Justification of the volume and cost of engineering-geological surveys. I T O G O laboratory work

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Experience in designing water wells in the Moscow region

(Authors D.V. Kasatkin and G.A. Prokopovich are the developers of the collection GESN-2001-04.)

This manual discusses the methodology for compiling a bill of quantities for drawing up estimates for drilling water wells. The manual is intended for specialists involved in pricing in the field of drilling operations. It will also be useful when conducting an examination of water well drilling projects.

A project for drilling a well, as a rule, is an integral part of a project for the construction of a water intake unit. The cost takes up no more than 10% of the total cost of design work. In this regard, very little attention is paid to the issue of well design in the special and regulatory literature. At the same time, drilling water wells is a highly specific type of work, which is performed by a fairly limited circle of specialists.

This work is intended for a wide range of specialists who, due to the nature of their activities, are faced with the design of drilling water wells. It can also be useful when conducting examinations of drilling projects, for estimators, and for students of construction and drilling specialties.

Drawing up a project for drilling a well is based on the general construction regulatory framework. However, due to its specificity, the design cannot fit into the framework proposed by the builders, since the problem under consideration is closely related to the development of subsoil, the protection of groundwater, and the increased social significance of the extracted minerals.

Methodology for compiling statements of quantities of work and drawing up estimates by type of work

The methodology for compiling statements of quantities and estimates for drilling work during the construction of water wells is tied to the 4th collection of GESN-2001 “Wells”.

Working drawings for a well, attached to the project, are called a geological and technical section or a geological and technical work order (GTN). This document, as a rule, reflects many technological details that are superfluous when drawing up bills of quantities or estimates.

The section discusses in great detail the issue of the technological cycle of rotary drilling, with calculations of equipment and materials for the work.

A statement of quantities of work and materials is presented.

The methodology discusses some issues of compiling a statement of quantities and estimates for liquidation plugging of non-self-discharging water intake wells.

The estimate and regulatory framework does not contain separate prices for this type of work. Therefore, when drawing up estimates, it is necessary to link the technological cycle to existing prices. We also note that this work examines the implementation of liquidation plugging in relation to the practice that has developed in the Moscow region. As a rule, the “Rules for liquidation plugging of drill wells for various purposes, backfilling of mine workings and abandoned wells to prevent pollution and depletion of groundwater”, approved by the Ministry of Geology of the USSR and the Ministry of Health of the USSR in 1966-67, act as a regulatory technological document.

Examples of drawing up estimates for work in wells

This section provides examples of drawing up estimates for various works in wells on a certain average section for wells of various depths and designs.


The section describes the rules for drawing up well designs, technological modes, methods for calculating cementation of casing pipes, as well as local estimates. The wells are 100 m deep (design 1-1¸ 1-5), 122 m (design 2-1¸ 2-5), 172 m (design 3-1¸ 3-4), 240 m (design 4-1¸ 4-3).

For drilling an artesian well with a depth of 100 m, respectively, and according to structures (with a capacity of 6, 16, 40, 65, 120 m 3 / hour), 122 m (6, 16, 40, 65, 120 m 3 / hour), 172 m (40 , 65, 120 m 3 /hour), 240 m (16, 40, 65) 17 estimates in total.

For example, design 2-3 is presented.

In Fig. 1 presents the geological and technical work order (well design), the procedure for carrying out work and the specification of materials.

Drilling of the designed wells into the Podolsko-Myachkovsky aquifer is provided for using a rotary method using a machine of the URB 3-AZ, 1BA-15V type. The design depth of the wells is 122.0 m. The operating diameter is 219 - 426 mm.

The conditions for the work are described on the design geological and technical section.

Well drilling is designed without core sampling. Geological control along the wellbore is carried out by sampling cuttings every 3-5 m of penetration and additionally when changing layers.

Drilling of rocks (interval 0.0 - 57.0 m) is carried out using colloidal clay solution, drilling through aquifers (interval 57.0 - 122.0 m) is carried out with flushing with clean water.

