young chefs can provide invaluable help to adults and prepare the decoration of the New Year's table - meat.

For this recipe we will need:

  • a pinch of salt;
  • egg white;
  • mixer.

Place egg white and a pinch of salt in a deep cup. Now turn on the mixer and beat our liquid mass into a stiff foam. What's next, you ask?

We take meat, for example, chicken, and put this improvised snow on it. Done? Amazing. It's time to put the meat in the oven. The result of our culinary experience is a delicious and festive dish: chicken in a snowdrift!

These are the recipes for creating a magical snowy atmosphere at home, prepared for you by Merry Science. Write about the progress of your experiments in the comments. Send your photos. Show your masterpieces to the scientific world. Tell us about all the stages of your preparation for the New Year. But remember that if in the summer you want winter, open this page and feel free to make snow. In summer! In your own kitchen with your children! This will be a lot of fun!

We might have missed something in this collection. Therefore, if you have your own recipe “how to make artificial snow at home” and you want to tell everyone about it, we are waiting for your letter. We will be happy to publish your New Year's experiments.

The beauty of falling snow creates a fabulous atmosphere. It can be brought into the house along with a lump of snow. But he will melt at home. And at the same time, it is very often needed for decoration or for games. Therefore, the question arises of how to make a snowball out of cotton wool, the photo of which you see in our article. Is it really that difficult, and what materials are needed to create this beauty that makes the New Year celebration so mysterious? You can create a holiday fairy tale with your own hands.

There are several ways to make a snowball out of cotton wool. It will be environmentally friendly and will not turn into a puddle in a few minutes. It can be added as separate parts of a craft, or you can simply decorate a Christmas tree or holiday table with it.

First option

How to make a snowball out of cotton wool? First, let's prepare everything you need for the craft. We will need: starch, a small saucepan, cotton wool, a teaspoon, water. So, pour two teaspoons of starch into a small saucepan, pour in a glass of cold water, and mix. Then bring to a boil. You will get a paste. It needs to be cooled down so you can work with your hands. Now we prepare balls of the required size from cotton wool and dip them into the paste one at a time. Having taken it out, distribute the glue evenly over the entire surface. Place on a tray and leave to dry, turning occasionally so that they do not crack or lose their shape during drying. When the products are dry, you need to crush them slightly to give them a fluffy shape.

Second manufacturing option

How to make snowballs from cotton wool? Let's use the previous description, only when preparing the paste you need to add glitter to it. Then, after drying, the snowballs will look like real ones. If you put them under the Christmas tree, they will sparkle no worse than real ones, conveying all the beauty of New Year's toys.

Product made from cotton wool and varnish

How to make a snowball out of cotton wool using First, take a piece of cotton wool, drip PVA glue onto it, roll it up so that the glue is inside. Now you need to apply hairspray to the lump (at a distance of about thirty centimeters). It will secure the snowball and give it shine. You can also decorate the items with glitter nail polish.

Another way to create

Another way to make snowballs from cotton wool? For these snowballs you will need: water, PVA glue, cotton wool. First, prepare the glue of the required consistency. You need to take one part of this ingredient and three parts of water, mix well. That's it, our composition is ready. We take the required amount of cotton wool and apply a thin layer of glue, evenly distributing it over the surface of the snowball. When it dries, add the next portion. We continue this way until we reach the desired size of the snowball. If it is very small, then you can add cotton wool and continue to apply glue evenly. When the snowball has reached the desired size, you need to place it in a warm place to dry. At the same time, you need to rotate it so that it dries evenly. The end result will be a snowball. It certainly won't melt in your hands.

With a newspaper

And for this snowball, in addition to cotton wool, you will need another piece of newspaper. Take a small piece of paper and crumple it into a ball. Now it needs to be wrapped in cotton wool and covered with gauze. The result is a soft but durable snowball. Here's how to make a snowball out of cotton wool.


A whole snowfall can add fabulousness to New Year's Eve. So, let’s stock up on material: it’s better to take synthetic wool, it’s fluffier. Making a New Year's miracle toy. It can be used to decorate the house or as a decoration for Christmas. To make a magnificent New Year's snowfall, we prepare pieces of cotton wool and string them on a thread with a needle. Now lubricate the balls with glue prepared in advance using a brush. Our New Year's garland is ready. You can safely hang it in the chosen place.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to make a snowball out of cotton wool. As you can see, everything is simple. Making a snowball is a pleasure for the whole family to work on. Materials for crafts are inexpensive, they are available to everyone. This means that this is a great opportunity to introduce a child to work. And this simple method will help transform the room and instill in it the New Year's spirit. We hope that you will be able to create an artificial snowball at home.

The wonderful winter season has been dear to each of us since school. Who doesn’t have wonderful memories when, as children, they played fun winter games and enjoyed the airy snowflakes flying from the sky! However, as the climate changes, winter does not please us so often, but the soul still requires a holiday! How to create a festive snowy atmosphere for yourself? How to make snow with your own hands?

There is a surefire way to prepare snow by simply using a kettle of boiling water. However, this will require a “real” severe winter outside the window. At least 25 degrees below zero. Then you can go outside with a kettle of boiling water and turn it into a pile of snow in a matter of seconds. To do this, you need to carefully throw out all the water from the kettle and, lo and behold, water no longer pours out of it, but snowflakes fly out!

This method is good when it's really cold outside. But how to prepare snow if it’s warm there or just slightly frosty?

In fact, making artificial snowflakes at home is not that difficult. There are several methods that are suitable for this matter. You can make snowflakes from seven different materials:

  • baby diapers;
  • salt;
  • Styrofoam;
  • soap and toilet paper;
  • soap and water;
  • cotton wool;
  • sugar and water.

Now in more detail about each method of making snow mass.

