Sample estimate for construction work in excel. Drawing up estimates for construction work

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This page presents some examples of estimates for construction and repair work.
This examples of construction estimates for work already completed (once upon a time, by someone) or abstract estimates on standard roof repair, premises renovation, office renovation etc.

All the estimates presented here have one thing in common: all of them were compiled in the Estimate 2007 program.

The estimates given here will clearly show you what it looks like estimate created in the Estimate 2007 program.
The presented files may also contain others that ours can create: KS-2, KS-3, Invoice, Contract Agreement, etc.

For convenience, the list of estimates is divided into groups and each estimate is provided with a brief description.
Click on the title to download the estimate.

Select group: All groups Landscaping Roof repair Premises repair

The estimate includes a calculation of the cost of work and materials for repairing the metal roof section of a public building (not a private house). According to the estimate, the following work is carried out: complete replacement of metal roofing on the roof section with preliminary repair of the sheathing and treatment of wooden elements with a fire-retardant composition. The area of ​​the roof section being repaired is 730 m2.

Estimate for major repairs of the soft roof of the technical floor. Roof area 1,300 m2. The estimate includes calculations for the following work: dismantling the old roofing carpet with garbage removal, dismantling inactive ventilation pipes, installing a new sand concrete screed, priming and installing a new two-layer roofing carpet made of "Uniflex" on fiberglass.

Very revealing office renovation estimate- 500 lines, 11 sections: general construction and finishing works, ventilation and air conditioning, water supply and sewerage, structured cabling systems, access control system and other works.

When concluding a contract, a prerequisite for carrying out repair and construction work and their subsequent payment is drawing up an estimate.

This document has a certain form and is compiled by a specialist estimator based on data about the object, the type of raw materials used and many other factors.

In this article you will find blank forms and samples of estimates filled out in accordance with established rules.

Purpose of estimate

Based on a well-drawn estimate, the cost of the required repair and construction work, its duration, the price of materials, equipment and necessary raw materials are calculated.

This estimate is a mandatory condition for payment of the contract concluded by the parties. Formally, monetary remuneration is paid after drawing up the relevant acts in the form KS-3 and KS-2.

Based on the estimate, the executing organization and the customer approve a schedule for future work. That is why it is advisable to include the smallest details in the content of the document.

How to make an estimate for construction work?

To draw up an estimate, a specialist - an estimating engineer - must study the defective statement and a document showing the scope of future work (contained in the contractor’s design documentation).

He does not need to go to the construction or repair site if he has these papers on hand.

If the customer organization has an indicative estimate, it is mandatory to provide it to a professional. Based on recalculation and additional checks, the engineer can overestimate or underestimate the final estimate.

There are 3 methods of document preparation:

  • based on actual costs (calculations are made from determining the financial costs for each square meter of area to be built or repaired).
  • taking into account employee wages and tax levies (this information is indicated in the estimate along with the cost of the necessary materials).
  • detailed (the most convenient, as it includes the maximum amount of information about future work - calculations, types of work, conditions of the contractor and the customer, various accompanying documentation, for example, technological maps).

The first method is used if a small work crew is involved.

The final cost of the work in this case is usually not discussed by the parties: the contractor informs the customer about the need to provide certain materials, after which the second party buys these raw materials.

You can also prepare an estimate automatically using special software. All you have to do is enter the required data in the fields and wait for the calculation. Documentation is generated automatically.

Information required to prepare an estimate

A standard estimate should include the following data:

  • volumes of future work (installation, construction, repairs, engineering surveys);
  • the amount of raw materials that will be required during repair or construction;
  • equipment and transport costs;
  • expenses for wages of workers, tax fees (if necessary);
  • column of unforeseen expenses (recommended for registration).

There are various types of estimates and accompanying documentation - local, summary calculation, object, certificate of completed construction and repair work (form KS-2), certificate of cost of the result (form KS-3), etc.

Estimates are prepared for the following types of work:

  • plumbing;
  • glass;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • welding;
  • plastering;
  • concrete;
  • earthy;
  • electrical installation;
  • technological;
  • installation of the foundation;
  • installation of equipment;
  • drainage;
  • gas supply;
  • landscaping;
  • reconstruction;
  • and other types of design work.

How and where to order an estimate?

The customer himself chooses the performing organization to carry out the repair and construction work he needs. Each company offers a specific list of services and sets its own prices for the results.

To order an estimate, we suggest following the specified algorithm of actions:

  1. check the organization you decide to contact for the appropriate license and qualifications of the specialists working in it;
  2. leave a request for the service you require via the Internet (if the company has an official website) or directly in the office;
  3. Agree on working conditions with representatives of the organization and conclude an appropriate agreement.

