Ok and alcohol can you get pregnant. Is it possible and how to drink alcohol with contraceptives? Alcoholic drinks and corticosteroids

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Contraceptives in the modern world have become an integral part of life for many representatives of the fairer sex. Women can take pills (there is a wide choice - Klayra, Dimia, Belara, Jess) for many years without any health consequences - and they do this while exercising complete control over the most intimate area of ​​their lives. They can, on equal terms with men, abuse alcohol at holiday feasts or get-togethers with friends. That is why sooner or later every lady wonders about the possibility of simultaneous use of alcohol and contraceptives.

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The principle of action of the medicine

Oral contraceptives (OCs) act thanks to the main active substance - hormones that affect the ovulation process, preventing the egg from maturing and leaving the ovary. When taking these drugs, the specific composition of mucus in the cervical canal is also affected, causing it to become more viscous, interfering with sperm motility. The tablets affect the ability of the uterus and fallopian tubes to contract the walls, and also stimulate the thinning of the endometrial layer, which is why there is no fear of even a fertilized egg becoming attached to the uterine wall.

Modern hormonal contraceptives (most often prescribed Belara or Dimia) are the most effective of all existing methods of contraception, but only if certain conditions are met:

  • if you use them systematically;
  • if they are prescribed by a gynecologist;
  • if you do not drink alcohol at the same time (within several hours) with them.

There are a number of significant advantages in taking oral contraceptives (OCs), and this is not only a high level of guarantee of protection against pregnancy, but also:

  • safety of medications for women’s reproductive function in general;
  • the ability to improve the condition of hair, skin, nails;
  • the ability to reduce the potential risk of cancer in the cervix and ovaries;
  • promoting the treatment of hormonal disorders of various types;
  • a positive effect on menstrual irregularities, including a decrease in pain and a decrease in the volume of blood lost.

A woman’s body quickly restores its reproductive function after stopping taking birth control pills (Dimia, Belara) - you don’t take the medicine, and within a few months you can try to get pregnant.

As for the negative features of oral contraceptives (OC), in most cases they are caused by improper use of the drug, which causes:

  • the occurrence of acne;
  • gaining excess weight;
  • spotting and bleeding.

Individual intolerance to contraceptives (Belara or Dimia) may be indicated by symptoms such as:

  • pressure changes;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

If you have such unpleasant manifestations, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out whether you can take other drugs or whether you will have to give up oral contraceptives (no matter Belara, Dimia or Jess) altogether.

A significant disadvantage of such tablets is the fact that they do not provide protection against various types of infections.

Why is alcohol prohibited?

Purely theoretically, the compatibility of alcohol and pills is beyond doubt. Both substances are absorbed, processed and excreted independently of each other, and the only organ on which they have the same effect is the liver.

The liver is required to perform a double load, driving blood through itself and simultaneously cleansing it of both drug components and alcohol processing products. And since one of the effects of oral contraceptives (OCs) is to increase and increase the duration of the effects of alcohol on the body, because of this, one can expect an increase in the need for maximum liver performance.

Drinking contraceptives (Belara or Jess) with alcohol is also not recommended because the effect of ethyl alcohol on the pills could potentially affect their effectiveness. And not only because of the toxicity of the ethanol components, but also because of the possibility of vomiting if the permissible dose of alcohol is exceeded, during which the body will also get rid of the medicine that has not had time to be absorbed.

Alcohol in combination with oral contraceptives (OCs) may increase the side effects of the medication, especially in the first month of taking contraceptives. While the work of internal organs is undergoing restructuring in a well-established process, alcohol entering the bloodstream can provoke increased headaches and nausea.

And if you really want

With all that has been said above, we can still say that there is no strict and unconditional prohibition for the combination of oral contraceptives (OCs) and alcoholic beverages. You just need to follow a few simple conditions.

  1. The tablets should be taken at least three hours before or three hours after drinking. This will allow the active ingredient of the medication to be absorbed into the blood before mixing with ethanol in the stomach.
  2. You should drink in moderate doses - the daily portion cannot be more than 20 mg of pure ethanol (50 ml of vodka, 200 ml of red wine, 400 ml of beer), since a larger amount of alcohol will provoke intoxication of the body and overload the liver. Important: the figures given are average; for a particular woman it is important to take into account factors such as age, weight, and concomitant diseases.
  3. You can drink intoxicating drinks, but not too often - no more than twice a week, so that the internal organs (mainly the liver, but if we are talking about drinks like beer, then the kidneys) do not have to work at the limit of endurance.

Not every gynecologist approves of the idea of ​​combining alcohol and contraceptives, although each woman must make her own decision on this issue. If she, in principle, strives to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, she will not need additional instructions from the doctor, but if not, no warnings will help.

