Online calculator for removing alcohol from the driver’s body. Alcohol calculator and acceptable blood alcohol levels

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Driving the vehicle is able alcohol intoxication not acceptable. Everyone knows this, everyone remembers this, they teach children this and warn adults. But sales of alcoholic beverages are growing, and along with them, irresponsible drivers.

In order not to share the fate of those unfortunate former drivers doomed to a year and a half of walking to the store for beer, do not repeat their mistakes, use an alcocalculator.

The permissible limit of alcohol while driving. Permille is a value indicating the strength of intoxication. Calculated by quantity ethyl alcohol located in blood bodies.

One tenth of a ppm is equal to 0.045 mg of ethyl alcohol per 1000 mg. The fact is that until 2013, the legislation approved only one permissible ppm value - zero. Since most products contain alcohol, in fact, the driver who drank kefir before the road was already breaking the law.

And the list of products containing alcohol is not limited to kvass and kefir. Alcohol is found in some proportions in such products as:

  • nonalcoholic beer;
  • candies with chocolate;
  • medicines
  • not cold juice;
  • citrus;
  • tobacco;
  • sausage with bread;
  • bananas.

Fortunately for those who like to eat before the road, an amendment to this part of the law was relatively recently made. According to which, the permissible alcohol limit while driving is 0.16 ppm in the air and 0.34 in the blood.

When the concentration of alcohol in the blood is at the level of 0.2-0.29 ppm (by the way, the sign of this unit is ‰, but it should not be confused with percentages), the behavior of an adult looks absolutely natural and adequate; at this stage it is possible to determine that alcohol was consumed is possible only with the help of special tests. In the range from 0.30 to 0.59 you can already notice changes in the form:

  • Increased talkativeness.
  • High spirits.
  • Relaxed muscle tone.
  • Loss of vigilance and distracted attention.

Taken together, at this stage the risk of getting into emergency situations increases. When the content is more than 5 ppm, severe intoxication of the body occurs, which can be fatal. In this phase, a person is no longer able to control his mind and body.

What are the dangers of drunk driving?

For those citizens who were caught by traffic police officers driving in drunk with alctometer results exceeding permissible limits, the following penalties are provided:

  1. For the first incident, you will have to say goodbye to your car license for 18-24 months and pay a fine of up to 30,000.
  2. A repeated case will increase the amount of fines to 50,000, and the period of “disenfranchised” life to 3 years.
  3. If individual While under penalties, he will again drive a car “under the driver’s seat”; he will face administrative punishment (arrest) from 10 to 15 days.

The State Duma plans to toughen penalties for driving while intoxicated in the near future. Transferring the right to drive a car to a person who is drunk will entail punishment for both the driver and the owner of the vehicle.

ATTENTION. If you transfer control of your car to a drunk person, both will face the same punishment.

Watch a video about alcohol-related legislation in 2018:

Alcohol removal table

Driver blood alcohol table Despite the fact that a mitigating amendment was introduced several years ago, allowing 15 hundredths of a ppm, this does not give the right to drink a couple of beers and go.

Acceptable indicators in Russia are still low, they are only softened for law-abiding drivers who have fallen victim to a device error or the consequences of consuming any products.

In order to be included in the list of law-abiding drivers, after drinking alcohol, calculate the time until complete removal alcohol from blood according to the table.