The most important stage of the project is the preparation and subsequent completion of the estimate. This is done at the final stage of preparation for its implementation. Based on the prepared financial document, a calendar plan for the implementation of the undertaking and delivery schedules for the necessary materials and equipment are drawn up. Let's look further at examples of estimates and how to draw them up correctly.

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The estimate is a financial document that includes the prices of all work performed and the necessary tools and materials. In addition, it always includes overhead costs (about 15% of the total amount), unforeseen costs (2%) and the profit of the contractor (10-15%).

Basic principles of budgeting

Usually the organization that will carry out the work handles the calculations. She must coordinate all her actions with the customer. The more detailed all processes and materials are described (down to the number and brand of screws), the better. However, often in practice a simplified version is used, where only the main types of work, units of measurement, quantities, prices and costs of processes are indicated.

An example of an estimate for renovation work on a room in an apartment in a simplified version:

No. Title of works Units Quantity Price for 1 unit Cost of work
1 Dismantling partitions sq.m. 50 350 17500
2 Dismantling the balcony door PC. 1 1100 1100
3 Installation of partitions (foam blocks) sq.m. 50 600 30000
4 Plastering walls and partitions sq.m. 200 200 40000
5 Double putty, priming and painting of prepared surfaces sq.m. 200 3000 34000
6 Installation of a balcony door PC. 1 270 3000
7 Plastering slopes (windows and doors) sq.m. 16 250 4320
8 Improvement of slopes (putty, primer, painting) sq.m. 16 4000
Total according to estimate 133920

This sample estimate is applicable for making calculations for small-scale projects, and the entered data, if necessary, can easily be adjusted by agreement with the customer. It does not describe exactly how many bags of putty or cans of paint are required to complete the necessary work. The parties agree on the price per unit of measurement and the total cost, and the details (purchase of materials, transportation costs, removal of construction waste) are borne by the contractor.

Let's look at an example of an estimate compiled using a different method. In this case, all the necessary resources to complete the work at each stage are outlined.

At the request of the customer, an estimator or contractor can prepare several versions of estimates, taking into account various components (brand, price and quantity of materials, scope of work, quantity and technical indicators of equipment used, number of workers).

In what form are estimate documents drawn up?

For different types of work, different forms of drawing up financial documents are used. Let us pay attention to an example of an estimate for design and survey work (design and survey work), which is drawn up in accordance with form 3p. It is an annex to the contract between the parties, the cost here is determined by labor costs. Form 3p estimate is used to calculate the cost of research, design, environmental engineering, engineering and survey work.

Often such estimates consist of two tables. In the first, the level of labor costs is determined, and in the second, the cost of the work performed is calculated. The cost of work is proportional to the time spent on all processes and the remuneration of designers. The second table may also include other costs, such as depreciation, freight and travel costs, and material costs.

For construction work, other forms of estimates are provided:

  • Local is prepared for a specific type of work performed; it takes into account the costs of individual sections of construction or repair work.
  • The object one is formed within the framework of one object, combining all local estimates and their calculations related to this object. Its adjustment is made based on the data from the working documentation.
  • The summary estimate is based on site estimates and characterizes the total final cost of constructing a structure or building.

If it is not possible to draw up an accurate estimate due to the fact that there is no complete clarity on the specification of the materials used or changes will still be made to the project, then local and site-specific estimates can be drawn up. Also often used are estimates drawn up in the form KS-2 (act of acceptance of work performed) and KS-3 (certificate of costs and value of work performed).

Non-profit organizations, including budget ones, are required by law to prepare an annual budget for income and expenses.

Computer programs for financial calculations

Nowadays, many software products have been developed that can be used to prepare various financial documents. With a certain degree of convention, they can be divided into two groups:

  • Free. They can be freely found on the Internet, on thematic sites. Such programs have minimal functionality, allow you to perform the simplest calculations and do not have the function of updating regulatory frameworks.
  • Professional. They are used by specialists and require the purchase of a software and service product. The most popular and functional are “”, “GRAND Smeta”, “1C: Contractor”, “Turbosmeta”, etc.

However, in the familiar Microsoft Excel program, you can also easily create an estimate template for the implementation of the required project.

To fill out the estimate, just insert the necessary indicators into the created form, all calculations will be carried out automatically.

If the project requires a large amount of various work and significant investments, then you should not undertake such serious calculations yourself without special knowledge. It is better to turn to specialists who are proficient in modern production technologies and the current situation in the building materials market. They will be able to give an objective picture of the expected costs and offer options for its possible optimization. By saving on the services of an estimator, you can lose more and not realize your plan at all.

