Do you need a waybill: how traffic police officers scam drivers out of money. Do I need to take my vehicle with me? Fine for driving without a license

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Every driver will someday be stopped by a traffic police inspector. These are regular checks that cannot be avoided. Therefore, you need to be prepared for this, having the entire set with you necessary documents. This will speed up the inspection process and complete it quickly, leaving the inspector behind.

Documents that the driver must have with him

When driving a vehicle, the driver must have several documents in the car. They will allow the traffic police inspector to obtain all the information and certify the person’s ability to drive. Among the main documents the following are noted.

Driver's license

A driver's license is also called a license and certifies a person's ability to drive a vehicle. It contains basic information about the owner, the date of issue, the place where the license was issued, as well as the categories of vehicles that the owner of the document can drive.

Vehicles are divided into categories, so the license that the driver carries must match the vehicle. The following categories of vehicles are noted:

  • motorcycle transport (category A);
  • passenger cars weighing up to 3500 kg and capacity up to 8 seats (category B);
  • cars weighing over 3500 kg, with the exception of category D (category C);
  • vehicles for transporting passengers with more than 8 seats (category D).

However, other categories and their subtypes are noted, which are available by age, driving experience and relevant exams. But the most common is the presented transport.

In case of withdrawal of a driver's license on a temporary basis without deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle, the driver is provided with a temporary permit. It is a complete replacement for the ID, but is issued only in the name of the owner and does not have a corresponding photograph.

Important. To use a temporary permit, the driver must present a passport or other identification document.

Vehicle registration certificate

Each vehicle requires registration with the traffic police. On this basis, the owner is issued a registration certificate, which contains basic information about the transport. The vehicle registration certificate contains all the information about the vehicle, including:

  • an identification number;
  • brand;
  • model;
  • year of issue;
  • engine information;
  • maximum weight.

And other data that is necessary for transport classification. In addition, the registration certificate indicates the owner of the vehicle and the place of registration of the vehicle.

Important! The certificate indicates the color of the vehicle, so when repainting it is necessary to update the registration.

The certificate also contains information about the vehicle's passport.

OSAGO insurance policy

According to Federal law, every car owner is required to insure it under MTPL. This is a guarantee of civil liability, through which funds are paid as a result of an accident with subsequent damage to property, health or life.

The driver must have an insurance policy with him, because a traffic police inspector may require it for inspection.

The MTPL insurance policy consists of two documents: the policy itself and the part about passing the state technical inspection. Previously, the technical inspection was confirmed by a separate coupon, but later it was abolished and replaced with a diagnostic card. It is not necessary to carry the card with you; the insurance policy is proof of the technical serviceability of the car.

Each car must undergo a state technical inspection, which checks its performance and condition. On this basis, an MTPL insurance policy is issued, indicating that the vehicle is in good condition. This inspection must be carried out regularly. The frequency of inspections depends on the type of vehicle and its age.

Important! The trailer also requires a technical inspection and a certificate. Its frequency depends on the characteristics of the trailer and is calculated based on the above rules.

Every motorist must have these documents with him. They will be needed when checking by a traffic police inspector and in case of an accident. It is important to monitor the service life of documents, because this may cause a fine or other measures on the part of the traffic police.

They also note a number of documents that you can take with you on your trip. However, their presence is not necessary and may be needed only in individual cases. Among them:

  • vehicle passport;
  • documents for ownership of transport;
  • diagnostic technical inspection card.

It is not necessary to have this data with you, so the traffic police inspector does not have the right to demand it from the driver.

Insurance exclusions

Although there are laws regarding car insurance, there are a number of cases where vehicle insurance is not required. However, it is necessary to provide documents confirming the vehicle’s relevance to these cases.

There are five factors under which transport does not require insurance:

  1. The speed of transport cannot exceed 20 km/h.
  2. Transport belongs to the Armed Forces Russian Federation. This paragraph excludes funds used to secure economic activity Armed Forces.
  3. Transport for which technical features The laws of the Russian Federation on the admission of vehicles to road traffic do not apply.
  4. Transport insured in accordance with the law by another person.
  5. Transport registered in another state and insured under the international system compulsory insurance(provided that the Russian Federation is a participant in this system).

It is important to regularly renew your insurance and not allow it to expire, because this automatically deprives the car of the right to participate in road traffic.

Cancellation of power of attorney

Previously, during the inspection, the traffic police inspector was required to provide a power of attorney - a document necessary to drive someone else’s vehicle. The power of attorney was issued to a separate person and was legally confirmed. The document was issued for a period of up to three years, and the recipient could entrust it to another person.