Drink/ Driver weight From 59 to 69 kg From 69 to 79 kg From 79 to 89 kg From 89 to 99 kg From 100kg Volume
Beer 4% 0h 34m 0h 31m 0h 27m 0h 25m 0h 20m 0.1 l
1h 40m 1h.30m 1h.15m 1 hour 07m 0h 59m 0.3 l
2h. 51m 2h. 30m 2h. 11m 1h.55m 1 hour 42m 0.5 l
Beer 6% 0h 51m 0h 46m 0h40m 0h 36m 0h 30m 0.1 l
2h. 40m 2h. 15m 2h 0m 1 hour 40m 1h.35m 0.3 l
4h. 20m 3h. 45m 3h. 15m 2h. 50m 2h. 30m 0.5 l
Gin and tonic 9% 1h 20m 1h 10m 1h 01m 0h 51m 0h 45m 0.1 l
3. 55m 3h. 21m 2h. 56m 2h. 37m 2h. 21m 0.3 l
6h. 30m 5h. 31m 4h 54m 4h. 22m 4h 0m 0.5 l
Champagne 11% 1h 36m 1h 24m 1h.11m 1h 06m 0h. 58m 0.1 l
4h. 47m 4h. 08m 3h 30m 3h 11m 2h. 52 m. 0.3 l
8h 02m 6h. 53m 6h 04m 5h 19m 4h. 57 m. 0.5 l
Port 18% 2h 38m 2h 16m 2h 01m 1h 43m 1h 37m 0.1 l
7h 50m 6h 43m 5h. 52m 5h. 13m 4h. 42m 0.3 l
13h 05m 11h 11m 9h 47m 8h. 42m 7h. 50m 0.5 l
Tincture 24% 3h 30m 2h. 55m 2h 41m 2h 22m 2h 08m 0.1 l
10 o'clock 28m 9h 08m 7h. 54m 6h. 50m 6h. 12m 0.3 l
17h. 24m 14h. 55m 13:00 05m 11h.35m 10 o'clock 26m 0.5 l
Liqueur 30% 4h 22m 3h 42m 3h 18m 2h 56m 2h 42m 0.1 l
13:00 05m 11 o'clock 11m 9 o'clock 47m 8h. 42m 7h. 50m 0.3 l
21h 45m 18h. 39m 16h. 19m 14h. 30m 13:00 05m 0.5 l
Vodka 40% 5h 57m 5h.02m 4h 21m 3h 50m 3h 32m 0.1 l
17h. 25m 14h. 44m 13:00 03m 11 o'clock 36m 10h.26m 0.3 l
28h. 59m 24h 51m 21h. 40m 19h. 202m 17h 19m 0.5 l
Cognac 42% 6h 15m 4h 59m 4h 40m 4h.02m 3h 35m 0.1 l
18h. 16m 15h. 35m 13:00 40m 12h. 11m 10 o'clock 58m 0.3 l
30h. 25m 26h. 06m 22h. 55m 20h. 19m 18h. 18m 0.5 l

It is only worth noting that the data presented in the table cannot be considered one hundred percent, since the process of removing alcohol from the blood is unique for each person and depends on many factors. We can only give an approximate estimate.

To speed up the process of breakdown of alcohol in the body and its withdrawal, it is recommended:

  1. Drink a cup of strong tea or coffee with sugar.
  2. Take contrast shower procedures.
  3. Sleep.
  4. Take a walk on fresh air at least 1 hour at a fast pace.

They work in many cities special services, which will help a drunk driver get home in his own car, this can be a solution in a situation where you can’t get behind the wheel yourself, but you don’t want to go pick up your car from the venue of a cultural event in the morning.

In a situation with traffic police, you cannot use it as evidence of your innocence.

Accurate breathalyzer

Factors influencing the speed of cleansing the body of harmful substances are also:

  • Age: With age, the metabolic rate decreases, resulting in the rate at which the body rids itself of the effects of alcohol.
  • Alcohol consumption frequency: For those who abuse fire water, the processes occur more slowly than for those who drink it rarely.
  • Health status.

If we talk about small amounts of alcohol consumed, a glass of white wine will completely leave the blood after just 2 hours. Two bottles of beer will limit your driving ability by 4. As for other volumes and drinks, it is impossible to give an exact answer.

It’s best to forget about the car for a while and immerse yourself in a strong healthy sleep(at least 8 hours) and then, after a few more hours of wakefulness, get behind the wheel.

It is very convenient to have a breathalyzer. It is not expensive and does not take up much space. Just check yourself before every trip. It only takes a few minutes to do, but save a lot of money and nerves.

Only the person decides whether to drink alcohol or not, as well as in what quantities and when. We must not forget only one thing - they don’t drive drunk, they go to prison drunk.

What types of breathalyzers are there?

Professional models of devices that determine the presence of alcohol in the body are called breathalyzers. According to the principle of their operation, they do not have serious differences from breathalyzers, but:

  • Gives more accurate readings.
  • Suitable for a large number of measurements (50,000 or more per year).
  • Equipped with memory cards and printers that allow you to store data and print it directly at the testing site.

Such breathalyzers are used by traffic police and in enterprises. Devices must pass periodic verification, which is confirmed by relevant certificates. Without such documentary evidence of the correct and adequate operation of the device, its readings cannot be used during legal proceedings.

