The common house meter is located on the next street. Household metering devices in apartment buildings: who should install and pay for them

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Who should pay for accounting? Household metering devices (CDMU) are quite important for monitoring the consumption of energy resources, gas and water by homeowners. Based on their testimony, authorized persons can verify the accuracy of information from their database.

The legislation clearly regulates the mandatory procedure for installing meters and the rules for their operation, however, there are many misunderstandings around this practice on the part of ordinary citizens.

In order to understand the question of who should pay for the installation of communal metering devices, and other nuances of the topic under consideration, we strongly advise you to pay attention to the material presented below.

Who should pay for the installation of communal metering devices - legal provisions

Payment for installation of ODPU - what is it?

Absolutely any sphere of life of a citizen of the Russian Federation is regulated by the relevant legislative act.

As for the procedure for installing a common house metering device, in legal terms it is not so complicated, but it is filled with a considerable number of nuances.

Considering this topic from different angles, it may be necessary to refer to some Federal laws and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF).

Summarizing the information presented in the regulations, we can highlight the following most fundamental concepts related to the topic we are considering:

  • All owners of private houses, apartments and other premises undertake to equip their homes with metering devices for all resources provided to them as housing and communal services. The entire process of carrying out work, operating and paying for the work is undertaken by the owner of the property. In the absence of an ODPU, the owner will be subject to an increased rate for payment of housing and communal services (up to 1.6 on the total amount payable) until the devices are installed (Federal Law No. 261 and 344).
  • The owner undertakes to bear all costs of maintaining his home. And also participate in the process of paying for the costs of maintaining common property (applicable for apartment buildings) - Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

As you can see, the legislative framework of the topic is quite accessible and competently explained to citizens. However, it is worth understanding that the above presents only the main legislative provisions relating to the issue under consideration. In a number of situations, a strong “deepening” into legislation simply cannot be avoided.

Who should pay for the installation of ODPU

Who should pay for the installation of communal meters?

Based on the information presented earlier, it became clear that all costs for installing the ODPU are borne by the homeowner.

In the case where the house is private, the situation is extremely simple: its owner must contact the appropriate companies to organize it, and after the work is completed, pay for it.

However, what should residents of apartment buildings do?

In this situation, payment issues are resolved in a slightly different way.

Firstly, each owner of an individual apartment (or several owners) undertakes to pay for and organize the installation of meters specifically for their home. This practice is individual and is carried out in order to take into account resource consumption in a particular home.

Secondly, it is necessary to raise the question of whether all residents of the apartment building agree to implement. This practice is not mandatory, but after its implementation, all residents of the house will receive a number of privileges:

  • full control of resource compliance with the norm;
  • full control of the presence of any leaks on a general house scale;
  • prevention of potential problems associated with leaks and other shortcomings with housing and communal services on a general building scale;
  • the opportunity to significantly save on resources.

Houses are carried out on behalf of all homeowners by prior agreement and general collection of the necessary funds.

The procedure for making decisions on installing meters and paying for work

The decision to install the described means must be made by the homeowner or all owners collectively. If there are several of them or we are talking about installing an ODPU for an apartment building.

It is worth understanding that installing counters for any type of consumed resources helps:

  • pay for the amount of resources that were actually consumed;
  • save on housing and communal services payments, since recalculations due to the loss of resources “on the way” to the home are eliminated;
  • clearly record any loss of resources.

At the moment, the procedure is not mandatory, but in their absence, the government has every right to charge for resources with a slight increase (up to 1.6 of the total amount).

Recent laws regulated the obligation of the housing management company (HMC) to carry out timely and periodic notifications to residents of both private and apartment buildings so that they consider installing such a device.

In the case of a private house, the owner himself determines whether a meter is needed or not. If you want to install it, he organizes the work and pays for its implementation. If the question of determining the need to carry out work to connect the ODPU arose before the residents of an apartment building, then they need to:

  1. Hold a meeting of residents and determine whether a common house meter is needed or not.
  2. Notify the BEETLE of your desire to install the device or abandon this practice.
  3. If necessary, organize an event and raise money (equally from each resident) to pay for the installation of the ODPU.

After installing the device, it must be monitored by the BUG, ​​and the data from its accounting will be available to all residents.

The nuances of paying for the installation of ODPU

How to pay for the installation of ODPU?

When deciding to install an ODPU, it is necessary to take into account some nuances of payment for work. More precisely, they are as follows:

  • Payment for the work is carried out from all owners of the apartment building in equal amounts.
  • At the suggestion of ZhUK or the company that supplies resources to a particular house, residents can pay for the work in installments.
  • The period for which residents must pay the installments has a maximum limit of 60 months. It is more precisely established in the relevant agreement.
  • Installment plans can also be arranged when installing a meter in a private house.
  • In some situations, additional fees for all residents of an apartment building can be avoided. For example, if the general budget for home renovation, collected by the same residents, allows the installation of appliances at the expense of funds taken from it.
  • If there are programs for the free installation of ODPU in a particular region, residents of an apartment building can take advantage of it and do everything completely free of charge.

It is worth taking into account the above nuances of payment for connection work, because some of them can help save considerable money.

Features of the procedure

Rights and obligations of apartment owners in apartment buildings

In conclusion of today’s article, our resource decided to present some features of the procedure for installing a common house metering device, which are one way or another interesting and important to consider:

  1. ZhUK is obliged to notify residents about the possibility and feasibility of carrying out work to connect the written means. If she does not hold such an event, she should be punished in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. In some situations, if residents refuse installation, penalties may be imposed on them. The calculation is carried out based on the position of the local municipality regarding the organization of the installation of ODPU.
  3. Funds to pay for the installation can be taken from the general budget collected by residents for home renovations. However, if such alienation of funds from the budget makes it impossible to carry out any other repair procedure, then residents will have to collect separately for the installation of a common house meter.
  4. After the connection work has been carried out, the residents of an apartment building or the owner of a separate house undertake to pay for the work of the installation company. If they refuse to pay, then the provisions of the law that determine the punishment for such offenses will apply to them.
  5. Any problems related to the installation of OPDU can be resolved through the court in the appropriate judicial manner.