To summarize the above, it is important to note two things. Firstly, there are no specific contraindications for the combined use of alcohol and contraceptives, provided that certain restrictions are followed reasonably. Secondly, alcoholic beverages themselves must be consumed wisely and in moderation, otherwise they will enter into a dangerous relationship not only with oral contraceptives (OCs), but also with any other seemingly safe drugs.

The doctors' recommendation is clear: you should not drink alcohol with birth control pills. However, sometimes such a need arises. The main task in this case is to maintain the effectiveness of the drug and not cause harm to health. Oral contraceptives and alcohol, when used simultaneously, can provoke very unexpected consequences.

Alcohol is based on ethyl alcohol of varying concentrations, depending on the strength of the drink. Just like smoking or any drug, it negatively affects health. Once in the body, it is absorbed through the walls of the stomach into the blood. At the same time, metabolism accelerates, and the load on the liver and kidneys increases. Long-term alcohol intake causes severe liver damage, irreversible damage to the nervous system and brain, and leads to alcoholism.

The essence of oral contraceptives

The mechanism of action of birth control pills is based on the influence of hormones on the ovulatory cycle. Oral contraceptives (OCs) contain synthetic substances identical to the natural female sex hormones estradiol and progesterone. Once in the body, they suppress ovulation, increase the viscosity of cervical mucus, and modify the structure of the endometrium, which reduces the likelihood of getting pregnant to almost zero. If the rules of administration are followed, all these processes are completely physiological and do not harm the woman’s health.

To combine or not?

Like any medicine, oral contraceptives are not recommended to be combined with alcoholic beverages. In addition to increasing the load on the stomach, liver and kidneys, this reduces the required concentration of hormones in the blood, which can lead to:

  • unplanned pregnancy;
  • reducing the therapeutic effect of a hormonal drug;
  • breakthrough bleeding;
  • dysbacteriosis of the mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • reducing the body's immune barrier.

Types of drugs and their compatibility with alcohol

Oral contraceptives are divided into several groups.

Monophasic one-component

This group also includes emergency contraceptive drugs, which are taken once or twice after unprotected sexual intercourse:

  • Postinor - contains an increased dose of gestagen.
  • Zhenale is a drug based on an antigestagen.

They ensure that a high concentration of the active substance is maintained in the blood for 3-5 days. Alcohol should be avoided during this period.

Monophasic combined oral contraceptives

  • Yarina;
  • Marvelon;
  • Jess Plus;
  • Vidor;
  • Janine;
  • Regulon;
  • Belara.

Each pack is designed for one menstrual cycle and consists of 21 tablets; in this case, you need to take a 7-day break between packs. There are also packs of 28 tablets, which you can buy without having to take a break. Typically, drugs in this group allow for one-time skipping of a pill or a delay of up to 12 hours. The instructions tell you how to proceed in this case. This allows you to space out the intake of OCs and alcohol as much as possible in order to neutralize their interaction in the body.

Multiphase combined

They contain analogues of progesterone and estradiol. Each pack contains tablets of two or three types, differing in the dosage of active ingredients. Examples: Tri-regol, Tri-mercy, Qlaira. Taken in strict sequence in accordance with the phase of the cycle, they are often used for therapeutic purposes. Therefore, skipping or changing the time of taking one pill can be critical. It is better to discuss an acceptable combination with alcohol with your doctor.

Important facts about birth control pills

From the variety of oral contraceptives, the doctor chooses the one that is best suited for a particular woman, based on the medical history and examination results. In the first month of taking OK, there is a period of addiction; various unhealthy manifestations are possible:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • allergic reactions;
  • depression, mood swings;
  • unusual discharge from the genital tract.

These symptoms may be normal or may indicate that the drug is not suitable and requires replacement. This is also decided by the doctor. During this period, it is especially important to refrain from alcohol abuse, so as not to increase stress on the body and not to confuse the symptoms.

In addition to a reliable contraceptive effect, modern oral contraceptives have therapeutic properties and can be used to treat some gynecological and endocrine diseases.

According to recent studies, they improve a woman’s quality of life and reduce the likelihood of several types of cancer and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.

According to numerous reviews, regular use of birth control pills helps improve the condition of the skin and hair. However, the wrong combination with alcohol, and especially excessive and regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, can negate all the positive properties of OCs and aggravate the symptoms of existing diseases.

How not to harm yourself?

