Need to know before. What you need to know about a screenplay before you start writing it

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Why do you ladies give out benefits to men before they prove themselves worthy? Come on, you know perfectly well what benefits we are talking about. I'm not saying that you have to be nice to him, cook for him, or go to restaurants with him, or choose his clothes, or introduce him to your mother. This happens during the period of friendship - you do something special for each other because you care about each other. By benefits, if you haven't figured it out yet, I mean sex. And if you're giving your benefits to a guy you've only known for a week or two, you're making a serious mistake.

You don't know this man - at least you don't know much about him. He doesn't know you. He hasn't proven himself at all. And he can leave at any time. And you will have no one to blame but yourself.

Think: where is he, the first guy you slept with faster than in a month or two of relationship? I'm willing to bet that most likely he is no longer with you. Of course, there are still people who, having slept together at the beginning of their relationship, still live together, but these are few. Most likely, a guy who gets sex at the beginning of a relationship, without having to prove himself, leaves and enters into a confidential relationship with a woman who puts him through a certain trial period in order to get to know him better. I'm sure this woman was aware of her demands and communicated them early in the relationship to her boyfriend that he could either rise to those demands or fail.

Such demands show a man that you are not a play-and-play doll, that your benefits are something special and that you need time to get to know him and decide whether he deserves them. With a man who is willing to wait and willing to comply with your demands, you will want to stay because this guy consciously decides that he is not interested in games either, and he will do anything to not only keep you, but also move up and become the proud recipient of your benefits . Meanwhile, you will win the main prize, maintaining your dignity and self-respect and earning the respect of a man who recognized that you were worth waiting for.

What you should pay attention to before “it” happens.

Of course, you should use this time wisely; probation means nothing if you don't "feel out" the guy. During this period you should check it: does it arrive when promised; does it warn you about being late? does he like your children (if any), family and friends; Does he enjoy being next to you? And the most important thing: Is this really the man with whom you see yourself in a trusting relationship? Or are you seeing signs that trigger your intuition?

You know how it is: he doesn't invite you over, you only have his cell phone number, he doesn't answer calls when you're near him, or answers them muffled in the corner of the room where you can't hear him, he has another woman, etc. You can't see this in a man you've been dating for less than 30-90 days, because guess what? A guy who is dating you just to get your benefits right away will put on his best behavior at first to make you believe that he is worthy of you. But as likely as spring follows winter, he will eventually show his true nature. By the way, you can read about how to avoid male deception and play by your own “rules” at the very beginning of a relationship in the article How to resist male deception.

Wait at least 30-90 days and you will find out everything about him to make sure that this guy is exactly right for you. After all, it is your right to want what you want. Think about yourself first: ask five questions , refuse him sex and demand respect. If you respect yourself, you will automatically demand the same respect from him.

Get ready for the benefits, and I guarantee there will be a more decent man in your arms - and in your bed. Once you're sure he's worthy of the benefits, you can hand them out like sandwiches at a picnic.

The main male trick.

I know, I know: you think that if he doesn't get intimacy from you, he will get it somewhere else, and you will miss the only chance to make him your man, he will think that by making him wait, you are playing games, and he will go to another woman who is ready to let him into her bed. Wrong.

In fact, one of the tricks we have been trying on women since time immemorial is that we convince you that there is no point in waiting and you need to give yourself to us as soon as possible. Well, yes: if we could convince you to take off your clothes and do it in the first five minutes of our first meeting, we would do that too. How else? Men like sex, and they try (within reason) to get it in any way. Do not forget that a man goes for love for the sake of sex, and a woman goes for sex for the sake of love.

But... he can wait. Yes, sure, you risk scaring him off, but don't you want a guy who sleeps with you with no strings attached, who doesn't care about your wants and needs? , for him to leave? Wouldn't you rather leave something special for a man who deserves it? You can make him wait - to prove to you that he deserves your love and affection.

Just think: when it comes to sex, we men don't decide anything. We don't determine when we sleep with you - it's your decision. Deciding when we can kiss you is your decision. When should we free ourselves from each other's embrace? It's up to you to decide. We place our hand on your body and you decide if we can touch it. Our job is to convince you to allow us to do this: to allow us to touch, to allow us to have it. But the decision as to whether we actually get it is YOURS.

