Treatment for aphids with folk remedies. How to fight aphids in the garden using folk remedies

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Spring has come and aphids have again settled on the young shoots and lower parts of the leaves. The tops of the shoots curl and the leaves no longer grow. There are many gray-green flea beetles inside the curled leaves. Again this familiar aphid, capable of causing a lot of trouble.

Of course, as with everything, prevention is important in the fight against aphids.

One of the means of preventing and controlling aphids is adding potassium to the soil. No, not in the form of mineral fertilizers containing potassium, but in the form of wood ash. Plants under which stove ash has been applied are less damaged by pests. (Last year in the fall, I accidentally, without thinking, poured a decent amount of ash under the roses, I was in a hurry. This year, my neighbors’ roses are covered with aphids, but mine are clean).

Aphids are collected by sparrows and other birds. We feed them in winter, attracting them to the garden. The larvae of ladybugs eat aphids; you need to take care of them and other beneficial insects that help fight aphids.

What to do if aphids do appear in the garden?

Of course, the easiest way is to buy chemicals in the store. I will not list them; any seller will advise what will help in the fight against aphids. But chemicals also destroy beneficial insects: ladybugs, lacewings, hoverflies, and various ichneumon flies. All of them are natural enemies of aphids. Therefore, let’s remember what we use ourselves and look on the Internet what home remedies other gardeners use to combat aphids. Let's choose what suits us.

Fighting aphids using folk remedies.

Almost all aphid control recipes include soap. Moreover, it is most convenient to use liquid soap or dishwashing soap. Soap is used for better adhesion; it has a viscous consistency, envelops insects and does not allow them to breathe, because aphids breathe through the skin.

Spraying with preparations must be carried out several times, at intervals of several days, so that all aphids die. It is better to spray plants in the evening, when beneficial insects that pollinate plants no longer fly, because the drugs can destroy them too. It is better to completely cut off and burn severely damaged shoots, and treat the plant with one of the solutions given below.

  • Dilute liquid soap in water and spray the plants. For 1 liter of water - 40 g of liquid soap. Against aphids, mites and other pests.
  • Green potassium soap, 20 g per 1 liter of water - an old, proven remedy.
  • 2 tbsp. Dilute tablespoons of ammonia in a bucket of water and add a little washing powder so that the composition sticks better. Spray the plants with the solution; the aphids die from the fumes of ammonia. After 2 weeks, repeat the treatment.

The famous author of books about smart gardens and cunning vegetable gardens, N.I., also recommends using ammonia when fighting aphids. Kurdyumov, here are some more of his tips.