A complete categorical refusal of alcohol is still an excessive precaution. At the same time, in order not to harm the body by combining alcohol and hormonal contraceptives, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not take the tablet with alcohol under any circumstances to prevent them from mixing in the stomach.
  2. Separate the intake of contraceptives and alcohol by at least 3 hours. It is convenient to initially set the time for taking hormones in the morning - they drink less often in the morning.
  3. After taking emergency contraception, do not drink alcohol for 3-5 days.
  4. Do not exceed the permissible single dose of alcohol. This indicator varies depending on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, her weight, and state of health. On average, an acceptable dose is considered to be: a glass of dry or semi-sweet wine (200g), a mug (400g) of regular strength beer - 7-9%, or a shot of strong alcohol: vodka, whiskey, brandy (40-50g). In terms of ethanol, a relatively safe single dose for a woman is 20 mg.
  5. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages of any strength more than 2 times a week.
  6. If, after drinking alcohol, vomiting or other symptoms of digestive upset appear less than 4 hours after taking hormonal contraceptives, consider the pill missed and act according to the instructions for the drug in this case.
  7. Avoid drinking alcohol at all if you experience any side effects while taking hormonal birth control. For example, allergic reactions, bleeding, nausea, headache. This is especially important at the stage of getting used to the new OK.
  8. If any negative effects occur from combining birth control pills and alcohol, consult a doctor.

The same rules apply to alternative methods of hormonal contraception, such as suppositories, implants, patches, vaginal rings. Since the principle of their action is similar - maintaining the required concentration of hormones in the blood, which does not eliminate the problem of compatibility with alcohol.

Oral contraceptives in the modern world have long become an integral part of life for many women. Ladies have been drinking tablets such as Qlaira, Dimia, Belara and Jess for many years without any health consequences. In addition, women can abuse alcohol on an equal basis with the opposite sex at any festive feast. That is why every lady eventually asks herself the question of the possibility of combining alcohol with contraceptives. Next, let's try to figure out whether it is possible to combine taking contraceptives with drinking alcohol. In addition, we will find out what the consequences of such a combination may be.

Mechanism of action and compatibility

Unfortunately, alcoholic beverages are an important part of everyday life. And women who do not aspire to become mothers are not ready to deny themselves a glass of wine or champagne.

Manufacturers of contraceptives, in turn, do not want to lose their clientele. After all, women are sometimes forced to take such medications not for weeks, but for months or even years. In this regard, chemical laboratories are doing everything so that alcohol and birth control pills can be taken at the same time without fear for health.

Clinical trials

It must be said that the efforts of pharmacists are paying off, and this is confirmed by numerous clinical trials. Hormones and ethanol have different metabolisms, and therefore these compounds do not interact with each other during breakdown. True, safety is guaranteed only with minor consumption of alcoholic beverages. As soon as alcohol enters the body, the liver is instantly activated and the deactivation of toxic components begins. Ethanol acts as a catalyst for the formation of special enzymes in the liver. As a result, the metabolic process is accelerated.

Degree of compatibility

Modern birth control pills have acceptable compatibility with alcohol, but you should always remember the dangers of such drinks. Alcohol is a compound that is extremely harmful to a woman’s sensitive body. And when combined with hormonal supplements, alcoholic drinks can provoke unpredictable consequences.

Thus, if the question arises about whether it is possible to combine alcohol with birth control pills, you should listen to the doctor’s recommendations. This will help minimize risks and maintain the desired effect of contraception.

Acceptable rate

You can drink alcohol in strictly limited quantities, which assumes a maximum permissible limit of 20 milligrams of pure ethanol. In terms of conversion, this will equal 400 milliliters of beer or 200 milliliters of wine. However, under no circumstances should you drink it every day. Having received a doctor's permission to drink alcohol, a woman should still not indulge in drinking. After all, even the minimum volume of such drinks is not designed for everyday use. You can relax with alcoholic drinks no more than twice a week.

Features of birth control pills

It is important to carefully ensure that oral contraceptives are not taken at the same time as drinking alcoholic beverages. A break is required. The allowed time period is three hours. True, many doctors insist that patients take a break for six hours. Many people are interested in the question of whether birth control pills are compatible with alcohol? In general, yes, but you shouldn’t get carried away.

If the permissible alcohol dosage has been exceeded, then experts do not recommend using a contraceptive at all. Therefore, on this and the next day you need to protect yourself in some other way. The fact is that the contraceptive function of a contraceptive during severe intoxication is significantly reduced, and undesirable consequences can also be provoked. So, next we’ll figure out whether you can drink alcohol with birth control pills and what the possible consequences of this are.

