OGE standard exam options in social studies. Textbook "Main State Exam"

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Option No. 53

When completing tasks 1-20, choose one of the four proposed answer options. The answer to tasks 21-25 is a number, a sequence of letters or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters; do not copy the answer words from the browser, enter them by typing them from the keyboard.

If the option is given by the teacher, you can enter the answers to the assignments in Part C or upload them to the system in one of the graphic formats. The teacher will see the results of completing assignments in Part B and will be able to evaluate the uploaded answers to Part C. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

What distinguishes a person from an animal?

1) the presence of physiological needs

2) caring for offspring

3) ability for conscious activity

4) adaptation to the natural environment


What are the natural sciences?

1. History

2) mathematics

3) art criticism


Ivan Petrovich is guided in his life by the rule: do not wish for others what you do not want for yourself. This rule expresses

1) legal requirement

2) standard of morality

3) scientific law

4) etiquette rule


Are the following statements about global problems true?

A. Global problems are those that affect people all over the world.

B. Global problems created a threat to the continued existence of humanity.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Ivan didn't dial required quantity scores on the university entrance exams and entered college to study as a notary assistant. What level of education is Ivan at?

1) basic general education

2) secondary vocational education

3) complete (secondary) education

4) higher professional education


Are the following statements about religion true?

A. Religion presupposes the possibility of human communication with God.

B.B modern world diversity of religious beliefs and cults remains.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect



Non-participation in social production the working-age working-age population who strives to find work but is unable to do so.

2) unemployment

3) dependency

4) offense


In country S., production resources are freely sold and purchased. Along with state property, there are private and other forms of property. What type of economy does the state of S. belong to?

1) market

2) administrative

3) traditional

4) team


Are the following judgments about the properties of a product true?

A. Any product satisfies people's needs.

B. A product has a certain value, according to which it can be exchanged for another product.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


TO social sphere society includes relationships between

1) state governments

2) entrepreneurs of one state

3) state and entrepreneur

4) state and pensioner


The Kondratiev family consists of parents, two children and a grandmother, who all live together in one apartment. This family is

1) patriarchal

2) large family

3) incomplete

4) multi-generational


System of implementation methods state power, the attitude of the authorities to the implementation of individual rights and freedoms

1) form of government

2) government structure

3) political system

4) political regime


The Chamber of the Federal Assembly in Russia is

1) Security Council

2) Public Chamber

3) Federation Council

4) Supreme Court


In the state of N., the government is formed by the president. At the same time, there is a parliament that must approve the composition of the government proposed by the president. What form of government is represented in the state of N.?

1) constitutional monarchy

2) parliamentary republic

3) absolute monarchy

4) presidential republic


Are the following statements about political regimes true?

A. Democratic regimes include those forms of government in which the main role is played by parliament - the collective legislative body.

B. Non-democratic regimes include those forms of government in which the main role is played by a ruler with unlimited power.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


The sphere of legal relations includes contacts between

1) police officers riding on the bus and bus passengers

2) voters at the polling station and a candidate for deputy

3) a young man who did not give up his seat on the subway to a disabled person, and a disabled person

4) the owner of the stolen car and the local police inspector


What distinguishes the constitution from other legal acts?

1) written form

2) supreme legal power

3) appeal to all citizens

4) support by state force


Young people stole someone else's car. Their actions are

1) administrative offense

2) a criminal offense

3) disciplinary offense

4) civil offense


Are the following judgments about legal norms correct?

A. Legal norms are binding on citizens of the country.

B. Legal norms in modern society exist only in writing.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


The list below shows the similarities between human needs and abilities and the differences between needs and human abilities. Select and write in the first column of the table serial numbers features of similarity, and in the second column - serial numbers of features of difference:

1) open up new opportunities for a person

2) influence human activity

3) are expressed in a feeling of lack of something

4) change with age


Establish correspondence between facts and areas public life: For each element given in the first column, match an element from the second column.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Read the given text, each position of which is marked with a letter.

(A) Globalization of the world economy is a contradictory process that has both positive and negative consequences. (B) Disappearance biological species is negative consequence globalization. (B) The transition to the information society itself is not a global problem.

Determine which provisions of the text:

1) reflect the facts

2) express opinions

Write down in the table the numbers indicating the nature of the relevant provisions.



Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the data in the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The opinion that the environmental situation in their area is very bad is shared by more than a quarter of the citizens surveyed.

2) The majority of citizens surveyed consider the environmental situation in their city to be very good.

3) About 1/3 of the citizens surveyed positively assess the environmental situation in their city.

4) More than half of the citizens surveyed rated the environmental situation in their city as very good.

5) Most citizens do not think about the state of the environment in their cities and find it difficult to answer the question posed.


In country X, a sociological survey of citizens was conducted. They were asked the question: “How do you assess the environmental situation in the city where you live?” The survey results are presented in the table.