A clay solution with a density ofr= 1.15-1.20 g/cm 3, viscosity 20-25 sec according to SPV-5, water loss 5-15 cm 3 in 30 minutes, sand content up to 4%. When opening rocks in zones of disturbances prone to landslides, the parameters of the washing liquid must be within the following limits: densityr=1.30-1.35 g/cm 3 , viscosity 21-30 sec according to SPV-5, water loss 5-10 cm 3 in 30 minutes, sand content up to 2%.

When drilling a well, a single-stage cementing method is used using two separation plugs. Cementation is carried out with Portland cement using cement mixing machines and cementing units of type 1AC-20 and 3AC-30. For pumping and pushing cement mortar, special cementing units of the TsA-1.4-1-150 type are used.

Electricity is provided from existing networks, water is imported.

If there is a water supply source near the work site (watercourse, pond, mine well, quaternary well, etc.), to provide water for the drilling process, it is necessary to provide for the laying of a temporary water supply from the source to the work site.

An interval of 0-10 m is passed with a bit (cone reamer)Æ 590 mm with subsequent installation of a guide columnÆ 530 mm. The annulus of the column is cemented from the shoe to the wellhead. The cement plug is drilled out with a bitÆ 490 mm.

Drilling to a depth of 27.0 m is carried out with a tricone bitÆ 490 mm, then the passed interval is secured with a casing stringÆ 426 mm. The annulus of the column is cemented from the shoe to the wellhead. The cement plug is drilled out with a bitÆ 395 mm.

Drilling to a depth of 57.0 m is carried out with a tricone bitÆ 395 mm, then the passed interval is secured with a casing stringÆ 324 mm. The annulus of the column is cemented from the shoe to the wellhead. The cement plug is drilled out with a bitÆ 295 mm.

After cementing work, the casing strings are tested for leaks by creating internal excess pressure.

The well is drilled with a tricone bit to a design depth of 122.0 mÆ 295 mm with flushing with clean water.

The filter has an above-filter part, a working filter part and a settling tank. The design of the filter column (the position of the working and blind parts) is specified based on the actual section.

The well is washed with clean water (short-term pumping with an airlift or submersible pump), after which experimental pumping is carried out with mandatory water sampling to determine the physicochemical and bacteriological composition of the water.

Work procedure and specification of materials.

Typical design (2-3)

Work procedure

The design of the well, 122 m deep, was developed for the rotary drilling method using a 1BA-15V type rig.

Exploited aquifer: Podolsko-Myachkovsky Middle Carboniferous (C 2 pd-mc).

Rock penetration is carried out using colloidal clay solution in the interval of 0-57 m, drilling in the interval of 57-122 m is carried out with flushing with clean water.

Pipe columns are being cementedÆ 530, 426 and 324 mm with lifting of cement mortar from the shoe to the wellhead.

To clarify the geological section and the most water inflow zones in the well, geophysical work is carried out including measurements of PS, CS for each column, gamma ray logging (along the entire wellbore), caliper logging, and resistivity logging.

Filter columnÆ 219 mm is installed from 0 to 122 m with perforation at the level of aquifers.

Filter duty cycle up to 20%. The position of the working and blind parts of the filter is specified based on the GIS results.

After installing the filter column, the well is washed with clean water (short-term pumping with a submersible pump), after which experimental operational pumping is carried out. Pumping is carried out continuously at two levels. The first reduction with a flow rate 25-30% higher than designed. The second reduction is carried out with a flow rate equal to the design one. Pumping is considered completed after 16 hours after the dynamic level has stabilized and the water has completely clarified. At the end of pumping, water samples are taken for complete physical, chemical and bacteriological analyses. Pumping duration is 6 days. An ECV type pump can be used for pumping.

The well is an exploration and production one, and therefore the geological section, depth, well design, flow rate and water level position are adjusted during the drilling process.

Well design

Specification of materials



Unit, kg

Shoe D-20

Shoe D-16

Shoe D-12

Filter - T-8F1V Section length 3.1 m

Water for mixing cement. solution

Bentonite powder

Rinse water

For drilling an artesian well 120 m deep

An object: Artesian well 122 m deep with a productivity of 40 cubic meters per hour (typical design 2-3)

Base: Drawings No.

