Very weak water pressure. How to increase the water pressure in the water supply in a private house - all ways to solve the problem

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If the flow of water from the tap becomes weak, it is not at all necessary to immediately replace the plumbing unit. Of course, when installed new mixer, low pressure may be puzzling, but the problem may affect other elements of the plumbing system.

The mixer is clogged

The smallest solid particles that make up water settle and accumulate on the inner walls of the water supply system over time. The working cartridge itself may become clogged. When the aerator or filter parts become dirty, the problem is solved simple removal elements and their cleaning.

A clogged aerator mesh is immediately visible and all the dirt will be quite easy to shake out. It is worth checking the water pressure level first, since low pressure may be caused by other defects in the working cartridge; then it would be wiser to replace it. If the mechanisms are fully operational, the parts should be blown or washed.

Lime deposits on water pipes

Weak pressure when the room has been in use for a long time and in it long time communications were not repaired. As a result, for for long years limescale and rust settle, preventing the normal flow of water.

“Most experts advise, along with replacing old plumbing, to change the piping system.”

However, there is an option to do without replacement - use chemicals to dissolve deposits. For metal pipes, you can tap using a wrench or hammer. Pieces of rust should fall off the inner walls and will come out through the faucet for some time (it is recommended to clean the faucet additionally).

IN apartment buildings This method may not give the desired result. More effective method– cleaning pipes with a special cable. It is sold in stores in the plumbing departments or, alternatively, use a shower hose.

Since the cable is very flexible, it will pass through elbows or pipe bends without any problems. Cleaning must be done in a circular motion, first turning off the water supply. Then check how the mixer works - the weak pressure should be eliminated.

If the blockage is particularly severe, you will need to dismantle the contaminated section of the water supply; all sediment accumulation will have to be removed manually. Most optimal solution– replace old worn out pipes. “It’s better to install, because rust never settles on their inner walls.”

The filter device is clogged

By quality composition tap water leaves much to be desired, which is why many people use filters. They settle various particles dirt or fine sand, which clog over time internal elements systems. Cleaning devices must be changed on time, otherwise they will stop filtering water and will further clog the elements of the water supply system, as a result of which the water flow will greatly deteriorate.

If the house has a gas water heater, and hot water flows in a thin stream, but the cold water pressure is normal, then the problem lies in the filter - this is a metal mesh at the point where the water supply pipe connects to the water heater.

The pipe must be disconnected and dirt removed from the filter. The action should be performed carefully, without damaging any part. Before starting cleaning, be sure to turn off the gas and water supply.

Low pressure due to incorrect pipe connections

With this problem, weak water pressure in the mixer will be detected immediately after welding work. Reduced pressure also occurs due to water leakage.

Initially insufficient pressure level

According to GOST, the pressure level water supply network in the city should be 4 atmospheres. In practice, it can fluctuate in the range of 3-5 atmospheres. In megacities, the required pressure is regulated by electrical devices and is almost always normal.

The problem can be corrected by contacting public utilities that are assigned to certain areas. You should first find out about the water pressure from your neighbors, especially from the upper floors.

Self-cleaning of the aerator

In some cases, when the pressure is weak, it is not necessary to call a plumber to fix problems with water pressure. Simple jobs(for example, checking the aerator) can be done independently. To do this, you will need to have an adjustable wrench or a set of wrenches.

  1. First, turn off the water using the central valve located next to the meter;
  2. Then with coarse filter remove the plug and remove the wire cassette. Rinse it thoroughly and put it back. Place a new seal and install removed plug in place;
  3. After cleaning the coarse filter, check the fine filter elements. First, disconnect the system from the water supply, open the valve and check the pressure level. If no problems are found, change the liner and clean the filter bowl from dirt particles. When finished, return all parts to their place;
  4. When the filters have been cleaned, but the water continues to flow with weak pressure, it means that a blockage has formed in the pipes. Finding the exact location of the blockage and eliminating it is quite difficult. Therefore after self-cleaning filters will have to use the services of specialists from the management company.

Low pressure in the faucet can occur for many reasons, but the problem is not always terrible and can often be fixed on its own, as well as without the help of plumbers.

