Official work abroad.  White list of companies dealing with labor emigration of Ukrainians

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Whatever path you choose, our selection will be useful in any case.

Here we can highlight two leaders - Viadeo and LinkedIn, with the help of which you can look for work around the world. If the American social network LinkedIn is more suitable for employment in the USA, then the French Viadeo is more suitable for finding work in Europe, Africa and China.

One of the largest job search engines in the world. Statistics: over 1 million resumes and about 63 million applicants monthly.

One of the most popular boards advertisements in the world. Here you can search not only for vacancies, but also for housing, things, acquaintances, etc.

One of the largest job search engines (in 2010 it surpassed in popularity in the USA), represented in 50 countries and available in 28 languages.

One of the main job search portals in the UK.

Job vacancies are published here both for those who have a work permit in the EU and for future candidates.

Smart Abroad: grants, vacancies, business

Actually, from the name of the public it is already clear what the resource is about. Here you can find not only work, but also opportunities to receive grants for study or information about various awards for young entrepreneurs and scientists.

"BBBB are vacancies in the most exotic and interesting corners of the planet. BBBB are responsible projects with meaning, where work means caring for nature and careful attitude to peace,” write the creators of the project.

The capabilities of the resource, originally created for finding a place to stay overnight while traveling, are actually much wider. There are separate groups, where vacancies abroad are published and where you can find both permanent and temporary, well-paid and seasonal work. You should look for vacancies in groups by country or, for example,.

For Russians, working abroad without knowing the language

It is difficult to find work abroad for Russians without knowledge of the language. For example, construction vacancies are filled instantly by guest workers from Asia and Africa. The language barrier is a serious obstacle for career growth even in low-paid positions. Russians work abroad and earn decent money on shifts as installers, plumbers, and welders. Here the main criterion is experience, and knowledge of the language fades into the background. Moreover, with the rotation method, specialists are selected based on nationality and Slavic brigades are staffed.

  1. Jobs without language knowledge

  • A team of qualified masons of 5 people is required in Hungary. Work on a rotational basis for 6 months, full provision of accommodation and food. A room for five people with shower and toilet. Delivery to the construction site by corporate transport. The salary is piecework, depending on the quantity and quality of the masonry, but not less than 600 euros per month in cash. Flexitime, two days off. At the end of the shift, vacation pay is paid.
  • A cook is required for a Russian-speaking family, work abroad, in England, the city of Bristol. Vacation home, accommodation in guest house, own room with toilet and shower, there is a bidet. Cooking for 5 people, ability to cook borscht, cabbage soup, rassolnik, pancakes and other dishes of Russian cuisine. Cooking lunch for 8-10 people once a week. Salaries are paid weekly at £40 per day.
  • Required heavy vehicle driver with international license to travel around Eastern Europe and occasionally to Russia. Age - no older than 50 years, work experience of at least 3 years. Knowledge of European languages ​​at the initial level is welcome and is paid as an additional bonus. An employment contract is signed and all terms and conditions of employment are agreed upon. A basic salary of 800 euros is paid plus a monthly 50% accident-free bonus. Accommodation is provided in a departmental hotel, a room for 2 people with all amenities.
  • Fresh vacancies for Russians abroad

    • Product sorters and packers are required for a yoghurt dairy factory in Southern Spain. Work in shifts, 8 hours with an hour break for lunch. The worker is provided with special clothing and clean linen when starting a shift. Young people from 18 to 30 years old are accepted; knowledge of the language is not required. The newly hired person undergoes a one-week internship with benefits, and then starts working. Salaries are paid 2 times a month. The total amount given to the employee must not be less than 850 euros.
    • Working as a maid in France. A girl between 20 and 35 years old is invited to fill the position of a maid. Responsibilities include cleaning rooms and washing linen. Communication only in Russian, for development colloquial speech younger family members. The house is located in the suburbs of Marseille; a double room is available for accommodation in the service annex to the house. It has its own kitchen, toilet and bath. The salary is paid weekly in the amount of 300 euros, which is about 1200 euros per month. Free food and specials. cloth.
    • Autobahn repairs in Germany require a variety of qualified personnel for the repair and laying of highways. Shift work, mostly at night. Basic knowledge required German language. It can be obtained by completing a 2-week accelerated training course. The salary of a simple worker is 1,000 euros; specialists who know how to operate road equipment receive from 2,000 euros. Everyone employed at road works are provided with free housing and hot meals. Shift method of recruitment, minimum period 2 months, maximum - 6 months.
  • Work abroad from a direct employer