In general, the material presented above fully covers the topic related to connection work and payment for common house metering devices. We hope the information was useful and gave you answers to many questions.

You can learn more about the benefits of installing communal heat meters and automated heating points from the video:

Write a question to a housing lawyer in the form below see also Phone numbers for consultation

31 Jan 2017 510

Discussion: 7 comments

    We were unlucky, in our region there is no program for the free installation of ODPU, but the municipal unitary enterprise “Teplo” gave us an installment plan, though not for the maximum five years, but for two, which is also not bad. Line on the receipt, kopecks monthly.


    We also decided to install a meter at the entire entrance and collected money for it from all residents. Maintenance is also our responsibility. But I can say it's worth it. The savings are significant.


    1. The obligation to pay for communal meters is legally imposed on homeowners. Expenses include both the purchase price of the meter itself and the cost of its installation and maintenance. As a rule, management companies give residents the opportunity to purchase metering devices in installments, taking on the burden of purchasing an expensive device. If the decision of the majority of residents of the house is positive, minutes of the meeting are drawn up and submitted to the management company. Even if one of the residents refuses to pay for the meter, even with the condition of the provided installment plan, the savings for the residents will be significant. The management company may bear part of the costs.


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Today, it is becoming less and less profitable for management companies to do without a common house metering device (CDMU). In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2013 No. 344, increasing coefficients to the standards are already beginning to apply to facilities where public meters have not yet been installed.

And by 2017 the coefficient will increase to 1.6 times.

In this article we will tell you who should pay for common building meters, and how to organize the installation of a common building meter in an apartment building.

    1. Is a common building meter needed if apartments have IPUs?
    1. How do owners pay for installation?
  1. Why do you need a communal metering device?

    A common house metering device allows you to monitor the actual consumption of resources within the house and record the actual volumes of supplied resources - water, electricity, gas and heat. Therefore, first of all, ODPU is established in order not to overpay for the volume of losses on the supplier’s backbone networks.

    Utility costs are determined by 2 factors: the volume of resource consumed and approved tariffs. Tariffs for housing and communal services grow every six months, and the consumer has no opportunity to influence their growth. However, by influencing the second factor - the volume of resource consumed, the management company and apartment owners have a real opportunity to save costs.

    Installing ODPU allows you to:

    • pay for resource consumption after the fact;
    • to differentiate losses for losses on backbone networks between RSO and owners;
    • record the loss of resources.

    Thus, the presence of ODPU is the only way to determine the real consumption of resources in the house.

    Is a communal meter needed if apartments have individual metering devices?

    If individual metering devices (IMU) are installed in apartments, the owners pay for what they actually consumed. However, in addition to individual consumption, receipts for payment for utilities also include general household expenses (CHO).

    Ideally, the category of general house expenses should include resource consumption for maintenance of common house areas. But in practice, this category includes the entire resource that was not taken into account by individual metering devices - including all kinds of leaks. As a result, the volume of resource written off in the ODN column can grow to abnormal sizes of 30% of individual consumption and more. While “normal” is considered an ODN not exceeding 1.5-2%.

    In the absence of a common house meter, it is impossible to determine where the leaks are. They can be both in the system of the house itself, and in networks from the resource organization to the house.

    The presence of general house accounting makes it possible to pay only for the resource that was actually supplied to the house.

    In itself, the presence of a common house meter does not save you from an overestimated ODN - there are still leaks inside the house itself and about a dozen other reasons that influence the growth of this expense item.

    However, installing a common house meter is the first step towards reducing costs.

    In which houses is it necessary to install a common house meter?

    The installation of common house metering devices depends on the degree of improvement of the house. Household meters for water, electricity, gas and heat must be in houses connected to centralized power supply networks, as well as to the systems:

    • centralized heating;
    • centralized water supply;
    • centralized gas supply;
    • other systems of centralized supply of energy resources.

    However, such requirements do not apply to dilapidated, emergency facilities, and to facilities in which:

    • power consumption of electrical energy is less than 5 kW⋅h;
    • the maximum volume of thermal energy consumption is less than two tenths of Gcal/h;
    • The maximum volume of natural gas consumption is less than 2 m³/h.

    Who pays for the installation of communal metering devices?

    In accordance with the Federal Law “On Energy Saving”, the cost of installing ODPU falls entirely on the owners of a residential building.

    Owners of premises are required to pay the costs of installing a common house meter on the basis of invoices, except for cases where such costs were taken into account as part of the fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and (or) as part of mandatory payments and (or) contributions associated with the payment of expenses for maintenance, current and major repairs of common property. RF PP dated August 13, 2006 No. 491, clause 38(1)

    When installing common house metering devices, each owner is presented with an invoice for payment, which, in addition to general information about the cost of the metering device, contains information about how much a specific owner must pay.

    The expenses of each owner are determined in the form of a share proportional to the share in the right of common ownership of the common property. To calculate this share, the total area of ​​the premises is divided by the total area of ​​the house and multiplied by the area of ​​the common property.

    Is it necessary to hold a general meeting of owners?

    From the “Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building” it follows that shared property is common property. In particular, such meters are part of in-house engineering systems. Therefore, to install the ODPU, a decision of the general meeting of premises owners is required. The management company must inform the owners of the need to hold such a meeting.