Which of the following conclusions directly follows from the information obtained during the survey? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Among the population of country X there is no unity of opinion on environmental issues.

2) The government of country X can be advised to increase funding for programs for environmental education of citizens.

3) Ecology is the most pressing problem for the economy of country X.

4) The majority of the population is dissatisfied with the lack of opportunity to live in a favorable environmental environment.

5) When developing production, environmental control must be strengthened.


Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Market economy

What three characteristics of a market system are indicated in the text?

Market economy

For the emergence of market relations important role plays the presence or absence of private property rights to economic resources. In various eras of history, small-scale farms created best conditions to form a market system with its classic signs of competition, balance of supply and demand, free pricing. The destruction of the traditions of private property destroys the market system itself...

The market is a universal system for using limited resources. Limited resources do not allow the production of all types of consumer goods that people need. Minerals, capital, knowledge and information about production technologies are limited. The resources of the earth are also limited. And not only in the sense of the boundaries of the earth’s land or the geographically designated territories of individual states. The land is inherently limited in the sense that each section of it at the same time can be used either in the agricultural sector, or in the mining industry, or for construction.

The role of the market as a regulator of economic relations is assessed differently. Along with those who believe the market system is the most efficient economic model, there are many who see serious shortcomings in this system. Critics of the market, in particular, draw attention to the fact that there are areas of life where market regulation is inappropriate and does not achieve the desired goals (public transport, defense, etc.).

(According to the book " Economic theory"/Ed. V. D. Kamaeva. M., 2003. S. 47, 50)

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Market economy

For the emergence of market relations, the presence or absence of private property rights to economic resources plays an important role. In various eras of history, small-scale commodity farms created the best conditions for the formation of a market system with its classic signs of competition, balance of supply and demand, and free pricing. The destruction of the traditions of private property destroys the market system itself...

The market is a universal system for using limited resources. Limited resources do not allow the production of all types of consumer goods that people need. Minerals, capital, knowledge and information about production technologies are limited. The resources of the earth are also limited. And not only in the sense of the boundaries of the earth’s land or the geographically designated territories of individual states. The land is inherently limited in the sense that each section of it at the same time can be used either in the agricultural sector, or in the mining industry, or for construction.

The role of the market as a regulator of economic relations is assessed differently. Along with those who consider the market system to be the most effective economic model, there are many who see serious shortcomings in this system. Critics of the market, in particular, draw attention to the fact that there are areas of life where market regulation is inappropriate and does not achieve the desired goals (public transport, defense, etc.).

(According to the book “Economic Theory” / Edited by V. D. Kamaev. M., 2003. P. 47, 50)

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List four types of resources that are limited in the text. What type of resource is not mentioned? On specific example show the limitations of this type of resource.

Market economy

For the emergence of market relations, the presence or absence of private property rights to economic resources plays an important role. In various eras of history, small-scale commodity farms created the best conditions for the formation of a market system with its classic signs of competition, balance of supply and demand, and free pricing. The destruction of the traditions of private property destroys the market system itself...

The market is a universal system for using limited resources. Limited resources do not allow the production of all types of consumer goods that people need. Minerals, capital, knowledge and information about production technologies are limited. The resources of the earth are also limited. And not only in the sense of the boundaries of the earth’s land or the geographically designated territories of individual states. The land is inherently limited in the sense that each section of it at the same time can be used either in the agricultural sector, or in the mining industry, or for construction.

From your history course you know that in Russia after the revolution of 1917, industry was nationalized. This marked the beginning of the liquidation of the market economy in the country. Give the position of the text in which this dependence is expressed. Based on historical and social science knowledge, indicate one of the features of that economic system, which established itself in the country in the 20–30s of the 20th century.

Market economy

For the emergence of market relations, the presence or absence of private property rights to economic resources plays an important role. In various eras of history, small-scale commodity farms created the best conditions for the formation of a market system with its classic signs of competition, balance of supply and demand, and free pricing. The destruction of the traditions of private property destroys the market system itself...

The market is a universal system for using limited resources. Limited resources do not allow the production of all types of consumer goods that people need. Minerals, capital, knowledge and information about production technologies are limited. The resources of the earth are also limited. And not only in the sense of the boundaries of the earth’s land or the geographically designated territories of individual states. The land is inherently limited in the sense that each section of it at the same time can be used either in the agricultural sector, or in the mining industry, or for construction.

The text indicates that many researchers see serious shortcomings in the market system. Do you agree with this market assessment? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (in addition to those given in the text) in defense of your position.

Market economy

For the emergence of market relations, the presence or absence of private property rights to economic resources plays an important role. In various eras of history, small-scale commodity farms created the best conditions for the formation of a market system with its classic signs of competition, balance of supply and demand, and free pricing. The destruction of the traditions of private property destroys the market system itself...