There are “alternative estimate documents”, please order if you wish. Samples of document forms are mainly used for internal use in order to view in detail and calculate the costs included in the estimate documentation. They eliminate the need to use a calculator and have any in-depth knowledge of budgeting.

Examples of estimates and calculations for construction, repair and installation:

Examples and sample documents are presented tentatively and therefore serve as a guide for understanding the work being performed. All requirements for estimate documentation and acts are indicated in the letter and then agreed with us.

Standard forms of documents (sample) for construction:

Help on form KS3

Defective statement (bill of quantities)

Consolidated estimate calculation (SSR)

Object estimate (OS)

List of resources (calculation of material requirements)

Local estimate calculation (LS)

Costing for work in Excel

Formation of estimates for construction and finishing works is a necessary part of the execution of a contract for the construction and repair of various types of objects.


In what cases is a document drawn up?

An estimate for construction and finishing work can be drawn up in addition to an agreement both between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, and between individuals.
Construction and repair projects can also be very different:

  • private houses and apartments;
  • buildings and structures owned by commercial organizations or government agencies;
  • individual premises or entire complexes of buildings, etc.

What is the document for?

An estimate is a preliminary calculation of the cost of building materials and services.

This document is necessary so that the customer under the contract has a clear idea of ​​what repair and construction costs he will face.

In some estimates, in addition to outlining the actual expenses, the period for carrying out certain works is also included. Once drawn up and endorsed, the document allows the customer to better control the work being performed.

If we consider the role of the estimate from the point of view of accounting, then it is also quite obvious: it is on its basis that in most cases the cost of materials, construction, installation and repair work is written off.

To be more precise, write-off occurs after the customer and contractor sign the primary accounting document: the certificate of completion, but the estimate confirms the accuracy of the cost of work and materials stated in it.
The more carefully and detailed the estimate is drawn up, the less likely it is that during the work process any disagreements and controversial issues will arise between the customer and the contractor.

Is it permissible to violate the figures indicated in the estimate?

A special feature of the document is a guarantee that the prices indicated in it will remain unchanged.

Since the estimate is usually preliminary, during the period of actual work (especially if it is long-term), some prices may change significantly.
The amount of materials used may also require adjustment.

Usually this possibility is specified in the contract or the estimate itself (for example, that prices can be increased by 10%, etc.).

If there is no such item in the estimate, then all changes must be agreed upon between the customer and the contractor during the execution of the contract, and if the customer does not object, the estimate can be edited.

In situations where the customer does not agree to increase the cost of work stated in the estimate, the contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill the terms of the contract.

Who is authorized to make estimates?

Typically, the responsibility for creating an estimate lies with the head of the structural unit that is directly involved in the execution of work (foreman, head of a workshop, section, etc.). In any case, this must be a person who knows the standards for the consumption of certain building materials, has an idea of ​​their market value, and is also familiar with the rules for drawing up such documents.

How to create a form

Today, there is no unified estimate form, so representatives of enterprises and organizations can draw it up in any form or, if the executing company has a developed and approved standard template, based on its sample. At the same time, regardless of which method is chosen, it is necessary that the structure of the document corresponds to certain standards of office work, and the text includes a number of certain information.

The standard ones are included in the “header”:

  • number, place, date of drawing up the form;
  • information about the organizations between which a contract for construction and finishing work has been concluded;
  • a link is given to the contract itself (its number and date of conclusion are indicated);
  • Positions, surnames, first names and patronymics of managers are entered.
  • serial number;
  • title of works;
  • unit of measurement of work (square meters, kilograms, pieces, etc.);
  • price per unit of measurement;
  • total cost.

If necessary, you can add additional columns (for example, about the quantity and cost of materials used, information about the devices, equipment, and technology used). The length of the table depends on how much work is planned to be carried out. For convenience, the table can be divided into sections depending on the type of work (plumbing, painting, carpentry, installation, etc.).

Under the table you should make a note indicating whether the prices are final or can be adjusted during the work process.

How to make an estimate

Important condition! It must be signed by the directors of two enterprises: the customer and the contractor (or persons authorized to act on their behalf), and the signatures must only be “live” - the use of facsimile options is not intended.

The estimate can be certified using the seals of organizations, but only on the condition that the use of stamped products is registered in their internal local regulations.

The estimate is made in two copies identical in text and equivalent in law, one for each of the interested parties. After drawing up and endorsement by both parties, the estimate becomes an integral part of the contract, so its presence should be recorded in the internal documentation logbook.


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