Since 2012, the power of attorney has been abolished. You no longer need to provide documents proving the transfer of transport for use to another person. Although many motorists are still trying to renew a power of attorney for a car - this is no longer required.

Specialized documents

For people whose vehicle is used for commercial purposes (cargo transportation, Passenger Transportation and the like), there are separate documents. These are specialized forms that must be provided at regular traffic police checks.

For passenger taxis transporting passengers and luggage, you must provide:

Also, when transporting large, dangerous and heavy cargo, the driver must provide a document certifying that his vehicle is permissible to transport such cargo.

For people transporting cargo on trucks, you must provide:

  • transportation license;
  • permission to transport cargo;
  • vehicle passport.

If the driver is a hired worker and not the owner of the car, then he needs a power of attorney to drive the vehicle. This only applies to trucks.

You may also need a waybill (BW), which confirms the transaction between the shipper, carrier and consignee. This document consists of two parts, the first of which contains information about the cargo, and the second - about the vehicle, route and duration of the journey.

Every driver of a car or other vehicle should know what documents he may need on the road. All of them are listed in the second section of the Rules traffic, where the driver’s responsibilities are indicated. A police officer may require such documents from you for verification.

Documents for a passenger car driver

If this a car, then you need to have with you:

  • Driver's license of the appropriate category, and if it was confiscated from you in in the prescribed manner, then you must issue a temporary driving permit;
  • vehicle inspection certificate and registration documents, and if there is a trailer for the vehicle, then for it;
  • compulsory insurance policy issued in the name of the car owner;
  • A document confirming the right to own a vehicle or the right to use it (power of attorney), and if the car is with a trailer, then for the trailer. If the owner is present during the trip, then a power of attorney is not required.

Driver documents for international flights

A driver who makes international flights,

  • registration documents for a car or other vehicle, and if there is a trailer, then for it;
  • a driver's license, which must comply with the Convention on Road Traffic;
  • decals and registration plates on the vehicle and on the trailer (if any) of the state in which the vehicle is registered;
  • driving permit if the car is not your property.

All documents that are provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation may be required from you for verification by employees Federal service for the supervision of transport at control points, which are indicated by road signs.

What documents must a driver have for cargo transportation?

The rules of cargo transportation are prescribed in Chapter 40 “Transportation” and Chapter 41 “Transport Forwarding” of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. After all, behind every cargo transportation there is a transaction, and it must be documented. Therefore, the driver who has been entrusted with the cargo must have, in addition to driving documents and documents for the vehicle, also documents for the transported cargo. So, full list Driver documents for cargo transportation include:

  • driver's license;
  • license card and certificate of approval for the transportation of dangerous goods;
  • when transporting oversized cargo, you must have a permit and pass from the traffic police;
  • power of attorney from the owner of the vehicle to drive it;
  • a copy of the employment agreement, if this is a hired worker and not an individual entrepreneur.
  • vehicle passport;
  • vehicle technical inspection certificate;
  • compulsory insurance insurance policy;
  • waybill;
  • waybill.

What documents must a forklift driver have?

Loaders can run on electricity, gasoline, or gas, and therefore sometimes problems arise that employers face when hiring forklift drivers. You need to carefully look at the documents that indicate what type of forklift the driver has permission to operate. As a rule, the work permit may simply contain “forklift driver”, and the clarification is only on the driver’s license.

Electric forklifts are not supervised, Gostekhnadzor licenses are not required for them, but the employee must have an electric forklift driver's license indicating the type of machine on which he has the right to work. This could be an electric pallet truck driver or a battery-powered forklift driver, etc.

Forklifts or forklifts with engine internal combustion are subject to Gostekhnadzor, and therefore the employee must receive tractor driver's license to have the right to drive a self-propelled vehicle.

Electric forklift driver must have the following documents:

  • medical certificate confirming suitability to work as a forklift driver;
  • photograph of 3x4 cm format.

Forklift driver must have the following documents:

  • copy of passport (first, second page and registration);
  • driver’s medical certificate indicating suitability to drive self-propelled vehicles;
  • a copy of the special education document or a copy of the certificate;
  • two photos size 3x4.

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Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will talk about the documents that you should carry with you when driving a car. This question quite often worries novice drivers.

For example, doubts arise due to the fact that the traffic rules talk about registration documents for a vehicle, but this concept is not deciphered. Therefore, the driver cannot determine what belongs to the registration documents. Either this is a vehicle registration certificate, or a vehicle passport, or both documents at the same time.