The market is a universal system for using limited resources. Limited resources do not allow the production of all types of consumer goods that people need. Minerals, capital, knowledge and information about production technologies are limited. The resources of the earth are also limited. And not only in the sense of the boundaries of the earth’s land or the geographically designated territories of individual states. The land is inherently limited in the sense that each section of it at the same time can be used either in the agricultural sector, or in the mining industry, or for construction.

The role of the market as a regulator of economic relations is assessed differently. Along with those who consider the market system to be the most effective economic model, there are many who see serious shortcomings in this system. Critics of the market, in particular, draw attention to the fact that there are areas of life where market regulation is inappropriate and does not achieve the desired goals (public transport, defense, etc.).

(According to the book “Economic Theory” / Edited by V. D. Kamaev. M., 2003. P. 47, 50)

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We present to your attention a section on preparing for the OGE in Social Studies. This subject is the third most popular after compulsory ones and the first most popular among elective exams. We are pleased to present for you the most useful and required material for each task with a detailed explanation and theory. We are confident that this section will help you pass the 9th grade social studies exam with flying colors!

General information about the exam

The OGE in social studies consists of two parts, which in total contain 31 tasks.

First part contains 25 tasks with brief answer. Second part - 6 tasks with expanded answer.

The examination work in social studies is allotted 3 hours(180 minutes). Answers to tasks 1-20 are written as one number, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Answers to tasks 21-25 are written as a sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.

Part 2 includes the text and 6 tasks for it. To complete these tasks you must:

  • choose necessary information from the text
  • reveal (including examples) its individual provisions
  • correlate information from the text with the knowledge gained while studying the course
  • apply existing knowledge to analyze social situations
  • express and justify your own opinion.

Answers to tasks in Part 2 are written down on a separate sheet. When completing tasks Can use the draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.

Theory for the OGE in Social Studies

Brief theory for successful completion of tasks (recommended reading before analyzing the options).

Exam time comes sooner or later in the life of any person; this is an inevitable stage of socialization, a difficult stage, but high-quality preparation allows you to successfully overcome it. Many schoolchildren and students fail when they start preparing in the last few days before the exam.

Our first piece of advice is that preparation should be systematic, not fragmented. Studying guidelines By completing the tasks presented in this manual, you will see that they test theoretical knowledge and a variety of skills that allow you to meaningfully operate with social science concepts. Impossible for a short time not just to memorize definitions, but to comprehend the content and structure of concepts, to understand at least their basic internal and external connections, especially to develop the corresponding skills. Similarly, it is impossible to quickly master a variety of skills related to text analysis. It also takes some time to develop the ability to formulate and express your thoughts coherently in writing.

A certain part of the exam tasks is related to the analysis of facts and processes of social reality. Therefore, a person’s general erudition, which is not directly related to preparation for a specific exam, is of considerable importance here. It is clear that passing the social studies exam is much easier for those who are interested in modern problems person and society, reads a lot and analyzes information from various media.

The second tip is that it is advisable to master the material step by step, carry out various tasks as you study the relevant content sections of the course.

Where should you start preparing for the state final certification in the form of the OGE?

In order to get a correct idea of ​​the examination work, we advise you to carefully study the following documents: Codifier of elements of the content of the examination work, Specification of control measuring materials, Demonstration version and assessment system of the examination work. They determine the structure and content of the examination paper on the subject. These documents are updated every year, so we advise you to familiarize yourself with the documents last year(www.fipi.ru).

The codifier is compiled on the basis of the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs and requirements for the level of training of primary school graduates (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “On approval of the federal component State standards primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education dated 03/05/2004 No. 1089). The codifier contains a list of content elements that are tested, in accordance with state requirements for the content of education and training of graduates, by examination tasks. The examination paper cannot contain tasks that test content elements not provided for by state regulations.

The Specification describes the structure and content of control measurement materials and provides a plan for the examination paper option. From this document you will learn about how many and what tasks make up the exam paper.

The demo version will give you an idea of ​​the complexity of the exam paper on the subject. Naturally, the exam versions do not present the same tasks that were included in the demo version, but similar ones. Complete tasks demo version and check your answers with the evaluation system of the demo version, calculate the points you received for completing the entire work and determine whether you had enough time allotted to complete the exam work - this way you can to a certain extent assess your readiness to pass the social studies exam.

Read the table of contents of this manual. Look at what topics you have already studied and start completing assignments. It is advisable to complete tasks as you progress through the relevant topics. We recommend marking the tasks that are most difficult for you so that you can pay closer attention to them during the period of immediate preparation for the exam.

If, while preparing for the exam, you have difficulty completing some tasks, or come across unfamiliar concepts and terms, seek advice from your teachers, especially since you have this opportunity with systematic preparation. Carrying out a task without understanding it is extremely ineffective. Do not limit yourself to the textbook, refer to dictionaries and reference books and mark the source used so that you can refer to it again if necessary.


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