Estimated cost : 552.17 thousand rubles.

Well depth: 122 m

Compiled in 2001 prices.

Price justification

Name of work and costs

Unit cost, rub.

Cost of TOTAL, rub.

TOTAL direct costs


TOTAL direct costs


payment for construction workers

Material resources

payment for construction workers

Operation of machines and mechanisms

Material resources

incl. payment for drivers

incl. payment for drivers

FER-04-01-003-3 PM-3.1; K=1.9

Rotary drilling of wells with direct flushing using machines with a diesel engine to a depth of up to 200 m in soils of group 3

FER-04-01-003-5 PM-3.1; K-1.9

Rotary drilling of wells with direct flushing using machines with a diesel engine to a depth of up to 200 m in soils of group 5

SCM, part 1, section IX, pos. 56; MOGE Manual pos.3.2.3 K=23.32;

Chisel 3-ball.45D-490S, cutter steel 18ХН3МА, paw steel 14 Х2Н3МА

FER-04-01-003-3 PM-3.1; K=1.9; Kr=0.7

Expansion of the wellbore in the range of 0-10 m to a diameter of 590 mm

´ 1.098=1.25; MOGE Manual pos.3.2.3 K=23.32;

´ 1,25

FER-04-01-003-5 PM-3.1; K=1.9; Kr=0.7

Expansion of the wellbore in the range of 0-10 m to a diameter of 590 mm

GCC USSR. Treason, wholesale. prices, reference No. 6, p. 85, item 39, k = 1.138 ´ 1.098= 1.25; MOGE Manual pos.3.2.3 K=23.32;

Roller cone expander type D-24a, 936 ´ 1,25

FSSC-1 pos. 3662 Code 109-0012

Bentonite clay

FSSC-4pos. 1755 Code 411-0001

FER-04-02-002-6 PM-3.9 K=2.3

Fastening a well with a final depth of up to 200 m during rotary drilling with pipes with a welded joint in soils of stability group 2; column diameter up to 600 mm


Welding of casing pipes with outer diameter up to 530 mm


Cutting of casing pipes with outer diameter up to 530 mm

FER-04-03-001-1 PM-3.12 K=1.07

Cementation of the annulus during rotary drilling with a planting depth of the cemented column up to 50 m; column diameter up to 550 mm


MDS 81-33.2004

Overhead costs 112%*0.94 from payroll

Estimated profit 51% of payroll

TOTAL according to estimate

Well abandonment.

The methodology for abandoning a well is described in the “Rules for sanitary sealing (grouting) of water wells”; the full text of the Rules is included in this manual. For liquidation plugging of an artesian well 100 m deep (design 1-1 ¸ 1-5), 122 m (design 2-1 ¸ 2-5), 172 m (design 3-1 ¸ 3-4), 240 m (design 4-1 ¸ 4-3).

Geological and technical crew for liquidation plugging EXAMPLE OF ESTIMATE 02

Types of work on liquidation plugging and conditions for their production EXAMPLE OF ESTIMATE 03

An example of a local estimate for well abandonment EXAMPLE OF ESTIMATE 04

For liquidation plugging of an artesian well 122 m deep

An object:Liquidation well plugging (Design 2-3)

Base: Drawings No.

Estimated cost: 93.66 thousand rubles.

Well depth: 122 m

Compiled in 2001 prices.

Price justification

Name of work and costs

Unit cost, rub.

Cost of TOTAL, rub.

TOTAL direct costs


TOTAL direct costs


payment for construction workers

Operation of machines and mechanisms

Material resources

payment for construction workers

Operation of machines and mechanisms

Material resources

incl. payment for drivers

incl. payment for drivers

FER-04-01-003-5 PM-3.1; K=1

Drilling a wellbore from limestone sediments in the interval of 112-122 m with a 190 mm bit

FSSC-1 pos. 3675; 109-0025

FER-04-01-003-5 PM-3.1; K=1; Kr=0.5

Development of the wellbore in the range of 0-112 m

MDS 81-33.2004 Pis. YUT-260/06 FROM 01/31/05 K=0.94

Overhead costs for construction work 112% ´ 0.94 from payroll

MDS 81-25.2001

Estimated profit for construction work is 51% of the payroll

TOTAL according to estimate

To clean the wellbore and drill out the blocked part of the wellbore to a depth of 122 m

An object:Artisan well 122m deep (Design 2-3)

Base: Drawings No.