Consequences of joint use

So, what could be the result of not taking the combination of alcohol and oral contraceptives? The most common side effect in this situation is the appearance of discharge. They can be of two types:

  • Spotting. In this case, the woman will experience bloody discharge that is predominantly brown in color.
  • Presence of breakthrough bleeding. In abundance and strength, they can resemble abnormal periods. Their main cause is atrophy of the endometrial uterine layer. They can often be accompanied by significant pain.


Similar troubles can arise when women drink excessive amounts of alcohol during the first two weeks of starting to use contraceptives. It is at this time that the accumulation of the required hormones occurs in the body. The action of ethyl alcohol inhibits this process, in turn, the concentration of the hormonal component is insufficient to delay menstruation until its natural arrival. Does alcohol affect birth control pills? As we can see, yes.

Breakthrough bleeding

This is an even more dangerous thing. In this situation, you should immediately contact a doctor. The gynecologist will certainly find out what harm was caused by alcohol and prescribe appropriate therapy. However, the doctor should be asked in detail at the stage of prescribing suitable contraceptives. The doctor will describe in detail how best to take the appropriate pills, and also talk about the possible consequences of combining alcohol with contraceptives. Next, we will study this mechanism in detail using the example of common contraceptives called “Klaira” and “Belara”.

Compatibility of "Belar" and alcohol

"Belara" is classified as a monophasic contraceptive. This is a combined remedy that affects the reduction and suppression of the process of production of male hormones in a woman’s body. Regular use of the contraceptive in question leads to structural changes in the endometrium, which contributes to thickening of the mucus and difficulty in the passage of sperm to the uterus. "Belara" is an effective remedy belonging to the class of monophasic.

This drug, in addition to its contraceptive properties, promotes:

  • Improving the overall well-being of a woman.
  • Elimination of hormonal disorders.
  • Normalization of the menstrual cycle.
  • Stopping various abnormal processes.
  • Reducing the manifestation of pain.
  • Significantly reducing the risks of developing anemia and cancer.
  • Preventing the occurrence of inflammation of the reproductive system.
  • Provides assistance in the treatment of a number of pathologies of the urinary system.

What is the compatibility of this drug with alcohol? According to doctors, taking this drug while intoxicated significantly reduces its effectiveness. In general, the use of the contraceptive in question must be treated with great attention. Especially “Belara” should not be taken simultaneously during treatment with the following drugs: adsorbents, anticonvulsants, antibiotics, medications that improve intestinal function, and in addition, drugs that contain St. John’s wort.

These medications, like alcohol, significantly reduce the effectiveness of the described contraceptive. Therefore, during treatment with them, it is necessary to use another means or use a barrier type of protection, such as condoms.

"Klaira" and alcoholic drinks

An equally common and quite effective contraceptive is a drug called Qlaira. It belongs to the group of combined drugs. Its main difference is the inclusion of a special hormone - estradiol. It is as close as possible to what is produced naturally in the female body. The effect of “Klaira” on the female body is based on the activity of two hormones: dienogest and estradiol (this is estrogen).

These compounds suppress ovulation and egg maturation, making pregnancy simply impossible. In addition to its powerful contraceptive effect, Qlaira reduces the volume of blood released during menstruation by almost seventy percent, relieving pain and reducing the duration of bleeding. The beneficial effects of this contraceptive include the following advantages:

  • The condition of the skin improves, as well as the appearance of the hair.
  • The occurrence of anemia is prevented.
  • Cholesterol levels stabilize.
  • Prevention of various oncological processes occurs.

True, failure to follow the correct method leads to the opposite effect. It is worth noting that Klayra’s compatibility with alcohol is zero. That is, alcoholic drinks in this case significantly reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive. As a result, an unwanted pregnancy is likely to occur. There are other side effects that occur if you combine this remedy with ethyl alcohol. In such situations, the following reactions may occur:

  • The occurrence of vaginal discharge.
  • The appearance of pain in the chest area.
  • The occurrence of a severe allergic reaction.
  • The appearance of heavy non-cyclical bleeding.

So to drink or not to drink alcohol while taking birth control pills?

Compatibility Conclusions

Thus, every woman should know that hormonal contraceptives are not considered drugs at all, therefore recommendations for their use, along with restrictive rules, are more lenient. It turns out that it is not necessary to categorically refuse to eat while using oral contraceptives.

You just need to carefully study all the recommendations regarding their use. In particular, the first month of using the tablets should be without drinking alcohol. Next, you will be able to consume a strictly limited amount of alcoholic beverages, and most importantly, do this not at the same time as taking pills. You will also need to get important recommendations from your doctor. After all, each oral contraceptive has a number of its own contraindications. These may include drinking alcoholic beverages.

Now we know whether it is possible to combine birth control pills with alcohol.


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