    According to paragraph 5 of Article 9.16 of the Code of Administrative Offences, if the organizations responsible for the maintenance of apartment buildings avoid developing and communicating information about measures aimed at energy saving to homeowners, the controlling body in relation to the management company, the homeowners association will be sent an order to impose administrative liability in the form of a fine :

    • for an official in the amount of several rubles;
    • for a legal entity – a few rubles.

    How do owners pay for the installation of communal metering devices?

    Payment for installation of ODPU is made in one of the following ways:

    1. Make a one-time 100% deposit before or after installing the meter.
    2. Use the right to installments for 5 years. In this case, the owner’s share for paying for a common house meter is billed on the utility bill in equal installments over a period of 5 years. In this case, in addition to the cost of the device, an additional interest for installments is paid in the amount of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
    3. Use funds from the utility service provider allocated for energy saving and energy efficiency measures.

    Funds allocated for energy saving measures

    In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings,” the provider of utility services must direct the resulting difference between the standard and the amount, taking into account the increasing factor, to energy saving measures.

    Since the difference between the standard and the amount, taking into account the increasing factor, can only be used for energy saving measures, such funds have a targeted nature of spending, and according to accounting rules, it is necessary to ensure their separate accounting and storage from other income.

    In this case, the amount without standards would be as follows: 7 x 14.63 = 102.41 rubles.

    Thus, the difference between the standard and the amount taking into account the increasing coefficient for water is: 143.41 = 39.96 rubles. It is this amount that should be allocated by the contractor for energy saving measures.

    The installation of a common house metering device is considered an energy saving measure, therefore, if the owners of an apartment building decide to install a metering device and there are target savings in the account of the utility service provider, they must be used to pay for the installation of the metering device.

    If owners refuse to pay for installation

    If the owners refuse to pay for the installation of ODPU, such devices will be forcibly installed by the resource supply organization.

    In accordance with clause 12 of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Energy Saving”, owners are obliged to provide RSO employees with access to the installation sites of meters and pay the costs of installing metering devices. In case of refusal to reimburse the resource supplying organization for installation costs, the owners will additionally have to pay the costs associated with forced collection.

    Why installation work is not carried out using current repair funds

    Current repairs are timely planned preventive maintenance of utility systems, the main way to eliminate malfunctions and minor damage. The purpose of routine repairs is to protect property from premature wear and tear.

    In accordance with the “Methodological manual for the maintenance and repair of housing stock” (MDK 2–04.2004), the cost of current repairs of a building should be at least 0.4 - 0.55% of its replacement cost. Inappropriate spending of current repair funds violates the schedule of planned preventative repairs, systematic failure of which can lead to an emergency, sudden failure of pumping equipment, collapse of utility facilities, as well as disruption of the functionality of building elements and energy metering units.

    Compliance with the schedule for scheduled maintenance is the main condition for the environmental and technical safety of residents living in the house. Therefore, in practice, payment for the installation of common house metering devices occurs either at the expense of the owners, or from separate targeted savings for energy saving at home.

    ODPU - the first step towards automated collection of evidence

    The installation of communal metering devices is an important step in energy saving and since 2013 it has been mandatory for those houses whose condition allows installation.

    The responsibility for installing ODPU lies with the owners of premises in an apartment building. At the same time, the tasks of the management company include notifying the owners of the need for such an installation and monitoring implementation at all stages.

    The presence of general building meters gives the management company the opportunity not only to reduce the ODN in its home, but also to deploy a full-fledged system for automated collection of readings. Today, such systems have already become widespread in apartment buildings due to the ability to quickly process readings, save on personnel and increase payment collection.

    See the automated data collection system "STRIZH"

    Continuing the article:

    Legislative aspects of housing and communal services

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    Systems for automatic remote collection of readings from housing and communal services metering and dispatching devices

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    Law on communal water meters

    The President of Russia signed Federal Law No. 258-FZ on the payment of bills for general household needs using collective meters. A message about this was posted on the Kremlin website.

    What does the law define?

    The law now enshrines a rule that allows residents of the house to independently choose the method of payment for utility resources - according to meters or according to standards.

    The new law also establishes the priority of meters over standards when calculating the amount of payment for communal utilities - electricity, sewerage and water and allows residents of houses already equipped with collective meters to demand a recalculation.

    If meters that take into account the costs of providing residents' common property with electricity and water are not installed in the house, the volume of consumption is still calculated based on regional standards.

    Although now it will be possible to recalculate fees for public utilities based on meter readings, in practice it is not clear how this will happen, Oleg Sukhov, Chairman of the Arbitration Court of Moscow and the Moscow Region, told RBC. “Now energy supply companies often offer to install meters at their own expense. Management companies either specifically raise funds for the installation, or carry it out using funds that have already been collected as part of general house maintenance,” explained Sukhov. According to the expert, the adoption of the amendments was caused by the fact that “expenses for general house services were actually taken out of the legal field.” “Given that the standards are set by regional authorities, overpricing in this area is not uncommon,” Sukhov added.

    Chairman of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights Mikhail Anshakov explained to RBC that, based on the wording set out in the law, the installation of communal meters will be carried out at the expense of home owners. “In cases where the house is managed by a homeowners association and other forms of association of owners, they will resolve this issue at a general meeting,” the expert said.

    As it was before

    The executive director of the non-governmental organization Housing and Communal Services Control, Svetlana Razvorotneva, said that rationing of payments for common household needs existed before, but this provision was enshrined only in regional laws and in the recommendations of the Ministry of Construction.

    “Regions had to adopt standards for paying for common household needs for different types of houses. Everything that was in excess of the standard had to be paid by the management companies,” Razvorotneva explained. According to her, “nobody complied with this resolution” and in order for these rules to work, another regulatory act was issued and a corresponding norm was introduced into the Housing Code.