Don't give up this power. Save it. Give her up only when the man has earned it and he will respect and understand the decision. This is true. Women's power destroyed empires. Women have always had this kind of power, and you still have it - including the power to make the man you're dating wait as long as you think he needs to. Oh, I'm not saying that you can't pay a man; Payment will still appear during this trial period. Hugging, kissing, talking on the phone, walking in the park, eating ice cream, eating in restaurants. Your time is a form of payment.

When we go to dinner with you at a restaurant, you can’t even imagine how impatiently we look forward to meeting you, and suddenly you appear - shiny lipstick on your lips, seductively tinted eyes, and your hair flowing. Whether curled or simply combed, they are beautiful and make your whole body glow. I cannot express to you in words the pleasure we feel knowing that we have received your time. And going out with you is a bonus; this is the confirmation we need. The rewards are simply incredible.

  • Embrace? Reward.
  • Kiss? Reward.
  • Are you getting dressed? Reward.
  • Will you go out with us? Reward.
  • Exchanging explicit emails? Reward.

But what if he wants to sleep with you, have children and have a family? These are benefits.

Therefore, he has 30-90 days to prove himself worthy of you - 30-90 days during which you can understand this man. You are a detective - no one can get to the truth as well as a woman. You know how to find out about a man what he may not know about himself. So get to it. Create some scenarios just to find out who this guy is and whether he is worthy of your benefits. Here are a few things you might want to know.


Your car breaks down, or your water heater is malfunctioning, or your children are acting up. You're exhausted and the tension is showing on your face - he can hear it in your voice. If he asks: "What's the matter?" - this is a good start. He's been with you long enough to know when you're not yourself. This is progress. But now, if you answer him: “The car is broken,” and he says: “Okay, well, call me when everything is settled,” cross him off the list of beneficiaries.

See: you're not asking him for money - you're just trying to see if he's going to dig deeper and find out how you can help, advise something, or solve the problem directly. Did he offer to give you a ride to work while your car sputtered? Or did he give you the number of a guy who will fix it for pennies? Or asked permission to dig into the engine? And so on.

Real men help the women they care about. If you have a problem and your man is not helping you, he is a bad candidate for your benefits.

But someone who crawls under your car and emerges hours later covered in grease because he was trying to fix your jalopy clearly deserves a bottle of cold beer and perhaps some benefits.


Let's say your ex-boyfriend starts calling again and it worries you because the breakup with him was very painful. You tell the new guy that you're worried about this and don't know what to do. A man worthy of your attention will immediately go into problem-solving mode: he will see what can be done to: a) stop this guy from calling; b) restore your peace of mind again.

He might tell you something like, “Next time he calls, let me talk to him.” It's a little extreme, but there are men who will pick up the phone and put their ex in his place. Or your new man may advise something, for example, block the number or set a special alarm that tells you that it is your ex who is calling, or advises how to send that guy off. This is a stressful situation; it requires not action, but reaction. If the new guy says he doesn't want to get involved, he's probably not a good candidate for benefits.

Everyone finds themselves in difficult situations sometimes, and you need to know if your partner is ready to handle them. If he will protect you or look for a way out of these situations, it means that he perceives you as his woman. And he might be worthy of your benefits.


Let's say you lost a loved one. A man who has certain plans for you will immediately offer some kind of comfort and help. He can go out with your children, giving you time to be alone; he can go with you to the funeral home, oversee the funeral arrangements and offer his condolences to your family. Mind you, he probably won't sit there and let you reminisce about your childhood and the first time your just-dead relative pushed you on the swing; This won't happen - men don't do that. But a real man will react with some kind of solution - he will do everything to make you stop crying, because no man wants to see his woman cry. If this man doesn't offer comfort, if he doesn't come up with anything to make you feel better, fire him - he has no right to benefits.

A man worthy of a relationship with you, including sex, will be there in the most difficult circumstances. If you've lost your job or are behind on bills, he'll recognize your need for help and help, either by giving you money, bringing you groceries, or filling up your car's gas tank.


Let's get to the point of this article: When a man asks for sex and when he is refused, his reaction to the refusal will tell you everything you need to know about him. If the calls stop or become rare, if they no longer give you flowers and are less and less invited on dates, then please understand that this guy was meeting you only for sex. If he says something stupid like: “I shouldn’t wait for sex - anyone will give it to me,” immediately answer him: “So let anyone give it.” This instantly weeds out the unworthy.