The holidays are coming, which means most of our country will be drinking alcohol. Light: - beer, champagne, wine or heavy: - vodka, whiskey, cognac. But it often happens that you have to get behind the wheel in the morning, or even on this day - in the evening! But the question that torments me is: have these strong drinks been eliminated from the body? And in general, how long does it take for this to happen? You know, the situation here is not clear-cut; you need to take into account gender, weight, height and, of course, build. However, in this article I tried to collect all useful information, there will be both tables and a calculator using which you can easily and quickly calculate the complete “weathering” ...

Alcohol calculator

Drunk drink

Pure alcohol Vodka Rum Whiskey CHACHA Gin Tequila Strong moonshine Absinthe Brandy Cognac White wine Red wine Fortified wine Champagne Beer Strong Beer Martini Cinzano Vermouth Liqueur

Drink volume (ml.)

Your height

100 - 110 cm 110 - 120 cm 120 - 130 cm 130 - 140 cm 140 - 150 cm 150 - 160 cm 160 - 170 cm 170 - 180 cm 180 - 190 cm 190 - 200 cm 200 - 210 cm 210 - 220 cm 220 - 230 cm

Your weight (in kg.)

Many drivers, when going to an event in absentia, think about whether to drink or not to drink? Like Shakespeare! Of course, you can leave the car at home and go, so to speak, “on foot.” And if the birthday person is on the other side of the city! And the devil pulled him to celebrate his birthday in the middle of the week. Yes, I want to drink a little, not to the point of “pig squealing,” as they say, so that everything will disappear in a couple of hours! That is, a little bit, but as our government says, Russians can’t drink enough, if a drop gets into their mouth, then there will be a second one. Yes, there are different situations, for example, for me, personal experience: ” There is such a tradition at work - when it’s someone’s birthday, it’s marked and it’s always at lunchtime, it’s understandable that you won’t detain anyone after work. So, the person checking in, of course, brings alcohol, but it doesn’t bring much, and it’s inconvenient to refuse, although this glass of wine (champagne) is neither here nor there“. In general, you drink it and think it will wear off from 13.00 (lunch) to 18.00 (end of the working day) or not? They stopped us a couple of times and didn’t smell anything, but what if? Then, as they say, ass - goodbye rights, for 1.5 years (and plus a 30,000 ruble fine). In general, I urge everyone and don’t let them later say that I didn’t write - DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. But in general, the topic is different, and if there was a small “corporate event,” say, at work. It seems to me that you need to know how long it takes for alcohol to dissipate! But first, how does the process generally work?

First, about the law on alcohol

As we already know, alcohol in the body is measured in ppm - this is the ratio of alcohol content to blood volume. 1 ppm – approximately 1 gram of ethyl alcohol per 1 liter of blood. It is measured by the “‰” icon, similar to a percentage, only there are two zeros at the bottom.

I won’t spoil things for a long time; now we are allowed approximately the following indicators (amendments from 2013):

If you measure it with a breathalyzer, then the exhaled air should not contain more than 0.16 ‰ (ppm). If you take a blood test, it should be no more than 0.35 ‰.

If you exceed these indicators, you will be deprived of your rights for 1.5 years (and a fine of 30,000 rubles) - the first time, and deprived of your rights for 2 years (and a fine of 50,000 rubles)! Not a little, so if you’ve drunk a lot and feel like you haven’t gotten over it, don’t risk it, it’s better to call a taxi.

Factors in the removal of alcohol from the body

Each organism is purely individual; practically no two are alike. Metabolism (the speed of digestion of food and alcohol) is different for everyone, some have more, some have less. It is worth noting that if a person drinks moderately, then his alcohol disappears faster, because the liver is enlarged, it prepares a “springboard” for processing harmful substances.

Today we will take into account average values, but first I will note that female and male bodies are not the same:

Female - consists of approximately 60 - 65% water, it is able to digest 0.1 ‰ per hour.

Male - consists of 70 - 71% water, it is capable of processing 0.15 ‰ per hour.

Of course, it all depends on many third-party factors, such as snacks, what you drank before the feast special remedy etc. Accordingly, weathering will vary; in men it is clear that it is faster, such is biology. The female body is not designed for alcohol at all.