    However, as a result of these changes, consumers were faced with the fact that in some regions the fees for general household expenses increased significantly at the beginning of 2017. “The fact is that the regions did not clarify the standards. Secondly, there were different calculation methods. It often turned out that people were forced to pay more than what was received in their house according to metering devices. The Ministry of Construction sent an explanatory letter that they themselves can decide how to pay for ODN - according to the standard or according to the meter. But there was no such provision in the law,” Razvorotneva explained. According to her, the adoption of this federal law means “the restoration of common sense” (quotes from RIA Novosti).

    Olga Panteleeva, head of the unified settlement center of VK Comfort JSC, specializing in the maintenance and management of apartment buildings, agrees with her. According to her, for the end consumer, calculation based on actual costs is the most convenient and transparent, however, it must be taken into account that in different months, depending on the season, different amounts will be charged monthly.

    “When using the standard, the accrual amount is constant, however, it does not reflect actual consumption and can be either higher or lower than the actual one, depending on the energy efficiency class of the building, the existing common building equipment, and so on,” Panteleeva noted (quotes from RIA Novosti )

    Utility debts of Russians

    Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Construction, Mikhail Men, said in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta that the population’s debts for utilities reached 645 billion rubles, and the total debt amounted to 1.34 trillion rubles. According to him, the majority of residents are “pretty disciplined” in paying for housing and communal services and debtors among them - 6%. The second group of debtors consists of legal entities - intermediaries, for example management companies. According to him, the Ministry of Construction expects to solve this problem in the future by eliminating intermediaries from the chain of payment for resources consumed by residents.

    The law requires the installation of communal meters before July 1

    Late arrivals will be fined

    Who is required by law to install public and individual meters, who must pay for them, what awaits those who break the law? Elena MARCHAK, head of the city department for coordination, analysis and tariff regulation of the housing and communal services industry, answers these questions.

    Who should pay for the purchase and installation of a communal meter?

    According to Art. 13 part 5 of the law on energy saving, it is we, the owners of residential premises in an apartment building, who are “obligated to ensure that our houses are equipped with metering devices for water, natural gas, thermal energy, electrical energy, as well as putting the installed metering devices into operation.”

    This statement is supported by Art. 158 of the Housing Code, which states: “The owner of premises in an apartment building is obliged to bear the costs of maintaining the premises belonging to him, as well as to participate in the costs of maintaining common property in an apartment building in proportion to his share in the common ownership of this property by paying fees for maintenance and residential renovation."

    This means that the owners of the premises will sooner or later have to fork out money. At the same time, the process of installing a common meter, as well as the issue of payment for it, can be resolved in different ways.

    Residents decide to install the meter themselves

    Typically, this option is chosen in HOAs or in houses with an active house committee. Here, residents understand that the requirements of the law cannot be circumvented, and they also realize the benefits of installing a meter. As a rule, the condition of such houses is satisfactory: they do not require urgent major repairs of the water supply or electricity systems, and a considerable amount has already accumulated in the account of the high-rise building.

    This is what the residents decide to spend on installing meters. To do this, they need to convene a general meeting and vote. In this case, money is withdrawn from the “Current repairs” item.

    If there are insufficient funds, owners can raise funds to install a meter in addition to the main payments. Here you also need to hold a general meeting and vote on the target fee. If the majority of owners agree to additional expenses, then even those who voted against will have to bear them.

    On behalf of the owners of the house, the HOA or management company will undertake the implementation of this decision.

    The meter is installed at the suggestion of the management company

    If residents are in no hurry to install a common house meter, then the management company must put forward such a proposal. In accordance with Art. 12 clause 7 of the law on energy saving, the management company is obliged to “regularly (at least once a year) develop and bring to the attention of the owners of premises in an apartment building proposals on energy saving measures and increasing energy efficiency that can be carried out in an apartment building.” In this case, it is required to indicate the costs of implementing these proposals, the amount of expected reduction in energy resources used and the payback period of the proposed measures.

    The management company should facilitate meetings, and residents should either support the decision to install a meter or reject it.

    As for payment, residents will traditionally be offered to use the money under the item “Current repairs” or organize an additional fundraiser. Sometimes the management company offers residents to install a meter in installments.

    Resource specialists undertake installation

    If a common house meter is not installed by July 2012, then the companies that supply light, water and heat to the house will take over. Art. 13, paragraph 9 of the law obliges them to “carry out activities related to the installation, replacement, operation of metering devices for energy resources used, the supply or transmission of which they carry out.”

    Resource specialists will send all management companies and homeowners associations an agreement in which they will offer a metering device suitable for each specific home. Then they will install the meter themselves. Residents and the service organization, in turn, are obliged to provide such a company with access to basements, networks and other objects of common property.

    Residents will again have to pay for the metering device, and this can be done in installments for up to 5 years. True, interest will also be added to the total cost of the equipment, which should not exceed the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in effect on the day of accrual.

    It should be noted that the owners will no longer be able to refuse the services offered. If they do not want to voluntarily pay for the meter and the costs of its installation, utility providers will have no problem recovering this money through the courts.

    If today residents want to install a meter, but there is not enough money in the house account and the management company cannot provide an installment plan from its own funds, the law allows the owners to contact the resource supply company and enter into an agreement with it to install the meter. And the company has no right to refuse this.

    It may happen that, to save money, residents simply delay the installation of the meter. Then the state will turn on tough but legal levers: regulations and fines will fall on the HOA and the management company.

    The Code will judge and count

    Legislators have foreseen: it is unlikely that all residents will rush to comply with the law and install meters with pleasure. Therefore, changes have been made to the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation to provide for fines and penalties for those who do not have time to acquire metering devices on time.