Estimated cost: 90.75 thousand rubles.

Well depth: 122 m

Compiled in 2001 prices.

Price justification

Name of work and costs

Unit cost, rub.

Cost of TOTAL, rub.

TOTAL direct costs


TOTAL direct costs


payment for construction workers

Operation of machines and mechanisms

Material resources

payment for construction workers

Operation of machines and mechanisms

Material resources

incl. payment for drivers

incl. payment for drivers

FER-04-01-003-5 PM-3.1;K=1; Kr=0.5

Development of the wellbore in the range of 0-57 m

FSSC-1 pos. 3675; 109-0025

Tricone bits type III 190.5TKZ-CV

FER-04-01-003-5 PM-3.1; K=1

Rotary drilling of wells with direct flushing using machines with a diesel engine to a depth of up to 200 m in group 5 soils with flushing with clean water

FSSC-1 pos. 3675; 109-0025

Tricone bits type III 190.5TKZ-CV

FSSC-4 pos. 1755 Code 411-0001


Pumping water with a pump during rotary drilling at well depths up to 500 m

MDS 81-33.2004 Pis. YUT-260/06 FROM 01/31/05 K=0.94

Overhead 112% ´ 0.94 from payroll

Estimated profit 51% of payroll

TOTAL according to estimate

Fishing work in a well 122 m deep

An object:Artisan well 122 m deep (Structures 2-1 - 2-5)

Base: Drawings No.

Estimated cost: 22.08 thousand rubles.

Well depth: 122m

Compiled in 2001 prices.

Price justification

Name of work and costs

Unit cost, rub.

Cost of TOTAL, rub.

TOTAL direct costs


TOTAL direct costs


payment for construction workers

Operation of machines and mechanisms

Material resources

payment for construction workers

Operation of machines and mechanisms

Material resources

incl. payment for drivers

incl. payment for drivers

FER-04-02-004-1 PM-3.10 K=0.7

Free descent and ascent of fishing pipes with a coupling connection in pipes of larger diameter during rotary drilling with installations with a lifting capacity of 12.5 tons; column diameter up to 150 mm 10 flights of 57 ´ 2 m


Extraction of pipes from a well up to 400 m deep using rotary drilling machines from soils of stability group 2; column diameter up to 200 mm

MDS 81-33.2004 Pis. YUT-260/06 FROM 01/31/05 K=0.94

Overhead 112% ´ 0.94 from payroll

Estimated profit 51% of payroll

TOTAL according to estimate

To replace a filter column in a well

To replace a filter column in a well 100 m deep (design 1-1¸ 1-5), 122 m (design 2-1¸ 2-5), 172 m (design 3-1¸ 3-4), 240 m (design 4-1¸ 4-3) total of 17 estimates

For 1-time reagent treatment of an artesian well 100 m deep (design 1-1¸ 1-5), 122 m (design 2-1¸ 2-5), 172 m (design 3-1¸ 3-4), 240 m (design 4-1¸ 4-3) total of 17 estimates

For cleaning the wellbore and drilling out the blocked part of the wellbore with a depth of 100 m (design 1-1¸ 1-5), 122 m (design 2-1¸ 2-5), 172 m (design 3-1¸ 3-4), 240 m (design 4-1¸ 4-3).

For fishing work

in wells 100 m deep, 122 m ( EXAMPLE OF LOCAL ESTIMATE 5), 172 m, 240 m.

Fishing work in a well 122 m deep

An object:Artisan well 122 m deep (Design 2-3)

Base: Drawings No.

Estimated cost: 22.08 thousand rubles.