How long does it take for alcohol to dissipate? Summary table

Well, guys, now I’ll provide a small pivot table, it is designed for complete weathering, that is, it will not be in the blood or in the exhaled air at all. For the calculation, I took the most common volumes, for example, vodka and cognac - 100 grams, beer - 500 grams (it is clear that they do not drink it in glasses). It is also worth noting that the measurements were taken on a man, 36 years old, height – 180 cm, weight about 80 kg. SO:

The data is averaged, with tenths of weathering removed, so if you're in a hurry, you can look at them. And now, for those who are not in a hurry, I will try to break down popular drinks into “hours” more accurately.

Beer weathering time

Consider the popular volume of 1.5 liters, let the strength be approximately 5% (alcohol). As before, this volume will be drunk by a man (because they love beer most of all), 36 years old, 180 cm, 80 kg. What we get is our table.

It should be noted that for a girl 165 cm tall and weighing approximately 58 kg, the time for complete weathering of this volume of beer was about 7.5 hours. That is one hour more. This needs to be taken into account, but you can simply calculate it using our calculator.

How long does it take for wine to evaporate - champagne (red, white)

You know, there are rumors that white wine stays in the body longer, while red wine is supposedly healthier and therefore disappears from the body faster. But in essence, these are all “myths”, and good red wine can improve digestion, but in minimal doses, about 150 - 200 grams, for example, with barbecue! But they come out almost identically, hence the summary table. This time we took a girl - 30 years old, 165 cm, 58 kg. The volume of wine, one bottle, that is, 750 grams, strength is approximately 11% (alcohol).

As you can see from the table, after an hour the alcohol jumped a little, it can be seen that it takes longer to be absorbed into the blood. Also, after drinking the bottle, the girl’s intoxication was in the middle stage, that is, above 1 ‰, her legs even tangled a little, in this state it is absolutely forbidden to drive!

How long does it take for vodka – cognac – whiskey to evaporate?

It’s not for nothing that I put them on the same page; they have almost identical rates of exit from the body, because they are all quite strong - 40% alcohol content. For such a test they took our body young man(36 years old, 180 cm, 80 kg), still, we won’t mock the girl. Also, we will not pour in “half a liter” of these drinks (after such a volume you will not be able to stand on your feet). Let's take a borderline value, namely 350 grams, or a cut glass + 100 gram glass. Let's look at the table.

It should be noted that even after 12 hours a little alcohol was recorded in the exhaled air, but the level was already acceptable. That’s why the morning after vodka (like cats “shit in their mouth”), not everything was gone, and only 13 hours later the level dropped to zero. But after 8 hours, there was still 0.62 ‰ in the exhaled air, so if you drank at 12 o’clock at night, and by 8 o’clock you have to go to work, then you CAN’T drive a car! If residual effects.


The data was obtained literally by experience, so the data will differ from your complexion. But there is a small pattern (regarding the top summary table):

- If your weight is between 60 – 75 kg 0,77 , the resulting figure will be your threshold.

- If your weight is between 45 – 60 kg, then multiply the amount drunk by the coefficient 0,53 - this is your threshold. That is, you weigh 50 kg. Take the drink vodka 100 ml. * 0.53 = 53 ml., they will air out in 4.5 hours and so on.

If you had to drink, but you can’t get drunk, take a tablet of biotredin, limontar or glycine. In extreme cases, it will do Activated carbon– 10 – 20 tablets. Anti-police tablets will only help hide the smell. You can still test an inspector with this, but never a breathalyzer! Therefore, in order not to risk your driver's license, It's better to never drink and drive!

Now let's watch the video version of the article

I’ll end with this, it’s so big, but useful article– read our AUTOBLOG.

Many drivers are not averse to drinking something alcoholic to relax after a hard day. But the next day problems may arise with traffic police inspectors. A breathalyzer can show residual alcohol in the blood. If the driver does not use individual device who controls the amount of ethanol in the exhaled air, then he should use the “alcohol yield calculator” program.

Blood alcohol calculator

The program is a calculator that can accurately calculate the percentage of ethanol in the blood and the time it takes for alcohol to leave the body. The development of this program was carried out by forensic doctors to facilitate examinations and reduce the time of their implementation.

The calculation is based on a formula derived by Eric Mateo Proheta Widmark. The calculation carried out on it gives a result equal to 99%. If the software designed for forensic examinations is complex and difficult to understand, then there is a lightweight online version of the alcohol calculator on the Internet.

Input data

Used for calculation following parameters and factors. This is what the table for removing alcohol from the body looks like when filled out.

Speed ​​largely depends on:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • liver size;
  • metabolic rate;
  • addiction (degree of alcoholism).