  • It is better to use potassium soap; it will also serve as a foliar feeding. Most detergents are sodium soaps, which clog the environment; they should be used less often if possible.
  • N. Kurdyumov advises diluting 300 g of potassium soap in a bucket of water, i.e. using a 3% solution. Plants should always be sprayed from all sides - from below and from the sides.
  • The aphids die if you use washing powder for spraying, you just need to choose the right concentration so as not to burn the young leaves, advises N. Kurdyumov. You need to try starting with a 1% solution.
  • Pour 100 g of finely chopped onions or 200 g of onion scales into 10 liters of hot water and leave the solution for 4-5 days. Strain it and spray the plants no more than three times, every five days. This solution can also be successfully used against spider mites, strawberry mites, Colorado potato beetles, leaf rollers and sawflies, thrips, caterpillars, cutworms, codling moths and apple worms. You can also try against the Colorado potato beetle.
  • Half a bucket of onion peels, 10 liters of boiling water, leave for a day and strain, dilute by half before use.
  • 1 tbsp. Dissolve a spoonful of soda ash in a liter of water, add 1/4 of a piece of grated laundry soap. Strain the resulting soda solution and spray the plants damaged by pests.
  • Pour eight liters of boiling water over a kilogram of ash, leave covered for two days, strain, and spray.
  • Infuse 2 cups of ash into 10 liters. boiling water, add 50 g of planed laundry soap, spray.
  • Infuse 200 g of tobacco in 10 liters of water for two days.
  • Dilute 1-2 cups of wood ash in a bucket of hot water, add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of liquid soap and let it sit for a day. Strain the liquid and treat the plants.
  • Spray rose bushes heavily infested with aphids with a soap solution (100-200 g of laundry soap per 10 liters of water).
  • Use an infusion of finely chopped onions 10-15 g per 1 liter of water, leave for 7 hours.
  • Garlic infusion: 30 g of chopped garlic per 10 liters of water. Against aphids and spider mites.
  • The following infusion works well against aphids. Grind 200 g of garlic, add 1 liter of water and leave in a tightly closed glass container in a dark place for 5 days. Dilute 250 g of this infusion in 10 liters of water. Treat the plants.
  • 40 g of dry tobacco or shag, 1 liter of water, leave for 2 days, strain and add 1 liter of water and a teaspoon of liquid soap.
  • Pour 200 g of tobacco dust and 30 g of chopped fresh hot pepper into a bucket of warm water, leave for 24 hours, strain. Add 1 tablespoon of liquid soap, 2-3 tablespoons of ash.
  • 100 g of dry citrus peels, 1 liter of warm water, leave for 3 days in a warm place, strain, spray.
  • Finely chop 400 g of dandelion leaves, 10 liters of warm water (no more than 40 degrees), leave for 2-3 hours, strain and spray.
  • Cut the hot pepper pod in half, boil for 1 hour in 1 liter of water in an enamel bowl, leave for 2 days, grind it, squeeze, strain. Pour the resulting concentrate and seal tightly into bottles. Store in a cool, dark place. Use to combat aphids, leaf-eating insects, and copperheads. To do this, dilute 125 g of concentrate and 40 g of soap in 10 liters of water, spray 2-3 times a month.
  • A stronger concentrate solution can be used to combat codling moths and moths. 0.5 liters of concentrate, 50 g of soap per 10 liters of water. Spray the first before the apple trees bloom, the second after flowering, then spray 3 more times after 15 days. It is better to treat trees in the evening, when butterflies are flying.
  • Finely chop 4 kg of tomato tops and soak them in 10 liters of water for 4 hours. Then boil for half an hour and strain. Before use, dilute by half and add 50 g of soap. To combat aphids, leaf-eating insects and codling moths.
  • Pour vodka, the cheapest one, into a spray bottle and spray the aphids. Simple and safe!
  • Coca-Cola can also be used in the fight against aphids by spraying plants with it.

Many housewives are engaged in home floriculture. Green, fresh leaves are pleasing to the eye. Blooming buds decorate gray everyday life, especially on autumn and winter days, when bright colors are so scarce. But it happens that aphids appear on indoor flowers and the question arises: how to fight and get rid of the scourge, preferably using safe folk remedies.

Sometimes the presence of aphids can be determined by small growths on stems or leaves. They cannot be seen on tree trunks of plants, since the insect’s proboscis is designed in such a way that it is not able to bite through the bark.

Causes and signs of aphids on indoor plants

The pest itself cannot appear on indoor flowers.

This means that the aphids were brought in from outside.

From all that has been said, it is clear: it is quite simple to see and understand that a home flower is affected by aphids, but the method and method of combating the pest is chosen by the owner of the plant.

Of course, the easiest way is to buy a chemical aphid control agent in the store, but is this always justified and safe for people and animals living in an apartment? It may be better to use folk remedies. These are simple and effective methods, and completely safe for others.

Methods of pest control with folk remedies

Do not forget about preventive measures and before you buy a particular plant in a store, from hand at the market, or take it from friends, it must be inspected for aphid infestation.

If insects are not noticed when purchasing a flower, but they subsequently appear, you should immediately think about destroying them. Simple folk methods are suitable for this.

Infusions against aphids on tops

A frequently used product, but it is only good in the spring and summer. When culling low-quality seedlings, pinching or removing excess leaves on tomato stems, take 400-500 grams of raw materials, crush them and boil in 1 liter of water for about half an hour.

After filtering and cooling, grated soap is added to the solution. It’s better to take brown household stuff, grated. This soap contains fewer chemical additives and will ensure the best adhesion of the composition.

After adding soap to the broth, stir it until a homogeneous mass is obtained and completely dissolved. Perhaps the composition turned out to be too concentrated, so it is better to dilute it 1:1. Only after this can you test a few leaves.

Only after making sure that the plant has withstood the procedure in the control area are the infected plants processed. They are either sprayed with a spray bottle, or, if the solution is thick, the diseased plant is wiped with a cotton swab.

Vegetable infusions

Various infusions on vegetables will also help get rid of aphids on home flowers. A decoction of onions or onion peels, an infusion of garlic, and hot peppers in an infusion help well.