Well depth: 122 m

Compiled in 2001 prices.


Price justification

Name of work and costs

Unit cost, rub.

Cost of TOTAL, rub.

TOTAL direct costs


TOTAL direct costs


payment for construction workers

Operation of machines and mechanisms

Material resources

payment for construction workers

Operation of machines and mechanisms

Material resources

incl. payment for drivers

incl. payment for drivers

FER-04-02-004-1 PM-3.10 K=0.7

Free descent and ascent of fishing pipes with a coupling connection in pipes of larger diameter during rotary drilling with installations with a lifting capacity of 12.5 tons; column diameter up to 150 mm 10 flights of 57 ´ 2 m

FER-04-02-005-4 PM-3.11 K=0.9

Extraction of pipes from a well up to 400 m deep using rotary drilling machines from soils of stability group 2; column diameter up to 200 mm

Estimated profit 51% of payroll

TOTAL according to estimate

Typical design (2-3)


Sanitary sealing of the well is carried out in accordance with the current “Rules for liquidation plugging of drill wells for various purposes, backfilling of mine workings and abandoned wells to prevent pollution and depletion of groundwater.”

The work is carried out in two stages: I - preparation, II - sealing.


1. Installation of the drilling rig above the wellhead.

2. Dismantling the ECV pump -

3. Conducting borehole geophysical surveys (actual depth, condition of production and filter columns) -

4. Drilling out rubble in a well (10 m).

5. Cleaning the walls of the production filter column in the range of 0-122 m from corrosion, build-up and siltation.

6. Removing the filter column d=219 mm, installed in the interval 0-122 m.

7. Flushing the wellbore with a solution of bleach with a dose of active chlorine of at least 125 mg/l by mixing and replacing the water in the well in an amount of 3 volumes of the wellbore. Contact chlorine with water for at least 4 hours.

Well volume: V CKB = 0.785(d 1 2 h 1 +d 2 2 h 2 +...+d n 2 h n)

Volume of solution: Vp 1 =V CKB´ 3 ´ l,l.

Amount of bleach: P 1 = Vp 1´ 0,5

Duration of disinfection is 1 day.

8. Pumping water from the well using an airlift until the water quality is stabilized - clarification, chloride content, stability of the composition. Duration of pumping - 3 days.

9. Disinfection of building materials that will be poured into the well is carried out with a solution of bleach with a dose of active chlorine of at least 100 mg/l of water by dousing the building materials and mixing with shovels.

Volume of building materials: V page mat. = V gravel + V sand

Volume of solution: Vp 2 = V page mat. ´ 4 ´ 1.5. Amount of bleach: P 2 = Vp 2´ 0,5

10. The required amount of water is calculated using the formula: V water = V r 1 + V r 2 + V water for cement


1. The wellbore in the interval of the exploited aquifer is filled with washed and disinfected material (gravel, crushed stone) from 122 m to 55 m, then to a height of 3 m (55-52 m) it is filled with washed and disinfected sand (with compaction).

2. Installation of a cement bridge in the interval of 52-47 m (cement mortar composition 1:0.5). (WTC - 3 days).

7. After the cement mortar has hardened, a hole of size 1 is dug around the wellbore´ 1 ´ 1=1 m 3, which is filled with cement mortar of composition 1:3.

8. The well number and grouting date are stamped on the cement slab.

9. Upon completion of the work, a report on the sanitary sealing of the well is drawn up.


1. Location:

2. Well number:

3. The organization that carried out the drilling:

4. Year of construction:

5. Absolute elevation of the wellhead:

6. Well depth: 122 m.

7. Exploited aquifer: Podolsko-Myachkovsky v. Middle Carboniferous (C 2 pd-mc)

8. Static level during drilling:

9. Well productivity during drilling:

10 Static level at the time of examination:

11. Well productivity at the time of inspection:


Name of materials

Backfill cement

Filter material

Quartz sand

Bleaching powder


Name of materials


Backfill cement

Sifted sand

Reagent treatments

This section describes reagents for restoring well production, equipment and technology for reagent treatment of wells.