    If we are talking about homeowners' associations, management companies, and resource supply organizations, then officials and legal entities face fines from 5 to 150 thousand rubles.

    As for the owners of residential premises who, after July 1, do not pay for the metering device and the costs of the resource supplying organization for its installation, they will have to answer in court. In this case, the tenant who loses the claim will also have to pay legal costs, including forced collection.

    Recorded by Anna ZHELEZNYAK.

    In Volgograd, communal metering devices are equipped with: electricity meters - 56% of residential buildings; cold water supply - 11%; metering devices for hot water supply and heat supply - 25% of high-rise buildings.

    In total, 2,853 household electricity metering devices have been installed in Volgograd, as well as 1,177 heat metering devices, 56 cold water supply metering devices, and 506 hot water supply metering devices.

    Owners of residential premises must install individual energy meters at their own expense. Hot and cold water meters must appear in our apartments by July 1, 2012, gas meters by January 1, 2015.

    At the next citywide meeting at the mayor's office, the head of the department of housing and communal services and fuel and energy complex, Vladimir Agabekov, reported: equipping residential buildings with collective meters is the responsibility of management companies. In this regard, the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Fuel and Energy Complex of the Volgograd Administration is working with management organizations, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives. In the near future, an inventory of the housing stock will be carried out in all areas of the city to ensure that it is equipped with meters.


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    Electronic periodical "City News"

    Certificate of registration of the mass media EL No. FSot June 11, 2010, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor).

    Editor-in-Chief: Stanislav Nikolaevich Anishchenko

    General house needs (GDN) from January 1, 2017

    The principle of paying for utilities at strictly established tariffs depending on the number of residents (registered) in the apartment is a thing of the past. With the development of market relations, each supplier of energy resources: electricity, water, heat, became interested in receiving payment for the actually supplied resource, regardless of the problems that a particular consumer had, in full.

    This necessitated a radical change in the payment system for received energy resources for both property owners and management companies (MCs, HOAs).

    But practice has shown that the volume of resources consumed by property owners differs sharply from the data that resource supply organizations recorded using their metering devices. The result was a situation where a significant part of the resources produced and supplied to the consumer turned out to be unpaid.

    Management companies did not want, and in most cases could not, for financial reasons, attribute the part of received but not paid resources that was not accounted for by metering devices or calculated on the basis of consumption standards to their own account.

    Thus, common house needs (CHN) were born - a line in payment accounts, which was designed to compensate for the difference between the readings of the metering devices of the resource supplying organization and the utilities actually consumed by the owners, recorded using individual metering devices or calculated on the basis of consumption standards.

    Regulatory framework for charging fees for one-way travel services

    The regulatory framework on the basis of which payment for one-way taxation is currently calculated includes:

    Taking into account that additional information only leads to an increase in social tension and the refusal of a significant part of the owners to pay incomprehensible or “unfair”, from their point of view, expenses for the maintenance of common property, the State Duma of the Russian Federation on May 29, 2015 adopted Law No. 176-FZ, which provided for “ disappearance of the ODN line from payment receipts from 07/01/2016.

    But, the date of entry into force of the Law was postponed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation until 01/01/2017, due to the slowness of government agencies, utilities, and resource supply organizations to implement it within the planned time frame.

    What is included in general house needs (GDN)

    Most owners believe that general house needs include expenses for:

    Lighting of the entrance and local area;

    Cleaning expenses;

    Costs for heating entrances and technical premises.

    In addition to the listed energy resource costs for one-stage power supply, they also include:

    Alarms and intercoms;

    Emergency lighting in basements and attics;

    Technological losses inside the MKD associated with the features of the electrical equipment installed in it.

    This also applies to payment for consumed resources by enterprises or private companies located in apartment buildings.

    The same should apply to the numerous provider companies that use MKD premises to house telecommunications equipment. When a receiving antenna is placed on the roof of a house, several residents can use its services, but the energy costs for maintaining this telecommunications equipment cannot be attributed to one single antenna. The provider whose equipment is located in the house must pay the bills for the use of electricity.

    General house needs in 2017

    Despite the fact that invoices will no longer contain the “incomprehensible” and irritating ODN line, payment for them will not disappear anywhere. Simply, all payments for those consumed for public purposes to maintain the power supply, heating, sewerage, and sanitary systems in MKD (apartment buildings) will be evenly distributed and added to the payment for consumed utilities in proportion to the owner’s share in the common property.

    The methodology for calculating general house needs will change.

    From now on, payments cannot exceed the norms calculated for each category of apartment building, depending on the period of their commissioning, number of floors, area of ​​location, condition of utility networks and a number of other factors. These standards are approved by decisions of municipal authorities in the regions and are designed to level out the difference between charges for the same volume of supplied resources from different management companies and homeowners' associations.

    Benefits of excluding the ODN line

    Only management companies will be able to take advantage of the inclusion of the payment for ODN in their invoices. From now on, the ground for consolidated expression of dissatisfaction at general meetings has been “knocked out” from under the feet of owners of residential premises. In order to establish what common house needs and to what extent a particular property owner pays, it will be necessary to conduct a complete reconciliation of the accounts of at least two owners. This is a troublesome matter. It is no longer necessary to say that the agenda of the general meeting of owners of apartment buildings will henceforth include issues of inflated fees for single-room apartments.

    There won't be such a line. Consequently, everyone will have to express disagreement with the size of tariffs individually, and seek a response from the management company or HOA - alone.

    Do I have to pay for one

    The question of the need to pay ODN automatically ceases to be relevant from January 1, 2017, since there will no longer be such a separate line in the invoices.