    • Estonia: janitor-cleaner without qualifications and without work experience. Salary from 5 euros per hour. Men and women are accepted. Email your resume [email protected]
    • Portugal: loom operator. Salary from 600 euros. Employer email: [email protected]
    • Czech Republic: operator for the production of plastic molding. Salary from 900 euros. HR department mailbox [email protected]
    • Poland: operator of a plastic processing machine. Salary up to 4000 zlotys. Contact Email: [email protected]
    • Slovenia: joiner-carpenter at permanent job with a minimum salary of 825 euros. Contacting your employer by mail [email protected]
    • Slovenia: master hairdresser with experience in haircuts and hairstyles. Salary is negotiable. Send your resume by email [email protected]
    • Malta: nanny for children over 3 years old, preferably with experience. Salary 170 euros per week. Email for sending your resume: [email protected]
    • Cyprus: massage therapist with experience and knowledge of English. Salary from 900 euros per month. Email for sending your resume: [email protected]
    • Iceland: care for the elderly and assistance with everyday problems. Experience is desirable. Mail: [email protected]
    • Romania: construction workers demolishing and dismantling buildings. Payment is piecework. Write by email: [email protected].
  • Reviews about working in Poland

    • Lydia: I’ll share my experience of working in Poland. It is not suitable for everyone - only girls and women who know how to sew on industrial sewing machines. I have long wanted to go to work abroad, but two reasons stopped me. The first was the fear of remaining in a foreign country without protection, money and a passport. And the second is ignorance foreign language. Which of us fifty-year-olds studied at least English in full at school and university? Only a few, because then it was not relevant. Therefore, when I saw an advertisement in the newspaper about hiring women in a garment factory, I called and made an appointment for a consultation. There were 9 people in our group, and 7 of us signed a contract of employment after consultation. Because we were shown certificates and the registration number of the agency, shown the website and its pages on social networks, photos of the factory and dorm rooms. The contract was concluded for 6 months. Everything was organized clearly - transportation, accommodation in a hostel, familiarization with the workplace in the workshop. The first month was difficult - strangers, monotonous work on simple sewing operations, inability to communicate in transport and in stores. But then I learned new words and phrases - life forced me. So finding a job abroad without knowing the language is possible. But only through official representatives.
    • Igor: Last year I decided to leave my comfort zone and went abroad to earn money in Poland. Without knowing the language, it is very difficult to find a job, and it is very difficult to survive alone. A friend of mine who lives in Krakow gave me the address of an office that recruits Russian-speaking workers. They offered hard work, the kind that in Russia is performed by guest workers from Central Asia. I worked as a laborer, concrete worker, and slinger for about 10 months, but I couldn’t do it anymore. Gradually I learned the basics of Polish and got a job at McDonald's. He worked as a waiter, cleaner and loader. It was difficult, but gradually I got the hang of it and began to speak Polish fluently. Now I work as a taxi driver, the earnings are not great, because the car is rented, but there is a prospect of earning decent money here.
    • Olga: I came to Poland on vacation, but circumstances were such that I had to stay and look for work without knowing the language. I started by translating my resume into Polish and sending it out to job advertisements - mostly cleaning and washing dishes in restaurants. In one of the restaurants, they understood my situation and took me to wash dishes. They paid me 8 zlotys per hour (standard pay for such work at that time) with free lunch. Apart from me, there were no other foreigners in the team, so quite quickly I was able to start speaking Polish and new opportunities arose to find a better-paid job.

    Feedback about working in Israel

    Sergey: I myself live in Smolensk, I’m a welder by profession, here I earned pennies from us, and I decided to go to Israel to work as a welder as well. On the Internet, through a recruitment agency, they found me construction company with a team consisting of CIS citizens. The owner there is a Jew who left during the Soviet era.
    There were fears that they would be deceived - they were Jews after all, but there was no need to worry. The salary is excellent, it can’t be compared with ours, I received about 2200 per month, if converted into dollars. Standardized days, salaries were paid on time, all safety standards were observed.
    In Israel, everyone speaks Hebrew, and there are also many people who speak English. When you go out into the city, there are no big difficulties in communication. To buy something in a store or at the market, you explain yourself using gestures. There was a funny incident when a friend and I, using facial expressions and gestures, showed an electronics seller that we needed wireless headphones. He tells us so calmly: “Guys, why are you puffing yourself up, say what you need.”

