Novokubansky brick factory. Novokubansk plant of ceramic wall materials, g

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The Novokubansk plant of ceramic wall materials was built and put into operation in 1987. The enterprise is equipped with first-class domestic and foreign equipment and operates using the technology of the Italian company EUROIMPIANTI. The production of ceramic bricks is the main activity of the NZKSM company. In recent years, the quality indicators of manufactured products have increased significantly, the range of products has increased, and productivity has reached 70 million pieces of standard bricks per year.

Novokubansk Brick Factory - quality guarantee!

The Novokubansk brick factory uses only environmentally friendly clay as raw materials without using any additives from its own quarry “Khutorok”, which is located 2 km from the enterprise. The production of ceramic bricks is carried out on a fully automated line using plastic molding. Continuous operation, the ability to control all technological processes using an automatic control system eliminates the influence of the human factor and ensures stable quality of products.

All products manufactured by the Novokubansk Plant of Ceramic Wall Materials are certified in the GOST R system of the State Standard of Russia. Novokuban brick can be used for cladding and laying external and internal walls of buildings and structures of any number of floors. Qualified specialists of OJSC NZKSM are constantly modernizing production and strive to update the range of products and improve their quality.


OJSC NZKSM produces ceramic bricks and stone that meet high quality and safety standards. All of the plant’s products are certified, and production technologies have been proven for years. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the product line and prices.

Novokuban brick from the manufacturer - JSC NZKSM

Ceramic facing brick from the NZKSM company is certified and meets high safety and quality standards. The production technology has been proven over the years. The plant uses environmentally friendly clay as a raw material, which is mined at its own Khutorok quarry.

10.70 rub.

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Krasnodar facing bricks are molded on a fully automated line, which eliminates the influence of the human factor and guarantees stable quality of the produced material. The plant's product line includes traditional and decorative forms of facing bricks to implement various architectural ideas. Novokubansky brick factory is a leader in automation among factories in southern Russia.

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Novokubansky brick

buy in Stavropol - Inexpensive! Tel 901-235 (wholesale/retail department)

Novokubansky one and a half and single brick. Reviews from builders about it are positive due to the long-term operation of the Novokuban plant and advanced production technologies. Novokuban brick, you can buy in Stavropol at a low price by calling: 901-235. Delivery of Novokuban brick is made by manipulator within 1-1.5 hours from the moment of ordering from our production and trading base!

Novokuban brick price which is relatively low, is certified in the GOST R system of the State Standard of Russia and is recommended for masonry and cladding of walls of buildings of any complexity.

The choice includes decorative and finishing, corrugated, single, thickened, convex and concave models for facial work.

Novokubansk brick factory official website:

General characteristics of bricks:
- M-150-175

- Frost resistance F 100

- Thermal conductivity 0.419 W/m ℃
- Water absorption 11%

- Emptiness – 35%

- Pallet weight up to 590 kg

Loading norm for vehicles 36-42 pallets:

Novokubank brick price from the manufacturer lower than from intermediaries, by purchasing bricks from us you can save. Our company is an official partner "NZKSM". By ordering a brick from us you can save up to 3 rubles per brick. The price of Novokubansky brick in the Stavropol Territory attracts buyers, this is the “golden mean” PRICE-QUALITY.

Novokuban brick buy in Stavropol, You can simply call 901-235 or leave a request on the website.

The price of Novokuban brick is extremely low due to its logistics (delivery by our own transport) from our base in Mikhailovsk Buy Novokuban brick possible from our base in Stavropol. We sell Novokuban bricks from the factory in Stavropol with delivery directly from the factory - directly! WITHOUT INTERMEDIARIES, because we work through word of mouth. Factories and factories in Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory give us a good discount, which has a pleasant effect on the cost of the material with free delivery.


A special layer of building materials is ceramics. Ceramic brick is considered the oldest representative of artificial materials for construction. Construction ceramics are produced throughout the country on a huge scale. Today, in addition to standard ordinary bricks, the range of building ceramics includes more technologically advanced forms in the form of hollow bricks, ceramic porous stones and all sorts of variations of facing ceramic bricks.

History of NZKSM

In the south of Russia, ceramic bricks are especially in demand and are produced on a huge scale. Hundreds of different enterprises producing this material produce millions of ceramic bricks every day. One of the brightest representatives of the brick industry in the south of the country is Novokubansky ceramic wall materials factory. This is a large plant located in the Krasnodar region. As usual, Novokubansky ZKSM in the process of perestroika was transformed into an open joint-stock company of the same name.