If you use the alcohol withdrawal time calculator yourself, remember that it is a risk. Results obtained independently will not be taken into account as evidence in legal proceedings, statements of claim. The final, counting result will be only what is obtained during a laboratory test of the blood or urine taken from you.

Why you should use the program

Whatever the reasons for consuming alcohol-containing products, to prevent the consequences of imposing a huge fine and deprivation of your driver’s license, you should use an online calculator that calculates the rate of ethanol weathering.

Reasons to use the program may be the following:

  • desire to count the amount of alcohol that can be consumed today;
  • the desire to know how long after the banquet you can get behind the wheel;
  • the desire to find out when you can drive a car and not be afraid that when you do it it will be positive.

Instructions for use

To find out how long it takes for alcohol to disappear, you need to fill out all the fields in the calculator program. Entered data:

  • gender;
  • weight (preferably what it was before the feast);
  • height;
  • on what stomach did you drink alcohol?
  • percentage of alcohol content in the liquid drunk;
  • volume of drinks;
  • if several drinks were consumed, then all should be indicated;
  • start the calculation using the “Calculate” button.

The final indicators will be:

  • maximum amount of ethanol;
  • degree of intoxication;
  • the time required for complete removal of ethanol.

Types of degrees of intoxication in humans

Intoxication directly depends on the volume of alcoholic beverage consumed and its strength. It is customary to distinguish between four degrees of intoxication:

  1. lung;
  2. average;
  3. strong;
  4. poisoning.

Let's briefly look at each point.

The above indicators are statistical averages. The consumed dose of alcohol is absorbed differently in the body, and this is due to the following factors, in addition to those indicated in the table:

  • Times of Day;
  • composition of food eaten;
  • race type;
  • activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (an enzyme that processes ethyl alcohol).

How to calculate your alcohol concentration yourself

A person contains approximately 70% fluid, so with a body weight of 80 kg there will be 56 kg of fluid. In beer, for example, at a strength of 5%, the alcohol content is 18 g. To calculate the amount of alcohol, it is necessary to divide the amount drunk by the mass of liquid, that is, 18/56 = 0.3 g, and in terms of generally accepted readings - 0.3 ppm

How to calculate weathering time yourself

Experiments have proven that 0.15 ppm of alcohol disappears from the body in an hour. It follows that if 1.5 ppm was drunk (entered the body) the day before, then they will be completely eliminated after 10 hours. It was described above how to calculate the alcohol concentration.

Permissible amount of alcohol in blood

In the Code of Administrative Offences, adopted in Russian Federation, Article 12.8 states that the permissible standard of readings of the device, together with its error, is 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air. Translated into ppm it is 0.336.

If you consider yourself a law-abiding driver and do not want to get into trouble over identifying the ethanol remaining in your body, you should use an alcohol elimination time calculator before your trip.

Remember: alcohol abuse does not lead to anything good. According to traffic police statistics, a third of all road accidents were caused by drunk drivers.

Attention, TODAY only!

Body weight (in kg):

Strength (in%):

Quantity (in ml):

Time (in hours):


Alcohol in the blood

Time to sober up

Time before driving

Blood alcohol calculator in Lately not just an opportunity to find out about the state of your health after a big holiday, but also an opportunity to control your condition while driving a car.

The permissible alcohol limit is unlikely to cause you any inconvenience if you are going home from a noisy party or a home feast, since this norm assumes the adequate condition of the car owner and a reduced risk of accidents.

When attending corporate parties, or just relaxing with friends, it is important to know , how to remove alcohol from the blood in order to avoid possible consequences, accidents or simply return to normal.

This question is asked not only by motorists. Today, a blood test for alcohol is taken when involved in traffic accidents, when hospitalized after injuries, and when suspected of committing crimes. Calculation of ppm can be carried out both by traffic police officers and medical personnel, and the blood alcohol level can significantly affect both the fate of a person and his further treatment after incidents.

That is why every person should know about the decay time of alcohol and how long it takes for it to disappear from the body?


You can understand how long alcohol stays in the blood and calculate ppm only by knowing how the symptoms of intoxication manifest themselves and how they affect the human body. While alcoholic drinks have an effect on the body, signs of intoxication are present not only from the point of view of laboratory tests, but also at the visual level.