But if your refusal does not stop him and he continues to try to get to know you better and prove that he is worthy of your benefits, then he is really interested in you. Don't get me wrong: he's still interested in sex. But he is interested in both your feelings and how long you give him. In this case, the relationship becomes focused on what you want - your needs. And that's all you need, right?

What to do on a date?

It's that simple. Now I realize that 90 days seems like a long time, and in some ways you have to get really creative to keep his attention on you and your new relationship.

So come up with a list of things you and your man can do on a date to help you—and him—focus on your relationship. For example,

  • Organize dates that will help you discover each other’s interests: if he is interested in photography, go to a photo exhibition; if you are interested in sports, go to the gym together.
  • Call your friends, for example, to a barbecue and invite him; a good guy will enjoy meeting the people you love.
  • Start doing something new together, something that could be interesting to both him and you.
  • Go to the park with your children; see if he feels good with them.
  • Get to know each other's favorite artists and go to a concert, movie or theater.
  • Release the child in you and spend the evening playing games.
  • Do something for the first time together: ride a horse, jump on a trampoline, fall on top of each other at the skating rink.
  • Have a picnic in nature; you will have plenty of time to talk.
  • Find a quiet place where you can watch the sunset together.
  • Play some board game.
  • Take a walk in the starlight.
  • Send each other indiscreet emails. (Among other things, this is how you can make sure he is competent in this matter.)
  • Read excerpts from your favorite books.
  • Organize a home movie show.
  • Listen to each other's favorite songs.
  • Do something silly, like build a sandcastle on the beach or compete in throwing pebbles into the water.
  • Put on a comedy show; you can tell a lot about a person by what they find funny and what they find offensive.

Excerpt from Steve Harvey's book Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man.

You can learn more about some other women's tricks, which will undoubtedly be useful in the first stages of building a relationship, from the video - an excerpt from Olga Vinogradova's training. I can’t write that I agree with everything the coach says, but it seems to me that there is some useful information here.

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Hello everyone and welcome to Music Academy. My name is Anton and this is one of the articles in our educational series.

Suppose you yourself have already started DJing using regular equipment or a mobile controller. In this article I would like to introduce you to the basics of mixing so that you can mix tracks even better.

Let's see what we have to deal with. First of all, for information, we need to clarify a few points:

1) Know your music.

3) Know what beatmatching is.

4) Know your equipment.

Now we will not delve into such aspects as timing or harmonic mixing. Now we will analyze only the basics and in the future we will come to all the other components of the information.

1) So, let's start with music. You must know the music in your collection because most of the time you will be listening to music every now and then. You must be sure that you know the track well before you play it and mix it with another. If you are practicing at home, you can do this with new music because you are trying to find the best combination with other tracks.

I used to do this: I listened to the first few seconds of the track (maybe a minute) and immediately said - “Cool, this track will go well on the dance floor, I’ll put it on the tracklist.” Imagine my surprise when during the performance I was not prepared for the fact that in the middle of the track there would be a change in rhythm and even tempo... This made me pretty nervous, since I did not quite understand how to proceed. But to my happiness this was only the middle of the track and soon the track returned to its usual tempo and rhythm. It was quite an unpleasant surprise.

So know your music. Know everything about each of your tracks!

2) Now let's talk about no less important, or rather one of the most important points - how to count and analyze tracks.

I will write a more detailed article about this, in which I will analyze what bits, measures and squares are. This will allow you to easily understand the structure of the composition and find more advantageous moments for mixing.

Also in the article I will pay attention to the terminology that I use (this is the same terminology that all DJs use).

3) Now let's move on to beatmatching.

As soon as you decide to become a DJ or have already become one, the first thing you should learn is beatmatching.

So what is beatmatching? You have two compositions that you want to mix. You want to make it quite nice and smooth. This will only be possible when both (or more: 3-4) compositions play at the same tempo (at the same speed).

Let's imagine such an unusual situation, although in Hollywood action films it is a rather "ordinary" situation. You are rushing from a car chase along the highway and you need to jump on the move to another. Yes, this is a rather strange analogy, but now you will understand what I mean. The car you need to jump into may be driving faster than the one you are driving in, then you simply won’t be able to jump over, since it has already passed you. Or, on the contrary, she drives quite slowly and does not keep up with yours. So, in order for you to be able to jump between cars, they must drive as smoothly as possible (at the same speed) and parallel. In the situation with tracks, everything happens exactly the same! You need to match the tempos so that the tracks “run” together in parallel and the beats don’t “spread apart”, then the transition between tracks will be smooth and beautiful. If this is not so, then you will hear how terrible it sounds.