Among flower growers, the use of vinegar to combat aphids is quite popular. Take a tablespoon of 9% vinegar per liter of water and wipe or spray the leaves of the infected plant.

For preventive purposes, it can be used to treat healthy flowers where sick ones are present.

Infusions of celandine and marigolds

Such infusions are good because you can buy dried herbs at any time at a pharmacy or cut them up in a country plot and prepare them yourself.

Take dry plants: 40 g (marigolds) or 100 g (celandine), infuse in a liter of water for about one to two days, filter and treat the affected plants. The leaves can either be sprayed or wiped.

Tobacco or wood ash

One of the popular remedies is tobacco infusion. Take 40 g (or a pack of shag), leave it in a liter jar of water for a day, drain it from the sediment and wipe or spray the plant.

Wood ash is not only a successful means of pest control, but also an excellent fertilizer, so this infusion can be used to treat leaves and stems and water the soil in a pot.

A glass of ash is added to 5 liters of water and infused for 3 hours or more. For spraying, soap is added, but then you need to make sure that the solution does not fall on the ground. When wiping the leaves, you don’t have to add soap, but use the remaining infusion as fertilizer.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide when fighting aphids

Baking soda and soda solution are an irreplaceable lifesaver in the household. An effective remedy for controlling aphids on flowers. A teaspoon of the composition is enough for half a liter of water. You can either spray the flower or wipe the leaves and stems.

Experts recommend adding a little liquid soap and 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Application interval – once every 2 weeks. To avoid burns, spraying should be carried out either in the evening, or in cloudy weather, or by shading the flower.

Hydrogen peroxide is used in solution at the rate of: 1 tablespoon of 3% preparation per half liter jar of water. Treatment is carried out either by spraying or wiping the leaves of the plant.

Prevention of aphids

As experts say, “It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it,” so you need to know how to prevent the appearance of aphids on flowers:

  • periodically inspect the plants and, at the first signs, treat them with any available means. Newly acquired plants are quarantined for at least a week;
  • timely fertilizing and replanting in specially selected soil mixtures will allow the plant to develop normally, and a well-growing flower is less susceptible to the risk of infection;
  • In the summer, as a preventive measure, it is good to place mint leaves between pots with indoor plants; aphids do not tolerate them well. In winter, it is worth placing indoor geraniums on the windowsill with other flowers;
  • it is necessary to monitor the microclimate of the room. The higher the temperature and drier the air, the faster the pest multiplies.

By monitoring the condition of flowers, carrying out timely fertilizing and watering, you can get beautiful and healthy plants that bloom and delight with bright greenery all year round.

Aphids on currants

Aphids are the most common “attack” on our gardens and vegetable gardens. I think every gardener has encountered this pest and has already searched for information on the Internet on how to get rid of aphids.

Of course, the easiest way is to use some kind of chemical preparation, such as Aktara or Confidor, and cleanse your plants or trees of this malicious pest in one go. But we advocate the use of folk remedies to combat aphids, at least in those cases when everything is not too neglected. This is more labor-intensive, but safe for health.

On this page we have collected all the possible options for controlling aphids in the garden, which have proven to be effective. All information is collected based on reviews from gardeners and personal experience.

This is what a young apple tree looks like when it is infected with aphids

Folk remedies for aphids

Do not be surprised that not only infusions of all kinds of herbs were used, but also products that, at first glance, were not at all suitable for processing plants. But the gardener tried everything he could to defeat this pest.

Celandine against aphids

Celandine against aphids helps in most cases. To prepare the infusion, you need 3 kg g of fresh plant (you can take both stems and leaves along with flowers) and pour 10 liters of water. Let it sit for a day and you can filter it and pour it into a sprayer. Generously wet the leaves of plants on which you find aphids on both sides.

Iodine for aphids

A very common way to combat aphids. To prepare a solution for treating plants against aphids, take 100 ml of milk, 30 drops of iodine and 1 liter of water. Mix iodine with milk and then pour this mixture into a container of water. That's it, the solution is ready for use.

Spray plants, bushes, trees. Very often, this mixture of milk + iodine for aphids is used to treat roses.