In total, the manual contains 21 drawings and 89 local estimates.

Carrying out work to study soil hydrology is a necessary procedure for developers whose facilities are located in close proximity to water bodies. This type of service is carried out as part of a complex of hydrometeorological studies; its cost is determined by the composition of the activities and the complexity of the conditions. The estimate for hydrological surveys is included by the customer in the overall budget for conducting a set of studies for design.

Work order

The terms of reference determine the composition and procedure for conducting research. Surveys for construction are carried out in three stages: preparatory work, field and desk work.

At the first stage, the following actions are performed:

  • collecting materials, summarizing the database of previous studies;
  • collection and study of statistical and reference data;
  • analysis of cartography data.

The field stage includes research, as a result of which engineers receive all the data necessary for calculations and analysis. The correctness of the assessment of the hydrology of the site depends on the quality of the activities. Therefore, experienced specialists who have permission and have passed certification are sent to hydrometeorological surveys.

The following activities are required:

  • preliminary examination of a water body;
  • hydrometric studies, such as: measurements of current speed, maximum possible water level, measurement of the depth of reservoirs, thickness of ice covers, etc.;
  • hydrometeorological measurements.

The estimate for hydrological surveys provides for carrying out activities in field and laboratory conditions, and includes the use of special instruments and equipment for drilling operations.

At the desk stage, a final report is compiled. It contains data:

  • climatic conditions in the research area;
  • calculations of maximum water levels in reservoirs;
  • flood area forecasts;
  • parameters of reservoir flows;
  • the rate of change in the bed of the reservoir and the area of ​​its deformation;
  • possible actions of hazardous processes.

Features of hydrological studies

One of the most important parameters for the customer is the calculation of water flow. Runoff occurs under the influence of climatic processes and has a direct impact on irrigation, topography, and the formation of soil erosion in the study area. In other words, the developer will have answers to the following questions:

  • whether the flood will flood the selected area;
  • what is the maximum water level expected during storm winds and tides;
  • what is the degree of pressure of ice masses during the period of ice drift.

The price of such information is very high, and it is advisable to order studies for construction and calculations of the hydrological characteristics of reservoirs at the preliminary design stage. In this case, the customer will quickly receive all the necessary data to make design decisions. The estimate for this work depends on the number of activities included in the complex and the complexity of the work.

The estimate for hydrological surveys must include calculations of these characteristics. The price of engineering surveys, as a rule, is not critical for the entire work budget, and their value is determined by the durability of buildings and protection from external factors.

By contacting the Geologist-Krasnodar company, you get a unique opportunity to receive an accurate estimate of all expenses long before the start of our cooperation with you. Send us the technical specifications and we will develop it.

Owners of private houses often provide themselves with clean drinking water from natural sources. For this purpose, a hydrogeological well is drilled. Water for such individual wells is taken from existing aquifers on the site. Geological surveys make it possible to determine their location. Krasnodar, like the entire region, has a lot of groundwater.

Types of wells

There are two types of hydrogeological wells. The best option is an artesian well. Experts often call it perfect. Water for such a well is taken from deep calcareous rocks. Their depth can reach several hundred meters. The water from such a well is suitable for drinking, since natural filters have already purified it. The cost of such a well is quite high, but it will last at least 60 years.

Many clients prefer to order the drilling of a filtration well, or a well “for sand”. In this case, drilling is carried out until the nearest aquifer is discovered; as a rule, it is found at a depth of 15-30 meters. Such wells are often called imperfect. They require the installation of a filter, which must be periodically cleaned and replaced as necessary. The price of such a well is low, but it will not last long, only 10-15 years.

Well design

Hydrogeological wells differ in design, depending on their purpose and the required drilling depth. They are also influenced by the geological conditions of the area and the methods of drilling a well. The reference price guide for surveys from companies involved in hydrogeological surveys includes a determination of what kind of water-lifting equipment can be placed on the site and what its maximum productivity will be. Affects the choice of drilling method and how the water from the well will be used. Most often, the customer wants to receive water for domestic and drinking needs. But wells are ordered to be drilled for agricultural purposes and even for industrial use.