    Failure to pay bills for consumed utility services due to the owner’s disagreement with the amount of payment for one-time utility services, which are included in his individual bill, entails the application of penalties, up to and including restriction of the use of any utility resource: electricity, water supply. Actions to disconnect an energy resource can only be appealed in court. As a rule, courts oblige energy supply organizations to stop restricting the supply of energy resources due to violation of the rules for the sanitary condition of residential premises and violation of the rights of citizens living in residential premises (minor children).

    But this does not relieve the obligation to repay existing debt.

    Whatever the law is, it is the law. Therefore, whether you like it or not, you have to pay for one. The question is how much? But this is resolved in each specific case and, again, only in court.

    Friends! If you found this article helpful, PLEASE share it with your friends on any social network, because the more people know about their rights (and prove them), the more responsible the services will become.

    The idea for the site arose based on numerous complaints in the utility sector and the lack of necessary information in one source! This is the only housing site of its kind that brings together truly important and relevant materials.

    Form for free legal consultation (please indicate your telephone number)

We explain why the ODPU is needed and who should pay for its installation.

– In receipts for payment of housing and communal services for the month of November 2017, the Criminal Code included the column “Payment for the installation of DPPU.” We will have to pay the amount indicated by the management company within five years, plus to this entire amount - 40% for bank charges and a commission for paying a receipt every month of 10%. There was no notification from the management company about this fee to the home owners! Previously, at general meetings, there was a conversation about the possibility of paying for the installation of ODPU by home owners, but people did not agree, and it was decided to pay for such work through the “Maintenance of common property” service. And these are not small amounts either! Is it legal for the management company to impose additional fees on the owners of our house without their consent, and is it possible to pay for the installation of the DPPU from the “Maintenance of common property” service?

In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, in relation to objects where public meters have not yet been installed, increasing coefficients to the standards apply. Since 2017, the coefficient has been 1.6. That is, residents of houses without public housing pay 1.6 times more. So today, living without a communal meter has become completely unprofitable. This decree has been in effect since 2013, however, public meters are still not installed everywhere.

Why do you need a communal meter?

ODPU allows you to control the actual consumption of resources in the house and record its real volumes - water, electricity, gas and heat. Therefore, first of all, a common house meter is installed in order not to overpay for losses on the supplier’s backbone networks.

Utility costs are determined by two factors: established tariffs and the volume of resource consumed. Tariffs for housing and communal services are constantly growing, and the consumer has no opportunity to influence this. However, by influencing the second factor - the volume of resource consumed, the management company and apartment owners have a real opportunity to save.

Installing ODPU allows you to:

    pay for resource consumption after the fact;

    to differentiate losses for losses on backbone networks between the resource supplying organization and the owners;

    record the loss of resources.

Thus, the presence of ODPU is the only way to determine the real consumption of resources in the house.

Is a communal meter needed if apartments have individual meters?

If individual metering devices (IMU) are installed in apartments, the owners pay for what they actually consumed. However, in addition to individual consumption, receipts for payment for utility resources also show general household consumption (general household needs - ODN).

Ideally, the category of general house expenses should include the consumption of resources for the maintenance of common property (for example, staircases, elevators, roofs, attics and basements, playgrounds). But in practice, this category includes the entire resource that was not taken into account by individual metering devices, including all kinds of leaks. As a result, the volume of resource written off in the ODN column can grow to an abnormal 30% of individual consumption, or even higher. While “normal” is considered an ODN not exceeding 1.5 - 2%.

In the absence of a common house meter, it is impossible to determine where the leaks are. They can be both in the system of the house itself, and in networks from the resource organization to the blast furnace approaching it. Having an ODPU makes it possible to pay only for the amount of resource that actually came into the house.

In itself, the presence of a common house meter does not save you from an overestimated ODN: there remain leaks inside the house itself and about a dozen other reasons that influence the growth of this expense item. However, installing a common house meter is the first step towards reducing costs.

The problem with centralized heating is that no matter how hard residents try to insulate their apartment, they cannot pay for the amount of heat actually consumed until common house heating is installed in apartment buildings. Using various energy-saving resources, you can increase the temperature in the apartment, but this will not help reduce the amount of payment for heat supply. The role of communal heating meters, their types, etc. will be discussed below.

Household meter: advantages

This mechanism is used to capture heat supplied directly to an apartment building. What advantages does it have?

  • The main advantage of a common house meter is the financial benefit - the cost of such a device is quite high for the owner of one apartment, but when installing the device collectively, the price is divided among all residents, which is undoubtedly beneficial.
  • House-wide metering equipment significantly increases the responsibility of each resident for maintaining heat in the building, which helps reduce damage to common property, such as an unlocked entrance door or a broken window.


Just like everywhere else, meters have their own disadvantages:

  • The main disadvantage of a common house meter is the high cost of equipment and installation, which apartment owners will have to pay.
  • During use, the meter may fail, and therefore it is necessary to carry out repair work, the cost of which is also paid by the owners.
  • If a building-wide heat meter is installed in an apartment building, then the apartment owner will not be able to save on payments by reducing heat consumption. Payment for used heat energy is made depending on the area of ​​the heated room.

The importance of metering consumed heat energy

From what is described above, it is already clear that any actions aimed at reducing the cost of heating should begin with taking into account energy costs. Until recently, the standards in accordance with which heat supply was paid were the same for everyone and have been in effect since the times of the USSR. Their principle is elementary - the supplier company approved the tariff rate per 1 sq. m. m taking into account all costs and profits of the enterprise. Calculating heating using a common building meter in an apartment building is necessary in order to receive information about real heat costs and make payments in accordance with the data provided. Having a common house unit, you can begin modernizing the house, since improving thermal data will certainly affect heat consumption, which will be taken into account by the installations. In addition, the introduction of the node will make it possible to remove heating networks, which previously also had to be paid for, since this was included in the tariff.