Let's look at the list of documents that should be in the car.

What documents are needed to drive a car?

The list of documents for driving a car is regulated by paragraph 2.1.1:

2.1.1. Carry with you and, at the request of police officers, hand over to them for verification:

  • a driver's license or temporary permit to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category or subcategory;
  • registration documents for this vehicle (except for mopeds), and if there is a trailer - also for the trailer (except for trailers for mopeds);
  • in established cases, permission to carry out activities for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxi, waybill, license card and documents for the transported cargo, and when transporting large, heavy and dangerous goods - documents provided for by the rules for the transportation of these goods;
  • a document confirming the fact of disability, in the case of driving a vehicle on which the identification sign “Disabled” is installed;
  • an insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of the vehicle owner or information printed on paper about the conclusion of a contract of such compulsory insurance in the form of an electronic document in cases where the obligation to insure one’s civil liability is established by federal law.

Documents that every driver must have:

1. Appropriate driver's license. If the driver does not have a Russian national driver's license, then he can also use.

2. Vehicle registration certificate - a document confirming the registration of the vehicle with the traffic police and the issuance of license plates.

3. OSAGO policy.

In 90 percent of cases, these documents are sufficient to drive a car.

Additional documents required by some drivers:

4. Certificate of disability of the driver or passenger, if the identification sign “Disabled” is installed on the car.

5. Documents for commercial transportation (license card, cargo documents, documents for transportation of large, heavy or dangerous goods).

Documents required before registering a car with the traffic police

Within 10 days after purchasing the car, the driver must, where a vehicle registration certificate will be issued (point number 2). If the driver is stopped by the police before registering the car, then he should be presented with:

6. Vehicle passport (), in which the driver is indicated as the new owner.

7. , which confirms the fact of transfer of ownership.

Please note that immediately after receiving the vehicle registration certificate, the title and purchase and sale agreement can be left at home or in another safe place. Traffic police officers will not need these documents and you do not need to carry them with you.

Fine for lack of documents for a car in 2019

For clarity, fines for the absence of three main documents for a car are presented in the form of a table:

Thus, for a car document forgotten at home, the driver faces a minimum penalty in the form of a warning or a fine of 500 rubles, which can be paid with

This article is enlightening for beginners; today we will talk about documents that you must always carry with you in the car. Without them, you are entitled to either a large fine or even towing of the car to a parking lot. So read to the end, there will be a lot of interesting things...

As you understand, such a document as a license does not yet give you the right to drive any car of your category, because now there are a couple of other necessary “pieces of paper” without which you simply cannot move around the city. However, let's start with all the documents that the motorist has.

Full list

Oddly enough, there are quite a lot of documents, both for the car itself and for an identity card and permission to drive.

1) Identity passport . You can't go anywhere without him. You will not be able to insure your car, get your license, or buy a car. In general, it is necessary.

2) Medical certificate . Needed to apply for a driver's license. The required document.

3) Driver card . It notes your educational process, also retakes and admissions. It is being processed educational institution, where are you studying. Drivers with category “D” (bus) often have it “in their hands”.

4) Driver license . Without them, you will not be able to drive a vehicle.

5) PTS (passport technical means), issued to the vehicle upon release. You fit in there when you purchase it.

6) Vehicle registration certificate . Issued to you by your traffic police department, issued on the basis of PTS.

7) Insurance policy . Issued when insuring a car and is required by law for all types of road transport.

8) Maintenance (technical inspection) card . Now they require for issuance insurance policy, without it, your insurance will not be renewed for the next year.

These are the main documents of any driver; it turns out to be a “considerable pile.” However, do you need to carry everything with you in the car? Of course not, now I will list only the necessary ones.

What do we take with us?

In order to freely drive a car, you need to have several important documents and permits.

1) Rights , of course, you can’t go anywhere without them. The category you passed is marked there, that is, if you only have a “B”, you cannot drive a bus (“D”) or a truck (“C”). Without this document, if you are stopped by a traffic police officer, your car may be seized for a parking fine. So availability is a MUST! Also watch - and not expired.

2) Insurance . Also, we can’t live without it, the way the legal system is structured is that this insurance policy protects us from accidents, so it is required by law. It is also a kind of power of attorney, that is, everyone who is registered in it can drive the car. If it is not there, there is a big fine, and they can also drive the vehicle to a parking lot. So you need to carry it.