Coca Cola for aphids

This carbonated drink, like Pepsi Cola, contains phosphoric acid, which is what pests are afraid of. Spray the plants with a solution of Coca-Cola and water in the proportion of 2 liters of cola to 7 liters of water if the pest is noticeable on the greenery only in small quantities. If the plants are strewn with aphids, then they are treated with a drink, diluting it 1 to 1 with water. Before pouring the drink into the sprayer tank, it is necessary to release the gas from it.

Garlic from aphids

Take 200 g of garlic and chop it with a knife, or pass it through a press. Pour 1 liter of water and leave for 4-5 days. You need to use garlic infusion against aphids like this: take 25-30 ml of infusion and add it to a bucket of water. Plants affected by aphids are sprayed with this working solution.

Vodka for aphids

A very effective remedy is vodka against aphids. For better adhesion of the solution to the leaves, add a little liquid soap to the vodka. Spray leaves on both sides and stems, but try not to get on the inflorescences. We have tested the effectiveness of this method on our site, so we also included it in our selection, although for a long time we doubted whether vodka would help against aphids on our bushes, which were completely strewn with the pest. Of course, we cannot recommend this method for treating large areas due to the high cost of this drink.

Tar from aphids

Gardeners have long used birch tar to combat aphids, Colorado potato beetles, various caterpillars and other garden pests. To prepare the solution, take 100 g of birch tar per 10 liters of water, add (to stick to the leaves) 25-30 g of liquid soap. Everything is stirred for a long time and thoroughly, since tar dissolves very poorly in water.

Soda for aphids

For 10 liters of water you need 75 g of baking soda. This is the easiest and most affordable way to get rid of aphids, because baking soda is probably found in every home. Trees, bushes, and vegetable plants are sprayed with a soda solution, and there is no need to be afraid that the working solution will get on the soil and somehow harm the plants. You can spray plants at any stage of development.

Soap solution for aphids

This is an effective, proven remedy. To prepare 10 liters of soap solution, you need 300 g of ordinary (brown) laundry soap. Grate the soap and then it will easily dissolve in water. It is necessary to wet the plant leaves on both sides with this soap solution. If the plant is large, it is better to use a sprayer. Our grandmothers used laundry soap to combat aphids; it is an old, proven remedy.

Milk from aphids

Whey is taken, not milk itself. Buying it now is not a problem; dairies produce it along with milk. The serum will help get rid of aphids, cruciferous flea beetles, and onion flies. The method of treating plants with whey has found wide application, since it is 100% safe and suitable for use at any stage of plant development. If most aphid remedies require (after application) a waiting period, after which the fruits or berries can be eaten, then the serum can be used at least an hour before eating the treated plants or their fruits.
There is no need to dilute the whey. Feel free to spray the affected plants with it and add it when watering plants at the roots.

Ash against aphids

Treatment of plants with an ash solution with the addition of soap (for better adhesion to the leaves) works well against aphids. To do this, pour 300 g of wood ash into a bucket of water, add a little soap (50 g) and bring the solution to a boil.

Onion peel

An infusion of onion peels works well against aphids. Just 2 treatments and you will say goodbye to this pest, of course, not forever, but for sure for a month. It’s easy to prepare an infusion: pour 200 g of husk with 10 liters of water and leave to infuse for about 15 hours. Then strain and you can pour it into the sprayer.

An aphid appears. This miniature creature can very quickly take over the entire territory and significantly spoil the harvest. That is why it causes a lot of trouble for gardeners and causes enormous damage to young plants; in addition, aphids also attack indoor plants. Plants affected by this insect grow slowly, wither, and may die completely. That is why you should always have aphid preparations on hand.

The appearance of aphids

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so you need to regularly inspect your garden. The first sign of aphids is curling of the leaves. If you find several insects, then expect a rapid increase in the colony and the death of the plant. Therefore, do not waste time and immediately use aphids. Usually, where it is, black garden ants begin to appear. No, they do not eat aphids; on the contrary, they feed on their sweet secretions. That is why aphid preparations are often combined and act simultaneously on ants.

Ways to combat aphids

There are several options for how to deal with this scourge. Chemical preparations for aphids are considered the most effective, but they are not always safe for the human body. Therefore, if there are still few insects, you can use a mechanical method to destroy them. Aphids can be collected, crushed or washed away with a stream of water. In addition, you can use biological control methods, that is, natural enemies of aphids. Finally, there are a huge number of folk recipes that can and should be used, as they are inexpensive and very effective.