Important! Installed communal heating meters in apartment buildings enable residents to save from 25 to 40%.

The need to install a heat meter

The fact is that since the summer of 2012, the installation of heating meters has become mandatory throughout the Russian Federation, but the amount of payment will become lower only after a number of measures are completed, such as:

  • High-quality insulation of the building.
  • Full glazing of the house.
  • Replacing wooden windows with metal-plastic ones.
  • Insulation of the facade of the house with a “fur coat” made of mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

Residents who use centralized heating services need to understand that regardless of whether they consider the installation of meters profitable or not, this does not in any way affect the need for their installation, since in accordance with Federal Law No. 261, apartment buildings must be equipped with meters in mandatory. This law was passed for several reasons:

  • Ensure a more accurate and fair distribution of payment amounts.
  • To encourage apartment owners to use heat supply more economically. Financial leverage is more effective than persuasion. When a person knows that an open front door or broken glass in the entrance will affect the family budget, he will be more careful about the common property of the residents.

Now, concerns about the condition of the house and entrances fall on the shoulders of apartment owners, and not on utility services, as before.

Who installs the meter

This question can be answered only after studying the legislative acts in force in a particular state. If we talk about the territory of Russia, then the installation of metering devices is strictly mandatory, and many people have a logical question about who should install the communal heating meter. The task must be carried out by the organization that supplies heat to residential buildings, and they are also responsible for the maintenance and verification of heat meters until the residents organize their own association of co-owners.

Important! The organization bears the main amount of the cost of equipment and its installation, but in the future these costs will be compensated by collecting additional funds from residents over several years.

Installation of a communal heating meter

You can obtain information about the possibility of installing metering devices from your management company or from the design office. But you need to take into account the fact that the installation of such equipment involves solving organizational issues - the owners of some apartments may refuse additional costs.

Sometimes communal heating meters are installed for general control over heat energy consumption if each apartment has its own meters. In this case, residents pay the meters both in the apartment and in (for example, at the entrance).

Installation procedure

First of all, it is necessary to hold a meeting of residents, where a responsible person is selected who needs to:

  • Obtain permission from the organization supplying heat.
  • Enter into an agreement with a licensed company to carry out design work.
  • Based on the project, determine the cost of equipment and its installation.
  • Raise funds.
  • Coordinate the project with the heat supply company.
  • Purchase equipment and select a contractor for its installation.
  • Put the device into operation.

Metering device

Regardless of the type of flow meter units, their operating principle is similar and looks like this: the electronic computer collects information from two sources - a flow meter, which is built into the supply pipeline, and from temperature sensors. Based on the data received, the computer calculates the consumed heat, after which the readings of the general building heating meter are displayed on the screen. For more complex components, two sources and a pressure sensor are used.

  1. Turbine (tachometer). They determine the amount of coolant flowing using a mechanical impeller contained within the flow.
  2. Ultrasonic. Heat consumption is measured based on the speed of ultrasonic water flow.
  3. Electromagnetic. The consumption of thermal energy is determined by changes in the magnetic field that is formed near the measuring section.

Who verifies the metering device?

The new equipment has already been tested, this is confirmed by the record on the block, and the information is duplicated in the accompanying documentation. Basic verification is carried out at the manufacturer. Upon the arrival of the next verification period, the owner of the equipment can contact the following organizations:

  • To a company that installs communal heating meters. In most cases, an agreement on further service is drawn up immediately, and company employees take care of all verification issues.
  • To the local branch of the government agency that carries out certification and verification of measuring equipment.
  • To the service center of the meter manufacturer.

Calculation of heating in an apartment with a common building meter

In this case, accruals occur on the basis of meter readings taken over a specified time period, usually a month.

In the total consumption of heat energy, the part that falls on your living space is calculated, then it is multiplied by the established tariff. The formula for calculating heating using a common house meter is as follows:

P=Q total*S/S total*T, where:

  • Q total - the volume of consumed heat according to the readings of the metering device in Gcal.
  • S total - the area of ​​​​all residential, free and service premises in the house in square meters. m.
  • S - heated area in square meters. m. It does not include balconies, loggias, terraces and verandas.
  • T is the heating tariff established in the region.

It is worth noting that recalculation of heating using a common house meter should be carried out in any case based on the average temperature regime for the heating season. Then, upon completion, part of the funds is returned to residents as an advance payment for future services or an invoice is issued for additional payment.

Payment for heating in the summer season

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is allowed to charge for heating all year round, that is, for 12 months, both in winter and summer. However, the adoption of these rules depends solely on local authorities, who have the right to put them into effect by regulation. For example, on the territory of the Russian Federation two orders are in effect in parallel - No. 307 and 354. The first requires that accruals be made constantly, and the second - only during the heating season.

The first method is very simple to implement - the same formulas are used, but the indicators in them are substituted in accordance with the previous year, distributed over 12 months. After this, the standards that will be applied next year are recalculated and adjusted. On the one hand, payment in the summer reduces the amount of monthly payment for utilities, and on the other hand, it makes the entire accrual system complex and incomprehensible.


Many residents of apartment buildings are familiar with various errors or it is unclear where the numbers appeared in payments for utility services. Today, when these amounts are very impressive, awareness of this issue is very important, and now you know how the general heating meter counts. In addition, it is recommended to obtain accurate data on standards and tariffs from heat supply suppliers in order to check the correctness of charges.

The abbreviation ODPU simply stands for general house metering devices.

Already from the name itself it is clear that such devices are designed to account for the consumption, for example, of water or thermal energy by the residents of the entire house.

What it is?