The following characteristic symptoms may appear:

  • noticeable nervous agitation or severe drowsiness;
  • aggressive reactions to what is happening or inhibition of actions;
  • decreased reflex activity and reactions;
  • impaired coordination of movements and balance;
  • memory problems, incoherent speech;
  • problems with vision and attention.

A blood alcohol test may show exact amount alcohol-containing substances in the body, while alcohol leaves the body gradually, and its elements can remain in the body for days.

Toxic substances contained in alcoholic drinks change the composition of the blood, due to which deep blood loss can lead to serious consequences, such as stupor and coma, serious disturbances in the functioning of the liver and other important organs.

Note! The decay time of alcohol in the blood is quite long, because alcohol has a strong effect on the central nervous system, other important organs, providing a constant toxic effect until the substance is eliminated.

Duration of alcohol presence in the blood

Name of the drink and its concentration Human body weight Alcohol withdrawal time
100 gr. 300 gr. 500 gr.
Low alcohol drinks (4%) Up to 60 kg 40 minutes 2h 3.5-4h
60-80kg 20 minutes 1.5-2 hours 2-3h
80 kg or more 20-30 minutes 1h 2h
Wine, champagne and others (9-11%) Up to 60 kg 1.5h 4-5h 7-8h
60-80kg 1h 3-4h 5-7h
80 kg or more 50min-1h 2.5-3.5 hours 5-6h
Liqueurs, tinctures (24-30%) Up to 60 kg 3.5-4.5 hours 10-13h 17-20h
60-80kg 2.5-3.5 hours 9-12h 16-18h
80 kg or more 2-3h 7-8h 10-13h
Cognac, vodka (40-42%) Up to 60 kg From 5-6h 18-20h 29-30h
60-80kg 4-6h 13-16h 24h
80 kg or more 3-4h 10-12h 18-22h


Drivers and ordinary citizens are wondering whether it is possible to drink alcohol before donating blood and whether it is possible to donate blood after drinking alcohol. The answer to this question is clearly negative, since alcoholic drinks greatly change the structure of substances, affecting everything important systems body. Signs of some serious diseases, the presence of which can be detected through testing, may not appear or appear in insufficient quantities under the influence of alcohol.

Therefore, if a person drank in the evening after the tests, he should reschedule the procedure to the next day and figure out the delay time alcoholic drinks in the body to obtain reliable research results.

It is important to understand that in the event of a traffic accident, a victim being hospitalized with any disease or the fact of committing a crime, an online breathalyzer is an irreplaceable thing. Medical institutions They carry out examinations regardless of a person’s wishes, therefore everyone needs to control their condition. The breakdown of alcohol in the blood takes quite a long time, and it is quite simple to determine whether a person is the culprit of a crime and whether he committed it while intoxicated.


Alcohol leaves the blood gradually, much depends on the person’s weight, the amount and type of alcohol and the time that has passed since consumption. The length of time that alcohol elements remain in the body depends on the following factors:

  1. Strength of the drink. If a person drank beer, the withdrawal of the substance will occur much faster than after drinking cognac or vodka.
  2. The composition of the drink itself can change the amount of ethyl alcohol in the body. For example, beer diluted with additives and flavorings will fade quickly, but a pure intoxicating drink will last much longer.
  3. Amount drunk. A glass of beer will quickly dissolve and be eliminated naturally, and a large number of The drink can remain in the body for a long time.
  4. Many people don't know that the timing of drinking also plays a big role. Depending on how many hours the drinking took place, the content of the substance changes. A glass of beer drunk in one gulp remains in the body much longer than a drink drunk slowly.
  5. The state of a person’s health can also play a huge role - alcohol thins or thickens the blood depending on the state of the body and concomitant diseases, which is why some people are strictly prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages. In the blood of a person suffering from serious illnesses, the drink can produce unexpected reactions, even leading to death.
  6. The removal of alcohol from the blood is slowed down by liver disorders. In this case, the alcohol remains and can last quite a long time, providing Negative influence for all life systems.
  7. The gender of the drinker also plays a big role. The blood alcohol content in men decreases much faster than in women, this is due to the structural features of the body.
  8. The elimination of the substance depends on how often a person drinks alcohol. If a person takes drinks every other day or on weekends, the elimination of the substance will occur faster, but the concentration will increase significantly due to frequent doses.


A drink that thins or thickens the blood is eliminated from the body in different ways. Basically, it all depends on the composition of the blood and the presence of additional elements, as well as on a person’s health and gender.