    Feedback about working in London

    Alexey: I had experience working abroad, or rather in London. We were sent to practice by the university. I stayed there exactly one month, made good money, we were paid 30 pounds a day. But the problem was different, I didn’t know English well, but I could read and write, but unfortunately I couldn’t speak. I found myself in such a ridiculous situation in a store, they asked me what to serve, but I was confused and didn’t even know what to answer. He said the first thing that came to mind, took his water and walked away. Learn English! This may be useful to you.

    Feedback about working in Austria

    Anna: They offered me a job in Austria as a sales manager, I doubted it for a long time. The problem was poor knowledge of the language. Still, I decided to take a risk, I signed a contract for 3 months, so that during this time I could understand whether it was mine or not, if I liked it, I would extend it. After the first month of work, I understood. that I was not mistaken. Housing, working conditions, employer relations, everything is excellent!
    For those who do not know the language, a mentor was provided to help them adapt and learn the language. In a month I earned 1,760 euros, which is great by our Russian standards. Fortunately, my contract was extended and they hinted at an increase in salary after 6 months of experience.

    How to get help

    If you want help from businessmen, famous people or charitable foundations write your request. We will send your letter to 39 addresses. The cost of the donation is 45 rubles.

    How to post your resume for foreign employers

    If you would like to post your resume on different languages To get a job abroad, donate 50 rubles. And submit your application. We will translate it and publish it on the website.

    For translation into 5 languages ​​- 150 rubles, for 4 languages ​​- 120, for 3 - 100 rubles, for 2 - 80 rubles, for 1 - 50 rubles.

    (A) “Very high” level of trust

    means that employment in this company is guaranteed and all workers return home safely after the end of the term labor contract. All companies with this status are accredited by InterMonitoring.

    (B) “High” level of trust

    means that the company operates honestly in the employment market, there are no complaints or claims. However, the company provides InterMonitoring with only partial information about employed migrants. Therefore, InterMonitoring does not have complete information about the employment of citizens through this company. All companies with this status are accredited by InterMonitoring.

    (C) "Medium" level of trust

    means that InterMonitoring does not have enough information about the results of employment of migrant workers through this intermediary. However, there are also no direct complaints from citizens or claims from law enforcement agencies. Companies with this status are NOT accredited by InterMonitorin

    (D) “Low” level of trust

    means that the company has not been accredited by InterMonitoring and there is no confirmed information about the successful employment of citizens through this company; or there are complaints from migrant workers; or there are facts of claims from law enforcement agencies.

    (E) “Very low” level of trust

    means that the company has refused voluntary accreditation with InterMonitoring, as well as public demonstration of the results of its activities; or there are numerous complaints from migrant workers; or there are facts of claims from law enforcement agencies. Applying to companies with a "Very Low" status may involve greater risk. Companies with this status are NOT accredited by InterMonitoring.

    (F) "Negative" trust rating

    means that there are complaints from Ukrainian citizens or claims from law enforcement agencies regarding the specified company. Contacting these companies is strongly NOT recommended. Companies with this status are NOT accredited by InterMonitoring.

    How to check, Foreign Employment Agency. real or just SCAM

    Who doesn’t have a smartphone, tablet, or computer now? And of course, almost everyone is looking for work abroad via the Internet. It's so convenient big choice vacancies in your hand. And therefore, Employment Agencies Abroad also go to online mode, create websites, groups on VKontakte, Pages on FaceBook, etc. And those who are looking for work and go to such sites, seeing beautiful design, convincing reviews and fabulous offers, they believe in what is offered to them and turn a blind eye to the most important thing - the license. So how can you check whether the agency you contacted works legally or is simply engaged in human trafficking in accordance with Article 149 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

    1. The first thing you need to check is whether the intermediary who is helping you find work abroad has a license. A license, as a document, shows that the person to whom the license was issued is registered with the Ministry of Social Policy and can begin to establish partnerships. But in no way does this show that this person can send anyone anywhere. In addition to the license, the intermediary company must have a certificate of state registration and an agreement with a foreign employer. called “addendum”. The Addendum must indicate the place and name with which the intermediary is cooperating and for how long the cooperation permit was issued, and all this is certified by the seal of the Ministry of Social Policy. For example: if an agency has received a work permit in Turkey, this does not mean that the intermediary can provide employment in all cities of Turkey, but only in a specific location with a specific employer specified in the document. And certainly not in another country.

