Arrangement of a summer cottage plot of 6 acres with your own hands: photo

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Main stages of site planning

The construction of small and large summer cottages will take place in several stages. Each of them is an integral part of the planning, and maximum attention should be paid to each.

  1. Territory zoning. Regardless of whether there is a house on your six hundred square meters or not, first of all you will have to determine where the area for housing, recreation, gardening, possibly amenities and other details will be located. Draw the zones on a piece of paper in as much detail as possible so that later you have something to build on. The layout of the zones, for your convenience, should be drawn up in as much detail as possible.
  2. After defining the zones, you will have to decide what exactly you want to see on your vegetable garden, will you plant vegetables or fruits, or will it be shrubs and flowers. Depending on this, you will need to designate shade zones and sun zones on your plan, since different plantings require different amounts of solar heat.
  3. Installation of amenities. If they are located in the house, then this point can be skipped.
  4. Indicate where exactly on your site the six acres will be located, and what material will serve as their basis. Paths do not have to be straight; winding paths look much more impressive and are much easier to arrange.

Territory zoning

Zoning of a dacha plot of six acres is of decisive importance. Proper arrangement of zones guarantees you always a fruitful harvest, as well as a comfortable pastime at the dacha.

Home zone

The center of any summer cottage is the house area. The location of all other zones will depend on the housing. On a small area, the house area can also be combined with economic zone, terrace And garage. All these elements can either be directly adjacent to the house or located directly next to it.

Garden area

If you think in advance about what exactly you will grow in the beds, then you will be able to accommodate the maximum number of beds even in a relatively small area of ​​the garden. Many vegetables and plants can grow in close proximity to each other, this also needs to be taken into account. We also advise you to divide the garden area into small zones of vegetables, flowers, berries and shrubs.

Rest zone

The recreation area should be located as deep as possible in the site, away from prying eyes and dust from cars. The recreation area can also be adjacent to the house.

Features of landscape design

Landscaping can turn your six acres into the summer cottage of your dreams. Its features in such a small area are as follows:

  • wood or stone will make your six hundred square meters visually even smaller. The ideal solution could be hedge, which you can grow with your own hands or create from artificial plants;
  • after the main zones of your site have been designated, try to add as many additional elements to it as possible: small well, small , pergola, entwined with artificial or live plants. They will add zest to your summer cottage. Thanks to these elements, your site will not be able to be overlooked by anyone, which will create a feeling of its limitlessness;
  • create a small area in the center of your area clearing to emphasize the originality of your landscape design;
  • try to post fruit trees along the entire perimeter, and not in one place, to create a sense of volume of the garden;
  • curved tracks large stones will create a feeling of large space;
  • don't forget about flower beds.

Arrangement of a summer cottage plot of 6 acres with your own hands

Before you take on the task of arranging a six-acre summer cottage, you will need to do a lot of work with your own hands. You must completely rid your area of ​​roots, weeds, old plants, stumps, and possibly bird nests or insects.

If the abundance of large trees or the shadow of a house provides little light to your site, then we advise you to plant more plants and flowers with bright fruits. We also recommend painting the fence, possibly the house and other decorative elements in a bright yellow or orange color, which itself will create the feeling of the sun and will automatically attract it.

If you find a hole on six hundred square meters, you can either completely level it, or deepen it even further and create a small pond or pool. Such a pond in the garden always looks very impressive and attracts the attention of guests.

Surely there are objects on your site that you would like to hide from yourself and from prying eyes. Show your maximum imagination in order to create a work of art from them.

A few ideas and tips will help you turn your six hundred square meters into a fabulous place where you will always want to return.

  1. If you plant shrubs and plants on the site, then decorate them with interesting designs. It can be specially purchased or created with your own hands from old tires or containers.
  2. In the very corner of the garden, create screen which will create shade for you on a hot summer day. In addition, you can always retire there to read or just relax.
  3. In the absence of funds for new furniture or decorations for the garden, take the trouble to create a second life for old garden interior items. Include maximum ideas and originality.
  4. Don't forget about lighting in your garden to create additional comfort and safety in the dark. Hang it up lanterns around the entire perimeter.


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