Probably many of you could already use cool equipment or some kind of mobile controller and software for DJing. They already have such auxiliary elements as the synchronization button (SYNC).

What the sync function does is it automatically does the beatmatching for you! Yes, after analyzing the track in the program, it determines its tempo, beat grid, and now everything can be done simply by pressing the SYNC button. A very convenient and cool function, but I recommend that you still learn to do it yourself by ear.

Here are a couple of examples when this might come in handy:

- Here you are at the performance. You play with your controller or on some cool fancy hardware. There is a SYNC button there. And suddenly you have a technical problem - it doesn’t work. What will you do if you don’t know how to do it by ear?

- Another option when this can be useful. Sync works well and accurately on most styles of electronic music. But, for example, it may not work entirely accurately in styles such as Hip-Hop, since there is a combination of different rhythmic patterns, and the tempo may even change altogether. Or consider the example that you are playing old music, where the artists used LIVE musicians. For example, the drummer (not the drum machine) maintains the rhythm and tempo of the entire track, but no matter how good he is, the tempo of his playing may “float” a little and the synchronization cannot cope with this.

So mastering such a skill is very important and useful! I highly recommend practicing beatmatching by ear.

4) And finally, the final element is equipment. Different remotes look different, different players look different (CDJ, vinyl) and there are also a great variety of controllers. Each device has its own features. But everyone has common elements. This is the EQ section and this is the effects section on the console or within your program. The equalizer is the main section. Effect blocks can be different and can be a good addition to your mixing techniques.

What can an equalizer do?

Let's say you have two tracks. Both tracks are quite bassy. One sounds pretty tight. And the second one also has deep and dense bass. If you turn on both tracks as they are, you will hear strong overdrive and a rather unpleasant sound. The equalizer allows you to adjust the volume level of frequencies (High / Middle / Low) and set the position of the equalizer knobs in such a way that both tracks will sound balanced and harmonious. This is a very important point.

Well, I hope this article has given you an idea of ​​what awaits you on the path to becoming a DJ. Of course, many of you already knew this, but most DJs do not fully understand what mixing is in general. Yes, at first this is how you imagine it - a smooth transition from one track to another, but later you will understand that this is not the only mixing option, when you can use more creative and interesting options. You will learn when you start experimenting.

— I heard that now all banks should have instructions explaining the terms of lending. This is true? D. Ipatov

— The memo is recommendations for potential borrowers, advice on how to behave when you are going to take out a loan. It will help you understand how much you need this debt, whether to take it from this bank or should you turn to another. This brochure lists what you need to keep in mind when you borrow money from a bank. Because this is an important decision for everyone's personal finances, regardless of the loan amount. You can view the memo on the Bank of Russia website. We recommend (but cannot oblige) all credit institutions and all banks that they place the brochure in their branches in a place visible to customers.

— I'm going to apply for a loan. What will I have to pay the bank besides the principal and interest on the loan? P. Ryltsev

— In addition to interest, the borrower pays various types of commissions, but all of them must be specified in the contract. When you take out a loan for a large purchase, for example, for a car or an apartment, the bank, in order to protect its interests, sets a condition - to insure the purchase. It has been established that if the bank specifies which specific insurance companies should do this, then part of the insurance payments should also be included in the full cost of the loan. In addition, you will need to spend money on a notary, who will need to certify, for example, your spouse’s permission to take out a loan. And this should also be included in the overall loan calculation. Moreover, it will be difficult for the borrower to “read” and “calculate” the agreement on his own, so bank employees should help with this. It is possible that some payments will still not be included in the full cost of the loan, for example, when the client himself can choose where to insure the collateral. Then the bank does not know how much the insurance will cost, so it does not include it in the loan amount. But then the bank is obliged to explain, even before signing the contract, that there will be such additional payments.

— The loan documents indicate the “effective interest rate.” It's not clear what it means? D. Zhidkov

— From June 12, 2008 (after changes to the Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”), the “effective rate” for assessing a loan was replaced by the term “full cost of the loan.” The name has become clearer, but the essence remains the same: this is a rate that allows you to compare the cost of different loans. For example, there is a simple interest rate of 10%. But it does not indicate how often you have to pay for this loan. If once a year, the borrower will pay one amount, and if interest has to be repaid monthly, then the repayment amount will increase slightly. In addition, we must add commission payments here. The full cost of the loan also includes payments to third parties (for example, insurance). And all banks should calculate interest according to the same principle.