The design includes the first casing. Experts often use steel pipes for this purpose, the diameter of which ranges from 73 to 146 mm. Such a column will ensure isolation of the well from loose soils. There are a number of other intermediate columns and a conductor, there is a filter and a settling tank.

The purpose of the filter is usual - it purifies the incoming water from particles of the aquifer. It consists of a frame and a filter shell.

Hydrogeological studies

Before starting drilling, specialists need to know what the geology and hydrogeology of the site are. So the estimate for drilling a well must include hydrogeological studies. In particular, this applies to the near-well zone. For this purpose, intensive preliminary pumping is often carried out. Having assessed all the available conditions and capabilities of the customer, experts say which hydrogeological wells will be optimal for him.

When the research is completed, such a well is plugged or transferred to other services to continue observations.

If you need high-quality hydrometeorological surveys, then it is better to contact a multidisciplinary company that has been working throughout the Krasnodar region for many years, such as Geologist-Krasnodar. Using only accredited soil laboratories, we take water samples from your site, and can make an accurate conclusion about its physical and chemical characteristics in the shortest possible time. To get the exact cost of all studies, send us the terms of reference and we will prepare an estimate.

The totality of production costs shows how much it costs an enterprise to produce manufactured products, that is, it constitutes the production cost of products.

The costs that form the cost of products (works, services) are grouped in accordance with their economic content into the following elements:

1) material costs;

2) labor costs;

3) contributions for social needs;

4) depreciation charges;

5) other expenses.

The cost of well construction determines the sum of all costs for a drilling enterprise that must be incurred to complete the established volume of work for the construction of wells, as well as the costs for each workshop and facility included in the drilling enterprise.

When calculating the cost of drilling operations, the following is determined:

1) the volume of drilling work in estimated prices;

2) overhead costs of main, auxiliary and ancillary production, including administrative and business expenses and other overhead costs;

3) summary of costs for well construction.

The basis for determining the estimated cost of the volume of drilling work is the estimates for technical projects for the construction of wells.

Estimated and financial documents are drawn up on the basis of a technical project for the construction of a well, reflecting the volume of individual work, the design of the well, technology and organization of work.

The set of costs is compiled on the basis of data from the production program of the main and auxiliary divisions of the drilling enterprise, the plan for labor and wages in the context of these divisions.

All calculations are made in accordance with their economic content for cost elements and are entered in Table 8.

Table 8 - Estimate for drilling a well


To find the main technical and economic indicators of the production process of drilling a well, the data of the previous sections are used, which are entered in Table 9.

Commercial speed (υ k) is the ratio of penetration in meters (P) per calendar drilling time, in machine-months (T b).

υ k = P/T b, m/st-month. (4)

Mechanical speed (υ mech) is the ratio of penetration in meters (P) for the time of mechanical drilling, in machine hours (T m.b).

υ fur = P/T m.b, m/st-hour. (5)

Travel speed (υ r) is defined as the ratio of penetration in meters (P) to travel time (T r), i.e. time for mechanical drilling, time for hoisting operations and build-up in machine hours.

υ r = P/T r, m/st-hour (6)

T r = t m.b. + t SPO + t n, st-hour. (7)

Penetration per 1 bit (P d) is defined as the ratio of penetration in meters (P) to the number of bits spent in this interval (D).

P d = P/D, m/pcs. (9)

The estimated cost of 1 meter of penetration (C m) is the ratio of the estimated cost of drilling in rubles (C estimates) to the penetration in meters (P).

C m = C estimate /P, rub./m. (10)

where Cm is the estimated cost of 1 m of penetration, rub.;

Ssmet - estimated cost of drilling, rub.

Activities that help improve drilling performance and reduce costs are reflected in the enterprise’s innovation activity plan. As drilling speed increases, labor costs are reduced and materials are saved. The company's profit increases. The results of calculations of technical and economic indicators for drilling a well are indicated in Table 16.