It would seem why such devices are needed, because if everyone installs the necessary meters in their apartment, then the problem of accounting for all types of supplied energy will be solved.

But in practice, everything does not look so rosy and simple.

After all, then in each apartment it will be necessary to install at least 4 meters: for heat, and also for gas.

This is a considerable financial burden, including the costs of their acquisition, installation and registration.

Besides Not sure it's going to happeneffectively calculate the general house consumption of supplied resources according to individual meters, even if they are installed in each apartment. But not all residents are ready for this.

The best option would be operation of ODPU in conjunction with individual meters. Then you can even track the presence of losses in a particular system and the serviceability of home communication networks.

Many experts note the low efficiency of using individual meters without taking into account the readings of common meters.

Types of common house metering devices

Considering that apartment buildings consume several types of resources, an appropriate number of communal meters should be installed.

Based on this, the following ODPU are established:

  • thermal energy;
  • electricity;
  • cold and hot water consumption;
  • gas consumption metering.

Moreover, when installing a comprehensive metering unit for the same thermal energy, you can not only take into account its consumption, but also monitor and regulate the temperature of the coolant. This will allow the management company, and apartment owners, to achieve significant savings in this part of the costs.

Availability of auxiliary equipment intended for these purposes in the thermal energy consumption metering unit optional, and is installed only at the request of the customer.

As for electrical energy, if a multi-tariff meter is installed, it will also be possible to save on the cost of paying for consumed electricity.

This happens because Calculation of energy consumption is carried out at different tariffs: Lowest at night and highest during morning and evening peak hours.

Is it necessary to install such devices?

Federal Law No. 261-F3 the mandatory installation of public meters was announced back in 2009.

They were instructed that such installation should be completed in 2012. But in many houses there were no such ODPUs, and there still aren’t.

In 2015, it was decided to fight those who ignore the installation of such devices with rubles.

If an apartment building has technical conditions for installing communal meters, but for some reason they are not installed, then the actual amount will be multiplied by a multiplying factor.

Moreover, the increase in the payment amount may fluctuate from 10% to 60%. Such radical measures have been taken with one goal - to speed up the process of installing ODPU in apartment buildings.

The trouble is that such meters can be installed only on the basis of a decision of the meeting of homeowners.

The management company must inform residents about the need and benefits of installing a common building meter, and possible penalties and other sanctions if it is not installed.

But she has no right to force the meeting of apartment owners to make the necessary decision. And if the management company cannot convincingly prove that the installation of ODPU is a necessity and the payment for them is beneficial to the residents, then the meeting of residents will not give a decision on their installation.

The decision of the meeting is largely influenced by the fact that the burden of paying for the meter itself and its installation falls on the shoulders of homeowners.

But here we need to take into account the fact that such a metering unit becomes community property, it is installed for the benefit of the residents of the entire house and, accordingly, it is fair that they should pay for its purchase and installation.

In addition, an initially seemingly significant amount, if distributed evenly across all apartments, can become very acceptable.

The cost of the device and installation work, for example, a cold water unit, depends on a number of factors. This:

All necessary documentation and calculations are prepared by the organization responsible for the supply of this type of resource, in this case cold water, or by the contractor hired to carry out the work.

All communal meters are installed, as a rule, in the basement, where all the main communication systems of most homes are located.

An exception may be general electricity meters. They can be installed in equipped switchboard rooms, of course, if there are any.

Calculation of tariffs for public areas

Each house has areas that all residents living in the house have access to. These may be strollers and other utility rooms, staircases, corridors, etc.

These rooms have electric lighting, and some of them have running water. Pay for the energy resources consumed in these places all residents must.

If there is an administrative budget, the calculation of such costs is very simple. A simple formula is used for this:

C (general). = [P – P(ind.)] x T

  • C (gen.)- fees for items received in public areas;
  • P– ODPU readings;
  • P(ind.)– individual (apartment) meter readings;
  • T – .

This calculation procedure is regulated by No. 307.

In the absence of a common house meter, payment for resources consumed in common areas is calculated according to consumption standards.

Moreover, starting from 2015, the amount received will be multiplied by multiplying factor 1.1.

That is, the amount payable will increase on 10%, and from 2017 this will increase by 60%, due to multiplication by a factor of 1.6.

The difference in payment with a common meter and without one is very significant. Moreover, with a clear advantage in favor of the ODPU.

Procedure for checking and replacing meters

Like any complex device, a common house meter requires maintenance, periodic monitoring, repair and replacement if necessary.

Since this is common property, then All residents are responsible for this.

But they do this not privately, but through a management company, which has the right to attract qualified specialists from companies of the relevant profile for this purpose.

And it is the management company that is responsible for the technical condition of the ODPU, and for the timely control, repair and replacement of this device.

It is important that the company hired for this work has a certificate for their implementation, and has permission to carry out verification, maintenance, repair and replacement of this type of meters.

As a rule, such companies are engaged in servicing general meters on an ongoing basis.

Their responsibilities include monitoring the serviceability of the devices, repairing them if there are breakdowns, and replacing the old meter with a new one if it is not possible to repair the old one.

After the verification, it is necessary an act is drawn up, which indicates all deviations in the operation of the device, malfunctions (if any), possible ways to eliminate them.

The act is signed by a representative of the management company on the one hand, and by the employee who conducted the inspection on the other.

The benefits of installing an ODPU are obvious, although you will have to spend money on this event.

Only residents should approach this issue with the utmost seriousness. And if there is even the slightest doubt, residents have the right to demand from the management company a report on its actions in this direction.

Video: Payment for common house metering devices

The video discusses the question of what is ODPU in receipts for utility bills.

It is explained what such devices are, why their installation in apartment buildings is mandatory for residents, and what exactly is charged for under this line in receipts.


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