If a person experiences blood thinning or thickening that exceeds permissible norm, these symptoms indicate pathologies and problems that are not always caused by the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The examination is recommended to be carried out after complete elimination of alcohol, since the drink can spoil the test results.

In most cases, alcohol is eliminated from the body naturally. After a noisy party or feast, it is enough for a person to get a good night’s sleep, and the toxin will gradually leave the body. Serious poisoning is also possible if alcohol begins to thicken the blood and unusual symptoms appear. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

Not everyone can give up alcohol forever. For some, this is a way to relax and spend time, some like noisy companies and parties, but you should remember that after drinking alcohol you should never drive. Accurate calculation of the dose of the drink and control of your condition will make any holiday positive and eliminate all negative consequences.

The law adopted in 2013 permissible ppm the driver, some perceived it as an opportunity to drink while driving in small quantities. But this innovation, on the contrary, as it turned out, completely takes away the opportunity to drive while not sober. In 2018 and 2019, the legislation became stricter, so drivers are recommended to use breathalyzers, even after an “evening” glass of beer.

On the other side, acceptable content level of alcohol in the blood allows people to safely consume their favorite foods that contain a minimal amount of ethanol or take medications alcohol based.

The problem encountered by motorists has several solutions, for example:

  • checking blood for alcohol content;
  • testing of exhaled carbon dioxide and its analysis with a special breathalyzer;
  • most cheap way determination of alcohol content – online calculators , one of which is presented on this page.

You also cannot ignore the topic of removing alcohol from the blood, the ethanol content in different drinks, as well as the degree of intoxication - these issues are briefly discussed in the material.

Online calculator

male female Calculate

Maximum concentration:

1.7 ‰

The indicated concentration corresponds to:

moderate degree of intoxication

Time to remove alcohol from the body:

11 o'clock 20 minutes

Simple calculator algorithm

The online breathalyzer presented above was developed in close cooperation with practicing narcologists and forensic doctors based on confirmed data and approved methods. Therefore, Internet users received unique opportunity calculate everything using a convenient, practical calculator possible options consumption of alcoholic beverages.

The result - after familiarizing yourself with the details of use and application, the alcohol calculator will become an accessible tool for the driver to soberly assess the situation and drive safely in any road situation.


The most important advantage of an online breathalyzer is its accessibility. To use the alcohol calculator for the driver 2018-2019, you do not need to go through complex instructions. The user-friendly interface of the page allows you to online mode find out how much a particular driver needs to rest after taking it certain type alcohol, at a known volume. A person just needs to go to the website and fill out the appropriate fields on the calculator:

  1. Please indicate gender. The rate of elimination of alcohol from the body is lower in women than in men. This fact has been confirmed scientific research, observations and is explained simply - the body of men contains more digestive enzymes. Consequently, any food and alcoholic drinks are quickly absorbed, processed, and eliminated;
  2. Body mass. Again, physiology decides everything. To the big man, you need a lot of food. His digestion process is more active, his metabolism occurs faster. Consequently, a person with a smaller body weight can get behind the wheel later than a larger motorist. The greater the difference between them in kilograms, the more significantly the time interval for removing alcohol from the blood on a breathalyzer will differ;
  3. Height. U tall people The body returns to normal faster after alcohol intoxication than in short people. The explanation is simple - the tall one thin man the body requires more nutrients. The digestive system tries to deliver food and drink from the stomach to the starving tissues as quickly as possible;
  4. The strength of the drink and the volume drunk significantly affect the state of the drinker. For example, let’s take a strong man with ideal health, then he can drink a small glass of beer 0.33 liters and safely get behind the wheel. But, if the driver drinks the same amount of alcohol, the alcohol content in the blood will not allow him to safely drive the car for at least the next 10 hours.

As you can see, in addition to human physiology, the type of alcoholic beverage influences the degree of intoxication. Therefore, it is extremely important to be aware of what you are going to drink and what consequences it may lead to.

Alcohol content in drinks for entering data into an online breathalyzer

In order to correctly use this accurate online breathalyzer 2018-2019, we offer motorists a summary table for the removal of alcohol from the blood. Here are popular alcohol-containing drinks with a volume of 0.5 liters and how long they can prevent the average healthy male motorist, 180 cm tall, weighing 80 kg, from driving a car. Using the table, it is convenient for a person to determine which drink is best for him to drink in order to be ready to drive a car after a certain period of time.