Plants and insects as natural enemies of aphids

The very first rule: do not kill ladybugs. This insect is excellent at fighting pests. If you happen to walk through a meadow where these slow-moving bugs are found, carefully collect them and bring them to your garden plot. But with a large number of pests, they cannot cope alone, so plants that repel aphids are planted to help them. Onions, garlic and chamomile are planted next to the fruit beds. These plants repel aphids. But if you notice a large colony of insects in the garden, sucking the juices from your plants, then it’s time to take more decisive action.

Fruit trees

Very often they are the ones affected by aphids. Insects breed very quickly - within a few days the entire tree will be captured by a huge colony. In this case, it is not possible to collect or wash away all the harmful insects; a safe preparation for aphids on trees is needed. One of these is the “Tanrek” product. The main advantage of using this product is its durability. It is not washed off by rain or water, but it is quite safe and does not affect the edible qualities of the fruit. The effect of the drug is completely independent of the ambient temperature, that is, it does not evaporate even at the highest positive temperatures. It is enough to carry out one treatment per season, and the drug against aphids on trees will act until late autumn, reliably protecting your garden from pest invasion. It is worth processing during the growing season.

Biological preparations for the control of aphids

If the harvest period has already arrived, and a large number of aphids have attacked your garden, then you need to find an effective and completely safe means to destroy the pests. Today there are modern biological insecticides that are as safe as possible. They are made from waste products of soil organisms, and therefore do not harm plants. You can collect fruits starting from the next day after processing. One of these can be considered the drug “Fitoverm”. The maximum effect of using the drug is visible within a week, unless it is washed off with water or rain. In addition, there are oil emulsions that are completely safe for humans, for example “30 plus”. This is a modern drug against aphids. The instructions for use indicate its highest efficiency when used on a wide variety of garden plants.

From time immemorial

For many generations, humanity has managed without industrial drugs and learned to fight harmful insects. Given this experience, you can prepare effective mixtures for pest control at home. These funds have a number of advantages. They are always at hand, you don’t have to spend money on them, and they won’t harm your body. Folk remedies for aphids are presented in a huge range; today we will consider only the most effective of them, which are used year after year in almost every garden plot.

Recipes for your garden

Aphids really don't like flowers like marigolds. Therefore, when the flowerbed fades, be sure to collect dry plants and store them for future use. For spraying, prepare a tincture, for which you need to fill half a bucket of dry plants with 10 liters of hot water and leave for two days. After this, the infusion is filtered and 40 g of laundry soap is added. It is better to treat plants with this product 2-3 times with an interval of 3-4 days. By the way, a solution of laundry soap is also good for fighting aphids. To do this, you need to dissolve 200 g of it in a bucket of water.

Don't forget to collect potato tops too. When considering folk remedies for aphids, this remedy should be noted as one of the most effective. You will need a kilogram of dry or fresh tops, which must be filled with 10 liters of warm water and left for 4 hours. Now the infusion should be filtered and 40 g of laundry soap added. In this solution, soap is not the active element. It is only necessary for the solution to stick to the leaves. The treatment is carried out in the evening, and the next morning 90% of the aphids die.

A very effective plant for controlling aphids is yarrow. You will need one kilogram of dry powder made from plants. They are poured with boiling water and left for 36-48 hours, after which they are filtered. You can prepare a decoction; to do this, boil the same amount of yarrow for 30 minutes, filter, add up to 10 liters and add 40 g of soap to the decoction. It is not recommended to store the decoction for a long time; it is best to use it immediately after cooling.

Saving the flower garden

We most often treat fruit trees with insecticides at the beginning of summer, but the rose garden remains unattended until we notice how the plants curl their leaves and lower their lush heads. What effective preparations for aphids on roses will solve this problem? There are not so few of them, but let’s start, as usual, with the safest ones. We have already talked about those that feed on aphids, these are ladybugs and many others. They are attracted by the smell of plants such as caraway and dill, daisy and violet. These plants are planted in the area next to the roses. In addition, you can protect roses by planting nasturtium, cosmos, poppy, and mallow in the flower garden, which are very attractive to aphids. They will serve as a natural source where they can be neutralized. If all these methods turned out to be insufficiently effective, then it is necessary to purchase drugs such as Inta-Vir, Shar Pei, Karbofos. Since roses are not classified as such, processing can be done at any time. Preparations for aphids on roses can be alternated so as not to cause addiction to pests.

fruit bush

Probably everyone knows that aphids really love currants and gooseberries. By attacking a delicate bush, it can ruin the harvest or cause the branches to die. But today there are effective drugs for aphids on currants. First of all, this is “Fitoverm” - a safe and inexpensive product that can be used even during the fruiting period. However, the effect does not last long; the treatment should be repeated approximately once every 2-3 weeks. So if you did not treat with chemicals during the growing season, you will have to spend more time caring for the garden.