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Almost every resident apartment building At least once I encountered a problem when there was low water pressure in the apartment. What to do in such a situation? How can you make your life easier and avoid overpaying utility companies for dishonestly provided services? However, we must not forget that sometimes completely other factors can become the causes of this problem.

If the reason lies in the main pipeline

Everyone understands where the water in the apartment comes from. In order to provide residents with it, builders lay communication networks, which, unfortunately, sometimes fail. A clogged and worn-out line can lead to problems when there is low cold water pressure in the apartment. What to do in such a situation?

Owners of apartments in buildings should report this problem to utility companies. If for a long time If you do not pay attention to insufficient pressure, this can sooner or later lead to a serious accident or pipe rupture. Then people will have to wait a long time for repairs and do without running water.

The problem can only be solved in one way - by replacing the pipes on the main line.

If the reason lies in the pipes of an apartment building

Residents of such houses most often encounter a situation where there is low water pressure in the apartment. What to do with such a problem and how to help yourself?

It is no secret that the water that comes through pipes into houses is sometimes of very poor quality. Over time, the impurities contained in it settle on the inner surface of the pipe. Rust appears and a coating forms, which reduces its clearance, which provokes weak water pressure in the apartment. What to do, where to go in a situation that cannot be resolved by the residents?

So, if the riser itself was clogged, then the worn-out pipes need to be replaced in time. It should be noted that it is recommended to replace the riser completely, not partially. Sometimes adjusting the pressure using equipment installed in the basement of an apartment building will help solve the problem, but this is only effective in some situations.

Poor condition of pipes in the apartment

When there is low water pressure in the apartment, what should you do? This is the first question for residents who want to deal with this problem. Often the reason is not the poor performance of utility workers, but the poor condition of the pipes directly in the apartment. Moreover, this is the most common reason insufficient pressure water.

As experts note, most often, clogged pipes and a decrease in water pressure occur due to rusted joints of plastic and metal pipes. Fortunately, the problem is easily solved. The main thing is to have the necessary finances and time. To restore pressure, it is necessary to clean the pipes. If this procedure turns out to be useless, it is recommended to perform complete replacement metal pipes to plastic ones.

Or maybe the mixer is to blame?

Sometimes it happens that the mixer is the reason that there is low water pressure in the apartment. What to do and how to increase the water pressure in this case?

So, the mixer can influence the force of the water jet only if its cartridge or faucet axle has failed. The operation of these spare parts is affected by settling dirt or mechanical damage. All this leads to the fact that the mixer begins to flow poorly and the pressure decreases. This problem can be solved very simply. It is enough to check and change these parts, and if desired, you can completely change the mixer.

By the way, an aerator, which costs mere pennies. True, sometimes it gets clogged. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to install a new one, since a small and thin mesh can be not so easy to clean.

Incorrect plumbing diagram

If the apartment has low water pressure, what should you do in this case? It is likely that an incorrect circuit was used when connecting the devices, which reduces the flow of water.

For example, a family of four lives in an apartment. One of the second decided to wash the dishes, the third flushed the toilet, and the fourth loaded the laundry in the machine. To ensure that such a number of devices does not affect the water pressure, the entire circuit must be drawn up sequentially. If a person cannot even wash his hands when washing clothes, this is direct evidence that plumbing diagram in the apartment requires urgent improvement and it’s time to contact a qualified specialist.

How to find the cause of low pressure?

So, a person has already encountered a problem when there is low water pressure in the apartment. What to do in this case and is it possible to find the cause of the problem yourself?

There is a certain pattern.

  1. First, it is recommended to visit neighbors on the floor below and above. If these apartments also have low pressure, then most likely the problem lies in a clogged riser.
  2. To make sure that it is the riser and not the main that is clogged, you need to visit several apartments from neighboring buildings. If there is also a weak flow pressure, then the reason lies not in the riser, but in worn-out water pipes.
  3. If the neighbors did not notice a change in water pressure, then the reason is in the pipes, which are located directly in the apartment.
  4. After this, you need to understand whether the water supply is completely clogged or not. To do this, you need to check all the taps. If poor pressure is noted in the kitchen, then we are talking about all risers.
  5. The pressure is bad, for example, only in the kitchen - the problem is in the mixer.