— When they told me about the loan, the payment information was printed on many sheets, some were repeated, some were told only orally. Should the bank tell everything about the loan clearly and clearly? O. Lunkova

— The bank is obliged to provide the borrower with complete information about the loan. A self-respecting bank will tell you about the loan in a form that is understandable to any borrower who does not have a special banking education. If the information about payments is printed, for example, very small or confusing, then it’s worth thinking about whether it’s worth taking out a loan here. If you believe that your rights have been violated at the bank, then you can submit a statement to the branch of Rospotrebnadzor (laws “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”) or to the Bank of Russia (law “On Banks and Banking Activities”).

— Is it possible to take home all the information about the loan from the bank? R. Oleshka

- A normal bank will provide the potential borrower with information about the loan so that he can make this important financial decision in a calm environment, after consulting with his family. In addition, many banks post information about their products on the Internet. It must be borne in mind that if the bank refuses to provide the client with a description of the loan, then you should contact the Bank of Russia. And if such complaints accumulate, then most likely this credit institution will be subject to inspection.

— I went to the bank to find out about the terms of the loan. They offered to immediately write an application for a loan. Will I be required to take out this loan later? N. Zhirkov

— You shouldn’t leave such statements “just in case” if you are not sure that you need this loan. Remember that you are “playing” with your own wallet. By signing an agreement, you enter into a financial relationship with the bank. If the agreement is signed, then the bank will be obliged to give you money, and you will have to take it. Suddenly, immediately after signing the contract, you decide that you don’t need the money. It may not be possible to return them entirely. Remember that the agreement may not provide for full early repayment immediately after the loan is issued. Then you will have to pay interest for a rash decision. In addition, you can try to negotiate with the bank - perhaps you will be allowed to return the money without penalties. But this is only with the voluntary consent of the bank.

— I received a credit card in the mail. Why did the bank send it to me? Do I have to use it? R. Oleshkina

— Most likely, before this you took out a loan somewhere and, as part of the same agreement, signed an agreement to receive such a card. Therefore, when you sign any loan agreement that contains a clause about providing you with a card that you do not need, you can ask to remove this clause from the document. If the card has already been sent to you, but you do not need a loan, then do not activate the card. Most likely, to activate you need to call the bank at the phone number indicated on the card. And from the moment you asked to activate the card, the lending agreement comes into force. This may also include paying you money, for example, for using the card, even if you do not withdraw anything from it.

Prepared by Ekaterina Donskikh

The question that all potential crypto investors ask is: how much to invest? The rapidly developing crypto universe is subject to strong jumps - partly because of its relative newness. Therefore, investors should always exercise extreme caution. It is important to consider the following factors.

Decide which cryptocurrency you are interested in

Not only do you need to decide on the size of your cryptocurrency investment, but you also need to have a strategic understanding of how this digital asset is structured, as this directly affects the degree of risk involved.

As a long-term investor, fundamental analysis comes first, so before you get involved in the development of a cryptocurrency or ICO, you will need to understand how it functions, what its history is, and what is new about it.

Particular attention should be paid to what the purpose of cryptocurrency is, how long it has been on the market, what its market capitalization and what technical solutions underlie it. The longer a cryptocurrency is on the market, the more trust it generates.

Decide what type of investment you are interested in

If you want to enter the cryptocurrency market, you obviously need a plan of action. The question is, what kind of deals are you interested in: short-term or longer-term?

If you want to engage in trading regularly, it is worth studying market trends, the mechanisms that determine market processes, and the psychology of investors.

To gain a deeper understanding of the situation, you need to understand market indicators and the foundations of fundamental and technical analysis, read developer announcements, news about technological innovations and events that may affect market conditions.

And remember - statistics play an important role in the cryptocurrency market.

For a proper investment strategy, it is necessary to measure market behavior over different periods of time. It can sometimes be difficult to keep track of, but you can't ignore market dynamics, especially if you're planning to get into short-term investing. Simply put, choose the cryptocurrency that you like, study its charts and try to catch the trend using market indicators.

Find out how widely this cryptocurrency is used

As in most other markets, trust is key for potential cryptocurrency investors. In order to invest their money in a particular cryptocurrency or ICO, an investor must somehow decide that the project is credible enough to support it.