3) Vehicle registration certificate . This “paper” (which is rolled up in mica) is also a must. In fact, this is a kind of copy of the PTS and it can be used to decide whether it is your car or not. If you don’t have this “card”, then this may mean that you took the car without asking, or, even worse, it was stolen. This is not far from a criminal case.

It is these three important documents that you MUST take with you, then there will be no problems.

For other drivers

It should be noted that professional drivers need to carry a “larger list” with them. So, for example, bus drivers are required to have a medical certificate, as well as a “driver card” and a MOT (technical inspection) pass. They have intervals and confirmation of these “disciplines” much more often than ordinary drivers. GAZELLE drivers are especially strictly monitored, because often it is not clear who works in these places!

I would also like to say - guys, never leave these listed papers in the car (the only thing you can do is “insurance”). They are very important and if you lose them or they are stolen. It’s quite problematic to restore, and it’s also “tedious.” Also, if the car is stolen, the thief will have access to drive the vehicle for a short (but important) period of time. Also do not store plastic cards and money. Buy a small handbag and put everything there, and be sure to carry it with you (girls always have these with them)

Now short video, let's look.

This is where I’ll end the article, newcomers, filmed and written just for you.

Traffic rules are attributed to a large number of responsibilities for persons driving vehicles. Clause 2.1.1. explains what documents the driver needs to carry with him. This information must be remembered and observed daily in order to avoid problems when the car is stopped by traffic police officers.

List of documents

The number of documents that a driver constantly needs to carry with him is not that large. The list includes:

There are also some documents that you need to have with you in certain situations:


The driver must always have these documents with him. If he is not the owner of the car, then there must be either a power of attorney, or he must be included in the policy. An alternative is a policy “without restrictions”, but all other documents, i.e. certificate and license are still needed.

The driver is not obliged to carry the remaining documents with him and show them during a simple check either to the traffic police inspector or to representatives of other law enforcement agencies.
He may not even hand over the documents to the latter, but show them himself. Therefore, if the requirement for a technical inspection coupon (since without MOT you cannot get insurance, which, by the way, includes technical inspection data), a passport, PTS or other documents is not justified by any factors, then no one has the right to force them to be presented.

Other features of the document presentation process

The main rule to consider when meeting with law enforcement officials is politeness. Even if the driver films his communication with them on camera or records it on a voice recorder (which is sometimes necessary), you need to warn about this. There is no need to be rude in response to a careless traffic police officer, but filming or recording in such a situation is mandatory in order to further prove that you are right if problems arise.

If the traffic police inspector requires other documents, then the driver should not argue with him; he can calmly answer that they are not required by law. If, in the event of a conflict initiated by either party, a traffic police officer took into his car the documents presented to him by the driver and does not want to give them back, you need to call the police on 02, report where and which employees are breaking the law, then calmly wait for the situation to be resolved.

If you forgot your documents

If the driver did not have a license, registration certificate or policy with him when checked by traffic police officers, because he forgot them at home or at work, then he will have to either return for them on foot (which will be unlikely if stopped at the other end of the city), or receive a warning, or pay a fine of 500 rubles. It will not be possible to get away with a fine only in the case of a forgotten driver’s license, because... The driver has no right to continue driving without them. The car may be taken to the impound lot until the violation is corrected. Only in this case you will have to pay for the tow truck and for the number of hours the car spent in the parking lot.

If the car has just been purchased

It’s another matter if the car has just been purchased and there are no documents for it yet. Then you need to carry with you (if the car is used) or an agreement from the car dealership and the specified date of purchase (required). In this case, you can get off with a warning. But the new owner of the car should keep in mind that only 10 days are given for re-registration. After this period, any stop by traffic police officers will result in a fine.

It’s the same story with changing the color of a car or making changes to the design of a vehicle. If the car has been repainted, you must visit the MREO to change the data in the vehicle registration certificate.

If you stop along the way to check documents, you can show the traffic police officer a receipt or other paper confirming the painting work, and also show an unpainted element with the VIN number of the car (it is always left in the factory color to identify the car).

Driving a car owned by an organization

Driving in a car registered to a legal entity can only be carried out if you have a waybill or a power of attorney, which are issued responsible person in company. The difference between a waybill and a power of attorney is that according to the waybill, the driver does not become the owner of the car and in the event of an accident, civil liability is borne exclusively by the company. But legal entities They can also issue powers of attorney, for example, for an employee to use a car for personal purposes and during non-working hours. In this case, you must always carry it with you.


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