Table 9 – Technical and economic indicators of drilling a well

are mainly carried out to build an engineering-geological model, in order to make structural and space-planning decisions, select types of foundations, as well as assess dangerous engineering-geological processes and obtain initial data for the development of engineering protection schemes and environmental protection measures.

Basically, in the Penza region, categories I and II of complexity of soil conditions predominate. In accordance with the note to table 6.2 SP 47.13330.2012, the total number of mine openings within the building contour must be at least 1-2 for category I soil conditions, 3-4 for category II. According to Note 2 to Table 6.2 SP 47.13330.2012, with a building width and length of less than 12 m, 1 mine opening is allowed for categories I and II of soil conditions. According to clause 6.3.6, we have the right to replace 1/3 of the mine workings with dots.

For buildings and structures of normal (with loads on foundations of 0.25 MPa) and reduced levels of responsibility in accordance with clause 6.3.16, strength and deformation properties can be determined by the method according to Appendix I.

In accordance with clause 6.3.19, at least three water samples are taken in the area of ​​impact on building structures to determine the aggressiveness of the aquatic environment towards concrete or corrosive aggressiveness towards metals.

According to Appendix E, it is necessary to determine the aggressiveness of soils in relation to concrete and steel.

The depth of the mine workings is determined in accordance with clauses 6.3.7 -6.3.8 so for a 2-3 storey building the depth of the workings is 6-8 m from the base of the foundation. Taking into account the depth of soil freezing of 1.5-1.8 m and the laying of the foundation base below this depth, the total depth of the excavation is 7.5 - 9.5 m.

And so we will calculate the estimate for engineering and geological surveys for a 2-story building with plan dimensions of 20.0 x 20.0 m. Category of complexity of soil conditions - I, Building III level of responsibility.

Estimate for engineering and geological surveys

Name of work and cost calculation

Cost justification

Number of works

Price in rub.

Cost in rub.

Field work

Layout and plan-altitude reference of geological workings k.s. III up to 50 m x0.85

SBC-1999 T.93 §1 approx. 1 K=0.5 OU K=0.85 p.14

Auger drilling of wells with a diameter of up to 160 mm to a depth of 5 m in soils of category: II up to 2 m 8.8x0.4x0.85

v.21 § 6 approx. (K=0.4) K= 0.85 OU § 1

Hydrogeological observation when drilling wells with a diameter of 160 mm, depth up to 7 m 1.6x0.85x0.6

v. 18 § 1 chapter 4 clause 8 K = 0.6

Statistical sensing up to 8 m 128.3x0.85

Ch.15 p.4 t.45 §5 K=0.85 p.14

Selection of monoliths from wells up to 10 m deep 22.9x0.85

v. 57 §1 K=0.85 OU

I T O G O:

External transport costs 14%

SBC-1999 vol.4 §1 OU

I T O G O:

Expenses for organizing and liquidating work 6%

I T O G O field work

Laboratory works

Consistency with broken structure 18.2

ch.17 p.5 t.63 §3

Determination of organic carbon content by combustion method

Ch. 18 clause 4 t.70 §1

Sieve particle size analysis

ch.17 p.6 t.64 §11

Angle of repose

Ch. 17 clause 6 t.64 §4

Filtration coefficient

Ch. 17 clause 6 t.64 §5

Abbreviated water analysis 45.7

ch.18 p.7 t.73 §3

Abbreviated analysis of soil water extract with determination of sulfate 26.3

Ch. 18 clause 5 t.71 §4

Corrosive aggressiveness of soils to steel 18.2

Ch.18 p.9 v.75 §4

I T O G ABOUT laboratory work:

Office processing of materials

Office processing of drilling and mining operations, category II. Difficulties with hydrogeological observations 9.3

Ch. 21 clause 2 t.82 §2

Office soil treatment by static probing 48.2

Ch. 21 clause 4 t.83 §1

Office processing of laboratory studies of the properties of clay soils 20% from clauses 9,10,11

Ch. 21 clause 9 t.86 §1

the same, sandy soils 15% from paragraphs 12,13,14

Ch. 21 clause 9 t.86 §2


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