Cryptocurrency billionaire, entrepreneur and philanthropist Peter Thiel says this decision comes down to three main factors: a unique idea (with a specific application), incremental innovation (which requires a good development team), and the ability to coordinate complex ideas.

These three points are the best indicators that a long-term cryptocurrency investor should consider.

In his speech at the Economic Club of New York, Thiel, speaking about the reliability of cryptocurrencies, drew parallels between Bitcoin and gold. Both assets are considered stores of capital, not backed by any state, both have an uncertain independent value and are not subject to change.

Follow the big players in the cryptocurrency market

In any activity, studying the experience of predecessors can only help and not harm. Cryptocurrencies are no exception. In fact, this matters even more than usual here because due to the volatility of the market, the slightest mistake can cost you a fortune.

You need to invest as much as you are willing to lose. That is, we can talk about a small percentage of your savings. The question is whether these people themselves follow their golden rule. For example, crypto-millionaire Eric Finman invested $1,000 in cryptocurrencies at the age of 12. He didn't have much money, but he chose a high-risk strategy in hopes of big profits and made millions from it.

Jeremy Gardner at some point invested all his market assets in crypto investments and became a millionaire.

These people took desperate risks by investing in cryptocurrencies. However, it is important to understand that by making all these investments, they were prepared to lose everything.

Invest a reasonable amount

The golden rule “invest what you are willing to lose” never fails. Think about this. If you woke up to find your investment in candy wrappers, would you be able to pay your bills for the next month? If not, then you have invested too much. Of course, losing money is always unpleasant. But if you've invested a reasonable amount, you'll stay afloat even if the worst happens.

95% of investments should be made in a well-diversified portfolio containing different types of assets that relate to different economic sectors and countries. This will allow the investor to minimize risks and take advantage of profitable opportunities when they arise.

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We'll tell you what to prepare for if the thought of dyeing your hair blonde haunts you.

Time is waiting

You can become a perfect blonde in one visit to a colorist only if you have natural blonde hair that just needs to be tinted correctly. If your hair is dark (especially dyed), be prepared that at least two washes will be required. But rather, more if you don’t want to lose your curls: the more gentle the texture remover, the weaker it works. When making an appointment with a stylist, be prepared to spend at least 5 hours in his chair.

It is better to approach the choice of a colorist especially carefully. Washing is not an easy task, sometimes it is difficult even for seemingly experienced craftsmen. It’s better to consult with those who have already dyed their hair blonde, let them hand over their passwords and appearances. If the master promises to turn you into Marilyn Monroe in one sitting, pack up and run. Theoretically, this is possible, but only with a strong oxidizing agent - in this case, nothing good will remain from the hair.

Dec 2 2017 at 1:20 PST

Sep 17, 2017 at 10:45 PDT

Necessary sacrifices

No matter how professional your colorist is and no matter what delicate products he uses, the hair structure will deteriorate significantly. Care will have to be reconsidered. You cannot use oily, nourishing and moisturizing masks: they will fill gaps and porosity, but will push out the color itself. Choose exclusively products for colored hair.

Spring and summer are the time for products with SPF. Bleached hair suffers especially badly from the sun and fades quickly.

Among salon procedures, lamination is recommended, that is, covering the hair with a protective film. The downside is that when laminating, the color may wash off unevenly. This is not noticeable to the normal eye, but it will be more difficult to obtain a uniform shade the next time you paint. The second option is elumination. It is usually made tinted. A month after dyeing, using this procedure you can renew the color and restore fullness, smoothness and shine to your hair.

Yellow - fight

The main problem of all blondes is yellowness. If you are in good hands and have been given a pure color without “rust”, then when washed off it will still turn yellow. The solution is tinted shampoos and special hair products with blue or silver pigments.

Not a moment of peace

Even after using special products, over time the yellowness will come out - only new coloring (or tinting - depends on the condition of the hair) can remove it. You will have to go to the colorist at least once every three months.

Look to the root

We advise you not to bleach your roots. First of all, it's unnatural. By nature, hair should be darker at the roots. Secondly, it often looks vulgar. And thirdly, if you lighten your hair from the very roots, you will have to tint it at least once a month. Not on your own, of course, if you don’t want to ruin the appearance and quality of your hair. So a soft transition of color from roots to ends is the best solution.

If the desire to be blonde “from root to tip” is ineradicable, stock up on tinting sprays and hair concealers - they will help hide a couple of centimeters of growth.


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