Solve the problem yourself

There are several ways to fix the problem if there is low water pressure in the apartment. What to do and how to increase it with your own hands? It all depends on the cause of the weak stream:

  • If there is a problem with the mixer, you need to replace it. If you don’t have the money to buy a new one, you can try to wash it or repair a broken part;
  • If the pressure is poor due to a clogged aerator, then you also need to clean it with a needle and blow out. If the aerator is very clogged, then it is easier to buy a new one and install it on the tap.
  • If you need to change pipes, then only specialists will help. All that is required from the owner is a purchase necessary materials. It is worth noting once again that it is better to change the riser completely, otherwise due to the joints the pressure will weaken again soon.
  • A pump that increases the pressure in the apartment or on the riser will also help solve the problem. Installing a pump on the riser is necessary only when complaints to the housing office are unsuccessful. A sump pump is expensive, so you need to work with your neighbors to purchase it.
  • If the diagram is incorrect, you need to change the sequence of connecting the devices to the water supply. Only a specialist will help in this matter.

Weak pressure? Where to contact?

So, there is low water pressure in the apartment. What to do in this case has already been described above. But where and, most importantly, how to complain so that the problem is noticed?

All complaints to the housing office must be brought only to in writing and only in two copies. On one copy, the specialist must put his signature and stamp on incoming letters. If after this no action is taken, then the complaint can be sent by registered mail, to which the managers of the utility service are required to respond within 10 working days. If in this case the question remains unanswered, then the owner of the apartment has the right to demand a reduction in the amount for public utilities, since they are not provided of the required quality. Of course, the amount on the receipt can only be reduced through the courts.

Litigation, and especially with utility companies, requires very large physical, moral and financial costs. Of course, if the apartment owner wins the court case, then all monetary expenses will be reimbursed to him.

If poor water pressure is observed on all floors, then it is necessary to file a lawsuit together with your neighbors. In this case, the chances of winning the case will be much higher, and financial questions will not be so acute, and morally it will be much easier, because utility services have experienced lawyers on staff for such cases.

High quality work utility networks provides comfort of living in an apartment or house. But sometimes, during the operation of the water supply system, problems arise that residents need to solve themselves or with the help of responsible specialists.

One of these problems is poor water flow in the cold or hot water supply system.

Exists standard rate water pressure in the pipeline, if it is broken, you will need to contact housing and communal services or water supply workers to clarify the situation.

Usually in large microdistricts the pressure is up to 3 atmospheres, and on the outskirts this figure is about 0.3 atmospheres. If there is a problem low water pressure in the apartment, residents are interested in how long it takes to complain to the appropriate authority?

What problems does low pressure cause?

When it flows weakly cold water in the house, this interferes with many tasks. If you just need to fill the kettle, you can wait longer than usual. But what to do when you need to run a bath or the toilet tank hardly fills? Cannot start if pressure is low normal work washing or dishwasher, there is a risk of breakage.

ATTENTION! Water pressure in plumbing system a residential building or apartment should be under pressure from 0.3 to 6 atmospheres. The indicator may vary depending on the location of the city area.

The pressure in the cold or hot water There are many factors that can influence this and should be considered first. Identifying the cause helps to quickly eliminate it and restore normal operation of the water supply system.

What causes water pressure to drop?

On the pressure level in pipes with cold or hot water may be influenced by various reasons. It is customary to distinguish among them objective and subjective.

IMPORTANT! If the pressure in the pipes is less than required by standards, you should quickly respond to the problem. First of all, contact housing and communal services specialists to find out why the water is flowing poorly.

The first group consists of those factors that do not depend on the consumer. The second group, subjective reasons, can be successfully combated.