    2. People who provide work are obliged to provide you with information about the work in the form of a contract (conditions, salary, health and social insurance procedures, expected expenses, etc.). This information must be certified by the stamp and signature of the person to whom the License was issued. So that you have evidence on the spot of what you agreed to when you arrived. What they simply tell you, in person or over the phone or via the Internet, does not matter at all. And it won’t help you if what awaited you on the spot was something completely different from what you were promised.

    3. The agency must have legal address, which is specified in the License, telephone number for contact. And not just the Website, El. mail or contact via personal messages. Ask for the intermediary's address and personal and work telephone numbers. You should check such telephone numbers yourself by calling and making sure that the person answering you is the person who is negotiating with you, or at least an employee of the same organization. Since many people claim that they work for this or that company, although in fact they have nothing to do with the company.

    4. Each legal agency has the right to employ only citizens of its own country. By sending citizens of another country, the agency (entrepreneur, intermediary) violates the law. For example, if an agency officially operates in Russia, then they cannot offer work to Ukrainian citizens. They can, but it won't be legal. You are at risk and will not be able, in case of problems, to hold these people accountable. They will simply answer you that they have never seen you, they don’t know anything about you.

    5. You need to go to work in another country only with a work visa and nothing else: tourist, cultural and other visas, clear signs of illegal aspects of employment. And no matter how much they convince you that it is cheaper, safe, proven, it’s better... This is dangerous and legal agencies will never resort to such a risk.

    6. Fraudsters almost never ask anything about the professional skills of a potential candidate; they take anyone who responds. More often refers to working abroad for girls. When a person who is not knowledgeable at all can be hired for a vacancy as an aerialist. Offering work without knowledge of the language or work experience, promising to teach everything necessary on the spot. This is done in order to make money for each person sent, ensuring the quantity rather than the quality of the services provided.

    7. Very often, scammers offering work abroad answer the question about a license that they information Agency and therefore they do not need a license. Their job is to talk about the work and send documents to their partners, to trusted places, recommended intermediaries, etc. But this is a lie. Since the Information Agency has no involvement in intermediary in employment abroad. What exactly is a news agency? Information agency (wikipedia) is a specialized information enterprise (organization, service, center) serving the media. Its main function is to provide operational political, economic, social, and cultural information to the editorial offices of newspapers, magazines, television, radio broadcasting, as well as other institutions, organizations, and individuals who are subscribers to its products. The agency's functioning is focused on news gathering. This is a media service agency, not an overseas employment agency. Once a news agency has offered you a job abroad, it automatically becomes an employment agency, no matter what they call themselves. And in this case they need a license.

    Go abroad and get rich - " American dream” haunts many residents of the post-Soviet space. Who among us has not dreamed of living in beautiful house abroad, drive an expensive car and relax at resorts? But on the path from dreams to action, many face difficulties, such as finding a job. How to find a decent place? What is needed for this? This is what we will discuss in our article today. Are you ready to absorb?

    First, let’s figure out what working abroad is. Conventionally, all types of earnings abroad can be divided into three types:

    • work for everyone;
    • work for students;
    • work for specialists.

    Each type of employment has its own characteristics and requirements; you need to prepare various documents and master a number of skills.

    Work abroad for everyone

    The easiest and most popular way to get a job abroad is to work part-time during a certain season. Such tourist countries Turkey, Egypt, Greece and others are happy to invite you to cooperate for service in hotels and restaurants. Indeed, it is convenient to go to a beauty salon in Bulgaria and meet a master there who speaks your language. But foreign resorts are visited not only by citizens of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, which means that you will need knowledge of the language to communicate with the employer, the local population and foreign tourists. Ideally, you need to know the local dialect and writing, but mastering Chinese characters or Arabic script may take years. In this case, English will come to the rescue, international language, the study of which is compulsory in most schools in the world.

    In addition to knowledge of the language, you will need a notarized translation of documents, a work visa to live in the country and health insurance. You can get a job as a maid, waiter or strawberry picker without any specific skills. To work abroad in a hairdressing salon or nail service, you will need experience of similar work in your home country. Specialized firms engaged in employment abroad will help you find vacancies and assist with interviews, as well as prepare documents. You can start searching for vacancies on the Rospersonal company website.