Making snow out of diapers

You can prepare snow happiness in three stages:

  1. We buy this same diaper in the store. As a rule, its main component is special granules made of sodium polyacrylate. This element is not sold in its pure form. But from one large diaper you can get several handfuls of snow;
  2. Now you need to gut the diaper, carefully cutting along the seam. Powder will spill out from under the outer soft coating, which must be carefully collected in a large bowl. There should be at least half as much powder as there is free space in the bowl;
  3. Now you can add water to the container. The quantity should be slightly larger than the powder itself. Now the amazing part begins. The wet powder will begin to quickly increase in size! The picture is reminiscent of a fairy tale about a magic porridge that crawled out of a pot.

Our snow is almost ready! If you need multi-colored material, then any dye can be added to the water. Thus, you will get a multi-colored snowball, from which you can make any compositions or gifts.

This method takes a little time, and the result is almost real crumbly dry snowflakes that do not stick to your hands and do not freeze your fingers. It turns out that making snow at home is actually quick and easy.

However, if there are children in the house, then it is important to ensure that the child does not eat such a “snowflake”. No matter how hypoallergenic diapers may seem, sodium polyacrylate is a chemical element. If used incorrectly, it can cause serious harm to the body.

Making snow from salt

With the help of salt, you can make not so much a handful of snow, but a delicate cover of frost. It is interesting to do this activity with your child. For him, this will be both an exciting activity and at the same time there will be a chance to gain some basic knowledge in the field of natural sciences.

You can make frost from salt in five steps:

  1. buy rock salt at the store;
  2. prepare a solution. One kilogram of salt will require two liters of water. Stir until completely dissolved. This will not be easy, but it is an important step in the entire process;
  3. to obtain frost with any color tint, you need to add dye or ink to the solution;
  4. Now comes the fun part. Take a twig (spruce, flower, string of beads) and dip it in the saline solution. Leave in this container until the solution cools completely;
  5. Now you can remove your item from the saline solution and leave it to dry.

After final drying, the immersed object will acquire a white coating, which in appearance will very much resemble winter frost. Now you can use this twig to make bouquets or compositions.

Preparing snow mass from polystyrene foam

To prepare such snow, you just need a piece of polystyrene foam left over from purchasing household appliances or insulating a house. You need to take a fine grater and rub a piece of foam on it. The result is a pile of snow suitable for use in crafts or decorations.

The advantage of polystyrene foam is its harmlessness. This environmentally friendly product does not emit any odors or fumes. Therefore, even allergy sufferers can make snow from polystyrene foam. In addition, this is one of the most budget options, as it does not require any additional costs.

Using this snow you can make snow-covered branches. To do this, it will be enough to grease the twig with glue and then sprinkle it with prepared snowflakes.

How to make snow from soap and toilet paper?

The process of making snow from soap and toilet paper is somewhat unusual, but you can easily make crafts from such a snow mass. For example, you can make snowballs or even a whole snowman.

To prepare snow, you need to prepare several rolls of toilet paper and a bar of white soap. The paper needs to be torn into small pieces. Place a piece of soap at the bottom of a large glass dish and cover it with torn paper. This dish needs to be placed in the microwave at one hundred degrees.

The mixture should “bake” for about a minute, but every fifteen seconds it should be stirred, as if fluffing it. Do not allow the soap to completely dissolve. It should just become soft.

The resulting mixture should be poured with a glass of water, stir well and add another half glass. Our snow is ready. From the resulting mass you can sculpt any figures that your imagination can handle.

How to make snow from soap and water?

Such snow will not last long, but it will be an interesting activity for both the parent and the baby. To prepare it, it is enough:

  1. grate one piece of white baby soap on a coarse grater;
  2. add a quarter cup of boiling water;
  3. Using a mixer, beat the solution until it becomes thick sour cream.

Knowing how to make snow using this method, you can prepare it in advance before bathing your child. This will give him a lot of pleasure, and will allow his parents to bathe him calmly.

Making snow from cotton wool

The advantage of this method of making snow is that after using it, the house does not require general cleaning. All ready-made snowflakes will be easy to place anywhere in the house, and also easy to remove. Here's the preparation itself:

  1. roll a large number of rolls from cotton wool;
  2. dip an ordinary thread in PVA glue;
  3. string cotton balls onto a thread dampened by glue;
  4. the thicker we string it, the more impressive the snow garland will be;
  5. let it dry;
  6. We decorate our home with the resulting snow garlands.

Preparing a sweet snowball

An unforgettable event for the whole family will be the preparation of sweet snow that can be eaten. For him, made in the shape of snowflakes and stars.

A pinch of sugar and an egg yolk are whipped with a mixer until very thick foam. The resulting foam can be used to decorate all the cookies and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. Everything should be baked in the oven over low heat. As a result, you will be able to make a lot of snow, which will be fabulously tasty and beautiful!

You can also use sugar to frame the edges of glasses. After pre-wetting the glasses, you can dip them in sugar and let them dry. The sugar will securely attach to the glasses, creating an unusually beautiful decor.

Can artificial snow be used on ski slopes?

Interestingly, at the moment, some world-famous ski resorts use artificial snow for their slopes. Snow for the ski slope, of course, is not prepared by any of the above methods. For this purpose, special pumps or snow cannons are installed, which dispense snow quickly and automatically. Although in nature snow forms only at temperatures below zero, artificial snow is produced at higher temperatures under the influence of special proteins.

However, some experts believe that although this can replace real snow, harm to the environment cannot be completely avoided. The movement of large volumes of water from one place to another often leads to a sharp decrease in the water level in fresh rivers, and they, in turn, play a key role in supplying local residents with drinking water.

In any case, making artificial snow at home is a fun activity. It will bring happiness to children and adults, and will be remembered for a long time as a colorful and memorable event!


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