Novokubansky brick factory can truly be considered the center-forming enterprise in this industry in the Krasnodar Territory and the Northern Caucasus.

The Novokubansk plant of ceramic wall materials dates back to 1987. Like many similar enterprises, Novokubansky ZKSM has gone through a difficult path from a small plant producing one type of ceramic brick to a modern enterprise equipped with advanced equipment from the Italian company Euroimpianti.

Today, the plant's productivity is about 65-70 million bricks per year. High performance is facilitated by compliance with Italian UNIMORANDO technologies. As you know, ceramic bricks are made in two ways: plastic molding and semi-dry pressing. The first method is most widespread Novokubansky ZKSM also uses this method.

It consists of the following: the initially extracted clay is sent for a grinding procedure, followed by filtration. Novokubansky ZKSM has a nearby clay deposit located in the Khutorok quarry, which is located two kilometers from the enterprise. Then a clay mixture is prepared with the addition of sand, water and various components that affect the improvement of the quality of clay raw materials. From this mixture a timber is formed, cut into raw brick. The raw brick is sent for a drying procedure, where the material shrinks. Drying of Novokuban raw brick takes place in continuous dryers. Only then comes the most important production stage – firing. During firing, the temperature is gradually raised to 800-1000 degrees. As a result of firing, ceramic brick acquires its characteristic terracotta shade, appropriate strength and other characteristics. Since the firing procedure is carried out at high temperatures, in the future the full-bodied version clay brick can be used as a material for the construction of domestic heating units. Novokubansky brick fired in a tunnel kiln with a channel width of seven meters.

On Novokubansk ZKSM Each production stage is mechanized and automated, which reduces the influence of the human factor, improves the quality of products and allows increasing the speed of production.

NKZSM products

The high quality produced by the Novokubansk Plant of Ceramic Wall Materials quickly made the products of this manufacturer famous far beyond the region.

Specializes NKZSM Novokubansk on the production of red brick for general construction and facial purposes. The most popular product is considered to be ordinary hollow ceramic bricks with smooth surfaces for wall construction.

Hollow brick is a more attractive material for the construction of walls for various purposes, since it has higher properties that influence the formation of the level of living comfort in the built premises. We are talking about thermal insulation and soundproofing, which are at the highest level with ceramic hollow bricks.

Smooth ordinary brick is available in an effective one-and-a-half size. The use of such material allows you to increase the speed of work, save on consumables and the work of masons. Weighs thickened ceramic brick just over three kilograms, helped by the presence of voids, which account for 36% of the total volume. The less weight a material has, the less load it puts on the foundation of a building, and the more floors of a building can be built using this material.

Besides smooth hollow thickened brick, the plant’s assortment also includes relief bricks, which are rolled in stripes. The presence of a relief on the surface of the brick contributes to better joining of the bricks during masonry and, accordingly, to increased work efficiency.

Since ordinary brick does not always have an excellent appearance, because its main purpose is basic construction, the Novokubansky Ceramic Wall Materials Plant produces red facing bricks. Facing terracotta bricks have smooth surfaces and good geometry. Also, facing bricks can be distinguished from ordinary bricks due to their uniform color throughout the volume.

Shaped brick NKZSM

“Fantasy” for NKZSM ceramic bricks is not limited in terms of execution forms. Special series facing bricks makes up shaped brick. This type of brick is distinguished by the presence of cuts, smoothed or beveled corners. Essentially, it is any non-rectangular brick with a high surface quality. For this, the brick received such nicknames as “curly” and “pattern”.

Depending on the shape, shaped bricks are used for different purposes. For example, it is traditionally used for the construction and cladding of cornices and other architectural elements of this kind. In accordance with this, such a brick was called cornice.

Curved (pattern) bricks rounded along one or two edges are used for the construction of towers, columns, walls with curves, etc.

Not every brick factory produces shaped bricks, Novokubansk plant of ceramic building materials is one of the rare manufacturers whose assortment always includes shaped bricks.

P.S. The products of Novokubansk ZKSM are distinguished by high quality and reliability. Ceramic bricks are usually chosen by traditionalists. As the most ancient building material, ceramic brick has long proven its worth. The reliability of building ceramics is beyond doubt, because the experience of its use dates back centuries.

Upscale ceramic brick from the manufacturer NZKSM Novokubansk recommended for the construction of high-rise buildings, and is also suitable for use in seismically active zones. The service life of Novokuban brick is at least 50 years, as evidenced by the frost resistance index F50. Based on strength grades, brick is divided into M125, M150 and M175. You can always choose the brick that best suits your requirements at an affordable price.


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