There are also natural, natural preparations for aphids on currants. This is a solution familiar to everyone, with which the branches are washed. Garlic infusion, which is sprayed on the plant, also helps a lot.

Chemical preparations for aphids

There are a great variety of them on sale today, you can choose the one that best suits your requirements. There are two large groups. These are insecticides of contact action, that is, in order to act, the drug must be in contact with the insect, and systemic. The second type of drugs penetrates and affects the pest when it tries to feast on them. The first group of insecticides is used for one-time pest control, as it is washed off from the surface of the leaves. These are Envidor, Inta-Vir, Iskra and many others. They are treated once, they are constantly in the plant tissues, that is, whenever the pest arrives, it will die. These are “Commander” and “Marshal”, “Calypso” and others.

Garden pests are a real scourge of every villager who lives on the fruits of his labor grown on his plot. Often in Russian realities there is a vegetable garden on one side and a garden on the other, all this is interspersed with flower beds in which the owner (or owner) carefully grows a variety of flowers, including bulbous flowers.

Even on the smallest plots of land there is room for several flower beds that will delight you with beautiful flowers all summer long - with the right selection of plants according to their flowering time, of course.

INTERESTING! Some species are capable of forming so-called galls. These are outgrowths from the bodies and secretions of aphids on the inside of the leaf. They protect aphids from insecticides and also perfectly protect the population from weather conditions.

Polymorphism allows aphids to survive under almost any conditions if food plants are present. It is very difficult to remove it completely. This feature also determines the rate of reproduction of aphids.

But the global damage caused by aphids is caused precisely by the speed of their reproduction. This insect is fragile and slow, but can spawn its own kind at a breakneck speed, doubling its population every few hours. Each pest individually causes negligible damage, but together they can destroy all crops in a week.

Aphids cause harm in several ways:

  • Sucking out cell sap during feeding, leads to disruption of the outer integument and death of areas;
  • Produces honeydew, which clogs the stomata and interferes with respiration and photosynthesis;
  • Carries hundreds of species of fungi and phytoviruses.

At the end of summer, when vital activity begins to decline, true females lay eggs that can survive temperatures dropping to -40°C. And in the spring they will hatch and everything will begin in a new circle.

Flower damage

The piercing-sucking mouthparts of aphids are not the most convenient device for piercing hard bulbous leaves. Young and weak shoots suffer the greatest losses.

These happen for various reasons:

  • Newly erupted buds, young leaves- extremely vulnerable to aphids; severe infestation can cause leaf death and bulb rotting;
  • "Overfed" plants- flowers that have been fertilized too much, especially with nitrogen-phosphate mixtures, will grow too quickly, without having time to acquire powerful cellulose cell protection.
  • Lack of light- light is the main element of nutrition, and without food the flowers will be very weak. Forcing in the dark is the cause of most of these phenomena. There may also be insufficient light in the greenhouse.

Dying leaves and buds are death for the bulb, especially in damp and warm places where the tissue can easily rot.

Aphid migration

Dispersal of winged females

These individuals are able to move long distances using their wings. Their structure is designed specifically to increase the area of ​​affected plants.

Airborne transport

No, this is not the same as the first point. Aphids from garden trees are easily picked up by strong winds and transferred to neighboring gardens and vegetable gardens. So if there is an infested garden nearby, your area will never be safe.


Ants are insects that maintain a commensal relationship with aphids. They take care of aphids, carefully transfer them from plant to plant, destroy their natural enemies, and in return receive honeydew, which contains large amounts of sugars and glucose.

REFERENCE! Ants and aphids have been in such a mutually beneficial relationship for more than two billion years, since ancient times. This is confirmed by the found amber ingots, which contain aphids and ants together.

Sources of infection

An experienced owner will easily notice when aphids appear in his garden. First of all, it will settle on fresh seedlings, cucumbers and tomatoes, and then it will spread to all available plants.