Table 1 - Average time to remove alcohol from the body


The given calculator data makes it clear that if the driver needs to leave in the near future, then he can drink no more than half a liter of alcoholic beverage with a strength lower than wine. But it should be noted that an online breathalyzer gives an average value for the removal of alcohol from the body. That is, for a person who is absolutely healthy, has eaten well, and is strong, the results will be lower. Well, what if the driver is tired, hungry, exhausted? chronic disease, instead of resting, he will prefer to drink a bottle of vodka; it will take a day to recover.

Dangerous ppm readings on an alcohol calculator

The best way to characterize the state of people who have drunk a certain amount of alcohol is the concept of degree of intoxication. This parameter is determined according to a manual that has proven its competence since 1974, developed back in the USSR by the Ministry of Health for the forensic medical diagnosis of ethyl alcohol poisoning.

You should take into account the fact that many foods in your daily diet contain alcohol. Only a blood test can give a complete picture of the condition of a drunk person. There is a single parameter called ppm. It shows the content of one thousandth of a percent of alcohol in a person’s blood. To summarize, we have numbers and methodological explanations, which we summarize in a table for convenience.

Table 2 - Characteristics of the degree of intoxication

Life-safe ppm on an online breathalyzer

Using this calculator you can find out your alcohol consumption rate. The alcohol content in the blood from the alcohol consumed should ultimately not be more than 1.5 ppm. That is, if a man of athletic build, height 180 cm, weighing 80 kg, is going to drink vodka at an event, he must be aware that after drinking more than 0.3 liters, the body will receive more than 1.5 ppm into the blood. Thus, the person will move to the ΙΙ degree of alcohol intoxication:

  • Mild clouding of consciousness;
  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Mumbling incomprehensible to others;
  • Slow response
  • Distortion of vision;
  • The period for removing alcohol from the blood is at least 10 hours.

There is no need to talk about driving a car in this condition. It is worth adding that loss of self-control due to clouding of consciousness usually leads to additional abuse of alcoholic beverages. As a result, a person risks moving to the next stages of alcohol intoxication, which are already dangerous to health and life.

Acceptable standards for the driver

Installed in all countries different standards permissible concentration of ethanol in the blood. Most likely, this tendency is associated with the life, moral principles, traditions that have developed among specific social groups. The culture, driving style, and traffic intensity depend on this. The French, with an established culture of production and consumption of alcoholic beverages, are allowed 0.8 ppm in the blood. For the hotter and more temperamental Spaniards and Italians, the limit was limited to 0.5. The Scandinavians also joined them. Countries North America Canada and the USA, differing in their morals and freedoms, allow driving a car with a blood alcohol content of no more than 0.8, but provided that the driver is over 21 years old.

Russian standard by law

In Russia, until recently, any ppm driving was prohibited. But, appeared accurate breathalyzer, made it clear that absolute zero is difficult to achieve. The question also arose about the advisability of a zero indicator if the presence of less than 0.3 ‰ ethanol alcohol in the blood does not have any effect on the driver. Therefore, for 2018, as for 2019, in Russia there is a limit of 0.35 ‰. Russian limit is lower than most European countries. There, 0.5 or 0.8 ppm are generally allowed.

A more stringent limit is due to the fact that our legislators are against consuming alcohol while driving in any quantity or quality. The existing permissible dose is designed to smooth out the possible error of breathalyzers, to take into account possible cases of drivers taking food and medicines containing a small portion of ethanol.

Additional protection measures

Before you sit down festive table The driver is advised to study the alcohol calculator on the online breathalyzer website. Draw a conclusion about how much you can drink and how long after that you are allowed to drive. But to protect yourself from troubles with traffic police officers, it is better to purchase a portable breathalyzer. If the driver drives frequently and has close contact with ethanol-containing products, there is a need for precise control of ppm in the body.

Compared to possible fines of 30,000 rubles plus deprivation of rights for up to 2 years, the cost of a portable breathalyzer is much lower. Please note that repeated similar violation of the rules traffic is punished even more severely, from an administrative offense to the category of criminal offenses. Therefore, the fine increases to 300,000 rubles, the driver is deprived of his license for 3 years, and can be imprisoned for 2 years.


Portable breathalyzers are designed to protect disciplined drivers from unpleasant surprises on the road. He who is warned is protected. Have a safe journey and neither nail nor rod.


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