List of problems that you can fix yourself

  • If there is no hot water pressure, this may be due to clogging and reduced capacity of the risers common use, shut-off valves. The cold water supply riser is clogged - you should call a qualified technician from the housing and communal services, intervention on your own can lead to damage.
  • Reason low pressure There may be clogging of filters (in front of water meters), taps that are installed at the entrance to the apartment.
  • Mixer valves may become clogged.
  • During the operation of water heating devices, deposits form in the heat exchangers. They can also settle on faucets and shower heads. Such about deposition can significantly reduce water pressure, deteriorate the quality of operation of the water supply system.
  • You can notice how, after installing the meter, the cold water pressure dropped. This means that the equipment was installed incorrectly; the instructions for connecting to pipes and installing a filter may be violated.

Causes of poor water supply performance.

Low pressure can also be caused by more complex reasons that are difficult to eliminate.

  • If the house is bad it's hot water from the tap, this may be due to the initially incorrect design of the water supply system.
  • Poor pressure is also caused by the lack of second lift pumps at distribution stations. This factor manifests itself especially often if the water supply system serves a large number of apartments
  • Lost pressure in the faucet summer time? During this season, water is used to irrigate plots. You can notice a drop in pressure in the morning and evening, especially in houses located on the outskirts of the city, in the private sector.
  • Lack of water is often felt by residents who live on the 5th floor and above. Due to low pressure, the working medium rises weakly to high altitudes. Consumers have to wait until night to run the washing machine or take a bath.

IMPORTANT! You should also take into account the wear and tear of the water supply system through which cold water flows. If the system is not upgraded in a timely manner, pipes may leak and the shut-off valves may malfunction. And in this case, the pressure standards cannot be observed; repair and restoration should be undertaken.

The objective reasons for poor water supply, which are associated with the operation of the system outside the apartment, cannot be eliminated by the average consumer. However, this does not mean that you should simply endure such discomfort. It is important to know where to complain if your blood pressure is violated, to whom and how to write a statement correctly.

How is the problem with the main pipeline solved?

How to increase the pressure if its decrease is due to a malfunction of the main water supply? First, you should check what is causing the poor water supply. It is worth calling the utility company, the water utility, and the workers must report why the pressure standard is not being met.

ATTENTION! Applications to the housing office or water utility should be made in writing, in duplicate, with registration. In case of prolonged poor-quality operation of the water supply system, the consumer has the right to a reduction utility payments for water.

If apartment owners do not file a complaint, they may suffer the most - will fail Appliances connected to water supply.

Trouble in a multi-story building

It is not so rare for apartments to have problems with cold or hot water pressure. The reason may be related to pipes in the basement or in the apartments themselves.

  • Low blood pressure is often caused by clogged pipes. In houses with many years of operation in metal systems, cast iron pipes impurities settle on the inner surface. Plaque appears on the pipes and decreases throughput pipeline. Under such circumstances, the pressure in the apartments drops, and the quality of the liquid also deteriorates.
  • If the cause of poor pressure is clogged pipes or risers, they need to be replaced. According to the recommendations, the riser is completely changed. Often, to resolve the problem, it is enough for a specialist to check the equipment, its functioning, and fixtures in the basement.

Problems in the apartment

There is no need to endure poor water quality for a long time. Often it is enough to check the condition of the faucet or filter near the meter to increase water pressure. Problems with pipes in the apartment and plumbing equipment– this is the most common reasons that the water in the taps is not flowing well.

The faucet is clogged, pipe joints are rusty, sediment appears on the shower head - these problems can be corrected yourself or with the help of a competent plumber.

  • How to increase the pressure if the cause of its disruption is the water mixer? Dirt, various chemical substances. It is even possible that mechanical damage, due to which the throughput of the mixer is reduced. To correct the situation, you need to change parts or the device completely. Check if the tap or filter near the meter is clogged, experienced House master maybe on his own.
  • An incorrect design of the water supply system within the apartment can also negatively affect the pressure in the pipes. This problem may be indicated by the inability to use several taps at the same time, for example, in the bathroom and in the kitchen. In this case, only a qualified specialist who knows the slightest nuances of designing a water supply system can make the pressure stronger.

How to independently determine the problem of low blood pressure?