Why is inaction dangerous?

The main source of food is the garden. The earth can provide people with everything they need. But besides us, there are other living creatures who like the tasty, fattened greens of garden inhabitants.

If you do not protect your site, the consequences will be as follows:

  • Destruction of young seedlings: vulnerable young plants will be the first to suffer from aphid infestations;
  • Sharp reduction in yield: weak plants will not be able to produce healthy fruits in sufficient quantities;
  • The emergence of diseases of flowers and crops: aphids are carriers of hundreds of phytoviruses that can only be destroyed by burning the plant. In addition, there is a risk of infection with fungi (Read more about diseases here!) Sooty fungus, for example, affects any plants with aphids, as it grows on honeydew;
  • Dying flower beds: both bulbous and other flowers surrounded by diseased plants will not be able to avoid infection.

Methods of treating the disease

What to do if there are aphids in the garden?

How to get rid of aphids in the garden forever? Man long ago came up with many ways to solve this problem. Since the vegetable garden occupies a fairly large area, it will be difficult to cultivate it several times. To begin with, it is recommended:

  • Mark infected areas and plants: aphids are specific and do not grow on all species;
  • It is better to process after heavy rain: it will wash away most of the pests;
  • Buy a powerful spray bottle with a large capacity for insecticidal solution: It is much more convenient to process with such a device. There are options with a manual pump, and there are electric ones with a pump.

To completely cure plants from aphids, you need to destroy all anthills in the garden. Ants will sooner or later bring their “cows” to your land again. To get rid of them, you can pour boiling water over the anthills or sprinkle with quicklime.

Remedy for aphids in the garden

Tool #1: Chemicals

Synthetic substances against insects became most widespread in the 60s of the last century. Large supplies of food were required, science flourished and the chemical industry produced more and more new recipes. Not all of them turned out to be safe for humans. Chemical insecticides could accumulate in the skins of fruits and in plant leaves, poisoning the final product and causing digestive disorders.

ATTENTION! It is imperative to take care of personal protection. When working with insecticide solutions, wear gloves and a mask!

Bulbous flowers growing in the garden do not have any value other than aesthetic value, so they can be treated with synthetic insecticides without restrictions. In other cases, risks need to be assessed. When the ovaries are formed, it is not advisable to use this method, and it is not recommended to treat tuberous plants more than twice a year.

Among the recommended preparations for killing aphids in the garden, we can recommend: Konfidor, Fitoverm, Iskra, Iskra-bao, Deciss, etc. Information about all the insecticides used and their effectiveness is in the corresponding!

ATTENTION! When choosing a drug, pay attention to the type of action, what insects it destroys, dosage and area of ​​use.

After processing:

  1. Remove protective equipment;
  2. Never touch your eyes or mucous membranes with unwashed hands;
  3. Wash your hands and face with soap twice.

Remedy No. 2: Traditional methods

Folk remedies for aphids in the garden do not differ in their action from chemical ones, but only natural insecticides are used here. The power of herbs was known to mankind at the dawn of its formation. Plants that are poisonous to aphids in their natural habitat have insecticidal properties.

Decoctions can have both poisonous and repellent effects.

Among the most popular, we should note decoctions of garlic, onion peels, dry citrus peels, infusion of pine needles, yarrow, dandelion, etc. Folk remedies are used more and more, since people want to eat natural and healthy food, and with such treatments there are no consequences.

There are also disadvantages: it is inconvenient to process a large area, it takes a lot of solution, and it is advisable to process it every day for a week.

Naturally, each remedy differs in its use: you will find more accurate recipes for folk remedies for aphids in bulbous flowers in the garden on this one!

Remedy No. 3: Biological

Unfortunately, this method cannot yet be properly used, since even when purchasing insects that destroy aphids, there is no guarantee that they will destroy them quickly. In terms of yield, the speed of treatment is also critical.


For prevention both in the garden and in the garden, we can recommend:

  • Regularly in April-May, carry out preventive spraying of the entire area with insecticides of any kind. This way you will protect yourself from newly hatched aphids and save the seedlings;
  • You can plant marigolds everywhere: aphids really don’t like this plant and don’t live near it. Garlic, mint, fennel, mustard, and basil have the same properties. Plant these plants between beds and in flower beds, and the risk of infection will decrease significantly.

Useful video

A short video on the topic of fighting aphids from a professional gardener:

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