    It should be borne in mind that the service personnel receive a small salary. However, when converted into domestic currency, the amounts are significant, therefore, you can earn good money and return home. Foreign companies are interested in attracting employees from other countries, because the labor of compatriots, as a rule, costs much more.

    Work in Europe

    One of the most popular areas of work abroad is employment in Europe. Most countries of the European Union are located on the same continent as us, so getting there is much easier than getting to the countries of the Americas. Our compatriots are also attracted by the beauty of European cities, their rich history and culture. In addition to the vacancies described above, people often go to Europe to work as an Au-Pair - a governess and a house help rolled into one. The essence of the work is to help children with their studies, as well as perform simple homework. In exchange, the Au-Pair receives accommodation in the family home and a monetary reward. This type The job involves full-time work with weekends and free evenings, during which you can attend various courses, as well as sightseeing. You can find a family willing to hire a foreign tutor on the Aupaiway website.

    Work for students

    It makes sense to think about a future career already during your studies, especially since student exchange programs and foreign internships have all the necessary conditions for students. Of course, going to work abroad without spending a penny of money is quite difficult. The internship involves paying for a study visa, paperwork and travel. But the remaining costs of living and tuition fees are often paid by the inviting party. You can also count on receiving a scholarship or combine studying with a part-time job, which will allow you to take away from the trip not only important skills in your specialty, but also financial benefits.

    The search for a suitable program should start with the appropriate department in your educational institution. If the university does not have connections with the country you want to go to, start your search in a different direction. Any major university has its own website, which necessarily has a section dedicated to working with foreign students. Make a list of the most popular universities in the country and begin methodically studying the materials on their official pages.

    Work in the USA

    No matter how attractive Europe is, distant America with its hamburgers, Hollywood and the Statue of Liberty continues to confidently attract young people. The Work&Travel program was created especially for those who do not like to waste time. It allows you to spend the summer in one of the states of America, earn decent money and at the same time see the country. The program is designed for 3-4 months, and the last one is necessarily allocated for traveling around the country. Participants must certainly be 1-4 year university students. In this way, the US government is trying to minimize cases of illegal migration - after all, the student will most likely return to their homeland to complete their education and receive a diploma. Second prerequisite is, of course, knowledge of the English language - without it there is simply nothing to do in the United States. You can learn more about participation in Work&Travel, as well as apply on this resource.

    Students have the opportunity to work in stores, hotels and restaurants, while receiving $7-8 per hour. Housing, as a rule, is provided by the employer, the payment for it does not exceed $100 per month. The number of working hours per week is determined by the participant himself. Some people prefer to work 50-60 hours a week to get as much as possible more money. Others go to America to improve their language skills and gain new experiences, and therefore work no more than 40 hours, leaving evenings and weekends free.

    In addition, it is worth remembering about the Green Card - a document that will allow you to live and work in the USA on a full basis, and through certain time you can become official US citizens. Thanks to it you will be able to:

    • work;
    • live in any state;
    • own real estate;
    • study in a public school;
    • obtain a local driver's license;
    • enlist in individual species armed forces USA;
    • receive health insurance benefits for seniors;
    • receive benefits for social insurance, age and disability.

    By the way, unless, of course, you are threatened with work at the request of an American employer, reunification with an American family, marriage with a US citizen or political asylum, then you can take part in a free lottery and try to win a Green Card only in October of each year, and Find out the results in May. So don't delay!

    Work for specialists

    Young people who have already received higher education, can count on highly paid work abroad. Large foreign companies in the field of IT technologies, oil refining and light industry are interested in qualified specialists and are ready to take on the difficulties of registering a foreign employee. To obtain Good work under the contract, it is necessary to provide documents on relevant education that are quoted abroad. In some cases, you may need to go through a qualification confirmation procedure, which takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money.

    For getting high paying job abroad, you should slightly change your approach to searching for vacancies. Here you should focus not on websites for employment abroad, but on specific employers. Make a list of companies that could benefit from your services and send your resume to email HR department IN Lately Video resumes are becoming increasingly popular.

    Majority large companies, as a rule, works in the international arena, so the main requirement is not only possession English language at a conversational level, but also a free understanding of highly specialized terminology. If you have doubts about your language skills, then sign up for courses in the desired specialty.


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    Don't waste your time, sign up now!


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