In the apartment, the strong water pressure in the pipes has decreased significantly; you cannot use washing machine and how long does it take to take a bath? You should proceed according to the standard scheme.

  • The first step is to inquire about the condition of the water supply from your neighbors next door. If the problem is only in a single apartment, you need to find out whether the entire water supply is clogged or just one tap? Maybe sediment has blocked the faucet grille in the kitchen sink or vanity. Checking the faucet and mixer is not difficult, you only need the appropriate tool. If water flows poorly in all rooms (in the bathroom, in the kitchen), then the problem is in the pipes.
  • Poor pressure can be caused by a clogged entrance riser. This issue should be resolved by the housing and communal services plumber responsible for the house.
  • It is possible that residents of neighboring houses also noticed low pressure in the pipes. In this case, you should contact the utility companies, the water utility. Troubleshooting main water supply may take considerable time. Especially if the water supply system is outdated, clogged, and requires replacement of pipes and other plumbing and shut-off equipment.

Useful video

This video describes a step-by-step solution to the problem of low pressure.

If you are tormented by weak water pressure in the tap, the water flows in a thin stream, which is clearly not enough for comfortable use, then there may be several reasons.

Possible reasons for low water pressure:

  1. The mixer is clogged or faulty; the cartridge must be replaced. Most likely, this is so if, for example, the water pressure in the kitchen is weak, but in the bathroom it is good. You can find out how to repair or replace the faucet, how to replace the cartridge - how to clean the faucet, read below.
  2. If you use a filter to purify water, then the problem may be with the filter and it needs to be replaced.
  3. Old water pipes are “overgrown” with rust and lime. They need to be cleaned or replaced.
  4. If you have a geyser installed, the problem may be there.
  5. Incorrect pipe connection.
  6. Low pressure when supplying water to pumping station. Chat with your neighbors, find out what water pressure they have in their taps.

If the reasons are points 5 and 6, then you need to contact specialists; you will not be able to solve the problem yourself.

How to clean a faucet (taps)

Over time, the mixer can become clogged with pieces of rust and lime that are deposited in the aerator. The aerator is the tip of the faucet ending in a mesh; you can easily unscrew it and rinse the mesh, thereby eliminating the problem. Most often this is the problem.

It happens that the water pressure decreases sharply after replacing the old mixer with a new one. The reason may be that pieces of rust and lime from the old “disturbed” pipes get into the new faucet, impeding the water flow. Treatment can be the same - cleaning the aerator. However, pieces of rust can be quite large and get stuck in the faucet tube itself. In this case, the faucet will have to be disassembled and cleaned; if it is not dismountable, then you can “drive out” the debris with a reverse flow of water or air. For example, a vacuum cleaner will help to blow the mixer in the opposite direction. And using a rubber hose (if suitable, you can use a shower hose), you can rinse the faucet tube with water.

How to clean water pipes

Over time metal pipes"overgrown" overgrown limescale, rust, which impedes the flow of water. There are several ways to unclog your plumbing.

The first and easiest is to walk with a hammer or wrench and knock along water pipe. Pieces of rust and limescale will come off the pipe and come out through the faucet (you may need to clean the faucets again).

If the first option does not help, then maybe cleaning it with a special one will help. You can buy it at the store, or try using a shower hose. The cable is quite flexible and will easily pass through hardened pipes and bends. You need to clean it in a circular motion, with the water turned off, of course, from the side of the removed mixer.

When too severe blockage it will be necessary to dismantle the failed section of the water pipe and its manual cleaning. It's possible that the best solution There will be a replacement of old pipes with new ones, for example, plastic ones. On plastic pipes There is no rust accumulation at all.

The problem is in the gas water heater

If you have a geyser installed, and the stream of hot water is weak and the stream of cold water is quite normal, then the problem may be in the filter, it is metal mesh, which is installed at the junction of the water pipe and the column. It is necessary to disconnect the pipe and clean this filter. However, this must be done carefully so as not to break anything. Before cleaning, you must turn off the water and gas.

Regarding any malfunctions geysers, it is better to contact specialists, since a gas leak can lead to tragedy.


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